
Jurassic P-Ark

I woke up to the glaring rays of the sun, and went to cover my eyes, when I saw something imbedded in my arm. I turned my arm over quickly, and was slack jawed as this was supposed to be from a slightly scary, funny, and very hard survival game. With Dinosaurs. I really hope this is a dream.... {There will be a lot of Jurrassic Park and Jurrassic World references intermingled with this. Especially Rexy, Blue, and a few others You have been Warned}

SpedaHooves · Video Games
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14 Chs

Ch. 7.5 - A Bonding Experience

{Meanwhile, back at Residential Beach, five minutes after Tommy and Blue left}

Charlie's POV:


" So... you girls think they're gonna do it?", I ask, grinning playfully at my sister's. They grin back, and nod, while my mind wanders on how it must feel to mate. It must be super exotic, considering we are different species and all, but I don't mind whatsoever. I wonder how our parents must feel, knowing we came to feel this way about something that wasn't a Raptor.

"What are ya three talkin' abou'? Think they're gonna do what?", Trixie asked, tilting her slightly triangular head to the side. I've seen other Pteranodons, but she's the only one I've seen having pink and orange feathers, as well as slightly Velociraptor shaped teeth. Like she was some kind of mixture of us, Pteranodons, and something else.... Eh, no use thinking about it right now. Maybe Daddy will find something cool about it.

"Whether Blue and Daddy will mate or not. I've seen others do it, like some in the sky, some in the water, some in the hot ground, and the cold ground. It really is easy to see a lot of things that usually we wouldn't want to see, but then we just imagine it's Daddy, and us in that situation. It brings all kinds of tingles to our very beings. Do you not know what Mating is?", I asked, tilting my head at Trixie.

"W... Well, now that you've explained what ya mean, I do know. But it's super embarrassing, how can you three talk so openly about it like this?", Trixie had a bright reddish tinge to her scales in her face.

"Well, we can talk about something else if you want. Like, what do you think of Daddy? Or, Alpha, if that's easier for you, sorry if we seemed careless.", I said, nuzzling the Pteradon who barely came up to the base of our necks in terms of hieght difference.

"Well... I'm greatful to him for technically adopting me, right around when I was just about to give up all hope of seeing my family again, there he goes an' gives that hope back to me, and enforces that hope in my mind. Ya know, if I didn't know better, I'd say he acts more like a raptor than anything else. What do y'all think of that, if 'Alpha' somehow became one, like you three, and Blue?", She asked, tapping her winged claw against what Daddy would call her chin.

"Hmm.. well, frankly put, I would love it if he was. But at the same time, I don't mind at all that he's a 'hu-man', he'd still be just as hot either way.", I say, grinning back.

"All you talk about is fucking Daddy, ever since we learned you were just as dirty minded as us, if not more so, why don't you talk about his kindness, or his caring attitude?", Echo asks, and it starts to dawn on me that I might have sounded like what Daddy called a quote un-quote 'whore'. Oh damn, I really have gotten bad...

"S... Sorry. I guess I just wasn't thinking about it, and well, I still want to mate with him, but I'll try and quiet down with the dirty-ness.", I say, my head bowing down low, trying to conceal my embarrassment.


It's now been four hours since Daddy and Blue left, and I have the tingling feeling that maybe they really did do the deed. But also, there was the odd possibility that they might have gotten into trouble. Or hurt. Now I'm really starting to sound like Blue...

"Do you guys think we should do something? There might be something wrong, and it's eating at my nerves!", I said, and that brought Echo and Delta's attention back to me, their own eyes squinting, and I can imagine them imagining the things that could go wrong.

"What can we do? The door is blocked, and we don't want to get lost looking for them. What if they come back, after we leave? They'll be worried sick!", Delta exclaims, more cautious than me, or Echo for that matter, as I shake my head.

"Trixie can unblock the door! And I'd rather look for them and find them, than not look for them, and never see them again. Anything could happen. But that doesn't mean we don't go prepared, in fact, I think we should try and practice what Daddy does with sticks and sharp rocks. Maybe it'll come in a pinch, and we can survive better equipped!", I said. That seemed to change Delta's mind, and so we got prepared as best we could. Our weapons were not very good compared to Daddy's, but it should be enough to help us, as our claws aren't big enough yet to be of much use, aside from cutting prey open to eat, or to cut more twine.

We left when the sun was three quarters of the way to the edge of the sky. Sun. That's what Daddy called it, he said it was a Star, out of billions, to trillions. He said it could even expand nearly infinitely, whatever that means.


{ Little do they know, that their decision was a done in a very convenient time, cause not ten minutes after they left, a certain Tyrannosaurus Rex came and destroyed the home, until it was just splinters. It left shortly after, following the scent of a raptor and a new creature it has only smelled once, when it returned to the site of a nest it had destroyed previously.

It was hungry, and it was very curious as to where the scent led to. Will our hero and his 'daughters' be prepared to fight this Tyrannosaurus, otherwise known as Tiny, who hated that name with a passion? Find out next time, on Arc- SANW!}