
chpater 7

Chapter 31 Growth

  Lu Yan put out his hand in front of Carlos who wanted to move forward, signaling Carlos not to move forward. At the same time, he was also metaphorically asking Carlos not to interfere with his decision.

  Just as Carlos's willingness to stay and fight against Aurora with him was his own wish, Lu Yan did not interfere and had no right to interfere.

  The figure of Brother Storm in the distance gradually became clearer, and he was expected to arrive at the scene soon. Brother Storm's speed this time was pretty good. The only choice left for Mr. K was to escape or kill Lu Yan and then escape.

  Mr. K does not know how to choose the second option and does not dare to choose it. After thinking silently for a moment, he had no choice but to signal the other members of the Aurora Society to stop the mission.

  Mr. K did not achieve his goal, but not only was he not upset, he bowed deeply to Lu Yan, and then tapped his chest four times with his right hand in the order of up, down, right and left.

  "We have accepted this commission and offer you the head of the evil witch. I hope you will remember our agreement." Mr. K said elegantly.

  The elegance was only temporary. When Brother Storm's extraordinary attack came from a distance, Mr. K began to run away in embarrassment. The members of the Aurora Society also quickly opened the cover of the sewer pipe and jumped in.

  The foul smell instantly spurted out from the ground. Lu Yan pinched his nose and took Carlos a few steps back.

  Carlos had not spoken since he was stopped by Lu Yan. At this moment, his sapphire eyes were extremely deep, staring at the fleeing members of the Aurora Society, wondering what he was thinking.

  It was rare that the people from the Church of Storms were late, and Lu Yan could finally let go of his worries. The purpose of letting Carlos shoot was not only to let Carlos vent his anger, but more importantly, to attract the attention of other people nearby.

  Even he was delaying time from the beginning. When his spiritual vision discovered that "Jayne" was a member of the Aurora Society in disguise, all he did was delay time, waiting for the real Jayne to bring the Church of Storms to punish him. The arrival.

  Members of the Aurora Society all appear in groups, and he has determined that Witch Anne is an Extraordinary of the Witch Sect, so where will the remaining members of the Aurora Society be?

  The answer is almost obvious, it must be to hide and carry out a sneak attack.

  What worried Lu Yan the most was Carlos. During this incident, Carlos seemed to have some mental problems. I may need to be gentler next time and not irritate him too much.

  After thinking about it, Lu Yan decided to let Carlos read less books and play more.

  "I'm fine, I just remembered some things from the past." Carlos forced a smile.

  When he raised his head, he met Lu Yan's guilty gaze, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

  Carlos's thoughts are very disturbed now. The memories of the past and the present are intertwined, and coupled with the gibbering that appears from time to time, it is simply driving him crazy.

  Lu Yan focused his attention on the punisher of the Church of Storms who was walking towards him in the distance. He had blue hair and blue eyes, with regular features but a messy beard. He was dressed informally, like a sailor who had just returned from the sea.

  When Lu Yan was sizing up the other party, the other party's blue eyes also lingered on Lu Yan. Compared to Lu Yan's reservedness, the punisher in front of him looked very bold.

  "Are you okay?"

  His voice was loud and had a sense of uninhibited boldness. This was Lu Yan's first impression of his voice.

  A loud voice is a characteristic of most maritime workers. The sound of the roaring sea and the collision of rolling waves. If the sound is not loud enough, it will be lost in the waves.

  "We are fine. You arrived just in time. The Aurora Society fled before they could take action."

  Lu Yan had no trace of praise in his words, especially when he said the last four words, his tone was deliberately aggravated.

  "It's a small thing, it's a small thing. It's the joint responsibility of our two major churches to fight against the evil organization!" The atmosphere was already enough. After coughing twice, he said to Lu Yan.

  "Jayne comes to see you for something, so I will take the other members to track down the members of the Aurora Society."

  Lu Yan nodded. The exchange between the two was quite pleasant. This kind of verbal art is usually used in upper-class dance parties. Brother Storm, who has been going to sea all year round, is naturally not immune to this kind of praise.

  After they left, Lu Yan turned his attention to Jayne in the Church of Storms team.

  Lu Yan was a little curious about this Jayne, wondering how he escaped from the hands of the Aurora Society and a witch.

  "Mr. Bishop of the Night, Bishop Albarelli has given you a gift in return." Jayne said in a relaxed tone. After tinkering for so long, he was finally done, which was a relief to him.

  God knows what a terrible thing happened to him this time. If he hadn't used the Holy Talisman that Bishop Albarelli planned to give to Lu Yan at the critical moment, I'm afraid he would have turned into a corpse by now.

  Jayne still has some palpitations. The sneak attack by members of the Aurora Society was not the main reason, but the Saint's Talisman left an indelible impression on him. The power of the spell was far beyond his imagination, and it destroyed a building with just one shot.

  If a spell of this level hits an extraordinary person, it is estimated that the opponent may be turned into ashes in an instant, and this is only a spell made by a high-sequence strong person's full blow.

  What if it is a stronger person of a higher order? Jayne didn't know clearly, but the abilities of high-sequence powerhouses refreshed Jayne's understanding and made him respect high-sequence powerhouses from the bottom of his heart. Desire for great power.

  "Bishop Albarelli has another gift for you. He hopes that you can go to the River and Sea Church after arriving in Tingen City." Jayne said.

  The gift that was not given was the Saint's Talisman, and the original one had already been used on the Aurora Society. When he returned to the church, Bishop Albarelli had already set off for the city of Tingen. Naturally, he couldn't come up with a new Saint's Talisman to give to Lu Yan.

  He could only write a letter to inform Bishop Albarelli of the situation. Fortunately, the bishop did not blame him for using the Saint's Talisman, and asked him to invite Lu Yan to the River and Sea Church. Bishop Albarelli planned to personally deliver this gift.

  "Return gift?"

  Lu Yan was stunned for a moment, but he still took the gift from Jay En's hand. There was no reason to refuse such a good thing that was delivered to his door.

  "Well, I will go if I have the chance." Lu Yan said nonchalantly.

  He thought that the other party was just talking politely, and there was no reason to invite the Bishop of the Church of Night to the Church of Storms.

  In a sense, the Church of Night and the Church of Storms have a trade-off relationship, otherwise the Church of Steam would not be making small moves behind the scenes.

  "Archbishop Leidar asked me to give the blue-striped eagle to Deacon Sesima. Can you please bring it to Deacon Sesima?" Jayne asked with a somewhat uncertain tone.

  Lu Yan nodded. The blue-striped eagle was actually what he needed, so there was no reason to refuse.

  After receiving Lu Yan's agreement, Jayne took out an iron birdcage from the box behind the storm team.

  Three eagles with cyan lines on their feathers and a few silver stars in their eyes are crowded in the bird cage. Their wings are full and bright, and they are high-quality even among blue-striped eagles.

  "Then let's leave first. We need to return these things to the church first." Lu Yan handed the birdcage to Carlos and took the box from Jayne's hand.

  Jayne had no reason to stop Lu Yan from leaving. He had already done everything arranged by the bishop. And there was nothing to talk about between him and Lu Yan.

  "Huh? I seem to have forgotten something."

  Jayne stared at Lu Yan and the two who were walking farther and farther away, thinking doubtfully in his heart.

  This matter was not particularly important to him, but it made him want to remember it.

  "The bishop of the Church of the Night is gone?" The captain of the Punisher team who went to track the Aurora Society climbed out of the sewer, and his whole body was also stained with some stench.

  "Well, Captain, they just left not long ago." Jayne responded.

  "What's the name of the Night Bishop? I think he has a good temper towards me. If I have the chance, I'd like to have a few drinks with him!" Captain Jayne said boldly.

  The captain's casual words flashed through his mind, and he remembered that this time he forgot to ask the night bishop's name again!

  "Captain, if I say that I don't know his name, would you believe it?" Jayne and the captain stared at each other for a while, then both fell silent.


  "There shouldn't be any danger next." Lu Yan said in a relaxed tone.

  The palpitating feeling in my heart finally disappeared, which meant that this matter was over.

  Carlos was silent. When he came out, he seemed to have told Bishop Lu Yan not to think too much, but this afternoon he was surrounded and suppressed by the Aurora Society.

  "Huh?" Lu Yan turned his head and glanced at Carlos.

  Carlos was carrying the birdcage with both hands, his eyes staring into the distance, his expression dazed, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

  "Carlos, you don't have to study for the next few days. You can relax and adjust your emotions these days." Lu Yan sighed slightly and said.

  He couldn't bear to force Carlos to continue learning ancient Hermes at this time. And for extraordinary people, a good mental state is very important and is the most basic condition for resisting madness.

  "No, please teach me how to study next." Carlos said with firm eyes and determination in his tone.

  The memory of the past is like the sharpest knife, leaving a wound in his heart that cannot be healed.

  If he continues to choose to do nothing and waste his time. Carlos has no face to face those who love him, help him, help him, and guide him.

  If his former captain knew that the team member he rescued was such a hopeless rotten person, would he regret it? Carlos pushed himself internally.

  "In that case, you will follow me in the next few days, but before you study, your state of mind must be stable first." Lu Yan said in a gentle tone, paying attention to Carlos' demeanor from time to time as he spoke to ensure that Carlos did not become paranoid.

  "Knowledge is poisonous, but knowledge has a soul. While you are learning knowledge, knowledge is also chasing you."

  "Don't be deceived by secret, false, useless, deceptive, sinful knowledge."

  "You only have one life. What's gone is gone. There's no point in looking back on the past."

  Lu Yan solemnly and solemnly told Carlos three words. He did not hope that Carlos would die in the pursuit of knowledge one day in the future.

  He turned sideways and looked at Carlos again, hoping to see fear in Carlos's eyes, but at this time, there was only determination in Carlos's eyes.

  "If one day you see the knowledge chasing you, remember to tell me. This is the prerequisite for me to teach you to learn. Are you willing to accept it?" Lu Yan walked slowly in front of Carlos, as if guiding him forward. direction.

  The Hidden Sage's gaze cannot be without reason. Carlos's best choice is actually not to continue to advance to the rank. Otherwise, the higher the rank, the more unavoidable the Hidden Sage's gaze will be.

  "People have to grow up after all, don't they? Those who cannot grow up are young people who die in their youth." Carlos felt bitter in his heart and asked Lu Yan with a forced smile.

  "Please teach me!" Carlos looked at Lu Yan with fear, he was afraid of being rejected.

  In fact, he was at the end of his rope. The church would not provide promotion materials for a member with mental hidden dangers. If he wanted to become a higher-order Beyonder, he would have to obtain it on his own.

  "I've only heard a little bit about many things, and there aren't many things I can teach you." Lu Yan shook his head and said in a tone that made it difficult to tell whether he was happy or angry.

  Carlos coming to him was a mixed blessing. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Part of the right part was because he was the only one who could help Carlos at the moment. The wrong part was that Lu Yan was far more dangerous than Carlos imagined, and he himself They are all unable to protect themselves.

  "You study hard with me these seven days. You will also be the team leader in the future. I can't help you with many things." Lu Yan stopped and looked forward.

  The Gothic architecture in front of you gives people a spectacular feeling when viewed up close. There is magnificence hidden in the ordinary, inconspicuous but rooted in the hearts of the people of Backlund.

  The carvings on the black exterior wall are winding and zigzagging, depicting miracles of divine revelation and creation myths. In the distant flowerbed, moonflowers and night grass complement each other.

  "I decided to resign from the position of team leader to Deacon Sesima. I know that I am not capable enough to bear the heavy responsibility." Carlos said in a hoarse voice.

  If it were him in the past, he might have thought that the position of captain was an honor. For him now, the position of captain is a heavy responsibility, shouldering the responsibility of his teammates, responsibility and hope.

  The burden was too heavy for him to bear.

  "This is not the future you have always wanted, why did you give up like this?" Lu Yan understood in his heart, but still asked.

  "Until one day in the future, when I have the ability to stand in front of you, I will be qualified to take on the role of captain." Carlos set a small goal for himself.

  Lu Yancai was a Sequence 9, but under the coercion of the Aurora Society, he stood in front of a Sequence 8. This makes him think he can protect his teammates.

  A bitter smile appeared in Lu Yan's heart. There was a ring of fate in front of him, and even the gods did not dare to stand in front of him.

  But this did not affect his encouragement to Carlos. Lu Yan said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to that day."

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 32 Acting Method

  "The first knowledge I teach you is called acting." Lu Yan's silver eyes looked at the bronze bell on the top of St. Selina Church and he said in a leisurely tone.

  He paused for a long time after saying this. It was only when Lu Yan was sure that no one from the Church of the Night came out to interrupt him that he continued to speak to Carlos.

  "Do you know why each sequence of potions has a name?" Lu Yan led Carlos towards the church.

  "Is it for better memory?" Carlos asked in a doubtful tone.

  Carlos has never delved into this kind of thing, just like most people don't know why they are called this name.

  Lu Yan did not answer the question directly, but continued to ask: "What changes do you feel about yourself after becoming a combat scholar?"


  Carlos walked along the corridor of the church. The blue-striped eagle in the cage on his left hand was struggling restlessly in the cage. This made Carlos stop thinking and pressed his other hand firmly on the cage.

  After the blue-striped eagle stopped struggling, he told Lu Yan the answer he had thought about for a long time. Since it had been so long since he took the potion, he could not remember many details clearly now. He could only barely give a rough description.

  "After I took the combat scholar's potion, I could clearly feel the improvement in my physical fitness, as if I had transformed from an ordinary person to a genius in combat."

  Since taking the potion, he can feel that his talent in fighting has been enhanced unprecedentedly. Some complex fighting skills are as simple as flipping his hands in his eyes.

  "Well, do you feel like you are transforming into a combat scholar? From an ordinary person to a scholar who is proficient in combat arts?"

  Lu Yan first gently placed the box he was holding on the ground, then took out a brass key from his pocket, inserted it into the keyhole, and turned it gently.

  "You mean that everyone who drinks the potion will change to the profession represented by the name of the potion?"

  Carlos got this answer after thinking deeply. He felt that this was what Lu Yan wanted to tell him.

  But when he raised his head and looked at Lu Yan, he found that the other party was not satisfied with his answer.

  Lu Yan slowly opened the door to his room. After entering, he signaled Carlos to open the window. He took the birdcage from Carlos and hung it on the wooden railing of the window.

  "This answer cannot be said to be completely unrelated to the answer I want to tell you, but it is also completely opposite." Lu Yan smiled slightly.

  Carlos turned around to pick up the box that Lu Yan placed at the door. His hand suddenly stopped in the air. Before he could understand what Lu Yan meant by "the opposite" in his words, Lu Yan had already continued.

  "Magic potions can't change a person. You are yourself after all. No one can change the fact that you are Carlos." Lu Yan said in a serious tone and looked at Carlos with sharp eyes.

  This is a very easy misunderstanding to fall into. If you cannot clearly understand the connection between the potion and yourself, then you are on the verge of losing control.

  "For potions, it's not about mastering them, it's about digesting them. It's not about digging them out, it's about acting them out. The name of the potion is not just a symbol, it's an image, it's also the 'key' to digestion."

  After Lu Yan laid down the spiritual wall, his silver-white eyes said without any emotion.

  "The core of the role is to be yourself, and all you do is deceive the will contained in the potion itself."

  "But there are some sad people who deceive the potion, but also deceive themselves, and finally turn into twisted and crazy monsters."

  Lu Yan's voice became emotionless, and at the same time, Carlos's heart was filled with endless waves. At this moment, he seemed to understand something that he had ignored before.

  "It's based on the name of the potion, so how should it be performed?" Carlos thought of more things in his divergent thinking.

  The four words "fighting scholar" contain many meanings. It is a profession, a position, and a recognition. How does he play this role correctly with so many directions?

  "This involves playing rules. Each sequence has its own playing rules. What you need to do is try to discover and summarize the rules."

  Lu Yan felt that if he said this, it was as if he didn't say it, so he continued to add.

  "What you need to do now is to play the role of the Secret Peeper again. I can tell you one of the core rules of playing the Secret Peeper." Lu Yan said with a slight smile.

  There was no look of expectation in Carlos's eyes, but instead there was some worry in his expression.

  Lu Yan couldn't guess what Carlos was thinking at the moment, and he didn't intend to guess what others were thinking. He just said to himself.

  "Do whatever you want, do no harm."

  "This is a famous aphorism circulated among the Moss Ascetic Order. The Ascetic Order has complete access to the secret voyeurs. You may often deal with them in the future."

  "The Trappist Order is a very ancient organization. They were respected in the Fourth Age, but later they degenerated into a crazy evil organization because of an evil god named the Hidden Sage. Be careful when dealing with them. , and be wary of hidden sages."

  Lu Yan did not explain to Carlos what the Hidden Sage was. He believed that Carlos would understand it better than him when he completely digested the Secret Man's potion.

  "I've written it down." Carlos nodded and said silently in his mind: "Do whatever you want, do no harm."

  "This knowledge cannot be passed on to others. An increase in the number of extraordinary people is not a good thing. Everything that happened in the Fourth Age is the lesson that history has taught us."

  Lu Yan felt that it was enough to tell Carlos this for the time being. Now he only needed to pay attention to the fact that Carlos needed a few days to completely digest the secret-peeping potion.

  Carlos was promoted to Sequence 8 Combat Scholar not after he had completely digested the Secret Peeper's potion, but because of the accumulation of qualifications and merits he gained from the church in exchange for promotion opportunities.

  In Lu Yan's estimated future, Carlos must completely digest the Secret Seeker potion and the Fighting Scholar potion before he can choose to advance to the next level.

  If Carlos chooses to advance to the next level before digestion is complete, even if he does not lose control, the remaining madness in the potion will push Carlos into the abyss.

  "If there is a potion from a Sequence Seven wizard, I will help you keep an eye on it." Lu Yan said casually.

  He knew where to get the magic potion of the wizard sequence, but now was not the time. The most important thing for him was to prepare to go to Ahowa County in the next few days.

  "Wizard?" Carlos didn't know that the next order of combat scholars was a wizard, but after Lu Yan mentioned wizards, he had to remind him of the Witch Anne.

  But before discussing the matter of Witch Anne, he still had some things he wanted to ask Lu Yan. What was a bit confusing was that he was not sure whether Lu Yan would answer his questions.

  "Knowledge is poisonous. Are you, who knows so many secrets, being chased by pain?" Carlos asked uncertainly.

  "Ha." Lu Yan put one hand on the desk to support his cheek, and chuckled with unknown meaning.

  "I would be very happy if I could be chased by pain, but I am a wretch who is despised by pain. Even pain is unwilling to come near me." Lu Yan's silver-white pupils were deep, and his tone of voice was also A different kind of loneliness.

  Carlos didn't reply. His current sequence was too low and he couldn't understand the meaning of what Lu Yan said.

  In order to ease the awkward atmosphere at the moment, Carlos deliberately diverted the topic away.

  "Are the abilities of witches and wizards very similar?" he asked curiously. At the same time, he took down a geography book from the bookshelf in the room.

  Witch Anne's ability to stand in as a substitute really surprised him. To be honest, he really wanted to learn such easy to use stand-in magic.

  "Wizards don't have the ability to use substitutes like witches." Lu Yan knew without guessing what Carlos was planning.

  "At the same time, the witch's ability is very restrained by the ability of the sun sequence. The ability of the sun sequence refers to the ability possessed by the Eternal Sun Church in Intis."

  "On the contrary, wizards are not affected by the extraordinary people of the sun sequence, but it is also sad that the path of the secret peeper becomes harder and harder the further you go."

  After Lu Yan briefly analyzed the pros and cons, he stood up and went to take down a book from the bookshelf.

  "This book records some legends about monsters. If you are interested, you can read it. It will be a lot of help for you to digest wizard potions in the future."

  Carlos closed the geographical map of the Ahova Group in his hand and took the book handed over by Lu Yan. The words "Dream of the Virtual Realm" were written in gorgeous gold-gilded fonts.

  "Are you serious about the deal between you and the Aurora Society?" Carlos' eyes stayed on the book, but his thoughts took the topic in another direction.

  Lu Yan picked up the paper full of notes on the table and blew on it slightly to let the wet ink solidify quickly on the paper.

  Carlos' words also reminded him that there was still this matter. He didn't intend to take it to heart.

  "Whether we keep our promise depends on my strength and theirs."

  If he was stronger than the people of the Aurora Society at that time, then he could have a good discussion with them about the agreed matters. If you still can't defeat the people of the Aurora Society, then you can only keep your promise honestly.

  It's a simple thing, no need to worry about it.

  After hearing Lu Yan's answer, Carlos also showed a little smile on his face. He was originally a little worried that Bishop Lu Yan would really abide by the agreement with the Aurora Society. After all, the Aurora Society was a heinous evil organization according to the records of the Church of the Night. Now it seems that he was overly worried.

  "That's it for today. You also need to rest for a while." Lu Yan said softly.

  The moonlight outside the window has already shone into the room, and many nuns are doing evening lessons in a low voice in the garden outside the window.

  It was not yet February, the old trees outside the window had not yet sprouted new buds, and the night wind still gave the illusion of dryness and coldness.

  The night is the goddess's gift to all living beings. Tranquility and beauty are the impressions every believer of the night goddess has on the night.

  There are dots of fluorescent lights on the banks of the Tasok River in the distance, which are reflections of the noisy and bustling Backlund.

  Under the kerosene lamp, Carlos was engrossed in studying the classics on supernatural beings and seemed not to hear Lu Yan's words.

  "It's time to take a rest. You weren't so focused in the past. If Deacon Sesima saw it, he might think I was abusing you." Lu Yan said with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

  "Can I take the book back to read?" Carlos reluctantly looked away from the book and looked at Lu Yan next to the window.

  "Emperor Russell once said that 'too much is too little'. Besides, you don't lack this little time, right?" Lu Yan said.

  "Okay, I'll come find you tomorrow morning."

  Looking at Carlos's leaving figure, Lu Yan's eyes gradually darkened. He couldn't be sure whether Carlos's change was a good thing or a bad thing.

  If Carlos keeps his previous form, the Hidden Sage won't have much influence on Carlos.

  Even if the hidden sage instills a lot of knowledge into a person who is extremely bad, the other party will not try these forbidden knowledge or rituals.

  but now?

  Lu Yan thought of the old Neil from Tingen City.

  Perhaps he could solve the Hidden Sage's peeps into the Secret-Peeper's path in the city of Tingen.

  Lu Yan had some thoughts in his heart, but this was Backlund. If he wants to act here, he will be subject to too many shackles.

  Lu Yan noticed that there were a few unlit candles on the cabinet next to the wall, which was just enough for him to construct a ritual magic.

  "You can take advantage of this time to summon your own messenger."

  "Bishop Lu Yan?"

  Just when Lu Yan was about to take down the candle, there was a sudden knock on the door.

  The knocking on the door ended with just a few soft knocks on the door, followed immediately by a calm-toned shout.

  It was not the Bishop Elektra he knew, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net, but the voice seemed very familiar.

  Lu Yan matched the voice's owner in his mind, and at the same time left the window sill and walked slowly towards the door.

  "Archbishop Saint Anthony?" Lu Yan asked softly, with some doubts in his tone. He didn't know what the other party was looking for.

  Archbishop St. Anthony didn't have much interaction with him, but at this time, the other party came to him without hesitation. The sudden visit made Lu Yan frown slightly.

  "Please come in, Archbishop, I wonder if you have any instructions at the moment." Lu Yan turned sideways, opened the door, and invited Bishop Anthony to enter the room for a detailed discussion.

  Carlos had just left his room not long ago, and many things on the table had not been cleared away, including scattered books, abandoned manuscripts, and cold tea.

  "Bishop Lu Yan's studious character is worthy of learning from every bishop of our Church of the Night."

  Bishop Anthony was not in a hurry to tell his purpose, but first picked out some trivial things to talk to Lu Yan.

  "I don't deserve your praise, Archbishop." Lu Yan said in a calm tone.

  Bishop Anthony pondered his words in silence for a while, and finally asked in a tactful tone.

  "Do you know what happened to Carlos about Him?"

  Bishop Anthony has some white hair, deep eyes, regular facial features, and a slight stubble. He is wearing a gray-black ecclesiastical robe.

  Putting aside his status as a sequence three saint, the expression on his face when he asked Lu Yan at this moment was very much like the expression of a kind elder caring for his younger generation.

  In fact, Archbishop Anthony was indeed very concerned about this matter. Strictly speaking, Carlos's lost memory had something to do with him.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 33 Messenger Ross

  In other words, he was the first person to discover that Carlos was being watched by the evil hidden sage.

  The defection of Ince Zangwill caused significant changes in the church in many ways, compared to these more serious events. Carlos being targeted by the Hidden Sage was considered a trivial matter in those troubled times.

  As a high-ranking member of the Church of Darkness, he naturally knows many secrets, including the information about the Hidden Sage, and also knows about his bad influence on the Extraordinary people who follow the secret-peeping path.

  In his eyes, Carlos is just a slightly unlucky poor person, but there are a few people who have stepped into the extraordinary realm who are not poor people.

  In the end, Bishop Anthony chose to help Carlos. The extraordinary power of the Requiem he used made Carlos forget certain things.

  He has never told anyone about this matter. Perhaps only the goddess and him know about this matter, and now there is another Lu Yan.

  "At the beginning, the captain of Carlos' team died unfortunately during the mission to intercept the traitor Ince Zangwill of the Church of the Night. This incident made Carlos almost lose control and turn into a monster."

  "Without his consent, I used extraordinary power to bury some of his memories in the deepest part of his consciousness."

  Bishop Anthony said this with a slight apology on his face. After a pause, he continued to Lu Yan: "But when I just met the child Carlos, I found that he had recovered this memory."

  His eyes were dim, and there was an indescribable sadness in his tone. After a moment of hesitation, Bishop Anthony continued.

  "I'm asking you to help me with something." Bishop Anthony sincerely requested Lu Yan.

  Although Archbishop Anthony is a Sequence Three demigod, he is also a believer of the goddess. Facing Lu Yan, the goddess's beloved, he will naturally not act in a condescending manner, and the bureaucratic atmosphere among Loen officials is not popular in the goddess church. , there won't be too many boundaries between superiors and subordinates among colleagues, after all, they are all servants of the goddess.

  "You want me to keep this matter a secret?" Lu Yan looked very indifferent, as if he didn't care about this matter at all.

  He knew Bishop Anthony didn't mean for him to keep this secret. If the other person wants to keep the secret secret, wouldn't it be better not to tell him about it?

  But Lu Yan still asked this question, because he was indirectly telling Archbishop Anthony that keeping this matter secret was the bottom line he could accept. Once Archbishop Anthony's request exceeds this line, he will choose to refuse.

  Archbishop Anthony smiled slightly and said, "I hope you can tell Carlos about this and persuade him at the same time."

  He couldn't go to Carlos to talk about this matter by himself. In his capacity, he would go to Carlos to be honest and honest. No matter what Carlos's own wishes were, he would be forced to forgive him because he was the archbishop of the Church of the Night.

  He didn't want the other party to be angry and afraid to speak, nor did he want the other party to feel resentful towards the Church of the Night because of this.

  After much deliberation, the only people who could say this on his behalf were Lu Yan and Sesima. Considering their age and status, in the end, only Lu Yan was suitable.

  "Well, I will enlighten Carlos. The Hidden Sage is still too dangerous for him now." Lu Yan responded calmly.

  After Bishop Anthony received Lu Yan's confirmed reply, he felt relieved. As for what Lu Yan said, he did not taste it carefully.

  "Then I will leave first. On the day you leave Backlund to take up a post in Tingen City, I will give you a ride."

  Archbishop Anthony walked out of Lu Yan's room with vigorous steps, not forgetting to gently close the door of Lu Yan's room before leaving.

  Lu Yan looked leisurely at the red moon outside the window. He stood at the window and waited for a while. His clear eyes looked at the reflection of the crimson moon on the Tasok River in the distance.

  After making sure that no one was outside the door, he walked to the desk, picked up a quill in his right hand and wrote the four words "Do not disturb others" in Rune language on the back of the paper full of drafts.

  When preparing to hang it on the door, Lu Yan thought about whether people of this era would understand the meaning of these four words. After some thought, just to be on the safe side, he wrote a new note and posted it outside the door to ensure that no one would bother him later.

  Most magic is very taboo to be interrupted while it is being performed, especially ritual magic.

  After decorating the spiritual wall again, Lu Yan began to think about the name of his messenger. The creatures in the spiritual world are all kinds of strange and have their own characteristics. If you want to find a creature that suits you, you will undoubtedly need to carefully and carefully consider the summoning spell.

  Lu Yan's goal is to find creatures that are fast and stealthy. Speed ​​is a characteristic that every messenger needs, and stealth is the characteristic that Lu Yan values ​​most.

  He doesn't know how many gods are watching him now. If he wants to avoid their sight and do something without telling some gods, he must have enough secretive means.

  "The superdimensional beings who are watching the spiritual world, the creatures hiding in endless time and space, are willing to surrender to the messenger of Luyan Sotos."

  Just as Lu Yan finished speaking, the candle in front of him seemed like an afterimage stained with blood, and there seemed to be an infinite number of irregular objects superimposed on each other.

  As Lu Yan's calling continued, a strange feeling appeared around Lu Yan, in the corners, all non-circular corners, and angled places.

  It was densely packed and creepy, and there seemed to be a pair of perhaps more or even countless eyes watching Lu Yan from all directions.


  An inexplicable sound that could not be detected by the human senses appeared in Lu Yan's mind, and the sight of everything around him disappeared in an instant.

  It is slowly crossing all angles. It has no body and seems to be invisible to anything, but it exists!

  Lu Yan saw gleaming eyes and staggered jaws from all angles, like wolves. Every time the angle changed, their figures would change dramatically.

  Finally, it turned into a wolf-like creature with flickering light and shadow and stopped in front of Lu Yan. Countless eyes looked at Lu Yan from nowhere.

  Lu Yan regretted it now. He felt that he should have added a qualifying noun before the summoned creature, such as friendly.

  Perhaps sensing Lu Yan's dissatisfaction, the wolf-like creature in front of him turned into an amorphous object and threw Lu Yan to the ground.


  Lu Yan's body landed on the ground, making a dull sound.

  Lu Yan seemed to feel the emotions expressed by this wolf-like creature, and it seemed to be showing off its abilities to him.

  After a period of struggle, Lu Yan supported the wooden floor with one hand and slowly stood up from the floor.

  Fortunately, there are not many things in his room. Desks, wardrobes, and bookcases are all placed against the wall. Otherwise, if he bumped into them, he would be very uncomfortable.

  "It's just you." Lu Yan said, covering his waist with one hand.

  Lu Yan was interested in the other party's ability to affect even his own perception, as well as his ability to hide in layers of space. Maybe even the true gods would have a headache from this.

  The unknown creature seemed to understand Lu Yan's words, and quietly clung to Lu Yan's ankle, looking at Lu Yan with countless eyes.

  Lu Yan took out a roll of unused delicate parchment from the cabinet under the desk and spread it flat on the table. He held an ink-stained quill suspended over the parchment in his right hand.

  According to records in Zhou Mingrui's biography, Klein borrowed Azik's whistle from the spirit world to complete the contract on behalf of the God of Death, but there was nothing around him that could be related to the spirit world.

  How about trying it yourself? Or rather borrow His own essence.

  A strange idea popped into Lu Yan's mind. His own essence was very high, or it could be said that he had now become a big dye vat.

  The assimilation of "karma" and the imprint left by the Ring of Fate are enough to make his own essence approach sequence zero. Why can't he not do what the God of Death can do!

  Now that this idea has appeared, Lu Yan will certainly not give up the idea of ​​trying.

  He first cut his fingertips, letting a few drops of his blood drip into the ink, and then conceived a simple but tight contract.

  He wrote in ancient Hermetic script such common words as a messenger cannot deceive his master, cannot harm his master, cannot peek at letters, etc.

  After finishing, he used himself as the witness and contractor and asked the wolf-shaped creature at his ankle: "Are you willing to be my messenger?"

  An indescribable flow occurred in space again, and the contract in Lu Yan's hand disappeared out of thin air. The next time space flowed, the contract returned to his hand.

  It's just that there is an irregular mark on the contract he got back, just like the mark left by this wolf-shaped creature.

  "For convenience, can I call you Luosi?" Lu Yan asked with his clear eyes looking at the constantly flowing space.

  Before the space in front of him changed, there was a rubbing sensation from an unknown object on his ankle, and Lu Yan also sensed the other party's willingness to agree.

  "Perfect ending." He smiled happily. Ross, the messenger, met his needs in all aspects. The most important thing was that he was secretive enough.

  When the word "hidden" came to mind, Lu Yan moved his gaze to the unused ink bottle.

  With the help of the temperature of the kerosene lamp, Lu Yan dried all the liquid in the ink bottle through the glass, allowing the spirituality in it to be completely lost.

  After cleaning up the traces left by the ceremony, Lu Yan checked around the room again before going out and tearing off the paper stuck outside the door.

  "The night is really peaceful tonight."


  At this moment, he was at a newsstand on a certain street in Backlund.

  The tall woman stopped on the pillar next to the newsstand, staring at the stacked newspapers with cold eyes, and her lips moved slightly, as if she was whispering something in a low voice.

  After a pause, she walked into the newsstand in twos and twos and pulled out the third copy of today's Backlund Morning News from the pile of newspapers in the lower left corner.

  After shaking three or two times, a crumpled piece of paper slipped out of the newspaper.

  Anne sighed and picked up the note and put it in front of herself to examine, but her face suddenly turned pale the next moment.

  The sewer pipe cover in the distance suddenly lifted up, and the strong stench carried the wind and waves and hit Annie. She crumpled the note in her hand into a small ball and burned it with black flame magic. She pretended not to care and waited for the black shadow in front of her to gradually become clearer.

  "Isn't the deal between us over?"

  Anne hid her hands behind her back and asked the man whose face gradually became clearer in front of her with some carelessness in her tone.

  "Mr. K, with so many members of the Aurora Society, you don't want to coerce me into joining your extremely stupid plan."

  After experiencing this operation, Anne had a deeper understanding of the stupidity of the members of the Aurora Society. They clearly had an absolute advantage, but in the end they still failed to catch the Bishop of the Night, who was only Sequence Nine.

  Thinking of this, Annie's face showed an expression of extreme disgust. This time he would not be intimidated by these disgusting sewer rats no matter what.

  "No, we want to borrow something trivial from you this time. If you are willing to give it to us, we will never meet again."

  Mr. K's expression was sincere and he emphasized the four words "no more intersection" with deep affection. From all aspects, his words were correct.

  The disgust on Annie's face grew a little more, and the other party's request just hit her bottom line, making her hesitate at this moment whether to break up with the other party.

  Before Annie could think about her answer, Mr. K took the lead, and members of the Aurora Society also took action at this moment!

  "what are you doing!"

  Anne quickly retreated and threw a freezing spell at the members of the Guild with her hands hidden behind her back. She had been guarding against the members of the Guild since the moment the Aurora Guild appeared, so the Aurora Guild's attack did not pose much of a threat to her. . UU reading www.uukanshu.net

  "Hand over your head and we will let you go!" Mr. K said calmly.

  If you ignore what he did at this time, it really looked like she was negotiating with Anne the Witch, but the price was Anne's life.

  "Are you crazy? My teacher is an immortal witch!"

  Annie took a few steps back, and her spirituality was constantly being extracted to release magic. There were too many people in the Aurora Society. Even if she had the ability to dodge the attacks, the Aurora Society's murmuring attacks kept her from being able to concentrate on escaping.

  "I believe that the Ageless Witch will not give up cooperating with our Aurora Society for you." Mr. K mocked wantonly.

  The purpose of the Witch Sect is the same as theirs, they want the gods they believe in to come to this land.

  However, the Aurora Society now has other things to complete, so they can give up the help provided by the Witch Sect, but the Witch Sect cannot lose the help of the Aurora Society.

  The Ageless Witch sees things so clearly that she has not revealed her breath to enlighten Anne yet, which also makes Mr. K even more unscrupulous!

  "Haha." Annie sneered twice without meaning. Her charming red eyebrows looked straight at Mr. K.

  At this moment, she finally understood what the words on the note meant. It seemed that her good teacher had anticipated today's scene.

  "See you next time."

  Anne took out a bronze mirror with silver-white patterns from her pocket, took a disgusted look at the Aurora Club, and then broke the mirror.

  In an instant, everything around him fell into a strange state, like a broken mirror, the entire complete space was divided into many incoherent small spaces.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 34 Advanced Masks

  The large number of members of the Aurora Society were divided into different small spaces, and the greatest advantage they had was disintegrated by the extraordinary weapons brought out by Anne.

  Anne quickly dealt with the two Sequence 9 Beyonders in her space. She ignored the fragments of mirrors scattered on the ground, turned around and quickly left the small space.

  While the remaining members of the Aurora Society were still trapped in the mirror, she glanced at Mr. K viciously and walked away!

  Next stop is Tingen, Ahova County!


  early morning.

  Backlund's East District factory welcomed a big customer. He was dressed in glazed white clothes. He looked more noble than the noble nobles and more sacred than the gods enshrined on the altar.

  "Please...Excuse me, Lord Bishop, do you...do you have anything?"

  This middle-aged man who is trembling when he speaks is called Derek Bird. He has a black vest, white shirt, bowler hat, a hook nose, two eyes as small as soybeans, not tall, and slightly fat. middle-aged man.

  The factory in front of Lu Yan is called Bird Factory, one of several large fabric manufacturers in Backlund.

  Bird Factory has long provided customized clothing to the Church of the Night, and at the same time enjoys the blessings of the Church to a certain extent.

  Perhaps influenced by the Church of the Night, this capitalist named Derek is very conscientious in his exploitation of workers compared to other factories, because he is willing to provide workers with the most basic safety protection.

  This was also the reason why Lu Yan came to him. It was not because Derek was worried about the quality of the church's clothes.

  "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to blame you this time." Lu Yan said with a gentle smile.

  After Mr. Derek received Lu Yan's exact reply, although he was still a little frightened, at least his speech was no longer choppy.

  "I would like to customize a few batches of masks from you, the kind that can cover the mouth and nose." Lu Yan handed Derek the sample mask he had designed in the rest of his free time last night.

  The drawings are very crude and only the dimensions of the finished product can be seen. Structure, materials, manufacturing methods, etc. are not marked.

  After Derek took the drawing and looked at it for a while, he learned that what the newly appointed Bishop of the Night wanted to make was a mask, which was not a novelty.

  Lu Yan thought about it for a long time before continuing to Derek: "The fabric can be made from scraps, but the density of the silk thread used to make the mask must be high, at least it must be able to block small particles in the haze."

  "No problem, do you have any other requests?" Derek agreed without thinking.

  Although it is ridiculously difficult to make a silk thread that can block smog particles, the other party is the bishop of the Church of the Night, so it is nothing to lose a little money to make the other party less busy for you.

  "I'm glad that you can agree so happily, but I think you should listen to my request before making a decision."

  Lu Yan looked at Derek, who was smiling, and thought that this might be an emotion that the other person would not be able to feel next.

  "I need you to reduce costs as much as possible. The mask has a three-layer structure. The outer layer is made of anti-fouling fabric, the innermost layer is made of breathable fabric, the middle layer is made of the densest fabric, and ordinary The needle and thread sew the three layers together."

  After Lu Yan finished explaining these conditions, Derek was still smiling and didn't care at all about Lu Yan's request.

  In his mind, as long as Lu Yan, the Bishop of the Night, was satisfied, it didn't matter even if all the fabrics were replaced with gold threads.

  Well, this is what is called spending thousands of dollars to make your boss smile.

  "Hey, I need at least hundreds of thousands of these masks, and the cost needs to be controlled within a penny."

  One penny was equivalent to about three yuan in Zhou Mingrui's time. The labor force in this era is not too cheap, and if you want to make fabrics that can prevent smog, it is impossible to rely solely on machines, and it also requires manual processing.

  "No...no! What did you say!" Derek subconsciously wanted to agree, but he immediately felt something was wrong.

  Hundreds of thousands?

  Calculated at 200,000 pieces, the price of one square meter of high-density textile cloth is upwards of fifteen souli. The pattern given by Bishop Lu Yan is about a rectangle of ten centimeters by five centimeters.

  After a rough calculation, one square meter of fabric can be cut into nearly two hundred small pieces of fabric. The calculated cost is a quarter of a penny. Adding the other two pieces of fabric and labor costs, as well as the yield rate, the cost is just about one penny. .

  No, there are also water and electricity rents. Together, he can keep the principal at most.

  "Excuse me, what do you need so many masks for?" Derek wanted to know the purpose of so many masks, hoping to find ways to save costs.

  "The smog is getting worse and worse. I hope to make a kind of armor that can block the smog for every citizen of Backlund." Lu Yan lowered his eyebrows and said in a calm tone.

  "Ah, this..." Derek didn't know what to say for a moment. He felt that the Night Bishop in front of him thought about things too idealistically.

  He naturally knows the dangers of smog. This simple armor is not complicated, but why is no one willing to make such a thing?

  The reason is very simple, because there is no audience group. The rich and middle class in the West Side do not need this kind of thing, and the poor people in the East Side will not spend a penny to buy this kind of thing.

  Even if this thing only costs a quarter of a penny, the poor people in the East End are not willing to pay a little more money to protect their health.


  "I plan to distribute them to the poor in the East District for free." Lu Yan said.

  One penny for a mask, 200,000 masks is 200,000 pence, nearly 17,000 sulers, equivalent to 850 gold pounds. This is a huge amount of money, and Lu Yan's assets can't be consumed.

  Until now, Lu Yan still hadn't thought clearly about one thing: why the Church of the Night would give him a sum of two thousand pounds.

  At that time, he did not understand the monetary system of the world, had no personal experience with the current situation of the world, and did not understand what a huge fortune two thousand pounds was.

  "Don't worry, I will pay the amount of nine hundred pounds first." Lu Yan saw Derek's uneasiness, and he knew that only shining gold coins could cure Derek's uneasiness at this time.

  "Bishop, Bishop!" Derek was stunned for a moment.

  "You are the kindest bishop I have ever met."

  Derek, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said. Nine hundred pounds of gold coins may not be worth mentioning to those rich people, but even some rich people who are famous for their charity are not willing to spend nine hundred pounds of gold coins that are not worth mentioning to consider the health of the poor.

  "Stop talking about useless names."

  "I can give you the gold coins first, but you need to sign this contract bathed in the goddess's grace first." Lu Yan handed the parchment in his hand to Derek.

  Lu Yan does not believe in the credibility of the capitalist, even if the capitalist has a very good reputation outside.

  "You must know that the goddess's honorific name is the queen of misfortune and fear. If you violate the contract, the curse from the gods will start from you and spread to those who are related to you." Lu Yan used the most bland expression He said the most terrifying words in a tone of voice.

  For the sake of safety, Lu Yan moved out the supreme existence in the hearts of the people of Loen. The illusory and noble goddess brought more fear to the black-hearted capitalists than the prison of the kingdom.

  Derek did not answer immediately. Instead, he took the notarized certificate handed to him by Lu Yan and read it carefully for a while. After making sure that there were no too harsh conditions, he happily signed the contract.

  Just as Lu Yan thought, Derek, as a believer of the goddess, naturally believed in the goddess's great power and did not dare to violate any of the terms of the contract.

  In fact, even if Lu Yan did not ask him to sign a notarial certificate, he would complete the transaction honestly. Just because Lu Yan was the bishop of the church, he did not dare to have any thoughts of violating it. He relied on the dark night Only with the blessing of the church can we survive the competition among our peers.

  Moreover, his reputation as Backlund as a conscientious capitalist is not false, but he truly does not exploit workers. However, he was excluded and blocked by other capitalists because of this behavior.

  If his factory had not continued to customize clothing for the Church of the Night and attracted some customers through this, the Bird Factory might have closed down long ago.

  "According to the contract, you will distribute the masks produced for me. As for where to distribute them first, it is up to you." Lu Yan handed a bankbook containing nine hundred pounds of gold coins to Derek, without any trace of emotion in his tone. Said waveringly.

  "I will do this in your name. To express my respect for you, I will use the best production line in the factory to produce masks for you." Derek said sincerely.

  He was originally a little touched by Lu Yan's behavior and wanted to invest a sum of money to help improve the living conditions of the poor. However, after carefully considering the profit issue of Bird Factory, he interrupted the idea and finally had no choice but to Make a negligible contribution to the quality of masks.

  "If you meet people who are disgusted, disdainful, or throw away them casually, or slander them, there is no need to give masks to them. Give the saved masks to people who need them more."

  "If they regret it one day in the future, price the masks at two and a half pennies." Lu Yan asked after thinking for a while.

  During the Great Smog incident, Backlund could only do so much with his current strength, because hidden in the smog was George III's ambition to become a god, which he could not stop now.

  "Next, I will go to Tingen City to take up a post. For small production matters, just contact the senior deacon of the church, Mr. Crested Sesima. If there is a major matter, you can write a letter and send it to St. Selina in Tingen City. Church, I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

  Lu Yan will be going to Tingen City soon, which means that he will not be able to keep an eye on the mask production process, so he can only entrust this matter to Deacon Sesima.

  "Okay, I will produce this batch of masks as quickly as possible. The first batch will be 200,000 pieces." Derek guaranteed with his credibility.

  Lu Yan nodded slightly, so that he could stir up the muddy waters in Tingen City with peace of mind. If there was a chance in the future, he would personally come back to prevent the smog incident from happening.

  As for whether his nameless ability will make Derek forget about him, Lu Yan is not particularly worried about this. While the mask order is not completed, the entanglement between Derek and his fate will not disappear.

  Lu Yan said goodbye to Derek and got on the tram heading toward St. Samuel's Church alone. About half of today had passed. Yesterday, he promised Carlos to teach him occult knowledge this afternoon.

  Even if you think about it, you can't break the contract.

  Lu Yan took out the Backlund Morning News from his pocket and stared at the Tasok River in the distance with his silver-white eyes. On the wide river, a huge thing could be vaguely seen standing on the river.

  But the huge unknown thing was covered by a dark red canvas. Lu Yan's eyes stayed on the canvas for a long time, and he thought that if he used this ready-made canvas to make a mask, he should be able to save a lot of cost. .

  Lu Yan was just thinking about it. He had no intention of actually stealing the red cloth. After all, it belonged to the Loen royal family. As the bishop of the night, if he did such a thing, he was undoubtedly provoking a conflict between the church of night and the royal family. conflicts between.

  On the sparkling river, several huge cruise ships were traveling in all directions. Half of Backlund's prosperity is based on this river that extends in all directions.

  Strictly speaking, the Tasok River is the economic lifeline of the entire Loen Kingdom, and is one of the important reasons that puts the Loen Kingdom ahead of other countries. UU reading www. uukanshu.net


  Lu Yan put down the Backlund Morning News in his hand and looked out through the somewhat opaque windows of the fixed-track carriage.

  There seems to be an acquaintance of his on the deck of the magnificent and huge liner Tulip, an enemy he had contacted not long ago, Anne.

  The other party stood on the deck, facing the sea breeze that came from time to time, and the glass in his hand seemed to contain fine red wine.

  At this moment, Witch Anne seemed to notice Lu Yan's gaze. After a close search, she moved her gaze to the carriage on the Tasok Bridge.

  All Extraordinaries in the Witch Sequence are beauties, and Anne is no exception. After noticing that Lu Yan was riding in the carriage, she just slightly raised the wine glass in her hand and smiled evilly at Lu Yan.

  If someone looked closely at her, they might be able to detect the relief hidden in Anne's smile.

  The unfortunate things she experienced in Backlund this time seemed to have something to do with the Night Bishop, which made her hate Lu Yan so much that she hated him so much. But she had no chance to take revenge, so she could only bear this matter in her heart. .

  Fortunately, she is now free, and she can finally stay away from the Night Bishop who brought her bad luck.

  The next stop is Tingen City, where she will do earth-shattering things and return to Backlund as a winner to marry the prince! Destroy the Aurora Society!

  Lu Yan saw Annie's movements, but he didn't care. Perhaps after a long time, this Witch Anne will have a headache from the persecution from the madmen of the Aurora Society.

  Using a madman to deal with such a cunning woman is the best plan.

  Lu Yan rolled up the Backlund Morning News in his hand, stood up and stretched, while looking out the window of the carriage again.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 35: No martial ethics! Sneak attack!

  The building in front of us gradually became clearer. The tall and magnificent Gothic building was undoubtedly the Church of the Night in Backlund's headquarters, St. Samuel's Church.

  When Lu Yan got off the car, someone had been waiting here for a while. The young man standing behind the wall on the left side of the church door walked towards Lu Yan.

  Unkempt hair, two thick dark circles under his eyes, and some black stubble. If it weren't for his pair of sapphire eyes, Lu Yan wouldn't have recognized that it was Carlos.

  "What did you do to stay up all night last night and get yourself into this?" Lu Yan said in a stern tone.

  Carlos shook his head, and finally nodded again under the force of Lu Yan's stern eyes.

  "I couldn't sleep last night, so I got up and studied for a while." Carlos defended himself.

  Lu Yan looked at the unkempt Carlos and knew that he could not let Carlos continue like this, otherwise Carlos would sooner or later be driven crazy by the knowledge of chasing him.

  He frowned and said in a stern tone: "Go and catch up on your sleep first, and come back to me in the evening."


  Carlos probably also realized that he had gone too far, so he yawned and returned to his room under Lu Yan's gaze.

  Lu Yan was also a little troubled at this time. He didn't know whether he should be happy or worried when a scumbag boy turned into a good student who loved learning.

  The sunshine at noon was much brighter, passing through the maple trees on both sides of the main road and glazing on the public chairs.

  The melted snow turned into water droplets and remained on the dark red wooden chair. Silks of white steam climbed up from time to time along the golden light.

  It's almost spring.

  The new year is here too.

  The end is getting closer and closer.

  This thought flashed through Lu Yan's mind from time to time.

  The arrival of spring means that the Tasoke River will usher in the flood season, the water level will rise, and the carrying capacity of the entire river will increase significantly.

  In the spring, the ice and snow melt, and in the summer rainy season, the water level continues to rise. In the past, this seasonal water level change easily caused floods. However, since the time of Emperor Russell, various water conservancy facilities have emerged one after another, and the floods have gradually changed. It was not that serious, and the river seemed to have been conquered by the people of Loen from that time on.

  Until autumn, the water level of the Tasok River will reach its highest level. At that time, it is also the best time for various warships to go to sea, and it is also the most suitable time for Loen to launch wars with other countries.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yan looked for a dry stone chair that had not been wetted by the frost. It was on the path between the chapel and the flower bed. There was a dry maple tree not far away.

  On both sides of the chair were sweetgrass bushes that had just been pruned in the morning, among which were several budding moonflowers, which bloomed most beautifully under the crimson moonlight every night of the four seasons except during the day.

  He took out the flat-folded Backlund Morning News from the pocket on his waist and placed it in front of him, while he wasted away the beautiful afternoon time.

  Not long after, his mind was attracted by another thing. The red cloth he had seen before on the banks of the Tasok River should be Roen's warship.

  If you think about it carefully, it seems that Loen's prime minister at the time, Aghid Nigen, was watching all this not far away.

  Perhaps King George III had started planning the promotion of the Black Emperor a long time ago, so the priest in white is now in Backlund?

  "Lu Yan!"

  Lu Yan, who was in a deep state of thinking, was awakened by an urgent call. There was still some lingering confusion in his brows, like a poor kid who had just emerged from a deep sleep.

  "Deacon Sesima?" Lu Yan didn't break out of his dazed state until the other party approached.

  After Deacon Sesima met Lu Yan's clear silver eyes, what he wanted to say was swallowed back alive in his heart. This innocent expression made it impossible for him to ask questions!

  In the past two days, members of the Aurora Society have been eradicated one after another with the concerted efforts of the Church of Storms and the Night Church. This also shows that the period after Backlund has been considered clear.

  Deacon Sesima, as the main person in charge of the Church of the Night's plan to deal with the Aurora Society, returned triumphantly with joy.

  But just in the morning, Carlos, who had dark eyes, suddenly found him and once again proposed that he and Lu Yan would go to Tingen City.

  Although he had long known that it was not easy to keep Carlos in Backlund, when Carlos looked at him with sincere eyes, he felt it firsthand that keeping Carlos in Backlund The difficulty of virtue.

  "Deacon Sesima, your mood is very strange." Lu Yan glanced at Deacon Sesima's face and said with a smile.

  Lu Yan was sure that Deacon Sesima's irritable mood just now was all fake. Deacon Sesima's true feelings about Carlos might be the same as Lu Yan's, melancholy, relief, and a sense of regret.

  "You should be here for Carlos, but I can't persuade Carlos, nor can I induce Carlos to make any decision." Lu Yan shook his head.

  "I know that all this is Carlos's kid's decision, but I still want to give it a try. On the day you leave, I will use the essential oils of moonflower and nightflower to put Carlos into a deep sleep." Sesima The deacon informed Lu Yan of this matter without hesitation.

  He, Sesima, has always been frank in doing things. If Carlos can still escape, he will admit it, and then he will go to Tingen City to catch him in person.

  "Are we conspiring loudly?" Lu Yan asked with a smile in his eyes.

  "We should be, or else we can let the eavesdropping young man in the corner come out?" Deacon Sesima said with a deep smile.

  The young man eavesdropping from behind the corner is naturally Carlos.

  According to Lu Yan's request, he returned to the room to sleep honestly.

  But the moment he closed his eyes, the memories of the past flooded him like a tide. Those who were dead, those who were not dead, those he respected and loved all appeared in his mind.

  He suddenly lost all sleepiness, tossed and turned, unable to sleep, and did not dare to sleep.

  With so many thoughts on his mind, he had no choice but to come out for some fresh air, but he didn't expect to encounter the conversation between Deacon Sesima and Bishop Lu Yan as soon as he went out.

  The protagonist of the discussion between the two happened to be himself, and words about dizziness and inducement echoed intermittently in his ears.

  It made him a little panicked, wondering what terrible things Lu Yan and the others were planning.

  Carlos knew that he had been discovered, so he had to come out honestly. He did not have the courage to escape in front of Lu Yan and Sesima, otherwise he believed that his end would be very painful.

  "Captain Sesima, Bishop Lu Yan."

  Carlos poked his head out from behind the wall and greeted Lu Yan and Sesima with a hint of apology in his tone.

  He really didn't mean to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two, he just happened to be passing by.

  "Come here." Sesima said calmly.

  Carlos had no choice but to stand up from behind the wall. After taking a deep breath, he walked steadily towards Lu Yan and Deacon Sesima.

  With some uneasiness in his heart, Carlos decided to wait for a while and pretend he didn't hear anything.

  As Emperor Russell famously said, 'You can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep.' As long as he pretends to be dumbfounded, there is nothing Deacon Sesima can do against him.

  Reality did not seem to develop as he imagined.

  A good smell can make the soul feel quiet, like the fragrance of flowers outside the window on a silent night, or the fresh breath of green grass.

  But he felt dizzy and tired, and a sense of chaos emerged from the depths of his brain.

  After a few moments, Carlos lost his balance and fell forward.

  Lu Yan and Sesima each held Carlos, who was about to fall headfirst to the ground, with one hand, and at the same time, their ears heard Carlos' thunderous snoring.

  "You still have a way." Lu Yan smiled slightly.

  "Are you not affected?" Deacon Sesima asked with a hint of doubt in his tone, raising his brows slightly.

  Before Lu Yan could answer, Deacon Sesima continued: "It's normal for you not to be affected."

  The bottle of sleeping essential oil he made in his hand received a hint of blessing from the goddess. It was concentrated geranium and moonflower juice, mixed with sandalwood and sleeping grass.

  Even a Sequence Seven Beyonder who smells this fragrance when exhausted will fall into a deep sleep in a moment.

  When he first heard about Lu Yan's resurrection from the dead, he thought that the other party was the Sequence Four Undead in the Path of Death.

  But during these interactions with Lu Yan, Deacon Sesima felt that Lu Yan's situation was much more complicated than he imagined.

  Not long ago, he needed a drop of Lu Yan's blood as a medium to locate Lu Yan's position in future crises. At that time, he let the contracted holy sword be contaminated with a drop of Lu Yan's blood.

  Just after Lu Yan left, the holy sword he contracted gave him a mystical feedback. The holy sword felt divinity in Lu Yan's blood!

  Deacon Sesima repeatedly confirmed that there was no perception error in the holy sword, and also confirmed that Lu Yan was really just a Sequence Nine, so Sesima didn't know where the divinity in Lu Yan came from.

  But Lu Yan is the favored one of the goddess, and the goddess will definitely know that Lu Yan has divinity in him, so there is no need for him to worry about this matter.

  However, Sesima still wanted to tell Lu Yan about this matter. After all, blood contaminated with divinity is a top extraordinary material in the extraordinary world. If someone is interested in it, Lu Yan may be in danger.

  "Do you know what's wrong with you?" Sesima asked in a deliberately lowered voice.

  "Abnormal?" Lu Yan was slightly stunned.

  There were so many abnormalities on him that he was a little unsure of what kind of abnormality Deacon Sesima was referring to.

  "I'm not sure which aspect of the abnormality you are talking about." Lu Yan shook his head and said.

  Perhaps because of Carlos's quality, Lu Yan's hands supporting Carlos were already a little weak. After thinking for a moment, Lu Yan stood up from the stone chair and motioned to Deacon Sesima to move Carlos to the chair.

  "Do you know that you have characteristics that are only available at Sequence Four and above?" Sesima asked him, feeling a little sad in her heart.

  Since Lu Yan answered like this, it means that there may be more than one abnormality in Lu Yan. In the extraordinary world, this is not a good thing.

  "If you are referring to divinity, then I have it, but the reasons are a bit complicated." Lu Yan said with a smile.

  He also thought it was a big deal, and he had long been accustomed to such small things.

  After Carlos lay safely on the chair, Deacon Sesima continued: "When you go out, you must remember to protect yourself."

  He seemed to feel that his description was a little unclear, so he continued to add: "Blood containing divinity is a very good extraordinary material, so you try not to let others obtain your blood."

  Lu Yan naturally knew this, so he was very careful when dealing with these matters.

  "Don't worry, I will pay attention to this matter."

  After a while, Lu Yan remembered what happened before, turned slightly sideways, and said to Deacon Sesima.

  "I placed a large order at the Bird Factory for charity. If something less complicated happens at the factory, I hope you can help me handle it a little bit."

  "This matter is considered a personal commission of mine. Are you willing to accept it?"

  Lu Yan has not forgotten his order worth nine hundred pounds. In order to ensure that the order can be shipped smoothly, he needs someone who has been in Backlund for a long time to help him handle some small things.

  At the beginning, he wanted to ask Bishop Electra to help him deal with this matter, but recently he found that the fate between himself and Bishop Electra was becoming more and more entangled, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Maybe it won't take long for Bishop Elektra to forget about him.

  After much deliberation, only Deacon Sesima could do this for him.

  "I will take care of the little things for you. Even if something important happens to Backlund, I will arrange for someone to take care of it."

  Naturally, Sesima would not refuse such a small thing, especially if it was linked to charity, which made him even less likely to refuse this thing.

  "With you here, I can go to Tingen City with peace of mind." Lu Yan said with a smile in his eyes.

  "By the way, according to the church's files, there is a spy named Townsend Neal in the Nighthawks team in Yangen City who also showed signs of losing control. Perhaps he also has the attention of the Hidden Sage behind him." Deacon Sesima was silent. Said after a moment.

  After learning that Carlos was being paid attention to by the Hidden Sage, he consulted a lot of information and files in this regard, and thus discovered Neil, an equally unfortunate person.

  "I will pay attention." Lu Yan nodded and lowered his eyebrows.

  Lu Yan knew who Deacon Sesima was talking about, and the matter itself was part of his plan.

  "By the way, I have also contracted a messenger these days. I am particularly good at hiding myself. If there is something important, I can summon it."

  Sesima laughed a little. Lu Yan probably came up with the idea of ​​contracting his own messenger after seeing his messenger. But having your own messenger does make many things much more convenient.


  Deacon Sesima suddenly realized that something was wrong. Lu Yan was only in the ninth sequence, and there were spiritual creatures willing to make a contract with Lu Yan. It can only be said that he was worthy of the goddess' favored one with divinity!

  "The superdimensional beings who watch the spiritual world, the creatures hidden in endless time and space, are willing to surrender to the messenger of Luyan Sotos."

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