
Chapter 10.

Point out the mistakes and stuff, please.

Damien's POV.

"You late Tucker." I said as he came in with his hair messy and his phone in his hand.

"I'm just an hour late, Damien." He sat down acting as if he did nothing wrong as he put the phone on the table.

"Don't you worry Tuck, Damien was also late." Diego told Tucker trying to prove a point. "You guys have serious issues."

"Look who's heartbroken today." I laughed at Tuck who was not in a good mood.

"Fuck you." Tucker said.

"Don't forget I'm still your boss Tucker."

"Tucker, I think you going to love what Charlotte did to Damien." Diego tried getting his brother's attention. "She destroyed that black car he loved so much."

"She did that, god she's got real issues. I just wish she would grow the fuck up." Tucker said bored.

"I don't think he's talking about Charlotte anymore." I said to Diego and he nod. "How was your date last night?" I asked him and he got up.

"Moerat is probably looking for me I have to go." Tucker said leaving. His definitely lying.

"So, what's your plan about Charlotte?" Diego asked.

"What do you m--" Tucker phone rang and I quickly looked at the caller. "Who's Ella Diego?" I asked thinking if I should answer the call for Tucker.

"Probably Stella, I can't believe he left his phone."

"She sent a message, do you think we should answer for him?" I asked Diego and he shook his head. "Tucker has to focus, and this Stella girl is a bad influence."

"Damien, if my brother likes the girl then his going to kill you for talking to her."

"Thank god I'm not going to talk to her. I'll send her a message."

"Good luck with his password because I'm not telling you anything."

"Come on we both know if Tucker isn't focused on the job then we all going to die Diego."

"But he's going to hate us, Damien."

"Well, that's if he ever finds out."

"We'll regret this later Damien."

"Tell me the password man."

"I hate my brother." He told me and I typed the password in but it didn't work

"That's incorrect."

"He really did change his password." He said. "Try your name."

I tried my name but it didn't work too. I even tried Stella or Ella whatever he calls her.

"I think I know what's the password." Diego told me as he shook his head. "You won't like the password, Damien."

"Just tell me already."

"Demyan loves Lotta." Diego murmured and I quickly typed the password.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked because it was correct. My password is just a few letters and he has a whole sentence.

"You and your ex."

"Charlotte?" I asked and Deigo nod his head. "Your brother is a lunatic Diego." I started reading Stella's messages.

"What did Stella send?" He asked ignoring what I told him.

"She wants to meet him." I said to him and he got up to see the message himself. "You believe me now?" I asked as he stared at the replay I was writing.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to say that Damien." He told me but I ignored sending the message.

Me: I don't think that's a good idea.

Stella: I just want to apologize Tuck.

"What should I say to her now Diego?" I asked and he just stared at me. "Should I ask her why she wants to apologize."

"No, Tucker probably knows what she did wrong."

"But I don't so I'll ask her."

Me: Why do you want to apologize

Stella: I just want to say sorry, I swear I didn't know you were allergic to Salmon.

"I didn't even know your brother was allergic to anything." I said to Diego.

"Because he orders his own food. I can't even believe she wanted to kill my little brother."

"She said she didn't know, but I'll probably just tell her to go to hell."

"No, Damien his going to kill us."

Me: Well if you didn't know, Why didn't you ask? Actually, why did you even order food for me as if you were the one paying?

Stella: I'm not the one who ordered the food and you know it Tuck.

Me: So now you saying I was planning on killing myself when I ordered that, and don't you ever call me Tuck again.

Stella: Well Fletcher ordered the food so stop acting Tucker, and if you want your money back then I'll send it to your account right now.

"I think you going too far, Damien. Tucker will seriously hate us." Diego said.

"This girl is a spoilt brat, and she even dared to bring a Fletcher there. Who does she think she is when she almost killed Tucker."

Me: Too bad, I don't want your money. Give it to Fletcher, he needs it more than me.

Stella: You know what Tucker, go to hell.

"Don't you dare do it, Damien." Diego said and I giggled.

"Too late."

Me: I'll meet you there.

Stella: Don't ever contact me again.

Me: Lose my number

"I think she already blocked me Diego." I deleted all the messages.

"How are we going to face Tucker from now on."

"We just going to act like this never happened Diego. I know he's your brother but we all need to focus on this big mission coming up. We need Tucker."

"But Tucker will find out Damien. You, not the one who has to deal with him as a broth--"

"What will I find out?" Tucker asked standing in the doorway. "Why do you have my phone, Damien."

"Oh, I was going to drop it at your house." I hate lying to Tucker but it's the only way for him to focus.

"Okay, but what were you guys talking about when you said I'll find out." Tucker took his phone from me. "What are you guys hiding from me?" He asked.

"I'm not hiding anything Tuck." I said looking at Diego.

"I know what I heard Damien, now why don't you guys tell me already because I'm tired, and I don't have time for your games."

"Its Damien he has a surprise for you." Diego looked at me with a wicked smile. I swear to god if he says anything about a party I'll shoot him.

"Can you please just tell me brother, I don't want Moerat on my case again." Tucker sighed. Moerat is the detective that always wanted to put me behind bars but too bad for him he has nothing on me.

"Damien wanted to transfer two hundred and fifty thousand in your account for being a great friend to him, and I was just jealous that's why we were arguing."

"Two hundred and fifty thousand." I couldn't even believe what Diego said. Where the fuck would I even get a quarter of a million.

"Are you bribing me to give Stella to you Damien?" Tucker raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry best friend but I'm taking the money and still keeping my girl." He got up smiling. "You guys are hiding something else from me but I'll just leave it alone for now, after all, I have a quarter of a million."

"When do you want him to transfer the money?" Diego asked making me angry. I wonder if he is even the one paying.

"Tomorrow is fine, now I have to go back to work. See you tomorrow." Tucker left and Diego just looked at me acting like he did nothing wrong.

"What will you do about Charlotte?" He asked making sure I don't ask about the fact he just told his brother I have a quarter of a million laying around for him.

"Don't say her name." I got up angry. I hate her more than ever right now.

Who the hell did she think she is when she destroyed my fucking car!

"What's your plan. I know you won't kill her."

"Maybe I will, or maybe I'll just burn her house down and if she's not in there then she's lucky." I shrugged my shoulders and he raised an eyebrow confused and worried.

He should be worried because she messed with the wrong person.

"You know charlotte could never have damaged your car like that Damien. Maybe someone was sending her a message, or maybe your enemies were trying to warn you of how easily they cou--"

"Or maybe you should learn to shut the fuck up and let me think." I interrupted him remembering three boys running when I arrived, but they couldn't have been sent even though I saw them running so fast as if their life depends on it.

"Are you done thinking now?" Diego asked.

"I already told you, I'm burning that whole house down I don't care who is inside."

"Are you crazy, we could just destroy her car. She only ruined your car, not your whole life."

"My life was that car Diego." I shouted angry. "It was the car I love must. The only car that I never trusted with anyone and the minute I trusted her with my car. She ruined it."

"There's plenty of cars like yours Damien."

"But none of them would be my father's." He was shocked at what I said. He always knew I never wanted anything to do with my father, but it wouldn't hurt having one thing left of your family. "I trusted her Diego. You know why she did it?" I asked him.

"No, but I know she didn't do it to hurt you."

"Hurt me? Diego, she's a manipulative spoiled bitch. This was her plan all along with her brother. You see her brother killed my father but he never admits it. So this was there plan, they don't want me to have anything of my father. They still have their father and yet they still after me."

"Calm down Damien, she probably didn't know it's your father's car."

"Get out." I shouted pulling my gun out. "Who's side are you on?"

"Yours, but this Damien. I can't believe you want to destroy so much for a car."

"Fuck off." I shouted pointing my gun at him. I was fighting the tears in my eyes. My own best friend is choosing that bitch over me. "Diego leave before I shoot you." I warned him.

"Please Damien, Don't do anything you'll regret." He said leaving.

I'm coming for you, Charlotte Carson. You probably think you destroyed the last thing of my father. But wait till I burn your house with all your designs in it.

Don't tell me I never warned you about messing with a Knight!