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Chapter 156 "City of Disaster"

Chapter 156 "City of Disaster"

"Sure enough, something happened." In Truman's information vision, the entire world was digitized, and through this digitized vision, he noticed the strange aura emanating from this land.

"The weather here..."

Truman looked up and saw thick black clouds, strong winds blowing, and the trees were swaying.

"This weather is obviously not normal!"

In mysticism, the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics is very unreasonable, and many coincidences can be explained by this law.

Whether it is the "Red Priest" path or the thing Truman is thinking about, they all have instinctive control over the weather, mostly related to bad weather.

The "Red Priest" path represents war and disputes, but it is adjacent to the "Witch" path, and naturally has abilities similar to "natural disasters", which are specifically manifested in controlling the weather. The second sequence is called "Weather Warlock".

"Medici!" Truman contacted Medici through the message stream, but he did not receive a reply after a long time.

"So fast?" Things seemed a bit unexpected.

Truman walked to the door of the Medici family and pressed his hand on the door.

At this moment, he interacted with the information inside the door, and everything behind the door was in full view.

This is a more convenient way than seeing with the naked eye, and all the information is in your own hands.

And inside the gate were headless corpses.

Many Binxi residents are here.

Their heads were cut off at the neck level, and the ends were smooth, with some blood constantly coming out of them, like criminals who had just been executed.

These headless corpses were displayed inside the door like an army, trying to invade the Medici family's children inside.

That was a group of qualified Beyonders fighting against this mutation.

"So where did they go?" Truman just glanced at it and came to an inconspicuous room.

Truman pressed his hand on the door again, but this time, some kind of terrifying feeling made the information flow that made up Truman's body tremble!

The uniqueness of the "Hermit" and the characteristics of the "Emperor of Knowledge" are trembling in that atmosphere, and the things inside are naturally not simple. 1.

"City of Disaster?" Truman sighed. "City of Disaster" was one of the few sources that he could not restrict.

He had already determined this when he found the traces left by Him in the gray fog.

The concept of "weakness" has undergone a terrifying qualitative change in the old level, from grasping the opponent's "weakness" to creating "weakness" out of thin air.

Even if the "Lord of Mysteries" does not weaken the seal, this source of essence will definitely penetrate.

And Truman's behavior of strengthening the seal has limited effect on the "City of Disaster".

"Medici?" Truman knocked on the door gently.

"Truman?" Medici's slightly weak voice sounded.

At this moment, the information between Truman and Medici converged. Truman pointed slightly, and the door began to become illusory, allowing him to see the scene inside.

Gray-white mist filled the entire space. It was no longer a room, but more like another world behind the door.

And Truman also saw Medici.

At this time, He was wearing blood-stained black armor, with blood stains on his handsome face, but His eyes were still firm.

Truman's eyes fell on Medici's eyebrows, where there was a flag-like mark.This inevitably reminds Truman of the blue-black light door that appeared between the eyebrows of the "Lord of Mysteries" when he woke up.

"Hey, a distinguished guest is here." Medici seemed to have also seen Truman and greeted him in his usual tone.

"Tsk, I don't think you're good at it. Are you defeated like this? Even your characteristics will be taken away." Truman had no intention of entering this world, so he stood outside the door and watched.

If Medici really loses, he may end up like the original "Hidden Sage".

"Hmph, it's just some source of breath, and you want to kill me?" Medici snorted coldly, pulled out an iron-blooded sword from his body, and rushed directly into the thick fog.

And as He entered, the thick fog also rioted, as if something was about to break out of the thick fog.

"Roar!" It was like an army was roaring, morale was high, and spiritual will reached its peak, and these wills turned into real power, blessing Medici.

Medici also slashed out a sword at this time.


A round of blood-red sword light briefly cut through the thick fog, revealing the horrific scene inside.

It was an ancient tower with an oriental charm composed of countless heads.

Each head looked like it was in the most painful state before death. The flesh and blood on the face had begun to rot, and yellow pus dripped from it.

What connects these heads is a series of flesh and blood pipes, which are human esophagus. The head was pulled out, and then came here to be intertwined with other heads, forming a building like this...

"Jingguan." This is the word Truman found from his memory.

And it itself also represents military merit, showing off achievements, etc.

Medici's "massacre" was carried out on the bone tower.

But the ancient pagoda itself is like a crazy monster composed of countless heads. All the heads open their mouths and howl, with a terrifying sound sweeping everything.

At this time, natural disasters of destruction came, including earthquakes, meteorites, wind and snow, and other natural disasters that hit Medici.

Similarly, these attacks also have effects such as "harvest" and "massacre", making Medici dangerous.

During this process, the flag mark between Medici's eyebrows slowly glowed, and the erosion became more serious.

"I can solve it!" Medici shouted softly, full of arrogance, refusing Truman's offer of help.

"You can solve it, but the tribesmen outside you will die if they wait any longer." Those Medicis who have been able to persist under the pollution of the source of matter until now are already good enough, but there is an insurmountable gap between the two.

Truman's body turned into a flow of information and passed through the door, entering the world formed by the erosion of the source.

"..." Medici wanted to push back, but in the end he didn't speak.

After establishing a family, his character as a born mythical creature changed somewhat, and he developed the concept of family and clansmen.

This is a good thing. At the very least, Medici's condition over the years is much better than if he had not left behind the family Ourolius.

"Hmph!" Medici could only snort coldly, "I owe you this time."

Medici attacked the bone tower again. Truman snapped his fingers, and a torrent of information falling from an infinite height instantly covered the bone tower!

At the same time, Truman's eyes became as clear as amethyst. His gaze fell on the bone tower, and what stood out was an unscrupulous figure.

Ordinary "Peepers" would be tainted even if they looked at the mythical form, but here, he has perfectly displayed the characteristics of the "Peeper".

Ha, can your "city of disaster" still pollute me?

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 157 Medici's Ambition

Chapter 157 Medici's Ambition

The terrifying torrent of information washes away the entire space, threatening the foundation of this world's existence. This space shows signs of fragmentation.

——After experiencing the erosion of the information torrent, the various types of information that make up this space have become unstable, showing signs of being assimilated by the information torrent.

In the second sequence of the "Secret Peeper", the "Sage" can already inform itself and become a "demon of knowledge" and an "information creature".

After possessing the uniqueness of the "hermit", Truman can go one step further and informatize the material world and draw all enemies into his battlefield.

In the face-to-face battles with the source of matter again and again, Truman has become very skilled in dealing with these "stowaways". As long as the coordinate points where they reside are destroyed, they will be greatly weakened.

Back then, the "Knowledge Wilderness" had the uniqueness of "The Hermit", but now the "City of Disaster" is even worse. It didn't even have the uniqueness of "Red Priest" in Medici, and it was still a "hanging garden".

Such a "city of disaster" cannot even exert the power of the true god, and Medici can solve it as long as he spends enough time.

"Explode!" Truman reached out and pressed it, borrowing the power of the "door" authority from his body to further shatter this space.


In a daze, Truman actually heard the shouts of killing from the army. The heads on the bone tower flew up one by one, and they lined up to kill like an army.

These heads all carry some kind of disaster, including disease, wind and frost, and black flames.

These terrifying heads collided with Truman, and turned into information flow about ten steps away from Truman, and were assimilated.

But these heads are not the key. The key is the certain aura they carry. That is a power that cannot be assimilated by information technology. It is of extremely high status!

"City of Disaster"!

Perhaps because of his preconceptions, what Truman saw was an ancient city made of dark black stone. Boundless disasters surged outward from its walls, causing the earth to collapse and wars to spread.

An unknown aura emanates from the city, which can be manifested in the disease-laden black gas and the bloody magma flowing on the earth.

Vaguely, Truman could see the rusty flag stuck in the center of the city, exuding the aura of doomsday disaster.

In the person of Sephiroth, the feminine side and the masculine side of the Creator have completed the fusion, leaving only extreme symbols such as destruction and collapse.


Some kind of secret pollution was transmitted to Truman with his sight. At this moment, the information that made up his body seemed to be undergoing some mysterious changes.

The symbols representing information have undergone fundamental changes, twisted into symbols symbolizing natural disasters and war, and began to attack Truman.

Truman's body exploded directly and returned to the state of information flow, but even so, the pollution followed him like a shadow, contaminating the entire information flow.

"Sea of ​​Dreams."

It was as if an illusory sea of ​​starlight had descended, directly cleaning away all the iron blood and dark atmosphere, allowing Truman to recover again.

The material that constitutes the "Hidden Sage" contains a large amount of dreamy phosphorescence. The uniqueness of this "hermit" has long been marinated in dreamy phosphorescence, and even the "wilderness of knowledge" cannot take it back.

"Look at me!" Medici seized the opportunity, his eyes flashed with iron-blooded light, and some kind of terrifying power burst out from his body, exploding with the fall of the iron-blooded sword.


With a slight noise, a small hole opened in the world. That was the "weakness" of the entire world, and it was opened by Medici.

He knew what Truman wanted to do, so he cooperated and created an excellent opportunity for Truman.

And Truman almost ignored the pollution of the "City of Disaster", and even let almost the most powerful attacks of the City of Disaster fall into the empty space.


Truman pressed his hands on the space and slowly tore it open to both sides.

The aura of "City of Disaster" corroded Truman's body composed of information flow, but it was completely ineffective.

If Medici came to take over these breaths, the pollution would definitely be even more serious.Medici swung his sword again, and the power of "massacre" acted on the space, helping Truman completely tear apart the space.

Truman once again looked at where the "City of Disaster" aura came from and saw the waving flag.

Truman waved and then pushed hard.


The sound of the door closing sounded, Truman and Medici appeared in the room, and the illusory world was completely shattered.

"Thank you!" Medici said quickly, and his body disappeared directly to deal with the impact of the leakage of the source of energy.

Truman was pacing in the room, and not long after, Medici came back.

"Tell me."

Truman sat on the main seat and looked at Medici in an indifferent manner.

Medici probably knew that the thing was really not easy to mess with, so he rarely taunted or provoked him.

"He came to me." Medici rubbed his chin and said, "In the beginning, it was just some kind of strange feeling. I felt something was staring at me."

"So I set a trap."

Truman's hand that was about to pour him a cup of sweet tea paused and looked at Medici, "You are really good!"

It was probably Medici's instinct to set traps, but this time the prey was so fierce that it almost ate him, the hunter.

And to a certain extent, this "City of Disaster" is the final form of the "Hunter", so why wasn't this trap set for Medici by the "City of Disaster"?

"Then what are you going to do?" Truman looked at the flag mark that had not faded between Medici's eyebrows.

"You don't need to help me." Medici raised the corner of his mouth and refused any help from Truman.

"My battle with Him, my war with Him has just begun!" Medici was full of fighting spirit and was not prepared to wash away the mark of the flag between his eyebrows.

"When I become the 'Red Priest', I will use this mark to contact the 'City of Disaster' until I completely control it!"

After becoming a god, if you want to go one step further and become the old person, then this step is also essential.

"Haha, those true gods haven't touched the edge of the source material yet, but now I am ahead." Medici subconsciously mocked.

This is not wrong. Judging from the results alone, the only true god who comes into contact with the source of matter may be the "God of Death" Salinger.

In addition, even Amanissis is planning to contact the "River of Eternal Darkness", and now Medici already has a weak connection with the source of matter.

"You have almost no chance of success." Truman said it directly, without being tactful at all.

"You!" Medici glared at Truman, dare you look down on me?

"Tell the truth." Truman shook his head, "You underestimate Seiran. He is almost equal to the 'Old One' itself. Even if you become a god, it will be extremely difficult."

What's more, you may not become a true god.

 There's another chapter coming later

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 158 Born from Desire

Chapter 158 Born from Desire

Medici's expression froze, but he remained stubborn and arrogant, "That's my business!"

This is the "Red Angel".

"The characteristics in Sauron and Einhorn's hands should also be recycled." Medici sat on the high-backed chair opposite Truman, his slender legs hitting the table.

"Two women dare to compete with me for the position of 'Red Priest'? Huh." Medici hummed, showing disdain for the other two "conquerors".

Today, the ancestors of the Sauron family and the Einhorn family are all Sequence [-] "Conquerors" of the "Red Priest" path.

The "Red Priest" path has a very distinctive feature, that is, the Sequence [-] "Iron-Blooded Knight" it belongs to will undergo a very complete transformation, turning women into real men.

This is the masculine manifestation of the "First Creator" and is inevitable.

Coincidentally, except for Medici, a born mythical creature, the two "conquerors" who reached sequence one were all originally female...

This is an important reason why Medici looks down on the two foreigners.

War is a man's art!

"Someone will do something to you." Truman pointed out the dilemma that Medici now faces, "There are other people who also want to become the 'Red Priest'."

"..." Medici frowned slightly.

"Be careful about the 'paranoia' you say." Truman pointed out the key point. If you still don't understand it, Medici can dig out his brain.

"It's Him!" Medici is also the top "conspirator" after all. After hearing this, his eyes darkened, "I will pay attention."

Well, Truman nodded slightly, reminding him that this was enough.

After that, he disappeared directly here and returned to the Dream Duke Castle in the form of information flow.

He doesn't have nothing to do here. For example, the Moss Ascetic Order was still born, and they still believe in the "Hidden Sage."


The northern and southern continents have been peaceful for 300 years with the tacit understanding of the two camps, but this tranquility will not last forever.

One world, two empires, the ocean distance between the two is not too big, and the territories are intertwined, which in itself is the biggest contradiction.

This contradiction started among the people, and was gradually exploited by those who wanted to, and began to grow.

The interested people here are not even Adam, but the careerists in the upper echelons of the two empires who have been gradually corrupted by interests and are no longer satisfied with the status quo.

They were no longer satisfied with the status quo and wanted more, so they naturally set their sights on another empire across the sea.

This is human nature, that can be called endless desire.

Even if we ignore the influence of extraordinary factors, this is the real historical trend.

Therefore, it is very reasonable that the Solomon Empire and the Balam Empire started from subtle frictions and gradually started a local war.

At this time, those who truly dominate the world cast their eyes, and the world began to violently turmoil!

"Tudor!" Black Emperor Solomon sat high on the throne, looking at the Dukes and heads of other noble families who were bowing their heads below.

"Yes!" Tuduo knelt down on one knee.

"You lead the legion to go out and stop the invasion of the Balam Empire!"

"The Abraham family, the Zoroastrian family, and the Antigonus family will provide you with convenience." The Black Emperor focused his eyes on Tudor.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Tuduo accepted this order.

"Trunsoest!" Another angel knelt down on one knee.

"You are in charge of internal affairs and maintaining stability within the empire."

"Yes!" Trunsoest was no different. The "Black Emperor" Solomon rarely dealt with complicated state affairs, and most of them were replaced by Trunsoest or Tudor.

Now that we are about to enter a war period, the "Black Emperor" needs to be more concerned about the gods, and he is delegating his power wantonly.

"Everyone, the imperial war may be about to begin. Get ready." Solomon took one last look at these angels and reminded them. Then he turned into the shadow of order and dissipated.

The nobles standing in the main hall were silent, and they all had some worries about the future.

For angels, this is the biggest problem.

"We have His Majesty the Emperor, the True Creator, and the Duke of Dreams." Pales Zoroaster glanced at it and said with a smile.

Due to the characteristics of the Age of Strife, the Black Emperor took action to recapture it. The Zoroastrian family was absolutely loyal to Solomon and would not have any second thoughts at this time.

"..." These angels left the palace with different expressions.

The Solomon Empire was ready for war, and the Balam Empire also responded. The Balam army headed by the Death Archon was already marching towards Solomon.

It is worth mentioning that the witch sect that was once destroyed by Truman reappeared again, still as a collaborator of the Bailang Empire.

On the other side, the church of the gods remained silent on the surface, but in fact, the church's middle and high-level officials had begun to prepare for war and secretly provided help to Balam's army.

For a time, the entire world was in turmoil, and the war between the Solomon Empire and the Balam Empire was inevitable.

"Start a war that sweeps across the continent and achieve sufficient victory."

Tuduo is wearing black and red armor, with a tall and majestic figure. He looks at the mighty army in front of him. Most of these armies are ordinary people, but the real elites are extraordinary people. The combination of paths is very reasonable and can display terrifying effects. combat effectiveness.

He has already completed the first half of the "Red Priest" ceremony.

With the help of Adam, He made perfect use of human inner desires and weaved a conspiracy to drag the entire world into war.

Under Adam's arrangement, many things happened naturally and smoothly.

"If I become a god, how much of myself can I maintain?" Alistar asked softly.

He did not obtain the characteristics of the "Hand of Order", so he could only take the leap path, and even directly started preparing for the "Red Priest"'s godhood ceremony at Adam's suggestion.

He truly became Adam's guinea pig, and madness was inevitable.

Even Alistar himself is crazy enough. He doesn't need Adam to brainwash and plant psychological suggestions. Instead, he puts everything on the line and gives it a try.

"Even the worst case scenario is to become an existence like an ancient god."

That's no longer the category of semi-crazy…

Adam's figure slowly appeared next to Alistar and said in a gentle tone.

"Ancient God..." Alistar snorted and fell silent, "It doesn't matter, he is a god after all!"

Alistar's eyes flashed with a strong look of madness, "Everyone obeys the order!"

His voice thundered in the ears of every soldier.

"Go! For victory!"


The army burst out with a terrifying momentum, and there was a true power in the field of "war" bursting out, linking everyone's hearts together.

"For victory!" tens of thousands of soldiers roared, setting off a mighty wave of sound.

Adam watched quietly from the side, waiting for the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

159. Leave note

written request for leave

Obviously, tomorrow's update has not been written.

Let's talk about the plot.

Because of Truman's intrusion, there is a high probability that the history of the Fourth and Fifth Epochs will not be what it was before.

After all, with the addition of Meng, a super-large black hole of cause and effect, it would be even more unreasonable if nothing changed.

Therefore, the subsequent plot will make a choice between the original plot and the dream, strive to balance, and conduct historical deductions.

I was doing this tonight and delayed the update.

Oh, can anyone tell me that the monthly ticket for October was unfortunately not able to reach [-].

However, the promised explosion will never be less.

If everything goes well it should be in another week or two, if not it will be the end of November.

I'm extremely sorry. I bow and salute you.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 160 "Original Witch"

Chapter 160 "Original Witch"

"Who did you choose?" Medici looked towards the main battlefield in the distance, where the battle had entered its final state.

"Is it Tuduo? What a madman!" By this time, Medici had already guessed it.

After all wrong answers have been eliminated, the least likely ones are correct.

Medici originally thought that he would be the death consul on Balam's side. This was also the most logical inference, but now it is obvious.

"The 'Black Emperor' has arrived." Medici looked towards the direction of Solomon's capital.

Solomon similarly neglected his most faithful angel.

For an angel of the "Black Emperor" path to jump to the non-adjacent path and Sequence [-] to perform a godhood ceremony, even with the best psychiatrist, this is already close to suicide.

No one thought that Alistar could be so crazy.

"The 'Pluto Emperor' should also be in place." Adam also looked in that direction.

At this time, thick black mist gushes out from the depths of the spiritual world, and a throne composed of countless racial skulls is solidified in the star world, with an emperor wearing luxurious robes and a phoenix crown sitting high on it. above, overlooking the entire northern continent.

"Salinger!" The majestic voice of "Black Emperor" Solomon echoed throughout the country, and the shadow of order rose from the palace and jumped into the star realm.

A cloud composed of bones of different races turned into a feathered snake, roaring and crashing into the shadow of order.

And the shadow of order transformed by Solomon suddenly spread like a gas. Wherever the rules are diffused and where the shadow is covered, it is his kingdom.

The emperors of the two empires fought for the first time when they met!

The war between the two empires was just the prelude to the battle between the two emperors.

Terrifying forces of authority are intertwined in the star realm. Fortunately, the impact of the True God War in the star realm on the real world is still controllable, and only demigods and even angels can get a glimpse of it.

"As expected!" Medici nodded without surprise, "Then how are you going to deal with the person behind me?"

He dared to use himself as bait, so he naturally had enough confidence.


A hole opened directly in the lead cloud behind Medici, and a giant cross stood on a piece of sacred land.

Under the cross, there is a figure that moves like a shadow.

"Adam." Saslier nodded slightly, as if he was facing his son and showed no other emotions.

"Sasril." Adam also nodded slightly.

Almost carrying the "Hanged Man" on his back, Medici's safety is sufficiently guaranteed.

This is Medici's biggest reliance on using himself as bait to hook Adam. If it falls into Saslier's hands, that will probably be the end in which Adam is least able to resist. The deterrent effect on Adam must be strong.

But He just came.

"If I'm not wrong, the Mother Goddess of Earth, the God of War, and even the Dark Night are already blocking the road between Eternal Sun and Truman, right?"

With the powerful combat power shown by Truman in the last battle between gods, without the four true gods, there is no way he can stop him.

"So you don't have true god-level help anymore." Medici crossed his arms and looked at Adam, seeming to have a good chance of winning.

And Saslier behind him stretched out his hand directly to capture Adam to the "real kingdom of God".

The confrontation between humanity and divinity and Adam becoming a "visionary" are conducive to the return of the Creator, but Saslier is not a person who does not know how to adapt.

If you seize Adam, there will be many opportunities in the future, and you will be able to take advantage of the future integration.

"Yes." Adam turned out a mirror.It was an extremely strange and penetrating mirror, with its surface covered with evil black lines, and in the mirror was a tall and erect figure...a goddess who seemed to be the most alluring symbol in the world.

Just a glance made Medici's body tremble, which was the oppression from the adjacent true god.



Medici's face changed drastically, and Saslier, who was under the huge cross behind him, also frowned slightly.

"You should call me 'Original'."

Chike's charming voice came out, and some indescribable aura came out of his body, making the whole world stand still.

The sea of ​​chaos underground that had been calm for hundreds of years suddenly surged, and the gray mist above the spiritual world also appeared again.

Even the invisible barrier of the world is trembling, and even stars appear during the day!

In the sky at noon, the crimson moon stood out and became extremely rich, and the blood-red moonlight fell on the earth.

There are even star points representing Venus, Jupiter, Mars and other planets that are shining brightly. They want to get closer, but they tremble and flicker.

These lights actually showed a sense of fear and anxiety.

Chick stepped out of the mirror and came to reality, and the weird aura exuding from him became more and more real.


The two who were fighting in the star realm, and even the other true gods who were wary of their own, cast their eyes on this land.

All true gods are extremely afraid of that vague aura.

"You merged with the brand of 'Original'? What a madman!"

The true god of the "Witch" path naturally does not have such a deterrent force, but the negative side of the "Primary Creator" does.

Saslier's expression was ugly, not to mention what strange power this would give Chike.

Just this breath from the "Primary Creator" may increase the probability of awakening the original will in the other true gods!

This is enough to make any true god fearful and unwilling to conflict with Him head-on.

"The world is inherently crazy, and it doesn't matter if I'm a little bit crazy." Chike let go of the original will in his body, but his humanity was strangely retained.

He smiled, Saslier was okay, such charm could hardly affect him, but Medici almost lost the will to resist!

The strongest fascination in this occult makes no sense at all.

Saslier stretched out his hand, and the shadows of the entire world twisted strangely, wrapping Medici and preparing to throw him into his own kingdom of God.

The "primordial witch" is more intimidating than the average true god, and there is no guarantee that she will be able to protect Medici.

At the same time, one after another python-like black tentacles stretched out from the shadows.

These tentacles are extremely evil, with an eye on the top. Some of these eyes are gray, and everything they see will turn into gray-white stones; some are red, and terrifying red flames will burn wherever they go.

The shadows with black tentacles twisted and turned into women, large or small. These women were all extremely charming, and their every move was dazzling.

"Where's Mew? Why haven't you come yet..."

Chike stood on tiptoes and looked in a certain direction. He was wearing white clothes and a white skirt. His long hair hung down to his waist like a waterfall. His brows were shy and timid, looking forward to someone's arrival.

(End of this chapter)