
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · Action
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66 Chs

Battle in the Forest (2)

In this world, being an irregular is an exceptionally rare and special status that sets individuals apart from the norm in profound ways. Irregulars are considered enigmatic anomalies within the hierarchy of power, and their existence carries immense significance for several reasons;

Irregulars possess not just one, but multiple souls within their bodies. This fundamental difference grants them access to a diverse range of abilities and powers that are unique to each soul they carry. These souls often have distinct personalities, memories, and skill sets, making irregulars multifaceted individuals.

Irregulars' development and progression are highly unpredictable. Unlike regular individuals who follow structured paths of training and power growth, irregulars' abilities evolve in unconventional ways. They can exhibit sudden bursts of power, discover hidden talents, or even manifest entirely new skills without prior training.

The presence of multiple souls grants irregulars an inherent versatility in combat and other aspects of life. They can adapt to a wide range of situations, drawing upon the strengths and abilities of the souls within them. This versatility can make them formidable opponents and invaluable assets in various scenarios.

Irregulars often become targets for those who seek to harness their unique abilities or eliminate the perceived threat they represent. Governments, organizations, and powerful individuals may covet irregulars for their potential to tip the balance of power in their favor or to eliminate a potential rival.

Irregulars are, by their very nature, agents of change in the world. Their unpredictable development can lead to groundbreaking discoveries, the overthrow of established norms, and the reshaping of societies. Their presence challenges the status quo and can have far-reaching consequences.

Edward, several paces away, sought to unveil more about his elusive opponent. His inquiries pierced the tense silence of the forest.

Edward's shock was palpable as he gazed at Alex with a newfound understanding. The term "irregular" held a weight that few could truly comprehend. It was a designation that marked Alex as something beyond the ordinary, beyond the conventional hierarchy of power.

"You are irregular?" Edward asked, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his voice. Only one in a million individuals possessed the potential to be classified as irregular, and their existence was often shrouded in mystery. Many irregulars lived in hiding, their powers and potential far too unpredictable for the established order.

"What is an irregular?" Alex inquired innocently, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. The concept of irregulars was foreign to him, and he was eager to learn more about his unique status and how it set him apart from the norm.

Edward, now faced with the task of explaining the enigmatic nature of irregulars, took a moment to gather his thoughts. He knew that this encounter had taken an unexpected turn, and the revelation of Alex's irregular status added a new layer of complexity to their confrontation.

"I presume you're from an assassin organization," Edward called out with a mixture of curiosity and veiled threat. "Don't let me find out who you are or we will kill all of your family with you, of course. To think you're bold enough to disturb our business. Do you think we're afraid of your so-called organization?"

Alex's voice, calm and undeterred, reached Edward through the foliage. "Don't bother. I don't have any family," he replied with a touch of bitterness, his words punctuated by his evasive maneuvers.

The night air seemed charged with electricity as their standoff continued. Trees rustled in the breeze, and distant calls of nocturnal creatures added an eerie backdrop to the deadly ballet of shadows.

The sudden emergence of Alex's second soul left Edward utterly bewildered. The boss had initially seen Alex as a mere opponent, and now he found himself confronting a being of inexplicable power and authority.

Alex's second soul, or rather, his future self, had taken control of the situation. In stark contrast to the weakened form of the present Alex, this future version exuded an air of wisdom, experience, and dominance that was impossible to ignore.

"You've been beaten up, haven't you? Such weakness," the second soul remarked, its words a reflection of its profound understanding of the situation. It spoke with a tone that suggested it had seen countless battles and challenges throughout its existence.

"I help you this time, brat," the second soul declared, its intentions clear. It was here not merely as an ally but as a guiding force, ready to intervene and shape the outcome of the battle.

With this declaration, an awe-inspiring aura radiated from the second soul, bathing the battlefield in its majestic presence. This aura was more than just powerful; it was the aura of a master, a leader among leaders. It resonated with an unspoken authority that demanded respect.

As the colossal aura enveloped the battlefield, an unspoken question hung in the air:

Edward, who had faced formidable opponents in the past, couldn't help but pale in the face of this unexpected development. He realized that he was now confronting not just Alex, but a being from a different era, one who possessed knowledge and power far beyond the reach of ordinary individuals.

The implications of this encounter were profound. The aura emitted by the second soul hinted at a level of mastery that was usually reserved for the heads of the most influential families and organizations in their world. It was a level of power that could shape the course of history.

Edward, who had prided himself on his knowledge of the hierarchy of power in their world, was left utterly stunned. He couldn't comprehend how Alex's strength had grown exponentially in an instant, and the aura that emanated from the second soul was unlike anything he had ever witnessed.

The realization struck him with the force of a revelation. This aura was unmistakably a "Master aura," a level of power and authority that was typically only found in the heads of the most influential and prestigious families, such as the Ramos family. It was a rare and revered status that commanded respect and obedience from all.

The battlefield had become a stage for a confrontation that transcended time, power, and understanding, leaving both combatants and spectators alike in awe and anticipation of what would unfold next.

"Shadow Skill-Ebon Strike Eclipse Finisher (Advanced Skill)": This is the pinnacle technique of the Ebon Fist series. The Eclipse Finisher allows your character to concentrate an immense amount of shadow energy into a single, devastating strike. It can incapacitate or even eliminate formidable foes when executed successfully.

The battlefield had become a realm of chaos and devastation. The Eclipse Finisher, a technique that concentrated an immense amount of shadow energy into a single, devastating strike, had been unleashed by Alex. The sheer power and magnitude of this advanced skill reverberated through the very fabric of their world, leaving nothing untouched.

Edward, the seasoned assassin who had initially taunted Alex for his supposed weakness, now found himself in a dire predicament. As the Eclipse Finisher's energy surged forward, he knew that this was unlike any challenge he had faced before. Desperation gripped him, and with a sense of urgency, he activated his defensive skill.

The defensive skill, honed over years of rigorous training and countless battles, was a testament to Edward's expertise. It had shielded him from formidable foes and had been a source of confidence in the face of danger. But now, facing the might of the Eclipse Finisher, even this formidable defense was put to the ultimate test.

The Eclipse Finisher's energy collided with Edward's defensive barrier, and for a moment, the battlefield hung in a tense silence, the calm before the storm. Then, with a burst of shadow-infused power, the Eclipse Finisher began to breach the defenses. It was a relentless, inexorable force that seemed to devour everything in its path.

Edward's eyes widened in horror as he realized that he might have underestimated Alex's abilities. The young assassin had tapped into a wellspring of power that defied conventional understanding. His attack was not just a strike; it was a cataclysmic event, an upheaval of the natural order.

The surrounding forest, within a radius of three kilometers, bore the brunt of the Eclipse Finisher's devastating force. Trees were uprooted, their trunks splintered, and the earth itself seemed to tremble in response. The once serene landscape was transformed into a chaotic battlefield, where the forces of light and shadow clashed in a fierce struggle.

The sky above darkened as the Eclipse Finisher's energy surged upward, creating an ominous shroud that blotted out the sun. The air crackled with an intensity that seemed to defy the laws of nature. Birds and creatures that had once inhabited the forest fled in terror, unable to withstand the overwhelming power that now permeated the environment.

Edward's defensive skill strained under the pressure, but he refused to yield. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he channeled every ounce of his strength into maintaining the barrier. His concentration was unwavering, and his determination burned like a beacon in the midst of chaos.

But despite his efforts, the Eclipse Finisher's power was unrelenting. Slowly but surely, it began to erode Edward's defenses. The barrier crackled and shimmered as if it were struggling to hold back an irresistible tide. Edward's body, encased within the protective shell, began to burn with an intensity that matched the relentless assault.

The battle had escalated beyond anything either combatant had anticipated. The Eclipse Finisher was a testament to Alex's newfound abilities and the unpredictable nature of his development as an irregular. It was a force that could reshape the very course of their world's history.

Edward's desperate cry, "NOOOOO!" echoed through the battlefield, a haunting lamentation of his impending doom. He had faced countless adversaries in his lifetime, but none had possessed the raw power and determination that Alex now displayed.

As the Eclipse Finisher continued its inexorable advance, it left no doubt that this battle was far from over. The clash of powers, the struggle for survival, and the relentless pursuit of victory had turned the battlefield into a crucible of destiny, where the fates of both combatants hung in the balance.

In the midst of this chaos, onlookers who had witnessed the cataclysmic clash could only watch in awe and trepidation. The battle between Alex and Edward had transcended the boundaries of ordinary combat, becoming a spectacle of unmatched proportions, where the outcome remained uncertain, and the stakes were higher than ever before.

Edward: "My family will never let you go, man."

Alex: "It's goodbye, old man."

The moonlight cast a haunting glow upon Edward's lifeless form as he lay sprawled on the forest floor. Blood pooled around him, staining the earth beneath—a grim reminder of the high-stakes world they inhabited, and in his hand there are and artifact.

After Edward die, Alex Become normal, His strength come to the Intermediate level, and his second soul leave his consciousness. With the threat neutralized, Alex turned to the night and swiftly sent a transmitter signal to Mira, his trusted ally. She arrived on a motorcycle, her headlights cutting through the forest's shadows.

"To think that you would be beaten up so badly, Alex." teased

Alex, still catching his breath, couldn't help but smile beneath his mask.

"Don't joke around, Mira. How's everyone?"

Mira's gaze softened as she offered a reassuring nod.

"They're safe"

"We should go now, Davidso maybe in danger." Alex reminded.

my firstbattle scene

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