
Arcan, a love story. Book 1

Leah, she is a very strange girl, other people look at her as a phenomenon, she has no memory of her parents, and she does not remember having siblings. But all that changed with an unexpected visit, 3 beautiful men came into her life __ Who told you that you could run away from me?! She on impulse moved away from them, for some reason, her face looks familiar. Sean , Kyle and George introduced themselves __ Come with us Arcadya It sounded strange to her that they call her by another name , maybe it could be a trap __ You do not have parents or siblings , that 's why we are here Arcadya , we are going to recover your memories , but only with a kiss she recovers __ your parents did not exist here __ Angels of light?! Kirck, that name was on her mind. Who could this guy called Kirck be?

Suyapa_MejiaGarcia · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 3. Wasn't it a dream?!


Leah found herself in a strange place, with leafy trees where the light did not reach, she seemed a little lost and disoriented << What place is this? Where is my house?>> she thought of the conscious of her.

Her body was moving on its own, she felt like she had already been in that strange place…..she slowly went deeper into the forest, but she didn't get any further.

Suddenly in front of her appeared a tall, beautiful young man, a carved perfection of the most wonderful in the world.

The young man was so tall that she looked up, met his beautiful red eyes, electric green black hair.

His clothing was black with gold and his waist was adorned with a belt of three thousand fire stars, and on his feet black leather boots with the finest black stars that sounded like bells when walking.

On his back hung two immense black wings << Oh for all heavens! Who is that man? Why does he look so familiar to me? … Can not be! At ?! Has wings?! He's not human?! >> Leah thought.

The unknown young man looked at her with disdain and said "What is she doing like you in this part of the forest?"

<<Huh? >>

The strange place began to fade and along with it the face of the handsome young man <<No! Wait who are you?!>> It seemed as if he was waking up from a dream.

Leah didn't know how long she had slept, when she opened her eyes slowly, she was in her room, she took it all as a dream and started to talk nonsense.

"Ah wow! What a weird dream I had, dreaming of three handsome and handsome guys, who would say… AAAHHH !!!!! "

When I looked to the right, the three boys were sitting on the sofa in the room.

Kyle the most perverted approached the bed where Leah was

"My, you're a heavy sleeper. Do you think I'm handsome and handsome?" He said, getting dangerously close to Leah.

Leah scooted back on the bed.

"Enough already Kyle" George stopped him

At that moment Leah wanted the earth to swallow her… << Oh no! Wasn't it a dream?! >> she thought quite upset.

The brown-haired young man named George came over with a cup of chamomile tea, Leah's favorite tea.

"Here, take this chamomile tea, it will help calm your nerves" I hand it to him "your favorite"

Leah's jaw dropped… wondering how he knew it was her favorite tea? Something does not picture him at all. Why are they so kind? They called her Arcadya, but who was this so-called Arcadya?

The young man in golden armor came a little closer, took a chair from the bedside table and looked at her very happily… for Leah this was very strange and terrifying.

Her purple eyes were looking at her intently.

Suddenly I speak "Don't worry Arcadya, we are here for you to come with us, but before we leave you will have to recover your memories"

This snapped her out of the trance she was in.

<< Memories? Do they know that she happened to my parents? But how can this be possible? I went to the doctor, and he told me that he did not have amnesia >>

" I know this is a lot to digest , but do not worry " George spoke gently .

Suddenly Leah froze for a moment... she was so immersed in what they were saying that she didn't realize that something was wrong.

Her eyes drifted down… she looked at a blue nightgown with long sleeves and white borders << But what?! >>

She remembered well that her previous clothes were, a white shirt with straps, a plain black jacket, intense blue pants and not so high pointed boots... what upset her was <<Who of these depraved change my clothes? ?!>>

"Who changed my clothes?!" angry scream

"Stop yelling" Kyle said cleaning his ear "it was me"

Leah got so mad that she grabbed a china vase.

"What?! How dare you pervert?!"

She threw the vase at him hard… stepping sideways, Kyle turned his face away from her, and Sean caught it with his right hand, he was sitting there in the chair indifferent.

"Hey! You almost hit me with that… my face would have been ruined, my beautiful face" Kyle strutted

Leah was already exploding... that was an abuse for her, since she was a woman, she had never been humiliated like that by someone.

These guys had broken into her room and her body as well.

<<How could they change my clothes! >>

"Get out of my room! Now!", she said angrily.

The three boys left the room closing the door behind them <<What's wrong with these boys? How dare they dress me? >>

She sat on the chair by the nightstand, she saw the cup of tea, which George had brought her a while ago.

He took a sip of the tea, it seemed to calm her down a bit... Suddenly he almost spit out the tea from her mouth << How do you know this is my house?! >>

She ran out of the room, down the stairs and into the living room… she found the three of them sitting on the sofa, they seemed very thoughtful.

"Hey?! How do you know that this is my house?!" She said a little scared

The three boys sitting on the couch look up.

Kyle gets up and looks her up and down.

"Wow what a girl… mmm, exciting" he said licking his lips

Scared Leah backed away "Stop looking at me like that…it's kind of awkward"

"You're too arrogant, what did you expect? I like girls like that" she said approaching

…?! In a blink of an eye she had him close << What's going on?! >>

From her He took her chin making her look at him... he approached her a little << Arcadya please, don't reject me >> thought Kyle, he loved her so much that he wasn't going to lose this opportunity for her.

Leah held her breath << is she going to kiss me?! >>She turned red like a ripe tomato, but, she didn't feel anything, deep down, the image of that red-eyed young man wandered in her mind... if she let Kyle kiss her, she would be betraying him. Why did she feel So ?

Sean's teeth gritted loudly "CAN YOU STAY AWAY?!"

Sean grabs Kyle's arm and pulls him so hard, he backs away, looking very upset.

On the one hand Leah was relieved, for taking him away from her, but on the other hand she wasn't.

<< He is terrifying>> Leah said to herself.

She felt guilty, for treating him that way

<<Why did Sean treat him like this? >>

Sean looked at her in such a terrifying way…it made Leah shudder.

<< Why does he see me like this? I'm scared >>

Until the next chapter.