
A 37

Chapter 181 Avalanche

Chapter 181 Avalanche

The moment Sasril stepped out of the Kingdom of God, all the gods knew about it.

"Black Emperor" Solomon looked into the abyss deep in the ocean, frowning, feeling great pressure.

It is not a good thing for a true god of your own camp to be held back by a madman, as it directly breaks the balance that has existed for nearly a thousand years.

The consequences of breaking the balance are already obvious from the increasingly intense lightning and dusk.

The gods could not sit still.

"The first point of explosion turned out to be the abyss." There was a vague stream of information falling from an infinite height, and the "Hidden Emperor" was also a little surprised.

Fabuti was planned and stuffed in by their dream council, and the seal was naturally powerful enough. The cause of the current situation was the "Mother Tree of Desire."

Moreover, the ancient sun god who laid the seal at that time did not expect that he would be killed, which caused the initial barrier to weaken and the erosion of the outer gods to deepen.

"I have already entered the underworld, and I may not be able to make it in time." The "Hidden Emperor" and Truman's body are both one consciousness, and there is no communication isolation. They clearly know that the exploration in the underworld is far from over.

In other words, there is a high probability that Truman himself will be unable to catch up. Salinger, who has succeeded, needs him to handle it, and only he can handle it.

"That's troublesome..."

Without its strongest warrior, the Solomon Empire was even in danger.

Just as the world was gradually turbulent with the movements of the gods, "Hidden Emperor" Truman suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the Trunsoest Empire.


Truman sensed that the object of his focus had left the Kingdom of Rules and even left the Trunsoest Empire.

His eyes suddenly darkened, and he took the initiative to make a prophecy. His consciousness sank into a void of darkness, and various information began to pour in to make prophecies.

But he failed, and as a "hermit" he couldn't even find Onya!

"The 'Fallen Mother Goddess' also moved..." There is no doubt that this is the only one.


The one who can't calm down the most is always the grumpy old man.

Fiery thunder exploded over the Solomon Empire, and all the citizens were shocked by the terrifying sound and their minds went blank.

"You really deserve a beating!" Truman's face darkened, "The Sun" had already left the Kingdom of God and headed for the Abyss of Storms.

But the "Storm Lord" is not the only true god coming.

An orange-red storm covered half of the sky of the Solomon Empire.

"Black Emperor" Solomon straightened the black emperor's crown on his head. The shadow of order filled his kingdom and protected his people.

"I'll go, you keep your empire!" Truman glanced at Solomon for the last time, "If it doesn't work, give up your empire."

The "Hidden Emperor" turned into a stream of information, dragging the dusk into the star realm.

Solomon's eyes did not change at all, and he calmly faced the bigger storm.

The world is in turmoil, and the eyes of almost all true gods are peering at the Solomon Empire.

Even without considering the "original" witch of Balam, the true gods of the northern continent still include the "Goddess of Night", "Mother Goddess of the Earth", "God of Craftsmen", "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" and "Emperor of the Night" .

The "God of Craftsmen" favors the Solomon Empire, but can block at most one true god, so there are only three left.

The three true gods, this is a terrifying combination that no one has been able to resist except the dream body. It is enough to completely wipe out the Solomon Empire from the Northern Continent! "This is my empire!" Solomon, the "Black Emperor", returned to the palace and sat on the throne, overlooking the empire.


Ornia, who had escaped from Truman's sight, suddenly appeared at the ruins of the God War.

This is a strange battlefield, with raging thunder, shrouded in darkness, and full of traces of life, but it is a desperate situation that ordinary people cannot approach.

Extraordinary people may see things they shouldn't see when they step here and lose control.

Most of this battlefield is ocean, surrounding half of the Eastern Continent. What is strange is that the seawater deep in this battlefield is golden.

This is the gold dyed by the dream of the Creator, the last dream in which He was killed and His blood filled the ocean.

The Creator himself has the authority to truly "create", and His dreams have truly become reality, and this ocean has been dyed golden with His blood.

"Goddess of Beauty" Ornia appeared in this bizarre sea area and headed towards the deepest part of the sea.

His beauty allowed him to gain "privileges" in the ruins of the God War, and his extreme affinity even distorted the environment. He took the initiative to make way for him, and not a single crazy monster showed up in the sea.

Soon, this Sequence One angel had arrived in front of a Church of the Creator.

This is the deepest part of the Creator's dream. Once you open the door, you can enter the true battlefield of God.

But this is also difficult. Without the power of the true God, it is impossible to open this door.

Truman once blocked the entire East Main Road with the power of the "door" that has not changed qualitatively. All other directions have been sealed tightly, and only this extremely chaotic relic of the God War has the opportunity to enter the former East Continent.

But so far, Amon has always been obsessed with "Fantasy Township" and once entered the land abandoned by the gods through the "loophole" here.

"Open the door." "Onya"'s eyes have been completely occupied by a strange blood-red color.

He just spoke softly, and the dream actually fluctuated slightly, and the door trembled slightly, as if it was about to open.

The "beauty" of the "God of Beauty" behaved extremely strangely at this moment, as if the whole world had to make way for Him.

"Open the door!" "Olnia" spoke again. This time, His eyes seemed to have blood surges, and the power of life authority left in the entire ruins of the God War was driven by Him.

It seems that a true god with an illusory baby in his arms appears in this dreamland, and the power of life suddenly boils.

Wheat, grass and other plants grew rapidly, forming a wave of life at the feet of "Olnia". This wave crashed into the church door.

"Onya?" Probably at that time, the wave of life hit the church door. When the door was about to break open, the space immediately solidified, and the door was reinforced again.

"Why are you here?" Bethel's voice came from inside the door, a little erratic, as if separated by a world barrier.

"Mr. Door?" "Olnia" called out, and Bethel, who was standing behind the door, almost took a step and walked out of the barrier he had set up.

"..." Bethel frowned and retracted his raised foot. The charm of the "God of Beauty" seemed a bit too incredible, and even Him, the King of Angels who is closest to the gods, was greatly affected.

If you take the previous step, all the seals will be invalid, and "Olnia" can easily enter and exit the God's Abandoned Land.

"You are not just Onya!" Bethel's eyes reflected the starry sky.

"You're here for 'Fantasy Township'!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 182 The battle for inheritance

Chapter 182 The battle for inheritance


The moment Bethel confirmed that the other party came for "Fantasy Township", he stretched out his hand and pressed on the space.


The space as far as the eye can see is shattered, and one terrifying space crack after another tears the world apart.

In the next moment, the entire space was degrading and destroying. The space lost the foundation of its existence and the whole space collapsed.

For this kind of enemy peeking into "Gensokyo", Bethel's attack is an absolute killer move.


The illusory shadow of the Earth Mother leaned over and held "Olnia" in her arms. This embrace was the strongest protection.

The terrifying space storm swept everything, but the shining brilliance of life in the center never diminished.

After all, the degradation and destruction of space could not destroy the remaining power of the True God.

"Why are you resisting?" The blood in "Olnia's" eyes rose and fell like a tide, as if she saw Bethel on the other side through the door.

"Huh?!" Bethel's spiritual intuition was beating wildly. He could only follow his instinct and escape from this space.

At that moment, an illusory red moon rose where He originally stood.

The crimson moon hangs high, and the bloody moonlight pours down, which is beautiful and sacred.

If Bethel hadn't flashed quickly enough, the light of this red moon would have finally fallen on Him.

"You have..." Bethel's figure appeared again, avoiding the space where the illusory red moon was.

He seemed to have thought of something from the symbol of the red moon. His pupils shrank suddenly and his body became slightly stiff.

He originally guessed which true god would want to take action against "Fantasy Township", but he did not expect that it would be the power of the one on the moon.

Bethel frequently visited the stars throughout the Third Age and the early and middle Quaternary Ages, and even opened up safe "airways".

In other words, on the entire planet, apart from his teacher, there are almost no angels or gods who understand the stars and the outer gods better than he does.

"I heard that 'Gensokyo' is a place where any fantasy or wish can come true."

The legend of "Fantasy Township" is recorded in the sacred book of the Dream Sect, and it is not difficult to know.

It's just that most people, or extraordinary people, only regard it as a means to attract believers and do not believe in its real existence.

A place to fulfill any fantasy, any wish?This is even more exaggerated than the Creator's Heaven in the Creator's Holy Book!

"I just want a 'child', and 'Fantasy Township' can help me."

"Onya" lowered her eyes and stroked her belly with both hands, looking forward to her future "child".

"..." Bethel's face was stiff. He sensed the ultimate threat from "Onya", but he couldn't retreat. Behind him was "Fantasy Township"!

Once "Onya" brings the pollution on him into the land abandoned by the gods, "Fantasy Township" will be at risk of being contaminated.

"I didn't expect that I would face the same enemy as you." A helpless sigh sounded, and the aura of life authority lingering around "Onya" was directly reduced by half.

This breath from the Earth Mother Goddess was stolen.

Amon, dressed in classical magician robes and a pointed magic hat, manifested next to Bethel.

He stole part of the power gathered in this space.

Now Amon has the true ability of "blasphemer" and can steal the authority of the gods.

Of course, in order to steal enough power, Amon also paid a certain price.

At Amon's feet were several "Insects of Time" that had been completely eaten away by plants.

"Onya" looked through the space barrier and seemed to see Amon's true form.

The smile on Amon's lips faded, and he remembered a very bad memory.That was the deep impression left by star travel in the Third Age.

At that time, He also looked directly at the moon.

"Sorry." Amon took a breath, adjusted his monocle, and said with a smile, "I am the first heir of 'Fantasy Township', so I can't give it to you."

Bethel glanced at Amon and decided not to argue.

"That's wrong!" "Onya" suddenly tilted her head and thought, her eyes lit up, "Isn't my 'child' the first heir to 'Gensokyo'?"

This kind of action by the "god of beauty" is so cute and glamorous that it makes the angel's heart flutter.

But what was even more shocking was the meaning of His words, which directly made Bethel and Amon's expressions freeze.

Bethel probably knew what "Olnia" wanted to do, and Amon really thought about it seriously and felt that what he said made sense.

Like Adam inheriting the "blasphemous tablets."

The inheritance rights of heirs should be above those of apprentices.

But to a certain extent, the alliance between Bethel and Amon has become more stable: neither of them can let "Onya" get close to "Fantasy Township" and let the "child" be born.

"Or..." The expression on "Olnia's" face became cold and indifferent, "You want to steal my 'child's' things?"

The illusory crimson moon rose behind "Olnia"'s head, and under the blood-colored moonlight, her life force surged.

This time Amon no longer dared to "steal", as that would only make him trapped in the pollution of the moon.

Bethel's eyes reflected an illusory, flipping book, which was His ability to "reappear".

"Lightning Storm", "Sun", "Omniscient Eye", "Eternal Sleep"...

All these abilities come from Truman's reincarnation of the divine authority.

Although Bethel's recorded ability to reproduce is not as good as the original, the number of true God-level abilities that He can reproduce is huge!

As if the true god was angry, the thunder and the sun set towards "Olnia".

At the same time, Amon also used various abilities accumulated in his monocle.

The "corruption" and "shadow" stolen from Sasril, the "judgment" stolen from Trunsoest, the "purification" from the Creator stolen from the ruins of the God War...

All kinds of forces crashed down, submerging the centermost "Onya".

These are the two angel kings of the Gou San family.

They can exert the power of true God to some extent.

The corresponding one should be the "Fool" channeling the King of Angels to pull out the divine vessel from the fog of history.

True god-level power is raging, but now "Olnia" is in an extremely weird state. With the protection of the crimson moon, the life force stained by the blood-colored moonlight is also powerful enough.

"Submit to me." "Ornia" proudly raised her delicate chin and gave the queen's order.

This is the power of the "God of Beauty", amplified by the crimson moon and the power of life, directly transmitted to the minds of Bethel and Amon.

At this moment, the two angel kings even had the urge to immediately kneel down at the feet of the "God of Beauty" and swear their surrender.

With the blessing of various powers, "Olnia" shows the true god-level power of the "Beauty God".

His "beauty" is the greatest and most powerful weapon.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 183 Salinger

Chapter 183 Salinger


The door to the underworld suddenly closed, and Truman and Azik Eggers walked into the underworld.

"He succeeded..." When Truman set foot on this land, the first thing he looked at was the deepest part of the underworld, where the tributaries of the "River of Eternal Darkness" are located.

"But fortunately, he couldn't find me." Truman could vaguely detect Salinger's existence.

"What do you need me for?" Azik Eggers asked. After entering the underworld, his authority became even greater and he could control the world to a certain extent.

"...No need, you don't need to participate in the following matters." Truman refused.

"Leave. I will handle the following matters. It's time for you to pursue your own life."

Truman gently patted Azik on the shoulder and gave him dreamy blessings and protection.

"...My own life?" The whole phrase is extremely unfamiliar. Azik Eggers exists as a tool-the Death Archon.

The meaning of his existence is actually to manage the Balam Empire for the "God of Death". Other than that, he should not have any self-awareness.

But dreams gave Him humanity.

"I'm... a little tired." The boulder pressing on Azik Eggers' heart was removed. For a moment, he was a little confused, not knowing what to do.

"Then go and have a good rest." Truman chuckled, guiding Azik Eggers to another life node.

"You still have some problems, but you can choose to solve them yourself, or pray to me and I will solve them for you."

After all, Azik Eggers is the "Death Archon", or the "Death Archon" when the "God of Death" was at its most powerful. The traces on his body are too heavy, and he will inevitably become Salinger's resurrection. container.

"Thank you!"

Azik Eggers showed a relieved smile, finally nodded slightly, opened the door to the underworld again, and left here.

Truman watched him go away, and waited until he truly set foot on his own path before waving away the gate to the underworld.

"I am Azik Eggers." Truman's figure began to change, and his appearance also changed into that of Azik Eggers.

Azik Eggers himself has no secrets in front of Him. He can completely recreate it with "all things". What matters is the permission to enter the underworld. This thing is a kind of "permission" and cannot be replicated.


Truman walked towards the deepest part of the underworld, a place he had already set foot in in the Second Age, a temple of bones, and under the temple of bones was the "River of Eternal Darkness".

Truman came here and felt a certain atmosphere.

Deadly, pale, with the implication of eternal sleep, but beyond this "death" is a passion that flows like blood, a control over the disasters of war, and a sacrifice to the essence of power.

These two auras of a god that should not have appeared at the same time before the collapse of the universe have now undergone a deep fusion.


The Book of Dreams buzzed and trembled, and the dreamy ocean filled with stars stirred in Truman's eyes.

On the dream ocean, the countless dream bubbles were a little dim because of this aura, and the countless dream tentacles stretched out from the starry sky and looked towards the outside world.

"This is the 'end'..."

It can also be called "the end" or "destruction", but they both represent the end of all things, including the old days and the universe itself.

"That's the 'symbol'."

Truman has always had doubts about the Book of Dreams. According to his analysis, the power of "dream" means that all wishes and fantasies come true.

If it were the old days, this kind of authority could even be called an alternative "Creator".

This is powerful enough, even in the old days, it was close to the three manifest pillars.But what is the symbol of "Dream"?

Above the sequence, symbolism is more important than authority.

But the problem is that the current Truman has not found any trace of his supposed existence in the world and universe, nor has he found his corresponding symbol.

He needed to find it, so he acquiesced in allowing Salinger to grow to a level that could even threaten his safety.

Dreams need to see something at the end, not just a "pillar", but also a certain "condition".

The Fourth Pillar is implicit throughout the universe and will only fully emerge at the end of the universe.

This "end of the universe" is the condition for the emergence of the symbol of the fourth pillar.


"The root of everything?" Truman sighed softly.

The sea of ​​dreams stirred up waves crazily, constantly impacting Truman's sobriety. At the same time, the three forces of "eternal day", "sleepless" and "eternal sleep" were all working to maintain Truman's sobriety.

Then, for the first time, Truman took the initiative to walk towards the source of matter.

The correlation between Sefirah and the original Creator is too high, and its impact on his state is too great.

So after entering the Fourth Age, he would only deal with it if the source of matter infiltrated and caused trouble. If it was not to a certain extent, he would not even pay attention to it.

It just happens to be the "River of Eternal Darkness"...

The dark river surging in the gray mist soon appeared in front of Truman's eyes.

Compared with the Second Age, the current tributaries of the "River of Eternal Darkness" are larger in scale.


After Truman stepped into that space, the deepest will seemed to sense something, but because Truman was now "Azik Eggers", he was not blocked.

Truman gradually went deep into the "River of Eternal Darkness" and came to the place where the gray-white fog was thickest.

This is where the "River of Eternal Darkness" seeped out from the seal, and it is also where Salinger is today.

It was still the altar made of the skulls of various races. Salinger sat quietly on the bone altar, trying to penetrate into the essence of the Western Continent.

But at this point, the sefirot is also wary of being controlled and accommodated by Him, and has many restrictions on Him.

Coupled with the seal of the gray-white mist, He was unable to deeply control the "River of Eternal Darkness".

"What happened?" Salinger asked "Azik Eggers" without opening his eyes.

But at a certain moment, he suddenly raised his head and turned around, looking at Truman.

"'All Things'? Are you a dream?!" Salinger suddenly stood up, and the entire tributary of the "River of Eternal Darkness" was violently turbulent.

"Huh? You actually recognized me?" Truman was surprised. This was the first time he had been seen through.

"It's really a dream..." Salinger had a very strange expression on his deep-lined face, and his eyes fell on Truman.


Truman regained his true form, looked at Salinger, and sensed something.

"Sure enough, it has become 'half of the old days', but..." The expression on Truman's face gradually became indifferent.

"You're crazy."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 184 "Dream"

Chapter 184 "Dream"

"You're crazy."

Salinger's eyes made Truman feel familiar. The last god with such eyes was the "Blood Emperor" Alistair Tudor.

Of course, the "Emperor of Hades" and "God of Death" in front of him not only had extreme madness and indifference in his eyes, but also had an...appetite for Truman.

"Dream..." Salinger's voice was a bit distant and ethereal, as if it came from the distant Western Continent. For a moment, Truman couldn't tell whether it was the "River of Eternal Darkness".

"It's only now that I know what you are." Salinger's indifferent eyes burned with pale and red flames.

The entire space, especially the tributary of the "River of Eternal Darkness" under the altar, is gradually becoming crazy and the waves are rolling.

"My original plan was to eat 'Night' and 'Dusk' before eating you."

"After all, the best food is saved for last."

The corners of Salinger's mouth curled up, giving him a human feeling, like a hungry person looking at the best delicacies.

"You can't suppress the desire to get together anymore, can you?"

The fourth pillar will not actively gather before the universe enters the process of destruction, so what Salinger desires most is still the "dark night" and "twilight" adjacent to his path.

And he... to put it bluntly, who wouldn't want to eat his dreams?

"Old Succubus" and "Secret Tang Monk" are not just words... Truman joked to himself.

"Since you have arrived at my door, I will eat you first."

Sallinger did not deny that a madman is no different from a fool. He never considers other issues and only needs to "eat".

"Many people have expressed this attitude in front of me. You are not even the most powerful one, but they are all dead."

Truman opened the book of dreams, hesitated for a moment, and tore out the four pages that represented "authority".

Salinger's pupils shrank suddenly and his face became serious.

What is the state of a god who combines all uniqueness and controls the essence?

Since the first era of ignorance, there has been only one ancient sun god who has achieved this level. Because he has not yet completely accommodated the source of matter, he is not considered a complete state of old.

Truman was able to separate the uniqueness of the four powers from the Book of Dreams long ago.

The end has not yet come, half of the old person is enough to crush everyone, and Truman is also slightly resistant to going further, there is a high probability... there will be a pitfall.

But now, it is needed.

As for the rituals that accommodate uniqueness, that can be made up later.


The four pieces of uniqueness entered Truman's body one after another. At this moment, Truman naturally showed his own dreamy and mythical form, and countless tentacles spread out in this dark space.

"Let me see what a 'pillar' is and what a 'symbol' is."

Truman looked at Salinger and spoke softly, with some curiosity and some longing.

His eyes reflected the starry sky, like a child looking up at the starry sky for the first time, only clear.

But this kind of look made Sallinger, who was already half of his old self, feel his heart sink, and he had some bad premonitions.

He had already known Truman in the second era, and was used to that dream that was too rich in human nature. Now he was a little uneasy when faced with this kind of dreamy eyes without any human emotion.

He, a born mythical creature, probably didn't know that the ignorant children among humans also had such expressions when they poured boiling hot water into the ant nest.Now, Sallinger is that "ant."


The water of the "River of Eternal Darkness" rose crazily and began to submerge the Bone Altar. At this time, those dreamy tentacles struck down hard.

It was like the collision of ocean waves, stirring up countless streams of light, and in the stream of light, Salinger inserted his hand into his body and pulled out a rib that shone like rust.

This rib transformed into a black and red sickle, a kind of collapse of all things, and the breath of the end of the universe surged out from this sickle.

"Interesting?" Truman tilted his head, reached out and grabbed an identical sickle from nothingness, with the same frightening aura of collapse.

The fantasy came true. He had already recreated a weapon that was half the level of the old days with just a thought.

This is not "reality", but "dream".

After forcibly merging the four uniquenesses, He has initially mastered the power of "dream" just like the "ancient sun god" who has initially mastered "omniscience and omnipotence".

Truman's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of Salinger's body. The death sickle in his hand drew a dark red trajectory.


Salinger also waved the Death Scythe, and the two scythes with the same style and the same breath collided together.


A strong aura of collapse and destruction burst out from the place where the two scythes collided. It was so strong that the space where the "River of Eternal Darkness" was located shook violently.

But this time, the Death Scythe in Truman's hand was eroded by some kind of power and began to collapse.

"Hey, not as pure as you? Is this a 'symbol'?" Truman seemed to understand, and waved away the sickle in his hand.

When there is no symbol of "the end", the sickle that He recreated has the authority of "death" and "disaster", but it does not have a higher level of power.

But as Truman's opponent, Sallinger froze the moment he saw the Death Scythe, and he breathed a sigh of relief only after confirming that Truman had not copied all his "symbols" away.

After becoming half the old man, He did master some kind of power that was more abstract and difficult to fathom than authority, which was the symbol of "the end".

"It seems that only symbols can deal with you." In the first trial of "dream" power, Salinger had already seen the horror of this kind of power, so he chose "symbols" as a "weapon."

The flames in Salinger's eyes grew fierce, reaching the extreme, and then exploded.

In one of the most violent explosions, something more abstract, more indescribable than a concept, appeared in Salinger.

This is the most powerful power He obtained after forcibly merging the "Red Priest" path with the "God of Death" persona and becoming half of the Old One. Although it is not complete, it is enough.

"It's... wonderful." Truman blinked, and one of the dream tentacles directly stole a breath from Salinger.

Chi Chi!

After stealing that ray of symbolic power, that dream tentacle collapsed directly. Even the essence of the dream phosphorescence could no longer be maintained and turned into the most primitive chaotic energy.

"Today you will become my food." Seeing this scene, Salinger gradually raised the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't wait to enjoy the "delicious food" that even "God" could not taste.

"Very good! I'm very satisfied!" Truman clapped his hands gently, as if celebrating the birth of "The End".

All the dreamy tentacles were dancing wildly, making the whole space tremble uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 185 Heaven

Chapter 185 Heaven

Sallinger looked at Truman's slightly childish, even childish performance, expressionlessly using his own symbol to drive power.

The "eternal darkness" that destroyed the world and collapsed the universe spread like a tide.

It is very similar to the scene when the "River of Eternal Darkness" surges, but there are not only "death" and "eternal sleep" flowing in it, but also "war" and "natural disasters".

These two forces, belonging to the "God of Death" and the "Red Priest", were controlled by a more powerful force and became a terror capable of destroying everything.

"It's really powerful, I almost couldn't beat him!"

Truman snapped his fingers, and all the dream tentacles disappeared at this moment, and then he opened the first page of the book of dreams.

This time, it's dreamland.

This city, which Truman put the most thought into and built directly from the origins of the Book of Dreams, is definitely something that embodies the "dream" qualities better than the Sea of ​​Dreams.

What are the qualities of "dream"?

Nature is immortal. Since the birth of spiritual wisdom, no life has ever given up on the pursuit of beauty.

The "end" is the end of the old days and the universe, but no one can stop life from praying and saving itself at the last moment.

The perfect city that only exists in fantasy comes to this world, like a rock that sticks to the waves, and is eternal and unique.


Truman stood on top of the highest palace in Dream Heaven, looking down at Salinger. At this moment, countless dreamy phosphorescence bloomed around Salinger's body.

All your wishes have come true.

At this moment, Salinger's body's characteristics suddenly gained a powerful mutual repulsion.

Whatever is separated will come together, and whatever comes together will be separated.

Truman only used the power of "dream" to turn this extraordinary characteristic principle into "reality" and increase the separation power to a certain extent.


At this moment, Salinger's own existence was not stable enough, and an iron-blooded red light gradually appeared in his black-robed body.

The "Red Priest" path he accommodated originally relied on the water of the "River of Eternal Darkness", and may also have some aura of the "City of Disaster".

This forced aggregation property makes separation easier.

Once separated, all His own authority and symbols will be lost.


Salinger's face changed drastically, and he stamped his feet. The water of the "River of Eternal Darkness" directly covered his body, forcibly bonding the characteristics of his body. Then, he gave up his human form and showed the form of the mythical feathered serpent. .

But the feathered serpent in front of him is very special. Because of the water of the "River of Eternal Darkness", his body is generally dark black, and even his white feathers are dyed with the aura of collapse.

His eyes were pure blood red, the same blood red, and the spine that spread from the back of the feathered serpent's head to its tail was as red as a soldering iron.

Under the influence of the "River of Eternal Darkness", the two characteristics were forcibly fused together, and the wish to resist the "dream" came true.

"It's pretty good-looking." Truman spoke highly of it.

"But do you know how the 'Blood Emperor' died?" Truman smiled slightly nervously.

The blood-colored eyes of Salinger, who transformed into a feathered serpent, suddenly froze, and he hit the dreamy heaven with the symbol of "the end".


At this moment, not only this space, but also the entire underworld was in turmoil, and a terrifying crack almost divided the entire underworld into two halves.

This terrifying movement caused the spiritual world, the real world, and the star world to fall into a kind of terrifying turmoil. Among them, the Bailang Empire, which was deeply connected to the underworld, even fell into a kind of doomsday.Two powers that surpassed the true God and overcame the world leaked out from the cracks in the underworld.

"Is this the reappearance of the Creator?" Some angels who have lived from the Third Age to the present are shocked beyond words, sensing the power of the Creator of the Third Age.

It's so vast and endless, it's hard to fathom, and you can't look straight at it!

Even the original barrier was trembling a little at this moment. The barrier in the Fourth Age was not as stable as before.

Several indescribable giant faces were pressed directly against the initial barrier, constantly trying to squeeze in.

The "dream" breath made them intoxicated, and even gave them a desire to be higher than similar sources!

The true gods and angels on the earth dare not have any thoughts because of that kind of power, but these old days only felt the infinite deliciousness of "dream"!

"Salinger..." Even the true gods are shocked. They may be more accepting of the dreamy state. After all, they have never been able to defeat him.

But can "Death" Salinger actually fight with "Dream"? !

"Half of the old days..." Many true gods covet this kind of power, but they are also the most sane and craziest true gods.

"It turns out that 'Dream' is in the underworld!" "Night Emperor" Trunsoest withdrew his eyes that were staring at the cracks in the underworld.

The imperial war has actually begun, and the angels have all dispatched their own actions, but "Night Emperor" Trunsoest still did not take action against "Black Emperor" Solomon even after "Storm Lord" and "God of War" took action one after another. The "dream" that appears.

but now...

Trunsoest seized the opportunity and extended his own rules to the country of the "Black Emperor"!

Some kind of silent contest has begun, and its battlefield is at a level of rules that cannot be sensed by ordinary people.

Among them, Trensoest belongs to the offensive side, while Solomon belongs to the defensive side.

Chaos breeds order, and order brings its own shadow.

In an instant, the underlying rules of the Solomon Empire changed hundreds of times, but they were all distorted by the shadow of order.

"Trunsoest!" Solomon's voice echoed throughout the world.

"Have you seen it? The shattering of the empire, the destruction of shadows..."

The two emperors Trunsoest and Solomon looked at each other across half of the northern continent, and their battle had already begun.

"It's just the ravings of a traitor."

Solomon looked down arrogantly on Trunsoest. The emperor who established the first empire was qualified enough to look down on all those who came after them to establish a country and become an emperor.

In particular, Trunsoest served as an administrator under Him for hundreds of years.

"No, this is the will of the gods." Trunsoest disagreed and stated plainly.

"How can the emperor live under the gods?!" Solomon said solemnly. The Trunsoest Empire had an unfair victory. Compared with Solomon, the constraints of the gods were too great.

"..." Trunsoest's eyes darkened. For this reason, he fell into a disadvantage in the battle with Solomon, and the rules were twisted into shadows.

There is no peace in the Alliance of Gods. Trunsoest ascended to the throne of God because of the "Goddess of Night", and the price he had to pay was that half of the empire's faith was seized by the Church of Night.

Coupled with the preaching of other true gods, Trunsoest's situation was far worse than Solomon's.

For this reason, Trunsoest introduced the vampires, but they still could not resist the will of the gods.

"Only the living have the opportunity to discuss personality."

 There is one more chapter, it will be a little late, sweat

(End of this chapter)