
B 9

Chapter 41 Wearing a skirt for the first time

Chapter 41 Wearing a skirt for the first time

"Wide-sleeved flowing fairy skirt?! But. I. have never worn a skirt. Me"

Zhu Zhuqing looked a little hesitant. But somehow I want to try it. Do I wear a dress one day too?

From childhood to adulthood, the Nether Civet Cat family has had only one philosophy: "The strong are respected." Therefore, a girl's childhood has always been endless training as long as she can remember.

It is instilled that life is a race from birth, either to surpass others or to be stepped on by others. Can't stop for a moment.

Maybe no one cares about a girl. No. Love of tools, right?

"Hahaha, don't worry, Zhuqing will look good in anything you wear. This fairy dress with wide sleeves is the work of a famous mainland fashion designer."

"This is the only one in the entire continent!"

Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's hesitation, Ning Rongrong smiled and said it didn't matter. Then he reached out and opened the exquisite gift box held in the girl's hand.

In the past few days, Zhu Zhuqing was always wearing the same outfit - a tight-fitting black leather jacket. She seemed to have never worn other clothes, so I wanted to give her a piece of clothing.

After much thought, I gritted my teeth and decided to give him this unique 'fairy dress with wide sleeves'.

This was a birthday gift from 'Grandpa Jian' who loved Ning Rongrong the most. I have treasured it to this day and originally planned to wear it at the most important moment in my life.

Thinking of this.

Ning Rongrong felt a sudden pain in her heart.

along with.

Ning Rongrong completely took out the 'Wide Sleeve Fairy Dress' from the gift box and spread out her hands.

Wearing a light and elegant flowing fairy dress with wide sleeves, people's eyes instantly brighten. The blue skirt is as cold as cold dew, and the color is mainly blue.

The skirt is embellished with many exquisite embroidery patterns, which are made with delicate handcrafts.

The skirt is wide and smooth, as if dancing in the wind, giving people a sense of freedom.

Since all materials are made of special soul beast silk, this 'wide-sleeved flowing fairy skirt' flashes from time to time with little cyan streams of light as it sways in the air.

Shining brightly in the sun.

Somewhat obsessed.

Zhu Zhuqing took over the 'fairy dress with wide sleeves' by accident. Holding it in his hand, he was stunned for a long time.

"How about it! Just be satisfied with the dazzling look. I say that no girl can resist the temptation it brings."

At this time, Ning Rongrong said proudly with a showy tone. Seeing this, Zhuqing, who had always had a cold face, suddenly looked dazed and fascinated.

Ning Rongrong couldn't help but laugh happily, and Ning Rongrong felt proud and satisfied in her heart. She felt that it was not unreasonable for me to spend such a huge amount of money. Cool!

So cool!

"Hey. Don't be stunned, Zhuqing, go and try it."

Seeing that Zhu Qing had not recovered from his composure after a long time, Ning Rongrong waved her hand gently in front of Zhu Zhuqing and said urgingly.

"Uh okay."

Under Ning Rongrong's urging, Zhu Zhuqing came back to his senses and prepared to change into this 'fairy dress with wide sleeves'. But the girl had never worn a skirt before.

I was clumsy and couldn't change it for a long time. He had no choice but to call out softly:

"Rongrong, I've never worn a skirt. I really can't fit into this wide-sleeved fairy skirt. Can you come in and help me?"

There was an air of bewildered embarrassment in his words. Paired with the girl's still cold voice, it was a bit dull and contrasting.

Hear the words.

"Okay, I've been wearing this skirt since I was a kid. Do you want to learn? I'll teach you."

Ning Rongrong smiled slightly, but she didn't expect that the cold Zhu Zhuqing didn't know how to wear a skirt. After saying that, he went in to help Zhu Zhuqing put on the 'fairy dress with wide sleeves'.

Not everyone can be like Ning Rongrong, who has received countless favors since childhood and is carefree and unaware of the cruelty and indifference of the world.

I have never met a girl like Zhu Zhuqing who has never worn skirts since she was a child, and I have never known that there are people in this world who cannot afford a piece of steamed buns.

This is fate.

<divclass="contentadv" >After a while.

Wearing a flowing fairy skirt with wide sleeves that are flying and smart, it matches Zhu Zhuqing's delicate face of iceberg beauty.

Her otherworldly aura makes people feel as if she is a fairy that has jumped out of a famous painting.

Inexplicably, it felt like this 'fairy dress with wide sleeves' was tailor-made for Zhu Zhuqing.

This temperament?

After thinking about it, Ning Rongrong asked Zhu Zhuqing to spin gently. Along with her flowing long skirt, the skirt shone with little cyan lights, which was so beautiful that it was intoxicating.

Seeing this scene, Ning Rongrong opened her eyes in admiration and couldn't help but praise:

"Zhuqing, you are so beautiful! You are so suitable for this 'fairy dress with wide sleeves'."

Then she circled around Zhu Zhuqing a few times, looked at it carefully, and frowned slightly! I have an idea in mind!

He led Zhu Zhuqing to sit down on the dressing table.

Ning Rongrong chose to wear a simple bun with her messy hair tied up high, retaining Zhu Zhuqing's unique cat-ear hairstyle.

This kind of dress perfectly presents Zhu Zhuqing's fresh and elegant face.

Ning Rongrong looked over it again and again. I found there was nothing that could be improved.

She clapped her hands gently and you're done!


Then he took a mirror and handed it to Zhu Zhuqing. With a smile on his face asking for credit, he said to the girl:

"Take a look at Zhuqing. Are you satisfied?"

His words were filled with pride for his achievements.

Zhu Zhuqing took the mirror.

The girl stared at herself in the mirror, showing confidence and brilliance. Her fingers gently slid across her cheeks, her eyes full of surprise and surprise.

The first time she put on this fairy dress with wide sleeves and her exquisite dress, an unprecedented feeling came to her.

so good.

Her lips raised slightly, revealing a hint of a smile, and the girl nodded with satisfaction.

Then he put down the mirror, stood up and said with sincere gratitude:

"I'm very satisfied, thank you! Rongrong!"

Since becoming a disciple, the girl's once cold and lifeless face has been broken by this gentle smile countless times.

The smiles I have shown these days may be more than those in the past ten years combined.

Over time.

It also slowly opened Zhu Zhuqing's closed heart like frost. The girl has gradually adapted to her new life and feels the warmth and sunshine of this world.

She is no longer as taciturn as before and is becoming more like a normal girl. Cherish every beautiful moment.

"So Zhuqing, you can smile. I thought you would never smile with this cold face. You look so beautiful when you smile. You must smile more in the future."

Ning Rongrong caught the smile on the girl's lips for a moment, and she teased. Finally, he did not forget to praise and remind the girl.

I don't know why Zhuqing keeps that cold face, even though he looks so pretty when he smiles. I really don't understand.

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned when he heard Ning Rongrong's praise. Fell into brief thought.

The teacher also said this to me. It turns out that my smile is so beautiful.

Will you smile more in the future?

Think of this.

The girl's lips slightly raised into a smile again.

Chapter 42 The moon is shy and the flowers are shy

Chapter 42 The moon is shy and the flowers are shy

"Wow, you are. Are you Zhuqing?!"

At this time, Xiao Wu, who came back from outside, saw Zhu Zhuqing wearing a 'fairy dress with wide sleeves' and said with disbelief on her face.

this? Is he still the same Zhu Zhuqing who wears black bodysuits and has a cold face every day? This cool and elegant girl with a smile.

A person whose temperament is like a fairy on earth. This girl has the same appearance as Zhu Zhuqing.

will not?

Is she Zhu Zhuqing's sister?

"Hehe, Xiao Wu, are you also shocked? This outfit is all my fault. Does this 'wide-sleeved flowing fairy dress' look good?"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong put her hands on her hips and said with a smile. His eyes sparkled with pride.

I saw.

Wearing a light and elegant flowing fairy skirt with wide sleeves, the blue skirt is as clear as a stream of autumn water.

Wearing this gorgeous dress, Zhu Zhuqing looked like a goddess descending from the sky, exuding nobility and elegance.

"It's really Zhuqing! This is too unreal. Not only does it look good, it's simply..."

Xiao Wu opened her mouth wide in amazement, showing an expression of disbelief. She didn't know what words to use to describe it.

It took a long time to remember, and she added:

"Breaking beautiful!"

In fact, these words cannot describe the shock and admiration in Xiao Wu's heart.

Hearing Xiao Wu's heartfelt praise.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, then lowered his head shyly, with a blush on his face.

It was her first time to wear a skirt. Such compliments made the girl feel a little embarrassed. She bit her lip gently and it took her a long time to utter a sentence:

"It's not that exaggerated."

Upon hearing this, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu looked at each other and said loudly in unison:

"It's even more exaggerated than that!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, it was so surprising to see such a shy Zhu Zhuqing.


So interesting! ! !

"I'm going to the teacher's place to practice, no more chatting!"

Zhu Zhuqing said with a blush.

After saying this, the girl quickly turned around and hurriedly prepared to leave the dormitory. I really can't stay any longer.

At this time.

Ning Rongrong's voice came from behind:

"Zhuqing, wait, can I go with you to see your teacher? I haven't thanked you properly for saving my life the day before yesterday. And what happened before."

There was a pause.

"I didn't even say sorry properly."

The tone was soft and sweet, and Ning Rongrong's face was full of apology. She has always been worried about this matter.

The day before yesterday, Teacher Zhuqing saved her life regardless of previous suspicions. Yesterday, her body was too weak to walk, otherwise Ning Rongrong would have wanted to say thank you yesterday.

"That's right, Zhuqing, I didn't thank your teacher in person. I want to go too, so I won't disturb your teacher."

Hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Xiao Wu also reacted and agreed with a smile.

When chatting with 'Third Brother', you can also see his fearful tone. I felt how critical the situation was at that time.

"The teacher is very nice. He won't care about this. Well, let's go together."

After pondering for a moment, Zhu Zhuqing gently agreed.

Wooden house by the lake.

The sunlight shines through the leaves on the ground, forming mottled light and shadow. The breeze blew the leaves, making a rustling sound.

Sitting next to the stone table, Yu Xiaogang concentrated on writing and recording something, as if he was completely integrated into his own world and isolated from the outside world.

The whole atmosphere is quiet and peaceful.

At this time.

A cold voice from far away broke the tranquility.


Yu Xiaogang raised his head.

See only the distance.

<divclass="contentadv" >The breeze blew.

Zhu Zhuqing's blue skirt, as clear as a stream of autumn water, came into view, followed by two girls, one was Xiao Wu and the other was Ning Rongrong.

The girl walked across the grass lightly and elegantly, her skirt swaying with little bits of cyan light, looking like a fairy dancing in the sea of ​​flowers.

I have never seen Zhu Zhuqing dressed like this before. The pen in my hand couldn't help but pause for a while, and I couldn't help but feel a little lost.


Zhu Zhuqing walked up to him and saw that Yu Xiaogang didn't reply, so he waved his hand a few times in front of his eyes. doubted.

"Oh Zhuqing, what are you doing here? I didn't expect you to wear a skirt with your temperament, Zhuqing."

Yu Xiaogang suddenly reacted and asked awkwardly.

Zhu Zhuqing has been wearing tight black clothes for more than ten days and has never changed. What happened today?

"Does it look good?"

As Zhu Zhuqing spoke, he spun around a few times, causing his blue clothes to fly, exuding a girl's unique fragrance.

There is a cool beauty in her every move. However, this coolness does not make people feel cold, but is a kind of refreshing beauty.


what happened? Zhuqing seems different today?

Yu Xiaogang was surprised by Zhuqing's temperament and behavior. Pretending to be exaggerated, he exclaimed:

"This cannot be said to be beautiful. With your appearance like Zhuqing, the fish in the water will sink to the bottom when they see you, and the birds will forget to fly and fall down when they see you.

The moon in the sky hides quietly when it sees you, and the flowers on the ground feel shy when they see you. "

This is the truth!

Suddenly, a big blush appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's face. He bowed his head in embarrassment and replied:

"Ah, teacher!? You are exaggerating too much. It's even more exaggerated than what Xiao Wu Rongrong said. How can it be possible?"

The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes.


Instead of teasing Zhu Zhuqing any more, Yu Xiaogang put away his notes, looked at Ning Rongrong Xiaowu next to him, and then said:

"What's wrong with you?"

"Teacher Yu, I still have to thank you for saving me last time. And I'm really sorry for being in front of Zhuqing before. Please forgive me."

After saying that, Ning Rongrong bowed heavily to Yu Xiaogang to show respect. The tone was very sincere.

Xiao Wu also said, "Yes, yes, Teacher Yu, we are here to thank you." Following Ning Rongrong's movements, she also bowed.

Yu Xiaogang waved his hand and said with a smile:

"You're welcome, I'm just doing my duty. Besides, no one would want beautiful flowers like you to wither."

Then he turned to Ning Rongrong alone and said, "Zhuqing has forgiven you."


I will also come to Qibao Glazed Sect, after all, this is the teacher's promise.

I don't want to bully the small ones with the big one, so I just want to stop rubbing the faces of these three sects, just in time. I heard that the Sect Protector Douluo is known as the best sword in the world on the mainland.

Think of this.

The breath can't help but surge a little.

It's really fun.

'No one would want beautiful flowers like you to wither'.

When Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu heard this, they raised their heads. Seeing Yu Xiaogang's eyes full of wisdom and depth. His voice was very gentle. Gives people a warm feeling.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu looked at each other, feeling warm in their hearts.

Is Teacher Jade so charming despite his seemingly mediocre soul strength? Zhuqing is right, her teacher is indeed very nice.

"Teacher Yu, thank you!"

Ning Rongrong bowed solemnly at this time.

The poisoning incident was already known to his father. Maybe. She won't be able to stay here at Shrek Academy for a while.

Going home?


Chapter 43 Re-recognition

Chapter 43 Reacquaintance

"do not take it personally."

After waving his hand, Yu Xiaogang smiled calmly.

I couldn't help but murmur in my heart.


This... Ning Rongrong's polite and polite attitude towards others? A bit unlike what Zhuqing said, he was willful, overbearing and arrogant.

Hear the words.

Ning Rongrong slowly stood up and looked at the gentle smile reflected on Teacher Yu's face, Ning Rongrong felt a strong sense of shame welling up.

She lowered her head slightly again.

Ever since he entered school, he had always looked down on Teacher Yu, who only had Soul Master cultivation. When they first met, he felt such a spring breeze.

Ning Rongrong's view of Teacher Yu changed.His gentle and affable demeanor makes you feel comfortable and calm.

Ning Rongrong suddenly began to realize how ridiculous her previous prejudices were, because a real teacher should not only have great strength.


Teacher Yu only has the cultivation level of Soul Master.

But with such a magnanimous temperament and his attainments in martial arts theory and medicine, he was more than enough to be her teacher Ning Rongrong.

"The etiquette cannot be discarded. Teacher Yu's life-saving grace will be engraved in Ning Rongrong's heart."

Ning Rongrong cupped her hands and bowed deeply to Yu Xiaogang. This bow is also to bid farewell to the narrow-minded, arrogant and arrogant self that I once was.

this moment.

The little witch who was once the Qibao Glazed Sect has finally grown up.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xiaogang said to Zhu Zhuqing next to him with a smile

"Zhuqing, Rongrong is so polite. Not as...so as you said."

The tone was a little hesitant, I didn't know how to describe it.

The words are not finished yet.

After Zhu Zhuqing, who was wearing a blue dress, heard Yu Xiaogang's words, she tightened her sleeves and hurriedly interrupted.

"Teacher!? Don't talk nonsense. I didn't say anything. I just...just." The girl's face turned red and she looked embarrassed, trying her best to explain.

But because I'm clumsy and not good at words, I don't know how to express myself clearly, so I can't help but stutter a little.

Seeing the girl look so embarrassed.

Yu Xiaogang said with a smile:

"Hahaha, look at you, look at you, why are you so anxious? It doesn't matter. Rongrong won't mind. Aren't you reconciled?"

"What's the point of being embarrassed? I'm glad that you guys can clear up the misunderstanding and become friends and teachers. Isn't that nice?"

It's not the hatred of killing his father or seizing his wife. It's just a trivial misunderstanding, just let it go.

Besides, it's good that Zhuqing can make friends with his temperament, unlike before where he was cold and lifeless. As if he was carrying some deep hatred.

Isn't this good?


"Teacher, can you stop making such jokes?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's expression eased slightly and he breathed a sigh of relief. Jiao said angrily.

Isn't this making things difficult for me, Zhuqing?

Ning Rongrong's face turned red when she heard this. It turned out that Teacher Yu knew about the dispute she had with Zhu Qing before.

It felt like the soles of my feet were on fire, and I couldn't help but feel ashamed. He grabbed his clothes to cover up his nervousness and embarrassment.

He froze in place and felt a bit at a loss.

How to do?

Yu Xiaogang looked at Ning Rongrong and seemed to notice something, then smiled and said:

"Everyone makes mistakes. It's human nature. You can wake up in time and have the courage to admit your mistakes and apologize so sincerely."

"You are very good!"

The tone was somewhat appreciative and encouraging. Express understanding and comfort.

Have the courage to admit your mistakes and take positive action to make up for them. Ning Rongrong is still a bit responsible.

<divclass="contentadv" >This. The skirt Zhuqing is wearing must have been given by Ning Rongrong, right?

It's rare.

This dreamy and gorgeous blue dress is worth a lot of money at a glance. From this, you can feel that Ning Rongrong's attitude is sincere and she has put some thought into it.

Hearing the gentle praise and encouragement from Yu Xiaogang's voice, a warm feeling passed through Ning Rongrong's heart.

Let go of the tight grip on your clothes, your whole body slowly relax, and your heart gradually calms down. She looked at Yu Xiaogang gratefully.

Then Ning Rongrong was a little shy and quickly waved her hands and said:

"I don't mind, I don't mind. Zhuqing is a very nice person. I did something wrong last time. It's all my fault. It's not Zhuqing's fault."

"I have learned to respect others and will not act like a young lady easily."

He once acted recklessly because of Grandpa Jian's favor, but by teasing others like this, he just wanted to attract everyone's attention.

Unexpectedly, it had the opposite effect, causing those sect disciples to be afraid of avoiding him when they saw him. No one wants to be friends with her.

Her father was busy with sect affairs, and Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu were constantly practicing in seclusion. As a child, Ning Rongrong often felt isolated and lonely.

Ning Rongrong actually longed for a friend and playmate to share her happiness with. It's just because of her personality that she doesn't know how to express herself.

And fear of rejection or isolation.

After leaving the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, so many things happened in a short period of time in Shrek Academy, and it was the first time I truly made friends.

Only then did I realize how simple it is between friends.


Sincerity is the ultimate skill!

"Rongrong Zhuqing, we did have some misunderstandings before. Haven't we apologized now? Isn't this good?"

When Xiao Wu next to her saw this, she looked like a big sister. He waved his hands and continued. The words revealed an open-minded attitude.

"We, this is called not getting to know each other without fighting. Don't talk so much about who it is. It's all over. From today on, we will start to get to know each other again."

"Xiao Wu."

Seeing that Ning Rongrong was more domineering and arrogant than herself before, but now she has become so gentle and shy? It's really a bit jaw-dropping.

If Uncle Oscar sees such a gentle Ning Rongrong, he may not be able to help but be moved, hehe.

In the past two days, the atmosphere in the dormitory was no longer as tense as before. They can also feel their respective temperaments. Not the kind of person you can't get along with.

Still kind in nature.

Hear Xiao Wu's words.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong nodded slightly in agreement:

"it is good."

"Zhu Zhuqing."

"Ning Rongrong."

After saying that, the three of them looked at each other, smiled and let each other go. They felt relaxed in their hearts, and a kind of trust and tacit understanding were established.

Maybe this is friendship.

"Okay, Zhuqing, we won't disturb your practice." Ning Rongrong smiled, then waved goodbye, "See you again, Teacher Yu."

Turn around and go back to the dormitory with Xiao Wu to rest.

"Zhuqing, what's the name of your skirt? It's a gift from Ning Rongrong. I didn't expect that Zhuqing looks pretty good in a skirt."

Looking at Xiao Wu Ning Rongrong getting further away in the distance, Yu Xiaogang asked casually.

"Well, it's called the Fairy Dress with Wide Sleeves. This is the first time in my life that I've worn a skirt. I like it very much."

Zhu Zhuqing spoke slowly. The tone was so calm, as if it was no big deal.

But what he said can't help but make people feel a little distressed.

Chapter 44 Chenxin is furious

Chapter 44 Chenxin is furious

Hearing this, he was stunned.

"Well, since I like wearing it, I will wear it more in the future. It will be much more glorious than before."

Yu Xiaogang said softly.

I have never understood why Zhuqing worked so hard and never slacked off, and did not inquire about the girl's past without authorization.

He didn't pay much attention to it, and was waiting for Zhuqing to talk about the past. When the girl had enough strength, she would naturally be able to get rid of the fate that restricted her.

But today I realized that I might be a little incompetent as a teacher. After all, Zhuqing is just a teenage girl.

Maybe Zhu Zhuqing acted too tough and steady, which made Yu Xiaogang subconsciously ignore that she was still a young girl.

"By the way, I saw you writing something before, teacher. Do you have any new clues about Wuhun?"

Without wanting to talk about the past, Zhu Zhuqing quickly changed the subject and asked with wide eyes and curiosity.

The inexplicable sad atmosphere dissipated instantly.

Following the girl's wishes, Yu Xiaogang did not dig into the details. He smiled calmly:

"It's not just for you, I'm helping you choose the right soul beast. This is the teacher's biggest achievement in studying martial arts for more than ten years - the sublimation theory of the original martial soul."

As he spoke, he raised the notes in his hand.

Zhuqing, the teacher will not ask about your past, but I hope you embrace the present, and the teacher will be on your side. Giving you strength and support. No matter what difficulties you are facing.

Waiting for you to sublimate your own martial soul one day and gain that extraordinary power. By then you will naturally be able to cut off all the shackles. Free and unrestrained.

Zhuqing, teacher believes in you!

Yu Xiaogang thought secretly in his heart.

"What is the theory of soul sublimation of the original body?! Teacher, can I have a look?"

Zhu Zhuqing asked in confusion. These words aroused the girl's curiosity. As he spoke, he reached out to grab the notes in Yu Xiaogang's hand.

"Hey, this is not something you can touch now. It will have to wait until you complete the first stage of the Wuji Zhuang Xiaocheng and your physical fitness has greatly improved. It is very dangerous."

See this. Yu Xiaogang gently raised his hand to avoid the girl's outstretched hand. He said in a stern tone.

"Teacher! Tell me. I'm very curious about this theory of the soul's sublimation."

Seeing that he couldn't get the notes, Zhu Zhuqing gently shook Yu Xiaogang's other arm, as if coquettishly.

"Just a little bit. To put it simply, you have a ghost civet with high-level martial soul quality. It can be sublimated into a top-level martial soul or a super martial soul."

There was really nothing that could be done against Zhu Zhuqing, so Yu Xiaogang cleared his throat and said. What he said in simple terms was more understandable.

"Isn't this the evolution of martial souls? Isn't this only possible when advancing to the title Douluo level?" Zhu Zhuqing was very surprised.

"You can understand it this way. You know how rare this opportunity is. So hurry up and practice hard. Complete the first stage of this Wuji Pile as soon as possible."

Yu Xiaogang said angrily.

The Promise Pile has also improved a lot in Douluo Continent over the years. You must know that the first version of the Promise Pile is directly the third stage. If you don't succeed, you will be a benevolent person.

After Zhuqing completes the first stage and absorbs a soul bone, his physical fitness should be enough to absorb the soul ring beyond the next level. By the time.

"is teacher!"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

The girl knew that the teacher was a very cautious person and never did anything that he was not sure of. Since he said that, he was at least 8% sure.

Does the martial spirit evolve?

Top level martial spirit.

Three days later.

Qibao Glazed Sect.

<divclass="contentadv" >The huge tower-shaped building is extremely majestic, with the spire reaching straight into the sky.

In the main hall.

A middle-aged man in elegant clothes is handling sect affairs, his eyes are wise and profound. There is a kind of calmness and calmness in everything he does.

The middle-aged man's name is Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect. He is also the father of the little witch Ning Rongrong.

I have finished handling one more thing and am preparing to handle the next thing.

At this time.

The hall door was suddenly pushed open. Then a strong air flow came in.

No one seen!

Then a strong and powerful voice full of angry questioning sounded. It echoed throughout the hall like thunder.

"Fengzhi!!! Rongrong almost died this time! Why didn't you inform me that such a big thing happened! Why did you let her stay in Shrek Academy!"

I saw.

The old man with white beard and hair, simple appearance, but a face as delicate as a baby, revealed a chilling majesty between his brows.

There is a flying sword at his feet.

With a crisp sound, he quickly teleported in front of Ning Fengzhi and stopped suddenly.

The invisible air flow around him was like a sharp blade, and he had a proud and invincible temperament. There is no doubt that this is a top powerhouse.

Walking down slowly, the flying sword slowly stood behind the old man.This person is none other than Qibao Glazed Sect's White Jade Pillar, Purple Golden Beam in the Sea—Sword Dao Chen Xin!

He is known as the No.1 Attack Titled Douluo in the Mainland, and can be said to be: the No.1 Sword in the World.

Stop writing when you hear the sound.

Ning Fengzhi raised his head and sighed softly, his tone a little helpless. "Uncle Jian, this is what Rongrong requested. I want to tell you after you get out of seclusion."

He then sighed.

"I'm also worried, but the little witch has really grown up and become sensible. She has her own opinions. She said that she can learn a lot of things and make new friends at Shrek Academy."

"I was so scared after this incident that I repeatedly asked Rongrong to come back quickly, but Rongrong refused. There was nothing I could do. Besides, nothing happened."

Of course he is very concerned about his only baby daughter, and he is also somewhat dissatisfied with Flanders. If something happens to Rongrong, he will not be able to protect everyone.

He just couldn't stand Rongrong's coquettishness and was unwilling to force Rongrong to leave Shrek Academy. Hey, this girl is really worrying.

After hearing Ning Fengzhi's explanation, Chen Xin's expression did not calm down and was still angry, with dissatisfaction and disappointment in his eyes. He reproached loudly:

"Hmph! What does Flanders do for a living? How do you ask him to take care of Rongrong like this? Ah! And you, Fengzhi! If Rongrong doesn't come back, kidnap her back!"

"What if something happens to Rongrong again? This time! We can't let her temper run wild again!"

When he came out of seclusion today, he learned that he would almost never see Rongrong again, which filled Jian Chen's heart with endless sorrow and worry. Then came the rage!

He originally disapproved of Rongrong going to Shrek Academy, but now his dissatisfaction was palpable.

With a cold snort, Jian Chen continued to ask.

"Feng Zhi, and who dares to hurt Rongrong? This person has a way to die!"

The tone was extremely cold, as if there was no emotion at all, and the person who had already hurt Rongrong almost died was sentenced to death in his heart.


It seemed that he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. A stream of air visible to the naked eye surged up on his body.

Spread around.

Chapter 45 Visitors from Heaven

Chapter 45 Visitors from Heaven

"His name is Tang San! He is Rongrong's classmate at Shrek Academy. Rongrong said it was just an accident. She has already forgiven Tang San."

Ning Fengzhi replied.

"I have sent people to investigate him. Guess what the following disciples found?"

The Qibao Glazed Sect's business spread all over the continent and collected intelligence from all over the world. Naturally, Tang San's identity and background was not a big secret.

He then waved his hand to signal Chen Xin to take a seat. "Uncle Jian, sit down first."

"Oh? Then what kind of background does Tang San have?" After calming down his surging breath, he walked to the seat next to him and sat down. Chen Xin couldn't help but ask.

"Tang San's father is called Tang Hao! The former Haotian Douluo - Tang Hao! Now he can only hide in a small and remote village and work as a blacksmith."

When Chen Xin sat down, Ning Fengzhi said bluntly without giving in. Ning Fengzhi was also filled with sadness when he first got the news.

Wuhun Palace?

In the eyes of Wuhundian, the three sects who share the same spirit and stay together are just a joke.

The terrifying figure that dominates the world makes people unable to muster the courage to resist. Even the straight-tempered group of Haotian Sect did not dare to resist and immediately closed the mountain to hide from the world.

He didn't even dare to step forward to protect Tang Hao, the sect's heir. I am afraid that if I retreat, my bones will be broken and I will never be able to straighten up again.

Greedy for life and afraid of death!

You must know that without such invincible courage, the Clear Sky Hammer used is just an ordinary top-level martial spirit. Why is it called the best martial spirit in the world?

How ridiculous! Haotian Douluo of Haotian Sect was expelled from the sect by Haotian Sect!

"He? The blacksmith?! No wonder there has been no news about him in the soul master world for so many years. So is Tang San his child? And the child of that soul beast."

Chen Xin's mood seemed a little complicated, and he couldn't help but think of some past events. The tone was melancholy.

The youngest Contra! The youngest titled Douluo! Breaking countless records in Douluo Continent, becoming a titled Douluo more than twenty years earlier than Chen Xin!

Of course Chen Xin had seen that Tang Hao, how high-spirited, so forthright and heroic, it was as if the Clear Sky Hammer was born just for him!

A born strong man. Now he is forced by Wuhun Palace to become a little blacksmith.


call. Chen Xin put away the messy thoughts in his heart and said unhurriedly:

"Okay! I don't bully the small with the big. But! Then Tang Hao has to give me an explanation, and that Flanders took advantage of the sect and actually acted like this!"

Such a big thing happened to Rongrong, and as Rongrong's best 'Grandpa Jian', he had to get angry no matter what.

Chen Xin had no children in his life, so Ning Rongrong was Chen Xin's heart. He loved and protected Ning Rongrong as his own daughter.

"The result is good, but Flanders wasted my trust in him, if it weren't for his old friend Master Yu Xiaogang who happened to stop at Shrek Academy."

"The consequences are really unimaginable!"

Ning Fengzhi had a reproachful look on his face and a hint of fear in his tone, which made him feel dissatisfied with Flanders.

Golden Iron Triangle - Flying Horn Flanders.

Have ideals in mind and not be afraid of powerful people. As a soul sage, he doesn't take anything for granted. He lives in a small village teaching and educating people.

Such a person's character is truly admirable, which is why Ning Fengzhi is assured that Ning Rongrong will stay at Shrek Academy.

did not expect! snort!

Hearing this, Chenxin said with great interest:

"Master Yu Xiaogang? Old Long's son? That lifelong great soul master? I didn't expect that he still has such abilities. There has been no news about him for so many years."

"I thought he was dead."

As the corner of wisdom among the golden corners, Yu Xiaogang is the most special. The bottleneck of innate level 0.5 soul power is like a chasm that makes people feel despair.

That was a trinity of martial soul fusion skills, with a tacit understanding of over ninety-five, if it weren't for Master Yu Xiaogang's soul power level.

Now, with their Soul Saint level cultivation, even Titled Douluo is no problem! ! !

Chenxin has also heard of their names.

"The words in Rong Rong's letter are so exciting. The master Yu Xiaozhang he praised seems to be more than a mortal. He has broken through the natural chasm! He has become a soul master."

"That's level 0.5 innate soul power, it's incredible!"

Ning Fengzhi was filled with emotion.

As both direct descendants of the three upper sects, he is naturally very familiar with Yu Xiaogang, and admires his perseverance in pursuing martial arts knowledge for ten years.

<divclass="contentadv" >Some people also feel sorry for his innate level 0.5 soul power. This is the fate of Master Yu Xiaogang. Maybe he will reach the soul level in this life, which is a pity.

"He got what he wanted, but it's a pity that fate plays tricks on people. Since he saved Rongrong, then I, Sword Douluo, owe him a favor!"

Chen Xin couldn't help but feel some emotions.

Inexplicably, I think of that calm young man who worked so hard for decades and finally became a little soul master. Should I congratulate him?

You should pity him

Does level 0.5 innate soul power have to be so persistent? This is for that! As the son of an old dragon, even if he has no soul power, he will still have enough food and clothing for the rest of his life.

Why bother?

Think of this.

Deep in Chen Xin's heart, courage and understanding stirred up. He seemed to understand and tightened his fists at the corner of the table.

Yu Xiaogang's determination and perseverance for decades shocked him so much that he could not calm down for a long time.

Yu Xiaogang still wants to break the natural barrier in this way. He has not been weaker than others in his life, and he has the confidence to break this natural barrier.

He thought again of the majestic figure holding a sword in his memory.

Level 97?

Chen Xin took a deep breath.

"Let Rongrong stay at Shrek Academy. With this crisis, Flanders will not dare not take it seriously, and the little witch has indeed grown a lot."

Ning Fengzhi said.

Although he is worried as a father, flowers that have experienced wind and rain will become stronger and more beautiful. I was also very happy in my heart.

He believed that his daughter, with Rongrong's talent, would be able to break the restrictions of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

After hearing that Ning Fengzhi had no plans to take Rongrong back. Chen Xin's face changed.

Stand up abruptly.


"I really can't worry about what happened to this girl Rongrong. I want to personally take Rongrong home!"

With that said, he ignored Ning Fengzhi, turned around, stepped on the flying sword and disappeared into the sky instantly.

Go straight to Shrek Academy.

Lakeside cabin.

Yu Xiaogang, who was instructing Zhu Zhuqing to practice, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance. I feel a powerful energy.

Mental warning!

"What a cold and sharp aura. Why do we always encounter such strong men in Shrek Academy? Could it be that kid's family again?"

Yu Xiaogang murmured to himself.

It's really puzzling.

You must know that Yu Xiaogang has traveled across the mainland for so many years and has never encountered a titled Douluo. Shrek stayed here for less than half a month when he met two titled Douluo.


The corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

What a dessert delivered to your door!