
Beast Guardian: I am the only one with a beast core

A war orphan gains an unexpected destiny. Can he bring peace to the world or will he destroy it instead Akira a ten year old war orphan fuses with the strongest existence and gains immense power and has to choose what he will do with it I don't own the cover This my first book and english is not my first language so please be soft on the comments Also I have school sooo, sometimes I won't release any chapters for a long time but don't worry I drop this that easily

Sora122_4 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

After cultivating

Akira had entered a trance like state and had been cultivating non stop for the last two days and managed to level up thrice more and managed to reach level six. The rate in which he levelled up reduced considerably as he levelled up, so he had only been able to do this much. He was about to complain about this but then remembered that most people would take about 5-10 years to reach level six.

Akira wanted to return to cultivating but stopped when he heard a growl coming from his stomach. 'Guess I should get something to eat. I read that guardians can supplement some of the energy used by the body with mana when they are cultivating but they still need to eat once in a while. Wait a minute how long was I cultivating for?'

Akira then looked towards the clock that was hanging on the wall of the room to see that he had been here for more than two days.

'Shit I was here for that long. I wonder if Irving's already back?'. Akira decided to stop for now and go eat something as it was time for Irving to return.

'It's not like this is the last time I will cultivate or anything right. I'll just take a break for now.' Akira thought while walking towards the door.

He had gotten addicted to the feeling of power that was flowing through his body when he leveled up and wanted to experience it again.

He opened the door to see Irving standing outside the door with his back against the wall. "Yo, you took your time coming out of there didn't you" Irving said with a smile. "When did you come back and how long have you been here?" Akira asked.

"I just came back a few hours ago and took a bathe and ate lunch. And I've only been waiting for like two hours, I didn't want to come in and disturb you."

"Let me take a bath we'll talk after that." Akira said with a tired voice. If he waited out here then he shouldn't have anything too important to say

"That's fine this can wait, but more importantly you should take a bath, you stink but that's normal for everyone who level ups for the first time"


"So what did they say about my instructor?"

Akira asked while eating. Irving had ordered some food for him while he was taking a bath.

"You are going to be staying at Dwain Carter's clan compound and you will be instructed by us on alternate weeks and you will have Saturdays and Sundays off. As for why you will be staying with him, that was condition set by Dwain Carter in exchange for teaching you." Said Irving

"That's fine by me. So when should I start packing?" Akira asked finishing his food.

"You should start now. We can leave right after you finish packing"

"I don't really need to pack anything as I didn't unpack it. It's all there as it was delivered." When Akira was cultivating a few officials from the military had came and delivered a package containing things that were either salvaged from the remains of his house or new clothes and food supplements that were used during cultivating.

He was waiting to unpack and put everything away after having his food but it looks like he didn't need to.

"Don't tell me me that you didn't come out the room till now did you?" Irving asked slightly pissed.

"I just lost track of the time that was all. Levelling up just feels really good" Akira answered nonchalantly.

"Oh so you managed to level up within just two days huh" Irving said with a little bit of pride that his soon to be disciple is talented.

"Not once I managed to level up five times, I'm level six now"