
B 8

Chapter 36 Teacher Yu is really good at bragging

Chapter 36 Teacher Yu is really good at bragging

"Little dance!"

Seeing this, Tang San quickly hugged Xiao Wu's delicate body tightly. Feeling her warmth, this feeling of regaining something lost is so beautiful.

He took a deep breath, raised his head and thanked:

"Thank you, Teacher Yu!"

"It doesn't matter, I promised your father to take care of you."

Yu Xiaogang waved his hand.

"Okay, don't hold your little lover so tightly, there are still residual poisons left. This torment has seriously damaged your vitality, so you need to take good care of yourself."

"Send them back to the dormitory first, let her and Ning Rongrong have a good rest."

Then he ordered Zhu Zhuqing to pick up Ning Rongrong. Upon hearing this, Tang San also picked up Xiao Wu and took her to the girls' dormitory to rest.

After everything is arranged.

Outside the dormitory door.

At this time Tang San was silent for a moment, and then spoke with a somewhat complicated expression:

"Teacher Yu, do you know my father? Where is he? Is he okay?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded.

"We know him, but not very well. But he asked me to take care of you at Shrek Academy. I don't know where he is now."

I don't know why Tang Hao abandoned his child? Wuhun Palace? I don't know if he has recovered from his injury, but I really look forward to seeing him next time.

Father? I even looked for Teacher Yu specifically, why doesn't he want to see me? Tang San thought to himself.

After finishing the matter with Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu, Yu Xiaogang only had time to ask about the cause and effect:

"How did you do this?"

Hearing this, Flanders glanced at Zhao Wuji and signaled him to speak.

"Mr. Yu, this is a long story. We were hunting souls on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest. We were unlucky enough to encounter the king of the forest—the Titan Giant Ape."

Zhao Wuji smiled bitterly.

"That Titan ape has at least ten thousand years of cultivation. With my cultivation, Old Zhao, I really couldn't stop it and let it capture Xiao Wu."

This kind of experience was an unimaginable amount of pressure for the little soul saint Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji felt a knot in his heart.

Recently, either Tang San or Titled Douluo Tang Hao met the Soul Beast King when he went out. Why are you so unlucky?

Everything that happened in a short period of time was really exciting, even more exciting than when he was wanted by Wuhun Palace.

Then he continued:

"Everyone thought that Xiao Wu was in danger, but Tang San was the only one who chased her and killed a man-faced demon spider that blocked his way.

We also chased him and watched him absorb the soul ring and obtain this soul bone. "

"But luckily after Tang San absorbed the spirit ring, Xiao Wu came back safe and sound. It's really a miracle."

Zhao Wuji did his best, but deep down he concluded that Xiao Wu was dead and gave up.

"We asked Xiao Wu, and she said she heard a cow roar and fainted. When she woke up, she was lucky enough to absorb a suitable soul ring and become a soul master."

How bizarre!

Hear this.

"The roar of a cow!?" Yu Xiaogang said suddenly.

"What's wrong, Xiaogang, do you know what kind of soul beast it is?" Flanders couldn't help but ask.

"When I traveled to the mainland, I encountered a bull-headed python-body soul beast in the Star Dou Forest that could speak human language. It was a powerful true dragon soul beast."

Yu Xiaogang replied.

"This soul beast has been recorded in ancient books. It is the emperor of the Star Dou Forest. It is at least a hundred thousand year old soul beast - the Azure Bull Python!"

"One hundred thousand year soul beast!? Azure Bull Python?!" Tang San, Oscar, Dai Mu, Bai Ma Hongjun was startled next to him.

"Are you even unsure of how to deal with it?"

Flanders asked tentatively.

Only Flanders and Zhao Wuji present knew Yu Xiaogang's true strength.

That kind of overbearing and unparalleled power could not even be resisted by the top ten Haotian Douluo in the mainland.

<divclass="contentadv" > "That azure bull python has at least the strength of a level 95 titled Douluo. Back then, I only had a quick fight with it and was forced to retreat."

Yu Xiaogang said sincerely. If I could capture it, I would have absorbed it as my seventh soul ring.

This is not the only dangerous place in Douluo Continent, there are also many soul beasts stronger than the Azure Bull Python.

At least what he knew was the King of the Demonic Whale Sea and the Far North.

"But it usually doesn't leave the lake in the core area. It seems to be guarding something. This Xiao Wu is really lucky."

"Indeed!" Zhao Wuji sighed with emotion, thinking of himself, why am I so unlucky? envious.

"However, if I encounter it again now, I still don't know the outcome."

Yu Xiaogang said modestly.

They had already prepared the green bull python that day as their eighth soul ring, and they were still shamelessly saying that they didn't know the outcome.

"Xiao Gang."

"Mr. Jade"

Hearing this, Flanders and Zhao Wuji started to shout loudly.


next to.

"Do you believe it?"

At this time, Dai Mubai whispered to the three of them.

The three of them looked at each other with expressions of disbelief on their faces. At the same time he shook his head.

I heard Yu Xiaogang and the dean, Mr. Zhao, bragging seriously about how they could fight against a hundred thousand year soul beast.

The more he talks, the more outrageous he becomes. Teacher Yu is well-informed and has read a few books. He has seen records of this spirit beast in ancient books. Is it necessary to say this?

Teacher Yu's medical knowledge was demonstrated through her rescue of Rongrong and Xiaowu.

The knowledge of martial soul theory is also recognized by the three of them. The breakthrough of level 0.5 innate soul power to Soul Master is already the limit of Teacher Yu, right?

Tang San was still very grateful to Teacher Yu, not to mention that Teacher Yu knew his father.

Just hearing that Teacher Yu was still talking nonsense, I felt that Teacher Yu was very unreliable.

But his genius apprentice Zhu Zhuqing actually had such a magical talent. Being able to predict his own actions was indeed a match for Tang San.

He didn't think that it was Yu Xiaogang's teaching, but just regarded it as Zhu Zhuqing's talent and hidden trump card.

After all, what progress can be made in just one day?


No matter how many books he reads and how many theories he researches, he is just a little soul master. Look, the entire continent doesn't say you are a clown.

Knowing that it would attract Dean Flender's attention, Dai Mubai did not say this to his face.

In Douluo Continent, strength is respected, and soul masters are naturally superior to others. Strength is the most important thing.

Although Yu Xiaogang's reputation is called "Master" on the mainland, not many high-level soul masters take him seriously.

The fat man Ma Hongjun, under the influence of Flanders, knew that Yu Xiaogang could solve his own martial arts flaw.

just be

Teacher Yu must be really good at bragging, and she doesn't look red and her heart doesn't beat. As a soul master, he could survive the attack of a hundred thousand year soul beast.

So shameless.

During this period, Ning Rongrong restrained her temper and experienced life and death together in the Star Forest, which made Oscar fall in love with her.

He is extremely grateful to Teacher Yu who saved him Rongrong. His attention was not focused on Yu Xiaogang's bragging.

It's ok.

If you want to blow, blow more.

Is the teacher so powerful? Level 95 Titled Douluo is really a lofty goal.

Zhu Zhuqing stood quietly behind Yu Xiaogang. I thought to myself.

Before meeting Yu Xiaogang, the girl's biggest goal was just to become a Contra.

Chapter 37 Blue Silver Grass is no longer pure

Chapter 37 Blue Silver Grass is no longer pure

Not a moment.

Finished chatting with Flender Zao Wou-Ki. Yu Xiaogang turned to Tang San and said:

"Tang San, could it be convenient for me to see your Eight Spider Spears?"

One hundred thousand year soul ring and one hundred thousand year soul beast have been seen before, but this is the first time that Yu Xiaogang has seen this external soul bone.

"Of course, no problem." Tang San agreed happily. I just wanted Teacher Yu to teach me how to use the Eight Spider Spears. Don't know what a soul bone is?

"It's not easy to perform here. Don't disturb Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu while they rest. Let's go to the training ground."

After hearing Tang San's promise, Yu Xiaogang led everyone from Shrek to the training ground. Make space. Let Tang San use the Eight Spider Spears.

Training Course.

Tang San took off his shirt and activated his soul power. Eight bulging bumps appeared on his back, and with a sudden movement, the Eight Spider Spears burst out of his body.

The eight purple spider legs give off a creepy glow, making people feel horrified at the sight of them. That weird color is extremely poisonous.

When everyone in Shrek saw this, they all stayed away, not wanting to be accidentally injured by the Eight Spider Spears. Ning Rongrong Xiaowu was a lesson learned from the past.

"I have only heard of soul bones, never of external soul bones. Mr. Yu, as knowledgeable as you are, can you explain the difference to me, Mr. Zhao?"

Zhao Wuji asked in confusion.

These Shrek teachers are all aloof and arrogant people. Knowing the rarity and importance of soul bones, I didn't have any evil thoughts.

You must know that the temptation of this precious soul bone will cause a bloody storm outside. Not to mention protecting the students, the teacher may even be punished himself.

Kill people and get treasure! ! !

"I haven't seen it either. I know this kind of special soul bone from family records. A person only has six limbs, a torso and a head."

"The external soul bone is independent and is equivalent to the seventh soul bone. As a veteran, you should also know how precious it is."

Yu Xiaogang explained calmly.

This external soul bone is only inferior to the one hundred thousand year soul ring. Unlike soul rings, this soul bone can accompany a person from weak to strong.

When you reach the Titled Douluo realm, the first few spirit rings will be affected by the age of the spirit beast, and their power may not be as powerful as a random attack of your own.

The growth of soul bones is an important part of a Titled Douluo's combat effectiveness.

After saying that, Yu Xiaogang stepped forward and looked at Tang San's Eight Spider Spears carefully. Some doubts:

"It shouldn't be!"

"Thousand-year-level soul beasts rarely produce soul bones. These soul bones are usually produced from extremely powerful soul beasts that are at least ten thousand years old. And under special circumstances."

Flanders next to him smiled slightly:

"Tang San is so lucky! He is absorbing spirit rings beyond the level, and the Man-Faced Demon Spider happens to be in a special situation."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang continued:

"There are two speculations, one is that the more resentful the soul beast is, the more likely it is, and the other is that these thousand-year-old soul beasts are extremely talented and can condense soul bones.

Or maybe there are both situations, and this Man-Faced Demon Spider is affected by both situations? It seems that it can only be attributed to luck. "

There is a gap between people, and there is a gap between soul beasts. This Man-Faced Demon Spider may be equivalent to a genius with innate soul power among humans.

However, every hundred thousand year old soul beast will definitely drop a soul bone. Is it evolution?

No second thoughts.

"Teacher Yu, I got these Eight Spider Spears, and I always have an impulse in my heart. I can't wait. I can't wait."

At this time Tang San asked. His eyes were full of doubts and worries. Every time this kind of impulse arises, I have to practice Xuantian Kung to calm it down.

"I don't know what's going on. Ever since I got the Eight Spider Spears, I've become very restless.

Sometimes I can't even control my emotions and want to do crazy things. This feeling makes me very scared and painful! "

Hear this. Yu Xiaogang nodded slightly:

"When I guided you to use the Eight Spider Spears before, I could feel a strong feeling of resentment and malice. You will inevitably be affected by it."

<divclass="contentadv" >The fact that Tang San was able to suppress the remnant habits of these spirit beasts should be thanks to the blue silver grass martial spirit and his special spirit power.

Hearing this, Tang San's heart sank. The Eight Spider Spears really had side effects, and they had an impact on people's spirits.

How to do?

"If you practice more and be less hands-on recently, you will naturally be able to erase those lingering thoughts after a while." Yu Xiaozhang seemed to hear Tang San's thoughts.

This is not a big deal. Every soul master who absorbs soul rings will be more or less affected by some martial soul levels.

After thinking for a moment, Yu Xiaogang then made another suggestion:

"Well, let's find Lao Zhao. If you get used to his gravity-suppressing soul skill, I should be able to help you overcome the side effects of the Eight Spider Spears quickly."

Tang San nodded, slightly cupping his hands to express his gratitude: "Thank you, Teacher Yu, for your guidance." He felt relieved in his heart.

Yu Xiaogang waved his hand and didn't care, and said with a smile:

"Can you use your martial soul blue silver grass? I'm very interested in it."

A blue silver grass martial spirit with innate soul power? You must know that since the Breakthrough Soul Saint traveled to the mainland, although this blue silver grass is common, there are very few people with soul power.

Even if he had soul power, it was only about level 1 innate soul power at most. Why was this Tang San so special?

Hearing this, Tang San raised his hand and summoned the Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass.

Yu Xiaogang stepped forward and felt it carefully with his mind and power.

"What a tenacious vitality!? Blue Silver Grass actually has such a pure essence?"

"Tang San, your Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is really not simple, it can match the quality of the Clear Sky Hammer. What a pity."


Yu Xiaogang was moved by the fact that Bluesilver Grass was so weak yet so pure in vitality. All roads lead to the same destination.

Wuhun is not about fighting for strength, but a way to sublimate oneself to reach the heavens. Pursue excellence and strength will catch up with you inadvertently.

"Xiao Gang, what's the pity? What's the point of selling it?" Flanders was annoyed.

"Because the martial soul evolves!!!"

"Do you know why mainland soul masters only absorb soul beasts with attributes similar to their own martial souls? It's to improve the quality of their own martial souls."

"The quality of the spirit that breaks through to the Soul Saint will be improved once, and the spirit that breaks through to the Titled Douluo will generally have the strength of the top spirit, even if it is at the bottom."

It is possible for a weak martial spirit to evolve into a top martial spirit, but it is difficult for ordinary people to overcome the bottleneck caused by innate soul power.

This is the reason why Yu Xiaogang only absorbed soul beasts with true dragon bloodline. Since the breakthrough of the Soul Saint, the martial soul has been further improved and purified.

If you look inside, you will find that Yu Xiaogang is flowing inside his body. Shining like gold – 'golden blood'.

"It's a pity for Tang San, I'm afraid he took the wrong path. Although he has obtained powerful soul skills, the Blue Silver Grass is no longer pure."

The first soul beast Tang San hunted was a century-old soul beast, the Mandala Snake. The situation was urgent and if Tang San didn't kill it, the beast would eat him.

And the third spirit ring is the Man-Faced Demon Spider. Tang San, the Blue Silver Herb, shouldn't take the route of a fighting spirit master.

Tang Hao should know, but why? Is it because of the second martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer?

He doesn't care about this blue silver grass martial spirit with low combat power.

The 'Haotian Hammer' with a ten-thousand-year soul ring? Did you give up Bluesilver Grass just to pave the way?

what a pity!

Chapter 38 People in Memory

Chapter 38 People in Memory


It cannot be said that this path has no merit at all.

All soul masters in Douluo Continent respect their strength. There are many low-level soul masters who can't break through the bottleneck. They don't care about this shortcoming in order to have strong strength.

It coincides with the martial soul mimicry theory of 'Master Yu Xiaogang'.

The evolution of martial souls can only be known to powerful Titled Douluo or those top forces.

Absorbing soul beasts of the same attribute has only been a consensus in the mainland for many years. Even soul saints like Zhao Wuji and Flanders who were born as civilians do not know the deeper meaning.

"What can Teacher Yu do to make up for this shortcoming?" Tang San asked sincerely after hearing the theory of martial soul evolution.

Tang San was somewhat proud of cultivating the weak Blue Silver Grass to such a state. Hesitant inwardly.

I don't want to give up this 'powerful' combat power.

"You can give up absorbing animal soul beasts. Tang San doesn't need to be in such a hurry with your talent, that's all. But remember not to add soul rings to the Clear Sky Hammer."

Yu Xiaogang suggested.

Forcibly turn the blue silver grass into a fighting spirit, if you encounter a strong person of the same level or a fire spirit master in the future.

is not it.

What kind of fire resistance should be added, but how can such a mixture compare with the quality of the spirit of a spirit master of the same level. nondescript.

Use your own shortcomings to counterbalance the strengths of others.

You are a fish creature living in the water, but you want to compete with creatures flying in the air for speed?

Extremely stupid!

Without further words, Tang San didn't care whether he listened to this suggestion or not. Yu Xiaogang was just a passer-by temporarily staying at Shrek Academy.

As a fighting spirit, the Blue Silver Grass has countless shortcomings to make up for, but as an auxiliary spirit, its pure vitality is something few spirits can match.

After hearing this, Tang San lowered his head and was silent for a while without replying. Still hesitating.

At this time.

"Xiao Gang, do you think this brat can evolve as a martial spirit?" Flandre pulled over the fat boy Ma Hongjun who was watching the show next to him and asked with a smile.

"The higher the quality of the martial spirit, the harder it is to evolve. Of course, the evil fire obtained by Ma Hongjun's mutation can evolve, but the difficulty is very high!"

Yu Xiaogang had thought about this issue before. It would be best if the flaws in Ma Hongjun's martial spirit could be completely reborn.

"Are there any conditions? Or do you need any scarce materials? Just tell me that I will go to heaven and earth to find them for you!" Flanders couldn't help but ask. Boast about Haikou.

He was very concerned about his apprentice, and Flanders had been worried to death about this matter in the past few years.

Hearing Flanders make such bold statements! Yu Xiaogang said maliciously:

"Oh? Do you have the fire-attribute medicinal materials that will be used for thousands of years? Can you find the soul beast that absorbs the ultimate fire?"

"This." Flanders smiled bitterly.Doesn't this make things difficult for him?I have never heard of medicinal materials that have been used for more than ten thousand years.It also has fire attributes!

The soul beast with the ultimate fire was not something he could find. found it? So what if all these soul beasts are equivalent to the king of the forest - the Titan Giant Ape?

A hundred years of fighting and a thousand years of fighting will make Flanders full of chicken feathers!

do you have? No hair at all!

Seeing Flanders' embarrassed look, he continued:

"There is a simple way. I don't know if a disciple like you can do it."

Hearing this, Flanders's eyes lit up. Pull Ma Hongjun to Yu Xiaogang.

"Take a closer look at this brat to see if he can do it."

After looking at Ma Hongjun for a long time, Yu Xiaogang shook his head again.

"No! Your disciple is not mentally strong enough to practice. It's too dangerous. He can easily explode and die. I don't dare to take the risk."

Ma Hongjun Xiehuo has also been obsessed with human affairs these years and has too many distracting thoughts. If you practice this Wuji Zhuang, you will be afraid of death or misery. I dare not let Flanders disciples try it easily.

<divclass="contentadv" > "We have no choice but to do this for now. With the help of the medicines you prepared. There is really no other way. Wait until that kid Ma Hongjun cultivates to Soul Saint by himself."

Hearing this, the dejected Flanders sounded melancholy.

"Let's see if we can make do with thousand-year-quality medicinal materials! The soul beast also chooses some higher-quality fire attributes to absorb. Maybe the martial soul has evolved."

Yu Xiaogang saw this and comforted him.

"I will also give you the preparation method of the special medicine. Just don't delay Ma Hongjun's golden cultivation period in the past few years."

Flanders nodded in understanding.

At this time, Tang San, who had been silent for a long time, spoke out:

"Father also said never to attach a soul ring to the Clear Sky Hammer, but he didn't tell me the reason. Teacher Yu, do you know the reason?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly.

"He wants to wait until you, Lan Yin Cao, have become a high-level soul master and your body is strong, and then he will add a soul ring to your Clear Sky Hammer."

"Just imagine for a moment, if your Clear Sky Hammer has nine soul rings that are over ten thousand years old, how terrifying it would be among Titled Douluo!"


Then Tang Hao thought it was simple. Without a strong body, he would not be able to withstand such a huge soul power. He might explode and die.

"Is this the power of the twin martial spirits?" Tang San imagined the scene of the nine black rings and murmured to himself.

"Only one person in the entire continent successfully cultivated twin martial souls, and the rest all exploded and died!"

Flanders interjected.

"Ah?!" Tang San was startled.The voice rose unconsciously.

Yu Xiaogang then added:

"On record in mainland China, there is only one person who has cultivated these twin martial souls. You are the third gifted possessor of twin martial souls in recent years."

The conditions for the emergence of twin martial souls are too harsh, and there are only two or three people in the entire continent in a hundred years.

"There is only one person!" Flanders next to him deliberately emphasized.

"Alone?! Teacher Yu, can't you even do anything? I won't explode and die too!"

After Tang San knew this risk, he immediately asked with a frown on his face. Couldn't these twin martial souls be a trap?

"Flanders, please stop scaring him. You are still far from being a Titled Douluo. In the future, you can ask the owner of the twin martial arts to solve the problem. She is still alive."

Yu Xiaogang said bluntly.

He felt relieved to hear that there was a solution, and his nervous expression relaxed slightly. Tang San said doubtfully:

"She?! Teacher Yu, do you know who she is?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang raised his head and narrowed his eyes slightly, with complex expressions in his eyes. Speak slowly:

"The Pope of Wuhun Palace—Bibi Dong!!!"

Bibi Dong? Next time we meet, I will definitely prove to you that 'I' Yu Xiaogang will be famous in the mainland even without a powerful martial spirit! ! !

The memories of that year kept flashing through my mind.


After saying that, he calmly suppressed the rising obsession. Yu Xiaogang reminded again.

"By the way, Tang San, your external soul bone must not be exposed to outsiders, lest someone kills people and takes the treasure."

Turn around and say hello to everyone in Shrek. Then he led Zhu Zhuqing away.

Yu Xiaogang talked to Zhu Zhuqing while walking.

"Zhuqing, I'm afraid Tang San's soul power is approaching level 32. Once he gets used to the Eight Spider Spears, I can't even imagine this increase in strength."

"You have a three-month appointment with Tang San! There are still two months left."

"Have you been able to deal with him?"

Chapter 39 The calm before the storm

Chapter 39 The calm before the storm


Zhu Zhuqing paused and gritted his teeth, then the girl continued to speak aggrievedly.

"Do you really want me to lose to that Tang San? Are you still making sarcastic remarks there!"

"Hahaha, don't you want to put a little pressure on Xiao Zhuqing!"

The girl looked aggrieved. Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but want to tease her, and even made a gesture with his fingers as he spoke.

There are indeed only 100 million points!

"Teacher!! I'm already very stressed, please don't stress me anymore!"

Zhu Zhuqing begged.

You must know that the monster Tang San was already incredibly strong, and now he has broken through to the level of Soul Lord, and the strength of the attached soul bone has increased countless times.

The pressure can be imagined.

"When you start practicing the Wuji Jingmang Sword, the teacher will give you a surprise, which can also be regarded as a meeting gift for the teacher."

Enough was enough, and I stopped teasing the little kitten. Yu Xiaogang said in a serious tone.

You must know that if a disciple like Zhu Zhuqing is accepted as the successor in Blue Star, a teacher will prepare a meeting gift.

"What surprise?!"

The girl asked in confusion.

Suddenly remembered.

Oops, I don't seem to have paid my respects to the teacher. Think about what the teacher's preferences are?


"What Tang San has, you must also have, otherwise how can this kind of battle be considered fair? Teacher Zhuqing must be optimistic about you."

Clearing his throat, Yu Xiaogang said with a smile.

After all, the soul bone improved Tang San's strength too much. It was a good thing for the disciple to have this spirit, but he couldn't let the girl fight such a battle with no chance of winning.

As a teacher, it is natural for me to give my disciples a little help.

Soul bones?

As a direct descendant of the Netherworld Civet Family, Zhu Zhuqing clearly knows the value of soul bones.

You must know that as a 'titled Douluo', you only have one or two soul bones, and the teacher plans to give such a rare soul bone to himself.

This moved the girl deeply.

The girl calmed down and stared forward, her eyes as sharp as torches:

"Huh, teacher, I will definitely master this soul power control method as soon as possible."

"I won't let you down!!!"

The girl's firm words echoed in the air, unable to calm down for a long time.

Hear the words.

Yu Xiaogang gently touched Zhu Zhuqing's hair and nodded, silently conveying his trust and support to the girl.

A gentle breeze blew.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on them, dragging the shadows longer and longer.

From time to time, a girl's voice was heard.

Training Course.

"Dean Flanders, why did Teacher Yu suddenly leave? What kind of strength is Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace!?"

Seeing Yu Xiaogang suddenly leaving for no apparent reason and putting on his shirt, Tang San spoke in confusion.

When his father left, he recommended that he come to Shrek Academy in the countryside instead of going to the Advanced Soul Master Academy.

He also told himself not to expose this 'Haotian Hammer' martial spirit.

Is it related to Wuhun Palace?

The smart Tang San had already guessed from the 'Clear Sky Hammer' that his decadent and alcoholic father might not be a little blacksmith, and there must be many stories behind his father.

Growing up without a mother? Clench your fists, father, even if you don't tell me, I will investigate clearly.

<divclass="contentadv" > "Pope Bibi Dong! That's a real big shot! Xiaogang...hey."

Flanders hesitated to speak when it came to Yu Xiaogang. Let me tell the little monster about the situation on the mainland:

"This Spirit Hall is the top force on the Douluo Continent, with the largest number of titled Douluo, as well as a huge number of soul master legions."

"Below this Wuhun Palace are the two great empires, and then there are seven sects including the upper three sects and the lower four sects with a small number of people."

"And the number of soul masters in Wuhun Palace is more than the seven major sects of these two empires combined."

"Such a behemoth can only imagine how powerful the Spirit Hall is. It forces the Shangsan Sect and the Tiandou Empire to stick together for warmth, for fear that the Spirit Hall will clean them out."

After a pause, his mouth was a little dry, Flanders cleared his throat and continued.

"By the way, don't you get gold soul coins every month? The soul awakenings of civilian soul masters are also carried out by the Wuhun Hall."

"Every village in the Wuhun Palace helps civilians awaken their martial souls. This number is much more than the noble sects. I don't know how many hearts they have bought."

"Perhaps it won't be long before Wuhun Palace will unify the world."

Speaking of this, I can't help but feel a little emotional. As a civilian soul master, Flanders was also a beneficiary of the Spirit Hall's system when he was weak.

They couldn't stand the tyranny of the noble children. The two empires had been in truce for many years and there was no telling how many days there would be peace. This was the calm before the storm.

I'm afraid I won't be able to live a happy life for a few years.

"Is it so strong?"

Hear Dean Friend's description. Tang San couldn't believe it.

Then I thought about it.

No matter which town or city you live in, there is a Wuhun Hall. When I was a child, my own Wuhun was awakened by the Wuhun Hall personnel. Hiss, it's really scary to think about it.

With a little knowledge, I know that what Dean Flender said is true.

"Mistress! The dean is right. My family and the Tiandou Empire have also had a truce for many years because they are afraid of the Spirit Hall."

Dai Mubai next to him took a deep breath and said solemnly.

As the prince of the Star Luo Empire, he still has a certain understanding of the situation on the mainland. I can vaguely feel that a huge storm is brewing.

"As for Pope Bibi Dong's strength, please tell me, Dean."

Tang San was very concerned about this issue, and vaguely felt that this Wuhun Palace was the culprit that caused his father to hide in XZ and his family to be destroyed.

Hearing this, Flanders said angrily:

"You think I know everything. I'm just a little soul saint. However, Bibi Dong can secure the position of Pope."

"With her peerless talent, she has probably become a super Douluo at least level 95 after so many years. She is almost invincible in this continent."

Bibi Dong was born with full soul power and had twin martial souls. After practicing to the realm of Titled Douluo, the first ring of the other martial soul was a black ten-thousand-year soul ring.

Hiss. Isn't this more powerful than Xiaogang?

"Level 95 Titled Douluo." Tang San muttered in a daze.

You must know that Zhao Wuji is just a soul saint. He used all his firepower and tried his best to only hurt him.

Moreover, when Zhao Wuji was letting go and not using all his strength, he felt that kind of oppression. It was impossible to imagine the strength of Bibi Dong, who was considered a strong one among Titled Douluo.

"There is a huge gap in strength between titled Douluo. As the Pope, Bibi Dong must have all his soul bones. One against three is not a problem."

Flanders judged with the eyes of the Soul Saint.

"And she is also a twin martial soul. You should be able to imagine how powerful Bibi Dong is."

It was also Flanders who had a narrow vision. More than one against three, there was no strong man on this continent who dared to say that he would definitely be better than the Pope - Bibi Dong.

At this time.

"Then how could Teacher Jade be related to such a person?"

Ma Hongjun grasped the key point. As a little soul master, how could he be associated with a titled Douluo?

There is a story.

These words whetted everyone's appetite.

Chapter 40 Fairy Dress with Wide Sleeves

Chapter 40 Fairy Dress with Wide Sleeves

"Boss, please tell me. Lao Zhao, I am particularly interested in this matter! Come on, come on, chat!"

Zhao Wuji's eyes lit up when he heard what little fat man Ma Hongjun said. Come closer.

This is so interesting. There won't be any bloody stories between this mysterious Mr. Yu and that Pope Bibi Dong!

"This" Flanders said dumbly. Some hesitation.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Wuji rolled his eyes and deliberately provoked Flanders. He laughed and said:

"Isn't this appetizing to you? Ah, you and Mr. Yu have been brothers for so many years. He won't even tell you this, right?"

"I don't know much." Flanders said vaguely.

"Dean! Stop showing off."

Seeing Flanders still whining, they said in unison.

Everyone at Shrek is so anxious!

After taking a deep breath, Flanders slowly spoke:

"He and Pope Bibi Dong were a couple when they were young, but later they broke up for unknown reasons, and Xiao Gang didn't say anything clearly."

"Since that day, he has been studying Wuhun day and night, eager to break through his own bottleneck, even though he has made great achievements in Wuhun research,"

"But his bottleneck has never been broken through. Fast forward many years and he is the Teacher Yu you see now."

Emperor Tian has paid off. Today's Yu Xiaogang, Soul Saint, can rival Titled Douluo, and he is also the strongest among Titled Douluo - Haotian Douluo.

Xiaogang also got what he wanted, Flanders felt relieved.

The tone was sad.

"I didn't expect Teacher Yu to still have such past events!"

Ma Hongjun shouted.

It's a pity that you can't have both. Teacher Jade's knowledge of medicine and martial arts theory is incomprehensible.

This is the strength. Breaking through the bottleneck can only be a soul master at most. Teacher Yu, what a pity!

"It's so touching and inspiring! It turns out there is such a story behind Mr. Yu!"

Zhao Wuji said angrily.

He knew Yu Xiaogang's strength. Only after hearing this did I understand how difficult it was to have this powerful body.

That is level 0.5 innate soul power!


"No wonder Teacher Yu has such an expression when he talks about Pope Bibi Dong! It turns out to be first love."

Tang San interrupted from the side. Teacher Yu has been studying Wuhun day and night for so many years, but he has only made a breakthrough to Soul Master.

That Bibi Dong is a Titled Douluo! How could such a gap not make Teacher Yu speechless?

"what a shame!"

Dai Mubai said he was sorry, but he was secretly happy in his heart.


Yes. I admit that you have some attainments in medicine and martial arts theory, but how can you do that?

How did you, Yu Xiaogang, break through the bottleneck? I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up with Bibi Dong in this life. What a pathetic creature.

He looks like a dog.

"Now you know why. I won't say it anymore, and you guys don't mention Bibi Dong in front of Xiaogang."

Flanders came back to his senses, pointed at Tang San, Dai Mu, Bai Ma Hongjun, Oscar and the others, and warned them.

He was afraid that these children's unbridled words would cause Yu Xiaogang's displeasure, especially this kid Dai Mubai.

"I understand, Dean!" everyone in Shrek replied.

The next day.

Girls' dormitory.

"Am I dead?"

Ning Rongrong slowly opened her eyes and murmured to herself.

He rubbed his dizzy head, slowly propped up his weak body and leaned half against the bed, looking around.

A breeze blew, the leaves rustled, and the sun streamed in through the windows.

Feeling a little confused.

Not dead?

It seemed that I was stabbed by Tang San's Eight Spider Spear yesterday. After the severe pain hit me, my consciousness gradually became blurred.

As if plunged into endless darkness.

Before he passed out, he heard Dean Flender's shouts and everyone's noisy calls for help.

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths of fresh air. Her body was still too weak to stand or walk.

At this time.

A cold voice woke up the distracted Ning Rongrong.

"You're awake, don't move around. This is the medicinal soup prepared by the teacher. There are still residual poisons in your body and you need to rest."

<divclass="contentadv" >Immediately, a bowl of hot medicinal soup was brought over.

"Zhu Zhuqing? Teacher? Was it your teacher who saved me? That Soul Lord?"

Ning Rongrong was still a little dizzy.

"The teacher is not a soul master! Fortunately, the teacher came in time yesterday and you saved your life."

Zhu Zhuqing stressed, it's true that Ning Rongrong is still so hateful! ah!

"Ah Zhuqing, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, I didn't mean it."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Ning Rongrong realized that something was wrong and quickly apologized.

Although what he said was correct, it was indeed disrespectful to Teacher Zhuqing. What's more, Teacher Zhuqing has saved his life.

"No need to apologize. Now, don't exercise strenuously after drinking. Take a break from training these days."

Zhu Zhuqing handed over the bowl and warned, with a hint of concern in his cold words.

Ning Rongrong reached out and took it, lowered her head and said thank you softly.

She raised her head and drank it in one gulp. It was not as bitter as she expected. A warm current instantly surged through her body, making her feel comfortable and warm.

After drinking, he put down the bowl and then asked doubtfully:

"Where's Xiao Wu?"

It seems that Xiao Wu was also stabbed yesterday.

"She finished drinking the medicine and went out early. Her lover brother was with her." Zhu Zhuqing replied casually.

Xiao Wu is a battle spirit master and is physically much stronger than Ning Rongrong. After resting for a while, you can get out of bed and go. Wen Cun went out for a walk with Tang San.

After saying that, Zhu Zhuqing turned around and prepared to go out. Start practicing today. Gently lift the door handle.

At this time.

"Zhuqing, I'm sorry!"

Ning Rongrong's weak voice came from behind, and his tone was full of sincerity.

"I forgive you, but you should apologize to my teacher."

After a pause, Zhu Zhuqing said seriously, then turned and left.


the next day.

early morning.

Ning Rongrong's weak body has recovered and she can now get out of bed and walk around.


The dormitory door was opened, and Zhu Zhuqing brought the porcelain bowl.

"Thank you Zhuqing."

Ning Rongrong took the porcelain bowl and said gratefully. Then he finished today's soup in one gulp.

Seeing that Ning Rongrong had finished drinking and his mission was completed, Zhu Zhuqing was about to turn around and leave.

At this time.

Ning Rongrong's soft oriole-like voice spoke:

"Zhuqing, wait a minute, I have a gift for you. Just...take it as an apology for my willfulness before."

After experiencing the crisis in the Star Dou Forest and almost dying from poisoning, she finally understood the importance of companions and she has grown up.

I also realized what a jerk I used to be!

"No. I don't need it." Zhu Zhuqing calmly refused.

"Zhuqing! I really want to apologize, please accept it, otherwise I will feel uneasy." Ning Rongrong begged.

Seeing how pious Ning Rongrong was, Zhu Zhuqing hesitated and accepted the gift.


Taking the exquisite gift box that Ning Rongrong took out from the soul guide, Zhu Zhuqing asked doubtfully:

"what is this?"

Ning Rongrong smiled mysteriously.

"I promise Zhuqing, you will definitely like it."

"It's called 'Flowing Fairy Skirt with Wide Sleeves'"