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Chapter 161 Church of Bones

Chapter 161 Church of Bones

Truman had already had some strange feeling about the outside world when Medici appeared on the main battlefield.

"The ritual of the 'Red Priest'?" Truman suddenly stopped walking in the gray mist. In fact, he left something on Medici's body.

Then he got more information directly from "The Sun".

Alistair Tudor, Adam, Sasril, Medici and even the two imperial emperors who fought in the star realm were all reflected in the sun.

"Ha." Trumen was about to open a space door in front of him and teleport directly to the battlefield.

He was going to that battlefield, and the four true gods outside the gray mist couldn't stop him.

But at this moment, Truman paused, frowned and looked up at the gray mist that enveloped this place.

The gray mist was rolling endlessly, and the Origin Castle above the spiritual world was experiencing strange movements. Even the deepest part of the land where Trumen stood was filled with a certain aura of chaos.


Truman's spiritual intuition jumped slightly, and he silently withdrew his hand, deciding to hold it steady.

"Teacher, I..." Bethel's face was blank, and he was affected to a certain extent by the strange movements of Origin Castle.

"Well..." Truman thought seriously, looked at Bethel and said, "Use the 'door' to spy on the outside world."

"Yes!" Bethel didn't think much, and directly used his weak authority over the gray fog to spy on the strange aura outside the gray fog.

At the same time, Truman transformed himself into a false person, his figure became pale and pale, as if he had melted into the gray mist.


The gray mist flows, opening a small hole, and the space becomes a mirror, revealing the outside world.

At the right time, Bethel and Truman saw the goddess of charm walking out of the mirror.

"Chick?!" Truman's faint figure swayed for a moment.

"It's Him!" Bethel was also shocked.

"...Have you seen Him?" Truman looked at Bethel.

"He is a traitor to the Dream Sect. I hunted him for a while, but I didn't expect that he had become a god."

Bethel had a strange expression on his face, detailing how he and Chick met, then fought, and then secretly pursued him.

"Then you won't tell me?!" Truman glared.

"Teacher, you were playing games with several ancient gods at that time. How dare I disturb you because of a demigod..." Bethel felt a little confused.

Truman was speechless.

At the end of the second era, fighting against the Elf King, trapping the Dragon of Utopia, and provoking the Giant King and the Phoenix Ancestor were far more important than a demigod.

Even if he knew Chick's name at that time, he would not have time to deal with her.

Until the middle of the Third Age, when he returned from the starry sky, Chic had become an angel and disappeared for many years.

Truman shook his head slightly, no longer entangled, and his eyes fell on Qi Ke. The strange aura made him a little uneasy.

The last time it was "the end", now it's the "original".

"He released the mark of 'original' and completely became the feminine side of that person."

Truman quickly determined this.

"Then did he get anything from those brands?!" Truman immediately doubted this.

"And I feel like His current state seems to be related to me!"

Truman frowned and thought, "Tsk, it's a bit difficult."

He just thought about it for a breath, and then gave away the dream book in his hand. "You are also going to join the battle and see if you can kill Alistar first." Truman looked at Bethel and ordered.

"Yes!" Bethel nodded solemnly, and then directly used the power of the "door" authority to leave the fog.

Truman raised his head and looked at the four true gods outside the mist.

"Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom", "Earth Mother", "God of War", "Lord of Storms".

"Huh? Where is Amanysis?" Truman realized that he had never appeared at the battle scene or here.

He didn't care too much, but turned his mind to the "Hidden Sage".


Endless information flow poured out of the void, and a dream book fell out of the void, becoming one with the information flow.

In this way, this information flow has the blessing of source quality and is close to the true god.

"I am just the 'Hidden Sage' now."

Nowadays, it is known that the "Hidden Sage" is the Truman gods, including the "Black Emperor" and "The Hanged Man". Under the true gods, there are only "Artisan" and Medici.

These people are all in the same camp as him, and they are not afraid of the news leaking out.


Truman transformed into an information stream and blended into the world, quietly arriving on the mighty battlefield.

In the star world there are the emperors of the two empires, while in the real world there are the "original witch" and the "true creator".

The battle between gods is already intense enough.

Truman set his sights on Medici.

He will be the key to this war.

"Damn it!" Medici backed out of the shadow angrily. Under the interference of the "Original Witch", he was unable to return to the "Real Kingdom of God" and even almost fell into the underworld.

"Accept your fate." Adam raised the cross in his hand, like a god issuing an oracle.

Under the power of the "utopian" authority represented by Uniqueness, Medici was indeed greatly affected, and his own characteristics began to become unstable, converging in the direction of Alistair Tudor.

"Fuck your fate!" Medici said a curse word he learned from Truman, and he drew an illusory long sword covered with dark red rust from his body.

Scenes of armies marching and fighting flashed across His eyes. "Einhorn" and Sauron, who was controlled by "Fallen", also came behind Him and became His comrades-in-arms.

These three standing together are the most powerful combination in the "Red Priest" path!

Some kind of power blessed Him, and He launched a "massacre" against Adam holding the cross!

At the same time, layers of wings of light spread out behind Adam, and Ourolius walked out of it, his eyes falling on Adam.

At this moment, Adam became the unluckiest angel king.

Adam felt the change in his fortune, but he didn't care. He faced the "massacre" and made preparations for this moment.

The preparation has long been solidified in the uniqueness of the "Utopian" path, and there will be no situation where it cannot be obtained.


A bone portal appeared in front of Adam, and then black stone pillars stood up one after another, supporting a magnificent church.

This church was built from the bones of different races, with a cross hundreds of meters tall standing in the center. This gave the church a sense of holiness, without appearing spooky at all.

This is the first time that the Church of Bones has appeared in this world, and its essence is the uniqueness of "Utopian"!

Both Ourolius and Medici were forcibly wrapped in the church of bones and fell into it.


Terrifying sounds came from the Bone Church, and the colorful glass on the window of the Bone Church reflected the endless blood and fire inside.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 162 Ceremony Complete

Chapter 162 Ceremony Complete

Bethel's illusory body appeared in the center of the battlefield. He seemed to have turned into a book that recorded countless mysteries. Every page he opened at random contained angel-level attacks.


The lightning storm jumped out in the void, and the terrifying electric snake was enough to chop Alistar into pieces when he was still at the second level of the sequence!

"Roaming is prohibited here!"

A young voice sounded here, and Bethel's body suddenly flickered like a frame was dropped.

His "roaming" was stuck, and half of his body had not had time to come over. This strange state greatly affected his condition, and the "Lightning Storm" also failed.

"King of Angels?" Bethel looked behind Alistair Tudor. The handsome Trunsoest, who seemed to be in his early 20s, was standing there, holding a brass book in his hand.

During the course of this war, He secretly became Sequence One, and incorporated more than one Sequence One characteristic, controlling the uniqueness of the "Judge" path.

"Offenders shall be punished!"

Trunsoest's voice came again, and a light flashed on the brass book, giving Bethel the corresponding punishment.


There was a crack in Bethel's illusory figure.

Trunsoest's timing was very clever. It happened that the "Wandering" was not completed. The moment Bethel opened the Book of Records distractedly, it was equivalent to forcibly isolating His body.

This is also very dangerous for the Angels. It will cause a sharp decline in status and increase the tendency of losing control.

A certain kind of repulsive force comes, and the content of "punishment" is banishment.

Trunsoest did not want to be an enemy of Bethel, but wanted to protect Alistair Tudor from his attack.

"Duke Bethel wants to kill me?" Alistair and Bethel's shadow were only a few dozen meters apart. He looked at Bethel expressionlessly, and then laughed wildly.

"You all want to kill me, but I just won't die! I will take one step further on this dead end and ascend to the throne of God!"

Alistair Tudor's eyes were full of crazy determination.

"Personally, I admire you very much." Bethel spoke. "You are able to make such a decision. Your courage and madness are unparalleled."

"Thank you." Alistair Tudor was startled for a moment, nodded slightly, and thanked him seriously.

"But today, if you want to ascend the throne of God, it is not that simple." Bethel's figure suddenly shattered, but there were two eyeballs made of stars shining there.

The starlight emitted from the two eyeballs is actually "star worms", which gradually combine to form Bethel's body.

Bethel sent the "uniqueness" here, forcibly breaking the isolation of the body.

"Uniqueness" exists only, so His body is also unique!

This is something that even a brass book cannot isolate.

He resisted the punishment of the rules and came forcefully, and the stars in his eyes were bright for an instant.

The interrupted "lightning storm" also came again, and the blazing white electric snakes jumping crazily gradually surrounded Alistair Tudor.

"Lightning is prohibited here!"

Chi Chi!

The lightning gradually flickered under the rules and was forcibly dispersed.

But as many offensive skills as recorded in the book of Bethel, He himself seems to have forgotten them.


Dozens and hundreds of angel-level attacks appeared, directly saturating the brass book to formulate more extreme rules.

"No attacks are allowed here!" If these attacks are not prohibited, Trunsoest can still persist, but Alistair Tudor will be consumed to death here!

But such rule-making is also a big burden for Trunsoest, and the luster in his eyes is inexplicably weaker.

Compared to Bethel, Trunsoest still has less accumulation.

"Exile!" Bethel stretched out his hand indifferently. The space where Alista was located seemed to be separated from the real world, and he was about to be exiled to the star realm where the battle between gods became increasingly fierce!

"Exile" is not an attack and is not subject to the rules set forth by the Brass Book.

"Huh!" Trunsoest sighed softly, stretched out his hand to tear off a piece of curtain from the shadow behind, and threw it towards Alistair Tudor.

Alistair Tudor's figure wrapped in the curtain suddenly entered a semi-hidden state, and Bethel's "exile" lost its target!

"The blessing of the 'Night Goddess'?" Bethel looked up, as if he saw the twinkling stars in the night sky.

"Ha! You can't kill me today!" Alistair Tudor looked extremely embarrassed under Bethel's crushing attack, but he was still crazy.

Bethel froze, as if he really felt the goddess' eyes locked on him.

"Haha!" Upon seeing this, Alistair Tudor no longer waited, but drew his sword and pointed at the Death Archon on the other side of the battlefield.

"Azeik Eggers! You lost! The Balam Empire lost! Lost to Alistair Tudor!"

Alistar's arrogant voice echoed across the battlefield, announcing the end of this war.

"I..." After the Death Archon heard Alistair Tudor's complete sentence, he was stunned for a second, and then felt that a certain shackle in his mind suddenly collapsed.

He suddenly remembered the priest he had received in the Balan ruling hall, and recalled those pure and clear eyes.

With the acquiescence of "God of Death" Salinger, the Sequence Two He was also powerless to resist in front of the "Utopian Angel".

A certain thought spurted out, and his thoughts were completely covered by the implanted thoughts. The Death Archon's head hung slightly, and his eyes lost their luster.

"I, Azik Eggers, lost! The Balam Empire also lost!"

The whispers of the Death Archon spread throughout the battlefield. Most of the Beyonder armies in the Balam Empire were of the "God of Death" path, and they were not qualified to resist the Death Archon.

Some Beyonder soldiers even dropped their weapons and surrendered on the spot!

"Azik, you need to pay the price for the failure of the war. From now on, I will deprive you of your identity as a consul!"

A majestic voice descended from the star realm, completely concluding the war.

This voice came from Salinger, the "God of Death", the emperor of the Balang Empire.

This is also Adam's arrangement. As long as Alistair Tudor shouts those words after gaining enough victory, he will win the final victory.

When the victory is strong enough, such an arrangement will have a limited impact on the God Becoming Ceremony, which is within the controllable range, but the initiative will completely fall into the hands of Alistair Tudor.

This is a great deal for a madman.

Emperor Balam indirectly admitted the defeat of the war and determined that this war could not be reversed by anyone.

Azik fell to his knees, and the phoenix crown on his head fell to the ground, splashing dust.

The morale of the Balam Empire army dropped to freezing point and they raised their flags to surrender.

At this moment, a powerful and strange aura suddenly emerged from Alistair Tudor.

His godhood ceremony is complete!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 163 Tracks

Chapter 163 Tracks

In the Church of Bones, the mighty bloody storm has subsided, with Medici and Ourolius flanking Adam on the left and right.

After a great battle, the three angel kings were not in very good condition.

The divine robes on Adam's body are mostly damaged, and the damaged dragon scales on the surface of his body can be seen.

Facing such two opponents, Adam could no longer remain detached.

"You can't take away my characteristics today!" The mark of the flag between Medici's eyebrows became more and more blood-red, and it felt like it had turned into substance.

His condition is not very good either, and the pollution on his body is trying to corrode his spirit.

Adam seemed not to have heard. He looked at Medici, gently raised the silver cross in his hand, and touched his eyebrows.

Both Ourolius and Medici were on alert, guarding against Adam's sudden attack.

"Not necessarily." A voice suddenly came from behind Medici.

The air in the Bone Church suddenly solidified, Ourolius's pupils tightened, and he looked at the opposite side with a hard body.


A slight sound broke the silence of the Bone Church, and a dark red sword stabbed from behind, piercing Medici's heart.

"You won't die anyway, it's better to donate your characteristics to gods in need." "Sauron" said lightly, and a monocle appeared in his right eye.

"Amon!?" Medici shouted angrily.

"Tsk, I had already guessed that you would take action against Einhorn, so I stole Sauron's destiny and let Adam hypnotize me, just for now."

Amon was very happy to hear Medici's screams and couldn't help but say a few more words.

Amon, who stole Sauron's destiny, is still Amon. Only through Adam's hypnosis can Amon become "Sauron" and deceive all angels and gods.

As for the previous "fall", it was not personally used by the "True Creator", and its impact on Amon was really limited.

"Tsk! What a good brother." Medici glanced at Amon and Adam and snorted. He no longer had the ability to resist.


Around this time, the war in the outside world was decided, and the characteristics of Medici, Einhorn, and Sauron created an unparalleled cohesion!

Medici frowned and controlled his body with difficulty to complete a self-destruction.

"I will remember this time." Medici's voice came from outside the Bone Church.

Ouroleus took a deep look at Adam and Amon, spread out his angel wings, and turned into a stream of light to move away from the church.

"I'll only help you this time." Amon looked at Adam and said, "Next time, you have to use Pales in exchange."

Afterwards, Amon and Sauron separated their fates and threw a bloody crown covered with rust in their hands.

After Medici's body exploded, the bloody star points gradually gathered into the characteristics of the "Conqueror" and the uniqueness of the "Red Priest".

This body only has these two characteristics, and the others are divided.

"How did you convince Meng Meng?" Amon suddenly asked.

He sensed a familiar power in Medici, but strangely, that power was still dormant until now.

"I didn't convince him, I just beat Medici."

Truman has already reminded that if Medici hides in the "Real Kingdom of God" or even returns to the "Creator's Kingdom of Heaven" at this time, even if the "Red Priest" ritual is completed, he will not be harmed in any way.

Alistair Tudor's attempt to be promoted to "Red Priest" will also completely fail.

But Medici chose to accept Adam's "Gauntlet" and lost in the end. His uniqueness and "conqueror" characteristics were the price he had to pay.

Adam held in his hand the tripartite nature and uniqueness.

"Scoff!" Amon sneered and left the Church of Bones. He was very concerned about the answer, but it was obvious that he couldn't get it from Adam.

Adam took the "Red Priest" in his hand, glanced at the bloody flag mark, and asked softly.

"Do you want to wash away this mark?"

"Not entirely." Buzz!

The edge of the bloody banner suddenly condensed into a dreamy mark.

Truman's voice came from it.

"I also want to see what the fourth 'pillar' is."

The most special ones in the entire universe must be those four pillars, but let alone the resurrected "God" and "Lord of Mysteries", even if only the symbolic "Fallen Mother Goddess" is left lying on the moon, who would dare to go up there?

But there is one pillar who cannot appear until the end of the universe.

Truman also has a strong curiosity about this fourth pillar.

"..." The movements in Adam's hands froze for a moment, and then he nodded slightly, "You really know."

"Not only do I understand, I can also help you."

Truman's voice no longer comes out, but the dream symbol has not disappeared from the uniqueness of the "Red Priest".

Adam was silent for a few breaths, ignored the symbol, and followed a certain cohesion to combine the three "Conqueror" characteristics and uniqueness into the "Red Priest" potion.

This was a blood-red liquid full of rust. The liquid stretched and eventually became a blood-red divine robe. It was pulled by some kind of force and headed directly towards Alistair Tudor.

Adam watched the "Red Priest" potion seep into Alistar's body, slowly turned around, and looked in another direction.


The whole world shook violently, and countless people looked up and saw the second "sun" in the sky.

The divine war that had been brewing suddenly started in the star realm, and both the "sun" and the sea of ​​dreams appeared in that strange dimension full of abstract authority.

Truman's true body and the "sun" took action against the four true gods who had been staring at him.

That's not easy to deal with. Without the Dream Book in hand, the limit of what can be done is to hold it back.

"Dream!" Chike suddenly looked up at the star world, about to jump up, but at this moment, a shadow cross became infinitely huge, standing between heaven and earth.

Sasriel stood on it, looking down at the world, "You can't go up there."

He stretched out his hand and pulled, and the shadows of the entire world seemed to be pulled by Him, forming a completely wrapped world, shrouding Chike in it.

"Get away!" Chike screamed sharply, and countless black and sticky tentacles turned into ice and black flames, beating the shadow world crazily.

Saslier also had a serious expression on his face. He intuitively felt that something bad would happen to Truman when he faced this witch, so he stopped her here.

"Good brother!" The "Hidden Sage" took everything in sight from high in the sky, secretly sighing that Sasril was indeed reliable.

It is best not to meet Chik at this time to avoid any accidents.

"Alistair Tudor..." Truman looked at the "meat ball" whose body was on the verge of collapse.

Now Alistair Tudor is on the verge of madness and out of control, transformed into a ball of flesh filled with pollution.

But unfortunately, this ball of flesh did not really lose control. Instead, it gradually ascended to the throne of God and became a crazy existence like an ancient god.

The fateful trajectories coincided strangely, and the Blood Emperor appeared in this world.

"But...I am the overall situation!"

In the fourth era, that is, he no longer needs to deliberately plan.

Just go downstream, and his will is the trend of history.

Truman snapped his fingers, and the torrent of information was like a river of stars falling from the sky, shining on the whole world.

 There is one more chapter, later

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 164 Blood Emperor

Chapter 164 Blood Emperor

The flesh ball incarnated by Alistar Tudor carries a certain terrifying aura of disaster, which is full of strong pollution to angels.

Many Extraordinaries on the battlefield were contaminated, lost control, and became some kind of monsters. They surrounded the flesh ball and became His "soldiers."

"Red Priest" can be understood as the priest of the essence of power, the embodiment of war, and the source of blood and fire.

At this time, streams of complex information fell straight down from high places, transforming into a torrent and covering the entire battlefield.

The ordinary soldiers of the Beyonders who were about to lose control were saved at this moment, and their secret connection with this meat ball was cut off.

And the effect of that information flow is far more than that. It is like a real tidal wave rushing towards the huge meat ball.


At this moment, a violent vibration occurred inside the meat ball, and a crack appeared, tearing the meat ball apart.

A blood-red eye that was completely occupied by madness opened, and its eyes fell on the torrent of information as if it were real.

In an instant, the torrent of information was soaked in blood, and the rust caused the information symbols to wither.

"I am the Blood Emperor!"

Alistair Tudor's voice came out of the flesh ball and gradually spread throughout the world.

Whether he is crazy or sober, He is the true god, and he will finally ascend to the throne of God in blood!

The next moment, the entire flesh ball turned into a bloody cloak, draped behind Alistair Tudor.

He was wearing a black battle armor, with a crown full of rust and blood on his head. The left side of his face was covered with evil blood lines like scars, and the right side of his face was a twisted black rune.

What's even more weird is that there is an extremely obvious bloody flag mark between his eyebrows.

It's just that his eyes are full of indifference, madness and distortion. He is no longer just Alistair Tudor, but more like a new god formed from the memory of Alistair Tudor and the mark of the potion.

Truman, who had transformed into an information flow, was slightly startled, as if he had returned to the distant Second Age. At that time, most of the subordinate gods and true gods were in this weird and crazy state.

Bloodthirsty and violent, he has brains, but generally doesn't use them.

Existences such as the Elf King, the Fantasy Dragon, and the Giant King are even more lunatics who dare to do anything when they go crazy.

"He has truly become a crazy existence like an ancient god..." An illusory figure condensed from the torrent of information, with no trace of Truman at all.

"Then I can't keep you anymore."

The ancient god that I spent so much effort to kill can no longer appear in this world!

One of Adam's plans required such a "madman", but he didn't say that this madman must live!

"'Hidden Sage'? Do you dare to be my enemy?!" The Blood Emperor was indifferent, his blood-colored gaze was like a sword piercing Truman's heart.

The Moss Ascetic Order is a neutral organization, adheres to morality and discipline, pursues knowledge but strictly keeps secrets. This kind of organization has good relations with major churches and the two major empires, and is even highly respected.

The Moss Ascetic Order believes in the "Hidden Sage".

Today is the first time that the "Hidden Sage" appears in front of people, which can be regarded as confirming all the legends about the "Hidden Sage" for hundreds of years.

This is truly a god!

"Do whatever you want, but do no harm." The information flow jumped, conveying this message.

The focus is on the last half of the sentence.

But it was obvious that the Blood Emperor, who was as crazy as an ancient god, could not understand this sentence.

"Ha." The Blood Emperor just glanced at Truman, then raised his head and set his sights on the star realm, focusing on his former boss "Black Emperor" Solomon.Bloody light flashed, and a bloody sword appeared in His hand. He was looking for the "Black Emperor's" weakness, trying to kill it with one blow.

He showed with practical actions that he did not take Truman seriously at all.

Truman suddenly felt a mystical "provocation", which gave him the urge to beat up the opponent.

"It's really crazy." Nowadays, the "Hidden Sage" is close to a true god. The only ones who dare to ignore a true god are madmen except Truman himself.

Truman reached out and swiped, and the information in the surrounding space showed signs of being covered, and the world seemed to be pulled back hundreds of years ago.

"Mysterious Reappearance"!

The scene where the gods and the king of angels assassinated the Creator hundreds of years ago reappeared, so lifelike that it seemed to cover time and space.

The torrent of information covers everything, brings darkness, condenses lightning, and drags this land into an environment similar to the land abandoned by the gods.

The Blood Emperor's eyes were finally pulled down from the star world and looked at the "Hidden Sage".

And "The Hidden Sage" takes the Spear of Destiny from that scene.

Similar to when using the "Scroll of Civilization", Truman condensed the spear of destiny with various mixed information.

And the effect of the "fairy tale magic" of the Spear of Destiny is also very clear, that is, "killing gods"!

"Back then, I was only qualified to watch, but now this spear of destiny is aimed at me!" The first reaction of the madman Blood Emperor was not to resist, but to express his feelings.

He raised the iron-blooded sword in his hand, and a wave of blood rolled up from the cloak behind him, surging and hitting Truman who was holding the Spear of Destiny.

"go to hell!"

Every drop of blood is a weapon, and every drop of blood can initiate "harvest" and "massacre"!

In terms of frontal combat power, the "Red Priests" are definitely the most powerful ones, and they use their power extremely skillfully.

"Roar!" The Blood Emperor roared in battle, and the soldiers on the battlefield immediately changed their allegiance. They were impressed by the Blood Emperor and provided him with the blessing of war power.

And the "hermit" is not a god who is good at this kind of frontal combat.

"But I'm not just a 'hermit' either..."

The dream book in the body of the "Hidden Sage" suddenly flashed with dreamy phosphorescence, and the power of the source of energy poured into the torrent of information where the "Hidden Sage" was.

Like the intersection of two seas, the impact of the sea of ​​blood and the torrent of information caused the surrounding environment to flicker in a strange way.

In the confrontation and collision between the two powers, they corrode and pollute each other, and information is constantly flowing out or the blood loses its vitality and collapses.

The Blood Emperor let out a low roar and simply held the sword in his hand to kill Truman.

The moment the war sword was pointed at his body, Truman's body condensed with information seemed to turn into substance. His weakness was discovered and he was about to be pierced by the sword.

This is not a description, but the future.

The third sequence of the "Hermit" path is the "Master of Prophecy", possessing powerful prophecy ability.

If Truman doesn't make a stronger response, he will definitely be pierced by this sword.

"It's really amazing." Truman expressionlessly threw the Spear of Destiny in his hand, pointing directly at the Blood Emperor's heart.

Looking carefully at the "Spear of Destiny", it seems that it is no longer just a condensation of information, but has a real texture.

The dream book in the body of the "Hidden Sage" has been opened to the "real" page, blurring the boundaries between this Spear of Destiny and the real thing, and possessing some of the characteristics of the real thing!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 165 Bloody Banner

Chapter 165 Bloody Banner


Two bloody lights passed by each other, and the "Red Priest's" sword and the Spear of Destiny hit the target at the same time!


The war sword penetrated the body of the "Hidden Sage", triggering a "fatal" effect, and the body of the "Hidden Sage" collapsed directly.

What's even more terrifying is that this kind of damage is conceptual. Even if it is the incarnation of information flow, the "Hidden Sage" still bears this kind of "fatal injury".

Only after the body of the "Hidden Sage" collapsed, a shadow emerged from the chaotic information flow again. It was different from before, but it seemed familiar.

The body of the "Hidden Sage" was originally condensed by information flow. The current situation is that Truman actively cuts it, kills the injured information flow, and condenses another body again.

He modified the underlying information of his existence, making his past self dead and his current self alive.

There are subtle differences between the two, but he is still him after information replacement, exchange, and coverage.

This is similar to the substitute ability possessed by some gods, which are both god-level life-saving abilities.

As for the Blood Emperor, the spear of destiny turned into fairy tale magic completely penetrated his body and shattered his heart.

In an instant, the "soldiers" whom the Blood Emperor polluted and forcibly conquered on the battlefield died suddenly, and the real damage was shared between him and all his soldiers.

For the gods, the heart is not a critical point, and the source of pollution effect attached to the Spear of Destiny is suppressed.

The "Red Priest" and his army are truly "all of one" and are extremely difficult to kill unless he and all of his armies and prey are wiped out in an instant.

"'City of Disaster'? It's really crazy."

Truman looked at the flag between the Blood Emperor's brows and guessed the reason. Alistair Tudor was crazy, but not stupid either. When faced with the source of pollution on the Spear of Destiny, he chose a method of equal treatment. .

Through that flag mark, He activated the power of the "City of Disaster".

He is already a lunatic, so naturally he doesn't mind becoming a little crazier.

With the power of "City of Disaster", He completed the concept of secret substitution, allowing "soldiers" and "prey" to die on his behalf.

Gods do not die so easily, and even this Blood Emperor is still a madman who dares to activate the power of "City of Disaster".

"The Spear of Destiny just now was abnormal!" The Blood Emperor keenly noticed the difference.

The only thing that can truly make him feel the threat of death is the "genuine product".

"You are a dream!" The Blood Emperor guessed Truman's identity in an instant.

"Congratulations on your correct answer, and there is also a reward." Truman snapped his fingers, and the torrent of information surged in an instant, covering the space and enveloping the Blood Emperor.

This is a kingdom of God made entirely of information.

It was naturally impossible for the Blood Emperor to fall into this Kingdom of Information God like this. His eyes turned into black iron color, and he stretched out his hand to pull in the illusory army from the world that had not yet been completely surrounded.

This army has always maintained a close connection with the outside world, making it impossible for Trumen to completely isolate information, and the Blood Emperor did not completely fall into his domain.

The connection to the military is an inherent attribute of the Red Priest, just as you can't make the "bug" give up cheating and stealing.

"The great master of war, the incarnation of blood and fire..." The illusory army was praying, and the bloody power blessed the Blood Emperor, raising his power to a higher level!

His body was burning violently, and almost colorless flames enveloped his whole body, but his body was made of the hardest steel, and the "rust" on his face was even more obvious.

The power to destroy everything and destroy everything is surging, killing the underlying structure of the Kingdom of Information.

"Give me the power of destruction, grant me the symbol of my roots..." The flag mark between the Blood Emperor's brows became more and more obvious, and what he was doing now was "sacrifice", offering sacrifices to the "City of Disaster"!

"Is this the 'Red Priest'?" Truman thought thoughtfully. The meaning of the power sacrificer turned out to be this, offering sacrifices to the higher existence and borrowing powerful power.

If it becomes a "Destroying Natural Disaster" again and combines the feminine and masculine sides of the "Primary Creator", is it possible to directly borrow power from the "Primary Creator"?

"But it's not enough now."

Truman obtained enough information from the "Red Priest" and then gently opened the dream book in his body.

The Book of Dreams trembled slightly, mobilizing more power to deal with the power of the "City of Disaster" offered by the "Red Priest".

At this time, as long as the "City of Disaster" does not break through the seal of the gray fog and truly appears in the northern and southern continents, it will be unable to resist the Book of Dreams.


In the Kingdom of Information God that no one can pry into, the two sources of aura collide again, and there is a strange aura rising and stirring.

This breath once appeared in the "Original Witch", and now the crazy Blood Emperor is also moving towards that state, and will incarnate into the positive side of the "Primary Creator".

But the turbulent sea of ​​dreams on the opposite side is even more powerful, the sea of ​​stars is vast, and the endless dreamy phosphorescence forces the "City of Disaster" to take a defensive position, forming an altar-like defense circle.

At the outermost edge of the altar are the illusory soldiers of the "Red Priest". Standing in the center is the "Red Priest". In front of him is a materialized banner, hunting in the wind, destroying and destroying everything.

Truman had the upper hand in the Kingdom of Information, but the rhythm of the Book of Dreams also affected the ontology to a certain extent, allowing "God of War" Badheir to see hope of victory for the first time.

This also caused the battle on the star realm to become increasingly fierce.

Truman stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and slowly pulled out the Spear of Destiny.

He has canceled the "mysterious reappearance", and the current Spear of Destiny is a genuine one taken from the Kingdom of the Sun God.

"Is this the real thing that assassinated the Creator?" The Blood Emperor's eyes fell on the True Spear of Destiny.

"You are the third god to truly face Him."

The first one was the Creator, and the second one was Osykus. Truman also took it out later, but he didn't really target anyone.

This is the third time.

"Then do I have to express my gratitude to you?!" The Blood Emperor pulled up the bloody flag from the altar and held it in his hand.

"Of course." Truman activated all the essence auras on the Spear of Destiny.

The source of pollution or blood of the three pillars, and his dreamy phosphorescence.

It is equivalent to the pollution of the four strongest old sources. In the face of such power, the "City of Disaster" is a little bit unsatisfactory.

Of course, in one of Truman's imaginations, the aura of this "City of Disaster" will also become part of this spear of destiny at some point...

"Kill!" A phantom that looked like an ancient city suddenly appeared around the "Red Priest" altar. In the city, countless rotten and oozing soldiers crawled out of the ground to form an army, shouting and killing each other.

It was at this time that the Blood Emperor waved the bloody flag in his hand!

(End of this chapter)