
Jurassic P-Ark

I woke up to the glaring rays of the sun, and went to cover my eyes, when I saw something imbedded in my arm. I turned my arm over quickly, and was slack jawed as this was supposed to be from a slightly scary, funny, and very hard survival game. With Dinosaurs. I really hope this is a dream.... {There will be a lot of Jurrassic Park and Jurrassic World references intermingled with this. Especially Rexy, Blue, and a few others You have been Warned}

SpedaHooves · Video Games
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Ch. 9 - Two New Features

As my hand finally pressed down on the pad, with the stone in the right place, the screen cane to life. It had three options for me to use right now, but the important thing is, is that I heard the ping.


[New Feature Unlocked: Quest Expansion]

[New Ability Unlocked: Dino Shift]

[Feature Explanation Unlocked: -Primal Lover's-]

[Feature Name Unlocked: Dino Shift]

[Feature Explanation Unlocked: -Dino Shift-]

[Earned 100 Status points]

[Earned 1 Extra Life]

My eyes widen, and then I go to open my Status screen, and the changes were very obvious. Dino Shift kinda worried me a bit though. That drawback did not sound.. Good at all.


Status Screen-

Name: Tommy Age: 18 Sex: Male Level: 35

Title: A Raptor's Alpha, Primal Lover's, Dino Shift

Title Stats-


A Raptors Alpha: Any Raptor that you have in your family/tribe, earns a 25 times increase in stat points earned when leveling up, also allows you to be far more intimate with your Raptor's, such as being able to love, and be loved by the Raptors, as well as causing unintentional pheromones. Allows one to easily mate with Raptor's, capable of impregnating them as well.

Hidden Ability- Wild Raptors become more friendly natured towards you, Has Become an Official Raptor Alpha in the terms of other Raptor Pack Opinions

Went beyond the Highest Rarity

Rarity- Z+

Primal Lover's: Truest kind of love, born at the dawn of creation, Purest form of love untainted, and unchanged with the passage of time

1 - Allows one to have a Telepathy Link wired between whoever you mate with, after the first time between you and them in case of emergency {Depends on Part 3}

2 - Grants a medium Charisma boost whenever speaking to the opposite Sex

3 - Only those with True Love for you will gain the Benefits of 1

Rarity- A

Dino Shift: Grants you with the ability -Dino Shift-

- Be warned, there is a cost, and it isn't Magic. If used too much, or too quick at a time, one can be taken over by the instincts of the Dinosaur you change into. It would not be good if it were a predator, as you would attack anything. Anyone.

-Uses available before it would take over your mind per day: 3

- Time Limit available - 3 hours

- Can be upgraded to increase the limit, but it'll take a long, long time, and a lot of resources not in this world

[1st Form Available- Raptor {Dormant Egg is Available to use}]

{Rarity has exceeded the highest limits by Ten, being comparable to Gods if used correctly)

Rarity- X


HP- 2500 MP- 3000


STR- 65

PER- 55

END- 65

CHA- 75

INT- 95

AGI- 65

LUC- 55

Stat Points- 0 {245 used}



[Tiny, the Giant Tyrannosaurus Rex, has destroyed countless families, and will continue to do so if you fail to stop him. Kill him in any way possible]

Rewards- Tyrannosaur Egg, 100,000 Exp, Combat Axe {E}

{Tiny didn't eat the egg he stole off of two young Tyrannosaurs, after killing them, as he caught another scent soon there after. Your scent.}

Difficulty- S Class


I stayed there, frozen, for a solid minute, before finally Talonfang shook me awake from my stupor, giving me a concerned look.

I quickly shook myself again, then looked back at the device. There were three things contained within as stated before, one was the crafting station for making Cryo-spheres.

The second, was an intricate looking sci-fi like sword. I placed my fingers on that box, and it popped into existence, laying there bright in the shadows of the trees. Well, I have a good weapon now. I took a look next to where the sword was, and grinned.

"Clothes!", I clicked it, and forgetting where I was, stripped completely naked. I heard Blue, and the girls purr, while out of the corner of my eye, Talonfang's jaw dropped slightly.

I picked up what is now mine, and examined it. Luckily, it has some quality underwear, and as I pulled them on, the girls whined slightly. I then pulled up the pants, and slipped on the top, which was armor-like in material. I started to look like a Battle-mage from a DnD campaign I heard about.

I took the gloves, socks, and boots finally, and as I was suited up,I gazed at the last object. A Helmet, with a hood. After I put those on, I felt naturally better about my situation, safe from cold, maybe even heat.


[Unique Skill/Title gained- {The Battle-Mage}]

[{Battle-Mage: Grants user a magic skill that can be worked on, and improved with usage, unknown in Rarity}]

[First Magic- Fire/Pyromancy]

I looked down at my glove, as a strange magic circle glowed in red, and flames started covering my new swords blade. Just in time, too, as I heard the roar of Tiny, the Tyrannosaur. I took a stance, as all the raptors prepared themselves behind me for the battle, my girls surrounding me on all sides.

"Alright.... c'mon, to battle!", I yelled, just as Talonfang did, our voices resounding in the small encampment, Tiny stomping in, the trees parting as he made another roar. I hope I can get through this...