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Chapter 21 Hidden Sage vs Amon

  "Do you believe that I really don't know?" Lu Yan looked at Carlos with sincere and clear eyes. In fact, he knew about this, but he originally thought that Carlos might have exaggerated the matter, but he did not expect that Carlos was really the most idle one among the Red Gloves.

  "Ah." Carlos didn't know how to respond to Lu Yan for a while. He could only mutter a few words meaninglessly, glanced around a few times, and then said aggrievedly: "Do you know now?"

  "I know, I happen to be quite free recently. If you can't find anything to do, you can come to me." Lu Yan turned around and walked towards the study room first. He seemed to have thought of something in the middle of the process. He turned around and said, "Well, at least until I go to Tingen City to take up my post."

  Carlos followed Lu Yan obediently, but soon his eyes were attracted by the magical store Lu Yan had built. After observing for a while, he was surprised and said: "It turns out that this grocery store is really yours." It's open! I thought I was looking for the wrong house, so I went around in a circle."

  Lu Yan finally understood why the other party didn't go through the main entrance. It turned out to be because the grocery store at the main entrance made Carlos suspect that he was in the wrong place. The fact that a grocery store appears in the upscale Jinchihua Street is incredible.

  "Are you sure if you open a psychological clinic in a grocery store, there will really be people who will take care of it?" Although Carlos has never done business, he is still relatively clear on these basic principles. After all, he has been doing it for a period of time. Peep into secrets.

  "Well, when I fish, the hook is straight. Do you know why?" Lu Yan had to admit that what Carlos said made sense. If he was really a psychiatrist, then he might spend a whole year You may not meet a customer at all times.

  "Why? Is it because the fish likes you and wants to be caught by you?" Carlos couldn't figure out why Lu Yan used a straight hook to fish, unless Lu Yan's original purpose was not to fish, but to pass time.

  "Well, why isn't this possible?" Lu Yan nodded, agreeing with Carlos's idea. In fact, he had no intention of waiting for customers to come to him at the beginning. He had already prepared many methods to help him find customers who were willing to take the bait.

  "I don't believe in other people, but I don't think I can be too conservative about you, Bishop." Carlos noticed Lu Yan's new clothes, and after looking at them carefully, he had to admit that Bishop Lu Yan might really be able to Let the "fish" like him and take the bait on his own initiative.

  Lu Yan smiled and said, "Don't make fun of me. You must have a mission when you come here this time, right?" Lu Yan made a cup of tea and handed it to Carlos, saying with a firm tone.

  "Bishop Elektra asked me to remind you to attend tomorrow's mass." Carlos took the tea cup and took a sip. "Ah!" Carlos jumped up because of the scalding tea. After his distorted expression gradually returned to normal, he asked aggrievedly: "Obviously this tea cup is not hot, but why is the tea in it so hot!"

  "Is it possible that the inside of the teacup is hollow? It blocks the transfer of heat. Isn't it right that you didn't feel the weight of the teacup when you picked it up?" Lu Yan said, passing a glass of cold water.

  Carlos took the cold water and drank it in one gulp, feeling quite heroic. But his embarrassed expression betrayed his current state.

  "Compared to tea, I prefer to drink juice most of the time, and occasionally drink beer. You know, those things are not boiling hot." Carlos said with a bitter look on his face. He doesn't like drinking boiled water because the tap water in the multi-person apartment he used to live in had an unpleasant smell, and even if it was boiled, the unpleasant and somewhat disgusting smell would not go away.

  "Don't you know that Deacon Sesima will attend the high mass tomorrow? If you don't see him at the high mass, please help me send this letter to him." Lu Yan handed over a withered yellow mail Gave it to Carlos.

  The envelope had a gilt pattern around the edge, and the seal had the shape of a small key printed with dripping wax.

  Carlos took the envelope and looked at it for a while, and then he noticed that Lu Yan didn't seem to write the recipient's address. Bishop Lu Yan will also be negligent sometimes? Did he do it on purpose or accidentally?

  After Lu Yan handed the letter to Carlos, he took out a small box from the second drawer under the desk. To be precise, it should be a leather wallet. After searching for a long time, he barely found a penny.

  "I don't know where I threw these small coins." Lu Yan sighed slightly. Under Carlos's gaze, he quickly walked to the piggy bank in the grocery store and opened it skillfully. piggy bank and took out many pennies from it.

  "Forget it, it should be enough for you to send the letter. The rest is just for me to treat you to a drink of juice." Lu Yan stuffed all the spare pennies into Carlos.

  "Did you forget to write something?" Carlos looked at the unknown number of pennies in his hand with a helpless expression on his face.

  "Huh? Yes, I don't know where the delivery address is. As Deacon Sesima's subordinate, you definitely know better than me." Lu Yan handed the quill to Carlos and motioned for him to add the delivery address himself.

  "Leave it to me! In fact, I don't know if Deacon Sesima will come back to attend mass tomorrow, but we can send the letter first. If the other party comes back tomorrow, we will tell him in person." Carlos skillfully took the He picked up his quill and wrote the temporary base of the Red Gloves Team on the envelope.

  "I'm going to put the letter in the mailbox." Carlos ran out of the house with the letter in his left hand and the change in his right hand. On the way here, he saw a freshly squeezed juice shop. If it weren't for the fear that he couldn't afford it, He had already gone to buy a drink. Now with the tip Lu Yan gave him, he could finally go out and have fun. He has long wanted to taste the juice from Jinchihua Street!

  He hummed a little tune and walked all the way to the mailbox. When he just arrived at the mailbox, he saw a postman riding a bicycle in his direction. "Huh? Did the postman come so quickly to pick up the mail today?"

  The friendly postman smiled at him and took the mail and postage from Carlos.

  "Is this okay?" It was actually the first time for Carlos to send an email by himself, so he asked a few more questions.

  "That's it." The postman took off his monocle with his left hand, took out a handkerchief from his pocket with his right hand, wiped his monocle slightly and put it back on.

  "Is this the residence of Mr. Crested Sesima?" the friendly postman asked in a low voice.

  "Well, what's the matter with you?" Carlos nodded without thinking much. It was not surprising that the postman knew that this was Deacon Sesima's house.

  "If you need to order Backlund's newspaper, I can provide it to the people in the house on time every day for free." The postman showed a sincere expression and said in a calm tone.

  "Sorry, no need." Carlos refused directly. He knew that free things are often the most expensive. Even if there is no charge at the beginning, he has seen things start charging when you develop a reading habit.

  "Is this your opinion or the opinion of the person inside the house?" the courier asked in pursuit.

  Carlos was in a hurry to buy juice, so naturally he was not in the mood to continue talking nonsense with the postman, so he stated the facts clearly: "It's my opinion. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

  After saying a few perfunctory words to the postman, he walked quickly in the other direction. He is also very depressed now. Do postmen have to work part-time as salespeople these days? In other words, selling is the postman's job?

  The friendly postman wearing a monocle looked at Carlos who seemed to be running away, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a bad smile on his face: "Interesting."

  When he was about to throw out a transparent bug, something terrible seemed to appear in the air. Meaningless murmurs appeared out of thin air at this moment, and a large amount of useless and rubbish knowledge was poured into the transparent bug. middle.

  In just a few breaths, the transparent insect with twelve rings exploded from the inside and turned into a ball of transparent liquid and quickly disappeared.

  The postman was not annoyed, and just said to the place where the mysterious symbol disappeared: "Interesting."

  He ignored Carlos' intention not to subscribe to the newspaper and stuffed a volume of today's Backlund Daily into his mailbox. After doing all this, he rode his favorite bicycle and left the building. .

  Carlos didn't know that he was only a hair away from danger. After buying the juice, he happily ran all the way back to the house. He must let Lu Yan know how delicious the juice tasted!

  He didn't knock on the door when he came back. This time he entered the house through the back door as usual, because he wanted to see if the strange courier was still there.

  What made him happy was that the sales master who was a part-time postman had left and was not waiting for him to come back.

  When he walked into the room, Lu Yan was still holding his cheek with one hand on the table as he had done when he left. The other hand was holding a quill and writing something on the very heavy book on the table.

  After seeing Carlos come back, Lu Yan also stopped the quill in his hand, relaxed his frown slightly and said with a smile: "You're back? It's quite fast."

  "If I hadn't met a salesman who was a part-time postman on the road, I might have been back sooner." Carlos waved his hand and said with waning interest.

  "According to your description, that postman is really versatile. However, this is normal. After all, Loen's economy has been disrupted by the new decree recently. Those government officials who think they understand economics have been sleepless all night We can't come up with a solution." Lu Yan took the juice from Carlos and took a slight sip.

  "Huh? It tastes a bit like apple, but also has a little sweetness from grapes. Is it a mixed juice?" Lu Yan thinks the taste is pretty good, but he still prefers tea, because juice is not easy to preserve, and stale juice tastes better. Easy to have diarrhea.

  "And blueberry juice!" Carlos took a sip of juice boldly and said with a happy expression: "The postman should not be from a poor family, because he wears a monocle in front of his right eye, a classic style, very Exquisite, looks like it's not cheap."

  "Well!" Lu Yan put down the juice in his hand and asked in a solemn tone: "Please describe his appearance to me in detail!"

  Carlos was a little frightened when he saw Lu Yan's serious expression. Bishop Lu Yan was also very scary when he was serious! He communicated quickly. His brain, which had not been used for a long time, recalled the appearance of the postman.

  "The facial features are profound, and he wears a classical monocle on the right eye..." Carlos racked his brains to come up with some adjectives. He was really not good at thinking about these things.

  Lu Yan sighed slightly and said in a tired tone: "It should be someone I know. Next time you see him, remember to stay away."

  Carlos asked with some confusion: "Why, don't you have a bad relationship with him?" He carefully recalled the postman's attitude towards him. Apart from constantly selling him this matter, his attitude in other aspects Are they all good?

  Lu Yan shook his head slightly, and said in a serious tone: "I know him, but he doesn't know me. He is very dangerous, well, much scarier than Deacon Sesima! He will parasitize everything he sees Such a person makes people gradually lose themselves and eventually become his clone."

  For the first time, Lu Yan actively activated the "karma" of uniqueness. He superimposed the power of uniqueness on his spiritual vision, and then looked at Carlos with his silver-white eyes! UU reading www.uukanshu.net

  "You are not parasitized! Maybe this time you met just one of his weaker clones!" Lu Yan said with a smile on his face. But before he could turn off his spiritual vision, he saw an eye behind Carlos. He seemed to be the symbol of all knowledge!

  "Hidden Sage!" Lu Yan cut off his spiritual vision. Although he only had a slight glimpse of the Hidden Sage, he had already filled his head with a lot of useless junk information.

  "What? What is a Hidden Sage? Bishop Lu Yan? Are you okay!" Carlos didn't know what happened to Lu Yan. He only knew that Bishop Lu Yan suddenly exclaimed "Hidden Sage!"

  "I'm fine, you..." Lu Yan is naturally fine. The Hidden Sage is just the activation of the Uniqueness. He also has the Uniqueness to resist. Naturally, it won't be a big deal. He is just concerned about the Hidden Sage paying attention to Carlos. Just shocked.

  Will all the people who are noticed by the high sequence also be gathered together like the aggregated properties of extraordinary properties? He looked at Carlos with sympathetic eyes, and then sighed leisurely. He was also a miserable person. He didn't know what would happen if he was targeted by other evil gods, but if he was targeted by the Hidden Sage, it would definitely not end well.

  Carlos was a little frightened by Lu Yan's eyes. He was a little tormented in his heart, and asked with a somewhat eager expression: "What is the Hidden Sage?"

  Lu Yan looked at his uninformed look, and some guesses and thoughts emerged in his mind. The gaze of the Hidden Sage could never be fake, but Carlos didn't look like he was lying.

  "Let's not talk about this first. Do you remember how you joined the Red Gloves?" Lu Yan made his tone softer, knowing that Carlos might be a little scared by him.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 22 Chanis Gate

  "My cousin and I were involved in an extraordinary incident. At the end of the incident, only Claes and I survived." Carlos' eyes were slightly melancholy. This incident was the pain in his heart and the contact he had with us. The cause of extraordinary power.

  After Carlos' eyes focused slightly, he paused and continued: "I was rescued by people from the Church of Night, and my cousin was rescued by people from the Church of Steam. After that, I joined the Church of Night and became a Ordinary Nighthawks. Until later, during a mission, my captain died in front of us to protect us."

  The corners of Carlos's eyes gradually turned red. No matter how much time passed, he could not remember many details, but he never forgot the scene when the captain blocked his path. He was lucky but unlucky at the same time.

  "You don't need to say anything anymore. I understand. Everything is getting better, isn't it?" Lu Yan comforted her softly. Some Nighthawks in the church joined the Nighthawks because they were involved in extraordinary events. There is often a tragic story behind them.

  "I'm fine. It's all over. Now I have the ability to protect other people." Carlos gave a smile that was uglier than crying, and said sadly: "Since then, I have been in a state of confusion for a while. I don't know how to protect others." Knowing what I was thinking at that time, I didn't know what I should do at that time. Until I met Deacon Sesima, he pulled me out of the abyss again."

  "You're brave, aren't you? At least you got up after falling again and again." Lu Yan comforted him again. He probably had his own guess, but he still needed to ask Deacon Sesima about more things. He didn't want to irritate Carlos anymore.

  Carlos drank the remaining juice in the cup, and the sweet and sour taste filled his mouth. Carlos belatedly thought that Bishop Lu Yan had not yet explained what the Hidden Sage was.

  But he was not in the mood to ask questions at this moment. After he let out a faint breath, he was surprised to see Bishop Lu Yan packing his luggage. Bishop Lu Yan first stuffed all the money into the box, followed by clothes and some books.

  "What are you going to do?" Carlos really didn't know what Bishop Lu Yan was going to do.

  "It's no longer safe here. We're being targeted by some unclean things. Let's go back to St. Samuel's Church." Lu Yan quickly packed his luggage and stuffed almost everything he could see into his luggage. in the box.

  Carlos looked at Lu Yan's furious look, and his impression of the postman deepened for a few moments. Next time he sees the postman, he will stay away! Never mind the postman with the monocle!

  Thinking of this, he quickly helped Lu Yan pack his luggage. His original purpose was to urge Lu Yan to return to the church, but now he actually achieved it through such a strange combination of circumstances. It was really a trick of fate.

  The two kept packing things in the house, and busy figures passed by the window from time to time. When people who don't know see this scene, they might think that they are burglars who have broken into a house.

  Fortunately, Lu Yan's luggage wasn't too much, so it didn't take much time for the two of them to pack it together. Almost an hour later, Lu Yan left here in a hurry with his luggage.

  Before leaving, he put up a temporary closure sign on the grocery store. This was a very sad thing for people who already liked this grocery store. But Lu Yan has no intention of continuing to run the grocery store now.

  Lu Yan had already arrived at St. Samuel's Church before the afternoon tea time came. The discomfort caused by Amon could only be relieved to a certain extent with the blessing of the goddess of the night.

  Lu Yan didn't want his body to be parasitized by the nasty Time Worm, and the son of the ancient sun god was a typical fun-loving person. No one could guess what he would do next.

  "Bishop Lu Yan? I thought you would come back tonight." Bishop Elektra saw a trace of surprise flashing across his face when he saw Lu Yan returning to the church early. But he quickly thought that it was normal for Lu Yan to come back so soon. After all, Lu Yan was the goddess's favored one.

  "This dress is so...so gorgeous."

  Bishop Elektra didn't see clearly the gorgeous robes on Lu Yan until he walked into the church. He has a very rich life experience, and he knew that the clothes on Lu Yan were extraordinary just by looking at it.

  "This is a thank you gift from Mrs. Genia. Hiss!" Lu Yan seemed to have remembered something, with a very annoyed expression on his face. He said with an apologetic tone: "Does the church have any extra bishop's clothing? The one I had was left in the house on Jinchihua Street."

  Lu Yan was a little annoyed. In order to avoid Amon and prevent Amon from visiting suddenly, he packed up his luggage and ran away at a very fast speed. There were things he left behind in the house because he left in such a hurry.

  "The church's clothing is all customized in batches, and the inventory of this batch has been exhausted." Bishop Elektra shook his head and said. He seemed to know why Lu Yan suddenly asked this question, so he continued: "Our church does not have strict requirements on clothing. Faith is born from the heart and cannot be controlled by clothes."

  "As long as it does not have a negative impact on the church, the church generally does not interfere in these matters." Bishop Elektra muttered in his heart. There should be no problem with him saying this. However, he continued to add: "But most members of the church default to wearing uniform clothes as a sign of respect for the goddess, but it should be okay with you."

  Lu Yan nodded. He was disturbed by the sudden appearance of Amon, and did not pay any attention to the meaning of Bishop Elektra's last words.

  However, this result is the best for him. He doesn't want to go back to Jinqihua Street. Who knows if a man wearing a monocle will suddenly appear to say hello to him.

  "What should I pay attention to at tomorrow's high mass?" Lu Yan wanted to know if the goddess had assigned him any additional tasks. He first took the initiative to ask Bishop Electra, but by then he didn't know anything.

  "There won't be too many things about you tomorrow. To sum up, there are only two things." Bishop Elektra lowered his head and pondered for a while and said.

  Perhaps feeling that his memory might be omitted, he rolled up the cuffs of his robe, put his arms into the front pockets of his shirt, and rummaged around a few times.

  "Wait a minute, let me take a look." Bishop Elektra laughed sheepishly. In order not to make any mistakes, it was not a big deal to lose face or something.

  Lu Yan didn't mind. After standing and waiting for a while, he searched around the church for a week. Finally, I found a chair in a small corner as I wished. Carlos was already sitting on the floor in front of the distant pillar, playing with his fingers.

  He had understood a long time ago that as soon as his bosses started talking about things other than work, it was best for him to find a small corner and squat down first. In the meantime, he might be able to sleep for a while.

  "Ahem, tomorrow's mass will start as usual, but at the end, the church will announce you as the Bishop of the Church of Night. This is also the time when you will appear in front of the public tomorrow." Bishop Elektra looked at her hands with burning eyes. In his notebook, he listed out word by word what Lu Yan needed to complete tomorrow.

  When he read the last sentence, he turned down a page in the notebook in his hand and continued: "After this, you, the new bishop, will lead the believers in singing the Holy Scriptures of the Church of the Night." After this pause, Bishop Elektra did not continue to flip through the notebook, because Lu Yan was free to choose whether to participate in the next thing.

  "Yeah." Lu Yan nodded slightly. It didn't sound complicated, but we won't know until tomorrow what it will look like in practice.

  Although he felt that things might not go so smoothly tomorrow, there shouldn't be too much noise. After all, this was the church of the Church of the Night.

  "I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's mass first." Lu Yan said goodbye to Bishop Elektra. Next, he should also worry about the promotion materials. First, he should check if there is anything relevant in the collection of the Church of the Night.

  After thinking for a moment, he stopped inviting people in, turned around and asked, "Can the illustrations of extraordinary creatures be taken out of Chanis Gate?"

  Lu Yan remembered that extraordinary power in this world was not known to the world, and some of the classics that recorded extraordinary power were so-called taboo books.

  "It's best not to take out Chanis Gate, and definitely not to take it out of the church!" Bishop Elektra said seriously.

  Extraordinary power is terrifying, knowledge is distorted, and books recording extraordinary knowledge are taboo. Once books flow into the world of ordinary people, they will inevitably cause one tragedy after another. These are lessons learned from one bloody case after another.

  When Lu Yan saw this, he gave up the idea of ​​taking the books back to the small room to read. Although he promised that he would not take the books out of the church, he could not guarantee whether the books would escape from the church.

  "I'm going to Chanis Gate first. I still need to add some knowledge about extraordinary creatures." Lu Yan responded lightly, and at the same time told Bishop Elektra that he would not take the books out of Chanis Gate.

  "If you want to check the information, maybe you can ask Carlos. He often soaked in it when he first became an Extraordinary." Elektra gave a very pertinent suggestion.

  Lu Yan turned slightly, looked at Carlos who was sleeping in front of the pillar with his clear silver eyes, and said with a smile: "I'd better go by myself, he has been exhausted in the past few days."

  "Only in the church can he sleep so peacefully." Lu Yan added another sentence.

  Bishop Elektra nodded gloomily and sighed: "The church is our strong backing! The goddess will bless us all."

  The goddess is not omnipotent...

  A polite smile appeared on Lu Yan's face, and he did not continue speaking. Ordinary people don't need to know about the end of the world, and low-level Extraordinaries don't need to know either. At least this way we can maintain social order before the end.

  Lu Yan left the church quietly. As he approached Carlos, he turned his head and observed Carlos sitting on the floor in front of the pillar. He seemed to be sleeping very peacefully. Lu Yan was not a bad guy with good dreams.

  There will be a Chanis Gate underground in every church of the Church of the Night. Behind the door, there are connections in all directions, where extraordinary items and important files are stored, and people who are not conducive to the Church of the Night are imprisoned.

  There is a top-level sealed artifact stored under the St. Samuel's Church, the headquarters of Backlund's Church of the Night. This sealed artifact has a single ability, but its effect is suffocating. Even the importance of the stolen 0-08 cannot be compared with it. This sealed artifact is numbered 0-17, codenamed: Mother of Heaven, a sealed artifact that has existed since the Fourth Age. The most important thing is that it is the vessel of the goddess of the night!

  Naturally, Lu Yan would not have the idea of ​​​​this sealed artifact, and he did not even want to get close to it. He has no intention of meeting the Night Goddess now, even though the Night Goddess has treated him well so far. But without a similar status, what's the point of meeting the goddess of the night?

  The goddess of the night is an investor, but not a nanny. Lu Yan knew this clearly.

  The person guarding Chanis Gate today was an old man whom Lu Yan didn't know. He didn't know Lu Yan, and Lu Yan didn't know him. The old man was only loyal to the goddess of the night and obeyed the real senior leaders of the church.

  White hair, cloudy eyes. There is also a smell of decay on their bodies, which is the smell produced after being corroded by the Chanis Gate for too long. They were also bishops or deacons of the church. When they were old, they voluntarily chose to enter the Chanis Gate for He devoted his last moments of life to the church.

  Lu Yan has always respected this kind of people and respects their loyalty from the beginning. Although he himself did not want to be this kind of person, this did not affect Lu Yan's appreciation of this spirit at all. UU reading www. uukanshu.net

  "I'm here to learn extraordinary knowledge." Lu Yan's silver eyes reflected the faint firelight in the corridor, looking a little weird.

  "Go straight after entering." The two old men guarding Chanis Gate said lifelessly. From the time Lu Yan arrived to when he left, they didn't even look up.

  Entering Chanis, he first walked through a straight passage, and then there was a three-way intersection. Lu Yan followed the instructions of the two old gatekeepers and walked straight.

  Backlund's St. Samuel's Church is considered the second largest church of the Church of Dark Night. Apart from the Church of Dark Night's holy church, Tranquility Church, it is the most important node of the Church of Dark Night's external influence. Therefore, the Chanis Gate under St. Samuel's Church is very large.

  After walking for a long time, Lu Yan finally reached the end of the passage. There was only an old wooden door and two candles that were about to burn out.

  Lu Yan slowly pushed open the wooden door. He didn't even dare to use more force. He was afraid that the door would fall down because of his slight push.

  There was no dust or nasty bugs. There was only one candle fixed in the middle of the table in the entire library. Lu Yan took off the candlestick placed next to the door, walked back for a while, and finally stopped in front of the candlestick on the wall.

  Two candles are stuck together, and the faint firelight passes from one candle to the other. Warm flames were born on the candlestick in Lu Yan's hand, dispersing a lot of the cold gas gathering around him.

  "According to the classification, the Illustrated Book of Extraordinary Creatures should be placed on the second floor inside." Lu Yan held the candlestick in his left hand and climbed the stairs in front of the bookshelf with his right hand. After a while, he found the book he wanted.

  "Hey, what is this?" Lu Yan's eyes focused on the bookshelf not far away.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 23 Blurred Photos and the Boy

  Although the notebook was still some distance away from him, with his good eyesight, he naturally noticed the notebook that was incompatible with the surrounding books.

  Lu Yan held the extraordinary creature illustration in front of him in his arms and carefully descended the stairs back to the ground. Whatever it was, he just wasn't interested. As long as he hides far away, those troublesome things will not touch him.

  He used the candle he brought in to put the flame on the candle on the desk. After scanning the library, he went to the corner and moved a chair to the desk.

  A weak flame danced on the candlestick. Underneath it was a golden candlestick with complex patterns. It had a touch of metal coldness and smoothness and a mysterious atmosphere. It was impossible to tell what material the candlestick was made of.

  I don't know what the candles are made of, but one thing is certain: the candles on the desk and the candles brought in by Lu Yan are not made of the same material.

  The candle on the desk was transparent, with a slight color like an incandescent lamp, while the candle Lu Yan brought in was a dim yellow color, opaque and heavy. It's obvious that the candle on the desk is specifically designed for reading.

  Lu Yan was flipping through the illustration of extraordinary creatures with the help of candlelight. The light shining on the yellowing pages caused some changes in the color of some illustrations in the book, but this did not affect reading.

  Perhaps it is because Emperor Russell brought many standards from later generations to this era, unifying some originally inconspicuous but useful standards, which greatly shortened the time of browsing the catalog.

  For example, the extraordinary creature illustration in his hand was written in the Black Iron Age, when Russell was the consul of Intis, and introduced the concept of biological types.

  However, there are physical or morphological differences between extraordinary creatures and ordinary creatures, so the derived classifications are also rather weird. For example, mummies are classified as a type of human being, but they are also subdivided into a subcategory of living corpses.

  Generally speaking, there is not much difference from the books in his memory, so he can easily find the creatures he wants to know based on the type.

  At almost the 100th page, Lu Yan found records about monkey creatures.

  The Aibinkel monkey is a large monkey that lives in the ancient forest of Bailang. It is good at using complex traps, but there seems to be no record of an Aibinkel monkey being injured by its own trap.

  Aibinkel monkeys do not use stone tools. Most of their traps are woven from branch materials, and sometimes they also use other creatures to design traps.

  The author of this extraordinary illustrated book once took advantage of the great voyage launched by Emperor Russell to conduct a solo expedition to the ancient Balam Forest in the Southern Continent. Fortunately, he saw the Aibinkel monkey use a hornet's nest to make a trap and kill a group of lions.

  There is also an illustration in the book, which is a bit abstract, but the outline can still be seen in general.

  In the ancient Bailang Forest, Lu Yan's fingers gently ran across the place names displayed on the book. Although navigation between the Southern Continent and the North Main Road is now open again, it is still rare to see creatures from the Southern Continent on the North Main Road.

  Lu Yan frowned slightly. He might have to worry more about the Aibin Kelhou matter, and he didn't know how he would obtain the main ingredient for the potion in the future.

  He turned the illustration in his hand back to the first page and found the area belonging to birds according to the arrangement of the catalog. After a rough search, Lu Yan flipped through the illustration to about thirty pages.

  The blue-striped eagle is an eagle that lives along the coast of the Wild Sea and is famous for its extremely long-range vision. Some navigators are particularly fond of these birds, it is said that they can predict upcoming storms at sea and thus avoid terrible natural disasters.

  It's related to the Southern Continent again! Lu Yan shook his head slightly, was this asking him to go to the Southern Continent?

  He omitted some extraordinary information and excerpted only the most basic introduction to the Aibinkel monkey and the blue-striped eagle. After being silent for a period of time, Lu Yan decided to take it easy for now. The journey to the Southern Continent was still too dangerous for him, a Sequence 9 Beyonder.

  "Huh?" Lu Yan looked at the other side of the table. The desk was a large rectangular table. There was a candle on the candlestick at the intersection of the two diagonals, and there was a candle directly opposite Lu Yan's position. There is an ordinary notebook.

  Lu Yan lowered his eyes slightly and ignored the notebook again. He picked up the Extraordinary Creatures Illustrated Book and walked to the stairs of the bookshelf in a few steps. He followed the stairs and put the extraordinary creature illustration in his hand into the original groove.

  The gap between the books seemed to be larger than when he took out the books. This gap was just enough to accommodate a notebook.

  In the dark library, Lu Yan stayed on the ladder for a while, glancing at the notebook in the middle of the room with the corner of his eye. I don't know how long it has passed, but the notebook has been lying quietly on the table.

  Lu Yan walked down the stairs unhurriedly. When he felt the thick sense of security coming from the ground under his feet, he walked around to the desk in two or three steps and picked up the candle he brought.

  "There's still nothing strange." Lu Yan thought to himself.

  He was certain that this notebook was not originally stored here, but now it seemed like something was controlling it.

  "Is it a goddess?" This thought flashed through Lu Yan's mind, but he quickly rejected it. There was no need for the goddess to do this. If the other party wanted to give him the notebook, she would never use this method.

  Lu Yan remained silent, pretending as if nothing had happened, and placed the candle in his hand against the candlestick on the table. As the firelight passed, the light source in Lu Yan's hand swayed slightly, and a few strands of the smell of incompletely burned substances disturbed the tip of his nose. .

  One of his hands tightly held the candlestick in his hand, and the other hand held the mysterious pocket watch against the palm of his hand.

  He stared at the notebook with the corner of his eye, but the black notebook had been lying quietly on the desk without moving. Seeing this, he opened the cover of the mysterious pocket watch. At this moment, he seemed to feel himself melting into the darkness.

  He felt slightly happy for a moment, and then he blew out the candle in his hand, and at the same time, the candle on the desk was also extinguished.

  This gain may be called sneaking in the dark night, and it seems to be an extraordinary ability that belongs to the witch path. Compared with his previous ability to hit every target and convince people with reason, the gain he obtained now is the most suitable for the current situation.

  I don't know how many abilities the mysterious pocket watch has in total, or how many types of benefits it records. The principle of the pocket watch should be scroll magic, and many scroll magics are designed to imitate the abilities of extraordinary people.

  After using it now, Lu Yan has a new understanding of the value of the mysterious pocket watch. Apart from the fact that he cannot choose the gain by himself and the inexplicable murmurs given by the hidden sage appear in his head from time to time, this pocket watch is simply the best prop.

  Of course, this is only true for Lu Yan. High-sequence strong men cannot use these gains, and low-sequence strong men cannot resist the hidden sage's thoughts. Therefore, this pocket watch is a very useless item for extraordinary people except Lu Yan.

  What's even more sad is that the buff of the pocket watch may take effect for a second or two, and then your spirituality will be drained directly. You will not be of much use, and you will also have to worry about the evil god's eyes. This is simply a very useful suicide artifact.

  With the help of the ability of shadow sneak, Lu Yan left the library smoothly. Before leaving, he used the night vision provided by shadow sneak to take a clear look at the notebook. Fortunately, the notebook was still lying on the table.

  Lu Yan gently closed the door to the library. When the last cracks on the wooden door and wall disappeared, Lu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

  After continuing to sneak along the aisle for a while, Lu Yan closed the mysterious pocket watch again. It wasn't until he quickly walked back to the Sancha entrance that he thought carefully about the doubts behind this matter.

  This is the Chanis Gate underground of the Church of the Night, a place where even Amon dare not sneak into. Who else but the goddess would dare to do these things here.


  The figure of the priest in white flashed in Lu Yan's mind, but he quickly put an end to the thought. The cooperation between Him and the goddess has not yet ended. If it were Him, he would not choose to do such a thing at this point in time.

  It is better to file this matter with the goddess. No matter who is behind it, it is always right to let the goddess of the night check this matter first. At this time, he was just a small Sequence Nine, and he really couldn't afford to offend those big guys.

  After continuing straight for a while, Lu Yan arrived at Chanis Gate again. The two old men still stood motionless in front of the gate.

  "May the goddess bless you." Lu Yan tapped his fingers clockwise on his chest several times. When he was about to speak, the two old men in front of him spoke first.

  "Who are you? Why did you come out inside Chanis Gate!" The tone was cold and full of threats.

  The expression on Lu Yan's face froze. The people he met recently were all deeply entangled with his fate, and they all made him forget the ability of the Nameless One brought by Sequence Nine.

  "Not long ago, I entered the Chanis Sect to read the Extraordinary Classics. You two let me in at that time." Lu Yan felt like he had a headache. The situation he encountered now seemed to be asking him to prove that he was who he was.

  The two old men looked at each other, and then said in a gentle tone: "You can go out."

  When Lu Yan looked at each other, he noticed the eyes of the two old men. Their eye sockets seemed to be infected by a layer of ink. The two very dark eyes reflected in the dark environment. The light of the candle was extremely strange.

  Although the two old men did not remember that they let Lu Yan go, the other party had the aura of a goddess about them. This is also the reason why the two old men directly let Lu Yan go.

  For those who are favored by the goddess, even if the other party is lying, it is difficult for them to expose it. After all, they do not know whether the other party's actions are under the instruction of the goddess.

  After Lu Yan was treated like this, he had no intention of continuing to tell them about the anomalies in the library. It was not a big deal. After he went out on his own, he would just do a small ritual magic to report to the goddess.


  After leaving Chanis Gate, the long-lost sunlight shone in Lu Yan's silver-white pupils, gentle and not irritating. Perhaps it was because the haze in Loen had partially weakened the sun's rays.

  Behind St. Samuel's Church is a small garden. Next to the garden is Lu Yan's former cemetery, where he crawled out.

  Lu Yan didn't spend much time checking the information in Chanis Gate. When he came out, the sun was still hanging in the sky.

  He walked around the garden, passing by two or three nuns from time to time. Their faces were worried, happy, and bitter. Even if they had given everything to the gods, there were always things that the gods could not do. .

  Facing the sparkling water in the fountain, he stopped at the chair beside the flower bed. His eyes narrowed slightly, he rolled up the cloak of his dress and leaned lightly on the lounge chair in the park.

  He has been very tired in the past few days, not physically, but mentally. From the beginning of the uniqueness' spontaneous prediction of a new future, to meeting Amon, and the inexplicable movement of notebooks in the library, these have kept his mental state in a tense state.

  Not sure how long time had passed, Lu Yan was rummaging around in his pocket for a mysterious pocket watch, and suddenly his fingers touched a hard rectangular object.


  Lu Yan's fingers paused on the surface of the object, and he seemed to feel that the size of the rectangular object in his pocket seemed familiar.

  His divergent thinking suddenly made him think of many possibilities, but in the end, his speculations were dominated by thoughts about the things he least wanted to see. In an instant, a thing called fear eased in his mind. Slowly emerged.

  He gently pulled the rectangular object out of his pocket. It was not a notebook, but a protective cover made of the leather of an unknown creature. But Lu Yan knew clearly that this was the notebook he saw in the library. UUkanshuwww.uukanshu.net

  Perhaps it was the weak candlelight that caused him to misjudge, causing him to mistake the leather protective cover for a notebook. But whether it was a notebook or something else, it was a silent fear for Lu Yan at this moment.

  Lu Yan waited for a while before focusing his attention on the black leather protective case again. He knew that he couldn't get rid of this thing, and with the curiosity in his heart to find out, he finally opened the leather protective case.

  Whether it is the true god's calculation behind this or something else, it is the same to him. As long as the other party has not reached the old level, he cannot be affected. What's more, he still has uniqueness hanging on his chest.

  After opening the leather protective case, Lu Yan was a little surprised by what he saw. It was not something scary, weird, or disgusting, but just a photo embedded in a frame. The photo is protected inside by a pure gold sunburst frame.

  The picture in the photo is a bit blurry, but you can see a group of people dining, but except for the young man sitting first in the upper left corner, everyone else's appearance is very blurry, as if they were possessed by some special ability. Erase the same.

  The food on the table has also lost its proper color, and the scene inside the photo seems to be obscured by a thin layer of fog, making everything hazy.

  Lu Yan's eyes stayed on the young man in the upper left corner of the dining table, because that young man seemed to be him. The only difference was that there was no unique "karma" hanging on the young man's chest in the photo.

  Could it be that the function of this photo is to imprint the holder into it? Lu Yan thought it was like this after a little guessing, but it seemed that it was because the photo was not high enough to copy the uniqueness on his chest into the photo. .

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 24: Moonlight Night Talk

  After thinking of this, Lu Yan undoubtedly felt a lot more relaxed. This photo cannot imprint uniqueness into it, which means that his status has not reached the level of a true god.

  The rest of the things were easy to handle. Lu Yan stood up from the chair. Next, he only needed to prepare a simple ritual magic and hand over this weird photo to the goddess for inspection. After all, it was from Chanis Gate. The things brought out of it are beyond the comprehension of the goddess.

  At this moment, it happened to be when the sun was setting. He should go back to his room and browse through the Holy Scriptures of the Night several times. Otherwise, he might mispronounce a few words in the Holy Scriptures during the high mass tomorrow, which might cause bad things. . Although most people will not remember him afterwards.

  "Bishop Lu Yan." A deep voice sounded in the distance.

  Lu Yan turned slightly sideways, and the voice that sounded in the distance seemed to be that of an acquaintance of his. He had short golden brown hair, dark green eyes, and his facial features gave people a sharp feeling.

  "Deacon Crested Sesima?" Lu Yan said with some surprise. He happened to have many things he wanted to ask this senior deacon.

  "Long time no see. I didn't see you during mass this morning. I thought you wouldn't come back to attend tomorrow's high mass." Lu Yan took a few steps forward and waited less than three meters away from Deacon Sesima. other side.

  "Tomorrow is your inauguration ceremony. Of course I have to come back and take a look." Deacon Sesima smiled casually and said in his deep voice.

  He put a hand on Lu Yan's shoulder and led Lu Yan to a chair not far away. As he walked, he said: "I finished what I was doing at noon. When I returned to the church in the afternoon, I met Carlos, he told me that you wanted to see me if you had something to do."

  When Deacon Sesima said this, he paused deliberately, and then said in a strange tone: "According to Carlos, you wrote a letter and planned to send it to me. The content of the letter was that you wanted to buy some money in my golden building. The dolls have been stored in the house on Chihua Street for a long time."

  Lu Yan sighed slightly, wanting to remind Deacon Sesima not to go to that house, as it was already being targeted by unclean things. But before he could speak, Sesima answered first.

  "That house is of no use to me. I can give it to you if you need it. However, I am curious about what happened in the past few days. Carlos has become a lot more mature and stable." Deacon Sesima smiled.

  "Let me tell you slowly, you should have time at night." Lu Yan said in a heavy tone. There are so many things that have happened in the past few days that I can't even finish them in a short while.

  Deacon Sesima raised his eyebrows and said in a relaxed tone: "I am free tonight." He has solved the matter at hand, and he has been dealing with the incident these days. Other senior deacons and archbishops I'm too embarrassed to bother him any more.

  "Before I describe these things, I suggest that you leave the house on Jinchihua Street vacant. It is targeted by a terrible strong man." Lu Yan dissuaded you. He didn't want to see Deacon Sesima suddenly wear a monocle in front of her right eye one day.

  "A scary strong man? How scary?" Sesima asked after being stunned for a moment. Lu Yan didn't know what the definition of scary was.

  In his eyes, Lu Yan was only Sequence Nine. Perhaps to Lu Yan, Sequence Seven was considered a terrifying powerhouse.

  But for him, even if the other party is a saint, he is not unable to deal with the other party. If he can't solve it alone, he has a group of colleagues. There are many people in the Church of the Night who are better than him.

  Lu Yan's silver-white eyes looked at Deacon Sesima's green pupils for a while. After confirming that the other party really didn't know what the definition of a terrifying and powerful person was, he explained: "His Royal Highness Archbishop Arianna relies on Even my own strength cannot overcome Him."

  Sesima wondered if he heard it wrong, and he asked with some uncertainty: "Are you sure you know the strength of Her Royal Highness Arianna?"

  Lu Yan sighed slightly, and then said with certainty: "Her Royal Highness Arianna is a sequence two angel, and the one staring at your house is an archangel."

  The smile on Sesima's face froze. After a while, he said in a low tone: "You and Carlos should not leave the church before going to Tingen City."

  He naturally believed what Lu Yan said. In fact, he roughly guessed who the other party was when Lu Yan said he was an archangel. There was only one archangel in Lu En, although Lu Yan might have just met him. One of His thousands of clones.

  "Yeah, but I think it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, if the other party were to take action, you wouldn't be able to see Carlos and I." Lu Yan smiled slightly, trying to break the silence brought by Amon.

  Sesima said in a serious tone: "Don't joke with your life. Although I know you may have the means to resist Him, don't you yourself need to pay the price?"

  He knew that Lu Yan would never be an ordinary extraordinary person who came back from the dead and mastered a lot of forbidden knowledge that even he didn't know. But the price paid behind it is definitely unimaginable. Just like when he mastered the holy sword, although it looks beautiful, how many people know the pain behind it.

  Lu Yan was silent for a while. Sesima was right. Even if he could resist Amon, he would have to pay a price, most likely with his life.

  "If there is no need to go out, then I will study extraordinary knowledge in St. Samuel's Church these days."

  Lu Yan stared into the distance, but his mind was already full of thoughts. But after all, I sighed. Sometimes trouble will come to you.

  "Let's not talk about Him for now. I have something to ask you about Carlos."

  At this time, Amon's body is not in Backlund yet, so he doesn't need to worry too much. On the contrary, the matter that Carlos was concerned about by the Hidden Sage was more urgent. No one knew when the loss of control would happen to Carlos.

  "What happened to Carlos? Did he get into trouble?" In Deacon Sesima's subconscious mind, Carlos is still a child who has not grown up. This is why he and other team members take good care of Carlos.

  "Carlos told me about him." Lu Yan realized that Deacon Sesima knew nothing about the Hidden Sage. He didn't know how to continue talking for a while, but he thought of the story in Zhou Mingrui's biography. Lu Yan finally continued to say that even if Carlos was temporarily imprisoned by the church, it would be better than losing control and turning into a monster.

  A bitter smile appeared on Deacon Sesima's face, and he was about to tell what he had already decided, but Lu Yan said first: "Carlos is being noticed by the Hidden Sage."

  "I think you must know what the Hidden Sage is, so I won't go into details. I originally planned to explore whether Carlos was parasitized by him, but by mistake, I discovered that the Hidden Sage was paying attention to Carlos."

  Lu Yan took out the mysterious pocket watch in his pocket, moved his eyes from Deacon Sesima's face to the pocket watch, and took a look at the time. Well, there's plenty of time for Deacon Sesima to calm down tonight.

  Deacon Sesima's self-regulation ability was much stronger than Lu Yan imagined. Within a few minutes, Deacon Sesima asked in a low tone: "Is there anything unusual about Carlos' behavior?"

  Lu Yan shook his head and said: "He is quite normal. To be honest, if I hadn't used my spiritual vision to observe Carlos, I wouldn't have discovered the traces of the sage hidden on him."

  Lu Yan was silent for a while, and then expressed his conjecture: "Is there a possibility that Carlos is thirsty for some forbidden knowledge, and that he is an extraordinary person of the hermit sequence, which attracted the hidden sage?" Lower your gaze on him."

  In a sense, the Hidden Sage is a generous god. He is never stingy with the extraordinary people of the Hidden Sequence. As long as the desire for knowledge in his heart reaches a certain level, he will impart a large amount of knowledge to the seekers. Even though this knowledge is poisonous.

  Sesima's green eyes flickered. After thinking for a while, he slowly uttered a sentence: "Maybe it's because he has always cared about the past."

  Lu Yan also agreed with Deacon Sesima's point of view. After all, this was what he had guessed at the beginning. But speculation is still speculation, and perhaps Carlos doesn't even know that he is being targeted by the Hidden Sage.

  "Let him follow me first. The Hidden Sage can't seduce me." Lu Yan said after thinking for a while. He turned sideways and glanced at Deacon Sesima, who was frowning, but in his mind he remembered the tragedy of another Nighthawk.

  Looking at Deacon Sesima's brows that were about to squeeze together, Lu Yan said in a calm tone: "Try not to irritate Carlos. This may cause him to lose control. We must first find out why the Hidden Sage is targeting him."

  The most stern senior deacon in the church, Crested Sesima, would also hesitate because he didn't know how to deal with a teammate who might be out of control but was not out of control yet and behaved normally.

  "Carlos didn't lose control, didn't he? Before he lost control, he was still our teammate." Lu Yan knew the troubles in Deacon Sesima's heart. The deacon was unwilling to give up his men, but he had to do it for the people in the team. Other members are responsible.

  Although he knew that the other members of the team would not alienate Carlos after learning about this incident. Instead, they would encourage him and help him escape from the clutches of the evil god. But the evil god's methods are unpredictable and extremely secretive.

  "I will handle this matter. Before that, you should not contact Carlos." Sesima did not agree to Lu Yan's request.

  He will not give up Carlos, nor will he let Lu Yan put himself in danger, because they are all his teammates.

  "It's up to you..." Lu Yan didn't force this matter. But in a trance, the gears of fate turned, and in the unclear future, he vaguely felt the gaze of the hidden sage.

  "Perhaps, you still have to let Carlos follow me. This is the result of fate." Lu Yan's voice was ethereal, as if it was coming from the distant future.

  Sesima turned sideways suddenly, and the moment Lu Yan spoke, he seemed to really feel an invisible shackles trapping him.

  Green eyes met Lu Yan's gaze, and he clearly saw his reflection in Lu Yan's silver eyes.

  "In this way, on the day I go to Tingen City, you try every means to keep Carlos. If he still comes to Tingen City with me, you will acquiesce in this matter." Lu Yan shook his head slightly said.

  Deacon Sesima has a very stubborn temper, and it is impossible for him to change Deacon Sesima's mind with simple words.

  "To be honest, I don't want Carlos to arrive in Tingen City with me in the end, so I ask you to break the shackles of fate." Lu Yan said in a faint tone.

  Deacon Sesima did not speak out against Lu Yan's proposal this time. If he couldn't keep Carlos after trying every means, then it meant that he had no way to save Carlos from the hands of the Hidden Sage.

  "Okay." Deacon Sesima nodded and said in a low tone.

  "Why didn't you suspect me of lying, if Carlos wasn't noticed by the Hidden Sage?" Lu Yan asked his own question.

  He always felt that Deacon Sesima had some blind trust in him. Shouldn't something like this be confirmed first?

  "As long as you are loyal to the goddess, you will not lie about this kind of thing, and I have noticed something wrong with Carlos." Sesima put her hands in her pockets, raised her head to the sky, and found a comfortable way to lean on the chair. .

  "When I first met Carlos, he showed signs of losing control. But I enlightened him for a while, and he soon adjusted back. Over time, I forgot about this incident." Sesima looked at the crimson moon in the sky and said in a low voice.

  "Then let me talk about the next thing." There is no need to continue talking about Carlos, because they can't find a solution.

  Deacon Sesima suddenly felt a biting chill. From the beginning to now, Lu Yan had already told him two shocking things. There couldn't be more! Sesima shivered subconsciously.

  "It's not a big deal. I'm not very capable of causing trouble." Lu Yan said in a helpless tone. He was really wronged. It was the people from the Aurora Society who poured dirty water on him!

  "Well, I believe you!" Deacon Sesima said in a sincere tone. But what Lu Yan heard was full of suspicion. He simply doesn't care, and when he has the ability, he will fix up the Aurora Society people!

  "Do you know where there are Aibinkel monkeys in Loen?" Lu Yan asked with expectation in his eyes. There are many knowledgeable people in the Church of the Night, but he only knows Deacon Sesima.

  "Is it that kind of smart monkey? Deacon Sesima felt that he had heard the name Aibinkel monkey somewhere. But he couldn't remember it for a while. He put one hand on his chin and closed his eyes slightly , searching for information about monkeys in his mind.

  "Well, they are good at making traps and live in the Bailang Forest in the southern continent." Lu Yan lowered his voice and said softly. After finishing speaking, he turned sideways and glanced at Deacon Sesima. He was relieved when he saw that his voice did not disturb the other party's thinking.

  "If I remember correctly, the somewhat famous circus in Loen has this kind of monkey. Because they will not resist, they can be easily trained to be what the trainer wants. Therefore, they are very popular among the major circuses. Like it."

  Sesima vaguely remembered that he loved to go to circus performances every time he was a child, and over time he became somewhat impressed with the animals in it.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 25 Oman □ West □

  Lu Yan nodded slightly after hearing this. In this era, the circus was one of the few entertainment projects accessible to ordinary people.

  Every city and even small town on Beidalu will have a traveling circus perform every once in a while. The only difference between places may be the frequency of performances.

  There are naturally many circus performances in Backlund, but most of the performance market is occupied by some circuses with a history of nearly a century.

  Many new circuses prefer to go to Ahowa County for touring performances. Among them, Tingen, known as the University City, is a city that most circuses like to visit.

  There are two important reasons why Lu Yan targets the circus in Tingen City. One is that Amon is still in Backlund, and Lu Yan is not sure whether the other party is targeting him.

  The second and most important point is that animal trainers in century-old circuses usually have a deep bond with their animals. It is almost impossible for Lu Yan to buy their animal companions from them. .

  After having his own thoughts in mind, Lu Yan asked Sesima about the other main ingredient. He was not worried about the leakage of his potion formula.

  The amounts of various ingredients can be arranged and combined to create countless potions, and it is almost impossible to find the right potion. With this kind of luck, anyone who goes to the Wheel of Fortune path may become a god.

  "Do you have any navigator friends? I want to buy some blue-striped eagles from them." Lu Yan put his forehead with one hand and leaned back on the chair and said.

  Compared to the information about Aibin Kerr Monkey, he had no urgent need for the Blue Striped Eagle and was just asking casually. This kind of bird is relatively common in the market, but the price is relatively high.

  "I'm relatively familiar with several archbishops of the Church of Storms, so leave this matter to me." Sesima agreed to this matter nonchalantly.

  Almost everyone in the Church of Storms who is responsible for going to sea has a blue-striped eagle. With his status, it is not difficult to buy a few from the Church of Storms.

  Deacon Sesima quickly thought of something else, and he asked in a complicated tone: "Are you planning to go to sea?"

  He felt that Lu Yan might have imagined the matter of going to sea too simply. The dangers at sea were far beyond Lu Yan's imagination. Let's not mention the dangers hidden in the dark. Let's just talk about the five seas on the surface. King, even he would have a headache when he met him.

  "We don't have such plans for now, maybe we will in the future." Lu Yan defended himself. He felt that Deacon Sesima had misunderstood him too deeply. He was really not the kind of person who would cause trouble everywhere.

  "I will serve as the bishop well when I go to Tingen City this time." Lu Yan sighed and said in a sincere and sincere tone.

  Deacon Sesima laughed softly a few times, and then said: "You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself. The church will transfer you back to Backlund in half a year at most."

  The conversation between the two was almost over here. Sesima's voice gradually became inaudible. His clear green eyes looked at the crimson moon in the sky, and his neck involuntarily shrank slightly into the collar.

  After thinking for a long time, Sesima's expression showed a trace of bitterness, and she reminded in a low and hoarse tone: "Carlos told me not long ago that he wanted to leave Red Gloves temporarily and follow you to Tingen City."

  Lu Yan frowned slightly, he wanted to ask about the specific situation of this matter, but Deacon Sesima spoke first and said: "I promised him, but now it seems that I am going to break my promise, I hope you can understand. "

  Seeing Lu Yan lowering his head in deep thought, Sesima did not disturb him too much. She just turned sideways and whispered softly and vaguely into Lu Yan's ear: "While serving as the bishop of Tingen City, remember to cultivate A force of its own."

  As long as there are people, there will be fights. This has nothing to do with whether you believe in the goddess or not. The goddess is faith, and rights are life. Some people regard faith as life, while others believe for the sake of rights. Most people divide the two. clearly.

  These people gather in the church, fight for rights in order to defend their faith, and believe for the sake of rights. The final result is that everyone has to be dragged into the quagmire of fighting for power. The Goddess knows, but the Goddess never cares about these things because She doesn't care.

  He suffered a lot from this when he first became a deacon. Naturally, he didn't want Lu Yan, whom he was optimistic about, to suffer from this kind of thing like him. However, there are some things that cannot be put on the table, so this is the only way. Paraphrasing secretly.

  Lu Yan naturally understood what Deacon Sesima meant, but sooner or later he would leave the Church of the Night, and cultivating his own power meant little to him.

  However, he can help Deacon Sesima cultivate a group of forces in Tingen City. Deacon Sesima has been quite nice to him these days, so Lu Yan is certainly not an ungrateful person.

  Lu Yan's silver-white eyes looked faintly at the fountain in the distance. Under the crimson night, the flowing water was like mellow red wine. He rubbed the uniqueness on his chest with his hand, and at the same time isolated the extraordinary power with his spirituality.

  "Ince Zangwill is planning the ashes of Saint Selena." Lu Yan's voice was filled with melancholy. If he wanted to change and cultivate his own strength, then some futures would not allow it to happen again.

  "What did you say?" Deacon Sesima's green eyes suddenly widened, and she said with a hint of horror in her tone.

  The relationship between the former Archbishop Ince Zangwill and him is not simple. It was because Ince failed to be promoted to the fourth sequence that he bypassed Ince and was trained by the church's senior leaders.

  "Relax, the water behind this is very deep." Lu Yan opened the cover of the mysterious pocket watch with his right hand in his pocket. Unfortunately, this time he did not gain the benefit of convincing people with reason. Lu Yan frowned slightly, thinking that he could only rely on his own ability to convince Deacon Sesima.

  "I can't say the function of the zero-level sealed object in his hand. I can isolate the effect of the sealed object on me. But you can't. Tell you that it might be bad." Lu Yan said in a serious tone. Lu Yan carries a uniqueness with him. "Cause and effect", 0-08 Alsuhod's pen cannot affect Ince Zangwill in his hands.

  Sesima was naturally not an impulsive person. Although his expression became gloomy when he heard Ince's name, he did not interrupt Lu Yan's words and chose to listen patiently and carefully.

  "The whirlpool of fate will be generated in Tingen City, which is a quagmire that cannot be escaped. If you believe me, then just pretend that what happened today did not happen. I will tell you the right time to take action." Lu Yan no longer Revealing more information, Lu Yan naturally knew how terrifying Alsuhod's writing was. But when you know it, you have already entered its story.

  Lu Yan stared at the crimson moon in the sky through his spiritual wall, sighed secretly in his heart, and continued: "Remember, no one can tell this matter, including Archbishop Arianna, or even the goddess. !"

  Lu Yan gave one final warning. Sesima only knew that he wanted to arrest Ince Zangwill and be careful of the zero-level sealed artifacts. He could not and could not know that what he was going to fight was actually the Goddess of Night and the King of Angels in the Audience Sequence. .

  "As long as the result is achieved, the process is not important, is it?" Lu Yan said after removing the spiritual wall. His silver-white pupils reflected Sesima's figure shrouded in crimson moonlight.

  Deacon Sesima was silent. His green eyes met Lu Yan's clear gaze. He didn't know how long it took before he sighed quietly and said, "I believe you, but you also have to promise me something."

  Deacon Sesima finally took a step back. Lu Yan's eyes showed unquestionable determination. He could not shake Lu Yan's thoughts.

  "Okay." Lu Yan looked away from Deacon Sesima, placed his palms on the back of his head, and lay down on the back of the chair. He stared at the crimson moonlight tonight, smiled after a long time, and said, "The moonlight tonight is as beautiful as ever."

  Deacon Sesima could not deny it. He took out the holy sword from the scabbard at his waist and scratched a blood mark on his fingertip. Scarlet blood soon flowed down the blade.

  The holy sword is neither golden nor sacred. The pitch-black sword body exudes a cold aura all the time, giving people a strange feeling. This is the holy sword of the Church of the Night.

  "Give me a drop of your blood." Sesima said in a low tone. Although he was willing to believe in Lu Yan's arrangements, he knew Ince Zangwill much better than Lu Yan and was well aware of the other party's cunning.

  Lu Yan casually cut his fingertip, imitating Sesima and leaving a drop of blood on the holy sword.

  "That's enough." Lu Yan tilted his head and looked at the holy sword in Deacon Sesima's hand.

  Sesima used her fingers to draw the blood to draw spells on the holy sword, and it wasn't until the last stroke came that he spoke: "This is a simple positioning magic that can determine your location when you are in danger. Other than that, it has no other function."

  "Be careful about Ince Zangwill, he is much smarter than you think. Don't underestimate any extraordinary person." Sesima warned seriously again.

  "I still have a clear understanding of my own strength in my heart. I will not move until I am absolutely sure." Lu Yan did not intend to confront Ince head-on. He, an Extraordinary of the fate sequence, would only choose if he couldn't think about it. Fight the enemy head-on.

  "Let me tell you what happened in the past few days." After Lu Yan solved all his doubts, he did not forget the question that Deacon Sesima asked him at the beginning.


  It was not until midnight that Lu Yan and Sesima left the back garden of the church. At this time, the temperature was already low, and the hot breath they exhaled turned into a thin mist in the air.

  After a busy night, it was time to ask the goddess to identify what the photo was.

  He found three moonflower and sandalwood candles in the Church of the Night, and then returned to his room to prepare ritual magic.

  Normally, ritual magic requires a lot of preparation, but considering the goddess's concern for him, Lu Yan felt that those things could be omitted.

  After Lu Yan lit it, he placed the blurry photo in front of the candle, and began to chant the honorable name of the goddess of the night: "Higher than the starry sky, longer than eternity, Lord of Crimson, Lord of Secrets. Mother, Queen of distress and fear, Lord of sleep and silence."

  After Lu Yan finished chanting the honorary name in full, the flames of the three candles in front of him swayed without wind, and a strange fragrance exuded in the air, making people drowsy.

  Lu Yan forced himself to cheer up, but it was in vain. He gradually closed his eyes, unable to resist the mental exhaustion.


  A dreamless night.

  When the morning light penetrated the glazed windows of the church, Lu Yan propped himself up from the bed.

  "last night?"

  Lu Yan's memory still lingered on the moment when he chanted the honorable name of the goddess of the night. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have completed the ritual.

  Lu Yan looked around the room. There were still three extinguished candles placed on the wooden floor, and nothing was left around the candles.

  "The photo was taken away by the goddess?" Lu Yan said with some uncertainty.

  In this case, apart from the goddess herself, no one else can take things away from the Church of the Night.

  After Lu Yan thought about it for a while, he put this matter behind him. The photo was so weird that it was not a good thing to think about.


  When Lu Yan was about to get out of bed, his eyes were caught by something on the table beside the bed. When he was just lying on the bed, he couldn't see clearly the items on the table due to the angle of his vision. Now when he stood up, he could see clearly that there was a photo and a small note on the table.

  With the mood of facing unknown things, Lu Yan quickly walked to the wooden table paper with UU reading www.uukanshu.net and felt anxious. He reached out and picked up the small note on the table first.

  The note was pure white, with a feeling that made people subconsciously want to ignore it. The handwriting inside was beautiful, with a few words briefly spelled out in Chinese.

  "Growth, pressure, and the outcome remain the same."

  There were not many words on it, but Lu Yan could clearly understand what the goddess wanted to express. Last night, what he said to Sesima after removing the spiritual wall was not a question to the goddess.

  Fortunately, the goddess agreed to this matter, otherwise Lu Yan would be powerless even if he wanted to change the outcome of this matter.

  He curled up the note in his hand and put it into his shirt pocket. This note carried a little aura of the goddess of the night, plus those Roselvins that others couldn't understand, it might be possible in the future. A certain moment plays an unexpected role.

  Although Lu Yan thought this way, from the way he casually threw the paper into his pocket, it could be seen that he did not expect the small note from the goddess of the night to be of any use.

  What really puzzled Lu Yan was this photo. The goddess didn't take it away. Was it unnecessary? Or for other reasons. Lu Yan couldn't guess what a god was thinking, but fortunately he didn't have to worry about it.

  When he picked up the photo frame again and prepared to put it into the black leather protective sleeve, his eyes noticed the changes in the photo.

  There is one less blurry figure in the photo, and it should be said that there is one more person with a clear face.

  In the lower right corner of the dining table, a person wearing a layered but not fussy black classic dress is sitting in the corner of the dining table with her head propped up on her right hand. It can be judged from her unclear but not blurry side face that this is a lady. female.


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