
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · Action
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66 Chs

Suki (2)

Just as he was about to accelerate, his vehicle abruptly came to a halt, its engine sputtering and all electrical systems going dark. It was as if the vehicle had lost all of its energy in an instant.

Alex furrowed his brow, realizing that something unusual had just occurred. He tried to restart the engine, but nothing happened. The dashboard remained lifeless, and the once-powerful vehicle now sat motionless on the road.

Suki, the policewoman with a unique set of shadow skills, had discreetly approached the scene. Her keen understanding of electronics and vehicle systems had allowed her to execute the Vehicle Energy Drain skill with precision. She had chosen this moment to intervene, sensing an opportunity to apprehend Alex.

Stepping out of her unmarked police vehicle, Suki approached Alex with an air of authority. Her badge gleamed in the dim light, signaling her official capacity as a law enforcement officer.

"Step out of the vehicle, sir," she ordered, her voice firm but calm. She had the situation under control, knowing that Alex's vehicle was temporarily immobilized.

Alex, realizing that he was caught in a tight spot, complied with Suki's command. He exited his vehicle, keeping a wary eye on the policewoman who had effectively disabled his means of escape.

Suki, maintaining her professional demeanor, proceeded to conduct a routine inspection. She patted Alex down for weapons and checked his identification. Her training had prepared her for encounters with individuals like Alex, and she remained vigilant.

"What's the rush, sir?" Suki inquired, her tone implying that she was well aware of the answer.

Alex hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided to play it cool. "Just in a hurry, officer. You know how it is."

Suki raised an eyebrow, her instincts telling her that there was more to the situation than met the eye. She continued to question Alex, determined to uncover the truth behind his sudden attempt to flee.

The scene had shifted from a high-speed pursuit to a tense standoff between Alex, the elusive figure with shadow skills, and Suki, the policewoman with her own unique set of abilities. The balance of power hung in the balance as they engaged in a verbal and psychological duel on that quiet, darkened road.

As Officer Suki warned against attempting to force their way past, Alex hesitated. He knew the importance of their mission, but he couldn't ignore the urgency in Mira's eyes. She had concocted a desperate plan.

"Miss, he has a wife, and she's about to deliver the baby," Mira implored, her voice shaking with feigned anxiety. She hoped this convincing lie would buy them some time.

Suki remained skeptical. "Can you provide any more convincing reasons?"

Alex was taken aback by Mira's quick thinking. Her intelligence and resourcefulness had always impressed him. However, he also knew that beyond her smart brain, Mira was a timid person, not accustomed to this kind of situation.

Suki, growing impatient, reiterated, "You really can't."

But before Suki could react further, Mira made her move. She activated her shadow skill, one she had honed over years of practice. It was the Shadow Bind - Temporal Restraint, an intermediate skill that allowed her to create temporary restraints from shadows, immobilizing a target for a short duration.

With a graceful yet forceful motion, Mira manipulated the shadows around her, shaping them into solid, ethereal bonds. These bonds swiftly wrapped around the officers, binding them in place. It was a vital tool for creating distractions or buying time in critical situations.

The officers struggled against the otherworldly restraints, their eyes wide with surprise and fear, but they were immobilized by Mira's shadowy powers. It was a momentary victory, and the couple knew they had to make the most of this opportunity to escape the clutches of the law and continue their quest to protect the artifact.

As Alex and Mira made their escape, the restrained officers could only watch in frustration. Mira's quick thinking had given them a chance to evade capture and continue their mission.

"Go, Alex!" Mira urged, her voice trembling with a mix of relief and anxiety.

Alex nodded, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. He knew they couldn't afford to waste any more time. With a determined push on the accelerator, their vehicle roared to life, and they sped away from the scene.

Suki, the headstrong policewoman who had encountered this mysterious couple, was left seething with anger. She bellowed after them, "You! Stop!"

But it was too late. The distance between the escaping pair and the immobilized officers grew with each passing moment. The night held its secrets tightly, and Alex and Mira vanished into the shadows, leaving Suki to ponder the enigma they had become.

Suki, fueled by her determination to apprehend the elusive couple, channeled her Shadow Skill - Shadow Liberation. Her ability allowed her to disperse and nullify any shadow-based restraints or obstacles in her vicinity. With a surge of energy, she shattered the ethereal bonds that had held her and her fellow officers captive, freeing them from Mira's skillful restraint.

Unrelenting, Suki's aura intensified as she unleashed her Raw Power - a manifestation of pure, unrefined energy. With a mighty punch, she directed the aura towards Mira, aiming to overwhelm her defenses and incapacitate her.

Mira, quick to react, summoned her Shadow Skill - Ethereal Ward. This skill formed a protective barrier of intertwined shadows around her, shielding her from the onslaught of Suki's raw power. The aura rippled against the protective barrier, unable to breach its defenses.

Mira, maintaining her composure despite the dire situation, looked up at Suki and couldn't help but tease, "You are quite skilled, aren't you? But, as you can see, I have my tricks as well."

Suki, her frustration growing by the second, clenched her fists. "Don't underestimate me," she warned.

The standoff between Suki and Mira continued, both women prepared to defend their positions with their shadow skills. The fate of the artifact hung in the balance, and this unexpected encounter had turned into a battle of wills, skill, and determination.

As Suki and Mira faced off in the heart of the forest, their conflict intensified. Each possessed a unique set of skills, and they were determined to outmatch one another.

Suki, drawing upon her mastery of Raw Power, unleashed another devastating wave of energy. It surged towards Mira, who responded swiftly with her Shadow Skill - Illusionary Mirage. This advanced technique allowed her to manipulate shadows to create illusory duplicates of herself, confusing her opponent.

The raw power collided with the illusions, causing the forest to tremble from the sheer force of the clash. Trees swayed as the shockwaves rippled through the surroundings, creating an eerie spectacle in the moonlit night.

Mira, using her Shadow Skill - Shadow Web, sent tendrils of dark energy snaking through the forest floor. They wove together, creating a complex pattern that began to envelop Suki, restricting her movements. Suki fought back, her Raw Power surging as she attempted to break free from the shadowy restraints.

Suki's aura flared as she tapped into her own shadow skill, Shadow Surge. This skill allowed her to manipulate shadows to enhance her physical abilities, granting her incredible speed and strength. With a burst of energy, she shattered the Shadow Web, sending fragments of darkness scattering into the night.

Mira countered with her Shadow Skill - Umbral Cloak. She merged with the shadows, becoming nearly invisible to the naked eye. Suki struggled to pinpoint her opponent's location, but Mira's faint laughter echoed through the forest, taunting her.

Their battle continued, a dance of shadows and energy that painted a vivid tableau amidst the trees. The fate of the artifact hung in the balance, and neither combatant was willing to yield. As the night wore on, their skills and determination were put to the ultimate test in this relentless confrontation.

On the other side of the battle

As Alex raced through the night on his motorcycle, the police officers pursued him relentlessly. Their sirens blared, demanding his compliance.

But Alex had one more trick up his sleeve. He tapped into his Shadow Skill, conjuring an eerie, dark aura that surrounded him. This skill, known as "Umbral Suppression Field," created a zone in which shadow skills of others couldn't be activated.

The pursuing officers, unaware of this new development, attempted to utilize their shadow skills to halt him. However, the moment they entered the Umbral Suppression Field, their abilities were nullified, leaving them in a state of confusion.

"What's happening? My skills won't activate!" one of the officers exclaimed, frustration and disbelief evident in his voice.

Alex accelerated, leaving the bewildered officers behind in the suppressing field. As he distanced himself from them, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. However, he knew that the danger was far from over.

Alex's heart raced as he attempted to contact his allies, Davidso and Zelda. The silence on the other end of the transmitter was unsettling, and anxiety gnawed at him.

"Davidso?" Alex called again, his voice tinged with concern, but there was still no reply.

He quickly switched to contacting Zelda, hoping to get some answers or reassurance, but the result was the same - no response.

Panic began to well up inside him. Something was amiss, and his instincts told him that their situation had taken a turn for the worse. With haste, he decided to make his way to their location, navigating through the labyrinthine urban landscape while avoiding the watchful eyes of Yoris Ramos's helicopter.

Just as he was about to reach his destination, a voice crackled to life on the transmitter, but it was filled with urgency and desperation.

"Alex, don't come..."

Alex's grip on the transmitter tightened. Davidso's voice was laced with fear, and before he could get more information or ask for clarification, the communication abruptly cut off.

Fear and uncertainty coursed through him. He had to find out what had happened to his teammates and why they were warning him away. The perilous game they were entangled in had just taken another ominous turn, and Alex was determined to uncover the truth and ensure the safety of those he cared about.