
chpater 3

Chapter 11 Monocle on the Pavilion

  When Bishop Elektra's eyes focused again, they met Lu Yan's silver-white eyes.

  "So, what do you think about this matter?" Lu Yan naturally found Bishop Elektra dozing off. In fact, he was also in the same situation when Mrs. Genia reported it, but at that time Mrs. Genia reported it I was so absorbed that I didn't notice anything strange about him.

  "Ahem, you can decide this matter yourself. Although you have not officially taken office, you are already a bishop in the church's files." Bishop Elektra stared at Lu Yan's clear eyes. I feel a little overwhelmed.

  Lu Yan sighed quietly, looked at the candles in the prayer room and said, "In this case, I will choose an extraordinary person from the church to act with me."

  "You can call upon the free Extraordinary. This is your privilege." Bishop Elektra solemnly promised.

  After Lu Yan got the answer he wanted, the smile on his face became stronger. He stood up from the cushion and straightened his slightly wrinkled black shirt.

  "I will take care of this matter."

  If you want to find a more reliable teammate, you still need to choose among the Red Gloves. After all, they have dealt with some difficult things all year round and have rich combat experience.

  There are not many people free at this time recently, and the number of Red Glove members is also very rare, which also leaves Lu Yan with almost no chance to choose.

  "Hello, Mr. Carlos Silva, this incident may cause trouble for you." Although it was a temporary team member, Lu Yan was quite satisfied with him.

  Carlos is not an Extraordinary of the Night Path. He joined the Red Gloves because of his superb fighting skills. To be precise, it is because of the ability brought by the Hermit Path Sequence 8: Combat Scholar Potion.

  This is also what makes Lu Yan satisfied with him. An extraordinary person who is good at fighting really makes people feel safe.

  "Bishop Lu Yan, I will fully cooperate with you in this operation." Carlos did not show his arrogant side.

  Not long ago, his immediate boss, Deacon Sesima, admired Lu Yan very much after returning to Red Gloves, and told them to correct their attitudes when they saw Bishop Lu Yan.

  Originally, Carlos just listened to these words. He didn't think he would have a chance to meet Bishop Lu Yan, because he heard that Bishop Lu Yan would be transferred to St. Selina Church next month, and the Red Gloves there were almost Rarely perform tasks.

  As fate would have it, he was actually invited by Bishop Lu Yan for a mission today because he was taking a break. This gave him the idea to see what the young man who was highly rated by the deacon was really capable of.

  Lu Yan's spiritual vision naturally noticed the entanglement of fate between Carlos and himself. To be precise, when Carlos was willing to obey his arrangement, the entanglement of fate between him and Carlos had already occurred.

  This is a good thing, it means that when he completes Mrs. Genia's commission, he can untie the fate of himself and Carlos.

  Destiny is unpredictable. The psychological clinic where he originally planned to digest the potion achieved the same goal through a different process, which really made him feel terrible about fate.

  "Based on the information given by Mrs. Genia, I preliminarily concluded that the long evening dress should have gone to the jurisdiction of the God of Steam and Machinery." There was a hint of worry in Lu Yan's tone.

  This kind of cross-jurisdictional task is often the most complex and difficult to complete. There are too many variables behind the intertwining of various forces.

  "If it's really over there, I can find a way." Carlos smiled and said in a relaxed tone.

  Carlos is not that old, and he has an immature childishness on his face. His blue, gem-like eyes look really cute, but this will also make people vaguely label him as unreliable.

  Lu Yan was not qualified to label Carlos with this label, after all, he himself did not look very old. He showed a trusting expression to Carlos and said, "This matter depends on you."

  Carlos seemed a little shocked. He was prepared to be rejected by Lu Yan at first, because this kind of thing often happened to other people, such as his beloved Deacon Sesima who always felt that he was a little immature.

  "I have a cousin who has a good relationship with me and works in the Heart of Machinery. If there are extraordinary events in that area, then he should know some information." Carlos said very diligently.

  Lu Yan's bishop gave him a really good impression. He was kind, smart and rational. He was simply a model bishop in his mind. Working for such a person would make him feel very happy and his efficiency would be greatly improved.

  Although Lu Yan naturally didn't know what happened, his fate seemed to be more entangled with Carlos. Was there something that happened that he didn't know about?

  Lu Yan used his spiritual vision to observe Carlos while he was walking in front of him, but with his uniqueness-enhanced spirituality, he couldn't detect anything. In the end, he could only attribute this matter to the impermanence of fate. among.

  Now the only line that is entangled with his destiny is Carlos's, which he can observe. There is a distance limit to the entanglement of destiny in spiritual vision. The connection between things that are too far away from him and him cannot be observed by his spiritual vision.

  On the way to St. Hilran Church, Lu Yan discovered a very interesting thing. The entanglement of fate will change with time and the distance between the two. Some fates that are not deeply entangled will often change with the passage of time. It will automatically unravel as time goes by. Well, that's a good thing, because this is kind of an auto-digestion potion.

  Lu Yan turned on his spiritual vision all the way, because some traces that were invisible to the naked eye appeared particularly clear in his spiritual vision. In particular, the traces of extraordinary power are as obvious as lights in the dark night under the transformation of spiritual vision.

  However, only Lu Yan dared to do this behavior among demigods and below, while others lost control when they saw something they shouldn't have seen after turning on their spiritual vision.

  God knows how many evil gods and monsters have left traces of themselves in the land of Loen. Those contaminated information can often exist for hundreds or even thousands of years! Keeping psychic vision turned on in this environment is definitely an act of seeking death! But Lu Yan is different. He himself is a source of pollution that emits pollution all the time.

  The uniqueness he carries and the auras left by various gods on him are these things that radiate outward all the time. However, for him, black plus black will not make it darker, so he is fine at all.

  "Huh? There seem to be traces of something strange here." Lu Yan stopped at a street entrance not far from the Church of the Holy Numbers.

  Although Carlos's spiritual vision is also very high, he usually doesn't dare to turn it on because he has a premonition that if he turns on his vision for a long time, it will have terrible consequences. Therefore, he usually acquiesces that he does not have the ability to see.

  Lu Yan's words naturally caught his attention. After thinking for a while, he decided to see if there was anything strange here. However, just when he was about to turn on his spiritual vision, an inexplicable palpitation spread in his heart.

  Carlos stood there blankly for several seconds. There was great danger hidden in this place! Although he didn't know what it was, the premonition that made his heart palpitate was definitely unmistakable.

  "Bishop Lu Yan, I don't think there's anything going on here. Let's leave first." Carlos didn't know how to describe the feeling just now and didn't dare to say it directly. He was afraid of causing some unknown changes.

  Lu Yan's silver-white eyes raised slightly. He seemed to feel something, but when he wanted to feel it carefully, he couldn't detect anything.

  "Well, let's go first. I saw it wrong just now." Lu Yan did not stay here in the end, he chose to follow his heart.

  The main mission hasn't been completed yet, so he won't start a side mission of unknown difficulty for the time being.

  Just after Lu Yan and the others left, the window on the top floor of this townhouse near the end of the street was slowly pushed open by a man wearing a monocle.

  He just watched Lu Yan's leaving figure silently, and slowly closed the window until he completely disappeared at the intersection.

  If someone sneaked into the room, they would be frightened. A living person whose lower body had been transformed into mechanical parts was trapped in a wheelchair. Every place that can be accessed is blocked by various mechanical parts. The only thing that can see the outside world is a small window.

  The man in the room pulled out a transparent worm from his own flesh and blood. He wanted to use the window to release the worm. This plan undoubtedly failed...

  Lu Yan naturally didn't know what was happening in the room. At this moment, Carlos was holding his hand and running towards the Church of the Holy Numbers. Although it was strange for the bishop of the Church of Night to run towards the Church of Steam and Machinery, in a situation where life and death were at stake What do these things mean?

  Fortunately, Lu Yan and Carlos both changed into casual clothes when they came out, otherwise they might have become famous in the Backlund Honest Newspaper.

  "Did you find something just now?" Lu Yan asked with a slight frown. He only felt a trace of abnormality, but did not feel any danger, otherwise his spirituality would have warned.

  Carlos didn't let go of Lu Yan's arm until he arrived at St. Hilran's Church. He found a spot and sat down, and spoke after calming his breathing.

  "There is a terrifying existence there, and he is at least a demigod!" Carlos turned pale and repeated his spiritual warning with lingering fear.

  His excited emotions and description of using his hands and feet also aroused a lot of side glances, but Carlos didn't care about those strange looks.

  "You mean you feel a malice and want to kill you?" Lu Yan finally understood what Carlos wanted to say.

  "Yes, when I wanted to activate my spiritual vision, spirituality gave me a crazy warning in my mind!" Carlos stated this matter in a calm tone this time.

  After all, he is a member of the Red Gloves of the Church of the Night, and his psychological quality is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Even in this situation, he can quickly adjust his mentality to a calm state.

  "How about you go and worship?" Lu Yan pointed to the prayer mat in St. Hilary's Church and suggested to him in a sincere tone.

  Lu Yan is not a believer in any god. His reverence for gods comes more from his strength than their status, so he doesn't think it is unspeakable to ask other gods for help when he is in trouble.

  Just as Lu Yan cannot understand the piety of believers, Carlos cannot understand Lu Yan's thoughts.

  "Master Bishop, don't use me for entertainment at this time." Carlos's face showed a little displeasure. What Lu Yan just said seemed to say: "You are not loyal to the goddess!" Therefore Carlos can have It's strange that he looks so good.

  "Uh, what I meant was to ask your cousin to pray for you. Sorry, my expression was not accurate enough." Lu Yan then remembered that not everyone was as disrespectful to the gods as he was. Fortunately, this time he was opposite It was Carlos. If it had been a fanatical believer, Lu Yan might have been exposed.

  Be more restrained in the future, Lu Yan silently warned himself in his heart, this world where divine authority overrides secular kingly authority is a world where gods truly exist!

  Some of his ideas must be changed in time, otherwise something bad will happen sooner or later. Even if he cannot change them, he must hide them in his heart!

  "That's it. I'm sorry that I can't understand what you mean." Carlos looked deeply apologetic. Bishop Lu Yan was obviously a very gentle person, how could he say those words.

  "UU Reading www.uuknsse Carlos, how did you get here?" A young man who was sixty-nine similar to Carlos came out from the left side of St. Hilaryn's Church.

  "Cousin, I'm here to entrust you with something this time." Carlos stated his purpose straightforwardly after seeing his cousin.

  He has a very good relationship with his cousin Claes, so the conversation between the two naturally does not require a lot of twists and turns.

  Lu Yan stood aside and observed the decoration style of St. Hilary's Church. He didn't know which design master made the entire church pleasing to the eye.

  If he could have a big house of his own, he would definitely specialize in this style. Well, I still need to change it a little bit, otherwise I will be in trouble if I am mistaken for a believer of the God of Steam and Machinery. He didn't want to be visited by the group of people from the Secret Order.

  "This is... my good friend. You can call him Lu Yan. He will accompany me this time." Carlos almost forgot that this was St. Hilary's Church and almost revealed Lu Yan's identity.

  Klass glanced at Lu Yan curiously, and then said, "Let me have a meal together tonight while I apply for a day off."

  Claes understood that his cousin must have something important to look for him at this time. It seemed that Lu Yan, who appeared with Carlos, was the leader of the two of them.

  "Mr. Lu Yan, are you willing to accept the invitation?" Claes' light blue eyes stared at Lu Yan standing aside.

  "Then I'm sorry to trouble you." Lu Yan withdrew his gaze from the decoration of St. Hilary's Church and responded to Claes' invitation with clear eyes.

  "By the way, cousin, please pray to the gods for a safe trip for us." Carlos suddenly remembered Lu Yan's suggestion, and after thinking about it, he felt that it still made sense.

Missing chapters and error reportsChapter 12: Steam Princess' gift?

  Although Claes didn't know why Carlos, who believed in the goddess of the night, asked him to pray to the God of Steam and Machinery for safety, but looking at Carlos' serious look, it didn't seem like he was just trying to amuse him, so he agreed.

  "Wait for me for a while, don't run around here." Claes solemnly warned Carlos after praying devoutly to the God of Steam and Machinery.

  Due to their status, the two brothers rarely see each other after they reach adulthood, but they usually exchange a lot of letters, so the relationship between the two is as friendly as ever.


  The Mechanical Heart of the Church of Steam is an organization similar to the Nighthawks of the Church of Night, both responsible for handling extraordinary events that occur within the jurisdiction of the church.

  If leg-length evening gowns possess some extraordinary power, it is impossible not to leave traces, and there are many ways to pursue traces in an extraordinary world.

  What Lu Yan was most worried about was that the disappearance of the long legs of the evening dress was just a symptom of the matter. After all, except for the Beyonders of the Thief Sequence who might do this kind of thing, the other Sequences of Extraordinaries should not have any thoughts about a piece of clothing.

  Unless the other person really likes this piece of clothing, it may not be that he likes this piece of clothing, but he doesn't want someone to get this piece of clothing!

  The owner of this piece of clothing is Audrey Hall, the daughter of Earl Hall's family. If someone doesn't want her to get this piece of clothing, then things will become much more complicated than the extraordinary power causing trouble.

  The relationship in the aristocratic circle is too chaotic, which will affect Lu Yan's actions, and no noble likes to be investigated, just like Lu Yan doesn't want others to discover his secrets. It has nothing to do with the content of the secret itself, but I just don't want to have my privacy invaded. The nobles of Loen also think the same way.

  "Lu Yan, what are you worried about?" Carlos leaned against the wall of the Holy Numbers Church and looked at Lu Yan, who was sitting on a chair in the back row of the church, with a pair of sapphire eyes.

  Lu Yan opened his eyes slightly, and what came into view was the holy emblem in the center of the Mechanical Church. Turning on spiritual vision for a long time is not without cost. It is a great test for the strength of the physical and spiritual bodies.

  Although the time when the spiritual vision started was far from reaching Lu Yan's limit, Lu Yan did not dare to look around in St. Hilary's Church with his spiritual vision. He still had the most basic respect for the gods. In other words, he chose to follow his heart. It is not a good thing to be too out of touch in this world, unless he has the strength to ensure that he will not die if he commits suicide.

  "I'm worried that this matter may involve those nobles." Lu Yan's tone was very calm, and you can feel the helplessness hidden in the words if you read carefully.

  Carlos was also silent for a moment. As a native of Loen, he naturally knew what the upper-class nobles of Loen society were like. When he was ignorant, he also submitted suggestions to the church on how to guide the atmosphere of the upper class. Later he learned that most of the gold pounds that maintained the church's operation came from this group of nobles. After that he never had any of these things again.

  "Then... what should we do?" Carlos, who has always been smart, couldn't help but express annoyance when he encountered this kind of problem. To be honest, he really didn't want to face those nobles because his parents were still in a certain noble family. Work under hands.

  "I'm just guessing, why are you more depressed than me?" Lu Yan said with a forced smile as a hint of bitterness flashed across his face. After all, there are too few people in the world who are alone like him, but even he still has things that make him embarrassed.

  He had read Carlos' file when selecting mission members and naturally knew Carlos' difficulties, so he had no idea of ​​forcing Carlos to do this. If the incident develops in this direction, then he feels it is necessary to inform Miss Audrey in advance.

  "If this is really the case, then we are only responsible for retrieving the clothes, and leave the rest to Earl Hall and his family." Lu Yan said that his rank was too low and he did not want to get involved in the affairs of the upper class.

  In fact, his status as the bishop of the Church of the Night is no lower than that of some nobles, but the nobles loyal to the king and the power of the church are two parallel and non-intersecting social circles in the upper class. Therefore, he had no idea about the love and hatred within the aristocratic circle.

  "Why do I feel a little aggrieved?" Lu Yan complained casually.

  The low-sequence extraordinary beings in the mysterious world are actually just a little stronger than ordinary people. The threshold for truly extraordinary beings to become saints is sequence four. Only then can they be qualified to look down on ordinary people. Because after Sequence Four, the body has undergone transformation and became a half-mythical creature!

  "This is a good idea. I will listen to you!" Carlos felt from the bottom of his heart that Lu Yan's approach was very correct. This was one of the few ways to get the best of both worlds.

  Carlos leaned against the wall of St. Hilary's Church with satisfaction. He originally thought that Bishop Lu Yan would choose to fight the nobles to the end, but fortunately Bishop Lu Yan was not a person like Captain Sesima, otherwise he would have I can only grit my teeth and walk with Bishop Lu Yan until the end.

  "Ahem, sir, can I ask you a few simple math questions?"

  An old man with white hair walked out of the prayer room of St. Hilary's Church. The stubble on his face seemed to have not been cleaned for several months. His eyes were sunken in his cheeks, and his eyes were cloudy and dull. There is a circle of black lines wrapped around it.

  Lu Yan slowly raised his head and then confirmed that the old man in front of him was asking him a question. He also felt a little confused. Isn't the nameless man's ability getting stronger and stronger? Why is he still attracting attention as always?

  "You said it." Lu Yan suppressed the doubts in his heart and roughly guessed the other party's intention. It should be that his identity as the Bishop of the Night was discovered.

  Carlos in the distance naturally noticed that Lu Yan was being entangled by an old man. He originally wanted to go over and block the old man for Lu Yan, but his cousin Claes, who had been away for a long time, held him back. hand to stop him from continuing.

  "Don't worry, Carlos, Bishop Leonard will not harm Mr. Lu Yan. He may just have a question and want to ask Mr. Lu Yan." Claes said with a strange expression.

  In fact, when Bishop Leonard was eager to find a man named Luyan Sotos, Carlos felt very strange. After making sure that the bishop had no ill intentions, he brought him over.

  Bishop Leonard took out a piece of scratch paper and handed it to Lu Yan, which was filled with dense mathematical symbols. After carefully identifying it, Lu Yan realized that what was written above was a system of equations.

  "I know a little bit, but I need a piece of scratch paper." Lu Yan's clear eyes stared at Bishop Leonard. He did not believe that the bishop of the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery would ask him such a question.

  "Look at how confused I am. The scratch paper is placed in the prayer room. You can go with me. After all, it is quieter there and will help you solve math problems." Bishop Leonard said with a deep apology in his tone.

  After Lu Yan thought about it for a while, he decided to go. Even if the Church of Steam had bad intentions, he was not afraid. If he was really pushed into a corner, he would simply choose not to be a human being and let the Ring of Fate come online, and everyone would die by then. !

  "Carlos, don't worry, I will go with the bishop to the prayer room." Lu Yan's tone was calm, without any guilt that a pagan should have.

  Carlos had no choice but to say nothing when he saw this. He just leaned against the wall with a slightly ugly expression. After all, Bishop Lu Yan was the one he brought, and he had to ensure that he returned to the Church of the Night safely!

  The appearance of St. Hilary's Church looks like a huge mechanical gear from the outside. The sunlight casts a layer of metallic brilliance on its surface, which is dazzling and cold.

  The figures of Lu Yan and Leonard walked farther and farther until they both disappeared at the end of the corridor. At this time, Carlos asked with a somewhat unhappy tone.

  "What on earth is going on! Is it the Holy Inquisition?" Carlos looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he was already a little hesitant.

  Claes held his forehead with one hand and looked at a loss on his face. After pacing back and forth for a long time, he said: "Believe me, Mr. Lu Yan will definitely be fine. Bishop Leonard has something he wants to entrust to him. As for I don't know what it is."

  Carlos glanced at Claes lightly, and then continued to lean against the wall, keeping his eyes on the end of the aisle. Klaas had no choice but to stand next to him and wait together.

  "Bishop Leonard, you may as well tell me what your purpose is." Lu Yan said nonchalantly while studying the astronomical instruments in the prayer room.

  "Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to ask Bishop Lu Yan to help me with something." Leonard saw that his excuse was exposed, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face. He is really not good at lying. !

  "Tell me what it is first. I will most likely not agree." Lu Yan moved his eyes to the wall of the prayer room. In the dim light, he couldn't see clearly the patterns carved on the wall, but he could vaguely see them. That's a map.

  Bishop Leonard was choked by Lu Yan's unkind words, but he did not show the slightest displeasure. Instead, he said in a tactful tone: "There are often conflicts between the Holy Numbers Church and the Church of Storms in Tingen City. I hope you I can maintain a neutral attitude after taking office in Tingen City."

  Lu Yan glanced at Bishop Leonard with a surprised look. The amount of information in his words was a bit beyond Lu Yan's imagination. Was he planning to bribe him? He is a devout believer in the goddess!

  "I'm the bishop of the Church of the Night!" Lu Yan's tone was so calm that you couldn't hear the emotion or anger.


  After a while, Leonard and Lu Yan walked out of the prayer room side by side. While walking back, Bishop Leonard kept thanking Lu Yan for solving mathematical problems for him. Carlos was shocked when he saw this, and he even wondered if he had been worrying too much just now.

  "Klass, I will leave it to you to entertain Mr. Lu Yan. You can ask the church for reimbursement of all your expenses tonight." Bishop Leonard said kindly.

  Lu Yan also nodded to Carlos, saying that the Church of Steam did not make things difficult for him. Seeing this, Carlos finally let go of his hanging heart.

  As night approached, Carlos felt the tranquility of the night and couldn't help but relax a little. What he encountered today really made him feel scared. First, he was targeted by a high-sequence extraordinary person, and then the safety of Bishop Lu Yan, whether it was Everything frightened him.

  "Don't relax, we haven't achieved our purpose today." Lu Yan looked at the gradually dimming sky, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

  Compared to when he arrived at the Church of Steam, he had an extra golden pocket watch on him. According to Loen's tradition, it is normal for a gentleman to own a pocket watch, but the pocket watch in Lu Yan's hand is no ordinary pocket watch.

  Bishop Leonard calls this pocket watch a mysterious pocket watch. Essentially, this pocket watch is made using the extraordinary characteristics of the four occultists in the Hermit Path Sequence. Its ability is to randomly add a mysterious gain to itself. This gain must be It is beneficial to oneself, but it consumes one's own spirituality to maintain the gain.

  Its side effects are also very strange. Every time it is used, there is a chance of attracting the attention of unknown beings. Other than that, there are no other side effects.

  When Bishop Leonard gave this pocket watch to Lu Yan as a reward, Lu Yan did not dare to accept the gift. The price of the gift of fate had already been secretly marked. What's more, this pocket watch can be regarded as the best extraordinary weapon in the extraordinary world. Its preciousness is no less precious than some zero-level sealed objects to a certain extent!

  The Church of Steam gave him such a precious extraordinary weapon, which made him suspect that the purpose of the Church of Steam was not simple. There might be a big pit waiting for him in Tingen City! But later he accepted the gift.

  Mainly because Bishop Leonard saw that Lu Yan had never agreed, and planned to directly ask Lu Yan to meet with the God of Steam and Machinery. Lu Yan instantly said that there was no need to trouble the God with this kind of thing. He had always felt that the Church of Steam was very kind!

  Lu Yan couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart after leaving St. Hilary's Church. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Bishop Leonard's behavior this time should be the intention of the God of Steam and Machinery. It seems that Steam Girl also chose to be with him. A bet had been placed on him, and Lu Yan's previous reluctance was almost all fake.

  "Carlos, how is the relationship between the Church of Night and the Church of Steam?" Lu Yan suddenly thought of something and asked Carlos under the crimson moonlight.

  "The relationship has always been good, otherwise the church would not have allowed me to exchange letters with Claes." Carlos said everything he knew without thinking too much.

  "Are there conflicts between the two churches in some areas?"

  "No, the Church of Steam has always had a very good relationship with us. However, if you go to the other church at the bishop level or above, you must report in advance, otherwise you may be arrested and sent to the Holy Inquisition." Carlos' tone gradually became lower.

  "I was worried this afternoon that you, Bishop, would be caught, because if this kind of thing is not handled well it can easily damage the relationship between the two churches. I was too impatient at the time and did not consider the consequences of the matter." Carlos fell into a deep self-consciousness. among the responsibilities. Captain Sesima said that he was unreliable and that he had a temper before. But now it seems that Captain Sesima was right and he was always at fault.

  "You did nothing wrong in this matter, because the Church of Steam was our only refuge at that time. If we explain the situation to the Church of Steam, they will understand our difficulties." Lu Yan comforted.

  Carlos is still a little too young, and matters related to life and death must naturally come first. Moreover, in this case, the Church of Steam will not only not send them to the Holy Inquisition, but will also ensure their safety.

  Lu Yan then changed the subject. He didn't want to waste time on this meaningless matter. He looked towards the restaurant in the distance and said, "Your cousin Claes has been waiting in the restaurant for a long time."

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 13 Mr. Witch? Miss!

  Carlos put away his depressed mood. Lu Yan's comfort had a slight effect. More importantly, he knew that blindly blaming himself was of no use. Correcting his own mistakes was what he needed to consider most at the moment. matter.

  The crimson moonlight is as quiet as ever, and many shops have been lit with kerosene lamps, giving this street a bit of the charm of a commercial street in later generations.

  Lu Yan glanced at his pocket watch and suddenly realized that in three days there would be a large mass in the Church of the Night. According to the date Mrs. Genia said, the day after tomorrow should be the latest delivery date for the dress, and there was not much time left for them in the end. .

  "Carlos, we need to speed up the progress." Lu Yan put the pocket watch in the pocket of his jacket, and then looked at Carlos beside him.

  "Klass looked through the case files in recent days after we left, and now he has found some information related to the case." Carlos said in a relaxed tone. Since the relevant information can be found in the extraordinary case files, it means that there is a high probability that this is not an incident involving a dispute between nobles.

  Lu Yan nodded, this was indeed good news. He put the mysterious pocket watch he was playing with back into his pocket, and quickly headed to the restaurant with Carlos.

  Claes had been waiting in the restaurant for a while. When he saw Carlos and Lu Yan arriving at the restaurant, he put down the newspaper in his hand and stopped the waiter with his hand to let him bring the menu to the table first.

  "Good evening, Mr. Lu Yan. After Carlos and I described the difficulties you encountered, I went to look through the recent files of the Church of Steam. What is gratifying is that I quickly found the relevant cases."

  Klas stood up, bowed slightly to Lu Yan and invited Lu Yan to sit down at the dining table. He had already learned Lu Yan's true identity from Carlos. Adhering to the concept that the Church of Steam and the Church of Night were one family, he consciously treated Lu Yan with the same etiquette as he would treat his own bishop.

  Lu Yan is not very interested in these trivial etiquette. He has always been a pragmatic person. But he had to give the other party some face, not only because the other party was a member of the Machinery Heart of the Church of Steam, but also because he was Carlos's cousin.

  "Mr. Klaas, thank you for working so hard for me." Lu Yan was polite after sitting down, even though he didn't like this hypocritical etiquette. But his current identity is the bishop of the Church of Night, and some of his personas were established from the beginning.

  "Last night, no, it should be the night before yesterday." Claes paused and turned to look at the sky outside the restaurant. The quiet crimson moon had already walked more than half of the way in the sky. There were many people outside the restaurant. The shops gradually became lively.

  Klaas continued: "The Mechanical Heart team responsible for the southern part of the parish discovered a very strange man. His whole body was covered by a large piece of clothing. This attracted the attention of the team, but when the team went up to check, they found that the clothes were There was no one in there, only one piece of clothing was walking furtively on the street!"

  The waiter brought the menu to the table at this moment, interrupting Klas's words. He handed the menu to Lu Yan and continued: "Because this incident did not cause harm, it was ignored after being reported to the church. But according to your description, the stolen goods brought back by the Mechanical Heart should not be yours. The one you're looking for."

  Klaas handed a sketch to Lu Yan, which clearly showed the clothes the team brought back that night. Most of the members of the Church of Steam have strong hands-on skills, so this sketch is very realistic. Lu Yan knew after a quick glance that this was not the one he was looking for, because this piece of clothing did not have the characteristics of the Church of Night. style of.

  "So this time maybe it's not just the clothes designed by Mrs. Genia that suffered extraordinary incidents." Lu Yan couldn't tell whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for a while. The disappearance of untargeted clothes made the case more difficult to detect, but at least it meant that the other party Not against Earl Hall's family.

  Lu Yan put down the drawing in his hand, picked up the menu provided by the restaurant, checked a few dishes and handed it to Carlos. It was at this time that his extremely high spirituality seemed to be touched by something, and it seemed that an unknown thing was confirmed.

  His eyes moved slightly, and his super-sensory ability let him know that this matter's determined fate had been formed! In his vague perception, he noticed a small detail. It seemed that the clothes lost this time were all women's clothes.

  Lu Yan's expression changed rapidly. The formation of his destined destiny was so sudden. He didn't even know why he witnessed the formation of his destined destiny. This means that he can't interfere with what happens in the determined destiny, but he doesn't know what is going to happen in the determined destiny!

  "Have you noticed that all the weird clothes that appeared this time belong to ladies? If the other party has a purpose, could it be related to this?" Lu Yan thought about it for a while and then told this matter. He had just been determined by his destiny. The things that happened disturbed my thoughts, and I almost forgot my original purpose.

  He was not interested in the predetermined destiny. The purpose of all he did was simply to complete Mrs. Genia's commission and digest his potion. Unless he is also a part of the established destiny, then destiny must use him to promote the development of events. To describe it simply, it means doing everything and letting nature take its course.

  "There is a possibility of this direction. Maybe we should pay attention to the recent newspapers." Although Carlos didn't know how Lu Yan speculated on this possibility, this is the only direction worth studying at present.

  "Excuse me, do you have the Backlund Daily News from the past few days? If so, please bring them all." Carlos stopped the waiter in the restaurant and said. Under normal circumstances, such a large restaurant will have a daily newspaper, after all, it is also a considerable amount of income.

  "please wait."

  After a while, the waiter thoughtfully brought newspapers for each of them from the past few days. The smell of ink has not faded away, and even the newspapers from the past few days are still completely protected.

  "Yesterday afternoon, a clothing factory in the East District of Backlund was robbed." Klas said, pointing to the last section of yesterday's Backlund Daily.

  Lu Yan's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly changed the newspaper in his hand to yesterday's Backlund Daily. This piece of news occupies a small space, and it is easy to miss it if you are not looking for it intentionally.

  "The warehouse on the west side near the street has lost a large part of its clothing, which has indirectly caused the price of women's clothing in Backlund to rise slightly in the past few days. It has been initially confirmed that the murderer is a man, but during the arrest process The man disappeared into the Champs Elysees Hotel."

  If an ordinary citizen of Backlund sees this news, he will most likely complain that the police officers of Backlund are a bunch of losers who only take money and do nothing. How could a living person disappear for no reason? In the hotel.

  But Lu Yan thought more. Maybe the other party didn't disappear into the hotel but walked out of the hotel with another appearance or even gender?

  "Let's go to the Champs Elysees Hotel. There should be the information we want there." Lu Yan put down the newspaper in his hand, but he imagined many possibilities in his mind. The information in the newspaper can only be used as a reference, because things related to supernatural powers are often revised in completely different ways.

  Carlos devoured the food in front of him. After Lu Yan made his decision, he stuck his head out from the plate and nodded. The matter could be postponed for a few minutes, but the meal had to be eaten, otherwise He doesn't even have the energy to fight.

  After seeing his cousin's behavior, Klaas couldn't help but cover his face and dare not look at Lu Yan. His cousin has always been unrestrained in some aspects, which can be said to be informal.

  Lu Yan naturally didn't care about these things according to the modern concept. After Carlos had eaten and drank enough, he realized that his cousin was looking at him with some resentment.

  "Let's go when you're full. I might have to rely on you to fight later." Lu Yan stood up, stretched, and left the restaurant with the latest Backlund Daily in his hand.

  He had never read these things before, but in this era, if he did not read newspapers, he would be like a savage living in seclusion in the mountains. Although it is difficult to tell whether the information revealed in newspapers is true or false, the events printed in major newspapers have at least happened.

  For example, in this clothing factory theft case, although we don't know whether the information in it is true or false, it at least shows that the clothing factory theft has already happened.

  After much thought, Claes chose to follow them to the Champs Elysees Hotel. After all, this incident had also happened within the jurisdiction of the Church of Steam. Although it did not cause any bad effects, no one knew whether there was anything hidden behind the incident. A bigger conspiracy.

  The Champs Elysees Hotel is located on the edge of the Church of Storms' jurisdiction. It is a gray area that has no control over the area. Because the jurisdictions of the major churches are irregularly shaped and have no dividing lines, some places have been deliberately set aside as buffer zones by the major churches.

  Because of this, the area where the Champs Hotel is located also has one of the highest crime rates in Backlund, and is also the favorite place for wild extraordinary people to cause trouble.

  When Lu Yan arrived here, the sky had turned slightly fish belly white, and the smell of breakfast wafted out from the small shops on the street. Lu Yan's mental state was not too depressed after a sleepless night. His body had been weak from the beginning. He is a little different from others, just like he doesn't feel hungry even if he doesn't eat.

  However, Carlos's mental state was not very good, and his body was a little tired from running around for a long time. Although he was already a Sequence 8 fighting scholar, he still needed to rest.

  "I can still hold on, don't worry." After Carlos finished speaking, he went to the roadside shop and ordered a cup of high-concentration black coffee. The bitter taste of the cup rushed directly to Tianling Gai, and most of his sleepiness was caused by this. Disappear.

  Carlos asked for a fresh copy of Backlund Daily. After reading quickly, Carlos narrowed his eyes slightly and said seriously: "A passenger died in the Champs Elysees Hotel last night."

  The emotion on Lu Yan's face did not change much, as if he had expected this incident to happen, and he asked calmly: "How did the daily newspaper describe the aftermath of this incident."

  Klaas turned to the other side of the newspaper and repeated the words in the newspaper with a strange expression: "According to preliminary judgment, the passenger was a male. The time of death was around two o'clock in the morning. The cause of death was sudden death. There was no Injuries caused by external force were found on his body. After a preliminary autopsy, it was determined that he did not die from poisoning or food hygiene problems."

  Carlos thought carefully for a while, and finally found that he couldn't figure out what happened, so he moved his eyes to Lu Yan, expecting the other party to give the answer.

  Lu Yan ignored Carlos' expectant gaze and glanced at the clock leaning against the wall.

  "The Champs Elysees Hotel should be cordoned off by the Sheriff now, let's talk as we walk."

  As Lu Yan said, the Champs Elysees Hotel has stopped operating, and many tourists are sealed in the hotel.

  "This incident is most likely caused by extraordinary power. The scene should have been temporarily blocked at this moment."

  According to Lu Yan's opinion, the person who committed the crime this time should be the instigator of the newly promoted witch. It was precisely because of the change in appearance and gender that no one had discovered her.

  As for whether this Mr. Witch, no, it should be the young lady, is related to the lost evening dress, he can't draw a conclusion yet, but his super-sensory ability gave him this premonition.

  Klas's face changed slightly, and then he said with some uncertainty: "Will the extraordinary people from the Church of Storms also be involved in this investigation? UU Reading www.uukanshu.net"

  There are many conflicts between Backlund's Church of Storms and the Church of Steam. If an Extraordinary from the Church of Storms is responsible for this matter, it would be best for him not to appear with Lu Yan and the others to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

  "It's okay, the Extraordinaries from the Church of Storms never arrive on time." Lu Yan said a joke that Klass didn't understand.

  Although Klaas didn't understand, he didn't delve into why Lu Yan knew this. He believed that the information was Lu Yan's personal privacy. For the sake of his cousin's future in the Church of the Night, he would not offend Lu Yan.

  Since Lu Yan asked him to continue following him, Klaas naturally had no reason to refuse. At worst, he would use a hat to cover his face. What's more, not all the Extraordinaries in the Church of Storms will recognize him.

  Taking the steam train in the morning, Lu Yan and others quickly arrived near the Champs Elysees Hotel. As Lu Yan expected, the hotel was surrounded.

  A rough-looking man waved a baton in his hand to drive away the onlookers. This group of ordinary people watching the excitement had no idea what a terrible thing was happening inside!

  The two pieces of flesh on the Sheriff's face kept shaking as he trotted on patrol, trying to cover up his inner restlessness with his trotting behavior. He had informed the Church of Storms about this matter for several hours, but he had not seen him yet. figure.

  If this area wasn't nominally under the jurisdiction of the Church of Storms, he would have wanted to seek help from the Church of Night, which had the best reputation. The Sheriff looked at the road leading to the Church of Storms in the distance. At the end of the straight road, no one from the Church of Storms could be seen until now.

  He found a chair anywhere and sat on it, cursing and complaining about the Church of Storms' pigeon behavior.

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 14 Don't worry, they can't arrive

  When Lu Yan and others arrived at the Champs Hotel, the members of the Church of Storms were still missing.

  After a day of patrolling, the irritable Sheriff, who was extremely tired, had just sat down on his chair when he saw Lu Yan and others ignoring the cordon he had set. An unknown fire arose in his heart, and he was even more angry because the Church of Storms had not arrived. He picked up the iron baton and waved it, preparing to leave a bloody warning on the head of Carlos, who seemed to be the most bully among the three.

  He tolerated the bullying from the Church of Storms, but this middle- and lower-class person who didn't seem very wealthy dared to ignore his authority, which really made him very irritable! He plans to pour out his dissatisfaction with the Church of Storms on this group of ignorant and undisciplined ordinary people!

  Lu Yan and the other three were all wearing ordinary plain clothes for the convenience of investigation. From a distance, there was not much difference between the clothes worn by ordinary people. This was why the Sheriff was so irritable. If they were wearing the uniforms of the Church of the Night, then the irritable and fierce Sheriff would have invited them in with a smile on his face.

  Carlos's fighting instinct was already aroused when the Sheriff came towards him waving a stick and cursing. He just glanced at the Sheriff who walked quickly, and then stopped his eyes on the baton for a moment. He took it back, and then he faced it with his bare hands.

  He only needed one hand to subdue the police officer with a bad attitude. Carlos' movements were extremely fast. In just a few back and forth, he grabbed the baton from the police officer's hand, leaving the police officer standing there alone. Enlightened.

  "You, you! You are disrupting official business. The Lords of the Church of Storms are coming! Stop what you are doing." The clusters of fat on the Sheriff's face trembled up and down with the change in the tone of his voice.

  Carlos ignored the Sheriff's incompetent rage. Even though what he said made Carlos feel a little angry, as a Red Glove member of the Church of the Night, he could not attack ordinary people. He did not want himself and Bishop Lu Yan to be sent away. Enter the courtroom.

  Lu Yan moved his eyes to the package that Carlos was carrying, and said in a helpless tone: "Give me the piece of clothing in the backpack."

  Carlos was confused by Lu Yan's words. Before he could think, he moved his body first and put down the small backpack on his back. He originally thought it was an extraordinary item carried by Bishop Lu Yan, so he had been carrying it carefully, not even daring to let him bump into it.

  When he came to his senses, he quickly opened the zipper of his backpack to peek into the items inside. When he saw the dark brown items inside, he completely believed that it was just a piece of clothing.

  Carlos threw the baton aside, and then looked at Lu Yan doubtfully with his sapphire eyes, as if waiting for Lu Yan's explanation.

  Lu Yan was a little confused when Carlos looked directly at him. He was sure that he had not done anything wrong to Carlos. Why did the other party look at him with such eyes, making him seem to have deceived Carlos' feelings.

  "This is what I'm worried about. The identity of the Church of the Night can help us solve a lot of unnecessary troubles." Lu Yan looked at the Sheriff in the distance, only to see that he was still looking at them with vicious eyes from a distance. .

  "Actually, what I mean is that we didn't bring any extraordinary items for combat in this operation?" Although Carlos accepted Lu Yan's explanation, he now wanted to ask more about this matter. After all, it was related to whether they could fight against each other. Extraordinaries who were stronger than them might have escaped at the hands of high-sequence Extraordinaries.

  Lu Yan's silver-white pupils focused on the silver apple on his chest. At the same time, he felt the texture of the golden pocket watch in his pocket and said in a calm tone: "Of course I am prepared, but I can't take it out now."

  Carlos didn't care what extraordinary items Lu Yan brought, as long as Bishop Lu Yan prepared them, he believed that Lu Yan would not bring a bunch of useless extraordinary items.

  Lu Yan reached out and took the bishop's robe of the Church of the Night and put it on himself. After coughing a few times, he said to the Sheriff in the distance: "Hello, hard-working Mr. Sheriff, I am the Bishop of the Church of the Night. This time I came to the Champs Elysees Hotel to investigate an incident related to the church."

  Lu Yan tapped four times on his chest clockwise, outlining a perfect crimson moon.

  The Sheriff in the distance was suspicious at first, then his expression quickly turned to horror, and finally he forced out a smile that was uglier than crying. The other party will naturally not lie about this kind of thing. Who dares to do such things in the land of Loen to blaspheme the goddess of night! What's more, the peaceful and peaceful aura on Lu Yan's body cannot be deceived.

  "Damn it, damn it." The Sheriff was very anxious and angrily scolded himself for being blind.

  "Dear Bishop, I didn't recognize you just now. This is definitely my dereliction of duty." The Sheriff left two slap marks on his face with force and ran quickly in front of Lu Yan without stopping. Apologizing.

  "It's not your fault, but the speed of the Church of Storms is as puzzling as ever." Lu Yan complained as he looked at the still empty street in the distance.

  Lu Yan did not pay attention to the Sheriff. Although the other person's behavior just now was too exciting, in fact this is a habit of every Sheriff. A good-tempered Sheriff cannot control a group of unruly people.

  Carlos, on the other hand, glanced at the Sheriff with disdain, which almost scared the Sheriff to his knees. He naturally doesn't like people who offend him.

  The Sheriff did not dare to pick up on Lu Yan's words. As the bishop of the Church of the Night, it was not a big deal for Lu Yan to complain about the Church of Storms. But he is different, he is just a little peace officer.

  "Sir, this is the detailed record of the case that happened last night at the Champs Elysees Hotel." The Sheriff suddenly had an idea and thought of a way to remedy his impression on Lu Yan.

  This book was originally intended to be dedicated to the Lord of the Church of Storms, but now that he has not been seen, it is not a big problem to record this case to the Church of Night, which is also one of the two major churches in Loen. Anyway, as long as the incident at the Champs Elysees Hotel is solved, his work will be over.

  Looking through the pamphlet handed over by the Sheriff, Lu Yan verified most of his conjectures. After closing the pamphlet, he handed it to Claes and motioned for him to take a look as well.

  "In the early hours of this morning, the dead gentleman passed away after having fun with a beautiful woman a few times." Klass's face was a little weird. He didn't expect that the truth would be like this, although he knew the news in the newspaper. It may have been deliberately modified, but this is too hard to mention.

  "Is that lady still in the Champs Elysees Hotel?" Lu Yan looked at the Sheriff with his clear silver eyes and asked in a very gentle tone. When dealing with ordinary people, Lu Yan appears to be harmless most of the time, because this will subconsciously affect other people's attitudes.

  Lu Yan was a little worried that this Sheriff was too confused and would secretly cause some trouble for them. In fact, he was overthinking it. The Sheriff was still racking his brains to think of ways to please the adults of the Church of the Night, hoping to redeem the bad impression he had left on them.

  In this era, the strict concept of hierarchy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is a brand imprinted on this era. No one thinks it is abnormal because all social rules are established around it.

  The status of the Sheriff is far inferior to that of the Bishop of the Church of the Night, but he is much higher than ordinary people. Naturally, he will not choose to challenge this strict hierarchical system. On the contrary, he will lead by example to maintain it! This is the current state of this Victorian-like world.

  "The lady should be confined to her room now. She is very cooperative with our actions and does not show any abnormalities." The Sheriff recalled the lady's condition very seriously, and then he and Lu Yan I reported it in detail so there is something suspicious.

  The thing that caught Lu Yan's attention the most was that the time when this lady checked into the hotel happened to be the time when the criminal from the clothing factory disappeared into the hotel. This made Lu Yan equate the two of them, but now there is one more thing that needs to be done. Notice.

  "Did you notice what that lady was wearing?"

  Lu Yan wanted to make sure that the lost clothes had not disappeared.

  The smile on the Sheriff's face froze for a moment. The question Lu Yan asked was really beyond his expectation. If it weren't for Lu Yan's sincere expression, he might have thought that this was what the bishop was doing on purpose. Make things difficult for him.

  He carefully recalled the style of this lady's clothes. If it weren't for this lady's stunning appearance, maybe he really couldn't remember what this lady's clothes looked like now.

  "When she first came to the hotel, I happened to be chasing fugitives. At that time, she was wearing a set of thin-edged patterned skirts that were the favorite of the Luen ladies. She was wearing a hollow skirt at the scene of the crime in the early morning, and now she has changed to the one she wore before. A blue-gray light skirt that has been popular in Loen for a while."

  Naturally, he has certain abilities to become the peace officer of this area. At least his professional abilities are beyond ordinary people. Once asked about matters related to his profession, he can show a very professional level.

  Carlos also heard something unusual, his sapphire eyes flashing with excitement. What I have been tracking for several days is finally coming to a conclusion! He originally thought he would pray to the goddess because of this matter.

  "Take us to see this lady." Lu Yan clenched the mysterious pocket watch in his pocket, but he didn't feel the slightest joy in finding the culprit.

  This time their opponent will most likely be a witch from the seventh witch sequence. This is not an easy opponent to deal with!

  The witch in sequence seven has added the ability of invisibility and avatar based on the previous sequence, has initially mastered the ability to use magic, and is favored by black flames and frost. This is beyond the scope of normal people.

  As a Sequence 8 fighting scholar of the hermit path, Carlos has only made a huge breakthrough in physical fitness, but compared to a witch who can use magic, it is really not good enough. Claes is a Perfection Sequence 8 archaeologist. His combat effectiveness is much better than the current Lu Yan, but not as good as the professional Carlos.

  Carlos is proficient in various fields of knowledge due to his pre-sequence general knowledge, which inevitably includes some combat skills, so he also has combat power beyond ordinary people.

  Naturally, the Sheriff is not unhappy. If this matter can be solved in a short time, it will add a lot of color to his resume.

  Lu Yan put the chain of the mysterious pocket watch through the gap between his fingers and pressed his palm against the dial of the pocket watch. Then as soon as he sensed the witch, he opened the pocket watch directly, although he didn't know what type of gain he would extract. Yes, but the God of Steam would never fool him with a piece of junk.

  There was a loud noise when the four arrived at the Champs Hotel. This group of ordinary people who were locked up in the hotel for special reasons were naturally very dissatisfied with this behavior that was similar to imprisonment.

  "Lord Sheriff! What happened! When can we leave here!"

  "I am the son of Viscount Fit, and how dare you treat me like this! When I go out, I must look good to you, these bullying wild dogs!"

  "I'm going to get my lawyer here!"

  "Please let me go quickly! If my wife knows that I am fooling around here, she will definitely cut off my private money!"


  Various voices of protest came one after another, but all the voices stopped when the Sheriff took out his iron and black baton.

  "Stand down in an orderly manner! You can leave after the Bishop of the Church of the Night has finished handling the matter!" The Sheriff's voice was irritable and depressing, just like when Lu Yan was first encountered.

  After this roar, all the noise disappeared, and the passengers who were shouting just now were as quiet as if they were silenced.

  They quickly realized the meaning of the Sheriff's words. The bishop of the Church of the Night personally came to deal with this matter. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net This may mean that what happened here is beyond their imagination!

  "Lord Sheriff! There won't be any evil spirits here! I don't want to die, please save me!"

  "Your Majesty, please help us. Our whole family is a loyal servant of the goddess!"

  I don't know who imagined the evil spirit incident first, causing everyone to think that an evil spirit murder occurred here. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, church personnel are proficient in blessings, exorcism and other abilities.

  On the other hand, the son of Viscount Fit who screamed the most fiercely at the beginning did not make any sound this time, because he knew about the Extraordinary. His cousin was an Extraordinary, and there were many other people in the Kingdom of Loen. low status.

  "Carlos, please contact other members of the Red Gloves first. From now on, you are only allowed to enter and not leave this area of ​​the Champs Elysees Hotel!" Lu Yan suddenly noticed a scene in the future. It seemed that the brothers from the Church of Storms were being I'm stuck on something, and I'm not out of trouble yet.

  Carlos didn't have any objections. In his opinion, Bishop Lu Yan should have done this long ago. It was very simple to capture an extraordinary person with the ability of the red gloves.

  Klaas on the side was thinking more. He looked at the path connecting the Church of Storms jurisdiction in the distance and said with a worried tone.

  "Where are those guys from the Church of Storms?" He was a little worried about this matter. Although Lu Yan was the bishop of the Church of Night, there was a huge difference between the bishop and the bishop. Claes didn't know if Lu Yan could resist the pressure from the Church of Storms.

  "Don't worry, they won't be here for a while."

  The tone was calm and determined, as if this matter should be like this, which made Klass feel at ease inexplicably.

Missing chapters and error reportsChapter 15 Miss Anne, you don't want to see Deacon Sesima either!

  The Champs Hotel is a large building with three floors. The first floor is where the restaurant and public washrooms are located. Bypassing the stairs on the left side of the first floor, you can go to the guest rooms on the second floor.

  According to a brief statement by the Sheriff, the body of the gentleman at the scene of the crime was well preserved, and the lady who caused the tragedy was placed alone in the spare room next door. It happened that this room was close to the bathroom on the second floor. They are close together, so this room also becomes the only windowless guest room on the second floor.

  The advantage of the Sheriff accompanying them is that no one dares to block their progress. Most people dare to get angry but dare not speak out under the Sheriff's tough temperament.

  "Do you need help from Red Gloves?" Carlos looked at Lu Yan worriedly and said. Among the three of them, Lu Yan has the lowest rank, but his status is the highest. Therefore, they must devote part of their attention to protecting Lu Yan's safety during the battle.

  "No, don't worry about me, my luck has always been very good." Lu Yan replied confidently.

  Carlos suddenly felt that Bishop Lu Yan might not be as reliable as he thought. Claes' face darkened and he directly chose to bypass Lu Yan and block Lu Yan behind him.

  "When it comes time to take action, the two of us will go in first while you stand outside the room looking for extraordinary weapons to use."

  Claes subconsciously thought that the extraordinary items brought by Lu Yan had the ability to attack. This was also related to the habits he had developed while fighting the Heart of Machinery, but there seemed to be some deviations between the imagination and reality.

  Lu Yan rummaged through the pockets of his underwear and spread out several crumpled charms: "These are healing charms, three for each of you."

  After handing the talisman to them, Lu Yan continued to warn: "This time your opponent is a witch from the seventh witch sequence. I believe you know her abilities better than I do."

  One of them was an archaeologist who was promoted to a generalist, and the other was a secret voyeur who was promoted to a combat scholar, and they were both personnel in the church who responded to extraordinary events. If Lu Yan didn't even know the basic information of low-sequences, then Lu Yan wouldn't know You have to wonder if they were promoted to Sequence Eight without digesting the magic potion.

  Brothers Carlos and Claes nodded solemnly. Before the action, Klass guessed who their opponent was after Lu Yan's prompts. Now that Lu Yan has revealed the answer, he will not be surprised at all.

  Carlos, on the other hand, glanced at the two of them with his innocent eyes. He always felt that his cousin and Bishop Lu Yan were plotting something big behind his back, but he had no evidence now!

  "Don't worry, leave it to us. Although the Witch Sequence has a strong ability to hide, they can't always hide." Kras pulled up the safety of the gun in his pocket and gave an unknown smile.

  Witches can use magic to attack, but their Steam Church is not a vegetarian. Gadgets made by high-sequence extraordinary people using simple machines may be more powerful than magic.

  Within three meters, my gun is faster than magic! This is Klaas's confidence!

  Lu Yan didn't know what the two of them were thinking at the moment, and he didn't have the intention to think about what they were thinking. He used his fingers to gently open the cover of the mysterious pocket watch, and what followed was a kind of A mysterious and mysterious feeling emerged in his heart.

  "crack shot!"

  Within a distance of three meters, there is no need to aim, just hit wherever you point! Before each shot, you must shout the target's name. If you don't shout the name, you will not be able to lock on the target, so you can achieve perfect shots!


  Lu Yan's spirituality quickly drained away the moment the buff took effect, and it was accompanied by inexplicable language. Although Lu Yan couldn't understand the words coming from him, he understood what the other party was talking about.

  For example, He said: "There is a mouse bigger than a cat chasing a cat in the sewers of Queen Backlund. A certain store in Fusac is for rent today..."

  Useless and full of junk information crazily poured into Lu Yan's brain. Fortunately, his brain capacity was far beyond that of a normal person, but it could not sustain it for ten minutes at most.

  On the contrary, his abundant spirituality can support the gain for much longer than ten minutes, which is completely opposite to the situation when others use pocket watches! They couldn't even hear a few words from the continuous garbage messages, and the pitiful spiritual energy was consumed first.

  Lu Yan realized something was wrong before he could feel joy in his heart. He didn't seem to know the name of this sequence seven witch lady, and it was difficult to be sure whether this lady who was promoted to a witch would change her original name. The name is feminine. If this is really the case, which name should he call to lock in the other person?

  "Klass, please try first to see if you can ask her name. This will be of great help to me in using extraordinary weapons." Lu Yan took out the silver-white pistol from his pocket and stuffed six hunting bullets inside. Magic bullet.

  The silver-white pistol has an unknown pattern attached to it, and several protruding dots are connected together to form the Holy Emblem of the Crimson Moon. The same design is found on the demon-hunting bullets.

  Exquisite design, magic hunting bullets made of special materials, these things may fetch sky-high prices on the market. Fortunately, he received these things from the Church of Night by virtue of his status as bishop. Well, thank the goddess for her grace.

  "Yes, we will." Klass nodded slightly. The abilities of extraordinary items are all kinds of strange. Extraordinary items that require certain conditions before they can be used are a very common type.

  "What about me?" Carlos asked Claes very unconvinced.

  Lu Yan and his cousin have a detailed division of labor. Only he is like an outsider. He is obviously a teammate of Bishop Lu Yan, but now it seems that he is just here to make soy sauce for his cousin.

  Claes thought for a while, then grinned and said: "My stupid cousin! You are a member of the Red Gloves of the Church of the Night. Do you still need me to teach you these things?"

  After saying that, Klas turned his head away and tried hard to cover up his expression at the moment. If he continued to look directly at Carlos, he might laugh out loud.

  Carlos was stunned for a while, and then he remembered that his combat power should be the highest among the three, and he had decided what he needed to do from the beginning.

  This was his first mission away from the Red Gloves. In the past, Lady Sesima arranged everything, and he only had to be responsible for the execution. As a result, he performed the task perfectly, which is what he has always been proud of. Now when it was his turn to take action, he realized that there were so many things he didn't understand.

  Lu Yan saw Carlos' naturally dazed look. The expression on his face did not change, but a smile appeared in his heart just like Claes.

  This time, Carlos used his brain, which had not actively thought for a long time, to analyze these things. Although he only thought about it roughly for a few seconds, he got a lot of information that he didn't know or deliberately ignored.

  "I'm responsible for stimulating her with words. When the time comes, cousin, you can lead the conversation to her name." Carlos's sapphire-like eyes seemed to flash a bright light, as if to say: "I understand." !"

  "You should have used your brain to think about it a long time ago, otherwise I would suspect that your brain is about to degenerate into the brain of a curly-haired baboon." Klass said jokingly.

  Carlos, who hadn't been serious for two seconds, was instantly caught off guard, but he still knew it was time to perform a mission, so he could only say viciously: "Klass, it is said that curly baboons have a lot of hair!"

  Claes subconsciously covered his hair, and then glanced at Lu Yan nervously. He breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that Lu Yan didn't seem to hear their conversation.

  "Get ready to take action, we have wasted nearly a minute." Lu Yan interrupted the two brothers who seemed to be talking about the topic.

  He made a hissing gesture after removing the spiritual wall used to isolate the outside world, as if it was not time for the two of them to discuss freely.

  "Mr. Sheriff, what is the name of the lady living in the room?"

  Lu Yan took a step back and walked to the Sheriff's side, and asked the Sheriff in a very quiet voice.

  He didn't do it accidentally, he did it on purpose. If the witch lady in the room would care about her identity, then this is the so-called face-to-face attack.

  The Sheriff quickly replied in a low voice without even thinking: "The lady in the room is called Anne Hull. She is traveling from Lemberg. All the procedures are complete, and there is no fault in her identity." . She has not gone out since she entered the Champs Elysees Hotel. If it hadn't happened in the early morning, she would have been a normal traveler."

  The Sheriff spoke out the information about Miss Anne in a hurried tone with clear logic. Lu Yan even felt a little suspicious.

  In fact, Mr. Sheriff has rehearsed this matter in his mind several times. Ever since he learned Lu Yan's identity, he has been trying every means to restore his image. Now it seems that he has succeeded.

  "Your abilities are very good." Lu Yan turned around and stood beside the two brothers.

  "Bishop Lu Yan..." Klaas frowned and planned to persuade Lu Yan not to take risks.

  Lu Yan moved the silver hair that was in front of his eyes to his ears twice with his hands, and said in a calm but unquestionable tone: "I have always been very lucky."

  "Is this Miss Anne Hull in the room?" Carlos acquiesced to Lu Yan's action, and then gently knocked on the wooden door twice with his hand.

  The Sheriff was very excited after receiving Lu Yan's praise. The dopamine secreted in his head even numbed his fear of extraordinary power, and he shouted directly into the room.

  "Miss Anne, please open the door to the room and cooperate with the investigation, otherwise I will take coercive measures to destroy the door! At that time, the cost of repairing the wooden door will be included in your bill."

  The Sheriff knows what ordinary people care about most, and ordinary ordinary families will not be willing to pay a "huge sum" of money!

  As expected, Carlos's knock on the door was not responded to by the people inside, but after the sheriff's voice fell, footsteps were heard in the room.

  The room was opened a crack, and a very beautiful lady stood behind the door and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

  Her voice was very strange. Even the few words she said casually had a charming tone, which made the irritable Mr. Sheriff's breathing quicken.

  But it is of no use to Lu Yan and the other three. They all have the ability to resist the influence of extraordinary power and will not be affected by charm.

  "You leave here first. You don't need to participate in the next thing. It's a bit dangerous." Lu Yan frowned slightly and sighed in his heart.

  The Sheriff quickly came out of his seductive state. Whether it was work or life, there were things that were far more important than a one-night stand. He couldn't tell clearly.

  "Then, my dear Bishop, I will leave first." A few drops of sweat fell on the Sheriff's cheek, and everything he did was almost in vain! Fortunately, he finally controlled his desires.

  The Sheriff didn't stop any longer. He crossed the corridor in a few steps and quickly walked down the stairs with his plump figure. People who didn't know better thought that something terrible had happened to the Sheriff and he was so frightened that he ran away.

  "Miss Anne, you should know our identities by now. I don't like procrastinating on nonsense." Lu Yan said straight to the point. He didn't know whether Miss Annie would be willing to cooperate next, but there was no loss in trying.

  "I have already guessed that this scene will happen. Let me guess, the Champs Elysees Hotel should have been surrounded by extraordinary people from the church." Annie stopped pretending, UU reading www. uukanshu.net God knows how much it disgusted her that he pretended to be an elegant young lady in front of that group of ordinary people in recent days.

  "Since you have this awareness, then you can tell me now why you steal women's clothes." Lu Yan pointed out this matter directly. He only cared about this matter. As for this Miss Anne, It is up to professionals to judge whether you have done something outrageous or not.

  "If I hand back those clothes, can you let me leave here?" Miss Anne blinked and pretended to be pitiful.

  But Lu Yan did not believe his lies, but asked with a smile: "You had many opportunities to escape, but you never left. Why is that?"

  "I just like it here. Wouldn't you like to stay here for a while?" Miss Anne said with a hint of annoyance to expose the lie. She smiled confidently and continued: "What you want is in the room. Do you dare to come and get it?"

  Klass sneered directly: "We don't need to go in at all, we just need to wait for the backup team to arrive."

  Carlos had an idea here and did not forget to add a sentence after Claas's words: "Bishop, do you know where Deacon Sesima has gone?"

  Lu Yan shook his head slightly, and then replied in a perfunctory tone: "Deacon Sesima is the senior deacon of the Church of the Night. Naturally, I don't know his whereabouts."

  They seemed to have turned the topic to Deacon Sesima, chatting non-stop, seeming to completely ignore Anne.

  "You guys!" Annie's expression changed rapidly. She naturally believed that Lu Yan and the others did not deceive him.

  Because of this, she knew what kind of enemy she would face next.

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