
Beast Guardian: I am the only one with a beast core

A war orphan gains an unexpected destiny. Can he bring peace to the world or will he destroy it instead Akira a ten year old war orphan fuses with the strongest existence and gains immense power and has to choose what he will do with it I don't own the cover This my first book and english is not my first language so please be soft on the comments Also I have school sooo, sometimes I won't release any chapters for a long time but don't worry I drop this that easily

Sora122_4 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The only survivor

"That is, captain we have checked multiple times and could only find one survivor"

"What!" Irving exclaimed and then sighed 'I didn't expect a lot of survivors but for there to only be one' Irving thought while letting out a sigh. Irving was about to dismiss the soldier in front of him when he spoke up again.

"Captain the survivor seems to be an early awakened" "WHAT!" Irving couldn't help but exclaim out loud again "how old is he or she"

Irving said with slight impatience, justified impatience because an early awakened is someone who has awakened before the age of 14. So why are they such a big deal, because early awakened are a one in a century thing and they are all super geniuses who reach atleast the Colonel rank

"He is a male 10 year old war orphan. His parents were both of the Lieutenent General rank and died in action five years ago. His father's nickname was the lightning blade"

"Only 10 years old huh. Alright take me to him, I will report this to the higher ups after I check him myself"

'So another early awakened has appeared huh, the future of city Z is looking good' Irving thought to himself while dashing at a speed much faster than the speed of sound.

He couldn't run at full speed earlier because the other soldier although at the captain rank wouldn't be able to catch up to him who is at the top of general rank and is also one of the strongest in city Z


I wake up to the smell of medicine, a really strong smell of medicine. I open my eyes not being able to stand the smell and wanting to immediately run out of wherever I was. But before I was able to, I realised my room shouldn't smell of medicine

"Where the.." I shouted while jolting out of the bed. I stood up on my bed while quickly scanning my surroundings, I noticed a man sitting next to my bed but before I was able to ask him who he was or why I was here, I felt a small pain in my head which quickly became unbearable. I let out a groan and the pain resided after a few seconds and my memories came back to me "The dragon, where's the dragon" I said while scanning my surroundings again. I then remembered the man, but before I asked what had happened my brain finnally put everything together and I realised what must have happened

'The guardians must have reached and defeated it or atleast drove it off' I concluded

I then finally got a chance to speak to the man


Seeing the kid jolt out of the bed Irving was a bit surprised at first but decided to let him calm down by himself before talking to him.

After seeing many feelings flash through the boys face finnally a look of understanding came and he turned towards Irving and said "You're a guardian right? Can you tell me what happened after the black dragon attacked". While praising the boy inside for calming himself down so quickly Irving said "I don't know what happened to the dragon. When we reached there was nothing there other than destroyed buildings". After saying this he let the kid think about this for a moment. A few seconds later Akira said "How many survivors are there other than me?" with a solemn look on his face. "None, you're the only survivor" Irving gave Akira few more seconds to think about this. "So you're telling me that it just came in here killed hundreds and just disappeared" he was trying to hide his anger but failed.

"Now now I know what you are thinking but I am saying the truth even the mana barrier that was around the city couldn't detect anything and I have the space attribute and I went to the site myself but I couldn't detect any space fluctuations"

He was also confused but he couldn't do anything about it other than cursing himself for not reaching there on time

"But enough of that no matter how much we rack our brains we won't be able to guess what happened. For now let's introduce ourselves shall we"