
Beast Guardian: I am the only one with a beast core

A war orphan gains an unexpected destiny. Can he bring peace to the world or will he destroy it instead Akira a ten year old war orphan fuses with the strongest existence and gains immense power and has to choose what he will do with it I don't own the cover This my first book and english is not my first language so please be soft on the comments Also I have school sooo, sometimes I won't release any chapters for a long time but don't worry I drop this that easily

Sora122_4 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Type and affinities 3

'So the special abilities I got for fusing with the black dragon are: enhanced cultivation speed, enhanced reflexes, enhanced five sences, a sixth sence of sorts, enhanced thinking speed, enhanced strength, enhanced spell strength, enhanced stamina, enhanced soul stamina, enhanced regeneration, enhanced stamina and soul stamina regeneration, '

'These eyes which grant me the ability to see mana, soul and aura, X- ray vision, the level of someone and increased perception when activated, ' Akira thought as his irises turned into slits and his eyes emitted a slight glow. He looked towards Irving's back to see the number 202 around where his mana core is supposed to be.

'It also makes me immortal but it seems like I will only stop aging around twenty. That's a relief I thought I would look like a ten year old forever'

'And the last one is a kind of blue flame that I can breathe out. It seems to require both aura and soul to use, and I will need a huge amount of both to use it as well. It seems I can only create a small fire ball with it for now but that fireball would be as strong as an attack from a lieutenant rank soul user.

These seem to be the only abilities I have for now but I will get more as I rank up.

After going through his abilities he started to think about what happened earlier.


"Hey kid you okay?" Irving said while walking towards Akira who was holding his head in pain

"Yeah I'm fine, I just have to arrange all the information inside my head" Akira said as he stood up properly and closed his eyes to concentrate.

After confirming that Akira was fine, Irving turned around to see a Tony whose jaw almost reached all the way to the floor. "Tony what's wrong?" Irving asked worried that something went wrong with Akira's awakening.

But seeing that Tony was too shocked to answer, Irving went there to look at the screen himself. But upon seeing what was written on the screen he could not help but laugh out loud.

'What's with then can't they shut up I'm trying to concentrate here' Akira thought to himself as he was wondering what was so funny for Irving to laugh like that.

Curious, Akira decided to walk up to them and ask what it was as he had somehow arranged most of the information.

"What's so funny" he asked walking up to Irving who now was letting out a wry laugh as if he was reconsidering his entire life. To Akira's question however Irving did not reply, instead he just pointed his finger towards the screen.

Name: Akira Hidaka

Age:10 Years 9 Months

Rank: Soldier

Level: 01

Type: Dual Type

Affinities: Fire, Lightning

Seeing this Akira rubbed his eyes and closed and opened them a few times to make sure he was not seeing wrong. "Hey I'm not seeing wrong right, it says that he is a dual type with two affinities and one of them is a superior type as well right?" asked Tony as he was stupefied for the longest.

"No, you're not, unless we're both seeing wrong" replied Irving. Akira had still not recovered from the surprise. His mind was not able to keep up with this.

Everyone stayed silent for ten minutes until Irving broke the silence again "This is unexpected you're a dual type so I don't know what to do about your instructor. I will have to submit a report about you and wait for orders from from above for what to do about that. So until that you will have to stay at my house and raise your level until you get an instructor. The reason you will be staying at my house is because there is a chance that assassins from other cities may try to assassinate you to get rid of future talents, so you will need protection, that and the fact that your house got destroyed in the attack"

Akira had finally came to his sences and nodded to what Irving said regaining the previous calm look on his face.