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Chapter 106 Big Problem


Chapter 106 Big Problem

Truman watched with a smile as Amon and Medici exchanged passionate words, which was also the repertoire of the King of Angels.

Medici always has some strange auras, among which except for Truman's authority as the master and Saslier, the deputy king of heaven, who can be slightly avoided, the others are often provoked by this war angel.

"Okay!" After all the angel kings gathered here, Saslier directly interrupted the increasingly escalating "war" between Amon and Medici.

"Amon and Truman returned from the starry sky, and the parish that was originally assigned to their management returned to their rule."

Saslier got down to business.

For this matter, the kings of the archangels are also mentally prepared, and some of the divisions of interests will be carried out under the auspices of Saslier.

This is the most just.

"Besides, there are many things..." Saslier took out many of the accumulated academic affairs and discussed with these angel kings how to deal with them.

Managing a church that accounts for almost [-]% of the world's population is no easy task.

Truman has always been on the edge, not caring about the interest disputes between certain angel kings.

The king of angels also needs followers, so the characteristics of angels are also more important to them.

As for the believers... Amon has not yet completed the clone. All his achievements are his own, but Truman has an anchor of faith that is completely his own, and even shares the Creator's followers.

Truman didn't care about these disputes but was actually looking at all the angel kings here carefully.

What we are looking at here is naturally whether there are traces of some outside gods on these angel kings.

This is the most important thing about this meeting.

Truman has seen most of the civilizations left behind by the outer gods in the starry sky, and is sensitive enough to their power or pollution that he can be called a detector of the past.

"Urolius is a fool, there is no need to doubt Medici's loyalty for the time being..."

The rest of the people were just swept away. Truman's focus was on the "Pure White Angel" Oseikus, the "cherubi" Herabergen, and the "Wind Angel" Leodro.

Without anyone noticing, Truman's eyes reflected the dreamy starry sky, and the dreamy phosphorescence fell on the King of Angels.

In Sasril's temple, the abilities of all angels will be weakened to a certain extent.

With the cooperation between him and Sasril, even the King of Angels could not detect anything.

"It's normal..." Truman really didn't find anything wrong with the three key suspects.

"Can't relax!"

After the meeting with the King of Angels, Truman directly dragged Sasril to the dream territory and created a top-secret environment with the Book of Dreams.

"Take Oseikus, Herabergen and Leodro off the list." Truman said to Saslier in a serious tone.

"In this way, our strength will be weaker." Saslier frowned slightly, so that the pressure on the Creator will be greater.

It is impossible to bring Amon and Adam. If these three are excluded, the power of the Creator Church will be slightly insufficient.

"Let me ask you, what is the rite of becoming a god for 'Tyrant'?" Truman's face was solemn.

"It's a challenge to the gods..." Sasril's body suddenly stiffened, his eyes slowly widened, and his pupils tightened.

"Challenge the gods?!" Sasril repeated these four words, and the shadows behind him seemed to be distorting, "Why would I ignore such a thing?!"

His face collapsed a little, and he felt an inexplicable feeling of hair standing on his back and a chill on his back.

Is it possible that even Him was affected?

"It's a blasphemy against the slate!" Truman's face also looked gloomy.

"You have been with that body all year round. It would be an accident if nothing happened."

"But I can't live without the blasphemy slate..." Saslier had already adjusted his condition and took out the blasphemy slate, his eyes flickering as he didn't know what he was thinking. "It's really difficult..." After a long time, Saslier calmed down and looked at Truman.

"Fortunately, I have you." Saslier sighed.

The only two people in this world who have complete control over all paths on the profane stone are the two present here.

The rest are at best the three paths of the "River of Eternal Darkness" mastered by Amanysis.

Truman had already received this entire set of knowledge when he first met Saslier.

"Maybe when I first met you, all the knowledge I was able to obtain was also an arrangement of your body?"

Truman instantly remembered the scene where the Creator came to him after he was born.

At that time, the Creator called Truman "Mirror".

Now he really has become a "mirror".

"That's you, otherwise I will definitely kill such a person!" Truman suddenly rolled his eyes, now is not the time to care about this.

"This... I really don't know." Saslier was also stunned.

"Hmph!" Truman snorted, skipped the topic, and continued to discuss the details of the plan with Saslier.


Osychus retraced his steps, leaving the heaven of the Creator, and soon he was again at the edge of his diocese.

After experiencing a "warning", it was impossible for him to take action against the Night Cultists and the vampires here.

"That crimson moon..."

Osykus suddenly remembered the red moon he had foreseen in his spiritual mind.

The crimson moon, hanging high in the spiritual sky, is both a concept and a symbol.

Oseikus subconsciously raised his head and looked at the real red moon in the horizon.


Truman wandered away from the Creator's Kingdom. He ran away directly with his territory, and like other angel kings, moved to the parish under his jurisdiction.

The diocese where Truman is now is actually the area previously ruled by the Demon Wolf of Destruction, which is where the Kingdom of Deep Darkness is now.

It's just that the Kingdom of Deep Darkness has been kept secret all year round, and no one can discover its existence.

"I left..." Truman shook his head slightly. He didn't really want to move, but it was too dangerous to stay in the Creator's Heaven.

Saslier is unknowingly affected, and the "God" is still silent now. He is probably making some preparations secretly!

"Are you at home?" Truman knocked on the door of Deep Dark Heaven.

"I'm looking for the entrance to the underworld," Amanysis's voice reached Truman's ears.

"Salinger?" Truman raised his eyebrows.

After acquiring the "Phoenix" characteristic at the end of the Second Age, he did not appear in the real world for hundreds of years and was autistic in the underworld.

"Salinger probably hasn't become a god yet, right?" Truman wasn't sure. After all, due to his own reasons, the Phoenix might have died earlier than in the original trajectory.

Only he himself knows which step Salinger has taken now.

"Go over to the giant and find Badheir." Amanissis's voice sounded again.

"Let me convince Badheir?" Truman's expression became a little strange.

There are a lot of grievances between him and Him.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 107 Redemption


Chapter 107 Redemption

The current God of War is the eldest son of the Giant King hundreds of years ago, the "God of the Morning" Badheir, who Truman had plotted against back then.

But now that he has become a god, when he looks at his past, he will probably notice what Truman did back then.

"Tsk, you are determined enough, what kind of devil are you afraid of!" Truman shook his head indifferently and wandered directly to the back mountain range in the north of the mainland.

This is a settlement of giants.

The kingdom of the "God of War" is also hidden here.

"Twilight Temple." Trumen looked up and saw a giant building similar to the Giant King's Court.

The orange-red dusk shrouded here was purer than the dusk that shrouded the Giant King's Court all year round, and was full of the atmosphere of decay.

"Dream!" When Truman's eyes fell on the Dusk Palace, the orange-red dusk suddenly broke out, and streaks of orange-red light twined towards Trumen.

"What? Do you still want to fight with me?" Truman looked at the eroding orange-red light expressionlessly.

Before the color of dusk eroded his body, it seemed as if an illusory sun fell from the sky and drove away the dusk.

"The trick of the Dragon of Fantasy!" A figure as huge as a mountain loomed in the temple at dusk, wearing a armor full of dilapidation, and its single eye revealed the lonely dusk.

"God of War" Badheir!

He was holding an exaggerated long sword in his hand, pointing vaguely at Truman, and his desire to fight was extremely strong.

It's just that He is also wary of the power of "utopia".

"He actually allowed you to take over this authority. I thought it was only symbolic." There was some doubt in Badheir's voice.

He was talking about the statement in the Creator's sacred scriptures, "Dreams act as the authority of the Lord."

"Utopia" is one of the pillars of the Creator.

"So you want to fight?" Truman took out the Book of Dreams, making the orange-red dusk thicker again.

Which true god can't see the identity of the Book of Dreams?

"Hmph!" Badheir moved the tip of the long sword in his hand and made a compromise.

"That's right. We are an alliance with deep cooperation and trust." After Badheir's hostility temporarily disappeared, Truman also put away the Book of Dreams.

"There is no soil for dreams to grow in my Kingdom of God." But Badheir still did not give Truman a good look.

"Then do you want your kingdom of God to appear on the earth in an upright manner?" Truman also went straight to the point.

"What do you mean?!" The dusk in Badheir's single eye condensed slightly.

"I have an opportunity here that allows your church to preach independently. Do you want it?" Truman said casually.

But for "God of War" Badheir, this news can be regarded as hitting his weakness.

After becoming a god, the declining giant clan could no longer satisfy Badheir's need for an "anchor".

Under the protection of the Church of the Creator, the human population has begun to grow explosively. Only a small number can solve the spiritual dilemma faced by Badheir.

"...What are the conditions?" Badheir didn't hesitate long and began to ask about the price.

"Assassinate the Creator." Truman used dream phosphorescence to send these words to Badheir's mind.

Dusk suddenly solidified.

Badheir suddenly looked at Truman, staring at him, trying to see something from his face.

"Hahaha!" Badheir waved his hand, and dusk completely eroded the void here, expanding the scope of the Kingdom of God to include Truman.

"Am I crazy, or are you stupid?!"

"To assassinate the Creator?!" Badheir laughed wildly, and the dusk was shaking violently.

Even as bold and cruel as He is, no one dares to have any thoughts of challenging the Creator who is at the height of his power!

That is the power that truly transcends sequence!

"Or maybe you finally figured it out and began to imitate my methods? Want to launch a rebellion that subverts the Creator's Kingdom of Heaven?"

After Badheier laughed, he looked at Truman with a joking look.

"This is a decision made by Saslier and I." Truman didn't care about the ridicule at all and just stated calmly.

And his calmness was powerful enough that even Badheir had to take it seriously.

"Deputy Lord of Heaven?" Badheir realized that things were not simple.

Truman nodded slightly, and a shadow curtain appeared behind him, and in the curtain was this eye peering into the outside world.

This is the embodiment of Sasril's power.

"Give me a reason?!" Badheir's tone was unprecedentedly solemn.

"The 'original' will awaken in the Creator." Truman looked in the direction of the Creator's Kingdom of Heaven and said this news that was enough to shock the world.

"When you wake up, you no longer even have the qualifications to exist."

"We're just redeeming ourselves."

Truman's calm voice echoed in the dusk, and "God of War" Badheir was already in a deep struggle.

"Not enough!" Badheir suddenly stared at Truman's back, "If you want me to assassinate such a being, the reward is not enough!"

"You are too greedy." Truman shook his head slowly, but also made a promise, "If the thing succeeds, the reward will be a formula."

"Recipe over Sequence."

Truman's words made Badheir pause again, and many doubts were answered at this moment.

"You still have hundreds of years to think about it." Truman imagined a space door in the Kingdom of Twilight, gently pushed the door open and left.

"Above the sequence..."

Badheir, who became a god through the potion system, knew the importance of this formula. After pondering for a while, he made a decision.

"Sure enough, these are all things that can be solved with a scare and a recipe." With the information advantage, it is not too difficult to convince these true gods.

"Let me see who else is there?" Truman sensed the mark of Amanysis... He was still looking for the underworld?

Salinger is really well hidden!

"God of Spiritual Things, where is Torzner?" Truman suddenly thought of this man. This man had been hiding in the dark since the death of the Alien King. His presence was so low that Truman could not remember him at all!

But at this moment, Truman, who remembered Him, subconsciously used the power of "fantasy" and took out a certain rag doll that had been hidden for a long time from the treasure house.

This is a "divine" characteristic.

Truman strengthened the cohesion between the characteristics related to the gods and roamed directly to a hidden city-state through the power of fantasy.

"Separating space creates a place similar to the Kingdom of God?" Truman looked at this hidden city-state and marveled.

This is a silent and crazy place.

The outer layer of the city-state is a paradise for living corpses and werewolves, each fighting to devour them, but there is also a certain order.

The inner city is an extremely restrained world. "Resentful Soul" and "Puppet" are the protagonists here, but these two existences are extremely restrained, making the entire inner city seem like a tomb, too quiet.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 108 Pollution


Chapter 108 Pollution

"Is this moderation?" Truman sensed a certain quality from the "resentful spirits" and "puppet" in the inner city.

This is a kind of acting and a kind of restraint.

"The path of the 'Bound One' before being invaded by the 'Mother Tree' was relatively normal." Truman looked at the puppets that were frozen in place and nodded lightly.

Just for a moment, Truman frowned, and some kind of spiritual feeling arose.

"Mother Tree?!" Truman's figure flashed and he wandered directly into the center of this city-state.


An extremely evil roar that pierced the spirit body rang in Truman's ears.

There is no doubt that this is the attack of a true King of Angels.

"Quiet." Truman said softly, and all the sounds disappeared in an instant.

All the curses and erosions turned into dreamy bubbles, exploding one by one in this space, and falling into pieces.

"Open the door." Truman suddenly raised his head and reached out to explore this space.

The pair of eyeballs composed of pure starlight flew out of the space behind Truman and revolved around Truman.

With the blessing of the "door" authority, Truman's hands seemed to penetrate into the essence of the space, tearing the space apart with a single stroke.

He entered a deeper world.

"Dream Heaven!" Truman opened the first page of the Dream Book and directly projected the entire Dream Heaven.

The pollution in front of him was too terrifying, and he had to carry out a pollution coverage first.

At this time, the washing of the dream sea seems a bit too slow.

"Purify!" Truman pressed the divine badge on his chest to activate the purifying power in it.

Only this kind of power can purify the pollution from outer gods!

After making the most reasonable response, Truman had time to look up to a higher place. There was an illusory starry sky, and in the starry sky, there was a bright star.

Truman has seen this scene before, at the bottom of the abyss!

This is the pollution of the "Mother Tree of Desire"!

The "purification" of Dream Heaven and the Creator finally played a corresponding role, cutting off the pollution cast by that person.

"Why at this time?!" Truman frowned. It was the glorious era of the third era. The power of the barrier was incredibly powerful, and it was impossible for outside gods to penetrate and penetrate.

Not to mention the kind of pollution that can corrupt the King of Angels!

"It's that 'God'!" After throwing out all the impossibilities, the answer is already there.

"Our plan may actually affect the battle between the Creator and 'God' in the future, so that 'God', which has not even begun to resuscitate, starts to fight back."

"God" is the pillar that controls the star realm. His authority can strengthen the strength of the star realm barrier. Naturally, it can also weaken it in certain places to allow an outside god to penetrate!

"His power now is beyond imagination! At this time, even the Creator himself cannot be trusted."

Truman's thoughts turned like lightning and he looked towards the bottom of this space.

It was a dark, viscous, unspeakably evil liquid. Skeleton heads were floating in the liquid, and even some of the skulls had eyes with distinct blood vessels. When Truman looked at him, he looked at him, "Tolzner! "While Truman was resisting the pollution that dispelled the "Mother Tree of Desire", he was also paying attention to the safety of the God of Spiritual Things.

In order to resist the pollution of the "Mother Tree of Desire", He made this piece of evil liquid and covered his body with it.

"Come out!" The large piece of strange dark liquid on Torzner's body all gathered in the most inconspicuous corner.

Soon a mummy appeared in front of Truman. The mummy was wrapped in bandages one after another, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

"Fortunately, spirituality has given warning, otherwise if I had wasted time in the inner city, I would have met a mummy who can 'give birth' here."


Truman once again threw down a purification wave to dispel some of the power that affected Torzner.

"Dream Angel..." Torzner opened his eyes suddenly, saw Truman, and subconsciously hid.

"I don't mean any harm. Can you tell me how you were targeted by 'this' person?"

The mummy-like Torzner looked up at the illusory starry sky, where the dreamy heaven and the "purification" of the Creator were alternately dispersing the pollution from the starry sky and cutting off the mystical connection.

This truly saved Him.

The god of spiritual things, Torzner nodded slightly towards Truman and talked about the source of this pollution.

"About... three days... ago..." Torzner's throat had an obvious friction sound, and he didn't know how many years he hadn't spoken.

"Three days? Are you sure?" Truman interrupted Torzner rudely and asked eagerly.

Three days ago was a very delicate time. On that day, the King of Angels Conference was held, and Truman pointed out the impact of the "Desecrated Slate" on Saslier, making him wake up.

"That means we are really threatening 'God', especially by pointing out the desecration of the Tablets."

This is a very important point, enough for 'God' to make certain responses.

Although the current Creator or Sasril can no longer leave the Blasphemy Slate, after taking precautions, "God" cannot easily succeed.

"This at least proves that our preparations are not all in vain..." Truman raised his lips.

"I'm... sure." Torzner, who looked like a mummy, rolled his eyes that seemed to be made of filth.

"Three days ago... the characteristics of my body... were pulled by the gathered power... inevitably... I looked at the starry sky and saw... that bright star."

"That kind of... pollution from the outer gods... descended from the star realm to... bind and capture me."

"Thank you... for your help... Mr. Mian." The mummy awkwardly bowed his head to greet Mian. He spoke as much as he could for hundreds of years, and now his speech is much smoother.

"I don't have the habit of giving freely," Truman pondered for a while and looked at Torzner, "Now we need your help, you can't refuse."

"Of course, to show my sincerity, this thing can be used as a reward." Truman took out the special rag doll directly.

The mummy finally made obvious movement, its eyes widened, and it subconsciously took a half step forward. There was a strong cohesive force bursting out between the two.

But Torzner still has sense and knows that this thing is not so easy to get. Hasn't he known for so many years that this "divine evil" is in Truman's hands?

He did not try to obtain it. Firstly, Truman has not been on earth for hundreds of years. Secondly, he did not have enough bargaining chips. The treasure house left by the Alien King has been basically consumed. This dream angel controls the Creator. treasury.

"I don't have...the right to refuse..."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 109 Emergency


Chapter 109 Emergency

"There should be no reason to refuse."

Truman directly sent the rag doll in his hand to the mummy Torzner.

"This characteristic can help you resist the pollution of outer gods."

Truman deliberately added something to this characteristic. As long as the barrier is not broken and the "Mother Tree of Desire" enters the earth in person, Truman can try to save this "bound god".

As for whether he can completely break away from that person's shackles, what is needed is Thorz's own strength.

Torzner's filthy eyes shone slightly when he saw this characteristic in his hand, especially the power to resist the pollution of foreign gods that moved his heart.

After this pollution, he has faced the irresistible power of the outer gods head-on. If Truman comes later this time, the pollution may completely cover him.

Then He may just be a puppet who only gives birth to children.

"it is good!"

This is the only word that means fast and accurate

"We will assassinate the Creator."

Truman took advantage of the situation and revealed his ultimate goal.


The mummy's movements were so fast that Truman saw a phantom, and Torzner put aside the "godly evil" trait he had obtained and jumped directly into the spirit world.

This... makes sense.

"How could you run away?" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly, flicked his fingers, and the rag doll turned into a stream of light and sank into Torzner's body, forcibly helping Torzner accommodate this "divine evil" "characteristic.

Torzner, who is the King of Angels himself, has no problem accommodating a portion of the "god's evil".

With the help of "utopian" power and dreamy phosphorescence, Torzner's mental state was maintained within a reasonable range and he gained peace.

"You've already taken the reward, do you want to pay it back to me?" Truman looked at the mummy walking out of the spirit world.

It's impossible to repay the fused features...

The mummy lay in the void as if dead, having given up struggling.

"Very good, happy cooperation." Truman smiled, wandered away, and returned to his own territory.

"The power of alien gods may have entered our world." Truman sent this news to the other three members of the Dream Council, reminding them to prepare early.

However, Truman also knew that they had almost no way to deal with it.

"God" even just weakened the strength of some barriers and already caused great trouble to them.

However... the incoming power is estimated to be maintained at a low limit, and there is a high probability that it will not affect the recovery of "God", but this is already a big trouble for Truman's side.


Truman was inspired and took out something from his pocket in space. The golden wishing lamp was trembling slightly, and its wick emitted an unusually sticky golden light.

These rays of light converge upward to outline a golden figure.

After the Djinn appeared, he did not look at Truman immediately. Instead, he set his sights on the Church of the Creator in the diocese managed by Truman. There was a huge cross there, pointing to the Creator.

His tone became solemn, "The spirit of your Creator has begun to become confused."

Truman was suddenly shocked and looked towards the Church of the Creator.

"What? Aren't you ready to trade with me?" The Djinn looked at the church with caution.

He claims to be an alliance with "God" against the "secret", but it depends on whether "God" needs his alliance...

"Go back!" Truman's face was solemn, he picked up the magic lamp and stuffed it back into the space pocket.

"This is a process and now is just the beginning."

"None of us will die, but we will occasionally fall asleep. When we wake up, everything will surrender." The voice of the genie echoed in Truman's ears.

"But you are different. The biggest unreasonable thing is that you wake up."

Truman opened the Book of Dreams and forced the members of the Dream Council into it.


The Sea of ​​Dreams was in great turmoil, the Kingdom of Dreams was also trembling slightly, and the Book of Dreams also sensed the awakening will of the "God".Four figures appeared in it, sitting on the four chairs.

All eyes were fixed on Saslier.

Saslier's expression was also heavy. He looked at Truman and sighed softly, "You are right, he woke up in my body."

Truman and the two goddesses even felt as if the stone had finally fallen to the ground.

"This is a slow process, but it is also an irreversible process."

Saslier talks about his situation.

"He is adapting, and he is also doing omniscience, shaping omnipotence."

"His spirit is still very weak, but I can't remove it. Every attempt will weaken itself and strengthen the other party. This is..."

"The process of boiling a frog in warm water." Truman thought of a suitable metaphor.

It's a pity that Saslier is the "frog" now, and the rhythm is completely in the hands of that "God".

"Next, I will fall into a deep sleep and resist the resurrection." Saslier glanced around and announced the news, "This may be a long process."

"After that, everything in the Church of the Creator will enter a stable state, and everything will be focused on confronting Him."

It also takes time for water to reach a certain temperature, not to mention that the Creator will not give up on saving himself.

This period of time is the pull between the old and the new Creator.

"But I also prepared for the worst."

Saslier stated calmly.

"I have invited Ourolius and Medici in the name of the Vice-President of Heaven."

"I have invited Salinger."

"Badheir and Torzner are also in place."

Amanisis and Truman spoke to confirm one after another.

"I hope you can be my salvation." Saslier thanked everyone present with a chuckle.

The dream heaven fell into silence, and everyone's mood was very subtle.

Then Lilith spoke to break the silence, "I sensed the one on the moon, and He seemed to have power to penetrate into her."

"Yes!" Truman nodded slightly, "When I was looking for Torzner, I happened to encounter the pollution infiltrated by the 'Mother Tree of Desire'."

He once again reiterated his previous findings in this dream parliament.

"I suspect that 'God' has weakened the world barrier and introduced the power of external gods."

"This would stretch our resources significantly."

Just as the appearance of pollution by the "Fallen Mother Goddess" on the moon directly attracted Lilith's attention, she could not allow that pollution power to take root in this world.



"How is your condition?" Amanisis asked about Truman's condition.

"Yes, you can't face the source of matter." Saslier suddenly realized this. Before, his attention was distracted by the sleeping side of his body, and he was not aware of it.

"I have a lot of believers now," Truman said. "As long as the source material doesn't attack me directly, I can resist it."

There are already more dream believers on the other side of the starry sky than on the earth, and the extraordinary people who have received his gift are more important than other believers and can help him anchor himself.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 110 Redemption Rose


Chapter 110 Redemption Rose

Truman's anchoring himself naturally means maintaining a clear self-awareness and not falling into a state of near eternal silence and not knowing whether he can wake up.

"Don't worry, I'm ready to face 'God' directly." Truman said.

The other three also felt much more at ease.

Today's Truman is a real god and will play an important role in the fight against "God".

If there is one less true god-level combat power, then the planned assassination will be even more difficult.

"Get ready for that 'Redemption of the Rose' party."

Finally, Saslier took a look around and decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Okay!" The others nodded.

The three figures disappeared into Dream Heaven one after another. Truman walked out of the supreme palace of Dream Heaven and looked at the sea of ​​dreams below.

The vast sea of ​​dreams that seems to connect every life is now in some kind of turmoil because it senses the awakening of "God".

This performance is much better than the situation a long time ago when Truman just woke up and encountered the Sea of ​​Chaos.

At that time, the Book of Dreams immediately rioted when it sensed the breath of the source, and was about to collide with the Sea of ​​Chaos.

"It is feasible to weaken the Book of Dreams..." Truman looked at the sea of ​​dreams and had an overall perception of the entire Book of Dreams.

There are already a lot of Dream Path Extraordinaries in the starry sky, and the large number of gifts has weakened the power of the Dream Book a lot.

But this is actually a good thing for Truman.

"I am a dream, but a dream is not just me."

What was weakened was the part other than Truman, which made Truman more able to control the Book of Dreams, and his tendency to sleep was also slightly weakened.

When the Book of Dreams is weakened to a certain extent and he completely controls the Book of Dreams, he will probably be able to take control of the real "Dream".

This authority is also easy to understand, that is, dreams come true and wishes come true. It has some overlap with "dreams", but it is comparable to a pillar in terms of personality.

As for the power given by the Book of Dreams, it can all be recycled. How many years can the average extraordinary person live?

In the past few hundred years, those Dream Path Extraordinaries have all changed.


Truman came to the Giant King's Court.

This place has been abandoned for a long time. Of course, as the Kingdom of God in the "Twilight" of the previous generation, it still maintains sufficient strength and will not collapse.


A faint figure came behind Trumen.

His appearance only made the color of the void darker, outlining a female figure shrouded in mist.

This is the true form of Amanysis, who has not appeared in the real world for a long time.

After His arrival, the hidden power began to work. The Giant King's Court still existed there, but no one, not even angels or true gods, could notice it anymore.

It was as if such a magnificent divine kingdom had never appeared here before.

"They have arrived." Truman nodded lightly.

Um!Amanisis nodded slightly and disappeared.

And Truman also walked towards the most magnificent temple and gently opened the door.

The dusk light shone into the palace, and Truman also saw clearly the layout inside.

This is a hall painted with countless murals. In the center of the hall is a long dark red table, surrounded by high-backed chairs with complicated patterns.Truman walked into it, and a certain scene in his memory seemed to have crossed the boundary between illusion and reality and arrived here.

The difference is that now he will also participate in this lively party.

"Dream, you're here." Saslier's high seat was at the top, where there were two high-backed chairs. He was sitting on the left side, and on the right side of the high-backed chair was the faint shadow.

The apparent conveners of this gathering are still Sasril and Amanisis.

Truman walked to the first chair on the left, and passed Ourolius and Medici in turn - after eliminating the three angel kings who might have problems, the power of the Creator's Heaven was a little weak.

There are four people on the right, namely the soft, dignified and all-inclusive "Mother Goddess of the Earth", the "God of War" wearing decaying armor, and the "God of the Undead" wearing a dark black robe with deep features, wrapped by straps. The mummy of the "god of spiritual things".

"We gather here to redeem ourselves and maintain the balance of this world."

After Truman took his seat, Amanysis's voice sounded faintly, echoing in the ears of the gathering.

"There is no need to feel guilty, it will not benefit us. Division and deviation are the most basic order in this world."

"This is His idea, and we are just the executors of this plan."

"There's no denying that we all have dark thoughts and desires, but that's normal."

"Death and blood are inevitable. In the name of 'Redemption Rose', we will redeem the world, Him, and you and me."

Everyone listened quietly, even the most arrogant Medici did not interrupt.

"Oh, what a gathering of betrayers." Of course, Medici began his performance after Amanissis finished speaking.

He pressed the back of the chair backwards and put his feet on the long dark red table, not paying any attention to the true god opposite him.

"This time, you are the ones who betrayed..." As a truly experienced god, Badheir glanced at the four kings of angels opposite him.

"Oh? You still have the last time?" Medici raised his eyebrows arrogantly, very interested in the story of the "last time", "Do you want to share your advanced experience?"

While speaking, Medici looked at the "Earth Mother Goddess".

The "God of War"'s betrayal of the Giant King is no secret in the circle of the King of Angels.

"Okay." Before Medici challenged the "Earth Mother Goddess", Saslier stopped her and changed the topic to the right direction.

"After I fail in my independent struggle, that person's power will reach the same level as mine, but you don't have to worry too much."

"Most of that person's power will be suppressed by me, and you just have to kill me when the time is right."

Saslier's words silenced the audience, with both Ourolyus and Medici showing uncontrollable resistance.

Although he already knows what needs to be done, assassinating the person he has been loyal to for nearly a thousand years is not something everyone can do.

"Whether you succeed or not, you will get the recipe for becoming the old one."

"Meng will be responsible for all this."

All eyes were focused on Truman.

"In addition, I will give you a piece of information about the alien gods that I brought back from the starry sky." Truman said, making the gods present shine again.

As a pioneer in the starry sky, Truman has more information about the starry sky than the entire earth knows today.

But at the level of gods, the starry sky is what they have to face.

(End of this chapter)