
Beast Guardian: I am the only one with a beast core

A war orphan gains an unexpected destiny. Can he bring peace to the world or will he destroy it instead Akira a ten year old war orphan fuses with the strongest existence and gains immense power and has to choose what he will do with it I don't own the cover This my first book and english is not my first language so please be soft on the comments Also I have school sooo, sometimes I won't release any chapters for a long time but don't worry I drop this that easily

Sora122_4 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Type and affinities 2

"Okay I just have to focus my consciousness where I a tingling sensation right" Akira asked to make sure he heard right.

"Yes you just have to focus it's not that hard". After saying this Tony pressed a button and the door to the capsule closed.

After the door closed Tony pressed another button as Akira sensed something above him. He tilted his head upwards but there was nothing there. It was similar to how he could feel other humans near him but this felt more intangible.

'This must be mana and this machine must be one of those machines that work with mana' Akira concluded.

After his parent's death Akira had decided that he will become the strongest in this world and to prepare for that he first needed knowledge. So he had spent most of his time in the last five years reading in the library.

When he turned seven though he had spent more time on training his body, hand to hand combat and the sword style that his father had left him. So his time in the library had reduced but he still made sure he spent atleast an hour in the library daily. Ofcourse he could only train in the non aura using section of the sword style and could only read about soul or aura theories at most because he had not awakened yet. One needed to get the basic understanding of aura or soul that the mana core gives them on the first activation to learn the actual techniques.

That was why he could recognise the machine.

As Akira was thinking and recalling a lot of information about the mana integrated machines he realised that his thinking speed had increased exponentially. It was like time had slowed down, but he did not think too much about it as he thought that it was probably just another benefit of awakening.

He waited a few seconds as the mana touched his head and he immediately felt like a cool breeze was blowing. Slowly the feeling spread downwards towards his body as the mana moved downwards.

When the mana reached near his stomach he felt a slight tingling sensation as if someone pinched him. He quickly closed his eyes as he concentrated on where he got that feeling from. As he did this he was slowly pulled into his mind scape.


Inside his mind scape was completely white and in the middle of it stood Akira staring at a glowing blue ball the size of a car. 'This.. where is this?.' Akira thought but it reverberated throughout the mind scape. 'Huh did I speak out loud?' Akira thought but it reverberated out loud again. 'My thoughts are coming out loud, then this must be my mind scape. Didn't I read somewhere that you enter your mind scape during your first time activating the mana core, I must've forgotten about that.' As he was 'thinking' that, the blue ball started moving towards him. 'What is that ball of light? Nothing in my mind scape should be capable of hurting me so it's probably safe to approach it. Since it's heading my way I will wait here for it to reach me.

The ball was moving at a decent pace as it reached Akira in a few seconds. When it reached him Akira put his hand in front of him and touched the ball.


Suddenly Akira opened his eyes and clutched hi head in pain as a lot of information was just imprinted into his mind. 'The black dragon it fused with me? It did not flee? Special abilities? Special mana core? What is all this, I thought that thing turning into lumps of light was some kind of hallucination but that was true.'

'First let's calm down and analyse all the information one by one'

'The black dragon seeking to evolve into a higher species like all demons beasts fused with me who had a similar soul wavelength. But during the soul fusing my soul dominated the soul of the black dragon giving me full control and due to fusing with the black dragon I awakened and I also have a special mana core and body which gives me special abilities.'