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Chapter 121 Solomon


Chapter 121 Solomon

"When my spirit was entangled with the 'Lord of Mysteries', He once used Source Castle to slightly affect the barrier between our place and the Western Continent."

Those "ripples" cannot allow the true god here to pass through the barrier to the legendary Western Continent, but the source of energy over there can penetrate the power with its extremely high level.

"He wants to use the sefirah over there to make our situation here more complicated."

Truman looked around, paused on Amanisis for a moment, and continued, "Of course, this is most likely a trap. Once we come into contact with the source of matter, we may be contaminated."

And the "Lord of Mysteries" definitely knew Truman's state at that time through the spiritual connection with Dream Angel at that time.

Facing the essence will still cause very bad things to happen to Truman. The erosion of these essences is also a means for the "Lord of Secrets" to weaken Truman.

"The road ahead is still difficult..." Truman shook his head slightly. Since the establishment of the Dream Parliament, it has been carrying out various plans and influences. The most leisurely of them was probably the hundreds of years when the Creator was at its peak.

But in the next few hundred years they will face the threat of "God" again.

Now in the fourth era, we are still busy.

"Someone may come looking for you recently."

Before the end, Saslier suddenly looked at Truman.

Truman was shocked, then nodded thoughtfully, "I didn't expect that they could adjust their mentality in such a short period of time."

The first Dream Parliament of the new era ended with this, and the course of action for the future was roughly set.

Truman returned to reality and immediately sensed Amon wandering in Fantasyland.

But he didn't care about Amon, but looked outside the land abandoned by the gods.

There is a Sequence [-] Archangel waiting there.

His external image is that of a mature middle-aged man with black hair and black eyes, wearing a noble black robe, and full of majesty.

"Solomon..." A smile appeared at the corner of Truman's mouth. This Solomon was still the one given the surname by Sasril, and he was also the ancestor of the Solomon family of today's angel family.

During this thousand-year period, He belonged to the Church of the Creator and managed the believers in the Northern Continent. He received enough rewards and became the first in the sequence, the "Prince of Sequence".

In the Church of the Creator, there are quite a few such angels, most of whom are Sequence Two, but there are always outstanding ones who can become Sequence One.

Of course, there are only nine kings of angels, and the chance of an angel being promoted in the Church of the Creator in these sequences is infinitely close to zero.

"Sure enough, you were the first to come to me." This Solomon was wise enough to be keenly aware of the opportunities contained in the turmoil after the death of the Creator.

"Your Majesty Dream." Solomon stayed outside the God-Abandoned Land, only slightly distorting the space outside the God-Abandoned Land to show his own existence, and did not rush into the God-Abandoned Land.

"Please come in." Truman said, and a light door suddenly appeared in front of Solomon, leading directly to Gensokyo.

Solomon stepped into this dreamy kingdom of God without hesitation.

So courageous... Truman admired slightly, this man's knowledge and courage were on par.

When an archangel enters the Kingdom of the True God, he has entrusted his life to the true God.

"Good day, Your Highness Dreamy." Solomon saw Truman walking out of the fairy tale castle, his face straightened, and he said hello.

"Please." Truman directly invited him into the reception room of the fairy tale castle without any pretense.

This place is somewhat similar to the Giant Royal Court where "Rose of Redemption" meets, but it is more dreamy and dotted with bright stars.

"His Majesty Dream's Kingdom of God is really beyond the limits of my imagination." After Solomon sat down, he felt the fairy tale castle and the Gensokyo outside, and was amazed.

"I admire His Highness's behavior of protecting human beings but not taking the opportunity to spread faith." It's really interesting to say such words with a serious face.Truman looked at his former colleague with a smile, waiting for him to reveal the true purpose of his visit.

"I want the uniqueness and other related properties of the 'Black Emperor' path in His Highness' hands."

The man who wanted to be the emperor was not used to saying all kinds of flattery, so he directly stated his purpose.

"Oh?" It was as expected by Truman. He said that as far as the things in his treasure house were concerned, many ways to become a god required his consent.

"Then what do you want in exchange for these things?" Truman looked at Solomon with interest.

"..." Solomon's face froze. As a Sequence Angel, he was also the agent for a large area of ​​the Northern Continent. His family also had enough characteristics.

But compared with the dream in front of you, who dares to say rich?

Who doesn't know that the Creator's treasure house is in the hands of dreams?Now that the Creator has fallen, the true Creator has not taken it back. The dream in front of him is that of the richest god in the world.

"This is a 'Knowledge Emperor'."

Solomon presented a sequence-one feature of the Hermit path.

"You can exchange it for a copy of 'Prince Murder'." Truman nodded lightly.

But the "Black Emperor's Crown" in his hand is the most important thing, and its value is higher than the general sequence one characteristic.

However, it is obvious that this "Emperor of Knowledge" is already the most valuable thing Solomon can offer.

"...As long as I have it, we can discuss it." In the end, Solomon could only respond like this.

The scope here is very large, covering Solomon's family and all the wealth of its owners, and even the future...

Then I'm not welcome!Truman chuckled. The Black Emperor, who almost unified the Northern Continent a hundred years later, was indeed qualified enough for him to invest.

But the future is ultimately uncertain, which means that the price Solomon needs to pay will be more than ten times higher than normal transactions.

"We can talk, but you should be mentally prepared." Truman said directly.

"Please!" Solomon looked serious.

"First, recognize the true church as the only church in the country."

Solomon's brows furrowed slightly.

It is worth exploring whether the true Creator achieved by the Vice-President of Heaven is the return of the true Creator in the eyes of these angels.

"Your Excellency Dream, do you want to support 'Reality' to complete yourself and become the Lord again?" Solomon asked.

"Complete it?" Truman raised his eyebrows. None of these angels were stupid. They had already guessed about the status of the true Creator in just a few days.

"Or do you want to support Adam and let the Lord revive him?"

Oh, Adam has also revealed his plans among many angels.

"I will only wait for those who succeed."

Truman expressed his attitude that it is inevitable that there will be competition between Adam and Saslier. He may give it a push at some point, but not now.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 122 Split Dream


Chapter 122 Split Dream

"Okay." Solomon nodded lightly, not sure if he believed Truman's explanation.

"I have gone to the 'True Creator' before and will start building the country with His full support."

Truman nodded slightly and continued to state his conditions.

"Second, after the founding of the country, I want an anchor for national believers and allow the name of 'Supreme Dream' to be praised among all citizens."

"Third, Dream Angel becomes First Duke, Prime Minister of Finance."

"Fourth, sign a notarized contract."

Every word Truman said made Solomon look uglier, especially the financial power and the notarized contract...

"...Okay!" Solomon's expression changed several times, and finally he nodded heavily.

"Happy cooperation!" Truman smiled, and he directly used the authority of "notarization" to draw up a contract that exuded a warm and sunny atmosphere.

This time, Truman is both a "contractor" and a "contractor."

After signing this contract, even if Solomon really becomes the Black Emperor in the future, it is impossible to cause any harm to Truman. Once violated, even the gods will lose control.

The other conditions are actually just incidental. This contract is the real guarantee. From now on, Truman will have a true god ally who cannot be betrayed, which is much more useful than a crown in his hand.

"I sign!" Solomon pressed his mark on the contract with great determination.

The sun's light flashed away, the contract was established, and some kind of power came to Truman and Solomon.

But... Truman's restrictions were minimal.

"Very good!" Truman waved his hand, and the Black Emperor's crown and two "Prince Killer" attributes fell into Solomon's hands.

"Do you need me to help you complete the ceremony to become a god?"

"No need." Solomon refused decisively.

"If I can't even complete this ritual of becoming a god, I am not worthy of being the emperor. When the time comes, His Highness can even directly recycle this characteristic."

Solomon looked serious and had enough confidence in himself.

The fact that he was able to react in the shortest time and come to find Truman proved Solomon's wisdom and courage.

Solomon said goodbye to Truman and left Gensokyo directly, leaving the land abandoned by God.

These are turbulent times and a great time to build a career.

"Teacher, do you want to rule this world?" Amon got out of nowhere.

"No interest." Truman shook his head, but changed the topic and said, "But the world is so wonderful, how can I be trapped in the place abandoned by God?"

"It's a pity," Amon said regretfully, "If you rule the world, I might be able to inherit your empire in the future."

Truman rolled his eyes slightly, Bethel came from the outside world and stared at Amon.

In order to prevent Amon from throwing "Insects of Time" everywhere, He had been monitoring him, but Amon still slipped away.

But seeing Bethel, Truman still remembered something, "Ah, Bethel you can lead your family to Solomon to seek a noble position."

"Yes!" Bethel nodded immediately without any doubt.

"And you..." Truman looked at Amon, "You should like this turbulent and contentious era very much."

"Teacher still understands me." Amon lightly pinched the monocle on his right eye and replied with a chuckle.

"Then don't wander around my place!" Truman waved his hand and threw Amon out of Gensokyo.

"We need to put some anti-theft measures in Gensokyo." Otherwise, Amon might really steal it.

Gensokyo is newly built, and many rules are not yet complete, and Truman needs to sort them out.

"Theft is prohibited here, and those who violate it will be punished!"

"Parasite is prohibited here..."

Truman integrated these rules into the underlying logic of Gensokyo, and the overall construction of Gensokyo became perfect.

"The believers in Fantasyland are devout enough, and it's time to open up the dream path."

Previously, when returning to Earth, one had to face the resurgence of "God", and there was little time to open up this dream path. Now is an excellent time.

"Beyond that, there's 'real' authority."

After the assassination that almost destroyed the mainland, it was only now that Truman had time to examine himself.

The condensation of "real" power will be a major victory for Truman in deconstructing "dream" power, which is to analyze all the basic rights of "dream" power.

"'Real' authority represents the truth of 'dream'..." Truman turned to the "Real" page and manifested the half-illusory, half-real rune.

"'Fantasy Dream'!" Truman held the symbol in his hand and then opened the "Fantasy Dream" page.

Under the power of "real" authority, the dream page recording the "dream" symbol gradually fell off the dream book!


The dream book trembled slightly, and the dream ocean was violently turbulent, actually resisting!

"What comes together must separate." Truman whispered the fundamental rules of this world, and then the trembling of the dream book stopped, allowing the "Dream" page to fall off from the dream book.

The Book of Dreams is literally divided!

"Successful." Truman looked at the "Fantasy Dream" page in his hand with a strange expression. After leaving the Dream Book, this page took on an extremely strange form of existence.

It is extremely beautiful and at the same time seems to have become an illusory ocean, with its tributaries connecting every living thing in the world.

This feeling is more like... uniqueness.

"Uniqueness? Is there still a magic potion? Do I have to drink the fantasy potion to get promoted?" Truman joked to himself.

There is uniqueness, but there is really no magic potion.

But the emergence of the uniqueness of the "dream" also means that Truman has the qualifications to truly control it - no longer needing to use the Book of Dreams!

"Deconstruct the authority of 'Dream', separate the Book of Dreams, lead with my will, re-accommodate the four uniquenesses, and even re-accommodate the Book of Dreams when the time is right..."

This time Truman truly saw the clear path to mastering the power of "Dream".

This is similar to becoming a god, occupying adjacent pathways, and accommodating the essence.

"'Dream' is the first authority I deconstructed. It is the easiest to realize and accommodate. The other three will take some time, but there are still thousands of years until the end, so it won't be a problem!"


Today, the northern and southern continents have become the center of the world.

The population from the Eastern Continent has reclaimed a large amount of land on these two still slightly barren continents, and has also brought about the achievements of more advanced civilizations under the direct rule of the Creator.

All this has brought both continents into a period of rapid development.

Similarly, in order to win over more believers, the major True God churches have sent a large number of extraordinary people to help solve various problems, and even the True God has manifested its own divine power.

This is an era when the true God walks on the earth.

(End of this chapter)

lChapter 123 "Artisan"


Chapter 123 "Artisan"

In this era full of disputes, many churches and secret organizations inevitably collided with each other after the first wave of division of interests.

There is no way, there are too few believers, and the gods need too many "anchors".

Conflicts between the true gods of adjacent paths have also begun to accumulate, and the dispute between the Goddess of Night and the God of War has almost been brought to light.

"It's only been a few years, and it's so chaotic?" This was Truman's sigh when he came to the Church of the Night to check the files.

Under the strong pressure of the Creator, the world has been peaceful for more than 1000 years, but these contradictions will not disappear. Now that the pressure is gone, it seems that the battles owed for more than 1000 years are really going to be made up for.

In the first few years of this new era, he had been hiding in Gensokyo to analyze the Book of Dreams and become familiar with the "real" authority. Now when he came out, he found signs of a divine war outside.

"Herabogen held a ceremony and easily became the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom'..."

The old man becoming a god so quickly is probably related to the death of the Creator, and it is even darker. The old man must have been prepared for it.

"Your Majesty the Pope, this is the latest intelligence summary." An old man wearing a dark golden divine robe and a crown presented the information in his hand.

"Uh..." Truman blinked and said in a strange tone, "Now you are the Pope of the Night."

He had already been kicked out of his position as pope.

Probably in the first year of the new era, the Church of Night achieved great development. Correspondingly, the academic affairs suddenly increased a hundred times, and when the pope could not be found, many archbishops could only ask the hidden angel for instructions.

It was fine at the beginning, but later the Hidden Angel directly appealed and asked the goddess to remove the papal crown from Saint Truman's head and re-appoint the pope.

"..." The new Pope of the Night was speechless. He really didn't want to participate in the power struggle between the Dream Angel and the Hidden Angel!

"Ahem, from now on I will just be a dream angel." Truman coughed lightly and reiterated.

"Yes!" The second-generation Pope of the Night nodded and slowly retreated.

Truman took all the files and browsed through the relevant information.

"That's it..." Truman still didn't find what he needed.

Moss Trappist Order, this is Truman's goal.

It's just that he seems to have arrived a little early. So far, neither the Eternal Sun Church nor the Night Goddess Church has collected relevant information.

"Perhaps we have to wait a few more years?" Truman frowned, "No, the erosion of the source of essence is definitely stronger than the original trajectory. Right now, the 'knowledge wilderness' may have begun to erode the only one in the 'Hermit' Sex."

After Truman obtained the characteristics of the "Emperor of Knowledge", he had already used the power of "causality" to explore the uniqueness of the "Hermit".

But firstly, because he did not have enough understanding of this uniqueness, and secondly, because of the inherent hiding and secret-keeping characteristics of the "hermit", he gained nothing.

"Stiano?" This was the man who founded the Moss Ascetic Order in Truman's memory, but he had no impression of this person.

"The 'hermit' can't get through, so let's go to the 'perfect one'." Truman took out the civilization scroll. He still knew something about this "craftsman".

"Gather!" The "Craftsman" path is more realistic and does not have the characteristics of secrecy and confidentiality. Therefore, Truman directly used the "real" power to enhance the cohesion between the civilization map and the characteristics of this path.

"This way!" Truman wandered away directly, entered the spiritual world and grasped a certain connection more clearly, and teleported directly to the fixed point.

"Clang! Clang!"

Truman walked out of the space passage and heard the sound of forging. What came into view was a huge metal furnace, which was burned by some extremely high-temperature black flames.

"This... fits the stereotype!"

"Cang!" The sound of iron striking continued, and Truman walked towards the source of the sound without revealing his figure.

The metal furnace occupies more than half of the room, and the other half is piled with various metals. There is only one aisle that can be passed by one person.

Truman walked along this corridor to another room.

"Failed again..."

He heard a sigh, and soon saw a thin figure swinging a metal hammer to strike the ore.

"Why is it so difficult to guide civilization?" The figure sighed doubting life.

"Are you preparing for the 'Civilized Enlightenment' ceremony?" Truman drew this conclusion from those metals.

If today's human civilization does not include various extraordinary abilities, it is actually not much different from the bronze civilization in Truman's perception.

The various traces of these metals indicate that their owners were probably looking for a metal that was more superior than bronze.

"Who!" The thin figure suddenly woke up when he heard the voice, and metals made by integrating various characteristics suddenly appeared around him.

These metals combined with each other formed a huge human-shaped creation, protecting the slightly thin figure in all directions.

And those scattered metals combined into metal knights one after another in a very short period of time, tightly surrounding Truman.

This is... the mystical version of Gundam?Truman looked up.

"Huh?!" The machine with extraordinary momentum and a height that could crush a giant suddenly stopped, and the people inside saw Truman's true appearance.

"Your Highness Dream... No, I should be crowned Your Majesty!" The tall giant awkwardly saluted Truman.

"You seem a little afraid of me?" Truman looked at this "craftsman" with interest, sensing fear and other similar emotions.

"This..." "Artisan" was indeed a little frightened, "I once saw you kill the Lord..."

He, who was already the first in the angel seeking promotion sequence, was also qualified to watch the assassination.

Um... Truman was slightly speechless. Is the first impression such a bad one?

"Are you still a believer in the Creator?" Truman tried to keep his tone as gentle as possible.

"It used to be." The "craftsman" knew that the leader of Truman had "dream" power and did not dare to hide anything.

"So now you start preaching on your own and are you ready to do something big?" Truman said jokingly.

"I..." "Artisan" opened his mouth slightly, but was speechless. He wants to become Sequence One. Who doesn't want to become a god?

But probably the psychological shadow that Truman had given him was too great. In addition, Truman suddenly came to the door, so he was a little scared and did not dare to disarm.

"There's no need to be afraid. I'm not going to kill you to get your traits."

The huge "craftsman" was frozen and speechless.

"Are you planning to find a metal to replace bronze and then spread it among humans?"

Truman knocked on the metal knights around him. These metal knights were not weak, and with the blessing of some kind of knowledge, they could probably reach the level of demigods.

This is probably the ability of the Sequence Four "Alchemist" of the "Artisan" path.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 124 Enlightenment


Chapter 124 Enlightenment

If you want to discover a metal that can be widely used among humans, you will naturally not be able to use extraordinary abilities during the forging process.

This is also the reason why the craftsman just hit hard with a hammer.

"A more superior metal can indeed promote the progress of human civilization and be enough to become an 'enlightener of civilization'."

And the huge metal man also dispersed at this time, constantly dismantled, turned into pieces of metal again, and returned to the "artisan".

He walked out of the darkness, made some kind of decision, and walked towards Truman.

The glimmer of light fell on Him. He had short, slightly messy silver hair, a thin face, and... handsome appearance?

"Eh?!" Truman blinked, "Are you really a woman?"

How beautiful is this? The gender is wrong!

The slightly thin figure on the opposite side walked out of the metal group completely, but was a little shocked by Truman's question.

After becoming an angel, gender no longer matters. After all, the forms of mythical creatures do not differentiate between men and women.

"What?" "Artisan" asked in shock.

"No! No problem!" Truman returned to normal.

Steam Princess will be Steam Princess...

"I have a mission worth a 'civilization enlightener' here. Are you interested?"

"This will bring you some danger, but it will not hurt your life." Truman said his purpose.

The "Artisan" wanted to keep his face calm, but he seemed to feel that there was no need to be tense in front of such a being who could kill the Creator, and there was an obvious struggle on his face.

"I have a total of two uniquenesses of 'civilized enlightener' and 'perfectionist' here." Truman calmly showed his treasure house, and the two characteristics and uniqueness made the "craftsman" face change.

"...Okay!" "Artisan" thought for a few seconds and nodded directly.

All the magical items on him and even his own characteristics combined may not be as good as these two characteristics.

There is no need for such a being to have any bad thoughts in Him.

"very good."

Truman first hid this space, then grabbed it from the void with one hand, pinched out a fist-sized piece of metal out of thin air, and threw it to the "craftsman": "This metal is called 'iron', and it perfectly meets your requirements. "

"This is the reward paid to you in advance. Only Sequence One can complete the task I mentioned."

"Iron?" The "craftsman" looked at the piece of metal in his hand and subconsciously used his own ability to analyze it, "This..."

"High hardness, large reserves, strong plasticity, low smelting difficulty..."

Perfectly suited to what the "artisans" were looking for, a metal that would spark change in human civilization.

"As long as you spread the smelting technology of this thing, your ritual will be completed."

Truman released his secret state, and the piece of metal first appeared in the world in the hands of a "craftsman".

The "craftsman" seemed to feel something. He solemnly put away the piece of metal and bowed deeply to Truman, "Thank you, Your Majesty Mian Mian."

"This piece of iron is more useful than you think. With a little transformation, it might be used in the 'Perfect One's' godhood ceremony."

"Of course, the premise is that you have to exchange the rest of the characteristics of the 'Perfection' with me."

Truman nodded slightly towards the craftsman who was still in a daze, and was about to walk away, but stopped midway.

"By the way, your name." "Christina." "Artisan" subconsciously said his real name.

"Well, I will come to you after you become an 'Enlightener'."

Truman left, but he did not leave completely. He opened up a space pocket in the gap between the spiritual world and the real world, and his true body sat in it.

"All the high-level characteristics and even uniqueness of the 'Perfect' are gathered here. Let's see if anything comes over."

The Sefirot "Knowledge Wilderness", this is the Sefirot corresponding to the "Perfect" and "Hermit" paths.

It is also one of Truman's first sources of caution.

After all, in Truman's memory about the future, this is the only source of essence that has successfully occupied the uniqueness of its path and then become an essence. In the fifth era, it has the combat power of a true god level.

This time, Truman showed the Civilization Scroll in the treasure house and two other Sequence One Characteristics. Together with the copy in the hands of "Artisan" Christina, it was almost equivalent to a "Perfect".

Such a thing could probably attract the "intellectual wilderness".

The "craftsman" knew nothing about this, so he urgently summoned several of his demigods and ordered them to announce the smelting method of this metal in the shortest possible time, increase the number of believers, and complete the ceremony at the same time.

This process is not difficult, after all, the "artisans" themselves have already made certain preparations for this.

The key thing is that other churches did not stop it and even intended to spread it more widely.

Iron, a metal, will bring about huge changes in farming methods and promote the progress of human civilization as a whole.

And just a few years later, Christina already sensed the opportunity for her promotion.

"Is this the Emperor of Dreams..." Simply taking out a piece of metal is enough for a "civilized enlightener" to completely complete the ceremony.

The "Artisan" even had a hunch that he wouldn't even need to worry about digesting the Sequence One potion.

Amid all kinds of thoughts, the "craftsman" drank the potion that he had prepared in one gulp.

Even thanks to the fact that most of the high-ranking characteristics are in Truman's hands, there are very few high-ranking angels in the "Perfection" path, and no one is blocking his promotion.

The smooth potion fell directly into the stomach, and the "artisan" expanded into a ball of light formed by twisted knowledge in an instant.

This knowledge is messy and full of madness, floating in the real world, forming an intersection with various information in the real world.

But the information in the real world is too complex and disordered, which makes the light ball incarnate as a "craftsman" disintegrate at an extremely fast speed and will completely become a part of the real world.

"That's...my anchor!"

The "craftsman" found the "anchor" he left behind in the real world when he barely had self-awareness.

That is a large number of farmers who have begun to use iron farm tools, soldiers holding iron weapons, and even ordinary people who use iron daily utensils.

These people have become the anchors of the "craftsman", allowing him to find his own imprint from the complex information in the real world, so as to regroup himself.

The body of the "craftsman" no longer has flesh and blood, but is composed of pure information flow, extracting a large amount of information from the real world to fill itself.

The extraordinary characteristics began to return. At this moment, the "craftsman" truly stabilized his status and became a "civilization enlightener."

And then from a perspective that had just merged into the real world and almost become a part of the real world, the "craftsman" looked into a corner.

That was the space pocket constructed by Truman, and there was some kind of terrifying power surging in it.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 125 "Baits"


Chapter 125 "Baits"

Truman has been observing the promotion of "craftsmen". His eyes reflect the gradually turbulent sea of ​​dreams, and behind him is a cloak made of a scroll of civilization.

He is observing the real world and the spiritual world in this area, tracing all the information.

"Knowledge Wilderness" is considered a very special source of matter in Truman's perception. It does not seem to be an object that truly has substance, such as the Sea of ​​Chaos and the River of Eternal Darkness.

In other words, the information and knowledge symbolized by the "knowledge wilderness" are so abstract that they can be transformed into invisible knowledge itself, which is difficult to capture.

But as long as the "wilderness of knowledge" penetrates due to the arrangement of the "Lord of Mysteries", it will definitely not turn a blind eye to the "civilized enlightener" in front of it.

"My Majesty Dream..." "The Craftsman" asked in shock. He saw Truman's hiding place based on the information state when he just became the "Civilized Enlightener".

"Pretend to lose control." Truman glanced at "The Craftsman", and a picture of himself when he failed to be promoted suddenly appeared in front of the "Craftsman".

The information light ball he incarnated was unable to locate itself, and directly collapsed into a monster composed of information, devouring everything in the real world, forming a terrifying information black hole.

Later, "Artisan" discovered that he really had this ability to "pretend to be out of control."

"..." The "craftsman" has a deep sense of awe for this dream queen, and I'm afraid he's a little scared...

He had a hunch that if the word "pretend" was missing from that sentence, he would really lose control. No matter how well his ritual was completed, he could not save such an ending.

"Ah!" "Artisan" suddenly let out a scream, and his own existence collapsed, turning into a monster made of information.

"...Very good, there are also sound effects..." Truman's mouth twitched, paying close attention.


A "light" that exists beyond the knowledge of the world and cannot be seen by most extraordinary people and even angels falls straight from an infinite height.

This is a piece of data that has no entity and is composed entirely of information. It comes in an illusory manner. It seems to have become an "eye" and sees the "out-of-control" "civilization enlightener" below.

Truman also saw this "eye", but there was no joy on his face. It was good to achieve his goal, but the fact that this thing really appeared meant that the "Lord of Mysteries" had really weakened the seal.

How many years has it been? The "intellectual wilderness" has penetrated.

"Huh? Very cautious?" Truman just looked at that eye without actually trying to snatch it.

"That's it, let's get back to normal!" At this time, Truman's voice appeared in the ears of the "craftsman" who was pretending to be out of control.

The "craftsman" seemed to be feeling something, but he still returned to his original appearance, like an angel who had found himself out of control and returned to his normal human form.

That eye also collapsed at this time and evacuated here without any nostalgia.

However, it is not that simple to leave.

Truman himself integrated into the "Emperor of Knowledge" characteristic, transformed into a flow of information, and traveled through the spiritual and star realms following the direction of cohesion.

A certain kind of crazy breath surged up in the void, and the dreamy phosphorescence on Truman suddenly fell into a violent state. He had been prepared for this. In a moment, all the dreamy phosphorescence and even himself turned into dreamy bubbles, silently. Disappeared in the air.

The void half a meter in front of you is the breath of the source of essence permeating from the "wilderness of knowledge"!

Truman returned directly to the space he was in before and stopped tracing.

"Knowledge Wilderness?" He confirmed the locations where the "Knowledge Wilderness" penetrated into the northern and southern continents, but this had little impact on the "Knowledge Wilderness".

He is almost everywhere.

"Is it the activated 'Emperor of Knowledge'?" Truman rubbed his chin. He had determined that the "Knowledge Wilderness" had not yet obtained the uniqueness of the "Hermit", otherwise the "Craftsman" would not have been able to do so with just this little power. Escaped by this. "Just because I can't find the uniqueness of the 'Hermit' doesn't mean that He can't be found..."

Of course, without this reason, Truman is not ready to take action against the source material now.

Even if he has mastered the "real" authority, his consciousness is ultimately at a disadvantage when facing the source of matter.

After all, to a certain extent, the source of matter is equal to the old days. Even the honorable name of the "Lord of Mysteries" has a name like "Origin Castle Incarnation".

"We can only take our time." Truman looked at the "craftsman" who had returned to human form.

"Your Majesty, that was just now..." The "craftsman" entered a state of integration with the real world because of "loss of control", and relied on some kind of aggregated power to perceive some kind of grand will.

"That will probably be your biggest enemy in the future." Truman explained.

"Is it the 'hermit' or... the 'wilderness of knowledge'?"

The "craftsman" seemed to have entered a state of ruthless thinking like a machine, with his short silver hair standing on end. He listed all the possibilities in an instant and locked in the most likely answer.

"Why did you guess the 'Wildness of Knowledge'?" Truman asked curiously.

"It's really..." "Artisan" was stiff, and suddenly felt that his future was bleak.

He saw more than just the path of the "Perfect" on the second blasphemous stone slab, so he naturally knew what the "Wildness of Knowledge" was.

He has just become the "enlightener of civilization"...

"I just feel that the 'Hermit' doesn't require you to spend so much thought." The "Artisan" re-entered the "mechanical mind" state, and his tone became indifferent.

"...The future is still bright." Truman comforted him, "You have started to develop your church recently, so you'd better show more of your character."

"Wouldn't that lead to a 'knowledge wilderness'..." "Artisan" subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then he remembered what he had promised to the person in front of him before, and suddenly got stuck.

"...Should I go face to face with Him?" The "Artisan"'s eyes were shining with the same silver light as his hair, and he looked at Truman.

"Congratulations on the correct answer." Truman just likes to talk to smart people.

"..." "Artisan" was speechless for a moment.

"Don't worry, he won't let you be eaten by him." Then Truman pulled off the civilization picture scroll on his body and threw it into the hands of the "craftsman".

"You are the 'bait' and the 'wilderness of knowledge' is the fish."

The "Artisan" seems to be down, and it feels like the uniqueness in my hands is extremely hot.

"Use this civilization picture well, and it will give you some ability to resist him later."

Truman has determined that the "Knowledge Wilderness" will take action on the "Artisan" after it is fully prepared or obtains more high-level characteristics or even uniqueness.

This is "cause and effect", "utopia" and "reality".

Truman is still unable to influence the "knowledge wilderness" whose personality is comparable to the old days, but he can start with the activated "knowledge emperor".

(End of this chapter)