
Ark- Surviving a New World

I woke up to the glaring rays of the sun, and went to cover my eyes, when I saw something imbedded in my arm. I turned my arm over quickly, and was slack jawed as this was supposed to be from a slightly scary, funny, and very hard survival game. With Dinosaurs. I really hope this is a dream.... {There will be a lot of Jurrassic Park and Jurrassic World references intermingled with this. Especially Rexy, Blue, and a few others You have been Warned}

SpedaHooves · ゲーム
14 Chs

Ch. 8 - The Last Raptor Egg

I had a bad feeling, on the back of my neck, as I conversed with Talonfang. It became so bad, that I started getting sick, and I ran away from the Biddle of the conversation, into an empty bush, and emptying the contents of my stomach inside said bush.

"Uhm.... are you okay, Stone-Holder?", Talonfang asked, tilting her head to the side a bit in concern, and I shook my head. I found part of the reason why, as my eyes landed on three young Raptors, and a Pteradon, who held an egg, at the entrance of the nest, sporting scared looks.

"Charlie? Echo, Delta, Trixie?! What are you all doing here? I thought I told you all to remain at home!", I said, rushing up to my adopted girls.

"S.... Something is coming Daddy! You don't have much time, but we could smell it! Please, everyone needs to run away, it was a big creature, a violent one!", Charlie yelled out, tears in her eyes. I held her in my arms, trying to calm her. Blue walked up, a grim acception on her face.

"It's the Tryannosaur, Daddy. The one who killed Mommy, and my other Daddy, and all the rest of our family pack, I'm sure of it. What are we going to do-", Blue asks, panic rising, but I gather them all, and bring them to a hollow log, hidden away.

"Shhhhh, it's okay. I'll find where it is. Now, I need you all to stay hidden in this log, okay? Do not come out until I return.", I say, kissing them on the head each, but that's when Blue breaks down, and screaming under her breath, as tears roll down her eyes, her claws barely covering those eyes.

"P... Please don't leave me again! I can't take anymore! I... Please-", I hug Blue close, rubbing her down her spine, trying to calm her, but all it manages to do is silence the screams. The tears are another thing, and I'm worried. Did I trigger something emotional scarring??

I wanted to help the other Raptor's, but I can't leave Blue like this. I was stupid trying to think I could protect her, and her sisters like that. That's when my eyes widen. Her mother must've said exactly what I said, or close to it. I'm so sorry Blue...

"Uhm, Alpha- Daddy- sorry, Mr. Tommy? Could I do anythin' to help..?", and my eyes widen. She could fly high up, and alert us to exactly where it is, or at least would be heading.

"Can you, and please be careful, can you fly up over the forest canopy, and see if you can spot the Rex? It's a Male that we are looking for, I believe at least.", I say, and she nods, determined. Ten minutes later, she comes back, huffing.

"He... He's two miles away, in the east. Straight from where our home was...", she appears saddened, but I patted her head, scratching behind her- wait, did she always have feathers that resemble a Raptor's? Nevermind, I'll think about it after the danger has passed.

"It's okay, I can build us a new home, don't worry. Stay here, I need to talk with Talonfang, she might have answers. And I still need to ask her about that device. Blue... if you want, you can come with me- okay, I guess you are. Wait, why are you girls getting up?", I asked, and they all gace me determined looks. Trixie decided to stay with the last egg.

"Where ever you go, we go Tommy. We'll be together, always!", Blue said, using my name to get her point across. I frowned a bit, a little upset that they'd do this and risk themselves, but I couldn't do anything about it. At least Blue is okay now, after I had comforted her. I looked at the sun, and realized it's been forty minutes since I brought them over to the log. Time sure flies...


{Author's POV}

As the four Raptors, and one Human make their way over to Talonfang, the human's back emits a soft glow, not enough for anyone to notice, but it's there, as suddenly, the dormant Raptor egg does the same, shocking Trixie where she almost dropped it.

The eggs pale peach color changed, gaining a new red swirl, surrounded by a green, orange, darker green, and light blue on each corner. Finally, in the center of the red swirl there was a pink feather-like star. This was the beginning of something new for every animal on this new Earth-like planet.

It cracked a little, signifying it was going to hatch soon. But to what, is unknown, as this is no ordinary egg. It was linked to Tommy now.


{Tommy's POV}

I felt a weird tingling in my back, but I ignored it, and stood in front of Talonfang. Now that I can actually pay attention to her, I realized something a little weird. She looked like what an Anthro Raptor would look like, and her colors were red and pink. And she was almost completely nude at that, minus the 'clothes' made of sticks, leaves, and vines covering her crotch, and her breasts.

"Okay, Stone-Hold- sorry, I mean, Tommy. It's going to be a little weird to call someone such as you something so formal, but if that is what you wish I will do so. Now, what did you suggest we do about Tiny?", Talonfang asked, and internally, I snorted. Was that the name of the Rex?

"Okay, we have maybe ten, twenty minutes to prepare. Do you know how to make tools?", at this, she thinks, then shakes her head slightly.

"Aside from me, at which I barely understand it, the rest of my Pack does not. As you can see, I look quite different to my peers. For what reason, I don't know, but it's helped me lead better than our last leader. She was my mentor, but Tiny got ahold of her. We have a really large grudge against him, as much as you five probably do.", She said, crossing her arms. I could tell that that must've been a pretty sore topic, based on her creased brows.

"Okay, well, I'll do my best to teach everyone to. My girls picked up on it pretty well, as you can see. We just need some quality spears. But, first, I must request if I can take a quick look at that.", I ask, pointing at the dormant computer-like device. Talonfang looks over, then nods, taking my hand, and leading me over.

"Alright, but I would like to see what happens. We have been here for at least six generations, based on what my grandmother told me, and I've always been curious about these devices. Is that okay?", She asked, and I smile, nodding. Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo all sit beside us at the device, and I set my hand on the device, about to see what this will do, and what it might grant me. Here goes hoping there's something that can help protect us...