
Beauty That Kills.

*ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE... YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, BUT THAT'S NOT GOOD... * "I like you." Blushing heavily, my pale white skin glows red on my neck and cheeks. Its not everyday someone you like likes you back. And I'm not even planning to play a hard to get card. Suddenly, he coughs and splatters blood all over my light blue school uniform. In daylight, I see the horror unfold in front of me as Pete folds into two, drops to the ground and dies, in the midst of all his own blood. A scream pierces the moist damp air. * Have you ever been a pretty girl? No wrong way to ask. Have you ever been beautiful, so damn beautiful? Have you ever been so easy on the eyes that each and every day different boys and men struggle to have you as theirs? If you haven't, which is not a very surprising answer, then I have and I know what it's totally like. And you may not know because you've not been there, you won't like it. You certainly won't. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to be this beautiful. Born in a family of three, I, my Mom and my Dad. We weren't rich or poor just, you know the average class of people. I am Halo Denver, twenty-two and my story isn't at all like everyone and anyone else's story.

MeCream · Urban
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11 Chs

Chosen for a Job. A Well Paying One.

"A house keeper?" I say with a low voice and she nods silently.

"What? You don't like it?" She asks

"Technically, it's not that I don't like it, it's just that it wasn't what I was expecting, a house keeper? I mean it sounds way off" I say truthfully and she nods and smiles in understanding

"it's not like you'll be taking care of a house but an old lady, ever heard of the Rivers?" Aunt Beatrice asks and I nod

The Rivers are easily one of the most richest family in the country and probably even the whole world. Their family house is at the end of this town and it's really big.

Rumors has it that the house is laid on a land of gold and is even made of gold itself.

"You know the Rivers are a very busy people they travel from places to places like every single day and they left their huge house alone with their grandmother and they suddenly need someone to look after the house and also the old lady, which is why I mentioned caregiver and the pay is $60 everyday" Beatrice says and my ears suddenly perk up at the mention of the pay.

None of my jobs has paid that well before.

"Sixty whole dollars everyday? Like every single day?" I repeat the amount and she smils and nods Just to look after an old woman and a big house, I get paid sixty dollars, well I shouldn't be surprised cause they're really wealthy.

"Well, I'm getting that job, cause it won't only just help at home maybe my dreams of going to college will come true after all" I said and I couldn't help the bright smile that laid on my face.

"Then if you want to get the job we have to leave immediately because they'll be a lot of people too who would want to get that job. It pays well as you can see" Beatrice said and I agreed.

I went to dress properly real quick and rushed back to meet Aunt Beatrice and we both set out.

We hailed a taxi to take us there.

Mom would be very happy to hear that I got a job. If I get the job though because Beatrice just hinted that there are other people interested in the job. Although I'd really love this job because it would be the perfect job for me, no one would be at home, no male to fall in love with me just me and a strange old lady...

Although I inwardly hope that she's not a fussy old woman. Although I do really hope I get the job...

After getting off the taxi, we walked briskly to the Rivers house and while we got there, there were three other ladies and a man there too. A young one looking to be about my age and two other older looking women.

Damn it. I don't think I'm getting this job, those women look really experienced.

After waiting for a little while, a woman comes inside the room we were in through another door.

Aunt Beatrice and I approached them and the woman turned to us and said;

"You're both here for the job right?"

"No. I'm the one who's here for the job" I replied and she nods slightly.

"Well then, follow me all of you" She ordered and we all followed her inside expect aunt Beatrice who waited outside for me.

"First of all, I'm Lisa, and just so you know, I'll be the one, the only one, asking the question here" she says as she sees someone raise a hand and then lay it back down.

She's strict then.

Best to not get on her nerves.

"I'll be asking you all a simple question. And it will determine whether you get the job or not. Just one question..."

She turns to one of the older women.

"What makes you think you have what it takes to get this job?" she asked simply.

It seemed like a simple question actually.

"Because I can clean and I have experience"

I knew it. They looked like they had experience with keeping an house.

"Really? Because you can clean? Or because of the Rivers are rich?" Lisa says to her rudely.

Well, I already knew she's strict but I didn't expect that. She's rude and doesn't find anything wrong with saying her mind.

And the question that seemed simple now looks like a calculus question to me.

I'm in trouble.

"You, what makes you think you have what it takes to get this job?" Lisa asked the second woman quite rudely and she replied with a smile.

"Because to be a house keeper you have to keep the house safe and clean and habitable and I can do just that" She said confidently and Lisa only laughed

"Ma'am, I used to be the house keeper of this house but now that I'm going to be gone, I don't need someone like you to fill in for me cause I don't think you have what it takes"

Another bummer.

The lady looked at Lisa angrily and walked away, hissing.

Lisa only smirked and walked towards the third person which the man.

"Sir, what makes you think you can get this job?" She asks him


"Really? You weren't even prepared?"


That was fast.

Next is the lady around my age. And after her, I'm next, I'm literally sweating now.

"Sis, you look a bit responsible. Do you have what it takes to do this job?"

"Yes. Cleaning a house requires diligence and commitment. And I'm sure I have those. I'll clean the house so well that you won't be missed."


How could she say that?

Lisa burst into laughter.

Wow, we see the winner even before it's my turn.

"Well sorry but keep your diligence and commitment inside your mouth. We have no use for it here."


I'm in so much trouble.

Lisa turns to face me.

She runs her eyes all over my face, of course. Honestly I don't know anything about being a house keeper but I know it's to keep the house clean till the owners gets back... What else is there that I'm missing?

Help me O God!

"Pretty face, what makes you think you can get this job?" she asked me and a small smile formed on my face.

Its nice to smile even in trouble even if it's forced. "Because I can take care of a whole house, clean it manage it, make it habitable and also have more than enough time to take care of an old woman" I said, shivering inside.

The girl beside me suddenly looked at me puzzled.

"An old woman?" she repeated, seemingly like she wanted to laugh

"Which old woman?" the first woman asked and Lisa laughed and said, "So you're all here to get this job and you didn't know you'll be taking care of the Rivers grandmother? Talk about being 'committed' to getting the job. You know what, all of you should get out... And you..." She turns to face me where I stood "you got this job" Lisa said.


The others leave the room sadly and angrily.

"I don't think you have what it takes for this job in the physical aspect, but since you're the only one here who knows what you're here to do, come sign this contract" She says and shove a paper in my hands and a pen

"Make sure you add your phone number, bank account number and your email address" She adds and I nod.

I really got this job. Its still surreal.

I can't believe I'm getting this job.

I rejoiced inside as I fill the paper and hand it back to her and she gave me her phone number.

After taking me on a tour and showing me the whole house, which was nothing short of splendid and was actually kind of made out of Gold like the rumour said although the land being gold and other stuffs were an exaggeration, Lisa took me to a room and there was a an old elderly woman who was on the bed knitting, her room was pretty and had old pictures of people on the wall.

She must be really old.

"Ms Maurice? How are you doing?" Lisa asked politely and the woman smiled upon seeing Lisa

"Lisa dear, it's you. I'm doing great. I haven't seen you all morning, where were you?" she asked and Lisa frowned slightly

"I'm sorry Maurice. I'm afraid I won't be able to come here anymore as I have some things I need to do. I will be gone for a while and while I'm gone she'll be in charge" Lisa explained to the old lady and she nods slowly.

"I understand" Lisa smiled and gave her a "careful" hug, you know not to break anything...

After introducing myself to Maurice, Lisa took me out and explained what and how I need to take of Maurice.

"She's just an old woman, but she's strong, healthy, and she's a very happy person but the only thing is she forgets things a lot so please take good care of her cause if anything goes wrong you'll be arrested and thrown in prison. The Rivers aren't people you mess with. They are strict, terribly strict. I've met them once and don't wish to run into them again. It's a really good thing they travel so much.. Well now that you know everything, Halo, you're starting your work tomorrow I leave you in good hands" Lisa said and I smile, and this time it's a genuine smile.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. You're really pretty by the way. What's your skincare routine?"

I just laugh. She does too and leaves.

I went outside and told aunt Beatrice about it and she was so happy for me but even I was happy at myself.

I went home feeling very happy.

Finally, I have a job, a well paying job for a high school graduate.

Well, my days of working at the Rivers house as a house keeper and taking care of Maurice won't be a problem.
