
Chapter 11.

Damien's POV.

It's been a few days since my argument with Diego. All we ever talk about is business because every time he mentions that women's name I lose my temper.

I wish I never met Charlotte Carson.

"Can I come in?" Diego asked standing at the door. He would always just come in without knocking or asking but ever since I threatened him he started acting weird.

"Yeah." I agreed and he quickly took his seat staring at me as if i did something wrong. "What is it this time?" I asked.

"I heard you asked some of the guys to follow Charlotte. So it's really true that you want to kill her."

"I didn't say i want to kill her, all I ever said was that I would burn her house down whether she is inside or not."

"This game you playing is too dangerous and I know you would never hurt Charlotte but the one thing I don't get is why you wasting your time targeting her when we should be preparing for the big mission."

"I'm not wasting my time Diego. You'll see how I burn her house very soon. Now, where has your brother been for the last couple of days?" I asked.

"I think his heartbroken. I didn't see him since that day wh--"

"I'm here." Tucker came in faking a smile. I never saw this side of him. He would never take leave without a valid reason.

"Where have you bee--"

"What the hell happened to your face?" I asked interrupting Diego. I didn't even know he was in a fight or something.

"I thought my face was back to normal." He answered taking his phone out and checking his face. "It looks fine. The bruises are gone."

"That's why you didn't want to see us." Diego said relieved. He kept thinking Tucker found out about what I did.

"How did you get those bruises?" I asked and he shook his head. "Was it our enemies or something?"

"No, it was actually Stella." He said making Diego and I confused.

How the hell can one girl beat his ads up?

"Why and how the fuck did she do that?" I asked because Diego was still in shock.

"Well, the short version or the long version?" He asked.

"The long version please." Diego said laughing.

-- flashback --

Stella's POV.

"Stella." I heard Tucker called me. He was the one who was acting cool and everything yesterday now he wants to act like he did nothing wrong.

I walked on avoiding him. He's so wrong if he thinks I'll talk to him after what he did yesterday. I can't even believe I wanted to let him meet my baby sister.

"Didn't you hear me?" Tucker asked blocking my way. I would've turned the other way around but this is the only way for me to reach the car.

"Get out of my way." I warned him looking down.

"I'm sorry about the date it's my fault that I didn't tell you what I was allergic to. I never tell people what I'm allergic to because I prefer ordering my own food." He explained as if I cared.

"I don't care." I replied trying to make him move.

"Ma'am Stella." I heard one of my bodyguards called.

"I'm coming." I shouted looking up to Tucker.

"So I'm I forgiven?" He asked and I started laughing. "Come on Ella. I don't know what you like but I brought roses and Chocolate."

"Get out of my way Sir. I don't want any troubles." I asked politely.

"So that's how we are going to play?" He asked making me look at him confused. "Okay madam should I go on my knees to beg you?"

"Go to hell, actually I forgot you already told me you'll meet me there."

"What? I thought we would be in heaven. I mean I know I ain't no angel but you one."

"Go tell that to your new girlfriend."

"Come on I didn't know you would be so jealous. I know I'm handsome but seriously I like you."

"Stella." I heard Fletcher call me. "I thought you wanted to go home early to get ready for the party." He added giving Tucker a small smile.

"Does he have to always follow me?" Tucker asked grunting his teeth.

"Actually Fletcher I already told you I'll be there." I said as he tried to kiss me but I gave him my cheek.

"So when were you going to tell me we were invited to a party?" Tucker asked as Fletcher left.

"When we meet in hell sir." I answered trying to walk past him.

"What's wrong with you Stella. I didn't know freaking out at our date would've turned you like this. And will you just please stop calling me Sir." He said.

"That's why you here? It's about the stupid date and not to apologize for yesterday." I opened my purse and took some cash out. "Here I'm sorry for wasting your money but now that I paid back for that date I have nothing of you anymore so leave me alone."

"What the hell Ella. I don't want your money. Please I'm sorry, just tell me what I did wrong because I don't think you talking about the date anymore. If it's about the girl that walks with me then she's my sister. I promise." He took my hand trying to give me back my money but I refused.

"I don't care whether you have a sister or a girlfriend Sir. And you right it's not about the date it's about you acting like you did nothing wrong."

"Well, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong but for Fuck sake Stella, keep the money I don't need it." He tried opening my hand to give the money back to me but I tried my best not to take the money back until he tried everything and forced to open my hand.

"You hurting me." I said taking the money. I can't believe he scratched my fingers. I quickly threw the cash on his face. "You need that money more than me." I added.

"You think I care about money?" He asked and I didn't respond. "Not everyone is born to be rich like you Stella but at least take the roses and Chocolate." He said closing his eyes. I knew he was hurt but what about me.

I told my baby sister she could meet him but as soon as I asked to meet him he acted like that whole date was my fault. I didn't even know Fletcher would be there.

"No" I answered finally making up my mind to just go back to class and wait until he is gone.

I turned around to walked the other side and he quickly grabbed my arm turning me back to face him as he crushed his lips against mine.

I broke our kiss and grabbed the roses in his one.

"I'm sorr--" I interrupted him hitting him with the roses.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN FORCE YOURSELF ON ME." I shouted still hitting him.

"Can you just stop please Ella." He asked grabbing both my arms.

"Ma'am is everything okay." One of my bodyguards asked standing at the back of Tucker. I quickly shook my head holding back my tears.

I saw Tucker let go of me but before he could turn to face my bodyguards they knocked him out. I know I couldn't watch them beat him up.

"You were right Sir. Not everyone is born into money. But money isn't happiness." I told him leaving as both my bodyguard started beating him up.

-- End of flashback--


Damien's POV.

"So basically she didn't actually beat you up. She just ordered her bodyguards?" I asked

He nods his head. "She kept blaming me for something else."

"Let's just forget about it Tuck." I told him.

"What the fuck Damien. That's your sister in law and if you guys think I'm going to forget her then you really don't know me."

"Brother I think you should listen to Damien for once." Diego said.

"But I just want to know why she kept calling me sir. She was fine with calling me Tuck when we were on the date. I'm not that old. I'm younger than you two. Damien, can I ask you something?" Tucker asked and I nod my head just because I had something to do with everything.

It's definitely going to be about Charlotte.

"Did Charlotte ever call you sir?"

"No. I'm only older than her for three years." I quickly answered. I don't get why everyone thinks I'm way older than her just because she's Benjamin's baby sister.

"Well, I'm older than Stella for five years." He answered. "Can I borrow your phone for a few minutes?" Tucker asked.

"If it's about Stella then I think you should rather forget her Tuck. The mission--"

"I promise I will focus on the mission so can I please borrow your phone?" He asked interrupting me. I literally ruin his relationship with Stella to get him to focus on this mission now he wants to use my phone to fix his relationship.

"Why not Diego's phone?"

"Imagine she asks her IT to check who is the owner of the phone. Then it would definitely show that we brothers."

"Fine. But I'll send the messages." I told him as he forwards Stella's number for me.

Me: Hi

"So what did you send her?" He asked getting up.

"Hi," I answered rolling my eyes.

Stella: Who's this?

"What do I say now?" I asked Tucker.


"What?" I asked shocked. His fucking crazy if he thinks I would act like my ex.

"Please, Damien. I'll owe you one forever. Stella doesn't like Guys texting her. She would block you as soon as you say your name."

"Yes, Damien. He's going to owe you forever." Diego said reminding me what we did to him.

Me: It's Charlotte.

Stella: Thank god. I thought it was these other guys that always keep following me around.

Me: Which guys?

"You forward Damien. She's going to know you not Charlotte. " Tucker said grabbing the phone out of my hand.

'Please god, let her say she hates Tucker' I prayed.

Stella: Fletcher and Tucker. By the way, where were you the whole of last year? I always watched you on social media especially when you always did the happy New Year.

Me: I'm always like that.

"Damien, why was charlotte gone for a year?" Tucker asked me still typing the message.

"I don't know. We broke up and then a couple of weeks later I found out she was gone.

Me: So why don't you give this Tucker a chance. He sounds cool.

"What the fuck Tucker?" Diego asked laughing as he read the message Tucker send to Stella.

"She knows it's you now." I told Tucker slapping my forehead.



I just wanted to tell you all if I did the POV of Tucker then the chapter would've been short. I hope y'all understand. I love you all.

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