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Chapter 116 The initial prophecy


Chapter 116 The initial prophecy

The key point of the contradiction is actually no longer blocking or not blocking.

When Leodro threw the lightning spear and attacked the true God, he was already challenging the true God.

This is enough to prove that Leodro has enough courage. One part of his ritual of becoming a god has been completed, and the rest are just details.

Everything seems to have returned to the trajectory Truman knew.

Truman's body froze in place, an uncontrollable sense of frustration appeared in his heart, and a certain sense of powerlessness also exploded in his heart.

"This is the trend of history."

The voice of the "Lord of Mysteries" sounded, and there was infinite power in the plainness.

This sentence was said by Truman and Saslier, but it was not as important as it was at this time, so that Truman seemed to feel a sense of powerlessness similar to that of the Elf Queen at the end of the Second Age.

Of course, Truman didn't question him, which would only make the "Lord of Mysteries" more happy.

"The essence of fate and history is actually the game between me and Him."

"Both the 'Key of Light' and the 'Ring of Fate' are just wanderers in fate, holding their own as a fulcrum in the game between me and Him."

"The Lord of Mysteries" reveals a truth that is very close to the essence of this world.

The first era was when their two perfect bodies started fighting on this planet. At that time, the "Fallen Mother Goddess" avoided the sharp edges of these two.

By the end of the fight, both of them had contained multiple sources of essence, and could no longer contain their urge to aggregate, and finally fell into a "sleep" in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

After that comes the second era of ignorance of all things. This is the era laid out by the Omniscient and Almighty. His backhand wakes up from the sea of ​​chaos, gradually takes back the scattered authority, and revives the will of "God".

So in this era, the backhand of the "Lord of Mysteries" failed, and Amanissis became the demon wolf of the dark path.

And in that era, weren't the historical trends promoted by the Dream Parliament what the omniscient and omnipotent wanted to see?

There was a "dream" in it, but it still couldn't affect the general trend.

The Third Age seems to be the age of "God", but in this last time, the "Lord of Mysteries" counterattacked strongly and also showed the power of being the same pillar.

The result is that "God" falls into sleep again, and his successor cannot retain his quasi-Old Person.

This is the historical trend that the "Lord of Mysteries" and the "Fallen Mother Goddess" hope to see.

This historical trend is so turbulent that even the real "God" cannot reverse it, and it is destined to end in division.

"Dream is special enough, but you are no longer Him."

"If you want to pursue truth, you have to pay the price."

"Now, who can resist us?" "The Lord of Mysteries" said nonchalantly,

"I can do it, and so can you." Suddenly, in Truman's mind, besides the "mysterious" voice, a gentle voice sounded.

It's Sasril!

Truman looked at this old friend who had known him for many years.

Now that Sasril is infinitely close to death, darkness, dusk, war, and the energy of life are eroding his last vestige of vitality.

But these things are not irreversible, and Saslier can even be restored instantly by using his "omniscient and omnipotent" authority.

But at that time, His will will also be suppressed by "God", and then He may never have a chance to wake up.

The core battlefield became eerily quiet, and all the gods and the King of Angels also watched.

Leodro's eyes widened and he felt a change in his own characteristics.

No matter what he was thinking before taking action, now he has actually become a betrayer.

The other true gods or kings of angels also realized something and were waiting for something.

Even more than them, angels from the entire world have come here, but they just stay outside the core battlefield. "There is no need to blame myself, this is the ending I chose." The current Saslier is the combination of the ancient sun god and the dark angel, the real him.

The characteristics in his body have become unstable due to the beginning of the Leodro ritual, and there is a tendency to separate.

Once the tendency to separate appears, it cannot be suppressed.

He has predicted his own ending and even seen further into the future.

"He is just habitually deceiving and fooling." Saslier's words carried some kind of power, allowing Truman to break free from his chaotic mind.

This sentence reminded Truman that the previous "Lord of Secrets" had fooled Truman once.

Later, because "Yong Zhou" could not be fooled, he began to deceive through words, trying to deny Truman on a spiritual level.

"You know me very well?" The "Lord of Mysteries" squeezed into the conversation between Truman and Saslier.

"This is omniscience." Sasriel was very gentle and answered the "Lord of Mysteries."

"False." "The Lord of Mysteries" sneered, "This is the biggest trap you can step into."

The "Lord of Mysteries" doesn't mind embarrassing "God" and giving some trivial suggestions to the successor.

"The Omniscient and Almighty, as long as you have this kind of authority, you can't help but delve into His memory. It is an irresistible urge."

"But the more you know, the closer you get to Him."

"This is inevitable..." Saslier didn't care. The omniscient and omnipotent must embark on such a path.

After that, Saslier simply ignored the "Lord of Mysteries" and looked at Truman.

"Do you still remember the prophecy I gave you when I first met you?" Sasriel asked softly.

"Dreams become reality?!" Truman's eyes lit up and he had some ideas.

"I also just know that the prophecy will be fulfilled at this time, but how to fulfill it depends on you."

Truman's body was outside the core battlefield. At this moment, his spirituality was a little touched. He took out the book of dreams and gently turned to the fifth page.

This will be the final stage of his decomposition of "Dream" authority.

"Dreams make reality?" Truman tilted his head and thought for a moment, and his body directly turned into dreamy phosphorescence and merged into the book of dreams.

The Dream Angel in the battlefield took the Book of Dreams from the void.

When Sasril saw the Book of Dreams, a brassy light appeared in his eyes, and then his face suddenly became clear and he nodded slightly.

The prophecies He once made appeared on the chaotic and dark sea.

This is also the power over sequence.

He saw what would happen next, and then used his last power to make a prophecy in the Sea of ​​Chaos and make it come true.

"Then let you give me the final blow." The dying Creator spoke, and everyone was silent.

"Okay!" The dream book in the hand of the dream angel turned to the fifth page. The power above the sequence acted on the dream book, making the various lines on it gradually clear and converging into a strange rune that was half illusory and half real.

The appearance of this rune caused the entire Book of Dreams to tremble violently, and the Sea of ​​Dreams naturally manifested, just like the real sea washing away the entire world.

The real world, the spiritual world, the star world and even the starry sky have set off a wave of illusion and reality.

 Sasriel never really dies...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 117 Reality


Chapter 117 Reality

In the wave that affected reality, the spiritual world and the star world, the dream angel reached out and pulled out a strange-shaped spear from the void.

This spear was completely constructed of dreamy phosphorescence, but it also underwent unimaginable drastic changes at the root of matter.

"This is the 'reality' of dreams." Truman named this authority because of that prophecy.

After "Dream" is split, the last authority is "Reality"!

One of its specific effects is as shown now, the real "creation"!

Truman reached out to Source Castle and the starry sky, stole a wisp of gray mist and a wisp of crimson aura, and embellished it on the spear.

Those who kill the second generation of creators today will be the "Lord of Mysteries", "Fallen Mother Goddess" and "Supreme Dream".


The Spear of Destiny pierced the chest of the second-generation Creator, directly piercing the "God" itself under the active guidance of the "Lord of Mysteries" and the "Fallen Mother Goddess" and the restraint of Sasril.

At this last moment, Saslier's right eye became cold and arrogant, which was the last remaining will of "God".

He just glanced at the mark on the Spear of Destiny and calmly accepted the outcome.

To Him, this is just a temporary gain and loss, not worth worrying about.


Centered on the single wound, the body of the second-generation creator was like a delicate porcelain that was about to be broken, with cracks all over the body.

Within the cracks, there is lightning blooming. Of course, a dead creator is not as attractive as a quasi-"tyrant" who has completed the ritual to attract those characteristics.

Under the influence of the Source Castle, there was some kind of "error" in Leodro's godhood ceremony. It was completed perfectly, and the power of the law of extraordinary characteristic aggregation was tearing at Saslier's broken body all the time.

The same situation also occurred with Herabogen and Oseikus. The "Lord of Mysteries" personally took action to amplify the power of the characteristics in their bodies for the aggregation of related characteristics.

"It's time to end." After doing all this, the revived will of the "Lord of Mysteries" has reached a certain limit, and will once again go to sleep with "God".

The body of the Creator has also reached its final moments and begun its final evolution. His consciousness is also blurring, and all of his vitality has dissipated.


The sea of ​​chaos that manifested above the ground suddenly collapsed, and the chaotic black water collapsed toward the ground.


In addition, the biggest change is the star realm. Without the maintenance of the "Lord of the Star Boundary", the barrier has returned to its normal appearance.

In fact, the outer gods can already further erode the real world...

The most prominent among them are the indescribably terrifying giant faces affixed to the world barrier.

They are all looking at the dead second generation Creator.

At this time, the Creator seemed to have turned into a line of light and shadow, and he could clearly see the uniqueness and characteristics surging in the light and shadow.

They will also completely collapse and each will find a new host.

As for Truman, he now doesn't even care about the outside gods peeping on the barrier of the world, but quickly becomes familiar with his new power.

"Sasril!" Truman suddenly shouted softly, his voice possessing substantial power.

The true body of Saslier, who was far away in the Giant King's Court, suddenly turned into a group of dreamy bubbles. In the next moment, these bubbles were shattered, like a dream, and Saslier's body completely disappeared.

Only the last shadow remains in the palace of the Giants' Court, linked to the first blasphemous slab.

"Come here!" Truman's words carried some kind of terrifying power, and the real dream became a reality!

Sasril's body appeared in the core battlefield.

"Aggregation!" A copy of the uniqueness of "The Hanged Man" and the characteristics of "Dark Angel" flew out of the body of the Creator, and Sasril also woke up at the same time.

Under the protection of some kind of power, most of his self-awareness was preserved even after death.

He looked at Truman in shock, and then felt that his own characteristics were undergoing a qualitative change!

The Creator has completed the sacrifice, and this is the key to the ceremony of "The Hanged Man" becoming a god!

"Dreams become reality!"

This prophecy applies not only to Truman.The aura on Sasriel's body successfully crossed a certain boundary and became a god under the influence of the residual power of the Creator and the authority of fantasy and reality.

The atmosphere of corruption and shadow spread across the entire continent, announcing the birth of a true god.

Today, Saslier is no longer the Creator and has lost his "omniscient and omnipotent" authority, but a certain tacit understanding between him and Truman made him understand something.

He activated emergency preparations according to His plan.


The whole world was trembling, as if the sky had collapsed, the light and shadow belonging to the Creator collapsed, and all its characteristics were scattered.

The most important of these, under the influence of the law of aggregation, were absorbed into Leodro, Herabogen, Osychus, and Adam.

"A very interesting picture..." The will of the "Lord of Mysteries" completely disappeared, and the Source Castle above the spiritual world gradually disappeared into the gray-white mist.

Its residual power shattered the ancient glove brought by Truman's body and turned it into a picture.

Even Truman felt that the "Fallen Mother Goddess" looking at him from the starry sky looked away.

The giant faces of the alien gods that clung to the world barrier also gradually disappeared.

"God" and the creators of this second generation are both dead, and they are even indulging Sasriel's resurrection as the "Hanged Man".

Perhaps in their view, this can effectively prevent "God" from resurrecting again.

But at this time, Truman's eyes were locked on Adam, who was just a little sad compared to usual, with no other special expression.

"No!" Adam's face showed real sadness, as if he couldn't accept everything in front of him.

This is not much different from Amon's performance. This "god of fraud" also lost control of his emotions and was overwhelmed by great sadness.

They are children of the Creator and should behave this way.

But the two are completely different in Truman's eyes. Even if Adam's word is delayed for a second, Truman will throw out the "writer" characteristic in his hand.

——As far as the current situation is concerned, it seems to be in line with the god-making ceremony of the "visionary". After the awakening of divinity, Adam is also equal to the Creator, and the Creator arranged his own death. This is also the trend of history.

But apparently Adam refused.


The collapsed and scattered light and shadow eventually gradually formed a stone slab under the influence of the Creator's remaining will, and the content on it appeared in this world without reservation.

"'Tyrant'...'The Hanged Man'...'Utopian'..."

This is the magic potion recipe!

All the angels, kings of angels and even true gods on the battlefield had their eyes trembling slightly as they quickly interpreted the contents on the stone slab.

Among them, the True God and the King of Angels, who were of sufficiently high status, were even more inspired. They subconsciously looked at the new content on the slate:

"God"...the sea of ​​chaos + the uniqueness of "Imaginary" + the uniqueness of "sun"...

"Lord of Mysteries"... "Origin Castle" + the uniqueness of "The Fool" + the uniqueness of "Error"...

This is on top of the sequence.

This is also the way and formula deduced by the Creator after he has the authority of "omniscience and omnipotence" to become the past.

"Since then, there has been a dawn in the doomsday."

Truman did not stop this from happening, this was Saslier's arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 118 Dream Bubble


Chapter 118 Dream Bubble


The thunder is crazy and violent, and the entire ocean of the world is forming a storm that is ravaging everything, and the waves are rolling and rising into the sky.

All the sea creatures are gathering and bowing to Leodro.

At this moment, the characteristics of Leodro completed the divine convergence, and a real "tyrant" appeared.


Leodro seemed to have seen the eyes of "The Hanged Man" Saslier and Truman, and even if he became a god, he would subconsciously retreat.

In any case, He actually betrayed the Creator and became an important part of the Creator's death.

After the ritual of becoming a god is completed, the aggregation and qualitative change of characteristics cannot be suppressed by him.

The final result was that He became a "tyrant" and devoured the Creator.

He... doesn't want to die for the time being.

Leodro directly transformed into thunder and lightning, reaching the speed of light in an instant, and disappeared from the core battlefield in the blink of an eye - if there were no outside gods outside the barrier, he might have run further.

Also performing the same thing as him are Herabogen and Oseikus. Both of them have mastered all the characteristics and uniqueness of this path, similar to Amanissis who killed the Destruction Wolf back then.

They chose conceptualization at the same time. Herabergen's brass-colored eyes gradually faded, and Oseikus' body melted and became part of the sunlight.

Truman didn't know what Saslier was thinking, but at this moment, he didn't want them to escape easily.

"Dream." It is a very simple power to pull people into dreams, but it is an absolute control that even the true gods cannot resist.

They are trapped in the dream they have weaved and cannot extricate themselves. Even gods have desires and fantasies.

The light stopped, the knowledge regrouped, and the sunlight took on physical form.

"The world needs enough true gods."

A voice full of rationality, which could even be said to be divine, sounded in Truman's mind.

It was Adam, with no ups and downs in His voice, who made the most rational choice.

After the death of the Creator, the erosion of the earth by the outer gods will deepen, and the true God is the only one who can resist them.

"Someone has to die today. Neither 'God' nor 'Secret' can keep him." Truman rejected Adam's proposal and threw the spear of destiny.

This Spear of Destiny was forged by dreams, influenced by the auras of the two pillars. It also assassinated the second-generation Creator and was contaminated with His divine blood. It has probably reached a certain limit in terms of killing power.

"Roar!" A sun hit the earth, and Oseikus, who was about to be stabbed by the spear of destiny, woke up from his dream.

The strong sense of crisis caused all the characteristics in his body to tremble. The "pure white angel" characteristics and the uniqueness of the "sun" that had just entered his body were trembling violently.

If they were alive, they would definitely express their strong hatred for this cruel world - they had already been stabbed by this broken spear for the second time on the same day!

When the death crisis came, Oseikus even forcibly combined the characteristics in his body, hoping to make them complete a qualitative transformation and become a god.

This road is feasible. After all, this is how the ancient gods came to be. At worst, it is acceptable to be a little crazy.

He transformed into a real sun, emitting endless light and heat.

"Go away!" The sun was reflected in Truman's eyes, but deeper was the sea of ​​dreams, the dreamy heaven.

In the next moment, the sun disappeared and was replaced by a bubble with the same spherical shape, but more fairy tale and dreamy colors.

The light and heat of the sun turned into five-color floating light and colorful oil paints, which spread out on the clear spherical surface.


Truman snapped his fingers, and the huge bubble turned into countless pearl-sized, colorful bubbles. These bubbles dispersed with the wind and returned to the air.This is called "dream bubble".

The symbol representing "real" authority is half illusory and half real. It is a contradiction, and both positive and negative uses are different.

The angels and true gods who were interpreting the blasphemous slate unconsciously turned their eyes away and looked at this dreamy battle.

This is very dreamy...

Many angels and true gods felt shocked. A "sun" who was ascending to the gods was defeated in this way, which exceeded their understanding of the sequence.


The thrown spear of destiny successfully pierced Osykus's chest.

Everything about this soon-to-be-ascendant King of Angels is disappearing, and Truman has no intention of listening to the last words of a betrayer.

Leodro may have been plotted, Herabergen may have been waiting, but only Oseikus put it into practice, and colluding with the "Fallen Mother Goddess" was even more taboo.

"Come here." Truman reached out and stole everything from Oseikus, including but not limited to destiny, identity and characteristics.

"I don't want it!" Two voices sounded in Truman's mind, coming from Adam and "The Hanged Man".

The path they have set for themselves is to master the essence after becoming gods and then accommodate other paths.

"If you don't want it, then I will." Truman directly pressed these characteristics into the body of this dreamy angel.

At this moment, the body of the dream angel and the power of "real" authority truly became a person, became real, inherited the fate, identity and characteristics of Oseikus, and became a "god" who is about to ascend to the gods. Pure white angel".

Because the "dream" was broken, Leodro and Herabergen woke up and saw this scene, their hair stood on end, and they ran for their lives again.

Only this time, Truman did not take action again. He stretched out his hand to retrieve the Spear of Destiny and looked at the blasphemous slate floating in the air.


The blasphemous slate shook gently and turned into a stream of light, falling into the hands of Adam, the eldest son of God.

Adam also didn't want this blasphemous slate to fall into Dream's hands.

In this way, He will completely lose the initiative, and even need to give up everything after becoming a god to fulfill Sasril.

Although they are all one, there are some differences.

"Don't interfere in what's going on between us." Adam's voice rang in Truman's ears.

Truman shook his head slightly, showing nothing.

He even wants to capture Adam at this time, but the game between humanity and divinity will also be an important part of Saslier's future as the creator again.

His excessive interference may result in the resurgence of "God's" will.

A slight friction sound was heard, and Amanisis took a look at Adam and then turned away directly, away from the battlefield.

Also leaving were the true gods and kings of angels who were most deeply involved in the assassination.

They truly faced "God". Although they finally succeeded in completing their goal, their mental state was not good and they needed time to stabilize themselves.

Saslier, who has become the "True Creator", also nodded slightly to Truman and disappeared directly into the shadowed cross behind him.

All kinds of angels also left the scene, leaving only the Dream Angel.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 119 The Sun and the Scroll


Chapter 119 The Sun and the Scroll

The book of dreams was quietly opened, and Truman's true body walked out of the dreamy paradise.

He took a look at this continent that was already torn apart and devastated.

Under the raging force of various forces, this continent, which was the main battlefield, suffered an unimaginable blow.

The dark night covered everything, lightning flashed crazily, and countless monsters were wandering in the darkness. This has become the god-forsaken place in Truman's memory.

No one can prevent this outcome, it is almost inevitable.

"Teacher!" Bethel appeared in the core battlefield. His face was also very ugly. He had a tendency to lose control that even dreamy phosphorescence could not heal, and there were star bugs scurrying around his body.

"It's not your fault." Truman nodded gently, he was very satisfied with this student.

Being able to persist in saving countless human beings under the terrifying oppression of "God" is already a great achievement, enough to be deified.

It was only after the "Lord of Mysteries" revived that Bethel's state became weird. He tried his best to suppress his tendency to lose control. Naturally, it was too late to save more people.

Today, there are still a large number of humans stranded in the Eastern Continent. If they are not rescued, they will be completely swallowed by darkness in a short period of time.

"Next, it's my turn." Truman looked at the land that had been completely plunged into darkness, and the dreamy angels around him rose into the sky.

He became the sun and "the sun".

Endless light illuminated the darkness, and countless human beings looked up at this sun. This sunshine was not blazing, but it gave them the most basic warmth and illuminated their way forward.

The Eastern Continent, which has experienced the God War, is no longer suitable for human survival and must be evacuated.

Of course, all the gods and even the King of Angels could work together for a few years to smooth out all the traces, but it was not necessary. The cost of relocating all these humans was far lower than rebuilding the continent's ecology.

"Withdraw from this continent, there will be life elsewhere." The idea conveyed in the sunlight convinced everyone.

At the same time, a space gate appeared out of thin air in many city-states that had Truman's space anchor.

That is the space channel created by Truman using the authority of the "Gate" path.

"Praise the sun."

Countless humans are praying and then obeying the instructions of the "Creator" to evacuate this continent.

That's right, except for the most powerful group of angels, no one knows that the real Creator has died.

"Lord, do we need to withdraw from this continent?" Now the Creator's Heaven has come under the control of Sasril, and the countless believers there are enough for him to stabilize his own status.

Ouroleus and Medici returned here with the true Creator, but they were the only two left. Adam was far away from this continent, and Amon... He was not important.

"You go, take my 'True Kingdom of God' to a new continent."

"What about here?" The Kingdom of the Creator is the most magnificent kingdom of God in the world, and it has the largest number of followers of the Creator.

"The Creator's Heaven will stay here." This continent will soon be isolated from the world, but the remaining power of the Creator's Heaven is enough to protect those believers of the Creator.

Sasriel sent down the oracle, and the "True Divine Kingdom" and some believers went to the New World to spread the glory of the Creator.

The other kingdoms of the true gods also moved away from this continent as soon as possible, and a large number of cities were also evacuated as quickly as possible.

"Silver City..." Truman's eyes fell on this city-state that believed in the Creator.

This is an extremely special city-state that contains three angel-level artifacts.

A "gift from the earth", a "proof of glory", and the last "dream picture".

"Come to my kingdom of God." There are some secrets hidden in Silver City that cannot be exposed to the eyes of some people yet.Truman also made plans to keep the Kingdom of God on this continent.

As for the "Eternal Fierce Sun" achieved by the dream clone, it will also go to the New World to create the Kingdom of the Sun God, establish a church, and attract believers.

"But the name Fantasy Angel cannot be lost. It can attract many believers..."

Truman suddenly bent down and picked up a scroll on the ground.

"This is..." Bethel was stunned and speechless.

"The painting is pretty good."

This painting is more powerful than the magical item in Truman's memory, and was created using three Sequence Two properties.

The above scene is also divided into three.

The first scene is the gods assassinating the Creator, the second scene is the fantasy killing "God", and the third scene is the Creator's body being eaten.

Of course, some of the painting language here has obvious tendencies due to the creator.

For example, the dream possessed by the mystery is different from the dream that actually shot the fatal shot. The latter is simply disgusting; and the third scene is the real cannibalism, bloody and terrifying.

"Let's call it 'The Last Supper.'" Truman threw the painting into the treasure house.

"Huh? Treasure house?!" Truman blinked. After the death of the Creator, the treasure house has lost its owner. Among them, Saslier and Truman are the ones in charge. After Truman mastered the "Sun", the ability of notarization also increased. In his hands...

It stands to reason that this treasure house has changed hands!

"The Black Emperor's Crown, the Brass Book, the Civilization Scroll, the uniqueness of the 'Fool' and 'Gate' pathways, as well as certain Sequence One and Sequence Two characteristics..."

Even though the Creator Church has squandered it for more than 1000 years, this treasure house is still the largest treasure house in the world.

Before I knew it, I became the richest man in the world!

"Huh?" Truman thought of something and suddenly looked at Bethel.

"Teacher?" Bethel was stunned, not knowing why Truman looked at him like this.

"You can take another half step forward and become the King of Angels," Truman took out all the "Gate" path sequence characteristics and the starlight eyeball.

"That would be the most suitable height. As long as you don't think about becoming a true god, there won't be much danger."

It is very simple to protect a King of Angels with Truman's ability, and with the ability of the "Gate" to access the King of Angels, even if the doomsday comes thousands of years later, it will have greater survivability.

"And to become a true god, you have to face the will that almost makes you lose control."

Bethel couldn't help but think of the previous scene where he was affected by that will. The high and irresistible will was enough to make no one have the courage to resist.

"But, without becoming a true God, I can't even stand next to my teacher." Such thoughts flashed through Bethel.

"Even if you become a true god, it will be difficult to help me." Truman said directly.

"Teacher!" Bethel's eyes widened slightly.

"Ahem, I'm used to it." Truman coughed lightly, the power of the Dreamer was so useful.

"..." Bethel was silent for a while, then looked seriously into Truman's eyes, "Teacher, I want to give it a try."

"Okay!" Truman nodded with satisfaction and made a promise, "I will always have a 'regret medicine' waiting for you here."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 120 Gensokyo


Chapter 120 Gensokyo

"This will be 'Fantasy Township' from now on."

This is a kingdom of God that combines the ever-expanding Dream Territory, the Kingdom of Silver, and even the Kingdom of Gold, among many other city-states.

This allows Gensokyo to gather almost all the ethnic groups that are born with spiritual intelligence today. It is very large, and it is slightly worse than the Kingdom of the Creator that has been operating for more than 1000 years.

In that fantasyland, the power of fantasy fills every corner, shaping various scenes that only exist in fantasy.

——The land flowing with milk and honey, the Garden of Eden created by the Creator, the city in the sky...

After mastering the "real" authority, these constructed scenes already really exist.

"'Fantasy Township' is such an apt name!" Amon walked in Fantasy Township and had a strong curiosity about everything here.

He seemed to have forgotten the fact that the Creator died at the hands of Truman, and even found this place himself.

"Amon?" Bethel appeared in a flash, frowning at Amon who was wandering in Fantasyland, "Don't cause trouble here."

"I am also the teacher's student!" Amon looked at Bethel indifferently, but at a certain moment his eyes solidified.

"King of Angels?" Amon raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his smile spread. "Teacher, this is too partial."

"You should go find 'Jacob' or 'Zoroaster.'" Bethel replied calmly.

The families of these two are the first angel families to be canonized by the Creator. Now the patriarchs of these two angel families are Sequence One "Insects of Time".

These two will also be the enemies that Amon really wants to go further.

In the past, many people were angels under the Church of the Creator, and the fighting between them was suppressed to the lowest point.

But now the Church of the Creator has collapsed, and it is clear that the new Church of the True Creator cannot accept this legacy.

This makes many things feasible. The order built over the past 1000 years has collapsed, which will inevitably lead to fierce struggles in the past few hundred years.

There will even be many new gods appearing.

This will be an era of fierce conflict when the true god walks the earth, and it may even be more turbulent than the era of the ancient gods.

"I will naturally go to them to borrow some characteristics," Amon said. Forced by the ubiquitous fantasy power in Gensokyo, Amon did not dare to say "steal" or "steal", so he could only say borrow.

"But as the teacher's disciple, I also have the right to inherit this Gensokyo."

Bethel was stunned, then his eyes widened.

The teacher is not dead yet...you are here to worry about the inheritance? !

Amon ignored Bethel's murderous gaze and wandered slowly in this fantasy land.

Time gradually passed. Three days later, the blazing sun hanging on the Eastern Continent finally dissipated. The rich darkness and the power of thunder, corruption, death, etc. submerged the entire continent, and it became a paradise for monsters.

Truman and the other kings of gods and angels saved races that had their own spiritual intelligence, such as elves and giants.

But those monsters that occupy most of the continent are not within this scope. Under the darkness and the aura of corruption, they are even more crazy.

This place has completely become a place abandoned by gods in the eyes of humans who have evacuated this continent.

Of course, for those believers who live in Fantasyland and the Creator's Kingdom, this is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

"It's time for the 'Eternal Sun' to step on the stage of history." Truman sent the 'Sun' out of the land abandoned by the gods, and used the power of the 'door' to completely seal off the continent.

"From now on, the land abandoned by God will be my territory."

Truman nodded slightly, which was not bad.

He took the dream book, gently opened a page, and sent a message to the three people.

He himself also entered the dream paradise and sat in his own seat.Buzz!

Three figures fell into Dream Heaven one after another. After the assassination plan failed, the first Dream Parliament was convened.

"..." The four gods looked at each other speechlessly.

In the end, Truman spoke to break the deadlock.

"This is the first major blow that the Dream Parliament has suffered since its establishment."

"Of course, it's not necessarily all bad. At least, we know how to deal with those really powerful 'pillars' before the end."

"If I do it again, I will be more confident in dealing with the resurgence of 'God'." Saslier also spoke.

He is now the true Creator.

"I also learned how to better hold down the coffin boards of the two pillars."

With such a statement, the atmosphere of the meeting quickly warmed up, and then Truman brought the topic to the new era.

"This era will be the era of the gods." Sasriel said the prophecy of the Creator.

"After losing the suppression of the Church of the Creator, the struggles of many angels will be put on the table, and a new true god will be born." Amanisis nodded lightly and made this judgment.

"Sequence characteristics and uniqueness will be the focus of the competition." Lilith added.

"By the way, my treasure house?!" Saslier suddenly thought of something and looked at Truman, whose eyes began to wander.

"Ahem, I am still an angel under the throne of the true Creator, and I am also qualified to be in charge of the treasure house." Being looked directly at by Saslier, Truman coughed twice to reveal it.

Saslier crossed his arms and looked at Truman.

"Now we must unify our course of action in this era." Truman changed the topic forcefully.

"If what I predict is true, the true gods will soon be divided into camps, just like the alliance of the ancient gods. They will be hostile to each other because of their paths and their respective grievances."

"My opinion is that it would be better to occupy an important position in all camps."

In this way, the Dream Parliament will also be the highest-level gathering, able to maintain sufficient influence on the development of the world.

"It should be so." Amanisis and Lilith nodded lightly.

"The best situation is to hold all the variables in your hands." Truman showed a stronger will to control the trend of history.

After experiencing the psychological attacks from the "Lord of Mysteries", it was difficult for him not to care about this aspect.

By controlling the trend of history, you can also position yourself in the "correct" position forever and avoid many risks.

"In the game against those two, we can only be qualified to compete with them again if we become stronger."

"Of course, the will of those two people is still strong at this time. I have enough patience to wait for the end of the world."

This is Truman's view on the future. The other three fell silent after hearing this, and then they all nodded in agreement.

In this new era, the Dream Parliament's control over the future will gradually strengthen, and it will not even just be about guidance.

"Beyond that, we have two issues to discuss."

The other three all looked at Truman.

"The erosion of this world by the outer gods is getting worse." This is the impact of the fall of the "Lord of the Star Boundary".

"The essence of the Western Continent will gradually appear in the New Continent." This is the layout of the "Lord of Mysteries".

(End of this chapter)