
Arcan, a love story. Book 1

Leah, she is a very strange girl, other people look at her as a phenomenon, she has no memory of her parents, and she does not remember having siblings. But all that changed with an unexpected visit, 3 beautiful men came into her life __ Who told you that you could run away from me?! She on impulse moved away from them, for some reason, her face looks familiar. Sean , Kyle and George introduced themselves __ Come with us Arcadya It sounded strange to her that they call her by another name , maybe it could be a trap __ You do not have parents or siblings , that 's why we are here Arcadya , we are going to recover your memories , but only with a kiss she recovers __ your parents did not exist here __ Angels of light?! Kirck, that name was on her mind. Who could this guy called Kirck be?

Suyapa_MejiaGarcia · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4. Why do I feel like this?


Leah felt her fear live in her own flesh, seeing the way Sean looked at her, she saw something in her eyes that she couldn't explain.

It was a dark, evil, disgusting aura.

She wanted to take her eyes off him, but there was something that made him not do it, Sean sat back on the sofa, but without taking his eyes off Leah.

He can be attractive, with that perfect body, his albellanos eyes and wavy black hair.

But he has something hidden in him that Leah doesn't like at all.

"Are you okay Kyle?" Leah said very worried

"Yeah, don't worry" replied Kyle giving Sean a cold look.

<<This is horrible. Who are these guys? It's better that they go >> Leah thought, fearing for her life.

So she was determined to kick the boys out of her house, she couldn't let them endanger her life.

Her only option was to lie, she never had, but it was to save her life.

Leah with great determination said "You better go, my parents will be back any moment and..."


Sean snapped his fingers and interrupted Leah, who was speaking.

"Hahaha, honey, you don't have parents, you never have, not here" Sean said in a terrifying way.

…?! << What?! >>

Leah was in shock, she couldn't believe what her ears had heard, she felt disgusted by all this garbage.

She didn't want to hear anymore, she didn't want to know anything about the past, nothing.

"Go away, I never want to see you! Get out of my house!" Leah said this trembling and with tears in her eyes, maybe this took her by surprise

"Leah, please" George approached "please don't take us away from your side"

"Yes Leah, let us help you remember everything" Kyle said

"Remember? How will you help me?" Leah replied confused.

Kyle approached her, and like a gentleman he took her hands and kissed hers in such a delicate and sweet way.

"Only with a kiss memories are recovered" said Kyle with affection

"You're kidding right?" Leah said pulling her hands away

"What? It's true, with a heavenly kiss they recover" Kyle said firmly "and I volunteer"

Before Leah could speak, Sean got up from the couch and walked over to Leah.

I turned her around to look at him, at one point Leah was in a trance.

<<What is this? Why do I feel this way ,? >> Leah was struggling to wake up, but she couldn't

"I will" Sean said confidently.

"What?!" Kyle and George said in unison

"Are you okay?" Sean asked Leah.

Leah nodded to what Sean had said, but she wasn't aware of what she was doing because of the trance Sean put her in.

"But" Kyle was speechless

Sad he watched as Sean kissed the woman he loved for so many centuries.

George saw tears in Kyle's eyes, he knew well because, he didn't know because she had agreed to her request, something was wrong.

When Leah was in the trance, he had no control over her body, but she saw everything.

She felt disgust that he kissed her, she felt that she had betrayed that young man.

<< Don't kiss me... I don't like it... enough... you hurt me >> Sean's grip on her body was aggressive

Suddenly Leah closed her eyes, but when she opened them, she was hugging that young man.

"I love you so much Arcadya, you are my precious" she told him tenderly

"I love you too kirck" she replied with a kiss

The dream was interrupted, she slowly opened her eyes, she was on the sofa.

Carelessly she blurted out the young man's name.

"Kirck" she said sleepily

"Fuck!" George and Kyle were startled

"Hey, wouldn't the king kill us if she remembered him?" Kyle said fearfully.

"Calm down, don't be a beast" George replied

Instead Sean clenched his teeth hard << Damn, why did you remember him?! This damned wretch is still in his heart... I'll look for you, kirck, and I'm going to kill you with my hands, I swear >>

Leah slowly got up and sat up on the sofa, moving away from Sean who was next to her.

She didn't want him around, she was scared of him, now she was kissed by him, she felt disgusting.

"What... happened to me?" she said she put her head in her hands

Kyle sadly said "You passed out"

"So?" she said somewhat confused "My head hurts a lot"

"Go rest, that will make you feel better" suggested George

Leah got up from the couch and went into her room, locked the door, got into bed and tried to sleep.

But it was impossible to fall asleep for her since she was not alone at home, she had three men living with her, who call her Arcadya.

She from turning around in bed so much, she was finally able to sleep. While below the three boys were arguing.

"How dare you put your dirty mouth on her?!" I claim Kyle

"Calm down Kyle" George told him

Kyle was about to throw himself at Sean… he was incensed that he had kissed her.

It didn't matter if he was with someone else, but not with Sean, he couldn't bear to see him near her.

Since Sean had cut ties of brotherhood between Leah and the others in the past.

He had even suggested to the king that he never marry the princess to anyone, as it was a bad name for the kingdom.

And that they would have problems in the future.

The king was young and naive, very easy to persuade, the king accepted Sean's request without any hesitation.

"You are not worthy of her Kyle" Sean replied with contempt

"Whether I'm worthy or not…you don't have to touch her" Kyle pointed out disdainfully.

Sean was sitting on the sofa with his feet crossed, watching as Kyle was arguing <<Another damn dog I have to kill, this asshole won't ruin my plans that I have prepared for Arcadya and me>>.

Kyle was furious at Sean's arrogant smile…he couldn't bear to see it.

<<I can't stand to see him... I hate this bastard>> thought Kyle

What bothered Sean was that Kyle couldn't read his mind << Idiot... How did he manage to block his mind? >>

Until the next chapter.