
chpater 6

Chapter 26 High Mass

  "This is..." Lu Yan's pupils shrank, and the photo fell off in his hand. The photo frame of unknown material fell on the desk with a dull sound, and his hands fell down quickly as if he had lost his strength.

  The lady in the photo, wearing a layered black classic skirt, seemed to be looking at him, which made Lu Yan feel inexplicable fear in his heart.

  He didn't have much impression of this woman, but he was certain that the woman in the photo was the goddess of the night.

  Lu Yan's mood quickly returned to normal. The photo itself definitely did not have the ability to imprint the goddess into it. The only possibility was that the goddess herself imprinted the image into the photo.

  He didn't know the goddess's intentions, but there was no doubt that he needed to keep this photo safe. Otherwise, terrible accidents may occur.

  He carefully picked up the photo frame that fell on the desk and wiped it carefully.

  After making sure there was no trace of damage, I took out the black leather protective case and put the photo frame back into it.

  The morning light outside the window is getting brighter and brighter, and Backlund's new day is about to arrive. Today is Sunday, the day that represents the goddess of the night among the seven gods. The Mass in the church on this night is also called the High Mass.

  Lu Yan got up from bed and opened the window of the room to welcome the morning sun, but the dry and pungent air that hit his face forced him to close the window.

  Until now, he was still not used to breathing the hazy air with fine particles.

  After taking out the dress custom-made for him by Mrs. Genia, and changing into gorgeous clothes, he opened the door to the room and prepared to leave. It happened that at this moment, Carlos walked around from the distant corridor to the door of Lu Yan's room, as if he was looking for him.

  Carlos seemed a little depressed today, and his sapphire eyes were much dimmed, no longer as sparkling as before.

  "Good morning, Lu Yan. Archbishop Anthony asked me to wake you up." Carlos said in a coy tone. When he looked at Lu Yan, he was a little dodgey. There was an inexplicable guilt in his tone.

  Lu Yan naturally noticed Carlos's obvious change in attitude and guessed the reason for Carlos's change in attitude. I guess Deacon Sesima said something to Carlos after he went back last night.

  "Well, I was planning to go to the chapel." Lu Yan didn't care at all about Carlos's change in attitude. He sincerely hoped that Deacon Sesima could keep Carlos in Backlund and prove to him that the so-called fixed destiny can also be changed. of.

  The glazed white robe dragged on the crimson carpet of the Night Church. After Lu Yan finished his reply, he no longer cared about Carlos's attitude and walked quickly towards the chapel.

  Carlos stood alone, watching Lu Yan's retreating figure. He didn't know what he was feeling. The incoherent thoughts and complicated thoughts in his head were driving him crazy.

  He took a few steps back to let his back feel the weight of the wall. The cold wall penetrated his clothes and brought him the coldness that was unique to Backlund in January.

  Last night, Deacon Sesima suddenly found him and told him something that made him extremely troubled. He was still packing his luggage at that time, preparing to follow Lu Yan to take up a post in Tingen City.

  Deacon Sesima suddenly told him that Red Gloves was going to create a new team, and also appointed him to be the team leader. This sudden change disrupted all of Carlos's plans and left him struggling all night.

  Should he follow Lu Yan to Tingen City, or stay in Backlund and become the captain of the Red Gloves.

  In fact, when he hesitated, it already meant that his inner balance had shifted towards staying in Backlund and becoming the team leader. What really made him stop hesitating was Deacon Sesima's words.

  Deacon Sesima told him that becoming a senior member of the church would be more helpful to Lu Yan. These words became the straw that broke the camel's back. In other words, it was the perfect reason Carlos found for himself.

  He thought this was a choice that was beneficial to both him and Bishop Lu Yan, but when he saw Lu Yan this morning, he still felt a sense of shame in his heart, as well as a sense of guilt and betrayal that filled his heart.

  He had obviously made his decision, but in the end he chose to stay in Backlund for the sake of his own future.

  Lu Yan didn't know Carlos's psychological struggle at the moment. His thoughts were all focused on this long-prepared mass. Maybe it was because he was also curious about what role the church was playing in this steamy era. What kind of role.

  In the distance, an old acquaintance of Lu Yan's was leaning against the wall of the road he must pass and had been waiting for him for a long time.

  Perhaps because today is High Mass, Deacon Sesima is wearing a black robe, with a crimson pattern along the edge of the robe and a crimson moon behind the collar. Under the reflection of the robe, even Sesima's own sharp aura was obscured a lot.

  "Good morning. I forgot to tell you something yesterday, so I had to come to see you before the high mass." Sesima was in a very good mood today, with the slightly raised corners of her mouth and his low voice. His tone was tinged with joy.

  "Good morning to you too. Did you forget something important last night?" Lu Yan probably guessed the reason for Deacon Sesima's joy. It should be related to Carlos's agreement to stay in Backlund and serve as the captain of the Red Glove Team. . Therefore, he could not help but guess whether Deacon Sesima was waiting for him at this time because of this incident.

  "It's not important to say it's important." Sesima first informed Lu Yan, and then said: "Last night, I wrote to Raydal Valentine, the head of the Backlund Parish of the Church of Storms, asking for Qing Qing. When I tattooed the eagle, I remembered that I haven't left you any personal contact information."

  Most of the private contact information refers to the messengers who use spiritual creatures. Deacon Sesima, who has reached sequence five, naturally has his own messenger.

  Hearing Deacon Sesima talk about the messenger, it seemed that he should find a messenger. Although his rank was not high, he had an aura of uniqueness about him.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yan looked at Sesima with clear eyes, waiting for Deacon Sesima's next words.

  "You should have mastered simple ritual magic. The difference between the magic of summoning messengers and simple ritual magic is that you only need to prepare your own candle." Sesima doesn't think Lu Yan doesn't know simple rituals. Magic, so he didn't go into too much detail on this aspect.

  After taking a deep breath, he said in a low tone: "The spirit wandering in the darkness, the loyal person in the spiritual world, the messenger who belongs exclusively to Crestel Sesima."

  Lu Yan remembered the summoning spell of Deacon Sesima's messenger in his heart. Then he noticed Carlos hiding at the corner of the corridor. The boy seemed to be afraid of being discovered, with only his head slightly sticking out of the wall.

  "Is Carlos okay?" Lu Yan was very interested in how Sesima persuaded Carlos to change his mind. So much so that he was willing to delay going to the chapel for some time.

  "I used the gentlest method to guide him to stay in the Red Gloves. Before his matter is resolved, it would be better for him to temporarily become the mascot captain of the Red Gloves team." Deacon Sesima will not arrange for Carlos Teammate, because he won't risk the lives of other team members.

  "This is the best outcome for him." Lu Yan lowered his eyes slightly, thinking a lot. Although this is the best outcome for Carlos, it is undoubtedly unfair to Carlos. No one wants to Being controlled by others.

  "I'm leaving first, the mass is about to begin." Lu Yan said after being silent for a while. He didn't want to worry about this matter anymore. Maybe it didn't even have the value of being assigned his fate, which was a sad thing.

  The light passes through the church and through the glass on the top of the chapel, refracting colorful lights and falling on the altar.

  The fragrant night grass beside the two rows of seats in the chapel was newly moved into the church this morning. The slight frost in the winter morning light was still condensed on the leaves. At this moment, it has turned into dewdrops and dripped down from the delicate green leaves.

  The devout believers had already been praying quietly in the chapel, and groups of nuns replaced the candlesticks on both sides of the chapel with brand-new candles made of sandalwood and moon flowers.

  The quiet fragrance filled the air and penetrated into the hearts of every believer, making everyone feel the tranquility from the heart, until a crisp bell rang behind the church.

  Lu Yan, who had been waiting in the side room for a long time, once again opened the mysterious pocket watch with his fingers and prayed in his heart, hoping to gain the benefit of convincing people with reason.

  He wanted to use extraordinary means to increase the belief of the goddess believers in him, but he seemed to be unlucky and did not get the gain he wanted.

  The mysterious pocket watch resets its gain every four hours, which meant that this time he did not select a convincing gain, and it would take four hours before he wanted to extract the gain again. During these four hours, no matter how many times he opened the mysterious pocket watch, it was the same gain.

  When Lu Yan's fingers were about to close the watch cover, he suddenly felt something was wrong. The gain of the mysterious pocket watch just now seemed a bit strange. It seemed to be the ability of the sun sequence.

  "Hmm! It's a bit strange. Take another look."

  He used his fingers to open the watch cover again, and this time he carefully felt the benefits brought by the pocket watch. His expression gradually changed from a slight frown to a hint of surprise. It can only be said that it is worthy of the ability of the sun sequence, and the brainwashing effect is strong enough!

  This time he chose a brand new buff, which is somewhat similar to the Sun Sequence's fanatical belief in the sun. It makes others feel inexplicable respect for the user. However, once the buff stops, the effect will disappear and it will only be effective for ordinary people. .

  "It's quite good to describe it as superior to others. Lu Yan randomly named the new buff. He had an inexplicable premonition about the ability of the pocket watch. There should be only one last buff left in the pocket watch that he has not discovered yet. .

  At the same time, there was something that made him wonder why the pocket watch made of the extraordinary characteristics of the sequence four had no instinctive conscious reaction. He remembered that the squirming hunger created by the extraordinary characteristics of the shepherd of the Hanged Man sequence had its own instinctive reaction. Could it be that steam and Did the God of Machinery seal the instinct of the pocket watch?

  Without the necessary information, Lu Yan could only make blind guesses. As for the correct answer, perhaps only the God of Steam and Machinery knows.

  After calming down a little, Lu Yan was ready to step into the chapel. Next was his bishop's appointment ceremony. Several archbishops and his acquaintances were waiting for his arrival in the chapel.

  Reopening the cover of his pocket watch, Lu Yan once again arranged his robes. As three crisp bells rang, the glazed white robes dragged on the crimson carpet, accompanied by the singing of the night hymn. , Lu Yan officially appeared in front of the believers of the Church of the Night for the first time.

  The standard of this mass is higher than that of a bishop's appointment, but it is not as solemn and solemn as the archbishop's appointment. This is also the result of the joint decision of several archbishops, because Lu Yan is the favored one of the goddess, and because Lu Yan is the most important person in the history of the Church of the Night. Young Bishop.

  The favored ones of the goddess all have special missions. They don't know what Lu Yan's mission is. The power of God is unpredictable and the grace of God is indescribable.

  They only know that the current Pope of the Church of Storms, Gad II, who has been in charge of the Cardinal Council for nearly a hundred years, is the favored one of the Lord of Storms.

  Tranquil and solemn, it was not as grand as the emperor's coronation ceremony, but countless pairs of eyes were looking at him devoutly, placing their devout faith in him.

  Lu Yan's silver eyes were lowered. Through the corner of his eyes, he could see the enthusiasm in the eyes of the believers around him. This was an honor that was defended by others. At this moment, he felt that the benefits brought by the mysterious pocket watch were the same regardless of whether he had it or not, because the believers had given him their most sincere faith.

  Although the object of their faith is the goddess of the night, every member of the Church of the Night has a feeling of honor.

  Lu Yan sighed slightly in his heart. This was such a sense of vanity just for appointing a bishop. It's hard to imagine what the Archbishop must be like. He now understands why Ince Zangwill defected to the Church of the Night after failing to be promoted to Sequence Four.

  Although there was an arrangement between the Night Goddess and Adam, it was not because he could not bear the blow of falling from the clouds. After all, he lost not only the opportunity to be promoted to Sequence Four again, but also his future in the church.

  If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

  Lu Yan could feel the weight of this sentence personally today. He served the gods with the glory of the faith of countless believers, and the gods allowed his people to live through the crimson doomsday.

  He walked to the altar step by step, his pace was unhurried and unhurried, and he leisurely climbed to the center of the chapel. When he turned around and looked at all the believers, the singing of hymns gradually became fainter, and everyone was waiting for Lu Yan to speak.

  "The goddess of night is more sublime than the starry sky and more eternal than eternity." Lu Yan sang.

  Then there were the enthusiastic voices of believers in the chapel: "Better than the starry sky..."

  Lu Yan lowered his eyes slightly and tapped his fingers four times clockwise on his chest, tracing the shape of the crimson moon. At the same time, he chanted again.

  "Lord of Crimson, Mother of Secrets, Queen of Disaster and Fear, Lord of Sleep and Silence."

  Countless believers chanted spontaneously, and their ethereal voices echoed in the chapel. It was as if at this moment, all the sins in the world had been cleansed away.


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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 27 The storm is coming

  Today, the punishers of the Church of Storms finally investigated the organization that attacked Bishop Albarelli and others.

  To be precise, it was not the result of their investigation, but the Aurora Society ridiculed the Church of Storms' incompetence in the Backlund Morning News and announced that it was responsible for this matter.

  The extremely furious Church of Storms directly vented all its recently accumulated anger on the Aurora Conference. Now that the Aurora Society has admitted this matter, the Church of Storms will no longer spend its energy looking for other murderers.

  In the past few days, the Extraordinaries in the Holy Wind Cathedral have not stopped for a moment. The Punisher team brought the sealed artifacts and conducted a carpet-like search in Backlund.

  As long as they are not the Orthodox Church or the official Beyonders, the Church of Storms will treat them equally and put them all on the arrest list.

  The carpet-like search is naturally very effective. In the past few days, the Church of Storms has destroyed several strongholds of the Aurora Society. At the same time, evil sects such as the Witch Sect, Moss Ascetic Order, etc. have also been affected to varying degrees.

  At the same time, the high-efficiency search is reflected as high-intensity work within the Church of Storms. The Evil God Sect trembled under the resolute attack of the Church of Storms, but the Church of Storms itself was not much better.

  When Jayne had shed all his fatigue and was about to lie down on the small bed in the dormitory, Bishop Albarelli suddenly contacted him at this moment.

  The matter of eradicating the evil god organization has made him very anxious. Now that he can finally rest, his closest direct superior has assigned him another task. He really has no chance to rest at all.

  Jayne rubbed his somewhat dry eyes. Dealing with the sea is a compulsory course for the Extraordinaries of the Church of Storms. Long-term life at sea has also left a lot of trauma on their bodies. Dry eye disease is only one of the mild symptoms. one.

  "I will return to River and Sea Church tomorrow. A bishop cannot leave the church he manages for too long. You also know this rule." Today, Bishop Albarelli looks extra kind, with a white beard. His messy long hair made him look like a kind old man.

  "I want to go back too!" Jayne said excitedly. The sudden good news swept away all the fatigue he had accumulated due to work.

  He originally thought that coming to Backlund with the bishop was a good thing, but the intense work these days made him miss his days in Tingen City. So much so that he was so excited when he heard that the bishop was going back to Tingen.

  Bishop Albarelli shook his head slightly, and said with a stern tone: "You need to stay in Backlund. I have assigned you to the team of Backlund's punishers."

  Perhaps feeling that his tone was too harsh, Albarelli tried his best to lower his tone and said in a hoarse voice: "Child, you have to know that Backlund is the city of hope and the only place where you can improve yourself. Place. I don't want to see you trapped in Tingen City for the rest of your life, repeating my tragic fate."

  "But, Bishop. I don't want to work hard, I just want to stay in Tingen..." Jayne's voice became smaller and smaller. Bishop Albarelli's sharp eyes stared at him, making him afraid to continue. .

  "You were raised by me. You can enjoy the comfort in Tingen City because I held up the sky for you. But I am old now." At this point, Bishop Albarelli chose to remain silent. Make another sound.

  Jayne is a smart kid, and his words are enough here.

  "Archbishop Radar wants to find someone to send some blue-striped birds to Crestel, the senior deacon of the Church of the Night. I recommended you to him." This errand is a stepping stone for him to plan for Jayne, and he hopes that Jayne can grasp it. This opportunity.

  Having said this, Albarelli seemed to remember something. His fingers subconsciously rummaged through his pockets a few times. When his fingertips touched a ball of rough paper curled up, his face showed a bit of sincerity. With a smile on his face, he said: "We still owed the Bishop of the Night a return gift last time, so you can send it too."

  Jayne responded dully: "Okay." Then he stood up, took a few steps to the closet, stood on tiptoes, and took out the box that stored the spells from the closet.


  Lu Yan had been staying in St. Samuel's Church for the past two days to prepare for mass, and was unaware of the big move made by the Natural Storm Church.

  As he finished reading the last words of the Apocalypse of the Night, the chapel fell into silence.

  The devout believers opened their eyes and stared at Lu Yan in the altar. At this time, the silence was louder than the sound. Everyone who participated in the mass knew that the mass ended successfully.

  Lu Yan placed the Book of Night's Revelation in his hand on his chest, his silver-white eyes opened slightly, and he scanned the fanatical believers under the altar.

  "May the goddess protect us." Lu Yan tapped his chest four times and bowed slightly. With everyone's attention, he left the chapel toward the side door.

  If Lu Yan were replaced by another bishop, then according to the church's custom, he should step down from the altar at this time, interact with the believers cordially, and let his glorious and majestic image be engraved in the hearts of the believers.

  But Lu Yan didn't care about these things. The gazes of these believers were too heavy and he couldn't bear it.

  After he left, Archbishop Anthony came up to preside over the rest of the ceremony. Devout believers will not care who presides over the ceremony. No matter who it is, it will not affect their belief in the goddess of the night.

  Mrs. Genia also came to this Mass. Unlike others, she came specifically for Bishop Lu Yan. In her mind, Bishop Lu Yan is the angel of the Church of the Night, the incarnation of a god walking on the earth.

  It is a pity that Bishop Lu Yan did not step down from the altar to greet God's people cordially after the singing like other bishops.

  This made it impossible for her to send out the invitation to a ball held by Backlund's upper class society, and the regretful Mrs. Genia had to wait for the next opportunity.

  Lu Yan had already had a premonition that something big would happen today, but until now, everything had been normal.

  Naturally, he would not suspect that there was something wrong with his premonition. In a sense, his premonition could be roughly equal to the premonition given by "karma".

  His own sequence is too low to resist the contamination of uniqueness. After wearing "Causation" for a long time, his body was subtly transformed by the uniqueness of the high sequence.

  This kind of transformation is just the opposite of the process of accommodating the uniqueness. It is a process in which the uniqueness accommodates him, or in other words, assimilates him.

  According to his speculation, as long as the uniqueness does not activate the consciousness that gave birth to the self, by the time the uniqueness assimilates itself, the self may be equal to the activated uniqueness.

  This sounds like a good thing to reach the sky in one step, but in fact there is a huge hole in it. The uniqueness in his chest has been contaminated by the source of matter. It is not difficult to deduce from the ring mark on his own chest that if Lu Yan did this, then the Ring of Fate would successfully come.

  This is not the only disadvantage, at least it can be used as a means for him to self-destruct. As long as he takes the initiative to accommodate "Causation", "Causation" will quickly assimilate him, allowing the Ring of Fate to come to this world instantly. Most gods actually cherish their lives, so naturally they won't care too much about this time bomb like him. This is Lu Yan's only confidence.

  It's a very sad thing, but I have to admit that he helped Lu Yan in a sense. Otherwise, he might have been made into a sealed object from the moment he landed.

  "What are you thinking about?" Lu Yan's familiar voice sounded beside Lu Yan.

  Lu Yan's thoughts returned to reality, and his troubled thoughts returned to calm at this moment. He turned sideways and asked with a hint of melancholy in his silver eyes: "I remember that Archbishop Anthony in the chapel has not yet End of Mass, why did you come out so quickly?"

  Carlos held the railing on the edge of the corridor with both hands and used some strength to push himself up so that he happened to land on the railing.

  After adjusting to a comfortable sitting position, he tilted his head and said, "I have listened to it for too long, and I have recited it. Besides, didn't you stay in the chapel? Just treat me and you as having the same reason for leaving."

  "Then you have to make more progress. I'm going to learn the geography of Ahowa County now. Do you want to come with me?" Lu Yan looked at Carlos with a smile on his face, although Carlos had been doing this for a while. Peeping secrets, but the other person did not fall in love with learning because of this.

  Carlos involuntarily leaned back a little, which almost caused him to fall off the railing.

  "Be careful, or I'll tell Deacon Sesima that you're cheating on me." Lu Yan quickly supported Carlos with a hint of helplessness in his tone. She felt helpless towards Carlos' recklessness, and it was not unreasonable for Deacon Sesima to let Carlos be the polished commander.

  "No, don't. I was just promoted to the captain of the Red Glove Team by Deacon Sesima yesterday. Go tell Deacon Sesima that I am the bishop of the Church. I'm afraid I won't be dismissed immediately." Carlos believed Bishop Lu Yan He would not talk to Deacon Sesima about such a trivial matter, but now that he saw Bishop Lu Yan, he felt inexplicably guilty, and his attitude towards Lu Yan became a bit humble.

  "Congratulations, Captain Carlos." Lu Yan said pretending to be surprised. Then he added: "I hope you can be a red-gloved butler the next time I come back."

  Carlos couldn't help but have a smile on his face. Although Lu Yan looked about the same age as him, in Carlos' heart, Lu Yan was already a qualified elder. After being praised by his elders, he will naturally feel a little swollen.

  "It's all good training from Deacon Sesima. Of course, your help is indispensable in this." Carlos said sincerely. He and Lu Yan didn't get along for long, but Lu Yan taught him a lot. Well, like, how to get the Church of Storms to help with things.

  After Lu Yan heard the second half of Carlos' words, he already assumed that Carlos was being polite and modest. He still knew something about himself, but he didn't teach Carlos much.

  The crisp sound of bells came from the big bell at the top of the chapel not far away, three times in a row, each one longer than the last.

  Lu Yan took out the pocket watch in his shirt and looked at the time. It was now close to 12 noon. It seemed that the remaining ceremonies presided over by Archbishop Anthony were over.

  "I'm leaving first. The group of bishops who just came out of the chapel may have started looking for me. I don't like to have useless social interactions." Lu Yan said with a somewhat depressed tone. Normally, he might still have the mind to deal with other bishops. But now he always feels that something big is about to happen, and an unspeakable depression seems to be weighing on his heart.

  Carlos nodded, and just when he was about to jump off the railing, his sapphire eyes happened to sweep across Lu Yan's face.

  Lu Yan's worried look was naturally caught in Carlos' eyes. Only then did he remember that Bishop Lu Yan seemed to be forcing a smile when talking to him.

  "Does Bishop Lu Yan already know about his renegade?" Carlos thought about this, and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed in his heart. Based on the mentality of compensation, Carlos said: "I want to go with you, um, I recently wanted to learn some knowledge for, uh, uh."

  Carlos couldn't make up this lie anymore. How could he fool Bishop Lu Yan with a lie that he couldn't even fool himself.

  "It's a good thing to want to study, let's go together." Lu Yan laughed a little at Carlos's funnyness, and his tense thoughts relaxed a little. Although I don't know what Carlos thinks, it is always a good thing to be willing to learn.

  "Huh? Why are you still standing there, catch up!" After Lu Yan took two steps deeper into the corridor, he found that Carlos was still there, reading a book www. uuss.net don't know what to think.

  "Uh! It's coming, coming right away." Carlos supported the railing with one hand and jumped down from the railing quickly. He didn't expect Bishop Lu Yan to actually agree to his inferior lie. He was just thinking about how to smooth things over.

  "In a week at most, I will go to Tingen City to take up a post. During this period, I will supervise your studies." Lu Yan said as he walked with a nearly brand-new Apocalypse of Night sandwiched between his arm and waist.

  His attitude towards Carlos would not change in any way because of his agreement with Deacon Sesima. He gave the opportunity to change his destiny to Deacon Sesima, while he remained the same without introducing any additional variables.

  If Deacon Sesima can successfully change Carlos' fate, then Lu Yan will also try to change the established fate. It doesn't matter if Deacon Sesima fails. At least Deacon Sesima can be made aware of the constraints and terror of fate so that it will not affect his plans in subsequent events.

  "Ah, well, Bishop, actually I have just become the captain, and there are still many things that I need to deal with." Carlos felt like he shot himself in the foot. How could he not think about it for a moment and use study as an excuse.

  Bishop Lu Yan must not know how much he suffered when he was still a spy.

  At that time, Deacon Sesima would force him to read books for several hours every day. The feeling of filling his brain with knowledge was driving him crazy.

  "Don't worry, according to the church's procedures, it will still be some time before you officially take office. Just like me becoming a bishop, it will take some time from the internal confirmation of the church to the announcement to the public." Lu Yan took the initiative to ignore it. Carlos complains about his behavior and hopes he can make a good draft before lying next time.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 28: Steal half a day's leisure

  Lu Yan's behavior of leaving early was undoubtedly correct. Not long after he and Carlos left, the bishops swarmed up and almost filled the prayer room.

  It wasn't until they couldn't find the young bishop Lu Yan in the prayer room that they gradually left the crowded prayer room.

  There are many bishops in the Church of Night, but not many extraordinary bishops.

  In other words, most of the Extraordinary Bishops are reserve personnel for the higher-ups of the church. There are only a few high-level positions, so naturally there won't be many reserves.

  The Church of Night and the Church of Storm are the two major churches in the Kingdom of Loen. Wherever there are people inhabited, there must be a Church of Storm and a Church of Night.

  In churches as numerous as stars, anyone from the priest of a rural prayer hall to the head of a church department in Backlund can be called a bishop.

  As long as a small number of these people are interested in Lu Yan, the youngest bishop, Lu Yan will spend a lot of time dealing with these relationships that are constantly cut and messed up.

  "Don't leave St. Samuel's Church in the past few days. Backlund has been in chaos and is very dangerous recently. You can take advantage of this time to improve your knowledge." Although Lu Yan was walking in front of Carlos, there was a shadow in the corner of his eye. From the corner of his eye, he could still see the sullen emotion on Carlos's face.

  Lu Yan still didn't know about the big move made by the Church of Storms. The danger he was talking about was the man wearing a monocle.

  Carlos didn't respond. He just nodded dullly and followed Lu Yan with a look of despair. He already knew that he could not escape Lu Yan's clutches, and he would probably have to spend an unforgettable time in the next week.


  A few crows sat on the top spiers of the Gothic church, and a giant metal ship came into view of the people of Backlund along the coast.

  Lu Yan stood on tiptoes and took down the books from the top of the bookshelf. After lightly brushing off the dust on the surface with his hands, a brand new book reappeared in Lu Yan's hands.

  "It's only been there for a few days, and so much dust has accumulated on the paper. Backlund, an international metropolis, is great everywhere, but the air quality is too bad." Lu Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

  This haze may not be too fatal to extraordinary people, but to the people who have lived in the East District for a long time, it is simply a chronic poison.

  Carlos said nothing about this. As a pure Backlund resident, he had long been numb to the tiny particles floating in the air.

  Lu Yan took out the map of Ahowa County from the book and spread it flat on the table. When he was about to lean down and study the map carefully, he suddenly remembered something.

  "Carlos, you have subscribed to the Backlund Daily. I actually forgot to subscribe to the newspaper after I returned to the church." Lu Yan said angrily. In this era, newspapers are the news channel for most people. If you don't read newspapers, you are cut off from communication with the outside world.

  "Newspaper? I remember there was a public mailbox in front of the chapel. There were free newspapers provided by various newspapers every day." Carlos was not interested in newspapers either. What kind of half-truth and half-false news could be of any value? Carlos didn't clear.

  "I'll get one for you." Carlos threw aside the boring book in his hand, quickly stood up and ran out the door. Before leaving, I didn't forget to look back and say: "My salary has been increased recently. I will treat you to a glass of freshly squeezed juice when I come back."

  Lu Yan couldn't help but feel a little helpless on his face when he saw Carlos leaving in embarrassment.

  "Be careful on the road and don't leave too far from the church." Lu Yan warned.

  Amon probably won't be around the Church of the Night, and it won't matter as long as Carlos doesn't leave too far.

  The ink of the quill on the desk had dried up, and he couldn't write even after several strokes. Lu Yan put it in the ink bottle at hand and dipped it in it a few times.

  As he waved his hand, before the pen tip landed in the ink bottle, Lu Yan's eyes narrowed, and something touched his spirituality. He calmly turned slightly and stared at the corner not far away from the corner of his eye.

  He deliberately dropped the quill on the ground, but pretended to be careless on his face. He bent down and lowered his head, putting one hand into his pocket to press the pistol, and the other hand against the cover of the mysterious pocket watch. .

  After waiting for a while, the accident that Lu Yan imagined did not happen. Instead, when he picked up the quill in his hand, a slightly wrinkled piece of paper fell on the desk.

  After Lu Yan withdrew his gaze, he did not relax his vigilance, but chose to pretend that everything was normal.

  After a long time, there was no movement in the corner. After Lu Yan hesitated for a while, he finally chose to return his eyes to the desk.

  The white note lay quietly in the center of the unfolded map. After Lu Yan looked away, the first thing he saw was this note that appeared out of thin air.

  His premonition was indeed correct. An unknown creature had indeed sneaked into his room just now, but its purpose of sneaking into the room was just to leave this note?

  With doubts in his mind, Lu Yan picked up the small piece of paper between his two well-jointed fingers. With the help of his other hand, the contents of the small wrinkled paper appeared in front of him.

  "Archbishop Leidar promised me to send a few blue-striped eagles to St. Samuel's Church in a few days. You can just accept them when the time comes. As for the Aibinkel monkey you asked me about, several circuses in Backlund None of us are willing to sell it. If there is a chance, I will go to Ahowa County for you to have a look."

  There was no signature on the note, but Lu Yan already knew who the other party was. He pulled the note out from the gap between his fingers and held the note in both hands. and turned the note over. There is some writing on the back of the note.

  "At the end of today's mass, I received a new order from the church. In the next few days, I will lead the Red Gloves to assist the Church of Storms in dealing with the Church of Evil God. Considering the special circumstances, I would like to trouble you to keep an eye on it these days. Carlos, don't let him get too far away from St. Samuel's Church."

  The words Crested Sesima were written on the signature on this side of the paper, so what he had just spiritually foreseen was the messenger of Deacon Sesima?

  Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, confirming his guess in his heart, because the spiritual premonition that the big event didn't happen made him a little nervous.

  Lu Yan took out the pocket watch and glanced at the time. Half an hour had passed since he returned to the room. Lu Yan looked at the door of the room. It had been at least ten minutes since Carlos went out, and he still hadn't seen anyone.

  Nothing should happen, as long as the other party doesn't run out of the Church of the Night. Lu Yan convinced himself not to be suspicious all day long.

  Another ten minutes passed. In these short ten minutes, he had looked at his pocket watch five or six times. The frequent movements had affected his ability to read the map.

  "Hey." Lu Yan sighed and slowly stood up from the chair. He understood that he still had to go get the newspaper by himself, and he could also stop by to see if Carlos was hiding in a corner and lazing around.

  Lu Yan first checked to see if there were any bishops surrounding him outside the door. After finding that there was no suspicious person squatting on him at the door of his room, he slowly opened the door to the room.

  Perhaps because it was lunch time, Lu Yan didn't meet many people on his way to the chapel. There were only a few nuns pruning night grass in the flower beds on both sides of the aisle.

  According to Carlos, the mailbox should be not far in front of the chapel door. When Lu Yan passed by here a few days ago, he accidentally saw the postman. He probably came to deliver newspapers.

  Lu Yan pulled out a fresh copy of the Backlund Daily from the mailbox. The morning newspaper is called the Morning News, and the evening newspaper is called the Evening News. So why is the noon newspaper not called the Afternoon News, but the Daily News?

  Lu Yan looked at the huge word "Daily" written in Loen language on the newspaper page, and he also had some doubts in his heart. But now is not the time to study sociology. Maybe he will wait until he goes to Tingen City. Spend your free time studying the flowers of civilization blooming in this world.

  Lu Yan leaned against the pillar of the chapel and blocked the newspaper in front of him. At the same time, he read the daily newspaper with the help of the sunlight shining on the newspaper from the gap between his arms. Although it was a bit reflective, it was better than being approached by someone he didn't know to chat with him.


  In the lower right corner of the first page of the newspaper was a piece of news about the Church of Storms. When Lu Yan glanced at this place, his interest was instantly piqued. At the same time, some people couldn't help but feel a little curious about the fact that the Church of Storms was registered in the newspaper.

  The Church of Storms is like a turbulent ocean in the hearts of most people in Backlund. Without the permission of the Church of Storms, a big newspaper like Backlund Daily would not dare to publish news about the Church of Storms without the permission of the Church of Storms, at the risk of being shut down.

  "The Church of Storms announced that it will join forces with the Church of Night to jointly crack down on the cult organization lurking in Backlund. If you see any suspicious characters, please report them to the nearest church."

  What was published in the newspaper was not some tidbits, but a wanted order against the evil organization. This greatly reduced Lu Yan's interest. He thought the old friends from the Church of Storms had made some big noise.

  This was not news to him. Not long ago, Deacon Sesima had already written to him telling him about the alliance between the Church of Storms and the Church of Night.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yan folded the newspaper in his hand and put it on the chair, and then pulled out another newspaper from the mailbox. Fortunately, the newspaper he pulled out this time was his favorite Backlund Morning News.

  Perhaps it is because the residents of Backlund do not have much time to read newspapers in the morning. Therefore, in order to increase the sales of morning papers, newspapers will often include some exciting events, but the authenticity of which needs to be discussed, which can be simply understood as gossip news. It just so happened that Lu Yan liked to read these gossipy news.

  The most obvious difference between a morning paper and a serious daily newspaper is that there is often only one piece of news on the first page, and the news is very explosive. Even if the news is not popular in the eyes of most people, it is enough as long as it is eye-catching. .

  "The Evil God Organization Aurora officially announced that they raided the clergy of the Church of Storms!"

  Lu Yan couldn't help but nodded after reading the news. Let's not talk about whether it is true or false, but from the perspective of attracting people's attention, it is undoubtedly very qualified news. At least it makes people want to watch it.

  "Yesterday, the evil organization Aurora officially announced that the criminals who raided the clergy of the Church of Storms were their members. There is no doubt that the Aurora Society's ignorant behavior has completely angered the Church of Storms."

  It can only be said that they are worthy of the Aurora Society. They are willing to do anything that is conducive to disrupting the social order of Backlund. They are especially proud of taking the blame for other evil forces. Although it is not ruled out that Aurora will actually do this.

  Lu Yan folded the newspaper into its original shape and stuffed it back into the mailbox. He took out his pocket watch again and checked the time. More than ten minutes passed, but Carlos still didn't come back.

  He looked at the door in the distance and decided to wait another ten minutes to make up for an hour.

  Lu Yan opened his hands and leaned on the chair generously in a big-character pose. The sun at noon was so dazzling that he had to withdraw a hand from behind the chair to block his eyes to avoid the dazzling light. into his eyes.

  "Lu Yan? Bishop?" Carlos called Lu Yan's name in an annoyed tone, holding a glass of juice in each hand.

  He actually came back here not long ago, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nettBut he had a problem when he wanted to get the newspaper for Lu Yan. He was holding fruit in both his left and right hands and couldn't hold anything else. Is it possible? Let him go back with the newspaper in his mouth? Just thinking about that scene for a few moments made Carlos tremble all over.

  If this spreads out, how can he, as the red glove captain, hold his head up in front of his team members in the future.

  "Remember coming back? I thought you were going to play outside all afternoon." Lu Yan took the juice handed over by Carlos, straightened his posture, and made a place for Carlos next to him.

  "It happened for a reason! On the way here, I met the punisher of the Church of Storms, the same one we met last time." Carlos explained eagerly.

  But after he finished speaking, he seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his description, so he added: "Well, it's the young man next to Bishop Albarelli, he seems to be named Jay... Jayne!"

  "Jayne? I have a bit of an impression of him." Lu Yan remembered that he had asked the other party to hand over the gift of thanks. Lu Yan continued to ask: "Why did he come to the Church of the Night? Deacon Sesima had already led the team there. Are you supporting the Church of Storms?"

  "He said that Bishop Albarelli thought of giving you a gift in return and wanted to deliver it to you in person." Carlos casually sat down next to Lu Yan and assumed a lazy posture, thinking to himself It feels so good to be scorched by the warm sun in the cold winter.

  "Remember the witch we met in the Champs Hotel? She was not caught in the large-scale search by the Church of Storms."

  Lu Yan remembered the mention of the Aurora Society in the newspaper. He personally believed that the attack on the Church of Storms should have been carried out by the Witch Sect. After all, it was impossible for Witch Anne to stay in the Champs Elysees Hotel for a few days just because she was bored!

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 29 You are a hypocrite who deceives the world and steals your reputation!

  "How can she hide so well?"

  Carlos was a little confused. He had followed Deacon Sesima on a mission before. The extraordinary person whose name and appearance are known to them will not have any chance to escape.

  Lu Yan turned around and looked at Carlos suspiciously. He was a little unsure whether Carlos was sarcastically speaking, or whether Carlos really thought so.

  "The other party is a Sequence Seven Beyonder after all, and there is a Witch Sect behind her. It is not an easy task to catch her." After Lu Yan saw Carlos' innocent expression, he was sure that the other party was real. In "praising" Anne the Witch.

  "Backlund is too big. As long as she hides in a secret corner for a while, she can escape this storm." Lu Yan said with a gloomy look.

  Lu Yan stood up and stretched, "Where is Jayne from the Church of Storms now?"

  Jayne came to see him, so there was no reason to make him wait, not to mention that Jayne also brought the main ingredients of his potion.

  "Well, he should still be in the restaurant next to the fruit shop." Carlos drank all the juice in his glass and said before Lu Yan got up, "I'll take you there."

  He didn't want to be locked up and learn those obscure ancient Hermes languages. The intense study gave him a feeling of his head exploding, as if it reminded him of bad things.

  "You probably haven't been to that store yet. Let me guide you this time!" Carlos ran to the door of the church in the blink of an eye, calling back to Lu Yan as he ran.

  As an active boy, Carlos could no longer restrain his desire to go out to relieve his boredom.

  "Go early and come back early. I always have a feeling that something unexpected will happen." Lu Yan quickly followed Carlos' footsteps and warned him as he walked.

  Carlos didn't care about Lu Yan's "alarmism". He walked cheerfully and smiled like he was dancing.

  "No one can predict everything, and the superior gods are not omniscient and omnipotent. So don't put too much pressure on yourself!"

  Carlos feels that being a smart person is not necessarily a good thing. Smart people tend to think too much. Many things that have not happened yet, or are not sure will happen, will make them rack their brains. Just like the current Bishop Lu Yan.

  Bishop Lu Yan has always felt that something bad will happen today, but should he give up a beautiful day for the so-called premonition? Carlos disapproved of this kind of thing. His favorite was the four words spoken by Emperor Russell. "Living in the moment"!

  "Well, I hope I'm overthinking it." Lu Yan had so many thoughts in his heart that it was difficult to speak. All the sorrow in the end turned into a bitter smile on his face.

  In a sense, he was not weaker than those superior gods, but he couldn't tell Carlos this kind of thing because he didn't want to be sent to the heresy trial of the Church of the Night.

  Perhaps because of the lingering sadness on Lu Yan's face, Carlos stopped talking after expressing his thoughts.

  The fruit shop Carlos mentioned was actually quite far away from the Church of the Night. It takes about ten minutes to walk. This is actually one of the stores closest to the Church of the Night, because no profit-making stores can be set up within a certain range near the church.

  Carlos deliberately accelerated his journey and hurried on. It still took Lu Yan and the two of them ten minutes to arrive at the restaurant where Jayne was.

  The ruins of the once high-end restaurant seemed to have been destroyed by some kind of natural disaster, and the scattered stones had been ejected more than ten meters away. The dust in the air is even more uncomfortable than the smog in the East District.

  "Are you sure you didn't take me to the wrong place?"

  Lu Yan's confused eyes met Carlos' dazed look. The two teenagers just stood in front of the ruins, staring at each other not knowing what to do.

  Carlos was stunned for a while, then walked a few steps to the already empty shop on the right, and placed the cup in his hand on the other side's bar.

  "I'm sure we're on the right track!" Carlos said with his lips pursed slightly.

  He pointed at two identical cups on the bar and firmly stated that this was a fruit juice shop, and the ruined restaurant next to it was Jayne's restaurant.

  The big change not only made Lu Yan frown a little, but also made him a little confused. He thought he had really gone the wrong way.

  Lu Yan shook his head slightly. He had no idea how to deal with the ruins left by the collapsed restaurant. He and Carlos combined might not weigh as much as a single piece of ruins. Let them sneak into the ruins to rescue people, and the final result may be that they will be buried together inside.

  "I'll use my spiritual vision to check. Please stay away from me." Lu Yan reached out to stop Carlos who was about to move forward, and said with inexplicable helplessness in his tone.

  Carlos has the gaze of the hidden sage. If he is exposed to Lu Yan's spiritual vision again, then Lu Yan may have to look at each other lovingly with the hidden sage again.

  Carlos took two steps back for no apparent reason. Although he didn't know what the use of doing so was, what Bishop Lu Yan said was generally correct.

  In the world of spiritual vision, various extraordinary energies are intertwined in the ruins in front of you, like a colorful oil painting.

  In the complex world of colors, the blue color that does not extend outwards inside the centralized restaurant should be the message left by Jayne's astral body.

  One good thing, the pop of blue in the restaurant only faded rather than disappeared, which meant Jayne wasn't dead yet!

  Lu Yan blinked and turned off his spiritual vision. At the same time, he put one hand into his pocket and held the mysterious pocket watch tightly. Lu Yan also focused on the ruins on the left side of the restaurant.

  "Jayne is under the second stone on the left. The two of us should be able to move the stone." Lu Yan turned sideways and looked at the young man behind him.

  "Stand back, I can go up alone." Carlos said in an arrogant tone.

  He has been living in Lu Yan's shadow these days, and now that he finally has a chance to stand out, he naturally wants to show Lu Yan his abilities.

  "I think it's better to inform the street police and don't force it." Lu Yan glanced at Carlos and said thoughtfully.

  Carlos was only a little taller and stronger than him, so he probably had about the same strength.

  It was a coincidence that this incident happened to happen today, otherwise he could still ask for the help of the Nighthawks. Unfortunately, Deacon Sesima has now taken most of the Nighthawks and Red Gloves away.

  "Wait! Let me show you the full strength of the fighting scholar!" Carlos shouted. The thing he hates most in his life is being looked down upon by others, especially by his acquaintances.

  It is true that he cannot lift huge rocks by his own strength, but he not only has the strength, but also the brains!

  Carlos looked around the fruit shop and finally found a broom behind the wooden door.

  In front of Lu Yan, he took off the wooden stick on the top of the broom and waved it in the air several times.

  The sound of sonic boom rang in Lu Yan's ears. In terms of fighting alone, Carlos might really be a top master, but in terms of IQ, Lu Yan didn't know how to evaluate Carlos.

  "Is there a possibility that the inferior wooden stick in your hand cannot hold up the stone? Or, it broke before it could hold up the stone." Lu Yan bluntly pointed out that there were huge loopholes in Carlos' plan. The place.

  If the wooden stick breaks during the rescue process, Jayne's minor injuries may become serious injuries. In this way, they will become the main culprits of persecuting Jayne!

  Seeing the unreliable Carlos, Lu Yan gave up the idea of ​​relying on Carlos to rescue Jayne. His heart moved slightly, and he remembered that his mysterious pocket watch had an unknown benefit.

  Lu Yan opened the pocket watch with his fingers, and at the same time prayed in his heart that he could draw useful buffs. Four hours have passed since he used the pocket watch in the morning, and now he can randomly draw again among the five buffs carried by the pocket watch!

  "I hope my luck is better, and Jayne's luck is better." Lu Yan prayed in his heart. Whether he can rescue Jayne quickly this time depends on whether he can draw useful buffs.

  The moment he opened the watch cover, all the fatigue in Lu Yan's body seemed to have completely disappeared. Even the fatigue deeply embedded in his spirit seemed to have completely disappeared.

  The ability of the eight pharmacists in the Mother Sequence is a healing skill!

  Lu Yan was not disappointed because he did not draw an offensive skill. On the contrary, he was very happy. In this crazy world, healing abilities are very popular.

  "Carlos, I have no other choice. Let's go notify the police station to resolve this matter." Lu Yan looked at Carlos with a smile and said regretfully.

  "But isn't Jayne still buried inside, so we just left like this?" Carlos looked at Lu Yan in confusion. Although he couldn't understand what Bishop Lu Yan was thinking, he still followed Lu Yan.

  It was better to find someone from the police station. He threw away the inferior wooden stick in his hand that had moldy core. After all, this thing really couldn't support a stone.

  "The two of us are just low-sequence Extraordinaries with no physical strength. We cannot lift these heavy stones." Lu Yan sighed and spoke in a much louder tone.

  Carlos nodded, and he suddenly felt that what Lu Yan said did make sense. After all, Jayne is also an extraordinary person, so he should be able to hold on for a while.

  After Lu Yan and the others turned around, they had not taken a few steps when the soft voice of their words reached their eardrums from the ruins, hitting their hearts hard.

  "You two are so ungentlemanly that you don't even try to save me!"

  Lu Yan paused slightly, turned his back to Witch Anne and said, "You alone may not be able to keep the two of us."

  There was a bit of sarcasm in his tone, as if he was mocking Anne for overestimating her abilities.

  Carlos didn't understand anything until now, but he still asked Lu Yan a little confused.

  "Where is Jayne from the Church of Storms?"

  Lu Yan waved his hand and said that he didn't know about this either. But because of Carlos's confused expression, he still explained: "Maybe you need to ask the witch lady about this matter."

  "You dare to attack members of the Church of Storms. Are you not afraid of the Church of Storms at all, or do you not know the lessons learned from the Aurora Society?" Lu Yan continued to say to Witch Anne, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

  Witch Anne has been hiding in the ruins for so long. Lu Yan will definitely not think that she is playing house with him. If his extremely high spirituality hadn't given him an early warning, maybe there would only be two corpses left of him and Carlos.

  "Haha, let's not talk about this matter first, don't you want to save the punisher of the Church of Storms?" Miss Anne was naturally worried that she would be wanted by the Church of Storms, but she was already tied to the people of the Aurora Society. .

  "Listen to what you said, Jayne is indeed in your hands?" Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and said in a relaxed tone.

  Although Carlos didn't know why the tone of Bishop Lu Yan's words was different from usual, this did not prevent him from loading the bullet and preparing to give this beautiful witch lady a demon-hunting bullet.

  "He is lying over there, do you dare to go? It's okay if you leave now, but the life of this friend of the Church of Storms will not be saved." Annie chuckled.

  Not long ago, she and Ji Guanghui went to Jinchihua Street to squat with Lu Yan, but in the end, she didn't even see Lu Yan's shadow. Fortunately, he also got some information. Many people in Jinchihua Street said that Lu Yan was a warm-hearted bishop and a good bishop who hated evil as much as he hated evil.

  I think a good person with such a high reputation wouldn't just watch innocent people die in front of him!

  Annie felt that she had guessed Lu Yan's thoughts this time, but it was a pity that the world would lose another enthusiastic bishop in the future!

  Thinking of this, Annie felt so excited. She wanted to kill Lu Yan now. If it hadn't been for Lu Yan, she wouldn't have been reduced to the point where the Aurora Society restricted her freedom!

  "Oh, then remember to send him back to the Church of Storms. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Maybe the Church of Storms will forget about you." Lu Yan said with a kind expression.

  There were sincere smiles on their faces, and he really felt that this matter had a chance of success.

  After saying this, Lu Yan turned around and took Carlos away quickly. His behavior made Witch Anne's thought-perfect plan look like a joke.

  "You really don't care about him! You turn out to be a hypocrite who deceives the world and steals your reputation." Miss Anne chased Lu Yan in disbelief, and while chasing him, she condemned Lu Yan from a moral level.

  Lu Yan shook his head. He seemed to have overestimated the witch lady, and actually found a member of the Aurora Society to play the role of Jayne who fainted.

  Although this actor has made some occult disguises to make the color of his astral body look similar to Jayne's, this can only fool the perception of low-level Beyonders.

  The Aurora Society's plan is already perfect in a sense. The spiritual vision of Sequence Five and below Extraordinaries will never detect the abnormality of "Jayne", but they don't know that Lu Yan's spiritual vision is blessed by uniqueness. .

  One careless move and you lose everything.

  "If you don't take action, if you wait any longer, he will run away." Annie realized that although she was faster than Lu Yan, it would take some time to catch up with him, which was enough time for him to run back to the Church of Storms.

  Fortunately, the group of lunatics from the Aurora Society had been lurking around from the beginning, otherwise Lu Yan and the others might have escaped this time.

  Annie was also a little puzzled. It was clear that the group of lunatics from the Aurora Society had been hiding around for a long time. Just waiting for an order, Lu Yan and the two of them would definitely become corpses. But why do you want her to set up a trap and want her to use drugs to stun Lu Yan!

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 30: Borrowing strength to fight

  Anne couldn't understand the behavior of the Aurora Society, and she felt a little unhappy, but in the end she was forced to swallow her anger because of the large number of people there.

  Carlos has now truly figured out what happened. It turns out that Jayne, who was crushed in the ruins, was pretending to be someone from the Aurora Society!

  "When we first met Jayne, why didn't he attack me?" Carlos looked at Lu Yan with his innocent eyes and asked doubtfully.

  The more Carlos thought about it, the more something was wrong. Wouldn't it be better to capture him and use it to threaten Bishop Lu Yan? Wouldn't it be better for Jayne?

  "Is there a possibility that the Jayne you met first is real?" Lu Yan turned sideways and glanced at Carlos, and said with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

  It seems that in the remaining few days, Carlos must keep his mind spinning, and he must read two books every day while talking less!


  When Lu Yan saw Annie stop, a hint of panic flashed in his heart. The other party shouldn't give up on chasing him so easily. Are things going to take a turn for the worst?

  Lu Yan had no intention of stopping to investigate the cause, so he could only take Carlos and rush back to the Church of the Night.

  In the beginning, Carlos was pulled by Lu Yan and ran away. After Carlos recovered from his dazed state, Lu Yan was pulled by Carlos.

  The surrounding scenery quickly retreated in their field of vision. The running speed of the two people could almost be said to have reached the limit, but no matter how fast they were, they could not compare with the members of the Aurora Society who had been ambushing this road for a long time. them.

  "Nice to meet you. You can call me Mr. K. I am currently in charge of the affairs of the Aurora Society in Backlund." A man in black not far away walked slowly out from the corner of the alley.

  The first time he met Lu Yan, he bowed to Lu Yan gracefully, and then clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

  Within a few seconds, Lu Yan was surrounded by a group of members of the Aurora Society. They surrounded Lu Yan from all sides, blocking all attacks that he could use to escape.

  Lu Yan's fingertips pressed against the cover of the mysterious pocket watch, but it didn't help, because the buff they drew not long ago was to restore his own injuries, and he couldn't actively switch the buff within four hours.

  Carlos touched Lu Yan's arm with the gun in his pocket, reminding Lu Yan with an inadvertent movement that he was ready to take action! As long as Lu Yan nodded, they would fight their way through the encirclement.

  "Mr. K, I don't know what you have to talk to me about. I remember that I have never had any grudges with your Aurora Society." Lu Yan pressed Carlos' pistol with his hand and signaled him not to act rashly, and then he pretended to be a human being. A harmless expression on Aurora will tell lies.

  "Of course we have no grudges, so you don't mind coming to my Aurora Club as a guest!" Mr. K showed a sincere smile.

  When he made the plan, he was afraid that Mr. D would offend Lu Yan too badly. Now it seems that although their relationship with Lu Yan is not good, at least the other party does not hate the Aurora Society too much. This is a big problem for them. A good thing.

  Lu Yan's silver-white pupils stared at the wise man opposite him, who was not a good-looking person in the Aurora Society, and he felt even more troubled.

  This time Aurora Club seemed to be coming from a smart person, at least the other party did not fall behind in the verbal exchange.

  "I have something busy recently, so I may not be able to do what you want. How about we make an appointment next time?" Lu Yanpi said with a smile. He had never been afraid of anyone in the art of speaking.

  Unfortunately, Mr. K chose not to communicate verbally with him. He shook his head and said, "We don't have much time. The Church of Storms will not give us more time, so you must leave with me now."

  What Mr. K said was sincere, but given that Lu Yan directly had an unpleasant communication with Mr. D, these sincere words were misinterpreted in Lu Yan's ears and were very harsh.

  "You are talking about me, not us, so you let him go." Lu Yan pointed at Carlos and said.

  Carlos carries the gaze of a hidden sage. He does not want to introduce other variables at this time, and Carlos will also play an important role in the future.

  Mr. K glanced at Carlos, feeling a little disdainful. He was only an eighth-level combat scholar, and he seemed to have no brains, so he posed no danger to them.

  "Yes, but you must leave with us immediately." Mr. K said nonchalantly. The people of their Aurora Society are very pure in a sense.

  Carlos was naturally unwilling to leave his teammates behind and leave alone. Lu Yan's behavior at this moment reminded him of the captain who stood in front of him when he was still a Nighthawk.

  "If I don't leave, even if I die, I will die in front of you!" Carlos held the pistol in his pocket tightly and said with bloodshot eyes.

  Time and time again, the people he cares about and respects will die in front of him in the same way!

  Those forgotten, deepest, vague, and intermittent memories gradually became clear at this moment, piercing his heart again.

  He felt his own uselessness. If he hadn't been lazy, if he hadn't failed, if he were as strong as Deacon Sesima now! Will all this change?

  "Hey, thank Jayne for me when I get back. Although his things were not delivered to me, I still want to thank him for the gift in return." Lu Yan paused and said with a bit of hatred for iron.

  He desperately hoped that Carlos could understand what he meant and go find someone from the Church of Storms to help him, but Carlos didn't understand!

  "I won't hide behind you this time. Don't let me live in the shadows all my life." Carlos looked at Lu Yan with his blood-red eyes.

  Fragmented memories and similar scenes, Carlos recalled the past events, some things he had forgotten. Those were memories buried deep in his consciousness by the Requiem Master, and they were memories that made him miserable.

  It was raining lightly that night, and a dark figure in black robes rushed out of the Church of the Night. His hair was dark blond, his pupils were so blue that they looked like dark black, his nose was high, and there were no wrinkles on his face.

  As a Nighthawk, he naturally knew that the other party was Archbishop Ince Zangwill!

  Immediately afterwards, they received the order from the temple! Prevent the traitorous former Archbishop Ince Zangwill from leaving the Temple!

  The rain kept falling and the wind got stronger and stronger. That was the most powerful time for their team. The captain was holding a first-level sealed object, and they were also carrying a second-level sealed object to intercept Ince on the uneven and sticky dirt road. Zangwill.

  At that time, he was already a Sequence Eight fighting scholar, and he naively thought that he was different from the person he was when he first encountered an extraordinary event.

  The picture was blurry and the memory was not clear, but he did not forget that the captain stood in front of them holding a sealed object and blocked the fatal attack for them with his own body.

  The scarlet blood bloomed into the most beautiful flowers at that moment, and the emotions in the captain's eyes gradually dispersed and disappeared in his unbelievable eyes. In the end, it turned into a corpse still bleeding hot blood.

  After that incident, he was like a puppet, living in a state of confusion all day long, and the gibbering in his mind had no effect on his collapse.

  It wasn't until a requiemist from the church sealed his memory that he regained his sanity with the help of Deacon Sesima, but he also lost the chance to take potions for promotion again.


  "Lu Yan! Bishop! Sotos! Please, let me stay and face it together this time." Carlos' tone gradually became hoarse, his expression was ferocious, and the corners of his eyes were wet with tears.

  Lu Yan opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing. He was not qualified to persuade Carlos, and it was his own choice for Carlos to stay.


  Lu Yan nodded. He could only think about other ways. Carlos was only a hair away from collapse now, and it was the most difficult time to provoke him.

  Mr. K actually appreciates Carlos a little now. He didn't expect this kid to be so affectionate and loyal, but he feels that he seems to have played a bad role!

  "He didn't want to leave. It has nothing to do with me." Mr. K said with a shrug.

  He quickly distanced himself from the matter. Although the Aurora Club loves to take the blame, it doesn't take the blame for everything!

  "You have caught him, then the deal between us is over." Witch Anne walked over with her left foot on her right foot and said to Mr. K in a soft tone.

  Mr. K was unwilling to cause trouble at this juncture, so he nodded to Anne, indicating that their cooperation ended here.

  "Hypocrite, I hope we have a chance to meet next time." Anne narrowed her narrow eyes and mocked with a bright smile at the corner of her mouth.

  The people of the Aurora Society are a group of madmen, and those who fall into the hands of madmen may even die.

  "Go ahead and hit the person you hate the most." Lu Yan leaned close to Carlos's ear and said softly.

  Lu Yan's eyes moved slightly, and he noticed something inexplicable. Jiguang Club's attitude towards him seemed a little strange, and it didn't feel aggressive.

  He didn't believe that a group of lunatics in an organization could understand the meaning of politeness, so he had the idea of ​​testing.

  Carlos did not act immediately, but froze in place, at a loss. His sapphire pupils surrounded by bloodshot eyes narrowed inward.

  He seemed to be hallucinating just now, Carlos thought.

  "It's okay, don't worry, shoot, I'll take care of it for you." Lu Yan's low but clear voice sounded in his ears again.

  Carlos' dull expression turned completely crazy at this moment, and he took out a pistol from his pocket at lightning speed!


  Except for Lu Yan and Carlos, no one else expected such a scene to happen.

  Although Annie in the distance was always vigilant, most of her energy was focused on Mr. K. As for Lu Yan and Carlos, who had fallen into the Aurora Society, there was no way they could pose a threat to him.

  Although the people of the Aurora Society are crazy and unreasonable, they are quite reliable in doing things, at least they are not as messy as the Moss Ascetic Society.

  The sound of bullets being fired and breaking through the air could not escape her perception. Unfortunately, the first glance she looked back at was Mr. K, causing him to make a mistake in judgment.

  The silver-white demon-hunting bullet traced a beautiful trajectory in the air and shot into Annie's brain as everyone in the Aurora Society watched.

  There was no gorgeous death, no hot bloody flowers, just a blur of darkness disintegrating into shadows and sinking into the ground.

  Carlos fired three shots in succession, and the remaining two shot passed through the black shadow transformed by Annie and hit the impermeable glass window in the distance, making a crisp sound.

  "He didn't attack you, so you probably won't mind." Lu Yan said calmly. Silver-white eyes met Mr. K's slightly doubtful eyes.

  Mr. K shook his head slightly, indicating that he had no opinion on this matter, and gave a friendly reminder.

  "She is a Sequence Seven witch and is good at using avatars. His shot only cost her a avatar." Mr. K looked at a house in the distance.

  Although the stand-in is easy to use, there is a distance limit. Depending on the degree of digestion of the potion, the distance will vary slightly.

  However, one thing that is certain is that Witch Anne is in the houses around them.

  Lu Yan's eyes followed Mr. K's. It was an extremely ordinary house, with nothing outstanding among the surrounding buildings.

  But Mr. K probably wanted to tell him that Anne was there, right?

  The three bullets also took away part of Carlos's anger, and the crimson in Carlos's eyes faded a lot. He silently took out three demon-hunting bullets from his pocket, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Loading the pistol under the watchful eyes of everyone in the Aurora Society.

  "Don't look at me so nervously, I won't shoot." Carlos had a sneer on his face and his tone was very harsh.

  He naturally knew what the current situation was like, otherwise he would not have chosen to shoot Annie. The witch was the only one on the scene, and he could only vent his anger on her.

  "In that case, let's make a deal." Lu Yan withdrew his gaze, and countless thoughts flashed through him.

  "I don't dare. Just say it, Your Excellency. As long as we can do it, I can take it on behalf of the Aurora Society." Mr. K's tone was gentle, and his voice was also somewhat gentle. It makes people feel uncomfortable.

  "You can't take me away now. The Church of Storms is almost here. Do you feel the breath of the storm?" Lu Yan said with a smile on his face and put one hand on Carlos's shoulder.

  The people of the Aurora Society may have other ideas about him. At present, it seems that the other party has no murderous intention towards him, so he can try to see where the other party's bottom line is.

  "I know you may not give up. Even if you don't succeed this time, there will be a next time." Lu Yan's tone was lowered and he looked at Mr. K responsibly.

  He had briefly experienced the paranoia and madness of the Aurora Society from Zhou Mingrui's biography. Lu Yan was afraid that they would behave irrationally. After all, he could not guess what the madman was thinking.

  "As long as you help me kill the witch, I will take the initiative to leave with you. Do you accept such a deal?"

  In order to show his sincerity, Lu Yan took the initiative to take two steps forward. His clear silver-white pupils reflected Mr. K's figure, which was sincere and made Mr. K ashamed.

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