
Beast Guardian: I am the only one with a beast core

A war orphan gains an unexpected destiny. Can he bring peace to the world or will he destroy it instead Akira a ten year old war orphan fuses with the strongest existence and gains immense power and has to choose what he will do with it I don't own the cover This my first book and english is not my first language so please be soft on the comments Also I have school sooo, sometimes I won't release any chapters for a long time but don't worry I drop this that easily

Sora122_4 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The rampaging dragon

"Faster" yelled someone. "The black dragon king is attacking the residential area".

In the dark, men and women clad in armour could seen jumping across the rooftops. "We have to hold it off till the mage squad reaches"

The sound of footsteps reverberated in the dark and tension was high in the air.

The black dragon was the strongest and most dangerous demon beast in existence. It was thousands of years old and could destroy the residential area in minutes


A boy around ten years old with black hair and cerulean blue eyes lay on the ground. His black hair was disheveled and dirty with dust and his eyes had almost lost their light. Piles of debris on all four of his sides, he was staring right at the eyes of a towering black being which had the same cerulean blue eyes as him but was atleast thousands of times his own size.

"Why?" said the boy weakly. "Why me?" said the boy slightly louder, the anger unconcealed in his voice.

The name of the boy was Akira, he was a war orphan. His parents died in the war that was still ongoing, when he was five. He couldn't even remember the faces of his parents properly. And now he was about to be killed by the strongest demon beast in existence that he thought was only a fairytale, how could one not be angry

"Atleast give me a painless death" Akira said pissed of at his fate and the black dragon king roared in response. He thought that the black dragon understood him but what happened next shocked him to his core. It shocked him so much that he almost jumped back but failed because he was sore throughout his body. The black dragon was turning to lumps of light right in front of his eyes.

The black dragon was glowing a golden colour and lumps of the golden light were breaking off from it. After floating in the air for a few moments the lumps flew towards Akira

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" the moment a lump of the golden light touched Akira he experienced so much pain that he thought that his body and soul were being torn apart and reattached at the same time thousands of times in less than a second. Then the lump of light was absorbed into his body and he felt that a void was created in his body and the void was attracting the other lumps of light

"Aaaaaaaaah graaaaargh" Akira screamed as several more of the lumps of light entered his body. As more and more of the lumps of light entered his body he felt the void slowly fill up. At the same time the black dragon was shrinking but Akira did not notice this as he had fainted after the fifth lump of light.

The black dragon kept shrinking until it completely disappeared and Akira had absorbed it


The sound of footsteps resounded throughout the silence and everyone had a look of bewilderment on their faces. Where the black dragon king was reported to appear there was nothing. If not for the piles of rubble they would have thought that the report was wrong.

The people clad in armour stood there for a few seconds dumbfounded. Then the man who appeared to be leading the others snapped out of it "Search the area for survivors", he commanded. "Yes captain" the others replied.

The captain started mumbling to himself after his subordinates left him to search for survivors"Did it use a space ability? No that can't be possible I didn't sense any space fluctuations and the black dragon isn't supposed to have a space affinity or atleast not in it's monster database". The man mumbling to himself was the captain of the first unit of the military, Irving Anton

"Captain" the sudden call bought the man out of his thoughts "Captain we have checked for life with the search area skill" the light armoured soldier said with a hint of unwillingness "Good how many survivors are there"