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Chapter 126 Angels of Solomon's Empire


Chapter 126 Angels of Solomon's Empire

The "craftsman" finally took over the civilization scroll.

Today's civilization map has recorded civilization up to the Fourth Age. The Creator's rule in the Third Age and even the catastrophe have left heavy traces on this map.

And now the Fourth Age has just begun, with endless possibilities.

"Don't worry, I will keep an eye on this place." Truman said the last thing, and wandered away, leaving behind a confused "craftsman".

The world doesn't just work here.

In the Northern Continent, the framework of "Black Emperor" Solomon's empire has been set up, and he is preparing for the ceremony of becoming a god.

"Your Highness Dream, please!" Solomon walked out of a palace and personally invited Truman in, who was still getting used to the asymmetrical beauty.

This is the capital of the empire designated by Solomon, and it is also the family camp that the Solomon family has operated for thousands of years.

And now it will be a demonstration of the internal heritage of the Solomon Empire.

Solomon sat high on a throne made of obsidian, wearing a black emperor's crown, and his majestic eyes scanned the audience.

Dream was sitting on a high-backed chair to his right.

It is worth mentioning that the entire Empire Hall is filled with this kind of incongruous beauty.

The clothes on the emperor's body were specially tailored. They were luxurious and had an asymmetrical beauty. The golden patterns on the left and right sides were completely opposite but integrated.

Not only that, there was only room for Meng Meng under the throne, and on the left hand side was a cross as big as one person.

That will be the "seat" of the "True Creator", and this time the "Hanged Man" will really hang upside down.

In order to complete the "Black Emperor" ceremony more perfectly, Solomon has forced himself into obsessive-compulsive disorder.

And as long as Truman and Saslier accept this arrangement by default, it will definitely have a positive impact on the God Becoming Ceremony. In the same way, if all angels and people accept this style, then the effect of Solomon's ceremony will not be bad. .

Truman looked at the other randomly arranged seats, each with an angel on them.

"Alistair Tudor and Trunsoest..."

Alistair Tudor looks to be in his thirties, with long brown hair scattered around, sharp lines like a knife and an axe, quite tough, and a pair of blue eyes that hide deep madness.

Trunsoest is in his early twenties, has brass-colored hair, is handsome, and his golden eyes make him more elegant.

Truman's first impression of this person was that he would have a "god of beauty" wife.

"This is the legendary most loyal angel in the Solomon Empire..." Truman quickly looked away.

I don't know if there is any curse from the old person in this world. The person who is known as the "most loyal" will almost certainly cause trouble...

"What, are you going to prick me with the Spear of Destiny?"

The familiar smell is none other than Medici.

He and Ouroleus were also here, and when they saw Truman, they couldn't help but stab him.

When the other angels heard this, they all looked at Truman subconsciously, and thoughts that they had forcibly ignored before appeared in their hearts.

These angels all saw this person piercing the spear of destiny into the body of the creator and killing him completely.

"Hey, Xiaohong, I haven't seen you for a few years, why are you acting like this? This attack power can't even compare to Amon."

"Of course not as good as you, but you..."

At this moment, a shadow fell on the cross, which was Sasril's will.

"..." Medici shut up decisively. The only one who could control him now was Sasril. "We will start a arduous war to found a nation." Solomon began his statement after all the angels and true gods arrived.

His majestic voice echoed in the hall with some twisted power, and He had subconsciously begun to play the role of the "Black Emperor".

The angels below were also very honest and listened quietly.

After all, this group composed of various camps has a common interest - to build a powerful empire to rule the world.

"Your first priority is to build and protect my tomb." Solomon looked at these angels. This was also some kind of exchange of interests under the table.

Many angel families know the secret location of one of the "Black Emperor's" tombs. Of course, the locations of the most important tombs are only controlled by Solomon himself.



Truman followed Solomon's gaze and looked at these two people, both of whom would be background characters in the battle for the "Lord of Mysteries" in the fifth era.

"The ancestors of the Zoroastrian family actually died in the age of strife..." Truman recalled a more important time point.

"How could the death of a 'Insect of Time' be so simple?" Truman already had some speculation.

As for Zaratul, if half of the "Fool" wants to deal with him, there is really no way he can escape.

From his perspective, the Solomon Empire was essentially a game between Adam and Sasriel for the final dominance of integration.

As the Solomon Empire is established and developed, Sasril himself will gain an increasingly powerful true god-level ally. In comparison, Adam will lose certain advantages in the game.

Under such circumstances, if Adam wants to gain an advantage in this game, he will definitely hinder the Black Emperor from becoming a god or the establishment of the Solomon Empire in all aspects.

Under this premise, Amon's appearance seems very reasonable.

"Did I say before that I would not interfere in the fight between Adam and Saslier?" Truman blinked. He wanted to deny it, but it had only been a few years, and it was his fault that his memory was too good.

"Looking at it does not count as interfering, and rubbing against it does not count as joining the game. This is very reasonable..."

Truman wandered around the world, got through this high-level meeting of the empire, and then took the initiative to follow Zoroaster.

"Your Highness Dream." Zoroastrian is an old man with dark brown eyes and long black hair that is meticulously taken care of.

"This is no longer the era of the Creator, and I am no longer Your Highness Dream." Truman shook his head slightly.

"Then... Lord Dream." Zoroaster immediately changed his title.

"Well," Truman wanted to say something else, but suddenly looked behind Zoroastrian, where a young-looking "Zoroaster" was coming.

"Come, Palles, come and see the Duke of Dreams."

Solomon has already determined the titles of each angel, and is just waiting for the establishment of the empire to formally ennoble them.

"I've met the Duke!"

Pales?Truman's eyes lit up, and he saw another "acquaintance", Palles, who was known as the "thief's conscience".

Compared to Amon, this one is much more normal, with a lifespan of just a few years at most...

Pales Zoroaster looks very similar to Zoroaster, who is already an angel. If it weren't for the vigorous vitality exuding from his body, Truman would even mistake him for Zoroaster. 's clone.

And now Pales is indeed very young, no more than 30 years old, and he is still a "parasite".

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 127 Witch


Chapter 127 Witch

"After His Majesty the Emperor prepared to become a god and establish an empire, this land fell into strife."

"The major churches led by the gods are also secretly sponsoring the establishment of the country by the nobles of the big city-states, which to some extent hinders the development of our empire."

"Of course, they are not as powerful as our empire, and because of the conflicts between the gods, they are constantly fighting. Sooner or later they will be wiped out by us."

Under the leadership of Pales, Duke Dream appeared in Solomon's upper level for the first time.

"In addition, there are also some secret organizations developing secretly, hindering the establishment of the empire."

"What secret organizations?" Truman suddenly felt something in his heart, and the power of "dream" was slightly touched.

Does this capture the trend of the times, or is it... the arrangement of a "writer"?

That feeling was very strange. It was probably the reason why the Dragon of Utopia sensed something was wrong in the second era and chose to be cautious.

"'Artisans' Alliance, Witch Sect..." Palles listed these new secret organizations.

Truman's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and when he heard a certain name, his reaction became more clear.

"Why is Adam interested in this organization?"

In the induction of "utopian" authority, there is a hidden force that arranges the people of the Solomon Empire to pay attention to this organization through the sea of ​​collective subconsciousness and put this name in front of him.

"Witch sect? What does it have to do with me?" Truman was a little confused. He stayed away from special people like witches and never paid attention to them. But now Adam was forcibly sent to him.

"Let's talk about this 'Witch Sect'." Truman requested.

"Okay," Pales nodded lightly, cherishing this opportunity to show off in front of the Duke of Dreams, "We have had several secret battles with the Witch Cult, and the highest ones involved demigods."

"It is said that the Witch Sect has two pillars of belief. One is the true God of Witches, the messenger of doom."

"The second one is fantasy..."

Pales suddenly got stuck and his eyes widened slightly. He suddenly realized that the person in front of him was the so-called "Dream".

I should have avoided mentioning the "Witch Sect", a secret organization with something wrong with it, before. There were countless secret organizations, large and small, so why would I list this one?

"Ha!" Truman chuckled, "How come I didn't know I had a witch disciple?"

After having a large number of dependents in the starry sky, he has not personally paid attention to the believers on the earth for a long time. The dreamy idol with fixed ritual magic is enough to deal with all the believers here.

"Continue." Truman nodded.

"..." Pales knew that he might have gotten into trouble, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and continue.

If... this witch sect was really secretly established by Duke Dream, does he know some kind of secret?Will he be killed and silenced?

The lifespan I stole has not been used yet, and the newly built castle has not been completed yet. I am going to eat the special delicacies of the elves for dinner today...

"The dream of the witch's faith is the salvation of the doomsday and the only light in the world." Pales had a slight cold sweat on his forehead and felt something bad.

"There has never been any belief in witches above half-gods directed at me..." Truman sensed all his believers above half-gods.

The performance of the witch path is very different from the teachings of the Dream Sect. As long as they go through the stages of "pain" and "despair", few witches can maintain themselves and conform to the teachings of the Dream Sect.

This "devil" path is similar, not because Truman is discriminating, but because some of the performances of these two paths are a little too anti-human.

Those believers who do not conform to the dream doctrine will generally not be recorded by the dream statue. "There must be something fishy in the Witch Sect's belief in me."

Truman suddenly realized that this was probably the reason why Adam brought this news to him.

Adam wants to make a deal with him, and he will make certain arrangements for the Witch Sect. Truman doesn't even need to take action, and the truth will soon appear in front of him.

But similarly, some of the thoughts that Truman had at that angel gathering could not be implemented.

Truman was silent for a while, and finally nodded slowly. The divine badge on his chest had some kind of power surging, notarizing this matter.

He will not stop Adam's plan in the short term until he digs out the secrets hidden in the Witch Cult.

"The leader of the Witch Sect is Chick, a 'Doomsday Witch'." Pales suddenly spoke in front of Truman and said this.

"Since the establishment of the Witch Sect, it has been spreading fantasy beliefs on a large scale, in an extremely twisted form."

Pales became a completely different person, and his eyes reflected an illusory sea of ​​collective subconscious.

He was controlled by Adam through the sea of ​​collective subconscious and told the information that Truman cared about.

"In your Duke's Castle, there is a 'Witch of Despair' who believes in dreams." Pales returned to normal after saying these words, and even forgot the fact that he had said these words.

"My Duke's Castle..." Truman nodded to Pales, and then wandered directly to his castle.

This is a dream castle built by the Solomon family for themselves. It is a replica of the fairy tale castle in Fantasyland - Solomon has seen it in Fantasyland.

Truman walked into the castle, and a witch wearing a maid's costume coincidentally came to him.

"The 'Witch of Despair' who believes in 'dreams'." This sentence sounds strange.

Truman's eyes fell on the witch demigod.

This woman is worthy of the name of the witch. She looks extremely fair and sweet, and her tall figure makes the bloated maid uniform slim and plump.

Her eyes were dull, and her beautiful face was still stained with tears and fear. She was trapped in a state where she knew she was being manipulated but couldn't escape.

"Wake up." Truman led the maid into the living room and released her from the hypnotic state.

Silently, two tears fell down the face of this desperate witch. In an instant, she understood her situation through memory. The strange and unspeakable state made her frightened... and desperate.

"Is digestion completed?" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly, digesting out of despair, which is reasonable.

"Look who I am?" Truman used the power of "fantasy" to smooth away the trauma in the witch's soul and let her look directly into her dreams.


Also in the territory of the Solomon family, there is a Church of the Creator that still adheres to customs.

There is no shortage of such churches in the entire world. After all, the decline of that era was less than ten years ago, and there were still a large number of believers in the Creator who were guarding their faith.

Such believers will also be the key to competition among major churches.

There is a huge cross erected in the center of this small church, and under the cross sits a priest wearing a simple white robe.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 128 Faith


Chapter 128 Faith

This priest has a pale golden beard, eyes as clear and innocent as a baby, and a cross pendant hanging on his chest. He looks at all the praying believers with a warm smile.

"What are you planning?" A crow flew from the outside world, landed on the cross, and hung upside down on it in a very wicked way.

It looks at the believers and the preaching priest, and makes a human voice, but no believer notices it.

"Do you want a 'worm of time'?"

Adam looked up and glanced at Amon who was sitting on the cross.

"'Insect of Time'?" The crow stared at Adam with a black ring in his eyes, "You want me to help?"

Adam said nothing and just continued his sermon.

The crow jumped up, flew to the head of a believer and jumped twice. The believer's fluffy hair made it very comfortable.

"I'm not interested in your fight. I'd rather go to the Land Forsaken by the Gods and steal 'Fantasy Township'."

The crow sat lazily on the head of the fluffy-haired believer, looking at Adam beside him.

"Fantasy Township?" Adam nodded slightly.

"You can never steal it without being a 'mistake.'" Adam was simply stating a fact.

Where in Gensokyo, which is equivalent to the Kingdom of God, is it so easy to be stolen?Maybe only a real "bug" can exploit a loophole and do this.

The raven jumped up from the shaggy hair and landed on Adam's shoulder.

"There is no difference between me becoming a god now and committing suicide." Amon had a very clear understanding of his own situation.

But he soon changed the subject again, "However, it's okay to give it a try."

"Zorroaster." Adam seemed to have expected such a result, and just said a name softly.

The crow transformed by Amon nodded slightly, flew up and left the church.

Adam was still preaching, and this process lasted for a long time.

Until a certain moment, Adam felt some kind of "notarization" power from the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

That was when Truman nodded and formally agreed to the deal.

The secret deal between the two men was made, notarized by the power of the Creator.

The Creator has a lot of remaining power in this world, and the most powerful ones are the core battlefield where the Creator was assassinated and the Kingdom of the Creator in the place abandoned by God.

Next is the second "blasphemous tablet" in Adam's hand and the divine badge hanging on Truman's chest.

Truman's divine badge was personally empowered by the Creator from the ancient Sun God era. Later, the Ancient Sun God became the Creator, and its power became even greater.

Adam raised his head at this moment and walked out of the church. All the believers turned a blind eye to him. Even in the Kingdom of Solomon, where there were more than a dozen angels, no one noticed his presence.

He is like a tourist outside the world, calmly observing the asymmetrical scenery of the city.

As Adam approached Solomon's palace, at some point he turned in another direction.

Surrounding Solomon's Palace is the Duke's Castle of Solomon's Angels.

There was only one castle in the direction Adam was walking.

It belonged to Alistair Tudor.

After paying a price and reaching a deal with Dream, Adam came here instead of helping Amon obtain the "Insect of Time", or even destroying the Black Emperor's godhood ceremony and planning a war to found a nation.


A sea of ​​dreams appeared in Truman's eyes, and because of Truman's words, the desperate witch subconsciously raised her head and looked directly into Truman's eyes, and she was instantly crazy.She saw the sea of ​​dreams in Truman's eyes, and the sea of ​​dreams reflected Truman's mythical creature form.

Against the background of the dreamy starry sky, the dreamy body is like a meditator sitting in the starry sky, looking at the unknown in the distance.

Countless dreamy tentacles intertwined, gently flicking the dreamy bubbles, causing them to collide high in the ocean, like a naughty child bouncing marbles, dreamy and beautiful.

"Dream above!" The Witch of Despair saw Truman's true nature and knelt down on the ground to pray devoutly.

"..." Truman looked at the Witch of Despair and listened to her chants and prayers, feeling unable to feel the slightest emotion in his heart.

While she longs to return to the dreamland and enter the legendary Fantasyland, there is another force surging in the Witch of Despair.

Those were a group of people who were killed by the witch in front of them and given endless pain and despair.

They turned into resentful spirits and became the weapons of this desperate witch, surrounding her all the time.Screaming, trying to bite the witch back.

This resentful soul forms a very sharp contrast with the desperate witch who prays devoutly.

Truman was speechless for a moment. With this way of praying to Mew, even if you pray to death, the statue of Mew will not even look at it.

And gradually, Truman sensed another kind of power in the Witch of Despair.

"Doomsday?" This is the first sequence of the witch's path, which can bring doomsday disasters to the world, and will also become extremely powerful when the real "doomsday" comes.

"Chick?" Truman looked at himself. He had no memory of this person, and even had little contact with the witch.

Those are all orthodox witches with complete knowledge inheritance in the Creator's Heaven.

Those witches are real women, and they all go to the church's enemy base camp to perform.

But not Chick!

In Truman's memory, this person is probably synonymous with perversion and distortion, and is one of the best proofs of the madness at the bottom of the world.

As for the witch in front of her, her original gender is "him", which is very consistent with the chaotic and crazy nature of this world.

"Why is Chike related to Mew? Is it possible that he was beneficiary of the Mew sect?"

Truman guessed a reasonable start.

The Dream Sect, which longs for beauty and creates beauty, has been spreading among humans for thousands of years. It has saved and helped countless people.

"Why do you believe in dreams?" Truman looked at the Witch of Despair.

"This is the oracle of the Witch God, and it is also our own choice."

"But you never got a fantastic response."

"Aren't you responding to me now? You are the dream, the light of the doomsday, and the redemption of madness!"

The Witch of Despair was lying on the ground. After hearing this, she raised her head and looked at Truman, her expression eager and even crazy.

Now even if Truman just asked her to commit suicide in the most ordinary tone, she would not hesitate to pierce her body with an ice spear.

She would even think in her mind that this was a dream test, a necessary stage to go to Fantasyland.

"..." Truman was speechless again. It felt strange and strange to be stared directly at by such a crazy believer.

"Let me see why you believe in me..." Truman's eyes fell on the witch, but his power was already being transmitted to the source of the witch's belief along the direction of his faith.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 129 Crazy


Chapter 129 Crazy

Truman's eyes instantly saw a statue following some illusory connection.

A huge statue of a god that is ten meters high. The statue is made of white bones, but it does not look pale and lifeless, because the statue itself is an unparalleled work of art.

It can be vaguely seen that she is a stunning and beautiful girl, perfectly showing the beauty of women at every stage. Looking at her, she even feels like facing the "god of beauty". Of course, this is not the embodiment of beauty, but charm.

And if an extraordinary person with high enough inspiration comes here, what he can see is a real apocalyptic scene. Blizzards, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, and many other natural disasters are all under his control.

There is also a sense of collapse that all things are extinct and the end is approaching.

"Doomsday" witch!

Truman's will condensed into a light and shadow, which was an incarnation of roughly the first level of the sequence, landing at the headquarters of the witch sect.

"As expected, you are here." The ten-meter-high statue came to life in an instant, and some kind of power came to turn the entire statue into an incarnation, shrinking it to a size similar to that of a normal person, and stood roughly in front of Truman. On the altar ten meters away.

The statue of the god has completely become a real person. He wears a simple black robe that outlines thrilling curves. His long black hair is simply tied up, lazy and gentle, and his eyes have a bright brilliance.

This is the special feature of the Witch Path. This path has the ability to stay young even in Sequence Three. It is extremely good at resurrection and rebirth, and can even use various avatars in Sequence Seven.

"...Chick? I didn't seem to know you before." Truman blinked, feeling a little uncomfortable for some reason.

It should be...the eyes!

Truman's eyebrows beat, and he was keenly aware that Chike looked at him in a very strange way.

There is a certain desire and fanaticism deep inside, which is somewhat similar to the despair witch just now, but even more...

"Don't you remember me?" Chike's face changed slightly, from joy to sadness, and then he took a few steps closer and was about to cry.

"..." Truman subconsciously took two steps back.

I have to say that if we really judge by human vision, the Chic in front of us is outrageously beautiful, very different from Lilith, and exudes an unimaginable sense of charm.

At that moment, he had an uncontrollable urge to comfort the girl opposite him.

This is probably the pot of "real" authority, becoming too much like a person.

Truman's eyes opened and closed, taking on a bit of dreamy phosphorescence, and his incarnation had become his true body.

Real gods are incapable of emotions.

"That's right, of course you won't remember me." Chike seemed to be unable to sense the changes in Truman and kept talking to himself.

"You saved me back then..."

"I rescued you?" Truman frowned and instantly searched through his memory. There were tens of thousands of people he targeted, all of whom he personally saved and gave new hope to.

Some were saved during missionaries, some were saved during wars, and there were even many cases where a city was directly saved.

I am a very kind person... Truman complained silently to himself.

"When natural disasters were approaching, dreams fell from the sky." Chike fell into fond memories.

"Natural disaster, Goshinam?" Truman locked the memory of a certain period of time and then embodied it in front of him.

Reality and illusion are intertwined, and even the entire Witch Sect headquarters has been transformed into the seaside that day.

"Are you him?" Truman pointed at the boy crawling out of the stone.

"You really remember me!" Chike's eyes lit up.

No, I don't remember...the gap between the two is further than the "destined" civilization and the earth. "When you became an Extraordinary, you chose the witch path?" Truman guessed the beginning of the incident almost instantly. The opportunity to become an Extraordinary seemed to be given to him by himself.

"Yes," Chike nodded slightly, feeling a little regretful, but quickly dispelled this emotion, "But it doesn't matter, it's not your fault. I killed the priest and avenged myself."

He seemed to have found an outlet and poured out many secrets.

Truman frowned slightly, and his tone was slightly cold, "This is the reason why you can never get the favor of Dream."

"It's even the reason why your witch sect can never be illuminated by dreamy phosphorescence."

Chike's face changed, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes. She was not a little girl, but an archangel at the first level of the sequence, the real "Doomsday Witch"!

He looked at Truman seriously again, and this time Truman finally sensed the hidden meaning in his eyes.

It was a look that Truman was very familiar with. He had seen it on several people who knew its dreamy nature, including those friends with whom he had had friendships for thousands of years.

Before sufficient contact is established, they will also show such eyes.

The most recent of these is "God."

It is a kind of "possession", or even more straightforwardly, "eating" and "appetite"!

"Ah!" Chike suddenly screamed, and the scream contained some extremely painful meaning.

There were layers of overlapping spaces in front of Truman, blocking those violent forces.

This really wasn't Truman's hand...

Before he even had time to knock this "Doomsday Witch", she exploded first, causing Truman's emotions to go out of gear.

The idol possessed by Chic suddenly exploded, and then was pulled back together by some invisible thread.

This is still the same Chick just now, but there are some differences.

His eyes were even more wanton, and when they fell on Truman, they were completely naked.

It's probably the look on someone who's been hungry for three days when he sees food.

But at the same time, a real struggle appeared on Chick's face, which made Truman's face look very strange.

"I really...don't want this, but at this point...I can no longer suppress my madness..."


The hair behind the witch instantly spread out and became thick, like venomous snakes dancing wildly. Chike's eyes turned completely black, and there were mysterious patterns spreading on his face.

The struggling expression on his face became lighter and weaker, gradually being submerged by madness.

"You are mine! Dreams can only be the light of the end!"

Chike's voice turned into a sound wave that overthrew the entire witch sect. Some witches staying near the sect almost lost control instantly and turned into groups of snake-like creatures with eyeballs.

But in the next moment, these creatures turned into witches one after another, and their appearances were all above par.

These witches are heading towards Truman to touch the dream that longs for endless time.

"Another one is crazy." Truman looked at all this indifferently, his eyes falling on Qi Ke.

His madness is from his perspective. For him, anyone who cannot suppress his desire for "dream" is a madman.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 130 Hunting


Chapter 130 Hunting

"Let's disperse." Truman's voice spread, and then turned into reality. All the witches were turned into ashes, and little bits of spiritual light condensed from the ashes, which were the extraordinary characteristics precipitated.

Dreams become reality.Truman is also very skilled in using this kind of power.

"Chick..." Truman looked at Chick, who was almost crazy, "I don't mind killing a future evil god."

Truman's eyes fell, and "Dream" completely pulled Chike's substitute into the dream.

This one is just a stand-in close to Sequence [-]. If Truman were serious, such a stand-in wouldn't even be able to withstand his gaze.

Relying on the connection between Chike's double and his real body, Truman raised his hand to draw a door in the void.

This door will lead to the location of Chic's true body.

But before Truman was about to step into that door, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Chick's substitute who was caught in a "dream".

At this time, Chike's substitute's eyes no longer had the hazy look of being trapped in a dream.

Truman stopped and looked at Chick, tilted his head slightly, and chuckled, "This is the first time that an angel has been able to escape my 'dream'."

Since the first "Dream" took shape, Badheir, Salinger, and even Leodro, who was already a true god, have been deeply trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves.

But now, a Sequence [-] "Doomsday Witch" has managed to break free.

"I really want you..."

There was a certain brilliance on Chike's charming face. He broke free from the dream and had no intention of escaping. He still looked at the dream with fascination.

"Which source of matter did you catch?" Truman sensed it for a while, and finally confirmed that he could not find Chike's location through this substitute.

When Truman used the powers of "fantasy" and "reality" to explore Him, something of extremely high status intercepted the induction of the phosphorescent power of the dream, rendering the "dream" ineffective.

And something that can cut off the power of "dreams" is not simple, and its status is not lower than that of the Book of Dreams.

This was an unexpected surprise that Truman did not expect.

And this is probably another reason for Adam and Truman to make a deal.

Adam knew his attitude towards Sefirah, so that was the current situation.

"It's not as good as you." Chick looked at Truman and said seriously.

"..." Truman's mouth twitched, "Thank you."

This sudden recognition is really baffling.

"You want to kill me?" Chike suddenly tilted his head and smiled slightly, "Just in time, I want to eat you too, we are really..."

"Shut up!" Truman shouted softly, wanting to leave his innocence in this world.

Then the power of this sentence surged, causing Chike's substitute to begin to collapse, and the power attached to it was forcibly removed.

"...We will meet again," Chick didn't care, his eyes were fixed on Truman without wavering at all, "in a more equal way."

Truman didn't want to listen at all, and waved his hand to completely scatter Chick's substitute, returning to nothingness.

The earliest settlement of the Witch Sect also completely collapsed and turned into ashes.

The witch sect, which had only been established for a few years, was wiped out by the dream of its belief.

Truman stood there, suddenly feeling the urge to look up to the sky and sigh, "What a sin..."


Amon, wearing a classical magician's robe, sat on a giant ashlar, and the people pushing the ashlar below were the citizens driven by Solomon in order to build the mausoleum required for the "Black Emperor" ceremony. "Zorroaster..." Amon gently pinched the monocle on his eyes without using extraordinary power. This was an attempt, but Adam had already cleared almost all obstacles for him.

Amon sneaked into the mausoleum smoothly and came to a room inside the mausoleum, which would be a hunting place.

"An extremely vicious incident involving internal members of the family devouring each other occurred in the Zaratul family. Zaratul had to rush back to the family to deal with it, and the person who came here to replace him would be Zoroastrian."

Amon sat leisurely in the room prepared for Zoroastrian, waiting for his prey to be delivered to his door in person.

Adam's script is simple enough that there is almost no possibility of being discovered by angels or gods other than dreams.

Even if he is discovered, according to Amon's strength, he still has enough time to eat this "worm of time" and then walk away.

In the Third Age, Amon has always appeared as the second son of the Creator, and his own strength is more reflected in the "God of Mischief".

But under the light of the Creator, Amon's terror was still hidden.

When the sun was setting and it was evening, Zoroastrian finally opened the door of this room and saw the person sitting on the sofa. His body gradually became hard, and a chill spread from head to toe, covering his thoughts. freeze.

Amon adjusted the monocle on his right eye and showed a joking smile.

"Surprise? Surprise?"

"This is the first time that the eldest son and the second son of the Creator have joined forces. It is a decent ending for you to fall at the hands of such an enemy."

"No need to wait, the Black Emperor has gone to another tomb, Zaratul is still dealing with family affairs, Medici and Ouroleus have returned to the kingdom of the true creator."

"And the dream you met before...have you forgotten? He is my teacher!"

Amon's divine murmurs echoed in Zoroastrian's mind with a certain terrifying meaning, impacting his reason like huge waves.

There were truths and lies in Amon's words, which made Zoroaster unable to judge for a moment, but Zoroaster still made the most correct response at the first time.

Don't forget, He is also a "worm of time."

His body suddenly swelled, emitting clear and pure light, and its surface continued to flicker with light, which was the light and shadow that showed the passage of time.

Time is accelerating, and Zoroastrian's body is fading and retreating. When he faces the second son of the Creator, he immediately wants to escape from the battlefield.

Amon placed many "worms of time" on the door. When he stepped into the door, these "worms of time" were transferred to him, greatly affecting his state.

The most important thing is that in front of Amon, He was greatly suppressed.

Amon watched Zoroastrian's resistance with interest, and raised his hand to push the monocle at the right time.


A distant and illusory bell rang in the tomb, and everyone felt like time was out of whack.

The sound of the bell seemed to come from a long time ago, making everything around it slow down.

In mid-air, above the mausoleum, a huge wall clock carved from stone appeared. It was ancient and mottled, with its surface separated by gray and black.

There are three hands on the wall clock, one long, one middle and one short, composed of "worms of time" full of vicissitudes of life.

This is similar to the clock that once stood at the feet of the ancient sun god. It is the unique power of the "wrong".


The bell sounded again, the hands began to rotate, the power of time spurted out, time became slow, and Zoroaster's retreating movement was slowed to a certain extent.

When using abilities in the same field, Zoroastrian was completely restrained by Amon.

(End of this chapter)
