
Chapter 9.

Damien' s POV.

I got out of charlotte's car and saw my car damaged. My one of a kind car. It's the only thing I have of my damn father.

I looked at the window because I knew she would want to see me break down. I looked at her and saw her wave at me with a big ugly smile on her face.

How I wish I could break all her teeth. I screamed letting all my anger out because God knows that I'll do something I'll regret if I don't leave now.

I threw her keys on her door and got in my car. She cut my car seats too, that bitch. We'll see how you like your surprise, Charlotte Carson.

I took out my phone and send Diego a message. We will see who laughs last Charlotte.

I started driving my car even though it was so damage.

. . .

I arrived at my house and saw Diego already there. Damn my car was really slow.

"What happened to your car?" He asked trying not to laugh.

"Charlotte." I just said her name and he understood everything else. "Where's your brother?"

"He's on a date." Diego answered. "Now can we go in the house or did she do something to your house too."

"She wouldn't dare try me." I told him as we both went inside my house. "Wasn't his date just the other day?"

"She didn't pitch up." Diego said as he sat on the couch. "Now why did charlotte do that?"

"I think that Stella girl didn't even want to go on the date. You know Tuck never takes NO for an answer." I avoided the reason why Charlotte destroyed my car because then I'll have to tell him I slept with her.

"Tucker is happy Damien and a happy Tucker means a happy life. Let him annoy her at least his happy."

"I feel sorry for her but one of us is happy that's all that matters. I would've never guessed it would be him because all he ever did was one-night stand."

"Yeah, but now he's taking her on a date which means she's not going to be a one night stand." Diego shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll kill him if he only wants to sleep with her."

"My brother would never do that to a teenager and plus don't you forget Charlotte was seventeen."

"I was twenty, and I wouldn't have met her if you didn't force me to go to that club to celebrate after graduation when you drop out and still acted like you the one that graduated."

"That was the best night, and I think you owe me a lot for everything I did that night for you. Remember ho--"

"Shut up."

"You the rudest person I ever met." He murmured. "Ahem, why did charlotte destroy your favorite car?" He asked clearing his throat.

"I'll tell you everything at the warehouse tomorrow it's late and I have to sleep." I walked to the door to open for him.

"I'm guessing you destroyed her car too." Diego got up and walked closer to me.

"I didn't, but I know something that she loves more," I told him as he shook his head in disappointment.

"I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow." He said leaving and I quickly close the door.

You'll regret this Charlotte! Who told you to mess with a knight you can't take on.

* * * *

Stella's POV.

I walked inside the restaurant and saw him wave at me. He's so lucky he's a cute stalker or I would definitely get a restraining order against him.

"Hi." I greeted him as he got up to pull the chair for me. "It's fine." I told him but he just insist to do it.

"I ordered Watermelon juice for you." He told me as he took his seat.

"You even know what type of juice I prefer." His really a stalker. "Now that I'm here can you please do it." I asked him, making funny faces for him to understand what I was talking about.

"I can't read faces Ella." Tucker said looking at me weird.

"The picture."

"What picture?" He asked acting dumb with me.

"Delete it please." I was begging him and it was actually wrong in so many levels. Who the hell does he think he is.

"I'll do it later." He said smiling.

"Now Tucker. I'm here."

"How do you know my name?" He asked acting confuse.

"You told me yourself." I stated. He was the one who introduced himself and yet he's acting like I'm his stalker or something.


"You want me to tell you when?" I asked annoyed and he still nods his head. He's so damn lucky his cute. "You showed up at my class and told the lecturer I dropped my book."

"That doesn't explain how you know my name." He said forcing a yawn as if I'm so boring.

"Well after that you gave me the book which wasn't even mine, and I told you it doesn't belong to me and you just said I'm Tucker nice to finally meet you, Stella."

"I don't remember that."

"Well, I think it's better if I go home then." I told him as I got up and he quickly jumped up.

"Sorry, I was just joking with you, Ella." He apologized and I quickly sat down. "I'll remember from now on you like Damien."

"Who's that?" I asked.

"My best friend, and his taken." He shocked me with his words. If I was desperate for a boyfriend then I would've just dated the boys that asked me out not run after someone who doesn't even know me.

"Okay." I replied awkwardly and the waitress arrived with our drinks.

"Thank you." We both replied and she just gave him a flirty smile as she ignored me.

"Tucker Smith right?" I asked and he nods.

"Are you stalking me?"

"Keep dreaming, my sister just wanted to know who you are so I had to ask around." I answered rolling my eyes.

"So what do you want to eat tonight?"

"You seriously don't know anything about taking a girl on a date." I told him and he nod smiling. "This is your first time I'm guessing."

"Yeah. I usually umm--"

"Stella." I heard Fletcher call me interrupting whatever Tucker was saying. "I wouldn't have guessed you would be here tonight."

"Yeah, me too." I replied not knowing anything else to say. Fletcher Hollands is one of the top students and his also the most popular boy at our varsity who annoys me every single minute he gets. He thinks every girl is into him but that isn't true.

I literally get nightmares of him because he always comes out of nowhere.

"My parents are here and well I'm third-wheeling because I wanted to get out of the house." He told me as if I asked him. He's always so full of himself one of the reasons why I don't like him.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said lying and saw Tucker annoyed.

"Mind if I join you guys." He asked.

"Oh, of course, you can." I looked at Tuck who was so angry but I couldn't be rude. That's not how I was raise.

"I didn't know this isn't called third-wheeling." Tucker said as Fletcher quickly took a seat.

"Who you?" Fletcher asked as he took the menu away from Tucker.

"I'm Stella's--"

"Fletcher this is Tucker. Tucker this is Fletcher." I introduced them in a hurry.

"Nice to meet you, bro. So what are we having?" Fletcher asked looking at the menu.

"You know what I hate the most Fletcher?" Tucker asked folding his arms across his cheat. "People that don't mind the--" I interrupted him kicking him.

"Can I talk to you alone please." I was referring to Tuck but Fletcher got up too. "Tucker."

"Okay, I'll order for us so long." Fletcher said as I grabbed Tucker's arm.

"Why you acting so rude." I asked him as we went to the corner of the restaurant so that Fletcher doesn't hear anything.

"I wasn't rude Ella, I was honest. There's a difference you know." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I know, he shouldn't be here honestly but his really nice." I know Fletcher is so full of himself but I can't tell Tucker that.

"What do I get for being nice?" He asked pulling me to him. "I think I deserve a kiss."

"I ordered for all of us if that's fine." Fletcher said interrupting us. I'm so happy for the first time that he interrupted us.

"When did you even get here?" Tucker asked him angry. We were standing at the corner of the restaurant.

"Well, I ordered food so I thought I would let you guys know." Fletcher told him as he took my hand. "Let's go back to our table."

"Our table?" Tucker asked angry and Fletcher and I just ignored him.

"So what did you order for us Fletcher?" I asked as we all sat down.

"It's a surprise, Stella. Now, how you related to Tucker?" Fletcher asked and before I could say anything he added. "Is he your new driver."

"Actually his my bo---"

"Here's your food." The waiter said interrupting me. "Two chicken Burrito With Extra Salsa, and one Grilled Salmon, Black Beans, Rice plus Veggies."

"Thank you." We all said the same time. "This is Salmon." Tucker said looking at Fletcher.

"Haven't you had one before?" Fletcher asked while eating his chicken Burrito with extra salsa.

"I think I lost my appetite Ella." Tucker said taking out his wallet. "Enjoy your night." He added putting money on the table.

"What's wrong with you Tucker. " I whispered getting up.

"You want to know what's wrong with me?" He asked, angry and I nod my head. "You stood me up the other day, just to plan my death."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Yes, Ella I may like you but that doesn't mean I'm an idiot. You brought your boyfriend here just to mock me didn't you?"

"I seriously don't know what you talking about, and plus why would I plan your death?"

"I'm allergic to this shit your boyfriend ordered." He shouted angry and everyone's attention was on us. "Now I hope you enjoy your night with this Fletcher." He said walking away in a hurry.

"Wait." I shouted running after him. "Tucker please." He didn't even listen to anything I have to say, he got in his car and drove off.

How was I supposed to know he is allergic to salmon when he never even told me.

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