
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs


  Chapter 337 List 338

  About the origin of the name Bai Zhan.

  Ji Shaojun also heard Ji Heng mention something. It was Jiang He who made the wrong name in the first place.

  Hearing Bai Zian mention the name, he nodded and asked his assistant to add it.

  Ji Shaojun's assistant didn't pay much attention to it, but he wrote it down on his notepad. When he wrote the words "picked up for free", he always felt familiar.

  Ji Shaojun asked again: "Aji, how long are you going to use this nickname?"

  Whenever people around him mentioned it, the kid Jiang He would bury his head in his knees.

  "I think it's okay. I picked it up for free," Bai Qian dusted off the documents. "I won't sign the contract for now. I just need to go to Jiangsu University to write it down tomorrow. If you don't want to choose publicity, just go to Xiaoqi."

  Xiaoqi is now also a Mu family. one's business Patner.

  In terms of marketing, several Mu Yinings combined cannot compare to Xiao Qi.

  Ji Shaojun called Xiaoqi.

  It was easier for him to get along with Xiao Qi than with Ren Jiawei.

  Xiao Qi knew about the Mu family's Qiuzhao. Although he was not in this industry, he did not understand the importance of Bai Qian's ID. "Uncle, please wait a moment. Let me ask Tang Ming."

  Compared with them, Tang Ming, who is also from Jiang University, Know better.

  As for Bai Zian, Xiao Qi knows that she has been busy recently.

  After eight o'clock, Tang Ming was still in Jiangda Laboratory, discussing a piece of data with Senior Sister Hu.

  "After running for two hours, it's 0.57." He bent down and clicked on the data on the last page. "If there is no problem, I will go back and give it to Jiang in the evening..."

  He changed his words mid-sentence, "Show it to Sister Xian." Look."

  This was the paper he was going to publish. Ning Xiao had already published his paper, and it was his first one. He had also written a summary before. When he sent it to Jiang Fuli to read, he was told not to send it to him again.

  From then on, he would check it with Senior Sister Hu and Ning Xiao Baiqian several times before he dared to review it with Jiang Fuli.

  Everyone else is secondary, Bai Zian is the primary one.

  After all, after adding a sentence at the end of the paper, Sister Qian had already reviewed it, and Jiang Fuli scolded it so much that he was no longer indistinguishable between humans and animals.

  However, he had not seen Jiang Fuli for several months.

  I also vaguely heard that Academician Ma and Jiang Fuli were not in good condition.

  During the recent period, Bai and the others had a tacit agreement not to mention these two people.

  "You mean picking it up for free?" Tang Ming couldn't explain it to a layman, so he opened the app, took a screenshot of a picture and sent it to Xiaoqi, "On the app, the second one is her. Well...she only registered in her senior year of high school last year. App, you know, she is usually very busy, otherwise the points would reach the upper limit. "

  Xiao Qi understands other things. He looked at this picture, "Sister Xian, how is your appeal?"

  "Xiao Qi. "Seventh brother," Tang Ming leaned on the table and smiled, "The first is Brother Jiang, and the third is Academician Ma. You may not know him. He Wen, have you heard about us?"

  Xiao Qi nodded and realized that on the phone, Tang Ming couldn't see it, "I heard from Assistant Wang during the meeting two days ago that Jiang University is very popular here."

  At that time, he was still thinking about whether to talk to He Wen through Bai Qian.

  "Chairman He Wen is indeed very popular," Tang Ming continued. "The screenshots are not complete. Captain He Wen is also on this list. He is eighth. Do you understand?"

  Xiao Qi was surprised.

  He knew Bai Zian was very smart, but he still hadn't thought about this level.

  hang up the phone.

  Xiaoqi replied to Ji Shaojun again, "Uncle, let's change the background introduction first."

  That night, Mu's marketing department once again overturned the previously customized background, and the design department designed it overnight.


  The first day of autumn recruitment.

  Jiangda is very lively, and those who can be selected for registration at Jiangda are all top-notch companies in the country.

  The quality is second to none.

  Even before it started, a bunch of teachers and seniors were posting helpful posts about fresh graduates on forums in university towns.

  Most of the master's and doctoral students have apprenticeships and are engaged in scientific research or stay in school.

  However, some retail investors, or those looking for a higher platform, will also come to the talent market.

  The popular companies this year are still the same ones, He Wen, Gao Jiachen, and the companies named by several major figures. Someone on the forum has analyzed them early.

  HR from the Wu family and the Gao family took center stage early on.

  Most of the people who come to the talent market are here for the Gao family.

  Gao Yi and Mu Youjun are both here today. They have always been harmonious and loving characters in the circle. This time Gao Yi will attend, and he will naturally bring Mu Youjun with him.

  "Where is the Mu family?" Gao Yi followed the school leaders around and asked HR about the situation this time.

  HR glanced in the direction of Mu's booth, but there was still no one there.

  He also felt strange and narrowed his eyes, "No one has come over to the Mu family yet."

  "Not yet?" Beside him, Mu Youjun was holding a small black bag in his hand. He looked a little nervous and looked at that person involuntarily. The edge drifted over.

  Gao Yi withdrew his gaze, put his hands behind his back, and walked out the door slowly.

  Occasionally, when he meets someone who knows him, he smiles and nods in encouragement.

  Jiangda Forum.

  In response to this autumn move, there are several analysis posts that are very popular.

  Of course, the most popular one is the Gao family.

  1L: [There is no Mr. He Wen this year, so everyone should disperse. ]

  5L: [The Gao family is also very good. There are more than a dozen professors in charge, and Dr. Gao is here, so the prospects are promising]

  10: [Without Mr. He Wen, the competition to join the Xu family will be very high. ]

  19L: [No one mentioned the Mu family? I heard that the Mu family participated in a key project. ]

  21L: [Mu family? I was originally waiting for the Mu family, but I heard from internal sources that there were no mentors in charge. If possible, I might as well look at the Gao family and the Wu family. ]


  There are different opinions on the forum.

  Meng Ruoya is also one of them.

    She was studying for a Ph.D. and had just graduated. Her mentor was also a small business owner. As soon as the talent market opened today, most people went to the Xu family and the Gao family first.

  Meng Ruoya was not in a hurry. Her mentor was more anxious and called her four times in the morning.

  "You are very talented. Finding a good research institute will help you a lot in the future," the instructor said earnestly on the phone. "The Gao family is really good. Bring your thesis and certificate and strive for direct recruitment."

  "Gao family?" She just stepped on flip-flops and wore black wide-leg pants to the Jiangda Indoor Gymnasium. "Teacher, it's not like you don't know that Gao Jiachen uses his nostrils to see people. Okay, teacher, don't worry, I've already Come here."

  This year's talent exchange meeting was held in the gymnasium.

  At the end of July, it was hot in Jiangjing. At this time, most people were taking a lunch break. Compared with the morning, the number of people in the gymnasium at two o'clock was reduced by half.

  However, most of the booths were still crowded with people.

  Meng Ruoya asked several companies, and most of them were not so enthusiastic when they saw that she was a girl.

  There are indeed few girls engaged in scientific research.

  Meng Ruoya was also used to this. She turned her eyes and saw at the far left position, HR was giving background information.

  Is there anyone else like her?

  She turned around and saw clearly the sign written in front -

  [Mu Family]

  Meng Ruoya stopped.

  "Hello, classmate, this is our Mu family's brochure," the HR of the Mu family looked at the girl in front of him, without looking down at all, and friendly handed over a simple brochure that had just been processed last night, "You can Take a look."

  Mu Yining is in charge of the Mu family, and Bai Jian is the one who helps Mu family negotiate the rare metals. The two women in the Mu family are the backbone, and the Mu family respects women more.

  Meng Ruoya, who had been despised countless times, looked at the HR in front of her and felt that she should have found her destination this time.

  It's just that Mu... I really haven't heard of it much.

  The research institute where the teacher popularized science to her didn't have Mushi either.

  But Meng Ruoya didn't care. She didn't turn over the brochure and handed over her resume. "Manager Mu, my name is Meng Ruoya. This is my resume."

  Manager Mu saw that Meng Ruoya had only prepared one resume. , gave it to him directly, and took it over in surprise.

  He reached out to flip through the resume and saw that the other person was a doctoral student, so he sent it to Mu Yining.

  Meng Ruoya did not continue shopping.

  She found a place to read the brochure.

  The background of the brochure was the same color as the one she saw just now, a very light blue, and the first paragraph introduced Mu's current situation.

  From the beginning of the second paragraph, the current scientific researchers of Mushi are introduced.

  Meng Ruoya was on the phone with her teacher while looking down the list.

  Professor Hong Nan.

  She hadn't heard of it.

  On the phone, his teacher was scolding her for not living up to expectations, "You just handed over your resume so casually? Didn't I ask you to go to the Xu family and the Gao family to have a look..."

  Meng Ruoya listened casually and saw the next name.

  Professor Zhou Wenqing.


  Isn't this this year's deputy dean of the School of Physics?

  Just when she was wondering if it was the same name, she saw the next name -

  Bai Jian.

  "I'll go!" Meng Ruoya was startled.

  "Meng Ruoya? What did you say?" The teacher's dangerous voice came out.

  "No, teacher," Meng Ruoya stopped, turned around and ran back, "Do you want to come, pick the god, this family seems to have recruited him! I'll go back and ask!"

  At the same time.

  Most people also notice the people of Mu family.

  "I heard that they came here just now to change the background." Someone from the gym whispered in the ears of Gao's HR.

  The Gao family's HR nodded, "Pay more attention."

  Mu Shi has also attracted a lot of people's attention in recent months.

  They got the preliminary preparations for seawater purification, which was originally a good start, but recently the Mu family was interviewed, and most of them had heard of the turmoil in Jiangjing's scientific research circle.

  The Mu family made a comeback this time, but failed to recruit many researchers.

  The Gao family and the Wu family are also eyeing each other.

  Without giving the Mu family time to breathe, they directly poached the researchers the Mu family wanted to recruit.

  Everyone is waiting for the Mu family's move.

  But no one expected that the Mu family would be absent early in the morning and only hurried over with billboards until the show started in the afternoon.

  Then prepare the background cards in an orderly manner.

  At 2:20, the Mu family's booth was ready.

  Other students had already entered the gymnasium at this time, and the flow of people was also larger, but there was still no one in front of Mu.

  At half past two o'clock, a poster named "Meng dd" on the Jiangda Forum posted a post.

  "Introduction to Mu's Background"

  is a very ordinary post. Mu is not popular in Jiangsu University, and Meng dd is not a celebrity on the forum. Most people just swipe past it casually, but this inconspicuous post has been floating on the homepage, and there are no replies. From 0-99, it was still fermenting rapidly, and finally someone with good intentions came in strangely.

  You can see the town building plan at a glance.

  Team leader: Zhou Wenqing (Professor)

  Hong Nan (Professor)


  Bai Jian (pictured)

  Jiang Dazhong: ...Wait, something is wrong? ? ?

  Jiang Dazhong:...! ! !


Chapter 338 339 She came with a big move

  Needless to say, Zhou Wenqing.

  The last time he had an open confrontation with his superiors in the laboratory, he ended up picking up a vice-dean, and he was very popular in the school's university town forum.

  Then the most important thing is to pick it up for free.

  If you ask who is Bai Zhan in the entertainment industry, most fans will answer.

  That's Yan Lu's great lyricist and composer.

  But if you ask at Jiangsu University, most people will give you a name-


  Jiangjing University app The person who suddenly appeared on the monthly list of freshmen the year before last year. At the freshmen party of Jiangjing University's preparatory camp last year, even the elderly people went there just to see this person who suddenly appeared and ranked among the top 1,000 in the country. who is it.

  It's just that even Jiang Da didn't invite this person.

  The next year became even more mysterious. Everyone watched helplessly as this great god went from the first thousand to the first five hundred to the first one hundred... until now, the second.

  In just over a year, more than 50 million points have been earned.

  Jiang Da has not seen such a perverted existence in recent years.

  Countless people and students from Jiangxi University watched this person step by step surpass He Wen, Academician Ma, and finally Senior Jiang Xijuan, coming to second place.

  According to this person's speed, no one doubts the possibility of this person standing side by side with the number one player in the future.

  No one will question the future achievements of this pick-up god. Just look at the status of the current top ten in the industry.

  No one is not curious about who this god of picking up things suddenly appeared.

  Most people are guessing that he may be a Chinese from a foreign laboratory.

  Now, this great master appears in college student forums and in Mu's background information.

  Jiangnan University alumni and countless geniuses on the app were instantly detonated.

  The craziness of his massacre is no less than that of the entertainment industry.

  "Mushi, here I come!" ! ! "

  "Moye Mu, you are the only god!" We were able to hire this person! ! "

  "The master of free picking!" ! ! "


  Countless posts have sprung up on forums in the university town.

  This summer vacation, there were many fresh graduates staying at Jiangnan University, and many were helping professors. Without exception, they were informed of the news by their classmates and friends.


  Jiangda Gymnasium.

  At 2:50, the flow of people is still not as high as in the morning, and Mu's recruitment position is next to it.

  Only two or three people have asked so far.

  "Manager Mu, why do we need to change the background board?" The staff looked back at the background board next to them. They had remade the billboards and brochures last night, so they arrived late.

  This was decided by Ji Shaojun, and Manager Mu didn't know. He sent the only resume to Mu Yining, "Let's take a look first."

  The HR of the Gao family put his hands behind his back and saw the deserted situation in front of the Mu family. , quite satisfied, there were not many people there in the afternoon, so he was going to go back and select suitable candidates from his resume.

  He just took a few steps.

  I saw a dozen young people rushing in at the gate of the gymnasium.

  Jiangnan University students, those currently participating in the school recruitment are all undergraduates and graduate students with social experience, and there are even Ph.D.s.

  Calm and wise.

  There were so many people in the morning, but there was no chaos at all and everything was orderly.

  This is the inner self-cultivation of Jiangsu students.

  So seeing them running towards them at this moment made the Gao family's HR a little stunned.

  A man passed by him with a resume rolled in his hand, and the wind stirred up his hair. He couldn't help but take a step back and looked over in surprise.

  Then I saw these young people, after standing in the middle for a while, they went directly to the Mu family's booth and surrounded them.

  What's happening here?

  Before the Gao family could react, another group of people poured in at the door of the gymnasium.

  It was like opening the valve of a dam, and people poured in all of a sudden.

  Without exception, they all looked in Mu's direction and surrounded him.

  The Mu family was surrounded by water.

  Every year, there is no exception for school recruitment. The first morning is the most crowded, and the number of people will become less and less in the following days. But this afternoon, a group of people suddenly poured into the gymnasium and confused everyone.

  Not to mention them, even Manager Mu was a little dizzy.

  So many students suddenly came over, and the four people he brought couldn't greet them at all, and they couldn't hand out brochures.

  "Manager Mu, what's going on?" An assistant next to him hurriedly moved the brochure over, "Why are there so many people all of a sudden? The brochure we brought is not enough."

  Manager Mu was surprised and quickly reacted, Call the office, "Yes, it's me. Send eight more people over and bring two more boxes of brochures... not enough, far from enough!"

  People from the Jiangnan University Security Office seemed to have discovered this situation, and urgently extended the information to Mu's family. Three times the venue.

  The crowd was chaotic, so they sent a team of security guards to maintain order at the scene.

  The HR of the Gao family saw that among the students, there were occasionally a few well-dressed old academics mixed in. The students could just go to the Mu family. What was going on with these teachers?

  In particular, several young people at the Gaojia booth seemed to have received some news.

  He quickly ran over with his resume.

  Not a single one is left.

  Something is obviously wrong.

  The Gao family's HR had a dark face and asked someone to find out what was going on.

  This matter is not a secret. You can find out from any student. Your subordinates will quickly find a student and ask for details.

  "It's for nothing?" After hearing the news, the Gao family HR's expression changed, "The Mu family found him? Impossible!"

  He was the planner of this event, so he naturally knew that the Gao family had been trying in the past few months. Find it for free.

  Everyone inside knows that this person will probably be on par with Jiang Fuli in the future.

    There won't be one such talent for hundreds of years, only two will appear.

  No one doubted his popularity in Jiangjing Preparatory Camp.

  But Gao Yi could not be found. He even inquired about foreign laboratories, but there was no news at all.

  Appearing in the Mu family now?

  The Gao family's HR thought this was a joke. He couldn't believe it, but he still took out his cell phone with a little trembling and called Gao Yi.

  Things are out of control now.

  There are almost no people in the three research institutes of the Mu family. They are short of new blood this time. When Jiang University recruits new people this year, they will have as many people as they want.

  I originally thought that there would be no Jiang family this year, but the Gao family would definitely have the majority advantage in the school recruitment this time. Who knew that after the Jiang family disappeared, another Mu family appeared.

  This Mu family is far more terrifying than that He Wen.

  In the past, they could still get a piece of the pie, but this year, I'm afraid they won't get any at all.


  The news about the Mu family soon reached Mu Yining.

  She first called Ji Shaojun to ask who this Bai Jian was.

  Ji Shaojun only said a few words casually.

  Then hang up and continue to deal with your own affairs.

  Only in the evening when I got off work, Mu Yining and I went to Shanhai Apartment.

  Mountain and Sea Apartments.

  Chen Beixuan has been living in Xu Nanjing's room on the fourth floor these days. He is currently playing chess with Lu Xiaohan in 103. However, it can be seen that Chen Beixuan has a bad temper and cannot sit still.

  Lu Xiaohan sat opposite Chen Beixuan.

  The next moment, she had to look up at Chen Beixuan's expression to make sure her defeat was not so ugly.

  Take care of her face.

  Lu Xiaohan has never played such a complicated chess game.


  When Mu Yining arrived at 303, Bai Qian was correcting Tang Ming's paper.

  She holds a black pen in her hand.

  He lowered his eyes and slowly left a line of comments beside him.

  Mu Yining took a look and saw that instead of her usual cute handwriting, it was a beam that was penetrating into the wood.

  Looking at it from a distance, vigor and willfulness pour out.

  There was also a hint of impatience.

  "Uncle, Aunt Mu." Tang Ming stood up and left the study to them.

  Bai Zian put down the pen and turned the paper upside down with his fingers.

  His expression was indifferent and he didn't say hello.

  Ji Shaojun learned from Ji Heng that she was in a bad mood recently, but he didn't know the specific reason.

  "The school recruitment was very successful," Mu Yining reported the good news to her. "Manager Mu said that they have received hundreds of resumes, and there are professors who specially found him."

  After saying that, Mu Yining looked at Bai Qian, very strange. .

  White pick... White pick.

  She had some guesses, but if Bai Zian and the others didn't say anything, Mu Yining wouldn't ask.

  "Well, where's the Gao family?" Bai Qian's eyes fell on the corner of the table. The roses on it had become stems, and the last one had lost its last color.

  When it came to the Gao family, Mu Yining paused for a moment, "We have to recruit a lot of people, and the Gao family will have a hard time getting through this."

  Bai Zian stood up and went to pick up a book from the bookshelf, his tone as casual as ever: "That's fine, sea water project The address has been chosen, when will you start work?"

  She seemed to be waiting for this answer.

  The Gao family and the Mu family are also in a competitive relationship. Gao Yi had no good intentions when he married Mu Youjun.

  But when Mu Yining of the Mu family stood up, Gao Yi failed to successfully break into the Mu family.

  Now that the Mu family suddenly had a batch of precious metals that had been obtained for a national key project, the Gao family no longer tried to hide it, but directly took out the money and gave the Mu family a blow with the list given by Mu Zhendong.

  But now, with this array of noodles presented by the Mu family, the Gao family's efforts to win over Professor Yin and others with a high salary for several months have all been in vain.

  Mu Yining looked at Bai Qian's profile.

  She was holding a foreign book in her hand, and looking at the translation, it seemed to be about quantum mechanics.

  Mu Yining couldn't understand this, so she withdrew her gaze and watched Bai Qian flipping through the book with her eyes lowered.

  "This school recruitment is over," Mu Yining looked at Bai Zian, "I will send you the resume list later. They are all the people we have initially selected. You can read it again."

  "Okay," Bai Zian returned with the book. Seat, turn to page 327. The question that Academician Ma gave her before came from here, "Also, Teacher Zhou said that some professors from Jiangsu University want to contact you."

  Bai Jian raised his head slightly, "I will ask Tang Ming to answer the question later. I'll give you their contact information, remember to send someone to contact them. "

  Professor? Still use "some" to describe it?

  Mu Yining nodded.

  She waited for a while, but Bai Zian had nothing else to say.

  Seeing that Bai Qian was busy, Mu Yining and Ji Shaojun went out to find Tang Ming.

  When leaving, Mu Yining gently closed the study door. Bai Zian reopened the computer and seemed to be typing for someone with her lowered eyes.

  Always humble, but with obvious arrogance in his heart.

  The moment she closed the door, Mu Yining was finally convinced that this "Bai picked up" was definitely Bai Qian's handiwork.

  Bai Qian is clearly announcing to the Gao family -

  before, you set a trap for the Mu family and blatantly pried away the professors who wanted to sign contracts with the Mu family. Now, we are back with a group of professors and big moves.

  Can you handle it?


Chapter 339 340 Unable to hide it from

  the outside, Tang Ming was watering Bai Zian's potted plants on the balcony.

  When he saw Mu Yining coming out, he exchanged contact information with Mu Yining and sent the business cards of other professors on his mobile phone.

  Mu Yining counted.

  There are eight professors in total.

  "So many?" Mu Yining looked at these business cards.

  Of course, she didn't know that Zhou Wenqing was a professor from Jiang University who had no sect. There were a few such professors in Jiang University, and they usually had a good relationship with Zhou Wenqing.

  Now that Zhou Wenqing has become the vice-president, he is taking the lead in entering the Mu family, and behind him is the future star of physics, Bai Jian.

  These free professors found an organization and chose to work with Zhou Wenqing to defeat the boss.

  Mu Shi stacked all the buffs together, but was so short of fresh blood.

  Most of the master's and doctoral students were directly recruited. The Gao family, who originally wanted to take this opportunity to supplement the grassroots, simply couldn't resist.

  The head of the Gao family called Gao Yi, Gao Jiachen and others together overnight.

  In order to expand the family's influence and power, they spent so much effort marketing Gao Jiachen and grabbing people who admired the family, but in the end they only received less than ten replies.

  These ten resumes do not have the talent they have pre-investigated.

  The general manager threw the ten resumes on the table and looked at everyone present. His eyes finally fell on Gao Yi, "Xiao Yi, please explain what's going on? Doesn't it mean there will be no congratulations this year?"

  "Uncle," Gao Yi is from the scientific research side of the Gao family, and the fund industry is managed by his uncle. He slowly explained, "There is no congratulatory message, but they have Zhou Wenqing and Bai Jian this year, especially the one at the back, who is from the scientific research field. The popular person, the second in the Preparatory Camp app, has a strong appeal, and most young people are going to this person."

  "Second?" The general manager heard about the Jiangjing Preparatory Camp. He began to think of countermeasures: "That's okay, Jiachen. Just try your best and reach second place and pass him within half a month."

  Every other line is like a mountain.

  As soon as these words came out, everyone in the financial management department of the Gao family nodded.

  Gao Yi, Gao Jiachen and Wu Hongjun fell silent.

  He didn't make a sound for a long time.

  "Jiachen?" Uncle Gao's face was serious, "What problem do you have?"

  Gao Jiachen: "..."

  He still didn't speak, he just stood up from the conference table and walked out of the conference room without saying a word.

  The only genius of the Gao family, Gao Jiachen occasionally refuses even the respect of his elders.

  "This..." Wu Hongjun stood up to ease the awkward situation, "You may not know much about this question. It's like this. The app is also a watershed for IQ. Most of the questions are automatically generated by the system and there are no answers. It's not Jia. Chen can surpass it if he wants to, but we can't do anything about it. "

  What's the difference between this and asking Gao Jiachen to make a photolithography machine in half a month?

  "He can't reach it?" Uncle Gao's expression changed instantly. "Jiachen is so powerful and far smarter than Gao Yuan. He can't reach it in half a month. What about one month?"

  Wu Hongjun lowered his head and felt bitter.

  Thinking about it, don't you know how much of Gao Jiachen's greatness is due to speculation?

  Even He Wen can't compare with him, and he still took second place in a month. You don't even know who is third or fourth now.

  Wu Hongjun reflected on himself for the first time, whether it was a good idea to still cooperate with the Gao family.

  Others can fly a somersault cloud thousands of miles away, but the leaders of the Gao family are still at the level of copying the Mu family's somersault cloud. The problem is that their hardware is not good enough.

  "If there is no new blood injected this year, what will happen to our new research institute?" The leaders of the Gao family couldn't sit still.

  Gao Yi didn't speak. He held a teacup in his hand, his fingertips turning white.

  He originally thought that he thought highly enough of the Mu family that he could escape safely from the hands of the Security Bureau, but now he could still use such a trump card.

  This time, the Gao family was completely defeated.

  "Uncle, I think the Mu family is really aggressive this time." After a long while, Gao Yi raised his head and looked out the door.

  Maybe the era of the Mu family has really begun.


  Jiang University's recruitment this year is very exciting.

  In forums in university towns, the word "picking up for free" was mentioned over and over again.

  The popularity has far exceeded the original congratulatory message.

  The campus recruitment interview is over.

  Bai Zian came to the institute again.

  When Academician Ma left, he opened up the institute's authority to Bai Qian. She could enter and exit any place that Academician Ma could enter.

  at the same time.

  The private hospital opposite Jiang's house.

  Director Chen followed Mr. Chen to the top floor.

  Ming Dongheng stood outside the door with his hands folded on his chest. He didn't look very focused, but his momentum was hard to ignore.

  Next to her, Gao Shu was listening to the doctor.

  Mr. Chen held the crutches, coughed twice, and looked at Jiang Fuli on the hospital bed through the glass.

  On the hospital bed.

  Jiang Fuli's eyes were closed, and his right hand fell outside the snow-white quilt. There were faint blue blood vessels and a bruise on the back of his hand, and nutrient solution was being transfused next to it.

  His face was snow-white, with almost no blood visible.

  The ventilator and heart rate monitor are both beating.

  After the doctor finished speaking to Gao Shu, Mr. Chen asked, "The Luo family hasn't come yet?"

  "No," Gao Shu waved her hand and asked the doctor to go down, looking worried, "They gave a condition."

  The Luo family passed down the inheritance For so many years, my ancestor was also the royal physician of the palace, and most of the troublesome matters would always come to their clan leader for acupuncture.

  Reputation recognized within the circle.

  The strength is indeed there.

  Last year, the Luo family used some tricks to allow Xiao Qi to find an opportunity to publicize the situation in front of the Luo family, leaving the Luo family unable to tell the story of their suffering.

  Xuankang now has such a strong reputation and has some relationship with the Luo family.

  Mr. Chen looked over and asked, "What are the conditions?"

  "I want to be healthy, so please come and discuss with Bureau Chen." Gao Shu raised her eyes and looked at the old man and Bureau Chen.

  Gao Shu did not have enough authority to investigate the matter of Xuankang.

  I only know that I have cooperation with the Chen family.

  Upon hearing what Gao Shu said, Director Chen was startled and quickly raised his head: "Dean Gao, you didn't agree, did you?"

  "Not yet." Gao Shu shook his head.

  Xuankang now plays a role in major military camps in the country, and Gao Shu has heard of it, and it is a national secret formula.

    Not to mention that she also knew that Xuan Kang cooperated with the Mu family.

  "That's okay." Director Chen glanced at Gao Shu and motioned for her to go downstairs.

  The two passed by numerous guards and came downstairs.

  Director Chen asked about Jiang Fuli's condition and learned that it was the same as when he was eight years old. He remained silent for a few minutes before speaking, "Xuankang belongs to Miss Bai."

  Not many people knew about this.

  Even Mu Yining only knew that the current manager of Xuankang was Xiao Qi, but he didn't know that the prescription behind it was all written by Bai Jian.

  "What?!" Gao Shu thought Bureau Chen would bring up the matter of Kang's cooperation with the Mu family.

  Unexpectedly, Director Chen directly said that Xuankang belonged to Bai Qian.

  She was startled.

  "Fortunately, I didn't promise anything to the Luo family," Gao Shu took a deep breath, "I'll talk to the Luo family again, and I have to hide this matter from Aji."

  This sentence made Director Chen get entangled again, "Dean Gao , It would be okay if I didn't see Miss Bai. If I really see Miss Bai, I can't hide this."

  He also came here with Mr. Chen today and found out about Jiang Fuli's accident.

  This matter is confidential and cannot be disclosed to anyone.

  Otherwise, if the news about him and Academician Ma spreads, the Jiang family and the domestic physics community will be in chaos.

  The Jiang family's information is well protected.

  Not many people know about it so far. Gao Shu doesn't let Bai Zian know. First, it doesn't make her worry. Second, it doesn't involve her in more. Third, her performance is directly related to the outside world's speculation about Jiang Fuli's situation.

  Academician Ma's matter can't be kept secret for long.

  Gao Shu and others only hoped that Jiang Fuli's matter could be hidden for a while.

  "It's impossible for me to hide this from Miss Bai," Director Chen thought for a while and spoke truthfully, "She knows what I'm thinking at a glance, and... I think there's no need to hide this from her, she can handle it. Luo She can also help you with the family matter."

  Director Chen knew what Gao Shu and the others were thinking, but he just felt that Bai Zian was young and could not calm down, and it was easy for others to see flaws.

  However, Director Chen has been close to Bai Zian for nearly two years, and he knows Bai Zian's temper very well.

  "I'll think about it again," Gao Shu pressed her temples, feeling a little tired, "Try to hold still."


  Gao Shu said and asked Bureau Chen to hide it as much as possible.

  But this Saturday, Dean Jian asked him to go fishing with Ji Heng.

  The fishing team of Shanhai Apartment went out again.

  As a rule, after fishing, we will stay in 103 for a meal in the evening.

  In the past, Bureau Chen was in charge.

  Now that Zhang Shize is on summer vacation, he spends more time in Jiangjing. He has also learned a thing or two from Chi Yundai and helped Bureau Chen.

  Fillet the fish thinly.

  Bureau Chen looked at his knife skills and nodded, "Not bad."

  "No," Zhang Shize raised his eyebrows, "Yan Du said I cut well."

  "Oh, why didn't your sister Yan come back?" Bureau Chen said casually. Put the chopped green onions in the pot and scoop up the stuffed tomato sauce prawns.

  The question was also casual.

  Zhang Shize took off the last piece of the film and waited for the pickled fish to boil. "I was captured by Xiangcheng Cultural Tourism and picked up tourists at the airport. I will go back with Sister Xian in a few days after listening to the last lecture." Xiangcheng has been

  in the past two years The tourism industry has been very developed this year.

  After becoming popular, cultural tourism will do something every year.

  During the recent peak summer travel season, "Yan Lu was called back by Xiangcheng Cultural Tourism to pick him up at the airport" was a hot search topic on Weibo for a whole week. There have been no shortage of tourists from Xiangcheng in the past two years.

  How many fans do you think Yan Lu has?

  Who is not moved by this?

  "Miss Bai will also go?" Bureau Chen thought slightly.

  "That's right," Zhang Shize saw the water boiling and took the fish fillets slowly. "The Bureau of Culture and Tourism asked her to join us in conducting a learning sharing for students who came to travel, and share how she got the top score in the country. , Oh, yes, we also asked her to perform a spear dance on Wutong Street."

  Bureau Chen: "..."

  Very 6.

  Xiangcheng Cultural Tourism is really bold. He can imagine what the Cultural Tourism Bureau said. They are probably the only ones who dare to treat Bai Qian so much.

  If Jiangjing Culture and Tourism Bureau were to talk to Bai Qian like this, Bai Qian was nothing, so Jiang Da would press Jiangjing Culture and Tourism Bureau to death in the dirt.

  He served the prawns.

  She walked out of the kitchen carrying the plate, and as soon as she reached the table, she saw Bai Zian entering the door with his fingerprints.

  Bai Qian was still wearing the plain double-breasted dress embroidered with poppies today, and her hair was still tied loosely behind her head with a white jade hairpin.

  After entering the door, she only glanced at Bureau Chen.

  Revealing a pair of dark almond eyes.

  The plate in Director Chen's hand shook and almost fell to the ground.

  "Are you okay?" Lu Xiaohan, who was passing by, helped him catch the plate.

  Bureau Chen quickly shook his head, "...it's okay."

  He looked at Bai Zian again, and Bai Zian only looked at him lightly, then looked away without saying a word.

  Director Chen quietly exhaled.

  Back in the kitchen, the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong, so he asked Zhang Shize, who was making pickled fish next to him, "Good man, do you think there's nothing wrong with me?"

  Zhang Shize took out a plate from the bottom, looked up at Director Chen carefully, and gave a thumbs up. : "Very handsome."

  Bureau Chen: "..."

  Forget it.

  He finished his meal with trepidation.

  Chen Beixuan didn't dare to look at Bai Qian during the whole process, and Chen Beixuan couldn't bear to look directly at her.

  But until he left after eating, Bai Zian didn't ask Director Chen anything.

  He and Chen Beixuan breathed a sigh of relief, this time was over.

  He took the keys and went out. As soon as he sat in the driver's seat and turned on the car lights, he saw a girl standing by the tree in front of him.

  She held a lit cigarette loosely between her fingertips, extinguishing it and letting the smoke drift away. The moment the car lights turned on, she lazily turned sideways, flicking the ashes at will, and gave him only two words, "Get off."


Chapter 340 341 A's trump card, MTR Research Institute!

  Jiangjing Theater.

  Xue Na brought the documents to Gao Shu's residence. Gao Shu had been busy with the Jiang family's affairs for a long time. The theater had accumulated a lot of things. "I've handled everything I can for you. I haven't touched Vice President Ji's side."

  Ji . Yinghui is still the vice-president and has become much more honest in the past six months or so.

  But Xue Na knows how to behave and knows that he is always keeping an eye on Gao Shu.

  Gao Shu pulled out the chair and sat down, her eyelids drooping slightly, and the tiredness was obvious between her brows.

  "Also, I'm also in contact with MTR, but they haven't responded yet," Xue Na continued to reply, "Dean Gu has negotiations with MTR, and the information is all with Mr. Jiang."

  Gao Shu listened, deeply Take a deep breath.

  She has been under a lot of pressure recently. She has to take care of both the Jiang family and work. She can't show any strangeness, and can only show her true emotions in the hospital and in front of her confidants.

  Xue Na ground a cup of black coffee for her and silently placed it next to Gao Shu.

  She could only try her best to help Gao Shu stabilize the theater.

  Gao Shu picked up the coffee, drank it, and opened the file. Next to her, her cell phone rang.

  It belongs to Chen Yongkun.

  "Director Chen?" She put down her coffee and picked it up, placing her hand on the document.

  On the other end of the phone, Director Chen looked at a little scarlet fire under the night wind and the cold silhouette that he couldn't see clearly. He also wanted to take out a cigarette: "Miss Bai, I know."

  Gao Shu stood up from the chair. , wanting to scold Director Chen.

  He hesitated to speak.

  "She's going to see Young Master Jiang," Director Chen said directly, "Should I report to the Jiang family and take her there?"

  Bai Qian didn't know, so she could keep it a secret for a while longer.

  But now she knows that Director Chen doesn't think he has the guts to refuse Bai Zian.

  However, Jiang Fuli was heavily protected. If he wanted to cross the Jiang family and bring Bai Qian there, he would need the consent of a bunch of people.

  "Okay," Gao Shu picked up the coffee again and took a deep breath. "I just returned to the theater. I'll meet you at the hospital. As for how she gets in, I'll tell you."

  She had the same idea as Bureau Chen. Since Bai Qian knew this If there is something wrong, I must take her to see it.

  At least it was confirmed that Jiang Fuli's life was not in danger now.


  Jiang Family Private Hospital.

  The hospital, which covers a small area, is heavily guarded inside and outside.

  Gao Shu had already arrived before Chen Ju.

  Just waiting at the door.

  Jiang Xijue was also behind Gao Shu. Beside him, the special assistant was a little confused, "Dean Gao has turned back. Are you still going to the mansion tonight?"

  "Is the Luo family here?" Jiang Xijue tilted his head.

  "Please, please. It's not clear yet whether he will come. For more accurate news, we may have to go to the Qinglong Bar to find their intelligence network. The Third Young Master is already in contact with them." The

  three words in his mouth Shao Ziran is Xu Nanjing.

  Jiang Xijuan muttered slightly, "Wait a moment."

  The special assistant knew what he meant, took two steps back, and stood aside respectfully, but curious.

  Who are Jiang Xijue and Gao Shu waiting for so late?

  In the past two days, the old man of the Chen family went upstairs by himself.

  Two minutes later, a black car stopped at the gate.

  The special assistant noticed that Jiang Xijue's body immediately tensed up.

  Gao Shu also raised her head. She looked at the back seat and saw a girl opening the car door and getting out.

  He didn't look at anyone else, he just raised his head and looked at the structure of the entire hospital.

  Bai Qian was wearing a light-colored skirt today, and she still carried her usual literati aura. The light at the gate shone on her face, giving her a strange calmness.

  Her calm reaction was not what Gao Shu had expected. She took a step forward and said, "Ah Zian."

  Bai Zian raised her feet and walked up the steps step by step, with her Baidu skirt revealing blossoms as she walked. Poppies of different colors, "Aunt Gao."

  The voice was terrifyingly calm.

  Gao Shu looked at Bai Qian who was so calm, and was surprised and confused.

  "Let's go." She didn't have time to think too much. She stretched out her hand, patted Bai Qian's back gently, and motioned for her to go upstairs with her, "I'll take you up to take a look."


  Ming Dongheng was still standing outside the door of Jiang Fuli's ward, closing his eyes slightly like a door god.

  Hearing the sound, his eyelids moved slightly, his fingers rested on the holster on his waist, and he suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the stairs.

  At the top of the stairs, Bai Zian and Gao Shu came up side by side.

  Seeing the figure on the left, Ming Dongheng stopped holding his finger on the holster and stood up straight. At this moment, he seemed to see his backbone and his whole body relaxed: "Miss Bai."

  "How long?" Bai Jian He raised his eyes and looked at the people inside through the glass.

  Ming Dongheng's eyes were black, "Twelve days."

  "Well," Bai Zian raised his hand, "Go back and rest first, and then come back when you are refreshed."

  Hearing Bai Zian's words, Gao Shu and Jiang Xijuan raised their heads. , I wanted to tell Bai Qian that Ming Dongheng only listened to Jiang Fuli's words, and he was the only person Jiang Fuli took away before he fell into coma.

  During this period of time, he even closed his eyes slightly when sleeping, and did not dare to fall asleep deeply.

  Even though the people coming were Jiang Xijuan and Gao Shu, he never felt relieved.

  In the past twelve days, many people have advised Ming Dongheng to go to bed first, but Ming Dongheng has not even left the door of the ward.

  I originally thought that Bai Xian said the same thing, but Ming Dongheng straightened his collar and bent slightly towards Bai Xian, "Yes, Miss Bai."

  After saying that, he walked directly to the stairs.

  He didn't stop for even half a second.

  This attitude was far beyond the expectations of Gao Shu and Jiang Xijuan. The two looked at each other, surprised again.

  Jiang Fuli's safety is the top priority. Ming Dongheng doesn't trust anyone and has been holding on until now.

  Bai Zian left with just one word?

  Haven't you mobilized your subordinates to replace him?

  After Jiang Xijue was stunned for a moment, he tilted his head and said to his special assistant, "Notify Butler Jiang and ask Jiang Yunjian to come over urgently.


    Bai Xian kept looking at the people inside through the glass, "What's going on?"

  Gao Shu came back to his senses, walked to Bai Xian's side, and explained: "When he was eight years old, he also fell into a coma once. Similar to this situation, that time was It took two months to wake up."

  Now that Bai Zian knows, Gao Shu doesn't want her to worry.

  Pretending to be relaxed, he said, "Don't worry, the doctor said his physical signs are very good and nothing will happen to him. It will be fine when he wakes up."

  On the top floor, the lighting was not so obvious, making Bai Zian's face look particularly cold.

  There seemed to be a suppressed anger in the silence.

  Bai Zian only looked at the glass and said nothing. After a long period of silence, she breathed out a breath, turned her eyes slightly and looked at Jiang Xijue behind her, "I'll send someone here."

  Jiang Xijue was stunned and said quickly, " Okay."

  Jiang Fuli had 100% trust in Bai Qian, and he revealed this idea to the people around him when he was in Jiangjing last year.

  You can tell by looking at Ming Dongheng's performance.

  Bai Qian took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "Where is it?"

  "Jiangjing Avenue, bend." The person who answered the phone was Mao Kun. He parked his motorcycle on the side of the road, took off his black helmet with one hand, and stretched his legs slightly. Standing, answering Bai Zian's call with one hand.

  Hearing Bai Qian's extremely calm voice, Mao Kun didn't smile playfully.

  "Come find me." Bai Zian gave him an address and said nothing.

  At nine o'clock, there were not many people on the road.

  Mao Kun clicked on WeChat and saw the address sent by Bai Zian. It was on Jiangjing Avenue, but it looked like a private restricted area.

  He put his helmet back on and drove this way.


  This way.

  After Bai Zian finished the phone call with Mao Kun, he gave Jiang Xijuan the color and license plate number of Mao Kun's motorcycle.

  Then she stood by the glass window and sent a message to Ji Heng, "Can I go in and see him?" she asked Gao Shu.

Gao Shu nodded, "Okay, I'll ask the doctor to get two sets of sterile clothes and go in together."   

Jiang Xijue's special assistant called him aside and whispered to Jiang Xijue about the mansion, "The descendant of the Luo family will come later. Are you still going?"   

"Not yet. Is there any news from the Qinglong Bar?"   

Their voices were low.   

Gao Shu didn't hear it clearly, but Bai Zian heard it clearly. She turned her head slightly, her eyebrows were very light, and she held the phone in her right hand.   

Wait for the attending doctor to come.   

Putting on her coat, Gao Shu pressed the code at the door and took Bai Zian into the house.   

The temperature in the ward is two degrees lower than outside.   

The ventilator and heart rate monitor were still there, and the heart rate on the device was beating. Bai Zian looked at the green line, and his eyes fell on Jiang Fuli's face, standing quietly by the bed.   

Reach out and touch his hand outside the quilt.   

Even through medical gloves, it was as cold as ever.   

Bai Xian's eyelashes trembled, and her fingertips moved slowly to his pulse.   

There was a very strange pulse, and she squinted slightly.   


A man in his thirties came in from outside and looked at Jiang Xijuan, "Mr. Jiang, where is Mr. Ming?"   

"Mr. Ming went back to rest," Jiang Xijuan said seriously, "Before he comes back, Yunjian, you have 24 hours Stay here, I'll ask the Chen family to send someone over soon."   

Jiang Yunjian nodded, then looked at Gao Shu and Bai Jian who were walking outside, frowning slightly: "Who is that next to Dean Gao?"   

He doesn't know Bai Jian.蔹.   

"Miss Bai." Jiang Xijue only said three words to Jiang Yunjian.   

"Miss Bai?" Jiang Yunjian only knew her by name. This was the first time he saw her in person. "What is she doing here?"   

Jiang Xijue looked at him and said, "Before Mr. Ming comes back, protect this place." Just the threshold."   


Not long.   

Bai Zian and Gao Shu came out.   

The door was closed. Bai Xian took off his mask and asked the doctor, "So what's the situation now?"   

The doctor didn't know Bai Xian's identity, so he just stood quietly beside Gao Shu. After receiving Gao Shu's instructions, he explained, "Jiang The young master fell into a deep coma. We haven't found the specific reason before. We want to analyze it further. Maybe MTR's recent brain wave analysis can reveal something, but these..."   

The doctor also hesitated.   

MTR sells Jiang Fuli's face, but they don't give it to other people.   

The most important thing is that Jiang Fuli hasn't woken up yet, and they don't dare to reveal the news that Jiang Fuli is unconscious.   

Jiang Xijuan is in charge of the Jiang family enterprise, and he doesn't know that group of geniuses in the world.   

"I'm in contact," Gao Shu pretended to be relaxed, "Don't worry, Aji, Dean Gu is communicating with them."   

Dean Gu is very familiar with them, it just takes a little time.   

Moving this large-scale new instrument to China is no small matter.   

Bai Qian took out her cell phone, scrolled down, and found Lance's WeChat account. Without raising her head, she just asked calmly, "What is the name of the instrument you need?"  

Gao Shu was surprised.   

The doctor next to him subconsciously replied to Bai Zian, "LNight-Sandai."   

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Zian dialed WeChat. It was still daytime on the other end of the phone with Lance. He was wearing a floral shirt and lazily said hello to Bai Zian. , "Hi, Bai."    

Two people around me are infected with Class A.


 Chapter 341 342 I Resisted Half of the Country

  After the Chinese New Year, Lance's vacation ended.

  Both of them were busy, and it had been several months since they had seen each other.

  Bai Zian held the phone loosely in her hand and did not speak immediately. It was not easy for Lance to apply for something that Gao Shu couldn't get. She turned her eyes to the ward.

  Silence, pause for a while.

  She didn't speak, and Director Chen poked his head out from behind Bai Qian, "Dr. Lance, do you know about the LNight-3 instrument?"

  Lance had already walked outside the door, with enough light, "The latest new instrument that was released not long ago? "

  Obviously I have heard of it.

  "Yes, yes, yes," Director Chen asked again, "We have a situation that requires it now."

  After listening, Lance did not give them a definite answer, but through the camera, he could see Bai Qian's seriousness, "Try your best, and I need some help."

  Subconsciously, I need some adjustments.

  "Okay, I'll have someone contact you." After Bai Zian finished speaking, he hung up the video.

  Jiang Xijue still had a neat coat hanging on his wrist. He stood behind Gao Shu, with warmth soaked in his bones. Even though he was carrying such a large Jiang family by himself, he was still calm and calm.

  His eyes flickered between Bai Qian and Chen Ju.

  Gao Shu politely did not look at who Bai Zian was talking to. She only heard Lance's broken Chinese, "LNight-3 will always arrive. It's just a matter of time. It's very late now. Do you want to go back first?"

  Bai Zian shook his head.

  She only looked at the ward. She had just seen that Jiang Fuli had not suffered any injuries.

  But he was definitely under the influence of the drug. As for why he hadn't woken up, Bai Qian also had some ideas.

  LNight-3 is absolutely required.

  She needed help checking on his current condition.


  Jiang Fuli and Ming Dongheng were already like this, and Academician Ma's situation would only get worse.

  Bai Zian pursed his lips.

  If she didn't leave, Gao Shu would stay with her, but Jiang Xijuan had to go out to do some errands.

  Just as he picked up his coat and went to the elevator.

  Downstairs, Mao Kun has arrived.

  The sound of his bent motorcycle was so loud that it could be heard from across the street. If Bai Zian hadn't already told the color of the motorcycle and the license plate, his car wouldn't even be able to enter this street.

  The people downstairs brought him up.

  Didn't take the stairs, took the elevator.

  Unlike people like Ming Dongheng, Jiang Yunjian, Mao Kun didn't look strong. He still had yellow-dyed hair that wasn't cut much, and the hair in the front almost fell to his eyes.

  He was wearing a black vest and a string of bone chains around his neck.

  "Sister." He walked directly towards Bai Zian.

  Bai Zian did not introduce him, but only said to Jiang Xijue: "Mao Kun will be here before he wakes up."

  The meaning was obvious.

  Bai Zian left Mao Kun here to guard him.

  "Him?" Even the well-informed Jiang Xijuan was also shocked by Bai Qian's words.

  Beside him, Jiang Yunjian also frowned at Mao Kun. Mao Kun did not look like a master in appearance. He was dressed like a second-rate gangster, which was difficult to convince people.

  Jiang Xijuan couldn't bear to let a stranger stay here.

  He didn't dare to decide, he only looked at Gao Shu.

  "Okay," Gao Shu knew Bai Qian after all, "let him stay here with Yunjian." As soon as Jiang Fuli

  passed out, Gao Shu had a lot of say. With her watching from the front, Jiang Xijue naturally wouldn't Doing something like this offends Bai Zian.

  Mao Kun stayed outside the ward door.

  Bai Pian and Gao Shu left. When they returned, Bai Pian took Gao Shu's car.

  Director Chen and Jiang Xijue stayed where they were.

  After the car left, Bureau Chen lit a cigarette, finally breathed a sigh of relief and slowly blew out the smoke ring.

  Next to him, Jiang Yunjian looked at Jiang Xijue, "Mr. Jiang, why did you agree to let that Huang Mao stay? What is he doing here?"

  Bureau Chen smoked a cigarette and glanced at Jiang Yunjian.

  Jiang Xijue noticed that Director Chen greeted Mao Kun before leaving, "Director Chen, who is that guy on the top floor?"

  "Mr. Mao," Director Chen had seen Mao Kun sitting at the Qinglong Bar on Heishui Street, and a group of people called him Mr. Mao's, with a cigarette in his hand, "Mr. Jiang, until Mr. Ming comes back, as long as Mr. Mao is here, you don't have to worry about Mr. Jiang's safety."

  Ming Dongheng has made great progress in the past two years.

  No one in the Jiang family can compare with him, and his strength and status have increased with the naked eye.

  Could this Huang Mao have the same strength as Ming Dongheng?

  Jiang Xijue was really surprised.

  Director Chen didn't explain anything. He took out his car keys and drove away.


  This way.

  Gao Shu sent Bai Zian back to Shanhai Apartment.

  Along the way, Bai Qian lowered the car window and put her hands on the car window. The wind blew her tied hair away, leaving a few strands of hair floating in the air, her eyes calm.

  The car goes downstairs.

  Gao Shu stopped and looked at the co-pilot. Bai Lian's hand was still on the car window, her fingertips tapping every now and then.

  His eyes were a little vacant.

  Gao Shu had also seen Bai Jian like this when she was in the ward just now, but she was holding Jiang Fuli's finger at that time.

  Gao Shu comforted her in a low voice, "Aji, don't worry, we are already thinking of a solution. The time when he was a child was more terrifying than this time, and he finally woke up on his own." Bai

  Jian came to his senses, got out of the car, and politely said to Gao Shu said goodbye.

  Watching Gao Shu's car leave.

  Gao Shu looked at Bai Zian and originally wanted to ask about Xuan Kang, but what the Luo family wanted was Xuan Kang. After thinking about it, she still didn't tell her about it.


  Back to 303, Zhang Shize and others are no longer here.

  Only Chen Beixuan was sitting on the sofa in the hall, watching Yan Lu's new drama.

    Seeing her coming back, Chen Beixuan stood up from the sofa and said, "Miss Bai."

  Bai Qian raised his hand, said nothing, and just walked to the study.

  Close the door.

  Chen Beixuan looked at the door of the study room which was closed and looked down at her phone. Ming Dongheng had sent her a message a few hours ago.

  Let her make tea or boil some milk.

  Director Chen had already mentioned to her that Bai Qian knew about Jiang Fuli.

  Chen Beixuan's mouth twitched for a moment, wanting to ask Ming Dongheng if she looked like someone who had boiled milk, but in the end he cursed and went to the kitchen to heat up a glass of milk for Bai Qian.

  Now, Chen Beixuan can't beat Xiao Ming.

  When he knocked on the door and entered, Bai Zian was sitting on the chair in front of the desk.

  His eyes fell on the dried flowers on the table.

  There was no air conditioning in the house, the windows were open, and a cool breeze was blowing in. Bai Qian's right hand was resting on the computer on the table.

  A pure black computer, very thin, without any logo.

  Chen Beixuan knew that Jiang Fuli had the same one.

  "Miss Bai, please drink a glass of milk." Chen Beixuan put the white mug to Bai Qian's left hand.

  Only then did I see that there was a white velvet brocade bag on Bai Zian's left hand side.

  There was a faint silver light inside.

  This is...

  an embroidery needle?

  Chen Beixuan knew that Ji Heng could embroider and was a very good embroiderer. When he saw the silver needle, the first thing he thought of was the embroidery needle, but...

  it didn't look like the embroidery needle Ji Heng was used to.

  "Thank you." Bai Qian retracted his gaze from the dried flowers and thanked Chen Beixuan.

  The peripheral light slanted across Chen Beixuan.

  Those were a pair of dark eyes, and Chen Beixuan felt a pressure just from the corner of his eye.

  No less urgent than when facing Jiang Fuli.

  After delivering the milk, close the study door.

  Chen Beixuan finally came to his senses.

  She stood in the hall for a long time, and she could feel the cold sweat on her back. After calming down for a while, she realized what she was doing, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Director Chen -

  [What does this Miss Bai do? ]


  Bai Zian did not continue to ask about the Mu family's affairs.

  Mu Yining called her twice, mainly about interviews and a gathering of several professors.

  Bai Zian was put off.

  Mu Yining seemed to realize that Bai Zian was busy, so Mu Yining did not call to disturb him again.

  The next day.

  Bai Zian went directly to You Xinzheng.

  You Xinzheng has been in Jiangjing, the headquarters office, for the past two days.

  The guard saw a little girl coming to You Xinzheng and looked at Bai Xian in surprise, but still called You Xinzheng to ask about the situation.

  After getting a positive reply from You Xinzheng, he respectfully took Bai Qian to the office.

  You Xinzheng's office door was ajar.

  The guard led Bai Qian to wait in the corridor. At such a distance, the sounds inside could not be heard.

  But Bai Zian's hearing was much better than others, and he could hear the sounds inside.

  "Senior Brother You, you know the current situation, why don't you want to join me?"

  "Ma Jiren," You Xinzheng said with disappointment in his voice, "Do you know that this is the teacher's hard work for thirty years! "

  Technology is the common ladder of mankind," Ma Jiren's voice deepened, "Anyway, I will sign the transfer letter..."

  He made a few noises.

  Ma Jiren suddenly opened the office door and came out.

  At a glance, he saw Bai Zian not far away, and his eyes passed over Bai Zian lightly.

  Bai Zian also recognized that this was Professor Ma, whom he had met once before at Academician Ma's place. He was Academician Ma's only son.

  Neither said hello.

  Bai Zian entered the office.

  You Xin stood up, his expression changed. He concealed his anger and remained as usual as before, "Little junior sister, you came just in time. I was about to tell you that the teacher might have to come back later. At that time, I What I told the teacher is that when he comes back, he will take care of your affairs..."

  He asked someone to make two cups of tea.

  The tea cup was placed on the left side of Bai Zian. Bai Zian picked up the tea cup and did not drink. He only raised his head and asked, "When will he come?"

  The joints holding the tea cup turned slightly white.

  You Xinzheng looked at her expression, her lips opened, and the smile finally disappeared from her gentle face, "You..."

  her voice became hoarse.

  "What do you need me to do?" Bai Zian took a sip of tea, put the tea cup back on the table, and raised his eyes: "Just tell me."

  It was obvious.

  She guessed something.

  "As expected, junior brother has always said that you are very smart," You Xinzheng exhaled, knowing that Bai Qian must have guessed something, "Now is the critical moment, Teacher...Teacher, the higher ups have been hiding the news about his accident. Once it is released, The domestic scientific research community is going to be in turmoil, and many people from the institute are coming for him."

  "Also," You Xinzheng, who didn't know the relationship between Bai Jian and Jiang Fuli, pursed his lips, "there is another important person. The situation is critical now, and few people know the news. The most important thing is to stabilize the circle now. Teacher Shan is fine alone, but this person will get into trouble... The physics building we finally built will collapse in half..."

  Bai Xian listened quietly to You Xinzheng's words.

  She seemed to know what Ma Jiren and the people in the country wanted to do.

  "He will be fine," Bai Zian held the white velvet satin bag in his left hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly: "I will carry the remaining half of Academician Ma."

  Hysteria, thirteen needles in the ghost gate.


 Chapter 342 343 Inheritance

  You Xinzheng has not seen Bai Zian a few times.

  But when he first returned to Jiangjing, Ma Tongfeng specially showed him Bai Jian's performance in Tongfeng's class.

  The topology test paper for Tongfeng's class was written by Ma Tongfeng himself. Bai Qian got perfect marks every time. Mathematics and physics require talent. Bai Qian was the second person You Xinzheng had ever seen with such a high talent.

  The most rare thing is that the little girl can calm down and do research quietly.

  She studied carefully what Academician Ma left her, so that Academician Ma, who had always been so discerning, could not find any fault with her.

  When Jiang Fuli wasn't spending money, Academician Ma didn't want to talk to him.

  But Bai Zian was an accident.

  At this time, listening to Bai Qian's words "she will resist", You Xinzheng suddenly remembered more than ten years ago, when the snowy mountains buried most of the people who studied physics.

  This is also how Academician Ma brought him and Huang Yushuo, who had just graduated from Ph.D.

  "Okay, okay," You Xinzheng exhaled and leaned back slightly, "The key project led by the teacher is his life's work. Twenty years ago, the PM Laboratory refused entry to people from our country and monopolized it. The source of our quantum technology, the teacher, has independently studied quantum mechanics, so he must not look at other people's faces. "

  "But Ma Jiren is now submitting a joint cooperation agreement with foreign countries, and the junior brother said that you are also involved, so the teacher... If he is gone, I want you to continue working on it."

  You Xinzheng didn't know what exactly Academician Ma was studying.

  With the confidentiality agreement, You Xinzheng could only guess something based on Ma Jiren's few words.

  Now that Academician Ma is away, his entire research has fallen apart. Others don't know what he is researching, but that doesn't stop them from wanting to get the data and hard work of Academician Ma's life.

  Listen to Academician Ma's words "If the teacher is no longer here".

  Bai Xian closed her eyes slightly, her eyelashes trembling, and she held the white porcelain cup again and again.

  Academician Ma never said it officially, but Bai Qian always regarded him as his teacher.

  She had only three teachers in her entire life, Liang Zewen, Qin Jiu, and Ma Tongfeng, who didn't even have time to drink her apprenticeship tea.

  Bai Qian opened his eyes and said softly: "I understand."

  Academician Ma is studying the 925 quantum chip.

  A quantum chip capable of processing thousands of Gaussian Bose samples simultaneously.

  You Xin is sending Bai Qian out.

  He looked at Bai Zian's back as he got into the car, exhaled slowly, and then sent a message to Huang Yushuo -

  [Junior sister is calmer than I thought, maybe I should have told her earlier. ]

  The person who picked up Bai Qian was Ming Dongheng, who had slept for nearly a day.

  With Mao Kun on Jiang Fuli's side, Ming Dongheng felt much more at ease. Although he didn't know who Mao Kun was yet, he had fought against Mao Kun at the Xingyi Martial Arts School and knew Mao Kun's strength.

  "The base activated the self-destruct program that day. When I entered, I only had time to bring one person out. I wish I had found out earlier." Ming Dongheng looked at the rearview mirror and lowered his eyes. He couldn't see Bai Qian's expression clearly, and sounded guilty.

  Ming Dongheng reported to Bai Zian one by one, "Now Dean Gao and the others are inviting people from the Luo family."

  "Luo family?" Bai Zian raised his eyes.

  "It seems that the Luo family was responsible for it. They have ancestral acupuncture techniques," Ming Dongheng explained. "Jiang Xijuan has invited someone, and he should be able to treat the young master in the next two days."

  Bai Qian realized that this was the person who had been here before Asia's leading traditional Chinese medicine company later cooperated with Country R to monopolize important markets, but was broken by Xuankang.

  It has a history of hundreds of years.

  She took out her phone and sent a message to Lance——

  [How? ]

  Lance came back very quickly this time——

  [It was a bit difficult. ]

  Bai Jian: [Do you know that our country has a very mysterious acupuncture? ]

  Lance: [Get the exit order before tomorrow! ]

  She lowered the window and said, "Notify me when the Luo family goes there."



  Gao Shu had just finished the meeting and was holding the coffee Secretary Xue made for her.

  Next to her, Secretary Xue gave her her cell phone again, "Mr. Jiang's phone number."

  "Xijuan," Gao Shu drank the coffee in one breath, without showing any signs of fatigue on her face. She walked to the back room, "A member of the Luo family. What should I say? "

  She knew that Jiang Xijue went to meet the Luo family last night.

  "I met Luo Cheng, the next heir to the Luo family." The secretary next to him took the suit from Jiang Xijuan's hand. He sat on the sofa and stretched out his hand to light the Anshen Incense. "They want Xuankang, but it's loose. They want one." You can also approve medicines. "

  Anshenxiang belongs to Jiang Guanjia.

  People like Jiang Xijue would also use it on themselves if they couldn't sleep well or were under too much pressure.

  "Really?" Gao Shu pulled out the chair inside and sat down, "Then when will they come?"

  "Just these two days," Jiang Xijuan pondered, "They don't know who they want to diagnose and treat, and this matter cannot be made public. If you reveal anything, the Aerospace Institute and the Dark Matter Research Institute will collapse as a whole, and I will make arrangements."

  The Jiang family never revealed to the Luo family who had the problem.

  Because of this, their access to medical treatment is partially problematic.

  The news of Jiang Fuli's accident cannot be leaked, and his name cannot be used, making it difficult for him to move forward.

  On the day when the Luo family went to see Jiang Fuli, Bai Zian put down what he was doing and went to the Jiang family's private hospital.

  To keep it confidential.

  The time for consultation is still in the evening.

  Mao Kun is now changing shifts with Ming Dongheng. He has the day off and Ming Dongheng is on duty.

  When Bai Qian arrived, the Luo family had not arrived yet.

  She stood outside the glass window and looked quietly at Jiang Fuli inside the window.

  The other party was still lying quietly on the bed.

  The phone lit up, and Bai Zian lowered his head to see a message from Lance -

  [Arrived! ]

  Bai Qian pressed the phone and sent it——

    [Mao Kun is waiting for you. ]

  As soon as she finished sending it, the elevator on the top floor lit up and the elevator door opened.

  Jiang Xijue and Gao Shu came in with two people.

  An old man and a young man in his thirties.

  The two of them glanced at Bai Qian and Ming Dongheng, but looked away because they obviously didn't recognize them.

  The next second, Jiang Fuli was on the hospital bed and said in horror.

  "Dean Gao, this..." The old man pointed at the person inside the glass window, his fingers trembling a little.

  Like everyone else in the Luo family, it was difficult for them to meet Jiang Fuli, but because Jiang Fuli had diagnosed him when he was a child, Mr. Luo also recognized that this was the mysterious Young Master Jiang of the Jiang family.

  Gao Shu stood beside the old man and nodded, "Mr. Luo, he is my nephew, so the news is hidden. I'm leaving it to you this time."

  "Dean Gao, I really didn't know it was Young Master Jiang. I wish I had known it was him... ..." Mr. Luo changed his clothes and went in to see Jiang Fuli.

  Gao Shu anticipated the reaction of the Luo family, "Please Mr. Luo and Young Master Luo not to reveal this news to the outside world."

  Ming Dongheng accompanied the Luo family in.

  "Miss Bai," Jiang Xijue stood at the door and did not go in. He just tilted his head and looked at Bai Xian with some surprise, "Aren't you going in?"

  Bai Xian tapped the phone with his fingertips, looked at the backs of the Luo family, and shook his head.

  Time passed by minute by minute.

  In the ward.

  Gao Shu clasped her hands together and looked at Mr. Luo without blinking.

  Chinese medicine consultation is different from Western medicine. Mr. Luo did not take out the silver needle immediately, but stretched out his hand to pinch Jiang Fuli's middle finger and index finger, closed his eyes slightly, and said nothing.

  It was not the feeling Gao Shu had imagined.

  Noticing Mr. Luo's movements, Gao Shu felt that they looked familiar.

  It seems that Bai Zian did the same thing two days ago?

  However, Gao Shu couldn't think too much at this time. She watched Mr. Luo take back his hand and asked quickly, "Old man, how is my nephew?"

  Next to her, Luo Cheng was holding the old man's silver needle.

  Mr. Luo waved his hand, Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then took back the silver needle without saying a word.

  "Old man, what are you..." Gao Shu's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

  "I really have no choice," Mr. Luo shook his head. He didn't dare anymore. "Our Luo family has inherited this acupuncture method for five generations, and only three needles remain. Eighteen years ago, I gave Young Master Jiang acupuncture once. This Once, the first three injections couldn't save him. I'm really powerless, Dean Gao, please ask someone else."

  He walked out and unbuttoned the jacket of the isolation suit.

  His expression was solemn.

  Invite another expert?

  Nowadays, Western medicine is rampant. The Luo family has been able to develop to this point entirely because of the traditional Chinese medicine passed down from generation to generation. Even they can't give an injection. Who else dares?

  "Mr. Luo," Gao Shu chased after her. She also knew that this time was not good. Jiang Fuli's coma was much worse than when he was a child. "You try again..."

  If Jiang Fuli really can't wake up, please go to Jiang Jing. It's going to be chaos up and down.

  Bai Zian was in the stairwell, talking to Lance on the phone.

  Lance was very curious about the acupuncture method she was talking about. After all, he was the first to learn Baiqian acupuncture to cure his eyes, and he was already aware of the profoundness of Chinese medicine.

  So as soon as I got off the plane, I discussed this issue with Bai Zian.

  Bai Qian directly told Lance about Jiang Fuli's current condition. She currently lacked Jiang Fuli's brainwave data.

  And Lance is also an expert in this area.

  The two exchanged a few words.

  When he came back, Bai Zian saw Gao Shu standing at the elevator entrance in despair, tilting his head to ask.

  Gao Shu was also tired at this time and just shook her head tiredly at Bai Xian, "Mr. Luo said... He said he couldn't give the injection."

  Bai Xian nodded, not surprised.

  Jiang Xijuan took out his mobile phone and called Dean Gu, "Dean Gu, how is the machine doing?"

  The path of traditional Chinese medicine has been cut off, leaving only LNight-3. I hope this machine can detect The reason for Jiang Fuli's coma.

  "We had a good discussion," Dean Gu frowned on the phone, "but those bastards said that they had borrowed it from their president, and they had to wait for him to come back."

  This road was also blocked in a short time.

  Ming Dongheng closed the door to the ward, took off his coat, and looked at Jiang Xijuan.

  Jiang Xijuan was silent for a while. He had always been strategizing in the mall, but he was at a loss at this time.

  The matter between Jiang Fuli and Academician Ma could no longer be concealed, so inviting the Luo family today was a desperate act.

  I'm afraid that in a few days, news about the two will spread everywhere, and the Jiang family and the scientific research community will be completely thrown into chaos.

  The entire corridor fell silent.

  That's when.

  The elevator doors opened again.

  The sudden sound brought Jiang Xijuan and Gao Shu back to their senses, and they looked up.

  I happened to see two people in the elevator.

  There was an old man dressed in sunflowers and sunglasses. Next to him was Mao Kun, who was talking to the old man with one hand in his pocket.

  The old man stepped out of the elevator, his eyes casually passed over Jiang Xijuan and Gao Shu, and landed on Bai Zian. He took off his glasses and said hello to Bai Zian: "Bai."

  "Where are the things?" Bai Zian stuffed the phone back.

  She took out the white satin bag and slowly pulled out a silver needle... The Luo family's acupuncture technique was almost lost, and she remembered every position and formula!