
Beauty That Kills.

*ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE... YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, BUT THAT'S NOT GOOD... * "I like you." Blushing heavily, my pale white skin glows red on my neck and cheeks. Its not everyday someone you like likes you back. And I'm not even planning to play a hard to get card. Suddenly, he coughs and splatters blood all over my light blue school uniform. In daylight, I see the horror unfold in front of me as Pete folds into two, drops to the ground and dies, in the midst of all his own blood. A scream pierces the moist damp air. * Have you ever been a pretty girl? No wrong way to ask. Have you ever been beautiful, so damn beautiful? Have you ever been so easy on the eyes that each and every day different boys and men struggle to have you as theirs? If you haven't, which is not a very surprising answer, then I have and I know what it's totally like. And you may not know because you've not been there, you won't like it. You certainly won't. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to be this beautiful. Born in a family of three, I, my Mom and my Dad. We weren't rich or poor just, you know the average class of people. I am Halo Denver, twenty-two and my story isn't at all like everyone and anyone else's story.

MeCream · 都市
11 Chs

Hope knocks on Halo's door

"Darling! I'm off to work stay at home for me till I get back okay?" My mom yelled from the living room on her way out to where she worked.

"Sure!" Not like I had anywhere I had to go anyway. I yelled back my reply from my room and heard as the door opened and closed.

I sighed slightly and got down from the bed. I went to my bathroom, took my bath and brushed my teeth. I changed out of my pyjamas into some nice and casual clothes, cooked some noodles, ate and sat down at the living room.

I switched on the television and watched the series that was on, although I was looking at the television, my mind was far away.

Far far away...

Most men and woman around my age get up every morning and after taking their baths, some don't even eat before rushing out for work and those that eat as well, they do before they leave for work. But of course, everything about me is different even up to the point of being jobless. Here I am, sitting and staring at a TV early in the morning.

I hate my life so so much.

Groggily, I trudged back to my room and got back on my bed while running my hands through my hair because there was nothing else I could do with my hands. And it's like my tic, something I do when I'm nervous, scared and just helpless.

If only I could just get a job that my problem won't be involved in. I glanced at my small desk beside my bed and grabbed the mirror on top of it and when I looked at my pretty reflection I sighed heavily.

"Why are you so beautiful" I asked my own reflection...

"Why?..." I asked myself again.

Frustrated, I drop the mirror because I was making a fool out of myself while talking to myself like I was another person.

Although, if it was true that the moon brought me back to life, why did it bring me back to life and let me suffer like this?

I attract everybody with the beauty it gave me, and I can't fall in love and still because of that beauty, I kill them and it's like I lure men...

Almost like a siren...

All the stories I've read about them says they sing and lure men to their moon with their beauty and their voices as well...

I don't want to be "that" girl or even someone that can be likened to a creature like that. I want to be like any normal girl would. I don't even have a tiny sliver of resemblance from both my mom or my dad so many people assume they adopted me.

While some people believed that no mother would ever put such an angel like me for adoption, but I don't care what they believe I just want a normal life.

Like a normal girl with an average beauty.

But then, it's too late to cry over spilt milk they say, even my pristine white hair is more than enough to garner attention for me not to talk of my face...


Just then, I hear the doorbell go off.

Probably someone who wants to see my Mum.

I rush to the door and open it.

Of course, it's a visitor for my Mum.

One of my Mum's closest friends actually.

"Good morning Aunty Beatrice. You can come inside."

Amongst all my Mum's friends, she's the closest to her so she knows all about me. Including all my tragic pasts and indirect murders.

Indirect Murders.

I scoff inwardly and lead her inside the house.

"Please have a seat. Let me get you some water." I say with a small smile and turn around to get it.

"Don't worry my dear."

I nod slowly and sit opposite her.

She gives me a motherly smile.

"Mum is not at home. She left for work a little while ago."

"I know. Actually, I came to see you."

I shifted in my seat, curious and in the process, I mistakenly jolt my hair and it gives my scalp a sharp pinch.


This darned long hair.

My hair has its own history.

My face isn't the only fascinating thing about my being. My hair is just as fascinating.

As I've said before, it's white but I never mentioned the length.

My hair is long. Like freakishly long.

But still, there's one thing that makes me connected to Harry Potter and that's the fact that I can't cut my hair but it gets longer.

I can't cut my hair. I tried to a few times.

When the issue with Pete happened, I was so devastated and cut my hair with a razor sharp scissors.

It was all rough so that same day, my mum took me to a salon to get a haircut.

She told the hairdresser to give me a short shoulder length bob which I agreed with, although absentmindedly.

That day, my hair was trimmed down to shoulder length and it looked beautiful as always.

The next morning, my hair was sprawled all over my body.

It had grown overnight. And it even got longer and since I didn't try to cut it.

Just packed it whenever I needed to.

Also, it doesn't really bother me most times because even if trip over it, roll and curl it over with my hands or even bunch it up roughly, it never tangles. Its just there, sleek, long and shiny.

I bring my mind back to the present.

"Why did you want to see me?"

"Halo dear, I know you've been at home for a long time now and you're bored of it and I'm sure you'll want a job at this moment..."

A job? So I can kill more people? No way.

"I haven't been looking for a job but I'm bored at home."

She sighs.

"Even if you've given up on finding a job, I've found one that perfectly suits you. You won't be meeting a lot of people. Not at all"

"Really?" My eyes light up

"What do you think about being a house keeper? Its not even much of that, it's more like a caregiver infact."

My face falls.

That's it?