
chpater 4

Chapter 16: The grumpy old pigeon: "Why am I being looked down upon!"

  "Ahem, Miss Anne, you don't want to see Deacon Sesima either." Carlos looked at Miss Anne innocently with his sapphire eyes.

  "You guys!" Miss Anne's face gradually turned ugly, but she seemed to have thought of something, and then she took a few steps back and hid in the room. The inferior wooden door was also opened by her, and the whole room was in Lu Yan's eyes. The three of them were open.

  "Don't you all dare to come in? Are the men of Loen a bunch of people like this?" Annie chuckled, with a little ridicule on her face.

  This taunt was not harmful to Lu Yan at all, because he was not a resident of the Loen Kingdom. But for the strong Carlos, he couldn't bear such ridicule.

  "You want to go in?" Lu Yan pointed to the dark guest room. The light from the corridor could not invade the room at all, as if it was blocked by a layer of sticky darkness.

  Carlos subconsciously took a few steps back. This kind of weird room didn't look like a good place.

  Lu Yan saw that Annie no longer had the sincerity to negotiate, so he turned on the safety of the silver pistol at his waist.

  "Annie Hull!" Lu Yan's silver eyes reflected the dark colors in the room, and his cold tone made Carlos' hairs stand on end.

  "Bang." The silver demon-hunting bullet was pulled forward by a mysterious force.

  The mysterious pocket watch was created by the extraordinary characteristics of a sequence four mystic, and was mixed with some extraordinary characteristics of lower sequences during the creation process, which made its abilities very weird.

  Facing this infallible gain, Lu Yan had seen it in the classics of the Church of the Night. It was said to be a scroll magic created by an ascetic monk from the Moss Ascetic Order, an ancient organization established in the Fourth Age.

  There are many similar scroll magics, but most of them have disappeared in the long river of history. Perhaps some are still preserved in the Church of Steam.

  As Lu Yan put down his pistol, Carlos's eyes followed. Lu Yan covered his forehead and sighed: "There are five minutes left."

  "Annie Hull!" Lu Yan fired two more demon-hunting bullets while he still had some energy left.

  "Bishop!" Carlos looked at Lu Yan with a worried expression. He was very clear about the side effects of extraordinary weapons. Even if the owner of an extraordinary item is recognized, it will have some impact on the user. This matter started with Deacon Sesima. This can be seen in the fact that they don't dare to use the holy sword that they have recognized as their master too much.

  "I have nothing to do. Please pay attention to the changes in the room." Lu Yan's eyes moved slightly, and his spiritual intuition told him that this matter would not end so easily.

  The darkness in the room was like a glass curtain being broken. The demon-hunting bullets made a dull and sharp sound when they hit the strange objects. Although Lu Yan couldn't tell what the hit rate was, he knew that he definitely didn't hit that person. Miss Anne.

  The two rounds of demon-hunting bullets seemed to break some balance after they entered the room. The light from the corridor poured into the room, and the dark room gradually turned into a dim color at this moment.

  "Don't go in yet." Lu Yan stopped Carlos who was about to move forward, and at the same time pressed the palm of his hand against the mysterious pocket watch. He expected the time to be ten minutes, but now that it was seven minutes, he couldn't hold it anymore.

  As the pocket watch was sealed again, Lu Yan's condition quickly returned to normal. When using the pocket watch, he was like a pond with water flowing in and out at the same time. However, the water flowing out was far slower than the water filling speed. This caused the water in the pond to be filled. The water level is increasing rapidly.

  Before Carlos could ask why, Lu Yan threw in an ordinary spell flame obtained from Mir.

  Flame, a flame like a stream of light broke through the obstruction of darkness and bloomed into brilliant sparks in the room. The temperature of the flying sparks was diluted by the air, and even if it fell on the quilt, it would not be able to ignite the linen.

  Everything in the room was illuminated by the firelight for a few seconds. Although the time was not long, it was enough for the three of them to see clearly what was inside the room.

  There is a figure in the room! But no one alive!

  Dolls are placed one after another on the surrounding walls, with delicate faces and lively eyes like real people.

  The most important thing is that these dolls are all wearing gorgeous clothes, and the dolls' delicate faces may make some people feel crazy.

  "Where did Annie go?" Carlos asked in confusion. This time, he really couldn't think of any clues that could determine her whereabouts.

  Claes walked into the room and lit the gas lamp. The continuous light illuminated most of the room, which also allowed them to more intuitively see the puppet leaning against the wall.

  "After a cursory inspection, there were nearly twenty dolls stacked in the room, but the piece of clothing in the commission was still not found among them." Klass glanced at it for a few times and almost saw through the reality in the room.

  "I think Mrs. Genia's beautifully made dress should be used on the best dolls. If it doesn't appear here, it can only be in the wardrobe." Lu Yan said his speculation with a faint smile.

  After seeing Carlos' confused expression, Lu Yan explained: "Annie is just a stand-in, a stand-in to attract attention." Lu Yan pointed at one of the dolls and said, "This doll's Only three of the five fingers were completed, which shows that the other party may have left in a hurry."

  "The clothes on the dolls here are more gorgeous than the last. Especially the craftsmanship of the clothes on the doll being made is far superior to other dolls." Lu Yan said as he looked at the wardrobe with ghostly eyes.

  These were all his guesses, but in fact everyone had their own ideas, and he didn't know whether Anne would make a doll out of the best clothes first.

  "So he was forced to leave before he could make a doll out of Miss Audrey's clothes?" Carlos understood what Lu Yan wanted to express based on the information given by Lu Yan.

  Lu Yan showed a look of relief, and then said: "Let's take a rest first and wait for the brothers from the Church of Storms to handle the follow-up of the matter."

  "Why?" Claes was a little confused as to why Lu Yan didn't open the closet and take a look. The Church of Storms didn't know how long it would take to come over. It would be bad if he opened the closet after a long delay and there was no evening dress inside. Got it!

  "Anne Hull is a Sequence Seven. If she leaves behind a trail in the closet, what should we do?" Lu Yan was silent for a moment, then turned and walked out of the room.

  After hearing this, Krass quickly understood the meaning of Lu Yan's words. Facing a Sequence Seven Beyonder, their actions were actually so smooth. There may be a big danger waiting for them! Thinking of this, Klaas felt a little moved in his heart. Bishop Lu Yan thought about their safety before doing everything. He was really a very good boss. If it had been him, he would have fallen into the trap by now!

  Lu Yan didn't dare to underestimate a Sequence Seven, not to mention that this Sequence Seven's true form had probably been hiding when they arrived, and after such a long delay, he might have disappeared long ago. Luckily his goal was just to find the evening gown.

  As for the support from Red Gloves, Lu Yan smiled faintly. It was just a show he made to deceive this cautious witch lady.

  Claes' eyes moved slightly, he lowered his head and pondered for a moment. He thought of many things, many things about Bishop Lu Yan. But when he looked up, the man had already left the room and was leaning against the window in the corridor, looking at the scenery in the distance.

  "Carlos, I shouldn't have interfered with your future, but if...if you think Bishop Lu Yan is not bad, maybe you can follow him for the time being. I think your boss will agree." Claes struggled for a long time. , and finally decided to make this suggestion.

  He had previously persuaded his cousin, hoping that he could be an ordinary Nighthawk and not need to join the Red Gloves to take risks. However, the fashionable and young Carlos was a bit rebellious and insisted on joining the Red Gloves to prove himself. .

  There were times when he was so bloody that he did not dare to return to his home. He only dared to write a letter and complain to him.

  "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it." Klass shook his head.

  After all, he chose not to interfere with Carlos's decision. After all, Carlos was an adult and was no longer a follower behind him.

  "I will consider it." Carlos' eyes were a little dodgey, because he felt that he was sorry for Deacon Sesima.

  "You!" Claes suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Carlos, only to find that his cousin had escaped from the room.

  Carlos has long known that he is not suitable for Red Gloves. After all, he is not very smart and is only suitable to be a tool man. As a member of the Red Gloves, there must be no shortcomings. Everyone must have the ability to stand alone. But he didn't, which is why he was often taken care of by Deacon Sesima.

  Master Lu Yan is a good person and treats his subordinates well, so following him is a good choice. The most important thing is that with Bishop Lu Yan as his external brain, he can continue to mess up!


  "The old brothers from the Church of Storms have arrived." The breeze blew through Lu Yan's hair, and at the same time, it also blew his heart longing for freedom.

  In the distance, the large team of the Church of Storms had passed through the straight passage, and Lu Yan's eyes met their leader in the air. He turned away and walked down the stairs unhurriedly, saying as he walked: "Entrust Bishop Storm to help us complete this trivial matter."

  Klaas covered his face with a hat. Although he didn't know which bishop was coming, he would always be right to take precautions early.

  "Bishop Albarelli, it seems that someone else arrived at the Champs Elysees Hotel before us." A group of people from the Church of Storms finally solved the trouble. After seizing the time, they rushed to the Champs Elysees Hotel and found that someone else had already arrived at the Champs Elysees Hotel. , even if there is no anger in my heart, I am extremely depressed.

  "Let's take a look. It seems that the person here is an acquaintance of mine?" Albarelli said with some uncertainty. His white beard trembled as he spoke, making him look like a wise man.

  "Sorry, we came to the Champs Elysees Hotel to investigate an extraordinary incident, but we didn't inform you because of time constraints." Lu Yan walked to the front of the Church of Storms team in a bishop's attire.

  Lu Yan tapped his chest several times clockwise to identify himself and at the same time to warn the Church of Storms not to mess around.

  Bishop Albarelli stared at Lu Yan for a long time, and then said doubtfully: "If it is the Church of Dark Night, it makes no sense to me, but how come I have never heard of your name in the Church of Dark Night."

  He has rough and dark skin, his hair has turned white, he is over sixty years old, and he has a bad temper. He should be an angry citizen of the Tyrant Series 8.

  "I will officially take office as bishop three months later. The news has not been announced yet. Naturally, the Church of Storms will not know the secrets of our Church of Night, right?" Lu Yan's tone did not change much, but the meaning behind his words was Albare's. Bishop Li felt a little uncomfortable.

  This level of irony is enough. If the output is increased, the Church of Storms will probably fight with them. This is something that neither party can benefit from.

  "It is said that the members of the Church of Storms are all natural combat masters. Now they look really heroic. Just by looking at them, you can feel the momentum of the sea." Lu Yan changed his style and used some good words to praise the old friends of Storm. .

  Compared to what they were asked to do, this little bit of praise was insignificant. But that's what they won't know.

  "Hahaha, it turns out I misunderstood. The staff of the Church of the Night are still polite as always. You must be the bishop of the Church of the Night. I believe this." Bishop Albarelli said with a hearty smile.

  Ordinary people would not make him so happy if he praised him, but it would be different if he was the bishop of the Church of the Night. This feeling from above was really great, even if he was already sixty-five years old.

  Seeing that Brother Storm had taken the bait, Lu Yan changed his expression and said in an embarrassed tone: "If we had such a powerful power as the Church of Storm, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net wouldn't be messed up by a small wardrobe. Worried."

  Carlos and Claes stood behind Lu Yan and were stunned for a long time, wondering why the way Bishop Lu Yan communicated with the Church of Storms was different from what they thought.

  Also, why could members of the Church of Storms, who are known for their bad temper, talk to Bishop Lu Yan so cheerfully, even though the atmosphere was so tense just a second ago that it looked like they were about to start a fight at any time.

  "Don't worry, isn't it just a wardrobe? You can leave this matter to us. After all, the Church of Storm and the Church of Night are the two major churches of Loen. Naturally, they must support each other to avoid being made bigger by the Church of Steam." Bishop Albarelli spoke Without being tactful at all, I said these things carelessly.

  What he said was a bit overwhelming to Lu Yan, and he even had a hint of whether his decision to deceive Brother Storm into doing things was correct. Is Bishop Albarelli's temper an exception to the Church of Storms, or is Alger's temper at the Tarot Club an exception? Maybe they can compromise?

  Lu Yan glanced at Claas out of the corner of his eye, and after finding that there was nothing unusual about him, he continued: "The wardrobe is still on the second floor of the Champs Elysees Hotel. What we lost was a night church-style evening dress."

  Lu Yan sighed deeply in front of Bishop Albarelli, and then continued: "The other party is a witch, but she ran away for unknown reasons. The wardrobe she left behind may be a trap."

  "After all, the other party is a Sequence Seven witch. If the Church of Storms gets hurt because of our affairs, it will really be detrimental to the friendship between the two major churches. Let's solve it ourselves." Lu Yan said while observing Brother Storm's behavior After confirming that the other party had taken the bait, Lu Yan turned to the Carlos brothers and said, "Let's move the closet back."

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 17 Your mummy powder charm has arrived.

  Bishop Albarelli felt that he was looked down upon by the people of the Church of Night. How could he endure this as a grumpy brother of the Church of Storms!

  "You don't need to move back, I will solve this matter for you! Our Church of Storms can easily solve this trivial matter!"

  After he finished speaking, he turned back to the members of the Church of Storms behind him and said, "Let the bishop of the Church of Night see the capabilities of our Church of Storms!"

  As Bishop Albarelli finished speaking, the accompanying Extraordinaries tapped their right fists on their left chests and shouted in unison: "The storm is with you!"

  Lu Yan turned around and looked at Bishop Albarelli, tapped his chest four times clockwise, drew a crimson moon and said, "May the goddess bless you."

  Lu Yan didn't know whether Bishop Albarelli was aware of his intentions, but it didn't matter anymore, because the other party had already decided to do him this favor.

  When Lu Yan approached the closet in the room not long ago, his extremely high spirituality gave him a premonition of danger, which made him know that he could not solve the danger in the closet.

  Unfortunately, none of the current high-sequence experts in the Church of Dark Night are available. After some thought, he wanted to ask Krass to seek help from the Church of Steam. But the Church of Storms that happened to appear made him change his mind. The Champs Elysees Hotel was originally the jurisdiction of the grumpy old guys, and it was normal for them to deal with the danger themselves.

  After Brother Storm made his decision, he took action, while Carlos and Claes followed Lu Yan. At the front of the team was Bishop Albarelli, who was preparing to deal with the wardrobe left by the witch.

  "I'm very sorry. I was so worried about the extraordinary incident just now that I forgot to ask you which bishop of the Church of Storms you are." Lu Yan asked as he walked.

  Although he successfully deceived the grumpy old buddy, he still needs to maintain the relationship between the two before the goal is achieved. Well, at least until the end of time this time.

  "My name is Albarelli. I am the bishop of the River and Sea Church in Tingen City. I came to Backlund a few days ago to handle a small matter." Albarelli said with a cheerful smile.

  "It's really a fateful thing. I'm going to serve as the bishop of St. Selina Church in Tingen City next month." A slight smile appeared on Lu Yan's face.


  "This is where the wardrobe left by the witch is." Lu Yan said in the corridor, pointing to the room next to the bathroom.

  "Did you just have a fight here?" Bishop Albarelli frowned and asked with some uncertainty.

  "The witch's name is Annie Hull. The three of us fought with her, but only her double was killed." Lu Yan shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

  There were many fewer things in the room than when Lu Yan came in, such as those dolls and some written records. This did not disappear out of thin air, but was placed in another room by Carlos in advance. According to Carlos, those dolls are very valuable! It cannot be left in the room to get moldy.

  After Bishop Albarelli entered the room, he walked around and finally stopped in front of the closet that Lu Yan mentioned.

  Wardrobes are made of thin wooden boards and are the most common furniture found in middle- and lower-middle-class homes. In order to legally increase the charges, the Champs Hotel chose to apply a layer of grease to the wardrobe. Make the wardrobe look like real wood furniture.

  "There is danger in the closet, be careful." Lu Yan reminded him kindly. There was no enmity between him and Bishop Albarelli, and there was no reason to use the wardrobe left by the witch to trap him.

  Bishop Albarelli has no intention of opening the closet directly. He is confident that he can solve the danger in the closet, but it cannot be solved with bare hands. He must also deal with the attack methods left by Sequence Seven very carefully.

  "Jayne, take out the 2-05 sealed object we brought, be careful not to let it come into contact with light." Albarelli smiled. He turned around, glanced at Lu Yan with his blue eyes, and then said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm going to turn out the lights."

  Before Lu Yan could respond, Bishop Albarelli had already walked to the side of the kerosene lamp, and the weak flame was extinguished by Bishop Albarelli's blow.

  The darkness once again occupied the entire room. At this moment, Jayne took out a dazzling ball of light. Its light was far more powerful than the flickering sparks of the kerosene lamp. After occupying the entire room, there was also a dazzling light ball outside the door. diffusion trend.

  "Are you sure this isn't a sealed object of the Eternal Sun Church?" Carlos whispered beside Lu Yan.

  Carlos's complaints were not isolated by any extraordinary force, so they would naturally be heard by Bishop Albarelli. But he didn't feel angry at all. Instead, he laughed heartily and said, "This sealed object was seized from a heretic from Intis."

  "There can be no heresy in Lun." Lu Yan said with a slight smile.

  Bishop Albarelli obviously liked Lu Yan's answer, so he took the initiative to reveal more information: "The power of this sealed object is very powerful, and all extraordinary powers that are contrary to its properties will gradually dissolve in its light, but If it comes into contact with external light, it will disappear and disappear along with the external light."

  Bishop Albarelli said carelessly, not afraid that Lu Yan would know about the flaw of this extraordinary weapon. After all, the Eternal Sun Church is the common enemy of the Church of Night and the Church of Storms.

  Lu Yan did not respond to Albarelli's words, but focused his eyes on the brown-red wardrobe. With his extremely high spirituality, he could sense that the power in the wardrobe was triggered by the light!

  "Be careful!" Lu Yan's pupils narrowed, and his fingers on the pocket watch quickly opened the cover and blocked the Carlos brothers behind him.

  Krass had been on guard since the arrival of the Church of Storms, so Lu Yan's warning was naturally his quickest reaction.

  He quickly pulled Carlos and Lu Yan back a few steps. It wasn't until they reached the corner that they could no longer retreat, and Claes let go of his hand.

  The brother from the Church of Storms did hear Lu Yan's urgent cry, but he was injured by the blue ice crystals that exploded in the closet before he could translate his words into action orders.

  Yaoyang's ball of light emits more dazzling light in Jayne's hand. It's not that the light has become stronger, but that the light in the air has become denser after being refracted by the ice crystals that burst out in the closet!

  The ice crystals that exploded in the closet dispersed into the air, but did not produce as much damage as expected. As the light penetrated the ice crystals, it also gradually melted. As a result, Jayne became the only uninjured person among the Church of Storms members.

  Although Bishop Albarelli was on guard, his dark and rough skin was still scratched by the ice crystals, leaving several obvious blood marks on his skin.

  "Bishop?" The members of the Church of Storms were a little worried about their bishop, but they didn't dare to step forward rashly. My bishop is good in every way, but he has a bit of a good reputation. If I go up and see his shameful side, I'm afraid he will be put in the shoes of others in the future.

  "Ahem, I have nothing to do. The closet has been opened and the danger inside has been solved by us." Bishop Albarelli coughed a few times and couldn't hold on anymore. He took two steps with Lu Yan on his back. Said: "Jayne, you can put away the sealed artifact. Let's go see the gentleman's body first."

  Bishop Albarelli supported the wooden door with one hand and tried his best to protect his face. This time their action almost made a mistake. It would be fine in normal times, but the bishop of the Church of Night is watching from the side now. For the face of the Church of Storms, even if he wants to die, he must die somewhere they can't see.

  Upon seeing this, Jayne quickly put the sealed object into a closed and specially coated box. As the light ball was restricted again, the small room returned to darkness.

  At this moment, Jayne felt something like a small note in his hand, which almost made him open the box where the sealed items were stored again, but fortunately Lu Yan stopped him directly.

  "Jayne, here are some healing charms. Well, there is also a charm made of mummy powder. Please help me bring these things to Bishop Albarelli. This is my personal help to him this time. A small thank you." Lu Yan's weak voice sounded next to Jayne.

  Jayne originally wanted to refuse, because their bishop might not like these spells. This was his understanding of the bishop's character. In his eyes, the bishop was a serious and kind elder, but his body inexplicably received the spell passed by Lu Yan before his brain.

  "Jayne, take the rest of the team and prepare to leave." Bishop Albarelli shouted urgently.

  Before Jayne could find a chance to reject him, Lu Yan relit the kerosene lamp in the room. The light was weak but could still let people see the people around him. Under the gazes of other people in the room, Jayne could only take back his thoughts. He glanced at Lu Yan with some depression before following Bishop Albarelli's footsteps.

  "Let's go see if there is Mrs. Genia's missing piece of clothing in the closet." Lu Yan said with a sigh as he watched the Church of Storms and others leave.

  When the ice crystals in the wardrobe broke open, he once again opened the cover of the mysterious pocket watch, but this time he was a little disappointed with the buff he received. The effect of the buff can be described very appropriately as "convincing people with reason". , the effect is to increase the credibility of words, somewhat similar to the ability of the judge path.

  Jayne was influenced by his ability to convince people with reason, which led him to subconsciously accept Lu Yan's thank you gift without thinking about it.

  "I'll come find him!" Carlos volunteered and stood in front of Lu Yan. He could no longer stand behind others like a pitiful slug. Along the way, he felt more like the one being protected. !

  If it hadn't been for Bishop Lu Yan's reminder this time, the backhand left by Witch Anne would have been triggered by him, and he might have turned into an ice crystal hedgehog.

  "May the goddess keep the evening dress intact." Lu Yan tapped his chest four times clockwise. This matter was almost over for him, and he hoped that nothing would happen in the last few steps.

  "The clothes are intact!" Carlos excitedly took out the clothes hanging on the far right side of the closet, and a gorgeous and tranquil black evening dress appeared in front of them.

  A smile appeared on Klas's face when he saw this. Although he did not catch the culprit who stole the clothes, his cousin completed his task, which made him very happy.

  "In that case, I want to go back to St. Hilary's Church to report this matter first." Claes planned to report the matter of Witch Anne to the church after returning to the church. As for how the church would view this matter, he did not know. You know, after all, the high-sequence strong men of the church prefer to hide and study mechanical parts.

  "Take all these clothes with you." Lu Yan packed the other clothes in the wardrobe and handed them to Claes. Facing Kras' puzzled look, he added: "The manufacturer of the lost clothes is within the jurisdiction of the Church of Steam."

  Claes realized that he had made a mistake and smiled a little embarrassedly. After taking the clothes, he quickly left the Champs Elysees Hotel without even saying goodbye to Carlos.

  "Why did Claes leave in such a hurry?" Carlos murmured in confusion.

  Lu Yan waved his hand to express that he didn't know, then looked at the clothes in Carlos' hand and said, "Take the clothes back to the church first, and then send them back to Mrs. Genia after they are purified."

  "It should be purified." Carlos nodded. Then he remembered another thing, so he asked Lu Yan: "Those dolls?"

  A person's name flashed in Lu Yan's mind, and then he said with unknown meaning: "You keep it first. I will contact a few people in a few months. He should be interested in these dolls."

  "Well..." Carlos didn't dare to say anything, didn't dare to ask anything, and could only nod. UU read www.uukanshu.net

  "What are you thinking about? I'll take you with me to the next transaction." Lu Yan said angrily. I really don't know what it is about Carlos' head that allows him to think so divergently in these strange directions.

  Lu Yan rolled his eyes at Carlos and walked out of the room. This time, he was really grateful to Brother Storm for his help. Otherwise, he would not have taken out the charm with mummy powder to thank Bishop Albarelli. You must know that mummy powder The charms can even be sold for two to three hundred pounds each!

  At this time, Bishop Albarelli was furious in the room on the other side of the corridor, and his white beard kept shaking with his movements!

  "Wild Extraordinaries are getting more and more arrogant! Now they dare to make such moves within the jurisdiction of our Church of Storms! He is still a Sequence Seven Extraordinary!" Bishop Albarelli said with a twisted expression.

  His large facial expressions caused blood to flow out again from the wounds on his face that were scratched by ice crystals, and a few drops even fell to the floor.

  "Lord...Bishop, this is the healing spell that the Bishop of the Church of the Night asked me to give you as a gift!" Jayne said in a weak tone. If he hadn't agreed to the other party inexplicably, he would never want to get in trouble with Bishop Albarelli at this time. .

  "Well! When will our Church of Storms need gifts from others? Send them back to me! Add some spells from our Church of Storms and give them to him! Tell him that our Church of Storms does not lack these things!" Albarelli! The bishop said with wide eyes.

  "But... Bishop, he said this was given to you in his name. There is also a charm made of... mummy powder." Jayne bit the bullet and conveyed all Lu Yan's words to the bishop. God knows. What will he face next! The Church of Night had done him a lot of harm!

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 18 Just for fun

  "No matter what kind of spell it is! Give it back to him doubled and let him see the strength of our church!" Bishop Albarelli said with a red face.

  "Yes, Bishop, I'll send it back right away..." Jayne breathed a sigh of relief. The bishop is really a sensible sage, and he knows that the bishop will not accept these things.

  Jayne turned around and was about to leave the room when he was stopped by the bishop again.

  "What did you just say? A charm made of mummy powder! Come and show it to me!" Bishop Albarelli's tone suddenly became much calmer, and the ferocious expression on his face became calm. It seemed that he was not the one who was angry just now.

  "Okay...Okay, Bishop." Jayne nodded confusedly. He didn't know why his Bishop's attitude changed so quickly. Could it be that the Bishop really took a fancy to these charms?

  "Ahem, I think the gift given to me by the Bishop of the Church of the Night cannot be returned to the other party. After all, it represents the friendship between our two major churches. We have to give him a gift in return." Albarelli The bishop flipped through the charms that Jayne handed over a few times, and a charm that exuded a pleasant aura for men lay quietly on the bottom.

  "It's really a charm made of mummy powder!" Bishop Albarelli's cloudy eyes brightened a lot at this moment.

  I wonder if he still has such a charm. Many thoughts flashed through Bishop Albarelli's mind, but in the end he suppressed his thoughts. Elderly people should exercise restraint!

  "Bishop, what is the use of the mummy powder charm?" Jayne was a little curious. This kind of charm that he had never heard of could actually make the bishop's heart flutter. Based on the name, you can guess whether the spell can bring the dead back to life!

  The more Jayne thought about it, the more it made sense. It is said that a mummy is a strange creature between life and death!

  "Children, don't ask so many questions. You will understand when you grow up." Bishop Albarelli scolded Jayne slightly. He couldn't explain the use of this thing in front of so many people.

  "But, Bishop, I am already twenty-one years old." There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Jayne's tone. He looked much older than the Bishop of the Church of the Night! There is no reason for the other party to know, but he cannot know!

  "Ahem, let's not talk about this for now. Take five of the storm charms we carry and give them to the Bishop of the Night. Emperor Russell said: "Reciprocity! "." Bishop Albarelli admired the charm in his hand. This was the most perfect work of art he had ever seen!

  "By the way, give me one of the talismans that Lord Saint Holland left for me. Anyway, I have three. We can't let the Church of the Night underestimate us!" Bishop Albarelli pondered for a long time before deciding that he wanted to make good friends with this man. A bishop of the night, for which he was willing to pay for a spell made by a saint!

  Jayne looked at Bishop Albarelli in disbelief. He did not expect that the Lord Bishop would actually make this decision. The power of thunder contained in the spell made by Lord Saint Holland was equivalent to a full blow of the Saint! Bishop Albarelli gave three spells to the saint of the Church of Storms who was born and died!

  "Don't doubt my decision. This is a long-term investment. What's more, the other party will soon go to St. Selina Church in Tingen, and he will often deal with us." Bishop Albarelli did not care at all about the sacrifice. Lord Zhang Shengzhe's spell, after all, the power in the spell will gradually lose, and it cannot be passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom.

  "By the way, don't we know each other's names yet!" Bishop Albarelli suddenly remembered this incident, which almost made him lose his composure in front of others!

  "Yes, Lord Bishop..."


  Lu Yan, who had already walked out of the Champs Elysees Hotel, suddenly seemed to notice something. He opened his spiritual vision to observe the things that were entangled with his destiny.

  There is also a very weak connection between Carlos, Claes, and Bishop Albarelli. It seems to be the extraordinary person beside Bishop Albarelli named Jayne.

  "Huh?" Lu Yan's spirituality was touched again. This time he seemed to notice some changes in the future. It was a feeling of regret. He didn't know where it came from.

  "Bishop Lu Yan? What happened?" Carlos saw Lu Yan paused outside the door of the Champs Elysees Hotel and thought that Bishop Lu Yan had thought of the whereabouts of Witch Anne.

  "It's okay, call me Lu Yan, or call me Sotos. Adding the suffix of bishop after the name seems a bit unfamiliar." Lu Yan said with a slight smile.

  He seemed to feel the flow of destiny at that moment, as if he had reached an important node in his predetermined destiny. This feeling was a bit like he had cleared a copy of a game.

  Walk? Or stay?

  Lu Yan hesitated for a second, but finally chose to leave, because this choice was the most beneficial to him at the moment, and he needed to digest his potion as soon as possible.

  Although staying at the Champs Elysees Hotel may trigger additional events, with his Sequence 9 strength, it is still just for fun.

  "Go back to St. Samuel's Church first. This commission is now over." Lu Yan took off his clothes from the Church of the Night and handed them to Carlos and motioned for him to put them in his backpack.

  "Okay, Master Lu Yan...Lu Yan. Do we need to take the remaining dolls back?" Carlos has no objection to Lu Yan's decision, but the handling of those dolls must be arranged first, otherwise they will be used by other people. If tourists see it, it may damage the image of the Church of the Night.

  "I have contacted Backlund Moving Company and will move to Deacon Sesima's house on Jinchihua Street during the night tonight." Lu Yan doesn't care about social death, because he has the abilities of the Nameless One, those People can't remember him at all.

  "Does Deacon Sesima know about this?" Carlos suddenly felt a lot of small beads of sweat coming out of his back. Deacon Sesima wouldn't be furious if he knew this! Carlos speculated uneasily.

  "It's time to write a letter to Deacon Sesima. After all, these things will be stored for several months." Lu Yan nodded slightly, and at the same time reached out to stop the steam locomotive heading to St. Samuel's Church.

  "Mr. Bishop, will you be at Jinchihua Street this month? Can I go to you when I don't have a mission?" Carlos said after paying the eight pence fare for the two of them.

  There were not many passengers in the car at this time. Lu Yan randomly found a seat in the back seat by the window and sat down. Carlos followed closely behind him. When both of them sat down, he took the seat from his backpack. Among them, he took out the Backlund Daily I bought this morning.

  "I'm there most of the time. Extraordinary incidents have occurred frequently in the Church of the Night's jurisdiction recently. I think you may not be too free." Lu Yan took the newspaper handed by Carlos and read it with relish.

  In the morning, he read the newspaper at a glance in order to find out the news about the Champs Elysees Hotel. He did not read the newspaper seriously at all. Taking advantage of his free time now, he could find many interesting things by carefully reading the newspaper.

  "An excellent work about love, hatred, and hatred, "Storm Villa" was sold at a discount and was snapped up by the public." Lu Yan noticed this news in the upper right corner of the newspaper. He turned away and asked, "This book Is the author of the book famous?"

  A slight smile appeared on Lu Yan's face. He naturally knew the author of this book, Forsi. Forsi was an important role in the Tarot Club founded by Mr. Fool, and he was also a lucky person. .

  Carlos shook his head, and after sorting out his words, he said, "I don't know, I don't like reading this kind of love story, but my parents quite like this book."

  He couldn't understand the life-and-death love in the book, and he couldn't understand what kind of novel "Stormhouse" is, love? Suspense? Or reasoning? He didn't understand why the author's brain circuit was so strange. In his opinion, this book is not as good as the Backlund Entertainment Newspaper.

  Lu Yan folded the newspaper in half and placed it between the two chairs. He looked through the window at a Gothic bell tower in the distance. It was a bell tower called the Bell of Order. It was a landmark building in Backlund. The bell tower Next to it sits Sodrak Palace, the seat of the Loen royal family.

  "I wonder if the priest in white is in the palace now." Lu Yan thought of the record in Zhou Mingrui's biography about the incident in which George III became a god. A king who appeared to be the fifth king wanted to become a god in one step.

  The steam locomotive drove along the bridge over the Tasoke River in the direction of St. Samuel's Church. Lu Yan took out the pocket watch in his pocket and glanced at the time before leaning on his chair and resting with his eyes slightly lowered.

  The mysterious pocket watch is a very strange sealed object. It does not actively inject spiritual power. This is a very exquisitely crafted pocket watch that is very easy to use. The only drawback was the occasional gibbering, which fortunately had little effect on him.


  When Jayne went straight to the first floor of the Champs Elysees Hotel with Bishop Albarelli's return gift to Lu Yan, Lu Yan had already taken a steam locomotive on his way to St. Samuel's Church. Without meeting Lu Yan, he had no choice but to go back and report to Bishop Albarelli.

  "We will rest here all night today. I have already reported the attack on us to the church. When there is a result on this matter, you can send it to him." Bishop Albarelli did not pay too much attention. For this matter, it makes no difference to him whether he delivers it sooner or a few days later, and it's not like he won't survive a few days.

  "Who dares to ambush and attack us on the road we must pass! Could it be related to the witch?" Bishop Albarelli narrowed his eyes slightly and stroked his white beard with one hand, wondering where he was going. place.

  Jayne sealed the charm in a special box and delivered it in a few days. It was easy to say, but he didn't even know the other person's name, and now he felt like he had forgotten what the other person looked like.


  "Bishop Elektra, there is a result about the incident of Mrs. Genia's missing clothes. The initiator is a Sequence Seven witch named Anne. We only solved her stand-in, but she herself is missing." Under Lu Yan's instructions, Los reported to Bishop Elektra what happened in the past few days.

  "You actually met a Sequence Seven witch!" Bishop Elektra said in a surprised tone. After tapping his chest four times clockwise, he continued: "Next time you encounter an Extraordinary who is stronger than you, don't fight head-on! You can ask the church for help first. In Loen, the Church of Night is still capable of dealing with Extraordinaries who cross the line. of."

  "Definitely next time, but now there is another thing that needs your help. This piece of clothing is Backlund's most dazzling jewel, Miss Audrey Hall's evening dress. Although we have recovered it, we cannot I know if there is any curse left on it, so I ask for your help." Lu Yan handed the clothes in his hand to Bishop Elektra.

  "This dress should be worn at the high mass the day after tomorrow, right?" Bishop Elektra said casually while looking at the decorative patterns in the style of the Church of the Night on the dress. But before Lu Yan could answer, he continued to add: "You also need to attend the high mass the day after tomorrow, and you also need to appear in public."

  "I don't have a problem, you just have to make arrangements." Lu Yan responded lazily after finding a chair and sitting down.

  He did not think that the goddess had not discovered the characteristics of the unknown person in him. Since the goddess already knew about this and arranged for him to attend the high mass, it meant that there was something that Lu Yan needed to complete during the high mass.

  "Will Deacon Sesima come back at that time?" Lu Yan asked, as if remembering something, he put away his previous lazy look.

  Bishop Elektra shook his head and said: "As a rule, Master Sesima needs to be present at all large-scale events this year, but sometimes there are always surprises, so I don't know."

  "This piece of clothing should be taken care of before noon tomorrow." Bishop Elektra took the clothes handed over by Lu Yan and said with a serious expression.

  He knew that Audrey was Earl Hall's beloved daughter, so he was more concerned about this matter.

  "Sorry to trouble you, it's time for Carlos and I to take a rest." Lu Yan stood up from his chair, stretched, said goodbye to the two of them, and walked to his room in the Church of the Night.

  As evening approached, St. Samuel's Church seemed particularly lively, not in terms of atmosphere, but in terms of number of people. One after another, ladies and gentlemen come to the Church of the Night to find spiritual solace.

  Most of the people who come to pray are women and wealthy businessmen and nobles, while the middle class likes to come to church to pray on Sundays. People in the East End rarely go to church to pray because they feel that quarter-penny beer can bring more spirituality. comfort on.

  Lu Yan walked through the dark corridor of the church and turned a few more corners before reaching his room. I haven't come back for a few days, but the things in the room have not changed at all.

  The night is quiet, and tonight is another good night's sleep.


  After leaving the Champs Hotel, Miss Anne walked all the way down the Tasok River. After walking for a long time, she changed her clothes and got on the steam locomotive for the return trip.

  Members of the Witch Cult have arrived in Backlund one after another, and their designated plan has quietly begun in secret.

  "What a pity! A good contact point has been lost like this." Anne looked at the Champs Elysees Hotel in the distance and gradually disappeared from her sight. She laughed a few times and then ignored this matter. She was just playing for fun. .

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 19 Only it can match you

  It's just a pity that her carefully made dolls couldn't be delivered on time to the vampire who paid a lot of money to customize them.

  Even if she is a Sequence Seven Beyonder, she still has to worry about life. A few days ago, she took an order from a vampire. The transaction was to customize a life-size doll for him based on the clothes provided by the vampire. She agreed because the transaction amount was huge.

  The order was almost halfway completed, and she wanted to relax a little, but she didn't expect that the gentleman had no endurance at all, so the Witch Sect contact point she had spent a lot of effort building was discovered.

  What depresses her most is that the Extraordinaries of the Church of the Night are also involved in this case. If only the Sheriff handles this matter, the secret contact point she established will not be discovered. She wanted to take revenge and go back, but considering that the other party was the bishop of the Church of the Night, she could only leave the matter as it was.

  The steam locomotive drove for an unknown length of time, and it was not until the sun set that Annie stood up from her position. Hopefully, she can live a peaceful life for a few more days before the sect's plans officially begin.

  Things always don't go as she wants, just like when he was forced to become an Extraordinary in the Witch Sequence.

  After getting off the steam locomotive, he went to a newsstand and took out the third to last newspaper as usual.

  Anne didn't know where she was going next. She picked up the newspaper and shook it a few times. She put her fingertips on the sandwich at the bottom of the newspaper, pulled lightly and took out a piece of paper from the bottom of the newspaper.

  "Go to Tingen City and wait for the next step of the plan to begin."

  Now she knows.

  Anne leaned on the guardrail on the bank of the Tussock River and looked at Queens in the distance, with thousands of emotions flowing in her eyes. According to her teacher, the sect and the Loen royal family jointly planned a major event. The sect would select a "lucky person" to have fun with Prince Loen in the open.

  Anne asked her teacher if the "lucky guy" might choose her.

  Her teacher's face, as tender as a baby's skin, showed a sneer, and she said in a gentle but malicious tone: "You are not original enough."

  Anne didn't know what "original" meant, but that didn't stop her from wanting to have a fairy-tale encounter with the prince. He will go to Tingen City, and she will go to Sodrak Palace.

  As for her purpose, it's just for fun.

  The crimson moonlight spreads towards the Tasok River, reflecting the crimson light on the river that is not turbulent and looks like a quiet beauty, as magnificent as old red wine that has just been awakened.

  Black robes and black clothes covered their faces, and several people moved in groups in the dark. They were like mice, afraid to be exposed to Backlund's light.

  "Cooperate? We need you to help us find a young man with silver hair and silver eyes. In return, our Aurora Society will help your witch sect attract the attention of the Church of the Seven Gods." The leader of the man in black lifted his hood, revealing Your true appearance to express your sincerity.

  According to rumors, extraordinary people on the Hanged Man path can only choose two of the following three things, beauty, IQ, and joining the Aurora Society.

  Judging from the gossip, the leading man in black should be a wise member of the Aurora Society.

  "Interesting, but I can't make the decision on this matter. You have to go find my teacher, the Ageless Witch." Anne smiled disdainfully. She would only choose to do something that interests her.

  "Since you can't make your own decision, it's of no value." The man in black motioned to several members of the Aurora Society behind him to take action.

  "Say what you have to say, I promise you." Annie had a charming expression on her face and her tone was soft and cute.

  But the man in black showed no interest in this aspect at all. He waved his hand to stop his men from continuing to attack, and then said with a kind face: "Welcome to join us, you can call me Mr. K."

  Life is so helpless, Annie comforted herself. This Mr. K is a Sequence Seven like him, and the group of Aurora Society members behind her are also Beyonders. She thinks there is no need to conflict with them.

  "I know a young man with silver hair and silver eyes. Not long ago, he led a group of people and treated others rudely." Anne pretended to look pitiful. She wanted to see it on Mr. K's face. He hated that young man, but he only saw the other person's ridicule.

  "Take me to find the other party. Don't interfere in the rest of the matter, and don't make your own decisions!" Mr. K glanced at Witch Anne with disdain. What he wanted to do was not to kill Lu Yan, but to kill Lu Yan. It was brought back to the sanctuary. But he would not disclose such important information to outsiders.

  "I really don't know how this witch fell in love with the Ageless Witch. In terms of looks, she can't compare to her colleagues; in terms of IQ, she can't compare to me. It's probably because the Witch Sect has no one left to use." Mr. K is here He secretly mocked in his heart.


  early morning.

  Lu Yan got up very early. He didn't have much time to enjoy the fun of sleep. There was still a lot of knowledge waiting for him to learn.

  Magic potion does not directly give the user knowledge, but serves as a key to open the corresponding treasure house of knowledge. Obtaining knowledge still depends on the extraordinary person himself.

  Lu Yan extinguished the kerosene lamp on the table before standing up from the table. His eyes stayed on the black vest and white shirt in the closet for a moment and then moved away. If the price of being a gentleman is to make himself uncomfortable, then He chose not to be a gentleman.

  There are only a few pieces of clothing in the wardrobe, except for a formal suit, which are the clothes he wore when he traveled through time. The clothes are gorgeous and have many complicated extraordinary symbols hidden under the first layer of material.

  When Lu Yan reached out to take it out, he suddenly remembered something. When he returned the clothes to Mrs. Genia today, he had better put on his bishop's clothes. After all, he was accepting this commission on behalf of the Church of the Night. .

  When the time was approaching noon, Lu Yan received the evening gown from Bishop Electra. To be precise, he received an exquisite-looking box, which contained Mrs. Genia's lost midnight evening gown. .

  "After being purified by the Saint, this piece of clothing is completely clean." Bishop Elektra said excitedly. Although he could handle this piece of stolen clothing by himself, it was more reassuring to have the clothing handled by the Saint.

  "Did the Lord Saint personally take action?" Lu Yan felt that handling the matter this way was a bit overkill. But what he didn't know was that all this was because the top leaders of the Church of the Night were paying close attention to him. After all, he is the one designated by the goddess's oracle.

  "Maybe the Saint just has time to deal with this matter." Bishop Elektra didn't know why the Saint would take action personally, but it was always a good thing.

  "Well, I will return the clothes to Mrs. Genia at noon." Lu Yan stored the wooden box carefully. This was an important matter related to whether the potion could be digested, so naturally he did not dare to be careless.

  "Don't forget the high mass tomorrow morning." Bishop Elektra did not forget to remind Lu Yan before leaving. Such frequent reminders also let Lu Yan know that tomorrow night's high mass is really important.

  After all, he had to complete the goddess's mission. Whether it was the two thousand pounds given by the goddess or the care given to him in recent days, he had no reason to refuse the goddess's request.

  Lu Yan took out the Bishop's robe of the Church of Night alone. The moment he took out his clothes, he realized that wearing only one dress would be a bit thin. He stretched his hand out the window to feel the temperature in Loen today. After some testing, he felt that his idea was correct.

  The average temperature in Backlund is quite low throughout the year. The highest temperature in summer is about 28 degrees, and in winter it is slightly better at 2 degrees. It's January now. The cold wave last December hasn't completely left Backlund, and the outdoor temperature hasn't started to warm up yet.

  In the end, he planned to wear the clothes he brought with him on the innermost layer, and then cover the outer layer with the robes of the bishop of the Church of the Night. When passing by the bathroom, Lu Yan admired his appearance in the mirror. Except that the dress of the Church of the Night was a bit too big, there was no problem in other aspects.

  Perhaps when designing the bishop's robes of the Church of the Night, there was no consideration at all for a young bishop like Lu Yan.


  Mrs. Genia has been unable to sleep for several days. Although she believes that Bishop Lu Yan can find the clothes, she will not feel at ease every day if she does not find them back.

  Fortunately, she had new inspiration recently. Except for her rest time, she devoted all her time to realizing her inspiration. Only in this way could she temporarily not worry about the loss of her evening dress.

  The price of glazed white silk thread is very high, and there are few glazed white silk threads on the market. The color of glazed white requires a transparent color mixed with the ultimate white, and it must shine under the light. This is a great challenge to the dyeing process and preservation process of silk threads.

  Fortunately, she is the most famous fashion designer in Backlund, otherwise the matter of the light-glazed white silk thread would have become the biggest obstacle to realizing her inspiration.

  "Is Mrs. Genia at home now?" Lu Yan finally returned to Jinchihua Street after more than half an hour's journey. He carefully brought the box with the evening dress to Mrs. Genia's house.

  Before Mrs. Genia's servant could report the guest's visit to her, Genia, who had been waiting for several days, couldn't wait any longer. She even threw aside Luen's etiquette and came out to greet Lu Yan in person.

  "Bishop Lu Yan! Have you found the evening gown I lost?" Mrs. Genia's face was filled with half hope and half fear.

  "found it."

  Lu Yan smiled slightly. He was not only happy that Mrs. Genia had found the lost clothes, but also happy that he could digest the potion.

  "Goddess of the Night! Sorry, Lord Bishop, how can I let you stand outside the house and blow the cold wind!" Mrs. Genia realized that she was a little rude after being extremely excited. She hurriedly said, "Sorry, I'm rude. I'm so happy. Thank you, Bishop Lu Yan, for your help, and thank the goddess for your gift!"

  "Come in quickly, come in." Mrs. Genia greeted the servants to prepare afternoon tea, and kindly pulled Lu Yan towards the living room.

  When Lu Yan sat down on the sofa, Genia went to her room and took out a box that smelled of wood.

  Lu Yan didn't care when he saw this. He didn't know and had no interest in knowing what was in Mrs. Genia's box. What he is looking forward to most now is for his potion to be fully digested!

  "Can you open the box and confirm that this piece of clothing is the one you lost?" Lu Yan said sincerely.

  Mrs. Genia herself couldn't wait any longer. She opened the wooden box just as Lu Yan finished speaking. When the clothes in the box were unfolded again in her hands, Mrs. Genia almost burst into tears with excitement. , what he got back was not just a piece of clothing, but also her reputation that was about to be lost!

  "We recovered this piece of clothing yesterday, but we were afraid that the clothes would be stained by some curse, so we purified the clothes without authorization. I hope you don't mind." Lu Yan explained.

  Mrs. Genia said even more gratefully: "Thank you, thank you to the church. I also have this intention. Cursing such a thing is very terrifying, but under the light of the goddess, all evil curses will be eliminated!"

  While the two of them were free to chat, afternoon tea was served to the coffee table in front of Lu Yan by the servant.

  "You are so polite." Lu Yan picked up a delicate snack and put it into his mouth to taste it carefully. It was sour and sweet, with some strawberry jam and some vanilla flavor added.

  The soft cake burst out with a rich taste in his mouth, and the two thumb-sized cakes made him feel a little greasy. Although he didn't like coffee, he still took a sip to relieve his boredom.

  Not coffee?

  After Lu Yan took a sip, he realized that what he was drinking was not coffee, but a tea that tasted similar to the black tea he used to entertain Mrs. Genia last time.

  Mrs. Genia herself also picked up the cup and took a sip of tea and said: "UU Reading www.uukanwhhu.net When you invited me to be your guest a few days ago, I tasted the very fragrant tea at your place. Since then, I Just fall in love with drinking tea."

  "You said last time that you like glazed white the most. After you left, I got new inspiration. I designed a set of clothes for you based on the inspiration. Are you satisfied with it?" Mrs. Genia put the wooden box in The clothes were carefully taken out.

  The glazed white clothes are very beautiful, but they are very fragile until the dye completely penetrates the silk threads. This may be the price of beauty.


  Lu Yan put down the tea cup in his hand and glanced at Mrs. Genia with some flatterment. He subconsciously wanted to politely refuse this matter, but when she met Mrs. Genia's sincere eyes, he was unable to refuse the old man's heart.

  "You are too polite. As far as I know, glazed white fabric is very expensive! Please tell me the price of this piece of clothing." Lu Yan reached out to take the clothes from Mrs. Genia's hand and asked about the clothes. s price.

  "You have to know that the price of an item cannot be unified for different people." Mrs. Genia smiled softly, then pushed the wooden box containing the clothes to Lu Yan and said, "For example, In the eyes of most people, the midnight neon clothes I made are just clothes made of a bunch of fabrics, but in my own eyes, they are the crystallization of my inspiration, my commitment to Earl Hall's family, and A masterpiece that bears my reputation. To me, the price of glazed white silk thread is far from worth it."

  Mrs. Genia shifted her gaze to Lu Yan and said with respect, "Emperor Russell once said that 'a sword matches a hero'. Only clothes like this can match you."

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 20 The future and the potion formula of Sequence 8

  "Please try this piece of clothing to see if it fits you." Mrs. Genia urged Lu Yan to try on the new clothes.

  "Well, thank you." Lu Yan couldn't find any reason to refuse Mrs. Genia's kindness, so he stopped coyly.

  Under Mrs. Genia's gaze, he entered the bathroom and changed a set of clothes. Lu Yan himself did not expect to get a piece of exquisite clothing today. It was really an unexpected surprise.

  The collar of the glazed white dress uses gold thread to weave a moon flower pattern, which represents the night with you. There are two thin lines on both sides of the dress specially used to assemble the outer robe.

  The whole dress does not have much style of the Church of the Night. Mrs. Genia designed this dress with the concept of holiness and heroism. Lu Yan descended from the sky when she was most desperate and brought her the dawn of hope, so this dress The clothes are surrounded by a circle of gold thread, which represents a beam of light breaking through the darkness!

  The shirt is extended to the ankles, and the bottom is divided into several gradually shrinking inverted triangle ribbons, which can ensure maximum comfort. The pattern on the clothes is like a key, which represents the key to unlocking all difficulties.

  "It fits very well." Lu Yan praised sincerely.

  It was only when I put on this piece of clothing that I realized how big the difference was between the Bishop's robe of the Church of the Night and Mrs. Genia's craftsmanship. The Bishop's robe of the Church of the Night looked like something sewn together with several rags.

  In fact, the other bishops of the Church of the Night will most likely roll their eyes in anger after hearing Lu Yan's words. What Lu Yan said is simply a knife in their hearts. It's not that the bishop's attire of the Church of the Night is too bad, but It's the clothes Lu Yan is wearing that are so good.

  Even a designer who racks his brains to design noble royal costumes in Sodrak Palace every day may not be able to make such a piece of clothing in his lifetime. Inspiration is something that every designer dreams of but cannot find.

  After Mrs. Genia's eyes lingered on Lu Yan's body for a moment, she was shocked and speechless. She believed that the relationship between a good dress and its owner complemented each other, just like royal clothing for a person. Even if the hoodlums from the East End wear them, even if they fit well, they will look nondescript in temperament.

  She insisted on her own point of view, but she had never seen anyone who could prove her point of view, because she would not give gorgeous aristocratic clothing to young gangsters to try on. It would be a waste of natural resources, and she could not even imagine that kind of scene.

  But today, Mrs. Genia finally saw someone who could prove her point in another direction. She couldn't describe Lu Yan's temperament at this moment, a silver-haired boy, white clothes and white shadow, a vague appearance, quiet but sharp.

  "Oh my God! This is the only piece of clothing that can match you!" Mrs. Genia was stunned for a while before putting the tea cup in her hand back on the coffee table. She subconsciously ignored the burns and blisters on her hands. .

  In the afternoon, the golden sunlight penetrated into the house through the small window next to the bathroom, and happened to shine on the glazed white clothes. The gems and gold threads on the edges shone brightly, making it luxurious and magnificent. It was simply a perfect handicraft.

  "Thanks to your craftsmanship." Lu Yan was also moved by Mrs. Genia's excitement, and the smile on his face never diminished.

  Lu Yan's smile was very sincere. What Mrs. Genia didn't know was that when Lu Yan accepted her gift in return, the fateful entanglement between them had already ended. In addition, the cooperation between him and Claes along the way Also a perfect ending. By the way, his grocery store also played its due role.

  Those upper-class people who maintain the Loen style of reserve are naturally not interested in grocery stores, but the servants around them are quite happy with the affordable grocery stores, and most of them consciously pay the money and go out. , their behavior also represents the face of their master to a certain extent. Therefore, they rarely do anything to embarrass their masters.

  Lu Yan didn't know what it felt like to be demonized and digested. He had only read relevant written records in Zhou Mingrui's biography, but the words were always very pale sometimes. It wasn't until Lu Yan felt a feeling of bliss in his soul that he knew that his passing potion had been digested!

  He was slightly stunned. It was not as complicated as he imagined, nor was it very simple. The time from when he took the potion to now was only about a week.

  It was already mid-January, and he would be leaving for St. Selena Church in Tingen before next month. He needed to arrive before February 1st, because he would need to preside over Mass in person on that day. Maybe then It was also the only time he celebrated mass.

  After all the calculations, he actually doesn't have much free time. He will probably have to spend some time on the main ingredients for the potion to advance to Sequence Eight. It seems that he still doesn't know the name and formula of the Sequence Eight potion.


  Many strange symbols appeared in Lu Yan's silver eyes, and the silver apple-shaped pendant on his chest felt slightly warm.

  At this moment, in Mrs. Genia's eyes, Lu Yan was filled with divine brilliance. The silver-haired young man in front of her really seemed like a god coming to the world. She didn't even dare to look directly at Lu Yan, for fear of blaspheming the sacred scene.

  No matter how much time passes, this scene will be permanently imprinted in Mrs. Genia's memory and will continue to be passed down with the continuation of the family.

  "Cause and Effect" once again actively activated his ability to predict the future, taking him to a certain node in the future.

  The sea water was sparkling, distant mountain peaks were stacked on top of each other, and the salty sea breeze blew against his cheeks.

  In front of him were several men in black whose faces could not be seen clearly. They were chattering and discussing something. Just like last time, their robes were also decorated with rose patterns.

  Lu Yan could feel his emotions at the moment. It was a kind of worry, but he didn't know what he was worried about. Was it his own situation? Or worried about what is about to happen?

  When the continuous scene was about to end, he saw his future self stretching out his hand and pointing lightly toward a distant place...

  Taking advantage of the last moment, he looked in the direction of his future self.

  It was a black spot, a black spot hidden among the mountains. Without a capable observer, it would be impossible to notice an inconspicuous black spot.

  There seemed to be a ruined place under the black spot. Although he couldn't see clearly what was there, his intuition told him that it was darkness, a darkness that breeds monsters.

  Suddenly, a burst of frightened and angry sounds sounded!

  "Gehrman!" A man in black in front of Lu Yan said the name through gritted teeth.

  The picture suddenly collapsed at this moment, Lu Yan's thoughts returned to his own body, and at the same time, the next sequence of potion formulas appeared.

  Sequence 8: Player

  Brief description: Players are participants in fateful events and explorers of fate; with a cynical attitude, players plunge into the main line of the established destiny, follow the established destiny, and strive to explore the branch lines of destiny.

  Recipe: The complete pituitary gland of the Aibinkel monkey + the tongue of the blue-striped eagle.

  Auxiliary materials: 100 ml of pure water + 9 grams of mountain ice and snow + 3 grapes.

  "Player?" Lu Yan murmured this familiar yet unfamiliar term, and the strange phenomena that appeared on his body gradually calmed down.

  Mrs. Genia waited for a long time before she came back to her senses. She carefully opened her eyes, and her hands and feet shivered together. She didn't know how to describe the scene she saw, and she didn't know how to use words to describe her expression at the moment.

  She stood on her tiptoes slightly, and then put them down gently, like a girl who had done something wrong.

  "Mr. Bishop, you..." Mrs. Genia is a person who is very good at chatting, but in this case she cannot organize her words, because she may not be facing a person, but God.

  "I'm fine. Please keep this matter a secret." Lu Yan's silver-white eyes were clear and slightly glowing with divinity. This is the remaining manifestation of the power of "karma" in his body.

  Mrs. Genia nodded devoutly, and what followed was a feeling of joy, which filled Mrs. Genia's heart. She was lucky enough to see a miracle! This must have been the goddess's reward for her devotion.

  "When gods come to the world, they will only alienate relatives, cause disasters, and make wars difficult." Lu Yan sighed. In a sense, the Fifth Age is undoubtedly much better for ordinary people than the Fourth Age. The only drawback is that the end is coming in the Fifth Age.

  Mrs. Genia didn't know what to say and didn't dare to respond to what Lu Yan said. She knew that the other party was warning her not to spread what she saw today.

  "I wish you a pleasant afternoon." Lu Yan walked to the door slowly. His glazed white clothes cast a gorgeous and dazzling light along the afternoon sun, which left a mark in Mrs. Genia's eyes. Under the unforgettable light and shadow, even if she forgets Lu Yan's face and name later, she will never forget this situation.

  Lu Yan, who was walking against the scorching sun, would not know how the formation would change this time. In that case, his staying would only make Mrs. Genia nervous, and she would never be able to return to her final destination either now or in the future. The state when we first met.

  This may also be one of the reasons why the humanity of high-sequence strong people gradually fades away. When no one thinks that you are a human being, the definition of human beings in your heart will gradually become blurred and distorted.

  Lu Yan walked out of Mrs. Genia's house alone. Her servant also saw such a scene with her. Naturally, he didn't know what emotion he should use to face Lu Yan, so he could only stay in place, clasping his left hand with his right hand. His feet were turned inward and he stood there blankly.

  The next potion materials are also a problem. There is a high probability that there will be no corresponding extraordinary materials in the Church of Night. After all, the promotion materials for the Night, Death, and Twilight Giant paths do not use the extraordinary materials that Lu Yan needs. Go to the database of the Church of Darkness and browse the Extraordinary Path, and you may be able to find some relevant information.

  In addition, Deacon Sesima, who has been out on missions for a long time, may know something about this. You can also try your luck at some hidden extraordinary gatherings.

  These are the current ways Lu Yan can find the main ingredients for the potion. It's a pity that he is only a little bishop of the Church of Night. If he were the Holy Son of the Church, then with an order, the whole church would go out to help him find materials.

  Lu Yan just thought about this funny and impossible thing in his head. The church in this world is not like some of the sects he heard about in his previous life, and he is not the so-called proud man. The most critical point is that those who advance too quickly in this world may not be geniuses, but poor people.

  "Poor guy..." Lu Yan was silent. Just like him now, and just like Klein in the future, he was arranged by invisible hands from the moment he landed on the ground. He could only be cautious in the destined future. Looking for a slim chance of survival. At this moment, Lu Yan felt empathy for Zhou Mingrui, whom he had never met before.

  Opening the door of the psychological clinic, Lu Yan no longer thinks about those unpleasant things. With his current strength, it is just an increase in worries. Thinking about what is there and what is not has no meaning at all. It is better to steal it. Half a day's leisure in floating life.

  After not returning home for a few days, there was a light haze in the room. The air quality in Backlund was as bad as ever, even at the edge of Queens. It was not much better. From this we can also deduce how bad the air is in the East District where factories are everywhere.

  "Great smog, George III." Lu Yan murmured quietly while sitting in a comfortable armchair. On his desk was a brand-new holy book of the Church of the Night, and an ink-stained ink was placed in the ink bottle. feather.

  The great smog in the future will kill tens of thousands of ordinary people, ordinary people who have no resistance and know nothing about the mysterious world. Lu Yan picked up the quill and made a few random strokes on the scripture. UU reading www. uukanshu.net Perhaps this matter is just like him at this moment to George III. The difference was that George III lightly made a few strokes on the plan.

  This is why he still wants to be promoted even if he knows that this sequence may be a trap. Without enough strength, he doesn't even have the chance to choose his own way of death, which is sad.

  "Da da da."

  The aroma of tea rising from the tea cup next to the Holy Book of the Church of the Night seemed to be shaken away by several knocks on the door.

  Lu Yan also woke up from his meditative state. He rubbed his dry eyes, turned around and opened his spiritual vision to scan the back door of the house.

  Who will knock at the back door? In the Kingdom of Loen, this is an impolite behavior.

  Outside the door was a young man who looked younger than Lu Yan. He had a pair of sapphire eyes. At this moment, he took two steps back in confusion and took a careful and serious look at the house number.

  "It's Deacon Sesima's house! Isn't Lu Yan inside?" Carlos planned to knock on the door again, but if there was still no movement this time, it meant that Bishop Lu Yan might not be inside.

  Before he could knock his hand on the door panel, the dusty wooden door was opened from the inside.

  "Are you taking a break today? Aren't all the Red Gloves very busy?" Lu Yan asked casually. In his impression, the leader of the Red Gloves, Deacon Sesima, was very busy. Is it possible that among the entire Red Gloves, Deacon Sesima is the only one spinning like a top? That's a very scary thing.

  "Stop entertaining me, you also know my situation." Carlos' expression suddenly became dull. It's not that he is too idle, it's that others don't take him with them when they perform tasks!

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