
Beast Guardian: I am the only one with a beast core

A war orphan gains an unexpected destiny. Can he bring peace to the world or will he destroy it instead Akira a ten year old war orphan fuses with the strongest existence and gains immense power and has to choose what he will do with it I don't own the cover This my first book and english is not my first language so please be soft on the comments Also I have school sooo, sometimes I won't release any chapters for a long time but don't worry I drop this that easily

Sora122_4 · ファンタジー
9 Chs


Akira and Irving left the testing room and arrived at Irving's house in about 40 minutes. "This is the place that you will be staying in for quite a long time, so be prepared." Irving said as he pointed at a house that was quite big but not too big either. Akira looked at the house and nodded.

After entering the house Irving took Akira to his basement. "This where you will be cultivating. This place is completely soundproof and no-one other than me will probably come here. There will be guards outside the house for when I'm not home, but they won't come in unless they think that your life is in danger. I'll go to the organization for what to do about your instructor, so I won't be back for about two days so. So any questions"

"No, I think I'll be fine" Akira said as he was already walking to the door of the soundproof room.

Akira closed the door behind his back and went and sat down near the middle of the room. "Ok, time to begin I guess" Akira said as he closed his eyes to concentrate.

After closing his eyes he concentrated on his mana core (beast core), and emitted an attractive force. It was a weird feeling, he could do this like it was almost instinctual but it felt different like he knew how he did this but he could not explain it.

When he did this he could feel small spheres of energy enter his body from everywhere. The spheres of energy felt cold to the touch and invigorated his body every time one entered his body.

When Akira was thinking about how great he felt he suddenly felt something shattering inside him and felt a sudden jump in strength. 'That must have been a level up. What an intoxicating feeling that was.' Akira thought while not slowing down on his cultivating, in fact he becoming faster as he was absorbing more and more energy in lesser time.

He was becoming so fast that if Akira was to see himself cultivating with his eyes that granted him the ability to see mana, he would look like a whirlpool of blue spheres with him as the centre.

After a few more minutes Akira felt another crack and another jump in strength but he had already entered a trance like state and reached his maximum speed so he did not notice it.

At this point Akira was absorbing so much mana that the only reason that the room did not run out of mana was the beast crystals placed in the rooms that were supplying the mana to keep the balance of mana between the surroundings.

Beast crystals were a crystal that are taken from demon beasts. They control the mana that make up the bodies of the beasts. Since the bodies of demon beasts are made up of mana, it needs something to control all that mana and for the mana to form around. So the beast crystals act as a sort of nucleus for the demon beasts.

The beast crystals when taken out of the demon beast and modified a little bit can gather all the mana within its range and concentrate it in a certain area. The stronger the demon beast from which it is taken from, the greater the range since the bodies of stronger demon beasts contain more mana. So the beast crystals need to be better to control it. Which in turn means the more mana can be gathered in an area

The one that is used in the room is one of the highest quality since this was were Irving used to cultivate. And being one of the most important people in city Z has its benefits.