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Chapter 186 The emperor dies and the empire collapses

Chapter 186 The emperor dies and the empire collapses

"The living"...

Trusoost did not try to imprison the shadow of order with more rules, but stuck to himself, involving most of the power of the "Black Emperor".


At the same time, the entire Solomon Empire was under the pressure of the other two true gods.

"Goddess of the Night", "Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom".

Among them, the "Mother Goddess of the Earth" was stopped by the newly promoted "God of Craftsmen" and did not arrive here.

But three true gods are already an irresistible force.

Solomon's eyes stared indifferently at the starry night that had enveloped half of the empire and the kingdom of knowledge that appeared in the star realm.

There are two kinds of authority falling on his empire. At this time, he has already lost. Cities belonging to the Solomon Empire are constantly having their rules forcibly twisted and merged into the Trunsoest Empire.

In just an instant, the citizens had forgotten him as the emperor, and began to reject the asymmetrical style from the heart, integrating it into the laws of the Trunsoest Empire.

The two true gods involved too much of Solomon's energy, and he had lost the power to protect his people.

"You have lost!" Trunsoest, wearing a luxurious robe, a night crown, and holding a brass book, even directly invaded the capital of the Solomon Empire.

"This is my empire." Solomon was still sitting on the emperor's throne, looking down at Trunsoest, as he had done hundreds of years ago.

"A true emperor never abandons his empire and his people."

Solomon's words were full of determination, making Trunsoest slightly startled.

"...Then you will return with your empire." All the expressions on Trunsoest's face faded away, and he returned to the indifference of the true god.

At this moment, the "Night Goddess" and the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" stepped up their efforts to corrode the entire Solomon Empire, almost completely suppressing the "distorted" authority of the "Black Emperor".

"The order here prohibits shadows..."

Trunsoest wrote the last rule on the last page of the Brass Book.

"...violators shall be punished..."


This is the strongest power of the "Judge", the absolute power he possesses after formulating the rules.

This is the particularity of the "Judge". His power of "judgment" can only be exercised after the rules are sufficiently perfected.

But once the rules are formulated according to the ideas of the "judge", then the final "trial" will be absolutely terrifying and irresistible.


There was some kind of power surging, and Solomon's body directly became a shadow.

He seems to be composed of chaotic and mixed lines, a loophole in the rules, a "shadow" under the order.

At this moment, Solomon transformed into a pure shadow and naturally wanted to fight to the death!


Under the persecution and imprisonment of the two true gods, Solomon could only use his last strength and exert his most powerful power.

He twisted the rules of his own location to increase the rationality of the shadow's existence, in order to fight against the rules set by Trunsoest and the "judgment" attached to the rules.

He did not choose to directly distort this rule because he was no longer able to cope with it.

After the rules were gradually tightened and perfected, the power of the shadow of order was restricted. Coupled with the existence of two true gods, he was already facing the final disaster.

"Shadow of 'Judgment'!" Trunsoest held the brass book and pressed down with one hand to carry out the "Judgment" to the end.

The shadow of Solomon's incarnation paused, as if it was about to be pushed back from this form.

At this moment, scars kept appearing on the black shadows, and traces of hangings, beheadings, burnings and other punishments all appeared on the shadows.

This is part of the "judgment."


The final "judgment" has arrived.

It was like a "purification" from the "sun". To be more precise, it should be called the "Light of Symbol".This ray of light fell from the sky and pinned the creeping shadow of Order.

Under the judgment of "Symmetra", the shadow of order is disintegrating.

Finally, under the gaze of the brass eyes of the Kingdom of Knowledge and the gaze of the starry red moon, this shadow of order completely collapsed.


The entire Solomon Empire was trembling as the Black Emperor's tomb beneath the capital collapsed.

As a "Judge", Trunsoest's understanding of the "Black Emperor" is only inferior to Solomon's, and he knows how to kill him completely.

Destroying all the tombs and erasing all the rules set by Solomon from the rule level, He even directly accommodated the characteristics of the "Black Emperor"...

These methods were enough to completely erase Solomon from this world.

When an emperor who is regarded as a god by his founding of a country dies, the entire empire will be buried with him.

The statue of the supremely majestic emperor in the hearts of all the citizens of the Solomon Empire was shattered.

"The Black Emperor has died?" All the citizens of the empire were in a state of confusion.

In this turbulent moment in the world, the fall of the Black Emperor definitely took away the backbone of the Solomon Empire.

Trunsoest looked at the disintegrating shadow and was silent for a while, then sensed some residual power and began to pursue all the remaining tombs of Solomon.

The greatest respect you can show for your enemy is to kill him outright.


The war between "Dream" and "Emperor of Hades" in the underworld had too great an impact, which brought the imperial war directly into the final stage.

At the same time, Truman's appearance also caused changes in several other battlefields.

Fabuti, who was still going crazy and trying to break out of the abyss, suddenly stopped.

Such power reminded him of the Third Age Creator who had beaten him severely and made him afraid to have any thoughts for more than 1000 years.

"Roar!" Farbuti roared crazily, and then...

He shrank back and returned to the bottom of the abyss.

Sasril and Adam both looked back at the crack in the underworld that was manifested outside, astonished beyond words.

No one knows themselves better than they do.

"Has He already come this far?" Adam sighed softly after being silent for a while.

He, who only had his divinity left, was amazed by the personality and power that Truman showed now.

"There should still be some problems." Although Saslier also sighed, he was also vaguely worried.

"His condition may not be very good." Sasril tightened the seal and reshaped the seal set by the ancient sun god.

"Give it to you." Saslier directly threw the second "Profane Slate", the key prop for the fusion of divinity and humanity, to Adam.

The shadows covering the world also converged at this moment, and Saslier left directly.

Adam returned his palm to the "blasphemous tablet" and watched Sasriel go away.

"Is this how humanity stands out?"

Because friends, did not even hesitate to return the "Desecrated Slate".

If He were in Sasril's position, he would probably gain as much benefit as possible before returning the "blasphemous tablet".

This is divinity.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 187 Dream Theory

Chapter 187 Dream Theory


The cracks in the underworld shook violently, and the Fantasy Heaven and the "End" Feathered Serpent collided together again. The terrifying aftermath has made the entire southern continent tremble.

Truman is sitting in the dreamy heaven. The heaven is shaking slightly, but it is still strong even under the symbol of "the end".

However, at a certain moment, Truman suddenly turned his head and looked beyond the cracks in the underworld.

There is a familiar atmosphere disappearing.

"It's the 'Shadow of Order'..." Truman frowned slightly.

"Solomon is dead!" The "God of Death" on the opposite side had a clearer sense of death and immediately confirmed the identity of the deceased.

The "River of Eternal Darkness" records all this, and the gods cannot escape.

"Dead..." Truman suddenly tilted his head, and there was something more than curiosity and wantonness in his eyes.

"Ha! Could it be that a true god with the ability to resurrect must die once to prove himself?" Truman suddenly laughed.

"Next, those who die will be the 'True Creator', the 'Hidden Emperor', and the 'Artisan'!" Sallinger said coldly, "All your allies will perish in this battle, and in the end you will die. It will be you."

"'Death'?" Truman thought about it seriously, "It's really a bad word."

"But this will be your place."

"Alas..." Truman's sense of touch has extended to the entire world, and he can truly feel the entire process of Solomon's death.

This feeling was very bad and caused a subtle change in his mood.

"I'm a little unhappy." Now Truman would not hide it at all, his emotions were written on his face.

"What should I do..." Something in Truman's heart was like an undercurrent in the deep sea, gradually rising and rolling.

And with His current status, whatever he wishes will come true.

"Truman." Suddenly, a voice came from the palace at the highest point of Dream Heaven.

It comes from Sasril.

"Your condition is not right." Another voice sounded, soft and full of tranquility.

"Can you throw your little apprentice away? He's a little annoyed." His tone was slightly arrogant, characteristic of a vampire.

"..." Truman frowned slightly, these sounds were his most stable and powerful "anchor".

"I know." Truman's face softened, he smiled and nodded gently, "Leave the rest to me."

"I always feel like I should say something." Truman walked out of the Kingdom of Heaven, his eyes gazing at the vigilant "Final" feathered serpent.


Truman stretched out his right hand and pulled out the Spear of Destiny from the void.

"...Death!" Dream said.

The Spear of Destiny in Truman's hand drew a perfect trajectory in space at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

"Roar!" At this moment, Sallinger felt an unparalleled death crisis. All his feathers stood up and he roared. At this moment, he used the symbol of "the end" to the limit.

But at this moment, Meng Meng's will cannot be disobeyed.

The dreamy phosphorescence exploded from Salinger's body. It was Truman's secret mine buried in the uniqueness of the "Red Priest". Strictly speaking, the Blood Emperor also died because of this.

A massive amount of dreamy phosphorescence exploded from the body, and the body of Salinger's feathered serpent suddenly froze, looking with despair in his eyes as the stream of light pierced the realm of "the end" and penetrated his body.

"You..." Salinger wanted to say something else.

"Shh." Truman pointed to his lips.

Salinger reluctantly turned his eyes and looked at reality along the cracks in the underworld.

The stream of light that penetrated His body did not stop, but came to the sky above the Solomon Empire and turned into a ray of light. "It's forbidden here..." An angry voice sounded, but this time the rules set by the "Judge" were severely hindered and could not even be condensed into form.

"...Death!" Only then did the dreamy voice reach the real world, ringing in everyone's ears.

This voice has unimaginable power. It seems to deprive the "Judge" of the ability to formulate rules, so that rules that are contrary to Dream's will can never be formed.

The world became quiet, and the same picture even appeared in the eyes of countless people.

The stream of light transformed from the Spear of Destiny crashed into Solomon's palace with an unimaginable aura, and pierced the chest of "Night King" Trunsoest.

The "Night Emperor" was also in the same situation as the "Underworld Emperor". A dreamy phosphorescence suddenly appeared in the brass book, nailing his body, making it impossible for him to conceptualize and incorporate rules to avoid this disaster.


Everything is silent, only the will of dreams.

"Return." Dream said.

At this moment, the broken statue of the Black Emperor regrouped in the hearts of the citizens of the Solomon Empire, and they suddenly heard the majestic voice of the Emperor again.

At this moment, the unique resurrection rules of "Black Emperor" directly passed through the reading stage, and the result appeared.

The three sequence attributes and the Black Emperor's Crown suddenly converged, and a shadow of order reappeared in the entire world.

Solomon's body was a little stiff and his spirit was frozen. He couldn't even understand the current situation.

His consciousness was still stuck in the last moment when he was killed by the three true gods.

He was prepared to return from resurrection, but that might be hundreds of years later, but now, His perception of the world seems to be a little confused, and it seems to be only a few hundred... seconds now.

There is another one... Truman looked towards the place abandoned by God.


Truman's eyes slipped from Bethel and Amon, and fell on the "Goddess of Beauty" Onya.

His expression began to become more serious, because the moment he looked at Onya, the one on the moon moved.

A huge red moon occupied the entire sky.

The red color on the surface of the red moon swallowed and came to life.

It was a crimson sea, drowning everything and dyeing the entire moon red.

At this moment, the sea of ​​blood quickly condensed into the middle, and continued to pile up, turning into a phantom that was completely blood red and whose specific appearance could not be seen clearly.

There are countless eyes on the shadow, all looking towards the dream in the underworld of the earth.

The terrifying crimson waves hit the earth. At the same time, the other outer gods were also intensifying their erosion of the barrier.

Chi Chi!

The initial barrier seemed to be trembling slightly, directly causing a strange phenomenon on the entire planet.

Truman watched all this expressionlessly and spoke again.

"Destroy!" Dream said.

"Goddess of Beauty" Ornia's body directly turned into a dreamy bubble, in which countless light points condensed, which is the characteristic of immortality.

In addition to this characteristic, there are also wisps of red moonlight condensing, trying to continue to erode the "god of beauty" characteristic.

But an even more powerful force burst out, and the surging dreamy phosphorescence directly drowned the red moonlight.

Dream is showing its own personality and power in the most powerful way.

Like the ancient sun god who demonstrated the authority of the Creator in the early Third Age.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 188 The First Dream

Chapter 188 The First Dream

Everything was silent, and the world seemed to have returned to the glorious era of the Third Age.

It was a time when the Creator was in control.

But now is the Fourth Age, known as the Age of the Gods.

"No, it should be the era of dreams..." Solomon sighed softly. He had woken up from the haze and understood everything clearly.

The gods were all quiet at this moment, waiting for something.

Truman stretched out his hand and pressed down, and the whole world immediately stabilized, and the turmoil caused by the initial barrier could no longer be transmitted to the earth.

He stretched out his hand and pulled it, and the spear of destiny that had penetrated the two emperors returned to his hand.

The bodies of the two emperors also collapsed at this moment, turning into countless characteristics and falling into the real world.

Another meteor shower.

Truman holds the Spear of Destiny, pointing the tip of the spear at an angle, and looks around the world. The gods are silent.

"The gods are guarding the border, and no gods can descend!" said Meng Meng.


All the gods and kingdoms were shaken at this moment.

The Abyss of Storms, the Deep Dark Heaven, the World of Knowledge...

All the divine kingdoms of gods ascended to the star realm and blocked the weak points of the initial barrier.

Under the power of dreams, all the divine kingdoms seemed to be embedded in the initial barrier, stabilizing the trembling initial barrier.

The "Lord of Storms", "God of Knowledge and Wisdom", "God of War" and other gods were furious because the Kingdom of God was forcibly pressed against the barrier, but under the threat of the Spear of Destiny and Dream, they did not dare to move at all.

The current Spear of Destiny is even more terrifying.

He was stained with too much divine blood, killed the most gods, and even had a "half old man".

There is also an additional strange pattern on the Spear of Destiny, which is a black-red pattern with a "Hengkai" aura, coming from Salinger.

The Third Era took shape, and after an era, this Spear of Destiny was completely completed.

Truman's eyes once again fell on his allies, Saslier and Solomon.

"Later, I will also move the kingdom of God to the star realm." Saslier and Solomon both expressed their opinions.

Now there is a problem with the initial barrier, and all the gods cannot escape.

However, Truman's imprisonment does not restrict these allies, which means that they can descend at any time.

This is the prerogative of the camp winner.

The battle between the Alliance of Gods and the Alliance of Creators, or the Dream Alliance, is considered over at this moment.

The fantasy league was a total victory.

"Okay." Truman nodded lightly.

Then he focused on another point of his attention.

"Where did Chike go?" Truman's thoughts extended without limit, and the entire northern and southern continents no longer had any secrets in his eyes.

"'City of Disaster'?" Truman's thoughts suddenly touched a piece of gray-white mist.

"This is a trouble." Truman's eyes flashed as he forcibly calculated the traces of the "original witch".


But at this moment, Truman suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction in the real world.

Those are the Honakis Mountains.

"Eternal sleep." Dream said.

At the same time, Truman's body also appeared directly in the largest palace in the Honakis Mountains.

The dreamy will acted on the deepest part of the palace, interrupting the awakening of a certain will.

Truman stepped into the palace and looked up to see "Antigonus" sitting on the throne.But now He is no longer just Him.

"Tsk, you've reached this point."

Antigonus closed his eyes tightly, suffering unspeakable pain, but behind him there was gray-white mist surging, and smooth tentacles with mysterious patterns stretched out from it.

Now it is the will to revive represented by these tentacles that is talking to Truman.

"You failed." Truman chuckled.

That will was silent for a moment. It failed to completely occupy Antigonus' body when the gods were fighting and Truman was lost. This was already a failure.

The "Lord of Mysteries" is very good at exploiting loopholes, and his timing is even more accurate. When Truman and Salinger are fighting and the gods are in chaos, they invade Antigonus's body.

If he succeeds, he will enter the "Origin Castle", obtain the last characteristic, and become the "Fool". After that, he will forcibly gather the characteristics, and no one can stop his awakening.

But Truman knew early on that the will of the "Lord of Mysteries" would awaken in Antigonus, so how could he let him succeed?

Even during the period of time when he was lost, the methods he arranged still took effect, creating a tension between Antigonus and the will of the "Lord of Mysteries".

But now that he is here, the "Lord of Mysteries" has no chance.

"Oh, you have successfully put yourself on the opposite side of all our old ways."

"Your current state is not very good, isn't it? It's not even as good as the one from the third era."

The "Lord of Mysteries" spoke again, getting to the point.

The last person to do this was the Creator of the Third Age, but the Creator's condition was better than Truman's now.

"So, you want to deceive me?" Truman raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the gray-white mist behind Antigonus.

"Sometimes, 'deception' does not require lies." The will of the "Lord of Mysteries" is erratic, like a candle in the wind.

But the rules were fooled, and he was still able to talk to Truman.

"Do you know your 'symbol'?"

Truman didn't answer.

"'First Dream', 'Pure One', 'First Unable to Ask for', haha." The voice of the "Lord of Mysteries" was ridiculing, but it also contained some kind of desire.

For example, the symbol of "the end" will appear when the universe is destroyed, and the symbol of "the original dream" naturally must be found from the "primary creator".

That's the root of it all.

The "Lord of Mysteries" can be regarded as a personality of the "Primary Creator", and similarly, "Dream" is also what He desires.

Compared to all other outer gods, the "Lord of Mysteries" and "God" desire this "Primary Dream" the most.

There is no madness, no indifference, no aggregation, and no separation, and there is no need to even worry about someone waking up from your body.

This is the "first dream".

The "Primary Dream" can solve almost all problems of the "Primary Creator" who created the universe!

"Where is Chick?" Truman already understood his situation and did not need the "Lord of Mysteries" to explain.

"Him?" There was a hint of joking in the tone of the "Lord of Mysteries".

"The same wish, the same original symbol..."

Truman's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to crush the awakened will completely.

"...I'm looking forward to it!"

The will of the "Lord of Mysteries" dissipated, and Antigonus regained control of his body.

"Your Majesty Dream..." Antigonus woke up, his eyes at a loss. He only had the memory of the "Lord of Mysteries"'s will awakening without warning in his body, and then only the painful struggle remained.

"It's none of your business, just live your life well." Truman was really not in a good mood, so he just nodded and left directly.

"..." Antigonus frowned, not knowing why.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 189 Close to the "beginning"

Chapter 189 Close to the "beginning"

Truman returned directly to Gensokyo, and his mind entered the dream paradise.

In fact, before he even woke up from his loss, Dreamland had already sent out an invitation to attend the meeting.

It's just that the things he needs to deal with are a bit complicated, and he has been delayed until now.

"Long wait." Truman sat on his seat and nodded gently to the other three participants.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that when He first arranged the seats, He placed Himself alongside the four pillars. Now it is really...

The purity and peace that cannot be obtained by the "Primary Dream" or the "Primary Creator" are such a symbol that they can be compared with the four pillars of the existence of the universe.

"You're still not in the right state." Amanisis's gentle voice sounded, as if to soothe Truman's tense spirit.

The three of them all sensed something was not right about Truman's state through the dream mark.

Waking up Truman before was also their intentional act.

"This state of near-completeness is the biggest trap." Saslier looked at Truman and sighed.

He has experienced this state before and knows it intimately.

"Indeed, only after you reach the 'quasi-old days' can you realize the difference from the 'half-old days'." Truman and Saslier always feel the same way as "patients."

After Sasril became the "Creator" back then, he had already obtained the true authority of "Creation", "Omniscient and Almighty", and "Lord of the Star Boundary".

That state allowed Him to lean irresistibly toward the real "God" and truly become Him.

"Quasi old days", "half old days"...

The other two goddesses understood the meaning of this title and their eyes lit up, waiting for the knowledge to be shared.

"If you don't completely occupy the adjacent passage, but you can use the source matter to a certain extent, you can call it 'half of the old days'."

"The approximate strength can refer to me and the ancient sun god before." Truman explained.

"And 'quasi-old days'..."

"Occupying all relevant pathways, being able to drive the power of the source material, initially grasping the complete power of the old days, and being infinitely close to the real old days, can be called the 'quasi-old days'." Saslier added.

"The difference is huge."

"And judging from my experience, the state of the 'quasi-old days' is not good enough."

All the gods want to look at Truman.

"It's really not good." Truman said calmly.

After Sasriel became a "quasi-Old One", he could already peek into the memory of the real "God" through "omniscience", but this in itself was a delicious poison.

The characteristic of the "Omniscient and Almighty" is that the more he knows, the closer he is to "God".

Truman's current state is slightly different. He will not face the situation of someone waking up in his body, but it is still not good.

After initially grasping the power of "dream", he is constantly getting closer to the original dream. This process will gradually wear away Truman's humanity, return to indifference, and return to eternal silence.

The "First Dream" should not be real, but should be the way of existence in the First Age.

That is, everyone knows that He exists, but none of them want Him.

The "Primary Dream" cannot even touch the "Primary Creator" and cannot be desired. This is probably the final destination of "Dream".

Truman's existence is naturally to practice falsehood and pursue "truth."

"Then how to deal with your problem? Do you want us to kill you once? The second feast of betrayal?" Lilith thought for a while and thought of a "good method".


no!Why do I feel like you have a burst of humanity and are starting to get excited...

Truman looked at Lilith speechlessly: "Thank you, but I am very human and can resist for a long time."

"But it is very dangerous after all." Amanisis also seemed to be a little moved.

"I agree." Saslier raised his hand and was very enthusiastic.I suspect that you are taking revenge for my assassination of you... Truman rolled his eyes lightly and ignored this suggestion.

"I've thought of ways to keep myself."

Truman told him his method.

"First, the anchor of faith anchors my existence and prevents me from sinking into eternal silence."

"Second, hold corresponding rituals to reaccommodate uniqueness."

Two methods, starting with self-strengthening and suppressing Eternal Silence, can stabilize His state.

"Well... in terms of believers," the believers of the nine planets on the other side of the starry sky have established a firm foothold and have many believers even under the siege of the belief in alien gods.

But he needs more.

"I want to add a 'Dream Angel' position in the holy scriptures of all gods, and write many deeds."

As long as the title "Dream Angel" is deeply rooted in people's hearts, Truman can win almost all believers in the northern and southern continents.

The other three gods all had strange expressions.

"They are scared out of their wits and will agree."

The Kingdom of God didn't even dare to resist when it was forced against the original barrier, and now it even dares not to.

"After that, I want the authority of all gods."

Reproduce more than half of the sequence of true god's authority.

This is the best ritual for Truman to reaccommodate the uniqueness of "all things".

The complete true god powers he now possesses include "Utopia", "Sun", "Storm", and the three true god-related powers of "Red Priest", "God of Death", and "Judge" obtained by killing three emperors. .

There are a total of 22 paths to God in the entire world.

He also needs at least six kinds of true divine authority.

Obviously, relying on the "loser" can no longer fill the entire hole.

It would be better to use the residual power of this war to conduct a "violent conquest" of all the true gods and directly control the power of all the true gods.

"..." This request caused the three people on the opposite side to be silent for a moment, and then nodded slightly.

Single access to authority is important to them, but they see much more than that.

"After that, you inform Herabogen and Badheir and ask them to send the authority over."

"If you have any problems, you can ask them to come to me in 'Fantasy Township'."

It's possible to enter "Fantasyland", but I don't know if I can get out.

Now Truman can ignore almost all rules.

"Okay." Amanisis and Lilith both nodded.

I think those true gods would not dare to enter "Fantasy Township".

"Don't you think you are heading towards the 'beginning' like this?" Saslier suddenly reminded.

The atmosphere of the dreamy paradise suddenly solidified.

"I know." Truman's face was calm, and he had already considered the relevant matters.

"Just like you know that reading the memory of 'God' brings you closer to Him, I need to get closer to 'The Beginning' if I want to fully achieve reality."

"Then how can you be sure that 'the original' won't come back to you?"

Yes, will the "Primary Creator" wake up in his dream?

The "First Dream" is what the "Primary Creator" wishes for, so is He also "seeking" like "God" and the "Lord of Mysteries"?

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 190 "Tug of War"

Chapter 190 "Tug of War"

The atmosphere in the Dream Palace was a bit solemn.

"I am the real 'pure', with some 'original' desire, and He will not wake up in me."

This is something Truman can be sure of.

"As for 'asking', that's for sure. Maybe 'God' and 'Lord of Mysteries' are part of it."

"As long as you have an idea." Saslier nodded lightly.

They don't have any solutions or suggestions for Truman's state, they can only give a few reminders.

"Okay, let's go here first."

Truman took the initiative to end the meeting and returned his mind to his body.

"Tsk," Truman reached out and took out three symbols from the book of dreams.

It is the symbols that represent the authority of "night", "life" and "fall", which come from Amanissis, Lilith and Sasriel.

And not long after, dusk and a spiritual light of wisdom floated over the land abandoned by the gods.

Obviously, both Badheir and Herabergen chose to surrender.

"Hmph! I guess you guys know each other." Truman put these symbols into the dream book one by one.

After that, he went to Solomon's palace in person.

"I need the authority of all the true gods." Truman directly informed Solomon of his intention, and even directly showed Solomon the authority of the eleven true gods that he had collected.

A total of eleven symbols flashed over the sea of ​​dreams, and that kind of power shocked the "Black Emperor" Solomon.

Nothing can better reflect the power of today's "dream" than these symbols.

This seems to be more domineering than the Creator of the Third Age.

"Okay." As a former ally, Solomon was somewhat resistant to this, but he also knew clearly that if he didn't give it, he would definitely be at odds with all the true gods.

We all paid "protection fees", but you didn't? !

The consequences must be very serious.

"Okay." After some weighing, Solomon asked Truman to restore the authority of the "Black Emperor".

"Thank you." Truman thanked him and explained by the way, "This has something to do with my current state."

Truman then wandered directly to the "Perfect Land" and obtained the authority of the "Perfect One" from the "Artisan" in the same words.

"There are a total of thirteen kinds of true God's authority."

Looking at the thirteen symbols representing the authority of the true God rising and falling in front of him, Truman also sighed. This is really getting closer to the "original creator"!

But in this way, the unique ritual effect of "All Things" will be optimal, and these authorities will become the strongest anchor to anchor Truman's will.

"Let's get started." Truman's current state really couldn't delay. The sea of ​​dreams was constantly surging, and his self-will was constantly being washed away and shaken.

At this moment, Truman's body burst out with a ray of light, and his body began to become transparent, revealing the uniqueness of "everything" in his body.

After leaving the dream book, the external image of the uniqueness of "everything" is a strange mirror.

It is as gentle as the moon, and its mirror light reflects everything in the world. It is like a reflection of the world, imprinting everything that exists.

This is the unique quality of "everything".

Perhaps without Truman's control, this mirror would become an illusory but real world.


The divine authority floating in the air seemed to be summoned, and began to come to the periphery of "all phenomena", rotating around it, and began to resonate.

After accommodating the uniqueness, the corresponding accommodating ceremony is held.

Under the authority of "Dream", Truman is able to do this kind of thing that turns effects into causes.

This is also the sublimation and embodiment of "karma" in the authority of "dream".There are thirteen kinds of divine authority, which can cover almost half of the authority of the "original creator" at the true god level.

This is also in line with the characteristics of "everything" itself.

Under normal circumstances, if there really is an archangel of the "All Things" path, if you want to accommodate the uniqueness of "All Things", you need more than half of the angel-level authority of the path.

But now Truman's status is too high, and only the authority of the true God can meet his requirements.

"'All Things'." Truman tapped lightly, and the unique round mirror formed by "All Things" suddenly flashed a dreamy phosphorescence.

Under the blessing of this dreamy phosphorescence, all the symbols representing the authority of the true God crashed into the mirror one by one.

The mirror surface fluctuates like water, containing each symbol.

At this moment, Truman clearly felt that his connection with the entire world was significantly strengthened.

The dream sea and his own anchor are like two extremes, and his self-will is in the middle.

The current situation is that the two extremes are engaged in an extremely dangerous tug-of-war. Among them, Dream Sea has too great an advantage, and it will inevitably move closer to the initial "dream" state.

The completion of the "Vientiane" ceremony was to add a dozen "big men" to the anchor side, which slightly stopped the disadvantage in this tug-of-war.

"Coupled with the believers from all the churches in the northern and southern continents, a balance can be roughly formed."

He didn't ask for anything to pull the "rope" back, as long as he held it steady, it was considered his victory.

"Several other rituals would also be best taken to the highest level."

Artificially increasing the difficulty of accommodating the uniqueness ceremony can add greater leverage to Truman.

And while Truman is working hard to stabilize his state, the world will not stop running.

Within a few days, the "True Creator", "Black Emperor", "God of Craftsmen" and other gods also moved the Kingdom of God to the star realm one by one, blocking the weak points of the cracks.

Resisting alien gods and protecting the earth can be regarded as the absolute common interests among gods.

During this period of time, under the action of the "Fallen Mother Goddess" on the moon, the other outer gods were also launching non-stop attacks on the barrier, hoping to break the barrier in advance through such attacks.

The True God naturally needs to stabilize the barrier.

In the real world, without the true God walking the earth, Solomon still remained independent under Adam's deliberate guidance. After all, "there is a God above."

The Trunsoest Empire and the Balam Empire were not so lucky.

The two empires were quickly split by the domestic angel families and became independent kingdoms.

At the same time, large-scale mythological and legendary records about "Dream Angels" appeared in the holy scriptures of all the True God Churches, including the Solomon Empire.

In this regard, all church leaders maintain a tacit understanding.

And all believers accepted such a special "dream angel" in the shortest possible time.

In almost all myths and legends, dream angels are the protectors of mankind and the king of angels who guide the human race from ignorance to glory.

This also led to an extremely strange situation.

As long as your followers are pious enough to me, they can also receive the blessings of dreams...

Yes, your devotion to Me can coexist.

Even in the "Lord of Storms" church and the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" church, ordinary believers may fight to the death, but those who believe in "Dream Angel" are like a family.

Of course, there are sometimes arguments over the orthodoxy of "Dream Angel."

In this regard, the Church of the Night has the most say.

(End of this chapter)