
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · アクション
66 Chs


The moonlight cast a haunting glow upon Edward's lifeless form as he lay sprawled on the forest floor. Blood pooled around him, staining the earth beneath—a grim reminder of the high-stakes world they inhabited.

With the threat neutralized, Alex turned to the night and swiftly sent a transmitter signal to Mira, his trusted ally. She arrived on a motorcycle, her headlights cutting through the forest's shadows.

"To think that you would be beaten up so badly, Alex." teased

Alex, still catching his breath, couldn't help but smile beneath his mask.

"Don't joke around, Mira. How's everyone?"

Mira's gaze softened as she offered a reassuring nod.

"They're safe. We should go now."

"What, I don't understand".

She handed a set of clean clothes to Alex, and he quickly changed, disposing of his bloodied attire. Mira then went to work, meticulously erasing any traces of their battle and Edward's presence in the forest.

As Mira touched Edward's lifeless body, she channeled her shadow skill, 'the Corpse Disintegration technique'. A subtle, almost imperceptible energy flowed from her fingertips and into the remains of the once formidable assassin.

The process began with the molecular decomposition of the corpse. Bonds between organic molecules began to break, and the organic matter that composed Edward's body started to disintegrate. At first, there were no visible signs of change, but beneath the surface, a profound transformation was taking place.

Edward's body, which had once been a complex structure of bones, tissues, and organs, was now slowly breaking down into its fundamental elemental components. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms, which had once formed the building blocks of life, were now being separated from each other.

This disintegration continued, and as it did, the body lost its form. Flesh turned to liquid, then to vapor, and finally, into an ethereal mist that dispersed into the surrounding air. There were no screams or splashes of blood, no lingering evidence of the life that had once inhabited this body. It was as if Edward had never existed.

The entire process was executed silently and without a trace, save for a slight shimmer in the air around Mira's fingertips. The only testament to the Corpse Disintegration skill's effectiveness was the absence of Edward's body, which had been erased from existence in a matter of moments.

Mira, with her deep understanding of chemistry and shadow skills, had executed the technique flawlessly. Edward, once a formidable adversary, had now become nothing more than a memory, his remains reduced to the basic elements from which he had been formed. The mission was complete, and their tracks remained hidden in the shadows, ensuring that no evidence of their presence would ever be found.

"It's really weird to watch it every time," Diaz comment, a hint of fascination and unease in his voice.

Mira responded with a hint of dark humor, "Thanks for the compliment."

Diaz chuckled, though the tension of the recent battle still hung in the air. "I wonder who your husband is, Mira. When he messes up, he'll go astray for sure."

Mira grinned beneath her mask, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Let's stop the job here, shall we?"

"Yeah, let's go," Diaz agreed, relief evident in his tone. They had faced danger tonight, but their mission was accomplished, and they were alive. As they retreated into the obscurity of the night, the secrets of assassins remained hidden, like shadows in the darkness.

With the remains reduced to ashes, Mira meticulously combed the area, removing spent bullet casings and erasing any signs of a struggle. She possessed an uncanny ability to leave no trace behind, a skill honed through years of experience.

Once satisfied that their secret was safe, Mira rejoined Alex. Together, they left the moonlit forest behind, their motorcycle carrying them away from the haunting battlefield. The night held its secrets, but they were now one step closer to regrouping with their allies and uncovering the truth behind the artifact's theft.

As they rode through the winding roads, the chilling echoes of their encounter in the forest faded into the past, leaving behind only the weight of their unspoken thoughts and the relentless pursuit of their enigmatic adversaries.

The night held its breath as Alex and Mira emerged from the moonlit woods, their mission accomplished, but an unsettling feeling lingered. Their journey through the perilous world of assassins had taken an unexpected turn, and the echoes of their battle would reverberate in the shadows for some time to come.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the dense forest. Amidst the rustling leaves and the faint hum of nocturnal creatures, Alex and Mira believed they had finally eluded their pursuers. The sound of their motorcycle's engine had faded into the distance, and for a moment, they felt a flicker of relief.

But just as they thought they had escaped the clutches of danger, a commanding voice echoed through the night, freezing them in their tracks.


The abruptness of the command sent a chill down their spines, and they instinctively halted in their tracks. Slowly, they turned, their eyes straining to pierce the darkness and discern the source of the stern voice.

Out of the shadows, a sleek black car emerged, its headlights cutting through the night like twin beams of vengeance. It skidded to a halt, revealing an enigmatic figure who stepped out with the grace of a panther stalking its prey. Her silhouette was defined by the moonlight, and the glint of a firearm in her hand added an ominous edge to her presence.

The woman's dark, piercing eyes seemed to bore into their souls, assessing them with an intensity that left no room for doubt—she was a force to be reckoned with.

In that hushed forest, shrouded in secrets and the unspoken rules of the underworld, they were trapped in a perilous standoff. The siren's echo lingered like a haunting refrain, a prelude to the dangerous game about to unfold.

In the aftermath of the intense shadow battle, as Alex and Mira were preparing to make their discreet exit from the scene, they were suddenly confronted by an unexpected figure. Suki, a policewoman and the head of the department in the Metropolis station, had been alerted to the disturbance of energy in the area. She was well aware that such disturbances often heralded high-level shadow fights, and her keen sense of duty drove her to investigate.

What she discovered, however, was beyond her expectations. Not only had she sensed the energy of a fierce battle, but she had also received orders from higher authorities regarding a mysterious aircraft linked to the Ramos family, circling the city with a potentially ominous agenda. This only served to fuel her determination.

Upon arriving at the scene of the battle, Suki found no immediate trace of the combatants. The corpses, the vehicles, and even the forest itself appeared to have vanished, leaving only devastation in their wake. The disappearance of Semus, a member of the powerful Semus family, only added to the mystery and the potential threat to the city.

Anger and confusion welled up within Suki as she pointed her weapon at the two shadowy figures before her.

"You two, stop your vehicle and put your hands up!" she commanded, her voice resolute.

Alex, ever the calm and composed one, attempted to defuse the situation.

"Calm down, officer," he said, his voice steady. "We can explain this. What would you like to know?"

In the tense standoff with Officer Suki, Alex and Mira tried to reason with her, pushing back against the accusations that had been leveled at them.

"Officer, catch them!" Suki commanded, her weapon still trained on the two shadowy figures.

Both Alex and Mira instinctively evaded, unwilling to be apprehended without a proper explanation.

"On what basis are you detaining us?" Mira demanded, her voice tinged with frustration.

"You're both suspects in the disturbance that occurred in this area," Suki asserted, her resolve unwavering.

Alex pressed for evidence. "Do you have any proof to support that claim?"

Suki's response was curt. "My word is the proof."

Mira couldn't contain her disbelief. "What kind of nonsense is this?"

Suki's patience wore thin, and she raised her weapon higher. "Stop, or I will shoot!"

Desperation and urgency fueled Alex's next words. "Miss, we're in a hurry. We don't have time for this."

Suki was unyielding. "Then explain what happened here."

Alex and Mira maintained their stance, asserting their innocence. "We're just civilians, passerby. We got caught up in whatever happened here."

Suki remained skeptical. "Do you really expect us to believe your story?"

With a composed demeanor, Alex reached into his pocket and retrieved a small camera. He handed it to Suki, who inspected it with growing astonishment.

"Oh, you must believe us, Miss," Alex said calmly. "Here, this is our camera. It contains a recording of our activities up until now."

As Suki played back the footage, her disbelief transformed into shock. The video clearly depicted two individuals on a casual date in a nearby town, followed by an unfortunate incident in which they were scammed and left stranded in the forest. Terrified by the ensuing battle, they had hidden among the rocks until it had concluded.

Suki stared at the evidence, her earlier suspicions evaporating. Alex sighed inwardly, relieved that their innocence had been proven.

"This... is shocking," Suki finally admitted, lowering her weapon. She had no choice but to believe the undeniable truth presented by the video.

Alex exchanged a knowing glance with Mira, acknowledging the narrow escape they had just experienced in the midst of a chaotic and dangerous night.

"We need to check this recording; we'll detain it for a moment. Please come with us to the police station to make a report," Officer Suki insisted, her earlier suspicion giving way to the need for official procedures.

"We really can't afford to delay," Mira replied firmly.

The two of them were about to leave when their vehicle suddenly came to a grinding halt. Confused and frustrated, they realized something was amiss.

"What's happening? The energy in the car seems to be gone," Alex said, glancing around.

As they looked for answers, their eyes met Officer Suki's smug grin. 

"It's my power," she revealed with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. The situation had taken another unexpected turn, leaving Alex and Mira to grapple with the newfound challenge posed by the policewoman's abilities.