
A 31

Chapter 151 Have you ever been eaten?


Chapter 151 Have you ever been eaten?

The dreamy starlight in Truman's eyes was dyed light blue, and his own body turned into layers of doors with strong symbolic meaning.

At this moment, the entire gray fog was trembling violently, and the gray fog shook as a whole, as if it had been thrown into a calm lake with a huge boulder.

The ripples, centered on the place where Truman was standing, spread rapidly and overlapped each other.

This gave Truman some preliminary control over this gray fog.

"Close the door!" Truman did not directly confront the illusory stream of information, but chose to weaken it!

Truman pushed out with both hands, as if holding down some illusory "door" that did not exist in the real world, sealing the entire space.

Coupled with the gradually surging gray fog, this entire "wall" that seemed to cut through the world fell into huge turmoil.

There is a "door" in the gray fog, and it begins to close as Truman closes the door.


The illusory stream of light surged forward, but due to the gray mist, it could only penetrate with limited power. Moreover, Truman also gained a certain degree of control through the authority of the "door".

Truman freed up a hand and tapped it gently. The illusory information flow directly turned into dreamy bubbles and disappeared without a trace.

But this kind of direct confrontation is also dangerous for Truman, and it will only make his tendency to sleep worse!

He ignored the madness, but at the same time he also needed to bear another kind of constraint. This is also the underlying logic of this mysterious world. The original creator will also uncontrollably split and converge.

"Sun!" Truman closed and opened his eyes, and he fell into a state of a combination of virtual and real, just like the "real" symbol of authority that alternated between virtual and real.

The "real" authority seems to separate him. The fake one is still using the "door" authority to maintain its influence on the gray fog, but the real one has already transformed into the sun.

His eyes and hair turned into pale gold in an instant, emitting the strongest light of purification!

In the most extreme form of "purifying" authority, all but Him are heretics and things that should be purified and reduced to ashes.

This illusory flow of information was brushed away by this "purification", and the peripheral information flow trembled violently, and a lot of ashes were brushed down.

This caused the information streamer to be hurt to a certain extent and make the most reasonable judgment on the current situation.

The illusory flow of light immediately shattered, leaving no room for escape.

His power to penetrate through the gray mist is quite limited. Now that it is partially cut off by the "closed door", it is even more unable to withstand the "sun". Escape is the best option.

After that, relying on the uniqueness of the "Hermit" and the "Scroll of Civilization" can also stabilize the state on this continent, and even completely control the two pathways to erode this continent.

However, Truman was also waiting for this moment.

He has not forgotten the uniqueness of the "Hermit" and the "Artisan".

"cause and effect"!

Truman and Illusion Liuguang had already had a strong conflict before, and had established sufficient connections in terms of "cause and effect". At this moment, Truman followed the guidance of a certain "line" and jumped directly to the final destination.

"My Majesty the Dream!" The voice of "Craftsman" came to Truman's ears. Truman turned his head and saw Him persisting in the illusory light.

The "Scroll of Civilization" unfolded like a shield, wrapping the "craftsman" inside. This prevented him from being swallowed up by the "wilderness of knowledge" together with the picture.

"There must be light!" Truman seemed to have transformed into the sun, directly blocking those illusory streams of light. After that, he picked up the "Scroll of Civilization" and waved it gently.

All the "dream" deeds recorded on the "Civilization Scroll" flashed at this moment.

Starting from the dream angels of the Second Age, to the King of Angels who acted as the Creator's authority in the Third Age, and the "Supreme Dream" that killed the Creator.

He has run through the entire development history of human civilization, and his deeds are legendary enough that he often appears at the most important moments of the times and is qualified to be recorded in the "Civilization Atlas".Even in this piece of human history, he and his Dream Sect have become an extremely important part of it, playing an extremely important role in the guidance of civilization.

And with this gentle wave, all the "dream" traces became "real", as if they had come out of the past years and landed here.

Among them, the dream angel protected the "craftsman" who was struggling in the illusory light, and the supreme dream came to Truman with the spear of destiny, waiting for the time to move.

This is similar to the summoning historical projection of the "Fool" path, but it is more powerful under Truman's operation and breaks away from the restriction of uniqueness.

What the "Artisan" saw was dazzling and astonishing. The "Scroll of Civilization" has been in his hands for a long time, and it is even the only one of its kind. However, his use of the "Scroll of Civilization" is very limited.

Truman's true body went a step further, transforming into a "sun" and colliding with those illusory streams of light.

There was no sound of a big explosion, only some slight changes in the smallest details.

Facing those illusory lights, Truman suddenly came to an endless desert.

The yellow sand has covered up the traces of civilization and buried the glory and prosperity. Perhaps a magnificent city can be dug out under the yellow sand.

But Truman's eyes were attracted by a palace in the yellow sand.

The palace is between reality and reality, but the moment Truman pays attention to it, everything becomes clear.

The palace seemed to be made of bronze and decorated with gold. The gates were carved with various secret symbols, which represented all the knowledge in the world.

"The Hermit" and the "Perfect One", Truman even judged the true meaning of this door.

A door is divided into two halves. One side represents the more mysterious knowledge itself, and the other side represents the impact of mysterious knowledge on the real world.

Two seemingly opposing definitions constitute two aspects of knowledge, supporting the "knowledge wilderness".

Or the "demon of knowledge", the "mystery of madness".

When Truman wanted to see the scene inside the palace through that door.

Some kind of crazy, violent, and turbulent torrent of knowledge is surging in it, trying to submerge Truman's consciousness.


Truman heard this malicious name again, as did the "Djinn God" in the past.

"Call me?" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Don't get in my way. I will eventually become an enemy of 'God'. We are true allies."

"Oh..." Truman responded calmly, then realized something and asked with interest, "Were you eaten by 'God' in the first era?"

As far as Truman knows, both "God" and the "Lord of Mysteries" have merged with multiple sources in the late First Era, resulting in the inability to suppress their own aggregation tendencies.

The "wilderness of knowledge" and the authority of "omniscience and omnipotence" go well together!

"..." The voice coming from the bronze palace stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 152 "The Hidden Sage"

Chapter 152 "The Hidden Sage"

In front of the mysterious bronze palace, Truman's words silenced the voices in the bronze palace for a moment.

"We have no reason to conflict!" After a while, the voice sounded again, but more bluntly and reluctantly.

"Yes," Truman said softly, rejecting the "Knowledge Wilderness" alliance request.

"Your presence on this continent has had a great impact on my state."

The "you" here include but are not limited to "Wildness of Knowledge", "River of Eternal Darkness", "City of Disaster", and "Country of Disorder".

These are the sources that Truman is sure will invade the North and South Continents. The rest are still unknown.

The invasion of these elements will really make Truman's living environment worse, and so many elements will most likely increase his tendency to sleep.

He still needs time to integrate the four uniquenesses, and he cannot let the northern and southern continents become so chaotic.


The world in Truman's eyes suddenly shattered. After the talks collapsed, the "Wisdom of Knowledge" evacuated directly, probably temporarily shrinking back to the Eastern Continent.

"Leave the uniqueness of the 'hermit' behind!" Truman's eyes flashed, and in the state of virtuality and reality, he separated himself and took action together!

There is substance on one side of the door of the bronze palace. It is the uniqueness of the "hermit" and at least a share of the "Knowledge Emperor"!

"That's too much!" Truman suddenly heard an angry shout in Chinese, which really startled him.

He looked towards the bronze palace that had not completely disappeared, and happened to find an old man wearing a high crown and Confucian robes walking out of the palace, pressing his hand on the door that represented the uniqueness of the "Hermit" .

The eyes of this old man in Confucian robes were pale and without any emotion at all. Compared to a human being, he looked more like a clone or a puppet.

And that voice was also familiar to Truman, it was the "wilderness of knowledge"!


The uniqueness of the "hermit" burst out an endless torrent of knowledge at this moment, trying to stop Truman and gain time to escape.

However, he was originally in a weak position and even had to stay and negotiate an alliance with Truman to delay the process. But now that Truman was fully prepared, how could he be allowed to run away?



Two kinds of authority appeared out of thin air in this space. The "fall" authority gave birth to consciousness in the torrent of information, betraying the "hermit", and the "distortion" directly acted on the uniqueness of the "hermit", distorting it. The object of his attack.

"Black Emperor" Solomon and "The Hanged Man" Saslier, the two true gods took action to restrain the "Hermit" who was activated by the "Wildness of Knowledge", while Truman took action directly against the "Wildness of Knowledge"!


Truman is equivalent to throwing a real "sun" into the "intellectual wilderness", in which the terrifying light and heat burn everything.

Afterwards, he controlled the power of the "door" and closed the "door" completely. The projection of the "Supreme Dream" beside him, which had been waiting for the opportunity, also took action at this moment, throwing out the spear of destiny in his hand, and ejecting the already virtual The uniqueness of the "hermit" that has become a symbol is nailed to the gray fog.

Under "real" authority, illusory symbols have real entities.

"Dream!" The old man in Confucian robes and high crown looked deeply at Truman. He was just trying his best to remedy the situation and had no idea of ​​continuing to fight.

When the two true gods appeared, there was no longer any suspense in the ending, and the claws extended by the "Wildness of Knowledge" were completely cut off.

As a result, all arrangements of the "Knowledge Wilderness" in the northern and southern continents were cut off.

Of course, the "knowledge wilderness" will definitely reach out elsewhere. After all, Truman cannot see every corner of the seal.

Truman let out a breath and waved directly to take the "Hermit" in his hand.

"It's a pity that I got a copy of 'Emperor of Knowledge'."

The 'Knowledge Wilderness' most likely saw Truman's plan, and the final rescue operation was only for the "Emperor of Knowledge" characteristic, preventing Truman from obtaining the complete characteristic. He held a ceremony to become a god and transformed the "hermit" like the "sun". "Turn into a clone.

——That will only allow Truman to completely occupy the "Peeper of Secrets" path.

Truman played with the uniqueness of the "hermit" that had turned into a "hermit" with eyes that alternated between virtual and real eyes.

This eye exudes sparkling purple light and has the power of secrets and information knowledge.There is pollution in the "wilderness of knowledge" on his eyes, but it is nothing to Truman, just throw it into the sea of ​​dreams and marinate it.

"However...since there is no way to completely occupy it, the other 'Knowledge Emperor' has limited value to me." Truman shook his head slightly, feeling a little regretful.

The role of the "sun" in this battle is very obvious, and it can completely avoid the direct confrontation between Truman's body and the source of matter.

A true god is powerful enough.

Unfortunately, even if he collects another copy of the "Emperor of Knowledge", he cannot obtain a "Hermit" clone.

"Congratulations, Duke." Solomon looked at the uniqueness of the "Hermit" in Truman's hand, nodded slightly, and asked about the source of matter.

Truman did not hide anything, and revealed the information that the seal had faded and the source of essence had penetrated.

Solomon frowned after receiving this information, "That means the 'Country of Disorder' is also very likely to appear in the North and South Continents."

Sefirah can pollute the true God.

"Don't worry, the power that the source matter can penetrate is still very limited."

"But contamination is inevitable." Solomon is still worried.

The combat prowess shown by Truman in the previous divine battles and the news about the current source of essence made the newly-promoted "Black Emperor" have more worries.

"After that, I may focus more on this aspect."

Afterwards, Truman thought for a while, took out a copy of the "Emperor of Knowledge" in his hand, and combined it with the uniqueness of the "Hermit" with "real" authority.

Add some dreamy phosphorescence, add some spirituality of life...

A "hidden sage" was created in this way.

Of course, he is not a "wilderness of knowledge". He has the same characteristics as the "hidden sage", and may be equivalent to a weakened version of the true god.

"He will stay in the Solomon Empire." The uniqueness and "Emperor of Knowledge" in Truman's hands turned into information flow and disappeared.

"'Hidden Sage'?" Solomon looked at the dissipated information flow and nodded slightly, "I may have to trouble the Duke more in the future."

Solomon soon left here and returned to the Solomonic Empire.

Sasril nodded slightly, glanced at him, and turned into a shadow before returning.

They have more secret communication channels, and important matters can be discussed in the Dream Parliament.

"Your Majesty Dream..." Only then did the "craftsman" step forward.

"Well..." Truman thought for a while and threw the "Civilization Scroll" to the "Artisan" again, "I can help you become a true god, but I need you to agree to some very harsh conditions..."

Truman did not choose to kill the "craftsman" or take out the characteristics of his body. After all, doing so was slightly unkind.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 153 "Artisan"

Chapter 153 "Artisan"

"Artisan"'s head was stuck, and the surprise came too unexpectedly.

He forced himself into a mechanical state of mind and began to think about the pros and cons.

It is certainly a joy to be able to obtain a "Civilization Scroll" or even get the chance to become a god.

But that price also directly puts the "craftsman" into a state of stuck.

"Follow me first." Truman took the "Artisan" to roam directly, came to the Eastern Continent, and returned to Fantasyland.

"Here..." "Artisan" was shocked by Gensokyo, and the potential madness that was almost with him seemed to calm down the moment he entered Gensokyo.

"This is my Fantasyland." Truman gave a brief introduction and took the "craftsman" back to his own kingdom of God.

"Fantasy Township?" "Artisan" seemed to have heard this name from the teachings of the Dream Sect, but he never thought that it was actually in the land abandoned by God!

This land that has been abandoned by the gods turns out to be the Fantasyland that dream believers dream of!


"Ah, teacher, why did you bring someone back again?" Amon suddenly appeared in Gensokyo. This is one of his angel-level clones. He came back through the loophole of the God's Abandoned Land early and has been living in this land of God. .

This is not difficult for a king of angels.

Of course, in order to avoid being expelled, this Amon has become the one with the highest moral level among all the clones and the main body of Amon, which can be called a model!

He doesn't steal, doesn't cheat, doesn't play pranks, and is even willing to help others and perform miracles. For a while, this Amon even made Truman feel ridiculous, and it was hard to throw him out.

"Is he the 'Craftsman' who is the Enlightener of Civilization?" There is only one "Enlightener of Civilization" in the world today, and it is easy to recognize him.

Amon stared at the "craftsman" with interest, curious as to why he could come here.

Gensokyo is completely isolated from the outside world. Apart from Truman, there may only be three true angel gods, Bethel, Amon and Hermes, who can come and go freely.

"Time Angel." "Artisan" nodded slightly to Amon.

"Let's go." Truman took the "craftsman" into the fairy tale castle and let the "craftsman" sit where Solomon once stood.

"Do you want to become a true god?" Truman asked.

"I want to!" "Artisan" no longer conceals his desire for the divine position.

That's power, person, and "perfection"!

"Then sign it." Truman directly presented a contract.

The content is probably that Truman provides the "craftsmen" with the characteristics of becoming gods, and the price will be paid by the "craftsmen" who become gods.

Including but not limited to unconditionally siding with Truman without risking his life. After becoming a god, he must search for traces of the "Knowledge Wilderness" around the world and recover the lost "Knowledge Emperor"...

The "craftsman" browsed through the contract at an extremely fast speed, and then decisively left behind his own spirituality.

This was somewhat beyond Truman's expectations.

"I don't want to regret my hesitation at this moment in the years to come." "The Craftsman" looked at Truman and explained his reasons seriously.

"Very good!" Truman was very satisfied. With a wave of his hand, all the characteristics related to the "Perfector" path in his hand fell into the hands of the "Artisan".

"You can start preparing for your becoming a god ceremony. If you encounter any difficulties, you can come to my Fantasyland to visit."

The godhood ceremony of the "Perfect" must be related to perfection, and whether it is a perfect world or a perfect person, they can be found in Gensokyo.This place originally has the power to realize all kinds of absurd dreams of mankind, and perfection does not seem to be unattainable.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Mian Mian!" "The Craftsman" stood up and bowed solemnly to Truman, thanking him for his support.

"Oh, that's right!" Truman suddenly thought of something, "If you still haven't digested the Sequence [-] potion even after completing the God Becoming Ceremony, you can try swallowing the Sequence [-] potion alive."

The "craftsman" was shocked beyond words, but then he thought it was a dream that gave him shelter, and thanked him again.

No...this is your characteristic.

You are the only one who can be successfully promoted without fully digesting it. Even the two "Snakes of Destiny" don't have such luck.

The "craftsman" slowly retreated, but Truman was still sitting in the high-backed chair and pondering.

The next few hundred years will most likely be the calmest hundreds of years after the Third Age. The empire will no longer attack, and the church will also devote itself to preaching, which is the best opportunity for ordinary people to develop.

"But I can't take any time off." Truman sighed. Even if you ignore the gradually increasing pollution from the outer gods, the penetration of source matter is still a troublesome matter.

The most important thing is that in the entire northern and southern continents, he is the most suitable person to deal with the source matter. Even the other true gods are in danger of being contaminated by the source matter and going crazy.

"My name is Dream, but my life is not dreamy enough..." Truman complained, and then called Bethel to search for traces of the source of matter all over the world.

This will be a long process.


"The old man is really not polite at all! He really beats me!"

In the capital of Solomon, a man in his thirties walked out of the prestigious door of the Zoroastrian family.

He wore a pointed and stiff black hat, and his coat was buttoned up and down in a chaotic, asymmetrical and uncoordinated manner, very much in the style of the Solomon Empire.

There were several bruises on his face. The "Dream Stealer" was not known for his physical fitness, and the wounds were still aching.

"If I hadn't had a banquet today, I would have decided to sue you for beating the Imperial Viscount." Mobet Zoroaster lowered his voice, not daring to be heard by a certain angel in the family.

Mobet walked through the capital of Solomon and came to the castle of another great nobleman, which belonged to the Tudor family and was one of the most respected families of His Majesty the Emperor.

"Mobet, you're late!" A young man who was dressed in the same weird asymmetry as Mobet came to greet him personally.

"Who were you beaten by? From the Abraham family?" The young man asked in shock when he saw Mobet's bruised face.

"No, he was beaten by my old man." Mobet maintained his aristocratic demeanor, slightly reserved, with no respect in his words, and a sense of arrogance when facing others.

"..." The young man named Tuduo showed some envy on his face, "The one in your family is really different. I can't see my ancestors more than a few times a year."

"Huh?" Mobet raised his eyebrows slightly. For a moment, he felt that the pain on his face had weakened a bit, and he was a little proud. "I like your family. I don't care about you. As long as nothing big happens, I will let you make trouble." went."

While talking, both of them walked into the Tudor family's castle.

Today will be the day when the Tudor family will hold a gathering of nobles, and all young people from the great noble families below the level of demigods have received invitations.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 154 Travel Notes

Chapter 154 Travel Notes

Mobet was already familiar with walking in Tudor Castle and asked how this gathering was different from the previous ones.

"We invited some elves from Sunia Island. This is an extremely rare opportunity to meet the legendary elves."

"The elves..." Mobet sounded the record about the elves.

There are quite a few elves in the tribe. After someone's statement, the Church of Storms did not hunt them aggressively. The tribe's living environment is quite good, and there are even signs of integration with humans in a small area.

It's just that these elves have basically moved to Sonia Island, and the rest are scattered on some small islands outside the two continents. They are quite rare in this northern continent.

"We also organized a trade fair privately, don't leave too fast." The young man from the Tuduo family suddenly said.

Mobet understood in his heart and nodded imperceptibly.

There are many things in the Solomon Kingdom that cannot be put on the surface, such as certain formulas and characteristics of the "Black Emperor" path, as well as some rare items passed down from the family by some noble children.

Some people have needs, and some things need to be sold, so there are some private gatherings among young nobles, and the Tudor family often holds such gatherings.

The two of them, Mobet, quickly arrived at the banquet venue. The various social interactions there were no different from usual. Most of them were to manage the friendship between nobles.

On the other hand, the elves from Sonia Island were scrutinized by many nobles, and some of them could no longer suppress their anger.

But now is the era of the empire, and those present are all nobles, so these elves have to suppress themselves.

"I don't like these elves." Mobet communicated with his friend. "They are too violent. I feel like I will be beaten when I walk with them."

"Indeed!" Many nobles felt the same way.

"But I think the elf's blue hair looks pretty good." Mobet commented.

The people around him looked weird, but it was hard to say anything. There was never a mainstream aesthetic in the Solomon Empire, as long as it was twisted enough.

After the slightly boring banquet ended, many of the guests did not leave immediately. Instead, under the arrangement of the Tudor family, they entered the more secret underground palace to conduct some transactions between extraordinary people.

"Where are the Abraham family members?" Mobet found a corner, stole a flame, lit a cigarette, and looked for the Abraham family members.

He had wanted to get the starry sky travel notes of their ancestors from Abraham for a long time, but he had never been able to do so.

"However, I recently heard that the Duke of Bethel Abraham has not been seen for several years. The rules in their family should be relaxed a little."

Mobet muttered, crushed the cigarette, and walked towards the familiar members of the Abraham family.

"Erwin!" Mobet found a member of the Abraham family and pulled him to the other side. "Have you stolen... ahem, borrowed travel notes?"

"No!" This member of the Abraham family shook his head directly, "Don't think about it. These starry sky travel notes were written by senior family elders, and it is difficult for us to borrow them."

"That's it..." Mobet was a little reluctant, "How about I go to my house and steal a travel journal, and you can take it back and give it to me in exchange?"

"No, how can your travel notes compare to the starry sky travel notes? Those elders will not agree." Erwin Abraham refused. He was very proud of his family and also had a strong yearning for the starry sky.

This is a characteristic of the Abrahamic family, and many people respect it even more for this reason.

This is the only one who can explore the boundless starry sky. "Eh! Are you still looking down on people? Who doesn't have an angel?" Mobet glared, "What I want to steal is the travel notes written by my old man himself. They are about what he experienced when Bailang founded the country, and even..."

"About the ancestor of the Amon family!"

The Amon family... has appeared and created all kinds of terrifying legends, making the Duke family fearful and even a little afraid.

Erwin Abraham's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded immediately, "Okay! As long as you can steal it, I will lend you a copy even if I go to my grandfather's house to lie down!"

"Deal!" Mobert finally fulfilled his wish.

Mobert, who was in a very good mood, walked around this gathering of extraordinary people and saw a book bound with parchment on the table in front of a noble boy he was not very familiar with.

The cover of the book is dark brown, and there is a small note on the cover with a line of words written in ancient Hermetic language - "Grossell's Travels".

"It's a travel book again..." Mobet felt some kind of coincidence, but he didn't think about it deeply. Instead, he became sufficiently interested in this travel book.

"How to trade this travel book?" Mobet asked the noble boy.

"Are you from the Zoroastrian family?" The noble boy recognized Mobet and then expressed his needs.

"I need a magical object that can steal extraordinary abilities."

Mobet frowned. Such a magical item was not worth much, but it was a bit too much for the Zoroastrian family.

In the capital of Solomon, the formulas and characteristics of potions related to the great nobles are strictly controlled. After all, they are the foundation of these great nobles.

Generally, only the Zoroastrian family can take out things from the "thief" path.

Mobet still wanted to bargain for a bad price, but for some reason, he felt a strong desire when he saw this book. He couldn't wait to buy it and go home to read it.

Finally he nodded, took out a ruby ​​ring from his body, threw it to the other party, and took the book in his hand.

"I got it, it's best to go back early and steal the old man's travel notes..." Mobert had no intention of staying here anymore and left Tudor Castle secretly.

Just a few seconds after Mobet walked out of Tudor Castle, a priest came outside the castle.

The priest's clear eyes glanced at the direction where Mobet disappeared, then withdrew his gaze and calmly walked into Tudor Castle. The demigod extraordinary people present could not even notice him!

"Adam!" Alistair Tudor, who was resting at the highest point of the castle, looked at Adam who was walking slowly towards him, his face became heavy.

This was the second time Adam found Him.

"I have no interest in what you said, and I have no intention of betraying His Majesty!" Alistair Tudor said coldly, making his attitude clear.

"Have you not seen Trunsoest for a long time?" Adam did not pay attention to Alista's bad attitude, but walked to the room where Alista was, sat on the chair, and asked with a smile. .

Alistar's face suddenly stiffened, and there was a bit of madness dancing in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 155 Medici

Chapter 155 Medici

"Trunsoest went to the dark heaven of night, where the brass book is."

Adam directly informed Alistair of Trunsoest's whereabouts.

"'Night Goddess' and Dream Duke really broke up?" Alista knew some inside information.

Adam kept smiling and just told one fact, "The 'Brass Book' is in the hands of the night. This news has been confirmed by the God of War."

"So, you force the 'Goddess of the Night' to swallow the brass book and completely draw a clear line with the Duke of Dreams?" Alista frowned.

Because of the relationship between the "Night Goddess" and Mew, these true gods have always had limited trust in the "Night Goddess", and they have spared no effort to destroy the relationship between the two.

Adam was noncommittal. He and Saslier's camp had always maintained a certain degree of tacit understanding. They would not be soft-hearted, but they would not focus their plans on certain things that should not be said.

"You are forcing me too!" Alistair Tudor's eyes seemed to be burning with crazy flames.

If Trunsoest betrays Trunsoest, who is also the most "faithful" angel, his situation may not be good...

All their honors come from the Black Emperor!

"I also want the brass book." Alistair looked at Adam and put forward his own conditions.

"It's too late." Adam shook his head slightly, "When I came to see you last time, Ornia also went to Trunsoest."

Ornia, the "goddess of beauty" in the sequence of the "moon" path, is now the blood moon queen of the blood clan, leading the blood clan to have some contact with the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth and the Church of the Goddess of the Night.

The flames in Alista's eyes suddenly exploded, "Then you guys are forcing me to die!"

If the "Night Goddess" and other gods want to train Trunsoest into a "Judge", then his path will be completely blocked.

At that time, He didn't even have a chance to become Sequence One, let alone become a god? !

"You won't die, you'll just go crazy." Adam calmly informed Alista of the result.

"When I came here, you actually had no choice." Adam just raised his hand slightly, and the thought of Alista's desperate fight to attract Solomon's attention was wiped away.

A Sequence [-] angel actually has no ability to resist in front of Adam.

Of course, a very important point is that the Duke of Dreams is not in the capital of Solomon. Otherwise, even with the power of the gods, especially the protection of the secret authority, Adam would not dare to enter here.

"This is the normal trajectory." Adam suddenly sighed as he looked in the direction of the Dream Duke Castle.

Adam got a lot of things from the memory of "God", including the Truman Dreams, Sefirah and Outer Gods.

That is knowledge that has not been recorded on the second blasphemous tablet, and only Adam knows it at this stage.

At this stage, the major sources of matter in the Western Continent are pouring into the North and South Continent. In addition to the arrangements of the "Lord of Mysteries", they also have a share of Adam, or "God" and "Creator".

Adam's purpose was to temporarily put aside the dream that destroyed the balance and gain room for planning.


"Ah, Adam must be plotting against me again." Truman walked with Bethel in the boundless gray fog, and his spiritual sense was touched and he felt something.

"Teacher, do you need me to go back?" Bethel was a little worried. In his eyes, Adam was the eldest son of the Creator and the "angel of fantasy." His calculations must be treated with caution.

"No need, I can probably guess what he is doing, but if he wants to succeed, he has to ask me."

Truman and Bethel used the "door" authority to "close the door" together, which was considered to be strengthening the seal of the Western Continent.

Now Bethel is only one ritual away from the "door". With his help, he can also deceive the gray fog and exercise some of the authority of the "Lord of Mysteries".However, this gray fog is too weird, completely blocking the road from the North and South Continents to the West Continent, but it can also allow the source of the West Continent to penetrate, which really gives Truman a headache.

"This thing can't be repaired at all." Truman also knew that there was a limit to what he could do now.

The most he can do is to limit a few source materials, but those source materials that have taken root in the northern and southern continents and left coordinate points cannot be completely driven back.

Suddenly, Truman's movement of "closing the door" slowed slightly, looked at Bethel, and ordered: "You should deal with the gray fog seal here first. I remembered something and I have to deal with it."

Truman left the gray fog, opened the book of dreams in an inaccessible corner, and his consciousness sank into it.

"Amanisis?" Truman came to Dreamland and met the "Night Goddess".

Now is not the time for a routine meeting, but Amanysis invites Truman to meet through the dream mark.

"Your 'brass book' is gone." Amanissis leaned lightly on the high-backed chair behind him and said in a gentle tone.

"..." Truman blinked, with a look of realization on his face, "Is it Trunsoest?"

"You know?" Amanissis was a little surprised. He came here immediately after the gods made the decision. Lilith didn't have time to inform Truman in advance.

"Guess." Truman said casually, and then changed his tone, "Is it Badheir?"

Badheir was severely tricked by the Brass Book and lost the God War.

"It's Him." Amanissis nodded imperceptibly.

"It's really cool and fun-loving." Truman commented on this.

"As for Trunsoest, let him go there. What's mine is mine after all."

At most, it's just a trip, but in the end it has to be returned to Truman's hands.

"As long as you have an idea." Amanisis nodded lightly, and then he logged off directly and left the dream paradise.

"Trunsoest...what about Alistair?"

Truman suddenly thought of Medici. This guy was so miserable. He was ambushed by Adam and Alistar, and stewed him and the two angels he hated most.

After thousands of years, they merged together and became the hotpot evil spirit.

"Tsk! It's been a long time since I last saw Xiao Hong." Truman was able to think of Medici because of Alista and some kind of spiritual premonition that something might have happened over there.

Truman was not in a hurry. He walked slowly into the gray mist and continued to strengthen the gray mist seal. This was a top priority. If all the source matter really penetrated, he would be in real trouble.

But suddenly there was an illusory stream of light flashing through the dreamy Duke's castle, heading towards Medici's fiefdom.

"Binxi..." That flow of information directly manifested itself in this seaside town.

This was one of the rewards Medici received during the founding war of the Solomon Empire. He used it as a family base and built a large town.

The illusory stream of light condensed into a human form, and Truman walked out of the information flow.

And the moment Truman set foot on this land, some kind of repelling force acted on him.

(End of this chapter)