
Arcan, a love story. Book 1

Leah, she is a very strange girl, other people look at her as a phenomenon, she has no memory of her parents, and she does not remember having siblings. But all that changed with an unexpected visit, 3 beautiful men came into her life __ Who told you that you could run away from me?! She on impulse moved away from them, for some reason, her face looks familiar. Sean , Kyle and George introduced themselves __ Come with us Arcadya It sounded strange to her that they call her by another name , maybe it could be a trap __ You do not have parents or siblings , that 's why we are here Arcadya , we are going to recover your memories , but only with a kiss she recovers __ your parents did not exist here __ Angels of light?! Kirck, that name was on her mind. Who could this guy called Kirck be?

Suyapa_MejiaGarcia · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2. The search.


It has been more than three hundred years, since our princess left, we have been separated for a long time.

The person who treated me like her brother is gone, I don't know when she will come back.

He was sitting on a glass bench, in the royal garden of the Arcan kingdom, the celestial kingdom, all of us here are angels of light.

Celestial angels, that's what we are, our kingdom is the first of all... there are 5 kingdoms in total.

The Arcan realm, the Nhortem realm, the Azland realm, the human realm, and the Underworld realm, of which the demons inhabit.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Kyle's presence.

"You're thinking about the princess huh?" She said sitting next to me "I miss her too you know?"

I didn't answer, just bowed my head, sadly thinking <<When will our king remove the punishment from the princess and let her return? >>

I know she made such a big mistake in the past, but let her come back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw clearly that Kyle was crying, he knew because he, he deeply loved the princess, I know he would have done a lot for her.

But when she left, he had been late.

For three hundred years, Kyle did not sleep, he spent hours and hours in this garden, the same garden that belonged to the princess, which was built by the king, who was killed by demons.

At that time some celestial guards came to us and told us:

"My lords" they said "the king wants to see you both immediately"

We got up and walked to the castle.

One of the sky guards saw Kyle's swollen eyes and said mockingly:

"Hey Kyle, were you crying?" He said mocking Kyle

"No, I was just exercising my eyes, and that's why they were sweating" Kyle replied sarcastically

"Ash, party pooper" said the celestial guard with a frown

When we entered the royal pavilion, the king was looking at a large picture on the wall, it was a painting of the princess.

My eyes drifted towards a presence of someone who made me want to strangle him, it was nothing more and nothing less than Sean... Sean didn't like me, he made me feel chills, terror, I didn't feel safe at all.

He seemed to have a dark side. He walked towards us, backing away cautiously.

He disgusted me, I didn't know why, but it didn't feel good to have him around.

*Going back twelve hundred years ago*

Twelve hundred years ago, he came up suddenly, at the king's funeral, he said he was an old friend of his.

"My prince" Sean said reverently "his father was a great king, he would be proud that you take his place"

"I" answered the king with a lump in his throat "How am I… going to take my father's place? If I am just too young for this great burden… I have to take care of my little sister"

Sean with a smile, approached the princess and took her in her arms and said "Don't worry, I'll take care of the princess, I'll take care of her"

My heart was beating very hard, it was terror, how he caressed the cheeks of the princess, she was just a girl.

She was disgusted, but when she wanted to say something, the king had already agreed to her request.

"Okay, I accept your request… I'll take care of the kingdom and you take care of my sister"

Sean with a bow, thanked the king "It will be my pleasure my king"

"Take good care of my sister…if something happens to her, it will be your fault" said the king seriously

"I don't know, worry, she will be fine in my hands"

*In the current time*

My thoughts were interrupted when a hand rested on my shoulder, it was Sean, << Damn, what time did he come to me that I didn't realize?! >> I thought deep inside

Sean chuckled and said "Hahaha, been here a while ago"

I walked a little away from him, <<How could this idiot get into my head again?>> "Hey, I'm warning you, don't get into my head again"

The king came up to us and said "Calm down"

Kyle asked the king why he had called us "My king, why has he summoned us here?"

The king sighed and then said "I have summoned you here to go with Sean to look for my sister"

"What?!" Kyle and I were so shocked, and excited at the same time, finally the king will let the princess return

"Are you really letting the princess come back?" asked Kyle happily. "It's not a joke, right?"

"No, it's not Kyle" said the king smiling

Sean hurried up and spoke "My king, I don't need company, I can do it alone, Kyle and George have work here"

"No, they will go too, three is better than one" said the king seriously

And so it was, we went to earth, where humans live, who when they die become angels, many do not become angels of light, if their actions were good yes, but if they were bad, they had to become angels dark ones, the abomination of the earth.

We came to the human world looking for the princess, but we couldn't find her.

Kyle instead kicked over a trash can in annoyance.

"Damn! Where can she be?"

I approached Kyle "Don't worry we'll find her" I calmed him down a bit

When I looked back, I didn't see Sean anywhere, I didn't care if he wasn't there, I don't like having him around.

I took Kyle by the arm and we continued down the shadowy streets of the night.

"Wait. Aren't we going to wait for Sean?" I ask

"How do you know, I don't like Sean at all" I protested without any remorse.

Kyle was silent, then he continued "I'm not going to lie to you, I don't like him either, and" suddenly he was silent.

I turned to ask him why he had shut up, but he was gone, I moved everywhere looking for him... I spent a while following my steps but I couldn't find him << What a moment this is, looking for the princess and now the idiot Kyle >> I thought of inside myself... I was about to give up, when I heard Kyle's voice

"You won't be able to run away from me fool"

<<This is Kyle? >>

I asked myself <<Who won't be able to run away from him?>> I peeked a little into an alley, following Kyle's voice, "Please don't kill me" that voice made me paralyze <<The voice of the princess? >>

I hurried to check << Yes, it's her! We finally found it >>

She was scared so I calmed her down a bit

"That's enough Kyle, don't scare her like that, don't listen to her, it's always like that" I told her to calm her down.

The way the princess looks at us makes us deeply sad.

She doesn't remember us… my chest hurts a lot just knowing that she sees us as mere strangers.

∆Idiot control yourself, you're scaring her

∆Well I control myself

"Let's go Arcadya, it's very dangerous to be here and even more so for you" I said somewhat discouraged.

<< Will she remember us? >>

Until the next chapter.