
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs


Chapter 295 295 Laboratory Golden Thigh!

  Zhou Wenqing has been studying this project for several years.

  Most of the research on superconductivity in domestic laboratories is based on nickel, and there is not much research on palladium. The simulation calculation results of Zhou Wenqing's team have predicted this possibility.

  But palladium is a precious metal, and the experimental team's share of it is stipulated every year.

  Jiangnan University has always had the best resources among domestic universities and is very generous to major laboratories. Even palladium can be allocated to major laboratories every year, but this is far from enough for Zhou Wenqing.

  In order for his team members to graduate smoothly, he would complain to Dean Huang every year.

  It's just that metal has always been scarce in the country, and there are only so many resources. Zhou Wenqing knows that even the principal can't do anything.

  When they use palladium, they all use it in grams.

  This was the first time someone used "jin" to discuss with him.

  No less than ordinary people hearing "a thousand pounds" of gold.

  Zhou Wenqing suspected that he heard wrongly, "Classmate Bai, what did you say?"

  Bai Jian and Wang Youfeng had an extraordinary friendship. In addition to the life-saving grace that night, there was also Grandma Wang's company and assistance in her later years. As for Ning Xiao, it was even more Needless to say.

  Favor debts are hard to repay.

  It is not easy to purify palladium. This is the first time that Bai Pian comes to visit. Wang Youfeng does not have much in stock, so he mobilizes warehouses in various locations to get this amount for Bai Pian.

  "About how much do you need?" Bai Zian realized that 100 kilograms was a bit too much. She thought for a moment and typed on her phone to explain calmly, "I have an uncle who specializes in this business. He can invest in our laboratory."

  "Probably," Zhou Wenqing came to his senses and said a number that he thought was outrageous, "Three..."

  "Thirty pounds?" Bai Qian nodded, "Okay, I'll help you arrange it. You should be able to do it in the next few days." Here we are."

  Zhou Wenqing looked at Bai Zian's back as he left the office, then picked up the cup in his hand, and silently put away the "kilogram" behind it.

  Bai Qian likes to describe it in terms of traditional kilograms, while Zhou Wenqing prefers to use scientific grams.

  Three kilograms, which is about the same amount he applies to the school every year.

  The door is closed.

  The teaching assistant on the side heard that "thirty catties" from Bai Qian's mouth meant thirty catties of palladium, the experimental material, not thirty catties of "cabbage."

  The atmosphere in the office, which was very tense one second, became mysterious the next.

  The assistant teacher looked at Bai Zian's figure.

  Following Zhou Wenqing and his classmates, he had naturally heard of Bai Qian. This year's freshman was good-looking and had an incredible mind. Even Liang Wuyu was defeated by her subordinates in the same class. Her popular posts could be seen from time to time on forums in the university town.

  In recent years, only He Wen seems to be able to compare with its popularity.

  "Teacher," the teaching assistant looked back at Bai Pian's back, very confused: "Classmate Bai said that her uncle sponsored thirty kilograms of palladium. Did I hear it correctly?"

  "...I heard it too."

  The teaching assistant was silent for a while . , then bent down to pick up the contract that Zhou Wenqing threw on the ground, and dusted it with his hands, "Teacher, what should I do about this?"

  Seeing this contract again, Zhou Wenqing was not so bitter and resentful.

  Four years of research time, and limited by materials, his laboratory was already difficult.

  If other students told him thirty pounds, Zhou Wenqing might just laugh it off, but Bai Zian...

  He always felt that Bai Zian was not like the other students in the same class. She respected him, but she didn't look at him like that. Ning Xiao and others are like that, so Zhou Wenqing always calls her "Classmate Bai" instead of Bai Xian.

  "Go to Dean Huang," Zhou Wenqing took the document and said in a deep voice, "I want to ask clearly, are they going to bet on the students' future?"

  This sentence was a bit harsh.

  The teaching assistant did not dare to answer.



  Hu Yue and Senior Brother Liu were looking at the office and sorting out the things in their hands unconsciously.

  Seeing Bai Pian come out, Hu Yue quickly asked "How's it going" with her eyes.

  Zhou Wenqing was easy to talk to, but they didn't have the courage to go in at this time.

  "It's okay." Bai Zian sat next to Hu Yue and turned on the computer.

  Hu Yue looked back at the office, lay on the table, and sighed.

  When he had nothing to do, he turned to Bai Pian's computer and said, "Sister, my computer boots up so fast."

  Hu Yue was stunned for a moment when he saw the MSD fitting curve, then reached out, closed his chin, and murmured: " School girl, I finally know why the teacher keeps calling us idiots..."

  Bai Qian finished reviewing the pictures, packaged the files and sent them to Ning Xiao.

  Then she opened the mixing software Dean Jian sent her and put on her headphones.

  Zhou Wenqing didn't have time to care about them today, so she took the time to listen to Dean Jian's tuning.

  Hu Yue watched her software go from simulating parts to a black and white page that she didn't quite recognize, and it seemed to be an audio page.

  "What is this?" she asked, pointing to Bai Zian's computer.

  "For listening to music." Seeing that Hu Yue was okay, Bai Zian took out the other earphone and handed it to her.

  Hu Yue was thinking about Zhou Wenqing and was not in the mood to listen to music.

  However, when Bai Qian was handed to her, she took it and stuffed it into her ears casually.

  Hu Yue is no longer star-chasing. Although she is a little more "watery" than others, her time during graduate school is still very fragmented, and she has very little time for listening to songs and watching TV dramas.

  The music in the headphones was a piece of classical music that she had never heard before.

  Very beautiful melody.

  Just listening to music, riding horses in the rivers and lakes, enjoying the lingering sadness of retiring from the rivers and lakes after enjoying the grudges.

  Hu Yue had never studied music, and her sense of music was average. She couldn't tell the difference clearly, so she turned her head and asked Bai Qian, "What instrument is this? It sounds good."

  For a moment, she only heard music in her ears.

  I temporarily forgot about a big event that just happened in the laboratory.

  "Konghou, xiao, dulcimer, huqin," Bai Qian's green-white fingertips pointed at the table, tilted her head and spoke slowly to Hu Yue, "there will be a guzheng solo later."

  Hu Yue has heard of these instruments, but none of them Know their timbre.

  It was the first time that Hu Yue heard such good music and sound quality. She asked Bai Zian the name of the song.

  Bai Zian doesn't know the name of the song.

  This is a new song that Dean Jian and she were inspired to collaborate on after they finished composing the song "Blooming on the Trees". Bai Qian hasn't finished the lyrics yet, and Bai Qian doesn't know it either.

  She crossed her arms across her chest, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and tilted her head, "Senior sister, do you have any thoughts after listening to this?"

  "After hearing this, I want to sail across the ocean," Hu Yue sighed. She has always been a Buddhist, and she was happy to be called over for academic studies because she could have a tea break. However, it was rare that she felt a little sad at this time, "I don't know if senior brother will be able to graduate next year. "

  After Hu Yue came to graduate school, he discovered that academics are not so pure.

  Once interests are involved, everything becomes complicated.

  "I will." Bai Zian said from the side.

  Across the way, Ding Wenyang yelled at Sister Pian. He had pulled the wrong voltage, and he had a disagreement with Tang Ming.

  Bai Zian went over to take a look.

  Behind him, Hu Yue saw that Bai Pian didn't mention the song title until the end. Seeing that she was standing next to Ding Wenyang to help him test the data, he didn't disturb her. He turned on a certain dog to listen to the song and recognize it...

  Can you recognize it?

  Hu Yue stared at the app and then gave it a two-point rating.


  Shimen District, Xuankang Pharmacy.

  There are two stores, and there are many people coming to make acupuncture appointments and queuing up for acupuncture.

  Xu Wenyao arrived very early in the afternoon. Xuechun was wearing a white coat and holding a needle bag in her hand. She didn't look as bright as she did in the bar, but her eyes were still charming and her hair was all tied up.

  "I haven't studied with the teacher for long. Are you sure you want me to come?" She pulled out a silver needle that glowed with silver.

  Xu Wenyao was very elegant. He also held a paper in a foreign language in his hand. He took off his black coat and sat across from him, indicating that she would just leave him alone.

  Xuechun said nothing and neatly helped him get the injection.

  She used her left hand.

  After the needle was inserted, she packed up the needle bag and went to the back to help others get medicine. Xiao Wu, who was squatting in the corner playing a game, raised his head at the right moment and said, "How did he know you were here? It's strange."

  Xuechun's information was never made public in Qinglong Bar.

  Xuechun opened the drawer and grabbed a few coins of Angelica dahurica from it. "A student from Jiang University, a few waiters at the bar can make him talk."

  Just like Xu Wenyao and Bai Jian, they could make inquiries just by turning a few corners. When you get the news you want, you sell it to others and they have to count the money for them.

  Xiaowu has only been to school for a few days and seems to understand.

  Xuechun glanced at him and said, "You should also go to school after the year."

    "I won't." Xiao Wu quickly stood up and went to the back to help people unload the goods, resisting: "I am so old and studying with a group of junior high school students. "It's too damaging to my fifth master's reputation."

  He found an outlet and slipped to the back to unload the goods. Then he remembered that Xuechun had never been to school, so he felt that she was very powerful.

  He knows how to do accounts, art, and bartending.

  Dr. He said that she learned acupuncture very quickly and said that she would be able to pass the certificate after taking the exam.

  Xiao Wu moved halfway when he received a call.

  He came in and looked at Xuechun seriously, "Clean up and go back to the bar, the boss is here!"

  Their immediate boss, Wang Youfeng.

  Not to mention Xiao Wu, even Mao Kun was afraid of him. Xuechun quickly put down what she was doing and asked He Zhiwei to help check on Xu Wenyao's situation.

  Xu Wenyao looked at her and asked, "Are you short of money?"

  "You have to make money for your boss," Xuechun picked up her cotton-padded jacket and looked back at her, "But who doesn't like money?"

  She leaves.

  Xu Wenyao wanted to remove the needle in advance. He was Bai Qian's brother. He Zhiwei heard Xiao Wu say that he was also very polite to Xu Wenyao.

  After removing the needle, he drove back to Xu's house.

  Played with Xu Siqi in the living room for a while.

  He had just finished the postgraduate entrance examination and was about to start preparing the materials for the re-examination after two days of rest.

  Old Mrs. Xu talked to him for a while, twirling Buddhist beads in her hand. She had been in high spirits recently and was getting more energetic: "I asked your aunt to make a few appointments." Professor, have you decided who to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

  "I have considered it." Xu Wenyao leaned on the table next to him, shaking his rattle slowly, his eyebrows clear.

  "If you were with the Qi family..." Old Mrs. Xu said mid-sentence, but did not mention it again, remembering something, "Your father had dinner with his old classmates in the evening. You have heard of his daughter, Xu Yajun."

  Now the Xu family is in Yunxiao Ou is increasingly gaining the right to speak. When the old lady faces her family, she can straighten her back and feel confident.

  Qi Shuyun was no longer her only choice, and she began to turn her attention to other girls of the right age.

  Xu Wenyao never argued with Mrs. Xu about this, so he went upstairs to the study to sort things out.

  "Wenyao," Mrs. Xu looked at his back going upstairs, "Are you still confused about that bar girl?"

  Xu Wenyao didn't respond to her.

  Mrs. Xu looked at his back with deep eyebrows.

  "Old Madam," Butler Xu tucked Xu Siqi's blanket, "The young master always has his own ideas, you don't have to worry too much about him."

  "Butler Xu," the old lady lowered her gaze, twirling the beads in her hand, and said slowly: " Please help me make an appointment with that woman."


  No. 29, Changping Street.

  Xu family, dinner.

  Mr. Xu put down his chopsticks and saw the tea handed over by the servant. He looked at Xu Jueming: "I heard there was something unusual in Jiangjing today?"

  Xu Jueming looked at Xu Jueling and Xu Nanjing at the dinner table and said calmly: "Recently? Jiangjing has been very lively for a while, and Mr. Chen has been alarmed. In just a few days, he has gone out of the Chen family door four times."

  Several people chatted about recent events in Jiangjing.

  "What's going on with the Mu family? I heard that their old man came out." Mr. Xu said slowly.

  Xu Juming didn't pay much attention, "What else can they do?"

  After dinner, Xu Jinyi walked beside Xu Juming and asked the Mu family if they needed to make friends, "I heard that the Mu family is related to the Jiang family. Yes."

  But no one dares to spread rumors casually.

  "How is it possible? You see, the Gao family and the others don't take it to heart. What does the Mu family have to do with them?" Xu Jueming thought this was a smoke bomb. "Mu Qin is gone, and the Mu family has nothing to fear now.

  " At this time, he might as well communicate more with the Ming family and the Liu family.

  This way.

  After Xu Jueling and the others returned to the courtyard, he asked Xu Nanjing, "Is your uncle so secretive?"

  Xu Nanjing was familiar with Chen Beixuan and Jiang Xijuan.

  The information is much better informed than his father.

  "Today, someone seems to have come to Jiangjing," Xu Nanjing didn't know much. "I heard from Sister Beixuan that the person was a senior member of the Dawson family."

  The Dawson family, the people behind the Qinglong Bar, are also from the auction house. owner.

  The Chen family has not found out who came specifically.

  But without exception, even the Chen family wanted to cooperate with them.

  "No wonder he wants to cover it up," Xu Jueling mused, "Xu Jinyi and his group are having a good time with Qinglong Bar. The capital is really lively recently, where is the Mu family."

  About this, Xu Nanjing just said calmly, " If you have the chance, please have more tea with Mr. Mu."

  The two of them were talking about business, but Gao Yan didn't listen.

  She discussed with Butler Xu on the side, and asked Bai Zian and Gao Shu to come to Xu's house to enjoy plum blossoms on a day with good weather, and arrange snacks for the arrival.



  Finished class in the morning.

  Bai Zian did not go to the cafeteria to eat, but left Jiangjing University.

  An hour later, Qinglong Bar.

  At this point, the bar wasn't open yet.

  Many people stopped at the door. Bai Qian got out of the car and walked into the door wearing a black cloak.

  Next to her, the young man who wanted to remind her that the bar was closed at noon couldn't help but be stunned when he saw a man who looked like a manager coming out to greet Bai Zian respectfully.

  Finally, I looked up at the huge signboard of Qinglong Bar and was shocked.

  That's right.

  Qinglong Bar.

  Who is this girl?

  Twenty minutes later, Bai Zian came out carrying a canvas bag.

  Yunxiao District has always been the economic center.

  Today is Wednesday.

  Bai Shaoqi and Song Min were in the same class, and they only had classes in the second half of the afternoon. They came to the Yunxiao District Chamber of Commerce at noon. This year, the Yunxiao District Chamber of Commerce held a cocktail party. Both of them refused help from their families and found connections to attend the reception.

  In the car, Song Min and Bai Shaoqi had just finished eating. As soon as he started the car, he saw Bai Zian at the bus stop opposite.

  There was a slight pause.

  Bai Shaoqi's eyes also fell on Bai Xian. Bai Xian was looking down at his hands. He was holding a canvas bag whose original appearance could not be seen clearly, and he looked a bit student-like.

  Bai Shaoqi paused slightly: "What is she doing here?"

  Starting a business with Song Ming was considered a success. She rarely paid attention to Bai Pian. The two of them had embarked on different paths.

  The two of them were sitting in the car, and Bai Qian was waiting for the bus. Bai Shaoqi didn't understand, "It's not that her stepfather is very rich, so why doesn't he buy her a scooter?"

  Song Min was sending a message to the student council president, and he had someone to cooperate with. I hope to catch up with the professor of finance department.

  When he looked up, Bai Zian had already boarded the bus.


  When Bai Qian returned to the laboratory, Hu Yue was teaching Xu Zhiyue how to operate the experimental equipment.

  In the laboratory, not even Ding Wenyang spoke today.

  "Where's Teacher Zhou?" She untied the cloak, reached out and pulled it off, and asked.

  Hu Yue turned around and said, "In the dean's office, we were talking about what happened yesterday. Hey, junior sister."

  She said, her eyes falling on Bai Xian's hand.

  The things in the canvas bag are a bit heavy. You can see the tight straps and the square outline outlined by the heavy objects inside. At first glance, you can tell that the things inside must be heavy.


  being carried by Bai Zian felt like he was being lifted lightly.

  She hooked it casually with two fingers, as if hooking a bag of feathers.

  "What is this?" Hu Yue asked more out of curiosity.

  Bai Qian put the cloak on the table, pulled out the chair and sat down. He reached out and clicked on his phone to read the message from Sun Fei: [Miss Bai, do you have time to come to the police station recently? The information has been transferred. ]

  While replying to Sun Fei, she handed the canvas bag to Hu Yue, "Palladium."

Chapter 296 Jiang Jing's top circle, taking Wen Zhixia to the Xu family to appreciate plum blossoms  

Bai Qianren sat on the chair, passed his left hand to the side, and was still replying to Sun Fei's message with the other hand.

  Very relaxed and casual.

  Although Hu Yue felt that it must be quite heavy, she picked up her canvas bag with both hands.

  But the moment she took it, her expectations were too low. The heavy palladium made her stumble forward involuntarily.

  Bai Qian clearly didn't raise her head, but her hand accurately held the package for her, "Senior sister, be careful."

  After she stabilized herself, she raised her eyebrows, holding the phone in her hand, her laziness faded away, and her beautiful eyebrows were sharp.

  Hu Yue felt a little dazzled. After steadying herself, she took the bag with both hands, put it on the table, opened the zipper on it, and asked about the song yesterday, "I changed the software and couldn't find it."

  As for that song. Hu Yue didn't pay much attention to what Bai Qian said about "palladium".

  "It hasn't been released yet, it will take some time," Bai Qian stood up again, "Sister, please get these first. I should take a leave in the afternoon."

  She also wanted to go back to Yunxiao District.

  "Oh, okay, the teacher and the others have nothing to do anyway." Hu Yue thought about how you had a demo before it was released, and was shocked by the opened package the next second.

  Inside were dozens of egg-sized square pieces of silver-white metal.

  Numbers and letters are engraved on the front -





  Hu Yue has been dealing with palladium for the past two years, and he can recognize what this is at a glance.

  After realizing it, she suddenly wrapped up the canvas to cover the palladium inside, "Palladium... This is actually real..."

  This is the most palladium Hu Yue has seen since coming to the laboratory.

  Hundreds, millions, hundreds, thousands, millions...

  put together, these palladiums are even more exaggerated than gold. Usually when they get one kilogram in the laboratory, they treat them like the God of Wealth, let alone such a big bag now. .

  "Teacher..." Hu Yue put her hands on the table and raised her head to look for Bai Zian, who had already gone out.

  "Senior brother," after knowing that this was palladium, Hu Yue could easily pick up 30 kilograms of palladium with one hand. She put it in Senior Brother Liu's hand and warned her seriously, "This is palladium. Keep an eye on it. I'll go find it." Teacher, come back!"


  Dean Huang's office.

  Zhou Wenqing was arguing with the department head, "Liu Yu is also an outstanding graduate of the School of Physics. Director Lin, are you asking four of my students to take the blame?"

  "How does this involve taking the blame?" Lin The director looked at Dean Huang and said, "Dean, please tell me, this is a task issued by the higher-ups. This project has not yielded results for so long."

  "Push!" Zhou Wenqing sneered, "If you give us ten pounds every year Materials, I made them for you last year..."

  "Dean Zhou," Director Lin pushed up his glasses, annoyed, "As for rare and precious metals, if you use a little less, Academician Ma's laboratory will not necessarily That's enough. Where can we apply for you?"

  Outside, Hu Yue asked the assistant to give Zhou Wenqing a message.

  The teaching assistant was stunned at the door for a moment before going in: "Professor Zhou, Hu Yue asked you to go back to the laboratory first. I have something important to tell you."

  Zhou Wenqing had not yet reached a conclusion with Director Lin and did not want to give up easily. The teaching assistant said softly: "Hu Yue said that classmate Bai brought palladium back, and it's in the laboratory."

  Zhou Wenqing's curse words got stuck in his throat, and he turned his head slowly.

  Thinking about "thirty pounds", I didn't even have time to talk to Director Lin, so I turned around and walked out.

  Director Lin looked at his back and said repeatedly: "Professor Zhou, no matter what, you will give the results at the end of the year!"


  Bai Shaoke and Zuo Jinhua came to the physics building.

  Seeing Zhou Wenqing's hurried back from a distance, Bai Shaoke recognized Zhou Wenqing, "This is Professor Zhou? What's wrong with him?"

  "His laboratory hasn't been very quiet lately," Zuo Jinhua looked away without saying much. He cares, "The project cannot be completed, and he has brought a team that is lagging behind. His laboratory will be disbanded by the end of the year."

  In his heart, he was also glad that he had made a decision and did not replace Bai Zian's group of students.

  Otherwise, it might be his own laboratory that is in chaos right now.

  Bai Shaoke lowered his eyes. He knew that Zhou Wenqing was the teacher who led Bai Qian. He hid the light in his eyes and said, "That's such a shame."


  The office inside Zhou Wenqing's laboratory.

  He himself, Hu Yue, has three senior brothers.

  Around the thirty square palladium nuggets neatly placed on the table.

  Senior Brother Liu put down the experimental equipment and took a deep breath: "This is really palladium, thirty kilograms."

  Palladium is expensive and rare. Even Jiang University cannot get so much palladium in a short time.

  Zhou Wenqing, five teachers and students, looked at the pile of palladium and didn't know what to say for a while.

  When Tang Ming saw that they didn't come out for a long time, he reached out and knocked on the door. He was very polite and said, "Brother Liu, can you help me check my data?"

  The door opened.

  Senior Brother Liu looked very confused.

  Tang Ming saw the silver-white metal on the table. He didn't pay much attention to it and said casually: "Iridium?


  Palladium is several times more expensive than gold, and iridium is a metal even more precious than palladium. It is also a scarce metal in major laboratories and bases.

  "Ah," Senior Brother Liu was stunned for a moment and explained, "Junior, this is palladium, not iridium. The junior sister said it was given to our laboratory, but it is thirty kilograms, so much..."

  Senior Brother Liu spoke, in the office, Several others nodded.

  Palladium is basically a priceless precious metal.

  Not to mention iridium.

  "That's it," Tang Ming touched the back of his head and said, "Don't you need to do experiments? Brother Mao has a lot of these things at home."

  He raised his hand to show the iridium on his wrist, "I usually use it for exercise. The body is very useful."

  Senior Brother Liu: "..."

  Others in the office were also staring at Tang Ming's wrist. They were speechless until Tang Ming and Senior Brother Liu left.

  Even Academician Ma wouldn't dare to say he's so wealthy, right?

  The door was closed again.

  In the office, Hu Yue looked at Zhou Wenqing: "Teacher, can our research continue?"

  Zhou Wenqing sat back on the office chair.

  He had no other intention in recruiting these freshmen, let alone relying on them to make more achievements. After all, several team members in his laboratory were very good.

  Just now.

  He looked down at the pile of palladium on the table and couldn't recover for a long time. He knew that this year's freshmen seemed to be very extraordinary, but -

  who exactly were these people?

  Bai Qian, Ning Xiao, Tang Ming... none of the last names he had heard before.

  Where did they get these things that Jiang Da was short of?


  Yunxiao District.

  Branch, Sun Fei's office.

  In half a year, the police station has been cleaned once, and Sun Fei has been promoted to captain. It is difficult for women to work in any industry. Sun Fei can stand out among many police officers, and her ability is many times higher than others around her.

  Because Bai Qian was seen by others, her abilities became even more prominent with this promotion.

  "Miss Bai," Sun Fei closed the door and brought Bai Pian a cup of tea, "Just watch first, I'm right outside. If you need anything, just call me."

  "Thank you." Bai Pian raised his head and thanked Sun Fei. The computer fluorescence fell into her dark eyes, giving off a thin and lazy light, polite and gentle.

  The last time Yunxiao District cracked down, someone delivered the key evidence to Sun Fei.

  Bai Pian did not come forward, but when he later found out about Qinglong Bar, Sun Fei had seen Xiao Qi and Bai Pian and knew that Bai Pian had tacitly approved of this.

  Sun Fei naturally kept it in mind, "My work ID password is 258962."

  After the others went out, Bai Jian entered the password, automatically logged in to the internal software from the system, and searched for "Zhou Jian"'s name on it.

  Bai Zian knew about Xu En.

  She also knew that it was not Zhou Jian's first crime, but she didn't care much about Zhou Jian's previous crimes. She didn't see many things that Director Chen and others found about Zhou Jian.

  Looking at it now, she discovered that Zhou Jian had cooperated with traders more than a dozen times.

  The earliest was nineteen years ago.

  According to Zhou Jian's own confession, he was trying to squeeze out another assistant around Ren Qian.

  But now...

  Bai Zian left the police station, and it started to snow again in Jiangjing.

  Ming Dongheng was waiting outside the police station. As soon as she came out, he followed her five meters away and asked in a low voice, "Miss Bai, are you going to the CRFS building?"

  Jiang Fuli's office.

  Bai Qian came back to his senses and looked at him, "Can you go?"

  "Of course you can." Ming Dongheng said respectfully.

  in the car.

  Bai Qian took out his computer and put it on the table behind him. He turned on the computer and sent the song title to Dean Jian.

  Then I remembered something and my fingers suddenly stopped on the computer.

  She picked up her cell phone and dialed a number to go out.

  A male voice answered the phone, "Hello?"

  "Dr. Liu, this is Bai Qian." Bai Qian rested his left hand on the black keyboard and held the mobile phone in his right hand. He looked out the car window with dark eyes, "Do you remember that time?" When Uncle Xu fell ill, you said there was a similar case more than ten years ago. Can you find it? "


  After Chief Doctor Liu put down the phone, he went to the medical department to check the cases.

  Xu En's condition is rare, and the original case was also a typical case in the hospital. Because he was hospitalized, the electronic files are still saved. Dr. Liu reviewed it last year and has some memories.

  As soon as Bai Qian arrived, Director Liu sent her the patient's information and condition.

  The black car was parked in front of the CRFS building.

    The white, apricot-colored embroidered shoes fell on a thin layer of snowflakes.

  Leng Bai's fingertips clicked on the text message sent by Dr. Liu. On it was a picture, the patient information that Dr. Liu found -

  [Patient name: Ji Shaorong


  Bai Qian put away the phone.


  Jiang Fuli is still in the underground laboratory.

  The temperature is low. He is wearing a coat and a white coat. He holds a black pen with his cold white fingertips. He is methodical in everything he does, but sometimes he has little patience with his team members.

  After analyzing today's data, he reached out to close the slide.

  Everyone in the laboratory was flipping through their notebooks.

  Outside the door, the waiting assistant saw him finish speaking and finally came in, "Master Jiang, Mr. Ming is here."

  Ming Dongheng?

  Jiang Fuli said "Yes" with no expression on his face. He reached out to close the notebook and walked inside. After working overtime these days, he finally finished the concept drawing of the engine.

  The assistant hesitated and said, "Mr. Ming brought a girl to the lounge on the top floor."

  Jiang Fuli paused, turned his head, put away his pen and notebook, took out the mobile phone from his white coat pocket, and took off his clothes. Take off your coat and walk outside.

  Emotions are clearly visible.

  "When did you come?" he asked in a deep voice.

  "While you are in a meeting." The assistant looked at his expression and movements, wondering in his heart who the girl Mr. Ming brought was, and hurriedly followed him.

  Jiang Fuli picked up his white coat and walked out of the air-raid door with his eyes squinted.

  The black clothes on her body were brought out in an obvious arc. When she got on the elevator, her pale eyes fell on the assistant, "Next time she comes, let me know in advance."

  I didn't say which "ta", but the assistant got there, so it should be Not pointing to Dongheng.

  The two reached the first floor.

  Jiang Fuli's single lounge is on the roof of the building, with a separate elevator.

  He got out of the elevator and went to another elevator on the opposite side that was not open to other people.

  In the lobby on the first floor, a group of people happened to be walking over.

  There are men and women.

  The leader was a handsome-looking man in a suit. He was talking to a middle-aged man next to him. When he saw Jiang Fuli, he quickened his pace and walked over, "Brother Jiang."

  Jiang Fuli nodded slightly towards the man. , his delicate eyebrows showed no emotion. As for the other people, he didn't look at them, and without stopping, he went straight into the elevator and reached out to press the top floor button.

  For a moment, the entire first floor was silent.

  Everyone watched the elevator reach the top floor.

  It wasn't until the red numbers stopped that these people breathed a sigh of relief.

  Jiang Fuli's assistant also stepped aside, hugged a pile of documents to his chest, and greeted the man who came: "Mr. Jiang."

  This was Jiang Xijuan.

  Executive President of ZTE Group.

  Jiang Fuli's assistant, Jiang Xijue, was also very polite to him, "Assistant Ye."

  Assistant Ye smiled and left with the information in his arms.

  Jiang Xijuan watched Assistant Ye leave before looking back, "Director Li, let's make an appointment another day. " "

  Others naturally don't dare to have any objections to him.

  After Jiang Xijue left, Director Li looked at the man behind him and said, "Mr. Ming, that's all for today. Mr. Jiang doesn't have that today."

  After Mr. Ming arrived at the car outside, he carefully exhaled, although today he only stopped Looking at the models on the first floor is unique in the circle.

  But I was really lucky, and I met the prince of the Jiang family.

  He wiped the sweat from his forehead, tilted his head, and told the girl in the back seat of the car what he had seen today. Only at the end did he remember something: "Zongyao, how are you and that boy from the Le family?"

  Ming Zongyao's eyes fell on On the computer, "He will be engaged to the Wen family at the end of the year."


  Bai Zian just looked at the data in another place.

  Hu Yue, Zhou Wenqing and others sent a bunch of messages on WeChat. In addition, there was also news from Dean Jian.

  Jiang Fuli took off his coat and came in. He saw her sitting at the desk, processing data and news, her condensed eyebrows relaxed a little.

  "Why didn't you say anything when you came here?" Jiang Fuli walked up behind her and saw her chatting with Dean Jian.

  She and Dean Jian decided on the name of the new song -


  This is influenced by Hu Yue, her lyrics are a bit like a small boat and an ocean.

  Jiang Fuli didn't care about these songs for Yan Lu. He put his long and strong fingers on the armrests on both sides of her. After casually looking at the computer screen, his eyes moved to her face.

  She was wearing a mustard-colored top today, and her hair was tied up with a purple hairpin, revealing a pair of dark eyebrows, and her facial features had a lazy and bookish air.

  "Let's take a look." Bai Zian ignored Hu Yue's scrolling and typed two words to reply to Dean Jian.

  Jiang Fuli bent down and kissed her on the corner of her lips. He gave her a gentle yet powerful breath, "Wait for me for a while. Let's go out to eat."

  He had spare casual clothes here, took out one casually, and went to the bathroom at the back to take a shower.

  outside the door.

  Jiang Xijuan sat on the bar, his eyes fell on the door of the lounge, and spoke to Ming Dongheng, who was lifting weights next to him, "Xiao Ming, is Miss Bai really in there?"

  "Yes." Ming Dongheng held a dumbbell with one hand, very cool. Qingyun replied calmly.

  Thank God, after more than a year, Jiang Xijue finally got to meet Bai Zian in person.

  No one in the Jiang family or Gao Shu was not curious about Bai Qian's existence.

  There is only one such person in the Jiang family in the past hundred years.

  Without him, the current Jiang family might just like the Mu family, become a piece of scattered sand and gradually fade out of Xingjiang District.

  Jiang Xijuan was very curious as to who had accepted such a monster like Jiang Fuli, especially what Ming Dongheng described, the milk tea with double sugar, this seemed like something Jiang Fuli would pick up with his fingers?

  Of course, out of curiosity, Jiang Xijuan had never investigated Bai Zian.

  I heard everything from the mouths of Xu Nanjing and Ming Dongheng.

  "Is she more powerful than Sister Beixuan?" Jiang Xijuan stretched out her hand to straighten her collar.

  As he was talking, the door to the lounge was pushed open from inside.

  Jiang Xijuan hurriedly put down his hands and stood up straight outside the door. He was noble and dignified like the CEO of ZTE. His hands were hanging on both sides, showing a polite posture.

  Next to him, Ming Dongheng, who had been ignoring Jiang Xijuan, also put down his iron fist.

  The first one to come out was Jiang Fuli.

  He was wearing a black coat, talking to the people behind him in a low voice, holding a plaid scarf in his hand, and a white cloak casually draped on his arm.

  It was obvious that the cape was not his.

  Jiang Xijue saw this scene for the first time. He was stunned for a moment before he saw the girl behind Jiang Fuli. She only held a computer in her hand and was wearing a very light mustard-colored top with white buttons fastened to her neck. He lowered his eyebrows slightly.

  It was not what Jiang Xijuan had imagined, but rather a restrained laziness.

  When he raised his eyebrows, his dark eyes revealed some unconcealable edge.

  "Jiang Xijue." Jiang Fuli raised his eyebrows slightly and introduced the person casually.

  Jiang Xijuan quickly stood up straight and introduced himself to Bai Xian gently, "Hello, Miss Bai. I'm Jiang Xijuan. Just call me by my name."

  "Hello." Bai Xian handed the computer to Ming Dongheng and nodded to him. .

  Jiang Fuli didn't want to deal with Jiang Xijuan, so he took Bai Qian away directly.

  Ming Dongheng took the computer and followed him to drive.

  Jiang Xijuan took them to the elevator. After the elevator reached the first floor, he took out his mobile phone and called Chen Beixuan.

  Chen Beixuan was very direct, "It's Wang Youfeng. Not only did he come, but he also brought a large amount of goods. As for where the others are, you all rely on your own abilities. I can't find them either."

  Obviously, many people had called her before. Called.

  "I won't ask you this today," Jiang Xijuan smiled gently, and pressed the elevator button next to him again. "I unexpectedly saw Miss Bai today. She was very different from what I expected. She seemed to be very well-behaved." The meeting

  was sudden, and he The gifts haven't been sent out yet.

  Only Chen Beixuan was left who had never seen Bai Qian.

  She asked Jiang Xijue a few more questions.


  Zhou Wenqing's laboratory received an extra batch of palladium, and everyone became busy.

  Originally, Zhou Wenqing asked Hu Yue and the others to take care of Bai Qian and the others.

  Unexpectedly, when it came time for the experiment, Hu Yue found that there was no need to teach them at all, especially Bai Qian and Ning Xiao, who could almost keep up with their progress and help them calculate the data.

  Twelve o'clock in the evening.

  Hu Yue couldn't hold it any longer, but none of the freshmen left in the laboratory.

  She couldn't help but touch her nose, take a sip of coffee, and roll up after them.

  This group of freshmen is so energetic that no one is sleepy at all.

  At 12:20, Bai Zian stood up and handed a piece of data to Hu Yue, "Senior, I'm going back to the dormitory."

  As soon as she returned, everyone else stopped, and Ning Xiao handed the model to Hu Yue.

  Hu Yue looked at the data and yawned. When she locked the door of the laboratory and was about to leave, when she saw the data calculated by Bai Pian, she was so excited that she lost her drowsiness.

Chapter 297 297 In the top circle of Jiangjing, take Wen Zhixia to the Xu family to enjoy plum blossoms!

  Mathematics requires a certain talent. If you don't understand a question, it will be useless even if the teacher teaches it for ten years.

  In addition, it also requires love and hands-on ability.

  Ning Xiao, who had never received any systematic mathematics tutoring before, was able to compare with Ren Wanxuan and Chen Zhu in Xiangcheng.

  Later, he took the intensive class and was guided by Jiang Fuli. After such a long time of foundation and hard work, he is now studying a project and direction, which is no worse than Hu Yue.

  Needless to say, Bai Qian had the concept of integrals as early as Dayong, but they all used "A, B, C, and D", which were not as simplified as today's numbers. In the past, what my teacher taught was the specific construction of measuring land and river embankments and canal structures. .

  Modern science makes her even more powerful.

  There are few students in Zhou Wenqing's laboratory, and the department head has given an ultimatum. The laboratory has been busy recently. Senior Brother Liu and the others are studying the palladium experiment. Hu Yue is seriously leading his junior students to calculate data.

  What Bai Zian gave her were qubits with different parameters that she wanted to calculate. The direction of their research was superconductors. It was inevitable to consider quantum tunneling and superconducting quantum computing.

  This is a very important part of their project.

  Hu Yue planned to familiarize herself with the project with her juniors first. Unexpectedly, it had only been a week before Bai Zian gave her some of the calculation results?

  And Ning Xiao.

  Hu Yue really didn't feel sleepy anymore. She turned on her computer and looked at Ning Xiao's material structure modeling for her.

  a little.

  Hu Yue still did not leave the laboratory.

  Instead, he turned on his cell phone to contact Senior Brother Liu.

  Senior Brother Liu had already taken a shower and was getting ready to go to bed. When he received a call from Hu Yue, he was very confused, "Junior Sister, you haven't gone to bed yet?"

  "Can't sleep, Senior Brother," Hu Yue looked at the computer in high spirits, "Come over and take a look. Look at the material model constructed by Ning Xiao, and Xuemei Bai has estimated the quantum parameters. Come to the lab first and have a look! "

  There was not enough palladium before, and the number of qubits they captured was not stable enough.

  The sleepy Senior Brother Liu quickly took his coat and went to the laboratory.

  At three o'clock, Senior Brother Liu and Hu Yue looked at the results that Bai Qian and Ning Xiao had completed in more than a week.

  Looking at each other.

  They originally thought that the ten new freshmen were just trying to get their credits by feeling the atmosphere. Now it seems that Ding Wenyang and the others are indeed like this, but Bai Qian and Ning Xiao are definitely not.

  "How did the junior sister figure it out?" Senior Brother Liu sat in front of the computer, his face slowly changed from puzzlement to shock, and he sat upright, "And junior brother, what does he do?"

  These days, all freshmen are this type?

  Even if you can give them so much palladium at will, how can you keep up with the progress of their experiments so easily?

  What do Professor Sun and Dr. Zuo think?

  "Brother, I, I think," Hu Yue paused, and she carefully pulled out the data next to her, "our teacher may really be promoted to deputy dean..."

  Zhou Wenqing and the others have been preparing for more than two years, and now There are a few more new teams that look not serious but have monsters frequently. They have enough experimental materials and have accumulated a lot of experience.


  Bai Qian, Ning Xiao and his group are actually very famous. Except for Liang Wuyu, several of them are from Xiangcheng.

  Many people in the school are paying attention to them.

  There is also a circle in scientific research. Even if some people produce results, it is not certain whose name will be published.

  Bai Zian Ningxiao's group was rejected by Sun Fu and was reported to the University Town Forum at that time.

  She has always been a popular figure in the university town forum. From the time she entered school until now, she has dominated the rankings almost every once in a while. Some time ago, there were girls asking for a link to her cloak on the forum.

  These girls in the university town just brushed up more than a thousand posts about Bai Xian's black cloak.

  Although there is not much discussion about Bi Mo Han Hai on the forum, most people have seen her promotional videos on short videos.

  Subsequently, Professor Sun and Dr. Zuo rejected these freshmen one after another, and this was also reported to the forum.

  After Zhou Wenqing took over the new students, an ultimatum was given to his laboratory's projects. Most people on the forum were not optimistic about Zhou Wenqing's laboratory and the group of freshmen Bai Xian.

  Some people directly expressed their opinions: [Of this batch of freshmen, I think Gao Yuan will be the one who will make it to the end. He has been in Dr. Gao's laboratory and will have scientific research results by the end of the year. This year's Tongfeng Band Special Scholarship should be Gao Yuan's. ]

  [Not necessarily. You have to know that Bai Qian and Ning Xueshen, including Tang Ming, cannot think with normal people's thinking. Do you know how many points Ning Xiao has in the preliminary camp? 4.79 million! Gao Yuan only has more than two million. ]

  Influenced by Tang Ming, he has always been called Ning Xiao, the God of Learning, and everyone in the forum knows this title.

  And he is indeed worthy of the title of "god of learning".

  [This is not how it is calculated. Didn't the poster consider the hard conditions when he calculated it? Bai Zian, Ningxiao and the others are certainly smart, but Gao Yuan is a member of the Gao family. Bai Zian and the others have not been seen recently. It seems that Gao Yuan and his friends have been preparing for this year's Jiangnan University scientific research competition and the boss training camp. ]

  [Bai Zian should be smarter than Ning Xiao, but why have I never seen her in the preparation camp? A bit disappointed. ]

  [According to incomplete statistics, the school only gave Xiangcheng two preparatory camp places, so she probably didn't register. ]

  The people on the forum were noisy. Many people were fans of Bai Zian and supported Bai Zian and his group.

  But most of them maintain a rational attitude. Whether Zhou Wenqing and his team can continue their project by the end of the year is a question.


  Everything on the forum is unclear.

  She has been helping Hu Yue and others calculate the data model for more than a week. Most of the time, Tang Ming and others took turns bringing food to the laboratory.

  After handing the processed data to Hu Yue, the next evening, Bai Zian took his computer and said to Hu Yue, "Senior sister, Ning Xiao and I will not come to the laboratory these two days. "

  The new school girl doesn't need anyone to take care of her, and she can also help process the core data.

  Especially -

  she can also explode gold coins!

  Where can I find such a school girl?

  Hu Yue stopped her discussion with Ding Wenyang and sent Bai Qian out, "Sister, if you have something to do, you can be busy until the end of the semester. It will be fine! Ding Wenyang and I can handle this little research very easily."

  " Goodbye, school girl!" She stood at the door of the laboratory building and couldn't help but return to the laboratory when she couldn't see Bai Zian anymore.

  She chatted with Ding Wenyang about the gossip on the forum, "Xiao Ding, does Ning Xiao really have more than four million points?"

  There have been too many discussions about Ning Xiao on the forum recently, and many people doubt the authenticity of the more than four million points. After all, Gao Yuan only had more than two million points, and Ning Xiao himself did not come out to verify, so some people suspected that he was a senior with the same name.

  "Yeah, what's wrong?" Ding Wenyang handed the typed report to Hu Yue.

  Hu Yue: "..."

  She felt that these freshmen all had a talent for irritating people.

  Four million points, you just said it so calmly and asked her what happened?

  Ding Wenyang didn't think there was anything wrong with his tone. When he first learned about Ning Xiao's and Tang Ming's points, he was surprised, but after guessing Bai Zian's name later...

  he felt that Ning Xiao's points were no big deal.

  Although he only has over one million points.


  Jiangjing University has been completely covered with snow. The snow on the school road has been cleared. A thick layer of snow has fallen on the nearby trees and green belts. All the trees are heavy.

  Bai Zian stood under a camphor tree, waiting for the bus.

  Occasionally there was snow falling from the leaves overhead. As soon as Bai Zian saw the car, she received a call from Mao Kun.

  "Sister," Mao Kun's voice was quite noisy. He walked outside and found a quiet environment. "I have no place to use the remaining palladium. Should I have someone bring it to you?"

  Wang Youfeng prepared it for Bai Qian. , naturally there is no possibility of taking it back.

  He handed it directly to Mao Kun.

  Bai Zian only brought 30 kilograms with her last time and left 70 kilograms at Qinglong Bar, where no one touched them.

  Another cluster of snow fell from the top of his head and fell on the snow-white collar. Bai Zian casually put the cap of the cloak on his head and stood in the snow.

  All over his body, there is only a bright artificial rose flower on the black cloak.

  She was very plain, but her temperament and lazy tone slowly seeped out. She reached out to brush the snow off her shoulders and said, "Okay." Although

  the weather was cold and it was not the end of class yet, there were still some pedestrians on the road. Many people stopped to look at her involuntarily, and some people had already recognized Bai Zian.

  Jiang Da originally had not many people wearing cloaks.

  Because of Bai Zian, there are many more students wearing cloaks to go to class this year.

  But she was the only one who could wear a cloak with this effect.

  The black car slowly stopped in front of her against the snow on the roadside.

  In the back seat of the car, Jiang Fuli put down his computer and watched her come up. Then he pointed at the gift box on the seat next to him, "This is a meeting gift from Jiang Xijue to you."

  Jiang Xijue had been preparing the gift for several months.

  Since the last meeting, he has been wanting to give gifts to Bai Zian, but he has not found any opportunities. Unlike Xu Nanjing, he cannot send gifts to Bai Zian through Gao Yan.

  He could only give the gift to Jiang Fuli and hand it over on his behalf.

  Both of them are busy. Although they are both in Jiangjing, they don't have as many opportunities to meet each other at the end of the year as in Xiangcheng.

  Bai Zian picked up the elegant sandalwood box and sat on the seat. The sandalwood box was a bit heavy, so she didn't open it immediately. Instead, she told Jiang Fuli about the nearest laboratory.

  Although Zhou Wenqing's laboratory is very busy, the atmosphere is good.

  Jiang Fuli saw how energetic she was when she talked about the laboratory, so he didn't ask her any more about the laboratory and Ning Xiao.

  "I'm going to bring a silk scarf embroidered by grandpa to Aunt Gao." Bai Jian played with the sandalwood box and told Jiang Fuli about Gao Yan's invitation to enjoy plum blossoms.

  A few days ago, Gao Yan invited Bai Qian and Gao Shu to go to Xu's house to enjoy plum blossoms.

    Gao Shu is busy with the handover of the drama theater, and Bai Zian has been in the laboratory. This plum blossom viewing trip has not been scheduled yet.

  "It's okay," Jiang Fuli had heard Bai Qian say about this a long time ago. "I asked Ming Dongheng to prepare the other things for you. You can just bring them over when the time comes."

  It's been nearly a year, Xu Nanjing Both Gao Yan and Bai Qian gave Bai Qian many gifts.

  Among them is the tutor Gao Yan failed to send.

  Bai Xian tapped the sandalwood box with his fingertips.

  The phone lit up a few times, it was a message from the dog friend.

  Dog friend: [Engaged on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month]

  Dog friend: [Racing at night]

  After Bai Qian came to Jiangjing, he rarely went racing, and he was even less busy with the laboratory recently.

  But she did know a little about the Wen family's affairs.

  Next to her, Jiang Fuli kept talking to her, and Bai Qian didn't deliberately guard against him. He naturally saw the words on the screen, his face was still cold, and his long eyelashes only slightly drooped, "Jiang Jing is now on the track. It's very slippery."

  He closed the computer on the table in front of him with his slender fingertips, as if he wanted to talk to her.

  "I know." Bai Qianfeng pressed the phone lightly, "I'll bring a friend over, I wonder if Aunt Gao will mind."

  Jiang Fuli raised his eyebrows and said slowly, "You don't want to go on dangerous outdoor activities. I can move her plum garden to Shanhai Apartment without any problem."

  Bai Zian sent a message to the dog friend with some regret -

  "This weather is too dangerous, do you want to enjoy the plum blossoms?" ]

  Dog friend:[? ? ? ]


  The other side of the phone.

  Wen Zhixia, who was dressed in regular clothes, was about to curse Bai Qian with a curse word when he saw what he said.

  But thinking that Mrs. Wen was right in front of her, she pretended to be a lady and endured it.

  Mrs. Wen is a gentle and elegant old lady. Even though her hair is gray, she still wears her hair in a bun, wears decent clothes, and has clear eyes.

  "Zhiwei," Old Mrs. Wen slowly put down the tea cup in her hand and looked at the girl on the left, "Are you going to attend a small party held by the young lady from the Liu family tomorrow? Can you bring Zhixia with you?"

  Wen Zhixia is Old Mrs. Wen. The youngest son's daughter.

  The youngest son of the Wen family was rebellious. When he was young, he refused to obey and went to Beicheng to start a business on his own. He was relatively successful, but unfortunately he died young.

  Wen Zhixia only has a daughter.

  Old Mrs. Wen discussed with Wen's mother to take Wen Zhixia back to the Wen family when she came of age. The Wen Le family had always been married, and the marriage partner was the heir of the Le family.

  The Le family needs a hostess who is smart, capable of taking charge and has an overall view of the situation. Wen Zhixia, who has been doing very well since she was a child, is very suitable.

  The only thing is that Wen Zhixia is very rebellious, which gives Mrs. Wen a headache.

  Wen Zhiwei is Wen Zhixia's cousin. Before Wen Zhixia came back, she was the candidate that the Le family favored.

  Hearing this, Wen Zhiwei said calmly: "Grandma, I only received one invitation from Shuhe. I will go back later and ask Shuhe if he can bring Zhixia with him. You know that these ladies have been familiar with each other since childhood. , I'm afraid that all the people invited this time are acquaintances..."

  Old Mrs. Wen put her hands on the table, shook her head after listening, "Forget it, you can go."

  After Wen Zhiwei left.

  Wen Zhixia relaxed a little, leaned back, and sent a message to Bai Qian in a somewhat indistinct manner -

  [Danger? This is what you would say]

  [Who the hell are you, get out of this silly dog's body! ]

  The old lady glanced at her and sighed, "Zhixia, you've been back for so long, and you haven't thought about going out to make more friends?"

  "Grandma, I don't have to go to their banquet, I have friends," Wen Zhixia sat down Straight, she always pretended to be very good in front of the old lady. She waved her phone slowly and said, "Look, she also invited me to enjoy plum blossoms." She

  waved it quickly so that the old lady didn't see her note. Otherwise, the old lady would most likely punish her by kneeling in the ancestral hall.

  In fact, Wen Zhixia also knew his situation.

  She is not from Jiangjing in the first place, and she cannot play with the socialites like Jiangjing.

  Wen Zhiwei played well with that group of ladies, so those ladies intentionally or unintentionally isolated themselves, especially those who had connections with the Wen family.

  Wen Zhixia knew very well that she had been excluded by Jiang Jing's group.

  Those people were telling her clearly through their actions that the circles were different and she should not forcefully blend in.

  "Appreciating plum blossoms?" Old Mrs. Wen looked at her and nodded with a smile, "That's okay. Is that the friend you met last time when you went out? Let her come to our Wen house sometime and let grandma meet her."

  Wen Zhixia recalled Bai Zian's current human-like appearance and leaned back, "You can see her on the engagement day. Don't worry, you will definitely like her."

  After the conversation.

  Wen Zhixia went back to her room upstairs.

  The housekeeper stood behind her like a ghost, "Miss, you should try your best to integrate into this circle. This time it is Miss Liu's group. The second young lady of the Xu family must be here..."

  "Butler, don't worry," Wen Zhixia kicked open the door and asked, "See if the stock portfolio I asked you to buy recently has gone up?"

  The housekeeper looked at her calm face and paused. He was naturally happy that the small treasury had increased. Wen Zhixia had nothing to say about his ability. .

  She did have her own ideas, otherwise the Le family would not have taken a fancy to her. After a pause, he asked quietly: "Miss, are you really going to appreciate the plum blossoms? Not racing?"

  Wen Zhixia pressed the phone and gritted his teeth. The ground replied to Bai Qian -

  [Reward, whoever doesn't reward is a dog! ]

  She closed the door, and the housekeeper stood outside for a while. The smile on his face disappeared and he sighed.

  After returning downstairs, the old lady stood at the door in a daze.

  In fact, they all knew that Wen Zhixia had just returned to Jiangjing, and there were too many circles that did not tolerate her, and Wen Zhiwei was obviously rejecting her.

  "Who is her friend?" the old lady asked softly.

  "Alumni from Beicheng."

  "Beicheng," the old lady's eyes were very dim, regretting not bringing Wen Zhixia back earlier, which led to today's situation: "Forget it, let her have fun first, she won't be free for a few days. "


  The next day.

  Sunday, 7am.

  The Xu family is also a mansion with vast land. Gao Yan lives in Qufeng Courtyard to the south of the mansion, across an arch bridge, and next door is the Plum Garden. Gao Yan got up at six o'clock today and worked with the servants to clean and decorate Qufeng Courtyard.

  Inside Qufeng Courtyard.

  Gao Yan held a hexagonal lantern with black and white cats painted on it and hung it on the porch. She looked at her phone from time to time and ordered her servants to go outside the gate to see if Bai Xian and the others had arrived.

  There was a lot of movement in Qufeng Yuan, and Xu Jueming and Xu Jinyi both noticed it.

  Xu Jueming chatted with Xu Jinyi about the recent important events in Jiangjing, "You can ask Ming Zongyao today what's going on in the Wen family."

  Xu Jinyi had a wide circle of friends and she could talk to all the famous ladies in Jiangjing.

  Of course, the circle also knows that she is the only girl of this generation of the Xu family. Except for Gao Shu, she has a high status in the circle in Jiangjing, and most people will give her face.

  "I know," Xu Jinyi was wearing a beige coat, looking at the bustling arch bridge in front of her, squinting slightly, "Auntie, what kind of guests are coming today? Do I want to stay?"

  Xu Jueming has always paid attention to the news of South Hospital. .

  He asked people to inquire about the news early in the morning, "I heard that Xu Nanjing's sister was invited to come to enjoy the plum blossoms. It is not an important guest, so you don't need to stay. Are the Xu family and the Liu family here today? You just want to ask if they have Wang Youfeng. "The news is that your grandfather is very optimistic about Xu Nanjing this year, which is not a good sign for us."

  Xu Jinyi straightened her expression, "I know."

  If there are no other accidents, Xu Jinyi will never be absent. .

  Last time Xu Feng's sister's birthday was celebrated, she would show up.


  Eight o'clock.

  When Bai Qian and Jiang Fu left the door of Shanhai Apartment, Ming Dongheng was still driving, and there were a bunch of gift boxes prepared by Ming Dongheng in the trunk.

  Today Bai Xian wore a velvet coat given by Gao Yan and got into the car.

  A message from a dog friend -

  [Mei? ]

  Bai Jian: [1]

  Dog Friend: [Address (smile) (smile)]

  Obviously, she agreed to Bai Zian's invitation to appreciate the plum blossoms, and felt that either Bai Zian was crazy or she was crazy.

  Bai Zian directly threw the address given by Xu Nanjing -

  [No. 29 Changping Street]

Chapter 298 298 Shocked Zhixia, what did she do in Xiangcheng? (1st update)

  It's a weekend, so there's no traffic jam in the morning.

  Butler Xu was waiting outside the door early in the morning. At 8:30, he saw a black car driving from the side. He immediately informed Gao Yan that Bai Xian had arrived, and then ordered someone to open the side door next to Guangliang's gate and let the car in. Drive in.

  The car drove all the way to the front yard and stopped.

  Today I heard that Bai Zian and Gao Shu would come to Xu's house. Xu Nanjing and Xu Jueling didn't go out, and Gao Shu hadn't arrived yet.

  When Butler Xu said that Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli had arrived, Gao Yan put down the small hexagonal Ruyi chandelier in her hand.

  Xu Jueling and Xu Nanjing, who were sitting in the front hall, saw Gao Yan walking outside. They both put down the cups in their hands, stood up and walked outside the Chuihua Door.

  As soon as the three of them reached the hanging flower door, Butler Xu led Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli in across the arch bridge.

  Xu Jueling stood in the middle and immediately saw Jiang Fuli, who was wearing a black knee-length coat. He turned his gaze and focused on the girl walking on his left.

  Today, Bai Zian was wearing a dark green coat. This dark green color made her look cold and white. She opened her coat, revealing the white sweater and off-white velvet pants underneath.

  The off-white scarf wrapped loosely around her neck was half draped on her shoulders, and was blown off by the wind.

  Because she was wearing a coat, her hair was casually tied up with a ribbon, and she was wearing a white velvet hat. She stood there looking calm, calm and elegant, as restrained as Chinese blue and white porcelain, with blue waves swirling around the clouds.

  Seeing Xu Jueling and Gao Yan, he smiled lightly and said hello calmly.

  Xu Jueling had long heard Gao Yan talking about Bai Qian to Xu Nanjing countless times. Needless to say, Xu Nanjing, Gao Yan's love for Bai Qian almost overflowed.

  Gao Yan is unable to reproduce due to physical reasons and is very eager for her daughter.

  Xu Jinyi is the only young lady of the Xu family. She has been favored since she was a child. Even if she does not deal with Xu Jueming, it will not affect Xu Jueling and Gao Yan's preference for her.

  But after Bai Xian appeared, the "Jin Yi" that frequently appeared in Gao Yan's mouth was replaced by Xian Xian.

  Xu Jueling has long wanted to meet the girl that Xu Nanjing and Gao Yan talked about.

  When I saw her, I felt that it was no wonder Gao Yan liked her so much.

  Regardless of appearance or demeanor, Xu Jinyi, who was carefully raised by the Xu family, was at a disadvantage compared to the girl in front of her.

  This kind of self-cultivation really doesn't look like someone from a small family.

  "Uncle Xu, Aunt Gao." Jiang Fuli went in with her. He and the old man of the Xu family sat together, but facing Xu Jueling, they still showed respect to their elders.

  Complete etiquette.

  Ming Dongheng held the gift box in both hands and walked inside.

  "Shu Shu hasn't arrived yet," Gao Yan stepped forward, held Bai Xian's hand, and led her to the front hall, "Don't you have another classmate coming over, is it Xiaohan? When will she arrive? I'll ask Lan Ma to go Pick her up."

  "It's not her," Bai Zian followed Gao Yan inside. "It's my friend who grew up with me. My name is Zhixia." "

  We grew up together?

  Gao Yan took this attributive to heart.


  The Wen family.

  Wen Zhixia was good at dressing up, but he couldn't hide his nature from the old lady. When he learned that she was really going to enjoy plum blossoms today, the old lady was surprised and specially chose a dignified and elegant dress for her.

  Walk her to the car in person.

  In the car, the driver drove towards the exit and asked respectfully, "Ms. Zhixia, are you going to Hushan Garden?"

  In Jiangjing, which attraction is the most famous in winter, it would be the Hushan Garden Plum Grove in Shimen District, with its large snow plums. It welcomes tens of millions of tourists every year.

  It is also a famous scenic spot in Jiangjing.

  Wen Zhixia was sitting in the back seat with her long legs slightly crossed. She opened her phone and checked Bai Qianfa's address again: "No. 29 Changping Street."

  As soon as she heard the word Changping Street, the driver felt something was wrong.

  He was a native of Jiangjing and the driver of the Wen family, so he naturally knew which area Changping Street was in. Most of the entire Changping Street was a political district.

  There are no ornamental gardens next to it except Jiayu Lake, and Jiayu Lake is also a private garden.

  The driver's hands were on the steering wheel.

  Looking in the rearview mirror, "Miss, are you sure this is Changping Street?"

  Wen Zhixia opened the game, and the voice of choosing a hero came from the phone. Without raising his head, he only gave him two words: "Drive."

  Obviously . , no longer impatient with his frequent questions.

  The driver didn't dare to say anything more.

  He drove the car to Changping Street with suspicion along the way. He knew Wen Zhixia's identity, the only daughter of the old lady's youngest son, and had sent the old housekeeper to Beicheng to teach her since she was a child.

  I've been in Jiangjing for half a year, and I've basically stayed at school, otherwise I've gone to meet business customers with my uncle from the second room.

  In Jiangjing, there is no other social circle besides college classmates, and his position in the Wen family is quite awkward.

  Today is a gathering of ladies from Jiangjing's socialite circle. Miss Ming and Miss Xu are both very successful in starting their own businesses and have attracted a lot of investment. This kind of circle has no one to lead, and it is difficult for other people in Jiangjing to integrate into it.

  No. 29 Changping Street...

  Wen Zhixia still knows people on Changping Street?

  With this thought in mind, the driver drove the car to Changping Street. There were basically no private cars on this road. There was a garden behind it. No. 29 Changping Street was a Guangliang gate.

  Simple and heavy, it shows its momentum.

  The driver tremblingly parked the car at the door. He did not dare to get out of the car and open the door. He only glanced back and said, "Miss, are you sure... this is here?"

  Wen Zhixia had been playing games and just looked at it now. Clear destination.

  She glanced outside, clicked on the main page, opened WeChat and sent a message to Bai Zian -

  [Did you send the wrong address? ]

  How can I appreciate plum blossoms and still enjoy them in other people's homes?

  Wen Zhixia had just finished delivering the goods. Lan Ma, who was waiting at the gate, saw the car and came over, "Are you Miss Wen? I'm here to pick you up at Qufeng Yuan. Just call me Lan Ma."

  Lan Ma is taking care of you . The old man who lives in Gao Yan has a straight back, and his demeanor and knowledge are not comparable to those of ordinary people.

  The Wen driver quickly got out of the car.

  After Wen Zhixia received the reply, she also got out of the back seat and walked in with Lan Ma in confusion.

  The Xu family's old house occupies a large area. Although Qufeng Courtyard is to the south, it is still some distance from the gate. Lan Ma did not take Wen Zhixia to take the main road, but went around along the covered bridge.

  Passing Yuancui Pavilion, we quickly arrived at Qufengyuan.



  Not long after Gao Shu arrived, she was sitting in the front hall with Jiang Fuli and Xu Nanjing to keep warm.

  The floor in the house was very hot, and through the sill window, one could see the outside conservatory. Bai Qian and Gao Yan were sitting on the edge of the gooseneck fence. Under the fence was the spring water that was diverted. There was no ice, and you could still see the fish swimming under the water.

  When Lan Ma arrived with Wen Zhixia, Bai Qian's arms were lazily leaning on the railing, holding a box of fish food in his hand.

  Leisurely and contented.

  Seeing Wen Zhixia, she lazily raised her hand, said hello, and introduced to Gao Yan, "My friend, Wen Zhixia."

  Wen Zhixia was wearing a satin dress and a white fox fur coat today. Very ladylike.

  From the moment he stepped onto the front door of the Xu family, Wen Zhixia knew that today's plum blossom viewing would not be easy.

  Seeing Gao Yan, this idea became more obvious.

  "Zhixia, just call me Aunt Gao, and him, call him Uncle Xu." Gao Yan knew that Bai Jian had something to say with Wen Zhixia, so she and Xu Jueling went back to the main room for now.

  As soon as Gao Yan left, Wen Zhixia sat down next to Bai Qian, grabbed a handful of fish food from her fish food box and threw it down. She lowered her voice and said, "Where is this?"

    Lan Ma served two plates of snacks again. .

  The four round Chinese-style cakes are ice-pink, dotted with white fondant plum blossoms, and the other plate is mint green dotted with red plum blossoms. It is as beautiful as a work of art and cannot be eaten.

  Lan Ma was standing under the eaves. Wen Zhixia couldn't replicate Bai Qian's lazy and casual posture, so she sat up straight.

  She always felt that there was still a faint cold light sweeping over her.

  "Xu family," Bai Qian put the fish food aside, took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hands. He stood up and took her to see the plum blossoms. "Let's go outside to see the plum blossoms."

  The two of them went to the plum garden outside . .

  The plum blossoms in the plum garden next to Qufeng Yuan are in full bloom at this time. The branches are old and curved, the petals are blood-like and lubricated, and the white snow piles on the branches make the plum blossoms even more pure and pure.

  Even Wen Zhixia, who didn't appreciate the elegance of plum blossoms, was amazed by this beautiful scenery.

  Bai Zian took her to the pavilion in the middle and asked her about the Le family.

  Meiyuan did not have floor heating. Within ten minutes, Ming Dongheng appeared quietly and gave the cloak he took out of the car to Bai Qian. "The young master asked me to bring it to you."

  Ming Dongheng's voice appeared, startling Wen Zhixia jumped.

  Bai Qian stretched out his hand to take the cloak, and Ming Dongheng quietly retreated outside the garden gate and stood respectfully on the left side waiting.

  Wen Zhixia tilted her head. Next to her, her friend was casually putting on a snow-white cloak. On top of her head was a red plum bent by the snow.


  The Xu family in Meiyuan got news today. No one came near. Bai Qian chatted with Wen Zhixia all morning.

  I probably know Wen Zhixia's fiancé Le Yuzhang.

  At eleven o'clock, Xu Nanjing came to ask the two of them to eat.

  He was more afraid of the cold than Ming Dongheng, wore a cotton-padded jacket, and his temperament was not as elegant as Jiang Xijuan's. He was extremely dazzling and public. He introduced himself to Wen Zhixia very politely, "Miss Wen, my name is Xu Nanjing."

  Wen Zhixia knew it as soon as he heard Xu Nanjing . Where is this?

  Xu Sanshao, Xu Second Miss.

  Both of these are names that Wen Zhixia often hears in the Wen family, and she has long been familiar with them.

  If you think about it carefully, there is a manor with such a large area in this area. After counting, there is only the Xu family that the old lady talks about.

  Both the Wen family and the Le family want to get involved with the famous and famous families in Jiangjing.

  Miss Xu Er was among the bureau Wen Zhiwei went to today.

  This is one of the reasons why Mrs. Wen and others want Wen Zhiwei to take Wen Zhixia.


  how did Bai Qian have anything to do with the Xu family? Judging from this situation, she is still very familiar with Xu Nanjing's family?

  What has your friend done this year?

  "Master Xu San, I am Wen Zhixia." Although she was shocked inside, Wen Zhixia still introduced herself officially.

  Tang Ming and Lu Xiaohan were used to being casual and often called Xu Nanjing brothers. Yang Lin had never been able to deal with anyone except Bai Qian, even when facing Jiang Fuli.

  This is the first of Bai Zian's friends to call him this.   Xu

  Nanjing knew as soon as he heard that Wen Zhixia was probably in the circle. He smiled and said, "Miss Wen, just call me Xu San. I'm older than you, so you can call me Third Brother."

He personally took her to see the plum blossoms all morning. Xu Nanjing estimated that even Jiang Fuli would not be treated like this at Bai Jian.

  He led the way, and listening to the way Bai Qian talked to Wen Zhixia in a calm manner, he felt that his mother could save the country through a curveball.

  Bai Zian doesn't want to be her goddaughter, but she can choose someone else.


  The dining location is in the side hall of Qufengyuan.

  Jiang Fuli was chatting casually with Xu Jueling. He knew that Bai Qian wanted to talk to a friend, so he didn't bother her in the morning. When he saw her and Xu Nanjing coming in, he reached out and pulled out the chair next to him.

  Bai Qian walked to the chair and introduced him, "Wen Zhixia, I told you."

  She rarely introduced others formally. When Dean Jian went to Xiangcheng, Bai Qian just introduced him casually.

  Jiang Fuli glanced at Wen Zhixia one more time and stood up.

  The cold nobility on his body was obvious, and he greeted Wen Zhixia calmly and calmly: "Hello."

  His voice was indifferent and gentle.

  Xu Jueling and Gao Shu, who were holding teacups next to them, stood up quickly when they saw Jiang Fuli standing up.

  Greet Wen Zhixia in a friendly way.

  Wen Zhixia, who had never seen such a posture before, was shocked again and felt that she was infinitely senior at this moment.

  Everyone present has the ability to create an atmosphere, but they are catered to by others in other places, and today they all showed their kindest side.

  After admiring the plum blossoms.

  Wen Zhixia added several people's WeChat messages on her phone, including Gao Yan, Gao Shu and Xu Nanjing.

  In the afternoon, Wen Zhixia said goodbye politely.

  Bai Zian brought gifts when she came, and when she left, Gao Yan also stuffed a bunch of things for her and Wen Zhixia to take back.

  The Wen family's driver was taken to the wing by Lan Ma to find someone to entertain him alone.

  At this moment, Wen Zhixia came out and he returned to the car.

  He was also in a trance. Along the way, he failed to react to several green lights. Due to the Bentley logo on the Wen family's car, the people behind him only politely honked their horns to remind him.

  Back seat.

  Wen Zhixia finally came to her senses. Due to Jiang Fuli's pressure during the meal, she did not dare to ask Bai Zian who this person was who was obviously unclear to Bai Zian.

  When she got to the car, she leaned back, took out her mobile phone and asked Bai Zian——

  [Which dog man was sitting next to you just now? ]

  Silly Dog: [He is still sitting next to me now]

  Wen Zhixia withdrew a message -

  [Who was sitting next to you just now? ]

  Twenty minutes later, Wen Zhixia received another friend notification. This time, it contained three concise words -

  [Jiang Fuli].

  She did not dare to click to confirm for a while.

  After returning to Wen's house, Wen Zhiwei has not come back yet. According to the past, she will not come back until after dinner.

  "So early?" Mrs. Wen had just gotten up from her lunch break and was a little surprised to see Wen Zhixia coming back.

  Wen Zhixia put the food box she brought back on the table, with a complicated look on her face, but she was in a good mood. "I'll be back after dinner. These are the pastries I brought back for you."

  After she finished speaking, she went back to the room upstairs . , prepare to make a video call to Bai Zian to ask for clarification.

  Old Mrs. Wen didn't pay much attention to the pastries she brought back, and only looked upstairs worriedly.

  Next to him, the housekeeper smiled and opened the food box, "Madam, look at the cake that the lady brought back..." Halfway through the words, he was a little stunned, "Madam, do you think this is the plum blossom cake from Kang Yulou?"

Chapter 299 299 Lively Jiangjing, Palladium sent by Mao Kun (second update)

  Kang Yulou, a famous time-honored brand in Jiangjing.

  Desserts are only available in limited quantities and cannot be taken away. The focus is on exquisiteness.

  The location is also hard to make a reservation. Mrs. Wen has been there several times and is very impressed by their home.

  Hearing that it was Kang Yulou's pastry, the old lady lowered her head and squinted her eyes to take a closer look. Kang Yulou's pastries were difficult to imitate, and they were still made with realistic fondant plum blossoms. Not many people in Jiangjing had this skill.

  Old Mrs. Wen recognized at a glance that this was indeed Kang Yulou's dessert, and it was only open to VIPs.

  "This..." The old lady perked up. She looked at the cakes she brought back to the Wen family and immediately sat upright. "Go and call Xiao He over."

  Xiao He was the driver who took Wen Zhixia out today.


  Xu family.

  Not long after Wen Zhixia left, Bai Qian also went back.

  Xu Nanjing got into the car and went to see the decoration of the apartment.

  Xu Jueling and Gao Yan saw them out and waited for everyone to leave.

  He just spoke to Gao Yan, and couldn't help but sigh: "Is this Miss Bai really from Xiangcheng? This conversation and demeanor are really unlike her."

  "My family is from Beicheng," Gao Yan walked side by side with him to the covered bridge Walking up, he heard the words and smiled: "None of the Liang family's top scorers in this year's college entrance examination could pass her."

  Xu Jueling had only heard of this.

  Occasionally at dinner, he heard a thing or two about someone who was smarter than the Liang family.

  But like most people, he didn't care. Being smart was one thing, but whether he could reach them in the end and stand on the top of the mountain was another.

  Now when he heard Gao Yan say it, he was shocked to realize that Bai Zian was not the person he thought in the past.

  "You know Shushu is elected as the dean this time." Gao Yan glanced at Xu Jueling.

  "Well," although Xu Jueling is often busy with foreign companies, he also knows about Gao Shu's promotion and has sent congratulatory gifts to his family, "The Ji family is not easy to deal with."

  "It is indeed not easy to deal with," Gao Yan walked up On the covered bridge, Po said with some pride: "Xianpian helped her a lot this time."

  Xu Jueling was even more surprised.

  "No wonder," he followed Gao Yan, "I always feel that Jiangjing has been a bit lively recently. Even people from the Dawson family are here. Big brother and the others are asking about Wang Youfeng. I wonder if there is any news from the Chen family."


  On the car.

  After Bai Zian finished replying to Wen Zhixia, he went to get his computer.

  Beside her, Jiang Fuli didn't read her message, but was on the phone with Dean Huang.

  "I've asked." On Sunday, Dean Huang took a rare break and got together with his friends. Most of his friends were Professor Jiang Jing. He walked to the side to answer Jiang Fuli's call. "The one who directly gives the task to the hospital is the president." "

  They don't dare to care about a big guy like Academician Ma.

  But putting pressure on an experimental center in the School of Physics of Jiangnan University is just a matter of words.

  "Gao Xun?" Jiang Fuli stretched out his hand to open the table and let Bai Zian put the computer on it.

  The person Gao Xun was recalled in his mind.

  He didn't care about the Gao family, but others remembered clearly that Gao Xun was Gao Yi's cousin, and because of the Gao family's in-law relationship, he rose quickly in the headquarters.

  Jiang Fuli was tolerant of the Gao family.

  But not much, and it was all based on the line that didn't touch him.

  "You proposed to the teacher to select someone to join his laboratory at the end of the year. How could this news be hidden from Gao's family?" Dean Huang was not surprised. "Young junior sister, you also know her abilities. If they don't cause trouble, Where does Gao Yuan have any chance? If this happens, Professor Zhou will be in a bit of trouble and be forced to hand over the results in advance. In the end, this has something to do with you."

  Jiang Fuli turned his head and looked at Bai Jian.

    Bai Qian has already turned on the computer. Neither she nor Ning Xiao went to Zhou Wenqing's laboratory today. Hu Yue sent her an email in the morning.

  It is four pages of new experimental data captured.

  Bai Zian is very good at processing this kind of data. Even Zhou Wenqing has lamented these days that a student with Bai Zian's talent may not come out in a hundred years, but they happened to be missed by their laboratory.

  Jiang Fuli knew that Ning Xiao was working on purifying new materials, and the data on Bai Zian's computer had nothing to do with plasma.

  He estimated that this should be research from Zhou Wenqing's laboratory.

  No matter what he does, Bai Zian looks calm and composed. Jiang Fuli is not sure whether Zhou Wenqing is in trouble, but looking at Bai Zian's appearance, he doesn't need to worry about Zhou Wenqing and Bai Zian.

  What he wants to deal with is the Gao family.

  Jiang Fuli said to Dean Huang slowly, "I understand."

  His tone was still gentle, but there was always a sense of danger. Xu Nanjing, the co-pilot, reached out to touch the goosebumps on his arms.

  On the other side of the phone, Dean Huang hung up the phone, assessed Jiang Fuli's tone, and smiled.


  Arrive at Shanhai Apartment.

  Bai Zian returned to study room 303 and continued processing data.

  Xu Nanjing first went to the first floor to give the gift he brought to Ji Heng before going to 303.

  Zhang Shize didn't follow Chi Yundai to simulate the court session today, and instead worked on questions in the 303 living room. Ning Xiao and Tang Ming were not here today, and only Lu Xiaohan discussed with him.

  Xu Nanjing can no longer understand this kind of question.

  Just lie down on the sofa next to you and open the crowd of four.

  Xu Nanjing: [@陈北璿, I heard you have news about the Dawson family? ]

  Chen Beixuan didn't bother to pay attention to him.

  Someone happened to ring the doorbell.

  Ming Dongheng was moving flowerpots downstairs, and Young Master Xu got up and opened the door.

  Outside the door was a young man wearing a jacket. He was holding a 60 cm square paper box in his hand. He nodded politely to Xu Nanjing, "Hello, Brother Mao asked me to deliver something to Miss Bai."

  Xu Nanjing looked at him. It was just a cardboard box. He could hold it very easily. He reached out and took it, "It's for sister Ah? Give it to me."

  Hearing him say "Sister Ah", the young man handed the carton to him readily, "Sorry for the trouble, thank you." You."

  Xu Nanjing held both ends of the box with both hands. As soon as the young man let go, Xu Nanjing stumbled and almost fell. The man helped him before he could react.

  "Be careful, it's a bit heavy." The young man said apologetically.

  Xu Nanjing realized the weight and held the carton firmly.

  He put the cardboard box in the hall and took a look. It was a very new box. There was really nothing to see. He reached out and knocked on the door of the study room twice and called Bai Zian, "Sister A Zian, someone brought something to you." "

  Bai Qian was sending the data to Hu Yue. Knowing that this was the palladium sent by someone from Mao Kun, she responded.

  Zhang Shize and Lu Xiaohan had a heated discussion over a math problem and asked Bai Jian to come out and seek justice.

  When Bai Zian came out, Xu Nanjing circled the carton with her hands around her chest, really curious about the contents inside, "Sister A Zian, what are you talking about? Is it so heavy?"

  Bai Zian pulled out the chair next to him, sat next to Lu Xiaohan, and spoke slowly. She took the math problem handed to her by Lu Xiaohan.

  Hearing this, he only raised his head and vaguely pointed in the direction of the scissors: "See for yourself."

  As long as it wasn't something private, Xu Nanjing took the scissors, bent down and cut the seal, and saw a piece of silver.