
B 10

Chapter 46 What a killing sword

Chapter 46 What a killing sword

Shrek Academy.

director's office.

Flanders was sitting on a chair looking slightly tired. There is a document on his desk, which records the cultivation progress of Shrek people in the recent period.

At this time, he put his hand on his forehead, looked down at the document, frowned slightly, and looked like he was thinking hard.

Since the Ning Rongrong Xiaowu poisoning incident, everyone in Shrek will always have at least one Soul Saint teacher watching over them. Just in case the little monsters do something else.

At this time a breeze blew in.


There was an extra person in this empty room, but Flanders was still bowing his head in thought without noticing, and there was an inexplicable atmosphere in the air.

Let the falling dust become slower.

It seems to be solidified.


The man's voice was calm and showed no emotion. There was a feeling of indifference.

There was a sudden sound in his ears, and Flanders suddenly raised his head. When he saw the person coming, his pupils shrank with a look of horror.

How can it be?

You must know that he is a soul saint. What kind of person can walk in front of him without being noticed? You can't even notice this person without making a sound.

Flender stood up quickly, bowed respectfully, and then said:

"Your Majesty, may I ask why you are here? If you have any instructions, please feel free to mention them."

The only person who can do this silently is Douluo, the peak soul master.

Ignoring Flanders' words, the man had a very indifferent expression and just stood there quietly without speaking.

The atmosphere became heavy.

A good while.

Flanders still maintained a respectful posture, and his forehead was already covered with fine cold sweat. Can't hold on any longer. He asked cautiously:

"Junior, please point it out if there is anything offensive!"


Sword Douluo Chenxin slowly spoke.

Hearing this, Flanders was shocked and froze on the spot. That was Chen Xin, the swordsman of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, one of the strongest level 96 titled Douluo in the mainland.

Sword Douluo Chenxin then spoke.

"I believe you should know the reason. I won't bully the little ones and call Tang Hao out. There must be an explanation for this matter!"

"This time I am here to take Rongrong home. She will no longer be Shrek's student."

Flanders looked nervous, and after a while he mustered up the courage to reply:

"This junior doesn't know where Haotian Mian is. He just said hello to me. Rongrong. Rongrong said she wants to make her own decision!"


When Sword Douluo Chenxin heard these words, he raised his eyebrows and became colder and sharper, with a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

For a moment, the whole room was filled with a chilling atmosphere. It made Flanders feel suffocated.

Seven kills field! ! ! Witness! ! !


Being stared at like a sharp sword, Flanders retreated involuntarily, and then slumped down on the chair, unable to think of any resistance.

He stared in confusion, looked panicked, and couldn't move his body. He was going to die, Sword Douluo was angry!

At this time.

A tall figure suddenly appeared behind Flanders, and just raised his hand and gently put it on Flanders' shoulders.

Longwei! ! !

A majestic and vast sacred aura surged out, instantly dissipating the sharp and murderous aura in the entire room.

Huh. Huh. Huh.

Flanders gasped for air. His face showed an expression of sudden realization and lingering fear.


Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's face changed.

impossible? !

If his eyes hadn't seen someone standing behind Flanders. You can't even feel this person's aura, and there is no soul power fluctuation on his body.

<divclass="contentadv" >Like an ordinary person?

But the majestic aura that was inviolable and vast just now could not be faked, and Chen Xin was shocked.

"Xiao Gang, thank you for coming in time."

Flanders gasped, slowly turned his head and said gratefully. Sword Douluo Chen Xin's aura is too terrifying. Is this the difference between Soul Saint and Titled Douluo?

I felt like I was going to die the next moment.

"Yu Xiaogang! You are so majestic!"

Yu Xiaogang, who stood upright behind Flanders, nodded in response and then spoke slowly. His voice was deep. There is a hint of anger.

"Are you Master Yu Xiaogang?!" Sword Douluo Chen was shocked. said in disbelief. "Aren't you Soul Master?"

When I heard Fengzhi talking about it before, I felt sorry for Yu Xiaogang, but I didn't expect

"I am neither a master nor a soul master, but you are bullying my friend like this. How about I help you fight a few tricks?"

Yu Xiaogang frowned slightly and said in a bad tone. After just a short delay, this man almost left a hidden danger for his old friend Flanders.

The mental cracks are not comparable to the physical injuries. If the Taoist heart is broken, he will stop being a soul saint in this life.

"Oh? Just you?"

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin narrowed his eyes and said indifferently. His voice pierced people's hearts like a sharp sword, making people shudder.

Although I don't know what Yu Xiaogang's cultivation level is, as a level 96 super Douluo, he will not be afraid of anyone with the Seven Kills Sword in his hand.

"Xiao Gang, it's all a misunderstanding. This Chen Xin Mian is a member of Rongrong's family who came to the academy to visit Rongrong."

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense again, Flanders quickly stood up to smooth things over without taking a rest.

Neither of them spoke.

Staring at each other.

quite a while.



Finished. Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin stepped on the Seven Killing Sword and walked away into the distance. Flanders was talking to him, neither saying this nor refusing, which made him completely lose his patience.

The resentment accumulated in my heart today urgently needs an outlet to vent.

Yu Xiaogang's body slowly rose. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared in an instant.

Flanders gritted his teeth when he saw this, and the spirit possessed him, summoning his wings and chasing after him.

Stay away from Shrek Academy.

Remote mountains.

Surrounded by clouds and mist.

Yu Xiaogang slowly stopped on a mountain peak. He stared into the distance, his eyes passing through layers of white mist.

On another peak a hundred meters away was Sword Douluo Chenxin, followed by a sword. The battlefield he chose was deserted and undisturbed.

The two were silent.

I felt a little unhappy in my heart. It seems that he will not give up until he fights the last match today.

"Seven Killing Swords!"

Chen Xin spoke. His voice seemed to penetrate the clouds, shocking the entire sky.

rub! rub! rub! Nine soul rings slowly rose up, two yellow, two purple and five black! ! !

He waved his hand, and a cold light flashed, and the Seven Killing Sword rushed towards Yu Xiaogang, and a sharp whistling sound sounded in the air.

Looking at such a harsh blow, Yu Xiaogang didn't blink his eyelids. He just stretched out his fingers gently and clamped the Seven Kills Sword, without any sway in his body like a big mountain.

He flicked the Seven Kills Sword lightly and made a crisp sound. He couldn't help but praise:

"What a killing sword!"

What a pure, perfect sword! ! !

Did you catch the Seven Kills Sword with just two fingers? Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's pupils shrank. Although it was just a test blow, this Yu Xiaogang...

snort! It's time to stop being merciful!

Thinking about it, the black soul ring on Chen Xin's body suddenly lit up.

The sixth soul skill! ! !

Wan Jian returns to his clan! ! !

Chapter 47 It's so dangerous

Chapter 47 It's so dangerous

As the soul ring lights up.

The aura of Sword Dou Luo Chenxin also changed accordingly. His long silver hair fluttered in the wind, and the robe on his body moved automatically without wind, making a hunting sound.

The whole person's momentum suddenly became stronger. Like an unsheathed sword.

Sharp and sharp.

Swing the white mist covering the mountain peaks away in circles. The trees below were swaying under the pressure. The beasts fled in all directions.

Shadows of swords slowly appeared behind him, densely suspended in the air, forming a huge sword array. Exuding a fierce sword spirit!

Covered the entire sky!

These sword souls exude a sharp light, as if they can pierce through any obstacle. The number of sword souls is astonishing, as if they are endless.

I saw.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, who was standing on the mountain peak, just pressed lightly with his hand, and tens of thousands of sword souls fell from the sky.

Like blocking out the sky and the sun. It instantly covered the space around Yu Xiaogang.

Aroused by the sharp sword energy, Yu Xiaogang's body was filled with a layer of faint golden light. Gives a feeling of indestructibility.

Facing this terrifying Wan Jian Guizong. His expression didn't change at all, and he raised his head slightly.


With a fierce punch, part of the sword spirit above his head was instantly scattered, the clouds were torn apart, and a huge hole was revealed in the sky.

Taking this opportunity, Yu Xiaogang jumped lightly and instantly stood high in the sky.

He was very different from his usual gentle appearance, looking sharply at Sword Dou Luo Chenxin below.

No movement was seen.

Just a look in his eyes.

Longwei! ! !


The sky seemed to be shrouded by a powerful force, and an invisible pressure suddenly fell from the sky. This force is so powerful.

It seems like the whole world is trembling!

Faced with such power, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin raised his arm to block his full aura. The Seven Kills Domain was involuntarily activated, and an invisible cyclone condensed around him.

Withstand this terrible pressure.


That huge pressure field fell to the ground, pressing the entire land within ten miles into a deep depression. The entire nearby mountain peak was damaged by the pressure.

This sight is shocking!

field? !

What a terrifying power?

Seeing this, Sword Douluo Chenxin showed a solemn look on his face. This Yu Xiaogang's strength really exceeded his expectation.

You must know that there is a huge difference in strength between those who have a field and those who do not.


"In that case, let me see your true strength!" Sword Douluo Chenxin shouted, and he went forward without fear.

The fifth soul skill! ! !

Shocking everywhere! ! !

The Seven Kills Domain completely inspired the blessing martial soul, and a sword energy turned into a physical sword appeared in the hand of Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin.

The tens of thousands of sword souls under the ground turned again, followed by Sword Douluo Chenxin and headed towards Yu Xiaogang in the sky.

The seven-kill realm empowers soul skills.

The combination of these two moves is already the strongest killing move under Sword Douluo Chenxin and Wuhun's true form. Even a strong person who has just joined the Title Douluo has to be careful to deal with it.

"Little tricks!"

Yu Xiaogang, who was high in the air, lowered his head and saw the devastating attack coming, with a look of disdain on his lips. He said in a cold tone.

At this point, he is still using this level of soul skills. Simply. Simply.

You don't regard me as your opponent! ! !

How boring!

He raised his hand and punched, and the surging soul power surged out. The golden light flashed and instantly condensed into a huge golden dragon as if it were a substance.

Its scales shone dazzlingly in the sun, majestic and sacred, as if it were real, and it let out a deafening roar.

Head-on collision!

<divclass="contentadv" >Boom!

The two powerful forces collided together, making a deafening sound. The air was filled with strong energy fluctuations.

They gathered together to form a storm composed of countless sword lights. Sweeping in all directions.

Every tree, rock, or mountain he reached was reduced to ashes in the storm. Tear apart everything around you! It was like a natural disaster and a mess.


Sword Dou Luo Chenxin suffered a strong impact and fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed from a high altitude. Chenxin quickly adjusted his body condition in mid-air.


He held the Seven Kills Sword in one hand and thrust it deeply into the ground. He used the Seven Kills Sword to slow down and drag out a long crack on the ground.

It took a long time to stabilize my body and offset the impact. Sword Dou Luo Chenxin kneeled on the ground and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

The soul power in his body was a little chaotic. He stood up and stared at the sky.

After taking a blow from high in the air, the figure still remained motionless, with a cold look in his eyes.

It looks calm as water. It was as if nothing had happened. The breath is still ordinary and has not changed at all. Just like an ordinary person.

How could he be an ordinary person? !

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin still couldn't feel the fluctuation of soul power, and his eyes were slightly stern.


He still hasn't activated his martial spirit yet. Are you looking down on my dusty heart?

Simply arrogant! ! !


The light in Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's eyes became fierce and sharp. He took a deep breath and held the sword with both hands. Then press it hard!


A huge figure slowly emerged behind him. Holding a huge seven-kill sword. In synchronization with Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, he slowly raised the giant sword in his hand.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's body seemed to have turned into a sharp sword, exuding endless killing intent. His eyes were fixed on Yu Xiaogang.

"Let me tell you with this sword! Tell you - what is Kendo Chenxin!!!"

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's voice was low and powerful. Swinging the sword suddenly. Chen Xin turned into a huge seven-kill sword in the blink of an eye. A dazzling sword light instantly cut through the sky.

Heading towards Yu Xiaogang high in the sky.

Create your own soul skills! ! !

Man and sword unite! ! !

Yu Xiaogang, who was calm at high altitude, felt a strong sense of oppression coming on him, and couldn't help but change his expression slightly. It was completely different from the previous test.

This is the true strength of Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin, the best sword in the world.

The mind keeps warning! ! !


This is right!

However, Yu Xiaogang did not dodge, he advanced instead of retreating. The whole body erupted with bright golden light, as dazzling as the sun.

At the same time, his body began to change. His muscles bulged, his bones stood out, and his skin became as hard as iron.

Martial Arts Golden Body! ! !


He punched fiercely, only to gather his soul power and blast out a golden dragon to attack again.

The two forces were deadlocked in the air, colliding with each other and making a deafening sound.

a while.

But the Seven Killing Sword combined with human sword is unstoppable. Its edge is invincible. The golden dragon could no longer hold on and was suddenly broken through.

The Seven Killing Sword transformed by Sword Douluo still has some remaining power, and seems to be able to destroy all obstacles in front of it.

He continued to attack Yu Xiaogang, seeing that Yu Xiaogang was unable to dodge.

not good? ! Chen Xin was shocked.

However, Yu Xiaogang's expression remained calm and composed, the golden light on his body shone brightly, and his chest was raised against the huge Seven Kills Sword.

With a heavy crash!

The huge Seven Kills Sword seemed to hit an unshakable mountain. It seems to have encountered unprecedented resistance. Unable to move on.

Its sword body continued to shatter into countless fragments during the collision, collapsing and scattering in the air, forming a gorgeous rain of sparks.

It's so dangerous! ! !

Almost broke the defense.

Chapter 48 As expected of Kendo Chenxin, I recognize you

Chapter 48 As expected of Kendo Chenxin, I recognize you

Yu Xiaogang's black costume was destroyed in the collision with the Seven Kills Sword. Revealing his strong body. The lines of his body are smooth and strong.

Every muscle is full of strength, like a beautiful piece of art.

After forcibly eating the Seven Kills Sword, which was a combination of Sword Douluo and human swords, most of the golden will on his body was consumed. This was the strongest attack Yu Xiaogang had encountered since he became a Soul Saint and transformed and sublimated for the third time.

It's absolutely terrible! If this Seven Killing Sword were just a few hundred million more powerful, it might be able to break the defense of the Golden Body of Martial Arts. Just a little bit different!

That's it!

Face to face with Yu Xiaogang's incomparable dragon-like physique! ! !


Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, who was forced to fall out of the human-sword fusion state, fell heavily to the ground, breathing rapidly and heavily.

He slowly descended from mid-air and landed not far from Sword Douluo Chenxin. He made no move, and Yu Xiaogang could not help but say with lingering fear:

"It's such a terrifying power, it actually knocked my clothes into pieces. As expected of Kendo Chenxin!!! I approve of you!!!"

so close!

There is also a layer underneath the pants, which is made of 8-year-old true dragon soul animal skin. It was almost gone. Ah, I was so panicked that I was sweating profusely!


Sword Dou Luo Chenxin stood up slowly. Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, he staggered and almost lost his balance. His veins bulged and he remained silent.

What do you mean? !

ah! Is the full blow of my combined swords only worthy of shattering your clothes?

hateful! ?

Chen Xin almost couldn't hold back and took out the Seven Kills Sword again, preparing to activate the martial spirit avatar and use the 'Two Cuts of Gods and Demons' to fight the arrogant Yu Xiaogang!

A showdown of life and death!

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin frowned and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He took a deep breath, forced down the anger in his heart, and tried to control his emotions.


Calm down and think.

This Yu Xiaogang is not a life-and-death enemy, and he is not worthy of being punished. Not worth it. Besides, can the 'Two Cuts of Gods and Demons' really be able to kill such a powerful Yu Xiaogang?

Shaking his head, Sword Douluo Chenxin suppressed this ridiculous thought and did not take any further action, not wanting to provoke such a powerful person to his sect in vain.

I don't even see Yu Xiaogang's martial soul possessing him, and I still haven't seen what kind of cultivation Yu Xiaogang has? Didn't use any soul ring skills?

Is the golden dragon a self-created soul skill?

However, judging from the actual combat power, this is a super titled Douluo who is the same as himself, no! Judging from the battle just now, I was more than half defeated by him.

A gentle breeze blew.

The two were silent for a while.

At this time.

Flanders fluttered his wings and hurried to the battlefield. Sword Douluo Chen Xin's sword flying was half a step faster than the Speed ​​Titled Douluo.

Naturally, it's not something that a little soul saint like him can catch up with. When they hurriedly arrived at the battlefield, the battle between Yu Xiaogang and Chen Xin was already over.

Folding his wings, Flanders looked around and saw everything around him, and couldn't help but take a breath. His heart trembled violently.

Is this a battle between titled Douluo?

Sharp sword energy surged everywhere, and the terrain of the entire mountain range was permanently changed. A large piece of the mountain was recessed to form a huge pit.

There were ruins and broken boulders everywhere, and it looked like the entire mountain had been flattened. These sights are extremely frightening.

The once beautiful scenery of the mountains no longer exists, replaced by ruins and desolation because of this battle. Large amounts of dust filled the mountains and rivers.

For a long time.

I can't imagine what kind of brutal fighting happened here.

This was much more intense than Tang Hao's battle. The collision of soul skills between Yu Xiaogang and Chen Xin swept forward and almost destroyed the mountain range.

quite a while.

Seeing that the two people on the field were still confronting each other, Flanders suggested very cautiously and in a small and pitiful voice:

"How about we go back to the academy and talk?"

<divclass="contentadv" > He was a little frightened as he spoke. To be honest, he didn't see who was winning and who was losing. Sword Dou Luo Chenxin was looking very miserable.

And all the clothes on Yu Xiaogang disappeared, leaving only a pair of tights? Half naked. It doesn't look any better.

Ignoring Flanders, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, who had not spoken for a long time, slowly asked:

"Your Excellency! What is your cultivation level?"

He asked this question that he had been wondering about for a long time. There was another such a terrifying and powerful man on the mainland. I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing!

Taking out the spare clothes inside the soul guide and putting them on, Yu Xiaogang said truthfully without hiding anything:

"Level 79 Soul Saint!"

"Soul Saint?!"

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin glared at Yu Xiaogang.

Full of disbelief!

Are you really a saint? ! He couldn't help but curse in his heart. If you have the nerve to say that you are a Soul Saint, aren't you treating me like a fool?

Open your eyes and look at the mess around you, Soul Saint? Do you believe it yourself?

You call the soul saint next to you to come over, ah! If I strike with my sword, will he survive?

Seeing Chen Xin's expression of disbelief, Yu Xiaogang turned his head and looked at Flanders beside him and realized that it seemed that it was inappropriate to say that he was a 'soul saint'.

He looked around again, pondered for a moment and said:

"You can think of me as a Titled Douluo! I can afford it!"

Hearing these words, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin stiffened for a moment. He clenched his fists and then released them, taking a deep breath. He was silent for a moment and said:

"Oh, it turns out you are a Titled Douluo! I didn't expect there to be a strong man like you in the mainland! How disrespectful!"

Although the tone is relatively polite, you can also feel a hint of complex emotions from it. Good. Good. Titled Douluo, right?


Seeing Yu Xiaogang look at him, Flanders on the side felt that he was completely offended.

What are you looking at me for?Do you look down on Soul Saint?Ah, I slide the shovel down and lie down directly to sleep!

"You are the teacher Yu who saved Rongrong! I owe you a favor in my heart."

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin cupped his hands and expressed gratitude.

Really not like a mortal. but! Where is the promised soul master? I almost didn't have to tear my old bones apart. Why. It's really amazing.

"It's a small effort! It's not worth mentioning!"

Waving his hand, Yu Xiaogang didn't pay attention.

This Sword Dou Luo Chenxin is really a good opponent. I really feel happy today. I haven't had such a good time in a long time.

I haven't gone to the Qibao Glazed Sect to trouble you yet, but you sent it to your door yourself first.

A favor?

Let's wait until we find an opportunity to have a good fight next time. Ha ha ha ha.

"That girl Rongrong is indeed a bit naughty. She was taken care of by Mr. Yu at Shrek. I'm here to take Rongrong home today."

Sword Douluo Chenxin was grateful again, and then said the purpose of this trip.


Yu Xiaogang looked at Flanders.

"Xiao Gang, Chen Xin Mian, why don't we go back to the academy first and ask Rongrong for his opinion."

First, he bowed respectfully to Chen Xin. Flanders suggested again.

Chapter 49 Finally got the chance to see you

Chapter 49 Finally got the chance to see you

"it is good."

Hearing this, Sword Douluo Chenxin was silent for a moment, and then agreed.

He was originally looking for trouble, and he got what he wanted, but he didn't expect that it would make him miserable. Now bringing Rongrong home is the most important thing.


He summoned the Seven Killing Sword, stepped on it, and disappeared into the sky with a hiss.

Upon seeing this, Yu Xiaogang slowly took to the air and prepared to go back. At this time, he looked down and saw Flanders panting and looking tired.

Something moved in my heart. He then opened his mouth and said:

"Let me take you for a ride. It's really difficult for you. It's really difficult for you to open this academy and face the family members of these little monsters!"

The tone can't help but feel a little emotional.

Some time ago, Tang San suffered a slight injury, and Haotian Douluo came out and wanted to beat Zhao Wuji violently. Today, another sword fighter, Luo Chenxin, comes to hold him accountable.

Who can withstand this? This is indeed not something Flanders, the Soul Saint, can face.

As he spoke, Yu Xiaogang's own force field slowly brought Flanders up. Floating next to Yu Xiaogang.

Flanders, who was in the air, heard this and nodded with a wry smile:

"Yeah. My little heart really can't bear it anymore. It's so dangerous with you Xiaogang here. Otherwise"

Otherwise, I really don't know how to face the furious Sword Dou Luo Chenxin.

Then he moved curiously in the air. This was a completely different feeling from flying with wings. It's so amazing, Xiaogang. How many abilities are there that haven't been exposed yet? This should be the legendary realm, right?

It's unfathomable.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Let's go back to the academy first, don't keep Chen Xin waiting. Sit tight!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled softly and reminded Flender.

The voice just fell.

Then he used a force field to protect Flanders and used his soul power to accelerate violently in mid-air. Like a bolt of lightning, it rushed towards Shrek Academy.


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

"Ah - slow down -"

The two of them disappeared in an instant, leaving only Flanders' exclamation.

For a long time.

Shrek Academy.

director's office.

Two figures appeared in the room. Flanders stumbled and almost lost his balance.

"Do you want to take a rest?"

Yu Xiaogang quickly stretched out his hand to support him, and when he saw that Flanders' face was pale and his feet were weak and frightened, he couldn't help but make suggestions.

"Thank you, no need. Next time, please don't take me with you next time. I can fly back slowly by myself. I really can!"

Flanders breathed calmly and gradually regained his composure. He raised his hand and responded. Finally, I emphasized it again.

The strong feeling was the weightlessness and the high-pitched whistling sound blowing around him. It's so uncomfortable to feel completely unable to control myself. There's really no next time.

"Cough cough."

I saw. Sword Dou Luo Chenxin stood upright by the window with his hands behind his back, pretending to enjoy the scenery. He coughed slightly to remind the two of them that there was still business.

Hearing the sound, Flanders turned his head and instantly understood what Sword Dou Luo Chenxin meant:

"Your Majesty, wait a moment. I'll call Rongrong over."

After that, he went out and left.

Seeing that Flanders was fine, Yu Xiaogang casually took out the tea leaves collected by Flanders and went straight to find a seat to sit down. He made a voice to invite Sword Dou Luo Chenxin by the window.

<divclass="contentadv" > "Brother Jian, come, sit down and drink a cup of tea together." After saying that, he used his soul power to make a pot of tea.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin by the window nodded when he heard this, then turned around and sat down next to Yu Xiaogang. He took the tea handed over by Yu Xiaogang, took a sip and said softly:

"Mr. Yu is so elegant. What a good trick."

This soul control? Can you achieve this with just a thought? I remembered the previous battle again. Chen Xin's tone couldn't help but contain some surprise and admiration.

On the other hand, Sword Douluo Chenxin's previous look of disgrace and embarrassment had disappeared, and in a short period of time he looked completely new, as if nothing had happened before.

I am the invincible and lonely 'Grandpa Jian' in Rongrong's eyes. Chen Xin didn't want to lose face in front of Rongrong.

"Ha, it's just a small trick. However, Brother Sword, your Seven Killing Sword is really the purest sword I have ever seen. It's rare. It's really rare."

Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly, waved his hand and said modestly. with some admiration and admiration.

After praising him, he continued:

"It's really fun to play against Brother Jian, and I've gained a lot. Otherwise, let's discuss it again after some time. What do you think of Brother Jian?"

Finally, I finally saw it.

what? !

Hearing this, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's hand that picked up the teacup trembled violently, and his body froze. Almost spilled the tea.

Chen Xin frowned slightly, put down the tea cup in his hand, paused, pretended to be calm, and found a suitable word. Deliberately replied in a disappointed tone:

"Hey. I'm looking forward to it too."

The conversation changed again.

"But as the guardian of the sect, I have a heavy responsibility and I don't dare to leave the sect for a long time. I'm afraid. I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity to compete with Mr. Yu again in the future."

As he spoke, his tone was somewhat regretful.

Still coming, right? ! That guy, Old Bones, is still easy to bully, so don't do it again. When you take Rongrong home, you won't be able to see me again.

Yu Xiaogang showed a happy smile, he understood what Chen Xin meant:

"Hahaha, I understand. Brother Jian, don't worry about this little thing, next time! I'll come personally and go to the Qibao Glazed Sect to have a discussion with you. Isn't it a bother?"

This Sword Douluo's strength is really terrifying, and there's no telling how high he can reach with the help of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. I can't imagine it.

I really want to see it!

"Uh, no trouble. No trouble."

What do you unserstand? !

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin could only accept this fact silently. Damn it, he would have known better not to say these words, and he felt regretful.

What a mask of pain.

At this time.

"Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Jian, why are you here? Rongrong misses you so much."

A burst of cheerful footsteps sounded, bringing Ning Rongrong's excited voice. She ran through the door and rushed directly to Sword Douluo Chenxin, hugging him into his arms.

"Can't Grandpa Jian also miss Rongrong? Besides, if something big happens to Rongrong, can I not come? Grandpa Jian is really worried to death."

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin stroked Ning Rongrong's hair with a loving smile on his face.

Ning Rongrong raised her head, looked at Sword Douluo Chenxin with some red eyes, and choked with sobs:

"Grandpa Jian wuwu."

During this period of time, Ning Rongrong had really gone through too much and had too much pain that she wanted to tell. She couldn't help but burst into tears when she saw her closest relatives.

"Be good, girl, don't cry, don't cry. Grandpa Jian is here to take you home today."

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin quickly comforted him. He reached out and wiped Ning Rongrong's tears.

"But Rongrong still wants to stay at Shrek Academy. If Grandpa Jian has time to visit more, Rongrong will be satisfied."

Hearing that Grandpa Jian was going to take her home, Ning Rongrong stopped crying and said softly.

Chapter 50 Is Teacher Zhuqing really a Titled Douluo? !

Chapter 50: Teacher Zhuqing is really a Titled Douluo? !

As soon as these words came out.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's kind face changed and he said sternly:


After saying that, he felt a little regretful. Chen Xin realized that he had never been willing to be so cruel to Rongrong. His tone softened again and he said gently:

"Rongrong, do you know how worried Grandpa Jian was when he heard the news about your accident? You have to listen to Grandpa Jian this time. I really can't feel at ease here in Shrek Academy."

He glanced at Flanders entering the door again. Flanders felt an inexplicable chill and quickly sat down.

"Grandpa Jian, isn't it already fine?"

Ning Rongrong gently shook Chen Xin's arm, then looked at Yu Xiaogang who was drinking tea next to her, then she firmly raised her little hand and swore:

"Besides, isn't there Teacher Yu here? Don't worry, nothing will happen in the future. I swear! I promise!"

Hearing this, Sword Douluo Chen thought for a moment. He turned to Yu Xiaogang who was beside him and asked:

"Mr. Yu, do you have any disciples? What do you think of Rongrong?"

If Rongrong could worship Yu Xiaogang as his teacher, having this relationship would be a good thing for the sect.

Such strength. And being so young, he might be able to aspire to be the top soul master in his lifetime. There is no one like him in the world - he is called: Peerless Douluo.

As far as Chen Xin knew, there was only one peerless Douluo alive in this continent. It was the figure that pressed Shang Sanzong out of breath.

"I have already closed my disciples, and I don't plan to accept any more. Isn't Rongrong an auxiliary martial spirit? What can I learn from you?"

Shaking his head, Yu Xiaogang gently put down the teacup and declined with a smile.

Since the Douluo Continent, the body of the 'Golden Holy Dragon' has been transformed and sublimated three times. I feel the unrestrained vitality from my body, and I can't judge the end of my life. According to the lifespan record of this golden holy dragon, Yu Xiaogang may only be in his youth.

The reason why people need to pass on what they have learned is just because life is short and they need the next generation to inherit their dreams and pursuits.

And he has sought immortality.


Sword Douluo Chenxin sighed. It's Rongrong who doesn't have this blessing.

"Grandpa Jian, what a pity. Teacher Yu's disciple is my friend named Zhu Zhuqing. I will introduce you to her next time. She is a real genius."

Seeing that Chen Xin seemed to be relenting, Ning Rongrong quickly spoke while the iron was hot.

"It's such a pity. Teacher Yu is also at Shrek Academy anyway. If I have any questions about martial arts that I don't understand, I can ask Teacher Yu directly."

I didn't care whether I could take Yu Xiaogang as my teacher, and I didn't know what I was missing. Ning Rongrong smiled at Yu Xiaogang again and said:

"Isn't that right, Teacher Yu!"

"Of course, no problem. Rongrong is always welcome." Yu Xiaogang replied with a smile.

"But" Sword Douluo Chenxin still hesitated.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Jian. It was just an accident last time. Rongrong has worked extremely hard during this period and has not neglected his soul power training. He has already broken through the first level."

Ning Rongrong blinked her big eyes and kept staring at Chen Xin, and then said coquettishly. This is a unique trick to deal with her Grandpa Jian. Never missed.

But this time, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin just looked directly at Rongrong and was silent for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time. Yu Xiaogang said:

"Brother Jian, I will stay at Shrek Academy for a while. You know my strength from previous battles. You should be able to relax."

Anyway, if one sheep is herded, so are two sheep.

With Ning Rongrong here, Sword Douluo Chenxin would have to come often, and there would often be opponents at the Title Douluo level to compete with each other in the future.

what? !

Teacher Yu and Grandpa Jian fight? ! When did this happen? ! Isn't Teacher Yu the Soul Master?

How can it be? !

Hear the words. Ning Rongrong was stunned on the spot, feeling very surprised and confused, and her mood became very complicated.

"This is really troublesome for Brother Yu. This is just a little bit of caution. Seeing this card is like seeing me. If Brother Yu needs anything, you can directly ask the disciples below for help."

"I have to go back to the sect so I won't bother you. Rongrong will ask all the teachers for snacks from now on."

<divclass="contentadv" >Sword Dou Luo Chen thought for a moment, then took out the Qibao Glazed Sect's guest card from the soul guide and placed it on the table.

I really can't stand Rongrong's tough tricks. Besides, with Yu Xiaogang here, the safety aspect is indeed no different from that in the sect.

There is no harm in making friends with Yu Xiaogang.

"Rongrong. You send Grandpa Jian to you. Grandpa Jian has something to say to you."

He stood up and pulled the stunned Ning Rongrong, and was about to go out when Yu Xiaogang's faint voice came from behind.

"Brother Jian, don't forget to spar next time."

After a pause, Sword Douluo Chenxin nodded slightly without replying, and then sped up as if he had seen a ghost.

He disappeared at the end of the corridor in an instant.

Outside Shrek Academy.

"Grandpa Jian?! Did you really fight against Teacher Yu? Who won?"

Ning Rongrong was full of questions. Send a series of questions. You must know that Grandpa Jian is a level 96 super Douluo.

With Teacher Yu's gentle appearance, how could he possibly fight against Grandpa Jian?

However, Grandpa Jian did not deny this fact, and even agreed to have a discussion next time, which proved that Teacher Yu could indeed compete with Grandpa Jian.

"Well. Your Teacher Jade is not an ordinary person. At least he is a Titled Douluo level expert!"

Sword Douluo Chenxin nodded and admitted.

Feeling very emotional.

It is incredible that Yu Xiaogang has broken through from a great soul master to the realm of 'Tiled Douluo' in just 20 years, and has a strength comparable to his own.

I can't imagine how profound the theoretical knowledge of martial arts that 'Master Yu Xiaogang' is.

If Rongrong could learn even a little bit, maybe it would be easy to break through the restrictions of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. This was also the reason why Rongrong stayed at Shrek Academy.

You must know that Yu Xiaogang is also restricted by martial arts and has been stuck as a great soul master for decades.

But having only met Yu Xiaogang once, it would be extremely impolite to dare to venture into other people's details and secrets.

after all.

With Yu Xiaogang's current tyrannical strength, who would dare to question him? Isn't this looking for death?

"Ah!? Titled Douluo?!"

Ning Rongrong was shocked. Can't believe my ears.

Teacher Yu gave Ning Rongrong a gentle, elegant and amiable look, and suddenly said that he had the ability to "title". The contrast is too great.

Is Teacher Zhuqing really a Titled Douluo? !

She really wasn't bragging!

Is this the legendary master who keeps his secrets secret? Can't tell at all.

Shaking her head, suppressing the surprise and curiosity in her heart, Ning Rongrong continued to ask:

"Grandpa Jian, who will win and who loses?"

Hearing this, Sword Douluo Chen paused and narrowed his eyes slightly. After pondering for a moment, he replied:

"I can only say that there is no difference in victory or defeat. However, Grandpa Jian, I did not use my full strength."

This is the charm of language.

It's true that he didn't use his full strength.