
A 36

Chapter 176 "Children"

Chapter 176 "Children"

"Give your people new guidance and lead the vampire race back to glory..."

Ornia's voice is also part of the "Goddess of Beauty", whose prayers have a powerful power, calling Lilith.

Most of the time, Lilith would not look here, so most of these sacrifices would fail.

But this time, with Truman able to strengthen, something with a very small probability happened.

First of all, Truman used the dream mark to pull out the historical projection of the "Angel of Life".

This person was once the "Moon", more exaggerated than the "God of Beauty". You can tell by simple addition that this is three times the happiness!


The angel of life came out of the gray fog of history, and his eyes took on vivid color in an instant.

He looked at the altar and sensed the call.

"Don't respond." Truman warned, and then he snapped his fingers to make what he imagined happen.

Lilith nodded slightly and waited quietly.

The vampire's prayer lasted for about a few minutes, and then received an answer with the help of "Utopia".

"Coming!" Lilith's body tensed up instantly.

"Relax, He can't corrode you yet." Truman also looked at the moonlight falling from the void.


The bloody flames on the altar suddenly swelled, and the bloody light illuminated the entire altar.

"It's the ancestor!" Many vampires have already knelt on the ground. The light shed by the moon is the same as Lilith's feeling when she was an ancient god.

Even Truman, who had seen Lilith in person, was in a trance for a moment.

This is no longer confusing falsehood with truth, but replacing falsehood with truth.

"However, the One on the Moon is the source of 'Moon' and 'Mother', and Lilith is false compared to Him."

Truman sighed, confirming his guess.

Lilith has obviously discovered this, and no one can tell the truth from this feeling except Himself.

This feeling of being almost completely suppressed is really not good.

Ornia bathed in the red moonlight and became more beautiful and moving, like an elf under the moon.

"Ancestor, I pray to have a child to continue the bloodline and inherit the spirit..."

Under the red moon, "Goddess of Beauty" Ornia prayed devoutly, with a blush on her face, making Him even more beautiful.

At this moment, Ornia's body burst out with a light that was difficult to look directly at, and his words made Truman and Lilith stiffen up.

Truman's fingers stayed on the dream book and his eyebrows furrowed.

Onya's problems were more serious than he expected.

Maybe it's really because Ornia has the idea of ​​giving birth to an heir with Trunsoest, or maybe the love and the crystallization of love itself are under the control of some kind of power. What's happening in Ornia now? The pollution suffered may be far beyond Truman's imagination.

What about Trensoest as Ornia's husband?

Truman deeply felt the deep threat from the outer gods, which was completely incomparable to those sources.

This "Fallen Mother Goddess" is the only pillar that is still fully alive. Although it has lost two pathways, it still retains some symbols. Her power may still be beyond Truman's imagination!

Among the two pillars he had faced, "God" had most of his power taken away by Sasril, and the "Lord of Mysteries" was not able to fully recover.

Their power is limited, but this one is different now.

When Truman's body was stiff and his thoughts were confused, Onya was still praying and expressing her desire to the "ancestor".

Then the "First Patriarch" responded to Him!

At a certain moment, the blood-colored moonlight skyrocketed, from illuminating the area of ​​the altar to covering the entire palace, and an illusory crimson moon slowly condensed from the sky above the altar.

The "moon" sent down the oracle.Onya and the other vampires are in for a surprise, and the ancestor will surely lead the vampires to greater glory!

This time, Truman intervened decisively. He suddenly raised his head and reflected his own figure in the star world.

He looked at the red moon in the star realm.

This moon is a conceptualization of the real moon. It is like a moon painted randomly by a three-year-old child. It is asymmetrical, incomplete, and looks absurd and funny.

In Truman's eyes, there is a figure in the center of this moon that looks like a child's paintbrush.

This is the conceptual manifestation of the "Fallen Mother Goddess" on the Moon in the astral plane.

The power to respond to the blood sacrifice comes from here.


Truman ripped an ocean out of the Book of Dreams.

This ocean completely covered the moon, cutting off his power.

The power of the "Fallen Mother Goddess" to penetrate the initial barrier is very limited, and it is still unable to penetrate the sea of ​​dreams.

"Come back." Suddenly, Truman heard Lilith's call, his tone was helpless and a little depressed.

Truman frowned, the division of "real" authority blurred the boundaries of existence, and he was in two places at the same time.

Outside the blood clan altar, Truman looked into the altar.

In the buzzing sound, part of the blood in the bodies of all vampires burned, providing power for this sacrifice.

In this way, even if Trumen isolates Crimson Moon, he will not be able to stop it.

Ruby-like blood droplets oozed from Onya's body. These blood droplets flew to the blood moon shadow, making it more realistic, and finally condensed into a word.


Truman's eyes flashed across the sea of ​​stars and looked at the red moon.

It is like the eyes of the one on the moon, blocking the initial barrier and seeing here.

At the same time, a picture appeared in the minds of all the vampires present.

There is no doubt that it is the dreamy statue dotted with dreamy phosphorescence.

This oracle and guidance are clear enough.

"He is going to take action against you." Lilith also got that picture from the moonlight.

In the eyes of the vampires, this is the revelation of the "ancestor".

How will the vampires respond?Faith is impossible, it is a betrayal of the ancestors.

Then there is only cooperation or...cannibalization and devouring.

"Tsk." Truman held up a bloody moonlight and got this revelation from it.

This bloody moonlight itself has no pollution. It has been filtered by the initial barrier and is not much stronger than the moonlight seen by ordinary people.

Otherwise, the vampires present would have been unable to bear it long ago and would have lost control and exploded.

Among the vampires present, apart from Onya, no one else has been found who wants a "child".

The "Fallen Mother Goddess" still uses the related symbols of the "moon", which is impossible to defend against.

"The pollution on Ornia's body is too heavy." Lilith sighed softly. Compared to him, Ornia had almost no resistance to that one, and she didn't know when she had been eroded.

"Let's consider the worst-case scenario first, assuming that Trunsoest has also been contaminated to a certain extent..."

Truman glanced at Onya and did not take action again, but continued to watch everything as an "audience".

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 177 Get Ready

Chapter 177 Get Ready

Without the interference of Truman and Lilith, the sacrifice ended quickly. The Vampires got the information they wanted, and secretly regarded the Dream Sect as an opportunity for the Vampires to rise again.

The senior leaders of the Blood Clan unanimously decided to send messengers to get in touch with the Dream Sect and deepen cooperation.

After the cooperation deepens, maybe one morning or afternoon, a certain vampire will fall in love with the dream believer and give birth to a "child".

This is...very possible.

The vast majority of followers of the Dream Sect are ordinary people, but their yearning for beauty and piety towards dreams are true. Their beliefs are directly directed towards dreams.

In this case, the "child" born will probably inherit the faith of the father or mother and become a hidden child of the "fallen mother goddess" influencing dreams.

Once the number of such shadows reached a certain level, Truman was not sure whether his own would be affected by the "Fallen Mother Goddess".

For example, the dream statue that carries the anchor of all Truman's beliefs gives birth to a "child" and inherits all his followers.

Directly inheriting all the believers who have been in business for 3000 years will directly cause Truman to fall to the bottom and fall into eternal sleep.

That was horrible.

"What did you think of?" Lilith noticed Truman's expression that was not right.

"Ahem!" Truman coughed twice and made up his mind to block this person on the moon forever.

"It's nothing, but how do you deal with the vampires here?" Truman looked at the vampires except Ornia.

These vampires truly believe that it is the "ancestor" and that it has not been seriously contaminated by the "fallen mother goddess".

"I will send down the oracle and take the initiative to split the current blood clan, so that most of the blood clan can escape from the center of this game." Lilith said decisively, sacrificing part of the blood is necessary.

"Just do what you want." Truman had no idea about the vampires and focused on Onya. This situation was also a bit troublesome.

During the period of time when he was thinking deeply, Lilith quickly began to influence the Vampires through various means.

And Ornia left the vampire station shortly after the sacrifice was completed and returned to the "Judge"'s Kingdom of Rules.

Truman and Lilith also stopped outside the Kingdom of Rules. If they go further, the two of them will definitely be discovered by Trunsoest.

For the "judge" who controls "judgment", "rules", "balance" and other powers, all the rules are under his control. The appearance of Truman is already destroying the integrity and balance of the Kingdom of Rules. There is no way to hide it. past.

"Don't scare the snake first." Truman did not force his way in after all. There was probably only one result, which would directly trigger the most intense and terrifying divine battle in the Fourth Age.

There has been no divine war for hundreds of years. All parties probably feel that they can do it again. Once it starts, they may not be able to stop.

All the gods are involved, and that kind of terrifying divine battle can knock human civilization back to the Stone Age if not careful.

"I'll go to Bailang first, and I'll inform you..." Truman suddenly paused and thought for a long time, "Let them all be ready."

As for what to prepare, Lilith naturally thought of it.

"Okay." Lilith nodded gently, and the historical projection slowly dissipated.

Sometimes, in a game between two parties, as long as one party makes a test, the other parties will follow suit.

Snowflakes falling one after another will cause an "avalanche".

The characteristic of avalanches is that they are fast, violent and unstoppable.

Truman opened the Book of Dreams, quickly made a series of arrangements, and then wandered towards the capital of Bailang.If he guessed correctly, the God of Death "Salinger" should not be in the real world at this time, which is why he wandered directly to the capital of Bailang.

"Azik Eggers!" Truman came directly to the palace of the Balam Empire and saw the "Consul of Death" who was no longer a consul.

In the war with the Blood Emperor, Adam directly intervened in the war, causing the Death Archon to lose and surrender. However, in order to seal the coffin, Salinger directly punished him and removed him from the position of Archon.

Of course, privately, the man who still controls the operation of the entire empire is still the consul.

Dreamy phosphorescence shone down, and Truman sealed the palace directly.

"..." Azik Eggers's face changed drastically the moment he saw Truman, but he soon calmed down, and dusty memories came to his mind.

That was the memory of his first meeting with Truman. During that meeting, Truman performed a psychological intervention and human correction on him.dream book

It has been nearly 1000 years since that time, which is roughly the length of the entire Quaternary Period to the present.

In this nearly 1000 years, Azik Eggers was only focused on by Salinger in the first few years.

Salinger, who found nothing after that, gave up and found no problems with Him.

But beyond Salinger's sight is the germination and development of the seeds of humanity planted by Truman in Azik Eggers, which ultimately form a balance with divinity.

"Your Majesty Dream." Azik Eggers stepped down directly from the bone throne representing the Archon and bowed deeply to Truman.

It was probably after the emergence of human nature that he knew what Truman had given him.

That's where you can truly make your own choices, instead of just being a "Death Archon".

Letting a son betray his father seems to be Truman's specialty. The last one was Badheir.

"Well," Truman nodded slightly, "it seems that you have maintained your humanity well."

"It's all a gift from Lord Dream." Azik Eggers thanked him seriously.

Maybe it was late at night when he was correcting a document, or maybe it was the moment when the phoenix crown fell into dust from his head. He was no longer the "Death Archon", he was now Azik Eggers.

"When was the last time Salinger appeared in Balam?" Truman asked directly without delay.

"The most recent one was at the end of the last imperial war, which was 487 years ago."

The Imperial War was the divine war that dragged two continents into the quagmire of war when Alistair Tudor became the Blood Emperor.

In other words, after acquiring the legacy characteristics of the "Red Priest", Salinger has never appeared in the real world...

Truman nodded slightly and asked again, "Has He ever sent down an oracle?"

"Yes." Azik Eggers didn't hide anything and told Truman everything he knew.

"I personally took action and secretly captured several demigods alive. They are the 'Iron Knight', 'Witch of Despair', 'Undead', 'Night Watch', and 'Demon Hunter'."

These are the demigods of the pathways related to the fourth pillar.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 178 Snowflakes

Chapter 178 Snowflakes

"Demigods..." Truman probably knew Salinger's thoughts, which were nothing more than determining the authenticity of knowledge from adjacent pathways through the exchange of pathways between these demigods.

You don't have to think about it to know that there is a certain Maozi researcher who takes the credit.

"I am still secretly collecting various extraordinary characteristics of the 'Red Priest' path, cultivating extraordinary people of this path, and forming an army."

"He attaches great importance to Binxi and has sent oracles several times to understand his situation..."

"Bin Xi?" Truman narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.

"Also, the Witch Sect has planned to evacuate Bailang for some reason..."

Azik Eggers told all kinds of information, and Truman gradually had a causal line in his mind that integrated all the information and pointed it in the same direction.

"Can you enter and exit the underworld?" Truman finally looked at Azik Eggers.

"Yes, He gave me the authority to enter and exit the underworld, and I completed many of his requests myself." Azik responded without hesitation, nodding.

"Okay. Just get ready and I will follow you into the underworld."

Now that the underworld is closed, Salinger will find out if Truman breaks in directly.


Azik didn't refuse, which was already taking a huge risk.

He took the initiative to walk out of the palace and walked to the deepest part of the palace, which was Salinger's bedroom and an entrance to the underworld.

"I think you should wait." Truman followed Azik Eggers, calculating all the possibilities.

Then Truman saw the priest with a light golden beard outside Salinger's palace.

"Adam?!" Azik Eggers' pupils shrank suddenly, casting a huge shadow over this priest. During the imperial war, he was probably led by Adam throughout the whole process.

"Still waiting?" Truman rubbed his chin, frowned slightly, and looked at Adam, "He has succeeded?"

Adam nodded slightly, "I've already seen it and gained something."

Salinger's current situation is due to Adam's plan and Truman's connivance. They all want to see something from Salinger after his success.

"But the situation may be more complicated than we expected." Adam's eyes seemed to be a little fluctuating, and he said softly.

After all, those who are truly qualified to enter the game will not develop according to Adam's script. He is not a "dreamer" yet.

"If you want to go in now, be careful." Adam warned at the end, his figure was weak and merged into the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

This is just an identity that Adam carved out and can be given up at any time.

"Be careful..." Truman was silent for a moment because of this reminder.

But he did not change his mind, but turned into something false and non-existent and followed Azik Eggers into the underworld.


At the same time that Truman entered the underworld, the rest of the world also began to "fall snow."

The shadow curtain covering the "real Kingdom of God" opened, and two angels walked out of it.

It was Ourolius and Medici.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that I would have to go out after falling to Sequence [-]. I would be really dead if I wasn't careful." Medici complained. The reason was probably that the oracle came from the "True Creator", but it started from dream.

"And Torzina has been hiding for 1000 years. Who knows where he died?" Medici said without mercy at all.The oracle the two of them received told them to find Torzner.

Truman will not forget the "Mother Tree of Desire".

And Torzner is the best vane to peer into the "Mother Tree of Desire".

"I may not be lucky enough to meet Him." Ouroleus also shook his head.

The "God of Spiritual Creatures" Torzner has not appeared on the world stage for nearly 1000 years since he quit the "Rose of Redemption" that killed the Creator.

He is a serious king of angels, but he has not left any traces in the wars that took place in the previous 1000 years. People who don't know better think that he is dead.

It was probably like the state Truman was in when he was looking for Him, carving out a space for himself, developing followers, and then living a more boring life than an ascetic without fighting for it.

This is very temperate.

"Doesn't he want to become a god? There won't be any trace of it." Medici found it difficult to understand.

Torzner had basically collected all the materials to become a god, but he resisted and did not plan the ceremony for becoming a god.

You must know that even Ourolius once hunted down another mercury snake all over the world in preparation for becoming a god.

"The only places where extraordinary people of the 'Bound One' pathway have concentrated activities are the Pas River Valley and the Star Plateau in the southern continent."

The two angels came to this land that was severely suppressed by the Balam Empire through their own means.

"Huh? A demigod from the Blood Worship Cult?" Ourolius' luck was a real thing, and he bumped into the demigod from the Blood Worship Cult just after he landed.

The Blood Worship Cult, a sect that believes in demons and controls the path to the "Abyss", has had traces of activity since the middle of the Fourth Age. It is currently the largest cult in the world - the Witch Cult is part of the True God Church in Balang.

The "Abyss" pathway and the "Bound One" pathway are adjacent pathways, representing indulgent malice and restrained desires, which are naturally in conflict.

It is abnormal for the demigods of the Blood Worship Cult to appear on this plateau.

"Be careful, there are some problems." Ourolius frowned and looked at the land in silence.

Medici's face became solemn. Ouroleus's peek at fate was usually not wrong.

"The smell on them is not normal either." Medici's nose twitched slightly, using the intuition of a "hunter" to sense the status of his prey.

"They are going to make a sacrifice..." An altar was reflected in Ouro Leius's eyes, with the light of destiny flashing, and he saw the future.

"Kill them!" Ouroleus suddenly shouted softly, and Medici directly pulled out a dark red sword from his body and slashed at the demon demigods with a cold expression.


Ouroleus stretched out his hand and grasped it, and a mercury snake broke free from the stream of fate.

His eyes are bright red and cold, and his body is covered with patterns and symbols, with countless runners with different details.

The huge mercury snake balled up, bit its own tail, and turned into a mysterious and exaggerated wheel, connected end to end. Countless runes emerged from his body, bringing the whole world into his rhythm. inside.

The world is trapped in an illusion of regression.

The altar beneath the feet of the demigods immediately disintegrated into a pile of unformed materials.

But the strange thing is that those demigods are not affected by the "restart".

Even the Second Sequence Angel is completely unable to resist the "restart" of the King of Angels!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 179 Farbuti

Chapter 179 Farbuti

While everything was moving backwards and time was flowing backwards, those demigods showed no signs of abnormality, which made the fateful light in Ouroleus's eyes even more urgent.

He is actively using his "prophet" ability to peer into the future.


The altar returned to its original state and was dismantled. The sacrifice was naturally interrupted. The demigods performing the ceremony suddenly turned their heads and looked at Ouroleus, their black eyes reflecting the illusory and bright stars. .

These demigods showed their own mythical forms, which were several demons with different shapes. The same ones had exaggerated sharp teeth and huge bat wings.

There were rust-colored dark red runes on the demon's body and teeth, as if blood was flowing, igniting red flames, and the unique sulfur smell of the abyss filled the air.

"Medici! No!" Before Medici was about to pierce the bodies of several demigods with his sword, Ourolius shouted suddenly. With his luck, Medici stepped on a stone that built the altar, and his body froze. , stop in time.

"What are these things?!" Medici's hunter's intuition was also beating.

These things seemed a little unexpected. They were obviously only demigods, but they made the King of Angels feel terrified.

"They..." Ourolius closed his eyes directly, not daring to pry anymore, "There is pollution, strong pollution!"

"They come from the abyss, from the stars!"

Ourolius closed his eyes tightly, and his powerful spiritual intuition made him close his eyes in time, not looking directly at the horror behind the pollution.

"Process it first!" Medici decisively stretched out his hand to summon a violent snowstorm, freezing several demons instantly.

These demons are containers of pollution, but their own sequence is not high, only sequence four.

This can also become a high level in the Blood Worship Cult and even the Abyss. It is used as a container because the pollution level is too high and must be carried by divinity.


The solid ice is melting by the red flames, and the pollution is seeping out.

Medici's ability can freeze the demigod inside, but it cannot extinguish the contaminated flames.

Ourolius stretched out his hand, and the spiritual world and the real world suddenly overlapped. His luck allowed him to summon suitable spiritual creatures from the spiritual world.


The spiritual creatures summoned by Ouroleus have the "exile" ability similar to that of the demigods of the "Gate" pathway, which acts on demons wrapped in ice.

The boundary between the spiritual world and reality has been blurred, and Ouroleus wants to teleport them to the ruins of the God War!

It was the battlefield where the gods assassinated the Creator, and the remaining power was enough to imprison or even obliterate these pollutions.

But at a certain moment, the spiritual creature in front of Ouroleus suddenly cast a shadow, turned from gentle to violent, and then grew terrifying fangs, biting at Ouroleus.


This spiritual creature has completely degenerated from body to spirit and turned into a demon, turning back on its temporary master.


A blood-red sword light flashed, and the spiritual creature was entangled by a sword light and shattered into dozens of pieces.

Medici swung his sword at will to create a harvesting effect.

"And...curse!" A difficult voice sounded in the ears of the two Medicis.

A mummy appeared here without warning, looking at the chopped spiritual creature.

The demon's blood is surging, transforming into a powerful curse.

Medici, who had been demoted to Sequence Two, was hit first, and his armor was suddenly stained with black stains.

Ouroleus narrowly escaped contamination, and the mummy suffered no harm.

"It's Fabuti!" Medici instantly identified the enemy from the curse on his body.

Demon Lord Farbuti is an ancient god who has existed since the Second Age. What stands out is destruction and corruption.

During the rise of the ancient sun god, he was regarded as an unstable factor and was killed and forced to go offline early. He even actually became the first line of resistance against the outer gods, guarding the abyss.

In the Fourth Age, He exuded power through the followers of the Blood Worship Cult, calling himself the "Dark Side of the Universe", developing followers, and restoring the power of the true God.

"It's... Him!" The mummy nodded imperceptibly.

The space where the mummy was located suddenly burst out with boiling, viscous black liquid. These liquids eroded the void, disrupted the distance between reality and the spiritual world, and caused them to overlap.

And those demons are also falling into the spiritual world. On the other side are the ruins of the God War, and Torzner is also in the process of being exiled.

"Finally, you have shown up!"

The terrifying voice suddenly reached the minds of the three angels, and endless malice overwhelmed them. Their mental state was unbalanced and they were losing control!

Among the demons that broke free from the ice, there was one whose eyes flashed with blood-colored flames.

He is the projection of the demon king Farbuti!

He initially wanted to sacrifice the pollution of the outer gods and his own projection to Torzna.

There are two purposes for doing this. One is to seek out the extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness of Torzner, and the other is to pour contamination onto Torzner even if the plot fails.

This is to pull Torzina to fight the pollution of the "Mother Tree of Desire", involve the power of the "Mother Tree of Desire", and gain a chance to escape the seal of the abyss.

If the sacrifice fails, He will also let these sources of pollution explode on the spot, completely polluting this land.

This will further enhance the power of the "Mother Tree of Desire" in the real world and attract the attention of the gods.

But this is probably the reason why the "Mother Tree of Desire" acquiesced to Fabuti's concentrating the pollution on a few demons.

No matter what, the winner will be the "Mother Tree of Desire"!

The only thing that Fabuti didn't expect was to lose to luck. If Ourolyus arrived a few minutes late, His sacrifice would have been completed.

"Death!" Fabuti's bloody eyes fell on Medici and the others, and his voice contained a strong curse.

Even the King of Angels found it difficult to resist such power, and his spirit seemed to be trapped in an abyss of extremely harsh environment.


Ouroleus decisively restarted again, including Medici and Him, and the curse on his body continued to fade away.

And Torzner himself also controls the power of curse, so this power has little effect on him.

The mummy's eyes were fixed on several sources of pollution except Fabuti, and the transformation curse broke out, transforming them all into harmless rabbits.

It's just that this curse, which can almost seal most extraordinary abilities, doesn't work at all. The level of pollution is too high, and there's nothing you can do about it!

"Explode!" The blood in Fabuti's eyes jumped as he wanted to completely release the pollution.


It is also the power of language, two equally powerful forces, obscene words and demonic ravings, collide.

The "Whisperer" from the "Abyss" pathway and the "Talking Elder" from the Hanged Man pathway, both of these sequences have outstanding language power.

Now these two forces are colliding at the true god level!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 180 The Abyss

Chapter 180 The Abyss


In this piece of land, two sounds and forces are canceling each other out, directly causing a sound wave left by the collision to surge around.

Medici and the other three were shaken by the sound waves and almost lost control!

"It's you!" Farbuti screamed, maliciously and unabashedly.

"No! You are already dead!" Farbuti soon realized something and whispered with an evil smile.

What we are talking about here is of course the ancient sun god. The ancient sun god who almost killed him with a "purification" blow has fallen, and all that is left is his remains.


A curtain of shadow opened, and a huge cross inside could be vaguely seen, as well as the figure sitting under the cross.

"You can't come out." Saslier looked at Farbuti.

Fabuti has a "heavy mission" and is an important part of the ancient Sun God's plan. Once it is lost, it may cause a chain reaction.

"You are no longer the same person you were back then!" The flames in Fabuti's eyes were beating wildly, and the space behind you seemed to be corrupting, and you could see the huge gap at the other end.

It is like the sea, a hole in the world, carrying all the filth and depravity.

That is the abyss!

There was a pair of terrifying eyes flashing in the real abyss, staring at Saslier under the cross.

"You want to stop me?" The devil's power is impacting the seal set by the ancient sun god back then, trying to completely break away from the 2000-year-old shackles.

"Look at this world, you still want to stop me?!" The devil's whispers always have the power to confuse people's hearts. If it were not for the protection of the shadow curtain, the King of Angels would lose control and be controlled by desire.

"You can't come out!" Saslier came up from under the cross and repeated this sentence again.

Salinger is a problem, the Vampires are a problem, Sephiroth is a problem, and even the other gods have their own thoughts. This is this world.

Even if there are external conflicts, the internal battles are still extremely fierce.

But no matter what, Fabuti cannot come out and must "guard" the abyss.

If Fabuti escapes from the abyss, the seal of the ancient sun god will collapse, and the abyss will directly become the weakest point on the original barrier.

The worst situation that resulted was that the outer gods concentrated their attacks on this point, leading to the early arrival of the end.

This can't happen.

"You!" Farbuti let out a terrifying roar, frantically attacking the seal.

He found an excellent opportunity and reached a tacit understanding with the "Mother Tree of Desire", and even took the initiative to help him corrode the world in exchange for a chance to escape.

This is no less than drinking poison to quench thirst, but after all there is still some hope.

But it was obvious that Sasril did not want to let Him go, and wanted Him to block the abyss and resist the "Mother Tree of Desire".

"Roar!" Sasril ignored Farbuti's roar, and his true form appeared, directly pulling a thick shadow, covering all sources of pollution, and descending directly into the abyss.

"Go back, the Second Imperial War is about to begin." Saslier's voice appeared in the minds of Medici and other angels, issuing an oracle.

He knew that the moment he stepped out of the kingdom of God, all the true gods sensed it and started taking their own actions.

He needs to suppress the abyss, and the Solomon Empire has lost a true god. The dream has now entered the underworld and cannot be explored. The Solomon Empire has reached its most critical moment.

"Yes!" Urolius and Medici looked at each other and nodded in response.

"Don't try to hide. We solved a big problem for you, and you have to repay us!" Medici pulled up the thousand-year-old Torzina.

"..." The mummy didn't resist.

On an endless ocean, Sasril descended, and a shadow cross as high as the sky appeared in the air, pressing down hard, its target being the deep black and red abyss.

"Roar!" Fabuti mobilized the power of the entire abyss, and the sea set off terrifying waves.

Fabuti, who was in the seal and knew that he was no match for Sasril, directly activated the power of the "Mother Tree of Desire"!

The extremely high-level pollution formed an illusory starry sky above the abyss, with a bright star shining brightly and sprinkling pink starlight.

Under the resistance of this force, the falling speed of the huge cross was slowed down.

Abyss got an opportunity.

Fabuti's huge and terrifying face was close to the seal left by the ancient sun god, and he kept pushing upwards, holding up a seal composed of golden stripes.

The Third Age was when this seal was strongest, but after the death of the Creator, this seal was significantly weakened.

In the Fourth Age, as the "Mother Tree of Desire" intensified its erosion of the abyss, the seal could already allow Fabuti to reveal his power.

Now Fabuti is desperate to break through this seal and escape from the abyss.


Saslier's face suddenly became solemn, the power of the "Mother Tree of Desire" was really difficult to deal with.

"Use it."

An indifferent voice sounded in Saslier's heart, and a simple and unpretentious stone slab with a faint aura of chaos fell from the spiritual world.

"Profane Tablet", and it is the second one, its owner is Adam!

Sasril glanced back, Adam and Him looked at each other calmly.

The fight between them is their own business, and it is their consensus to maintain their previous arrangements.

To this end Adam lent the key to the fusion, the "Profane Tablet".

Other things must be put off for now, and the end cannot be brought forward.

"Okay." Saslier took the "Profane Slate" in his hand.

This stone slab formed from the remains of the Creator naturally has extremely special effects.

Sasril looked at the seal composed of countless golden stripes, and with a slight tap, he mobilized the power left by the Creator with the "blasphemous slate".


It was as if there was a sun pressing down on the ocean, and the golden stripes that formed the seal formed a "sun" in an instant.

From that "blasphemous slate", a light and shadow seemed to be reflected across the sky and the earth. This was the invincible Creator of the Third Age!

"Impossible!" Farbuti roared, frantically attacking the sun formed by the seal.

Even the illusory starry sky and bright stars that enveloped the entire abyss showed signs of retreating after sensing the light and shadow.

"Let there be light!"

Sasril held the blasphemous slate and shouted these words sacredly and solemnly.

At this moment, the "Profane Slate" burst out with unimaginable light, and the light and shadow that penetrated the sky and the earth solidified at this moment, as if it was the resurrection of the Creator of the Third Age, looking down into the abyss.


The sun formed by the seal suddenly rose, and the light and heat purified all the filth, forcing the starry sky to retreat to the bottom of the abyss.

At the same time, the shadow cross also pressed down hard, pushing down Fabuti's head as it hit the seal.


Sasril spoke again, and the sun once again turned into a seal, enveloping the entire abyss.

(End of this chapter)