
A 23

Chapter 111 "God"


Chapter 111 "God"

"Everyone, this is just the prologue. The real challenge will begin in a few hundred years." Truman reminded softly.

"Let's prepare each other." Saslier nodded slightly, and then Amanisis directly announced the end of the first gathering of "Redemption Rose" and left secretly.

Immediately afterwards, the Mother Goddess of the Earth, the God of War, the God of the Undead and the God of Spiritual Objects all left through their own means, leaving only a few Angel Kings of the Creator on the scene.

"I used my ability to make a prophecy." Ourolius looked up at Sasril, "I saw corruption, blood apes, darkness, decay, killing, filth in my destiny..."

Saslier just listened without commenting.

"None of them are good words." Medici clicked his tongue, but his mood was far less cheerful than before.

"Why don't you bring Leodro and Amon with you?" Medici looked at Truman and Saslier who looked calm, "Maybe they are so stupid that they can't tell which one is their master. Yet?"

"Amon and Adam have my plan to fight against that person, and Leodro and the others may be affected by that person because of their paths." Saslier explained.


Even Medici was speechless for a while. A church that had ruled for almost the entire century was forcibly split. They were even plotting to assassinate the omniscient and omnipotent Lord.

"I need some time to accept it." Ourolius stood up and paced back and forth in the dusk palace, and then... He decided to paint a few murals to calm down.

"Interesting!" Medici jumped to Ouroboros's side and watched the mural being completed. From time to time he would make suggestions to modify his perfect image in the mural.

"..." Truman watched this scene and moved closer, using dreamy phosphorescence to add some material to his portrait.

When Medici saw this, he said that he wanted it too, but was severely rejected by Ourolyus. He had always been a realist, so he couldn't beat the dream, otherwise...

Saslier was speechless as he watched the three angel kings competing over a mural.

Just now they were plotting to kill the Creator, and now they were discussing how to leave a more perfect image on the mural.

Is this... appropriate?

But for a moment, Saslier thought this was pretty good.


These hundreds of years are critical for the Creator who is at odds with "God", but for "Redemption Rose", this is very painful.

Among them, the problems Truman encountered were particularly prominent. In his own territory, he felt the gradually reviving will of "God" all the time. The sea of ​​dreams was turbulent all the time, leaving him mentally and physically exhausted.

But Truman wanted to take this opportunity to gradually strengthen his resistance to the will of "God", so he persisted and did not leave.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Truman also made some preparations. On the surface, he was only active in his divided "Dream Angel" identity.

This identity of "Dream Angel" keeps walking around the world, making preparations for various wars.

Over the course of hundreds of years, the Church of the God of War was recognized by the Church of the Creator, and even secret sects that worshiped death or pursued abstinence appeared in some places.

This was Saslier's advance payment.

Rumors have emerged in many dioceses that the Vice-President of the Kingdom of Heaven was tempted by the hidden existence and gradually fell into corruption.

"You and Saslier seem to be hiding something from us." This is the first time Amon has come to test him.

After the establishment of "Redemption Rose", its members conspired every once in a while to discuss specific battle preparations. Even with "secret" power, it was impossible for everyone to be unaware.

Among them, Amon relied on a certain keen sense of smell to lock Truman and determined that he was an important part of this secret.

"I asked you to ask your father." Truman's identity is no different from Truman himself, more like a clone.There are two eyeballs made of starlight in his hand, which are the uniqueness of the "door" path.

Bethel has gone to the starry sky to perfectly perform the promotion ceremony of the Sequence One "Star Key" and become a Sequence One Archangel, but this thing cannot be given to Him yet.

"Father fell into a deep sleep." Amon's face looked a little strange. He who became the "wrong" only sex noticed that something was changing, but he had no way of knowing the status of the Creator, and he had no ability to see through the "secret".

"Then wait until he wakes up and ask again." Truman stopped outside a city and used the "gate" authority to locate the coordinates here.

He has been doing this for hundreds of years.

"What are you afraid of?" Amon reached out and grabbed the starlight to steal it, but some kind of power was changing. He subconsciously let go and did not try to "steal" again.

His inspiration gives warning that something bad is going to happen.

"It's this move again." Amon sneered, but didn't dare to do it.

Amon wanted to continue to entangle and try other methods, but at a certain moment, he and Truman both raised their heads and looked in the direction of the Creator's Heaven.

Some mysterious connection made them feel connected.

"Father is awake?" Amon blinked, a little surprised.

"Yes, I'm awake..." The smile on Truman's face gradually faded.

"Ha! The information you have is worthless." Amon suddenly looked at Truman.

Truman glanced at Amon strangely, then chuckled and said, "Go back to your father quickly."

"Hmph!" Amon was extremely "obedient" and stole the distance directly, returning to the Creator's Heaven.

Truman had no intention of returning to the Creator's Heaven, and silently began his preparations.

"You also have things you are afraid of." Truman silently took out a mask from his pocket and put it on his face.

"The Fool" mask!

Before that, the uniqueness of the "mistake" reproduced by Truman had already appeared in Truman's right eye.

The mask of "The Fool" merged with the uniqueness of "Error", and a strange aura appeared in this world. The eyeballs made of starlight were affected by the cohesion force and were already ready to move.

If Amon were here, the true "error" and uniqueness would be attracted, and the "secret" would be revived.

Therefore, Amon was arranged to leave.

For the omniscient and omnipotent "God", this couldn't be simpler.

"Dream, we meet again."

A priest wearing a simple white robe walked out of this city-state and stepped on the Shinto paved with white stones, barefoot to avoid dust.

The sunlight seemed to have a destination, gradually converging towards him, forming a halo behind his head.

He looked at Truman with a pair of eyes as clear as a baby and said hello in a friendly manner.

Even though Truman was fully prepared for this, he took a step back slightly when he saw the Creator like this.

The Creator in front of you can no longer see the existence of humanity, giving people a grand and endless feeling, like a huge light and shadow that can support the universe.

"Hello, 'God'."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 112 Start


Chapter 112 Start

"Hello, 'God'."

Truman took a deep breath, facing this person directly made him feel great mental pressure.

He learned from the Djinn that God valued him, and speculated that if "God" wakes up, he will most likely look for his true body.

So he split his identity as "Dream Angel" and also brought the "Secret" suit with him.

From this point of view, "God" is even more afraid of the "mystery" that has not yet recovered, and chose to see the "Dream Angel".

If "God" really ran to block Truman's body, the dream angel here would directly revive "Mystery".

"Destiny is indeed wonderful enough. Perhaps only the fusion of existences such as the 'Circle of Fate' and the 'Key of Light' can completely see through it."

"Who would have thought that you would become my angel?" Both the Djinn and now "God" seem to care about this very much.

"It's not your angel," Truman corrected, and then pointed out a fact, "'Dream Angel' has been completely divided by me, and neither you nor 'Mystery' can snatch the Book of Dreams away through him."

This clone has stolen part of the destiny of the original body and is already an independent individual.

Truman also believed that without this level of preparation, both "God" and "Secret" would have corresponding means to attack him.

"I'm not a 'secret', and I won't use this method. You will send it to me when I need it." "God" spoke with a sense of confidence, as if he had everything under control.

After "God" said these words, Truman, who was far away in the Deep Dark Heaven, even had a strong idea to give up everything and directly give the Book of Dreams to "God"!

This is no longer hypnosis, but an absolute grasp of the historical trend, which is enough to affect anyone in the world!

This is a modern manifestation of the power of "dream" and is an aspect of omniscience and omnipotence.


The sea of ​​dreams appeared in Truman's eyes, and the shadow of heaven appeared between his eyebrows.

"This is 'God'. The power of one sentence is enough to cause the complete collapse of 'utopian' authority."

The "utopian" power that Truman held was completely ineffective, and even gave him the illusion of rebellion.

"Ah...Saslier, are you in place!" Truman used the Book of Dreams to construct a dialogue line and shouted at Saslier, "I can't hold it anymore!"

At this moment, Saslier has come to the Giant King's Court and locked himself in the deepest place - He did not reveal the final resurrection plan to anyone, but this choice is no different from what Truman knew.

"Okay, get ready to start." Saslier sat on the black iron throne and placed the blasphemous slate beside him.

Powers such as the Fall, the White Tower, and the Storm emanate from the profane stone slabs, protecting this place.

In the end, Sasril rested his left elbow on the armrest, dragged his face with his palm, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep, his personality returning to his true form.

There will be a battlefield between two generations of creators.

At the same moment, Amanissis in the form of a half-demon wolf walked out of the darkness, holding a huge and exaggerated death scythe, and a red moon bloomed behind his head.

The Earth Mother Goddess walked out of the Kingdom of God, spreading endless vitality amidst the chants of vampires and human believers. She came holding a wooden staff, and the earth seemed to be in rhythm.

The god of war wears armor and holds a sword. The dusk in the one-eyed eye reaches a terrifying level, and the space is decaying and degrading.

The God of the Dead and the God of Spiritual Creatures are coming, and the Red Angel and the Angel of Destiny are also taking action. "It seems that something interesting is happening." "God" looked at the nervous Truman and suddenly smiled.

At this moment, Truman saw something familiar to "God", it was Saslier!

"Kill me..." Saslier said this, but in an instant, "God" took the initiative, with a look of surprise on his face, "Is this the purpose of your accumulation of strength?"

Once there are two omniscient and omnipotent persons, there will be contradictions in the realization of this authority.

When two identical omniscient beings are involved in each other, this kind of authority becomes a paradox.

The second-generation creator, Sasril, completely gave up his resistance to "God" at a certain moment and silently accumulated strength.

During this period of time, "God" successfully woke up from his deep sleep, obtained enough information, found the Dream Angel, and blocked Truman's clone here.

But after Sasril returned to his true form, the power accumulated by the Creator exploded instantly, seizing the initiative!

Truman looked at the "God" that was changing every second, and he gradually showed signs of mental breakdown.

This is the result of looking directly at "God".

"Fool!" Truman used the power of the "Fool" mask to try to fool "God"'s will, lower his IQ, make him misjudge, and help Saslier gain the upper hand.

It's just that a certain kind of strong light blooms from the eyes of "God", as if it is recuperating and falling on the earth, and the terrifying light splashes out, purifying all negative states.

"God" is completely resistant to "mysterious" abilities, and he actually used his body's instinct to release the old-level "purification"!

This instinct seems to be engraved in the deepest part of all the relevant characteristics of "God", and even Saslier cannot stop it.

"'Secret', how much you are hated by others!" Truman could only relieve his mental pressure by complaining wildly.

But it only took a moment, a red moon hung high, shining moonlight, and spiritual riots began.

There is a secret power that wraps up this battlefield, cutting off all information exchanges, and creating an undisturbed assassination battlefield.

Amanissis has arrived, and the Earth Mother Goddess and the God of War are also here. The plants on the ground are growing rapidly, and the flowers, mushrooms, trees, etc. are directly drowning the "God".

And dusk came with a storm of light, and the exaggerated long sword covered with orange-red light slashed down.

The three true gods acted without reservation, and the "God" who was deeply struggling with himself finally took his eyes away from Truman.

"Let there be light." "God" whispered to the world, and then there was light in the whole world.

Different from the previous "purification", this time it affects the entire world. The spiritual world, the star world, and the real world are all shrouded in strong light. No secrets can be hidden at this time.

In the same way, the hidden power has also been penetrated, and the "hidden" authority that has been almost unsolvable before has been restrained.

This is also a kind of "omniscientness".

There are no secrets to hide under the sun.

The result of the failure of "secret" authority is...

The whole world saw the terrifying sun rising from the ground.

And Adam, Amon, Leodero and other angel kings felt the call of the Lord!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 113 Secret Recovery


Chapter 113 Secret Recovery

"Is this a grand fireworks show?" The smile on Amon's lips rose, but it was inexplicably cold.

"The Lord is calling us!"

The three angel kings Oseikus, Leodro, and Herabergen responded to the call and rushed to the core battlefield as quickly as possible.


A city appeared out of thin air above these angel kings, suppressing it with some powerful force.

"City of Miracles?!"

Leodro's eyes widened, but subconsciously he turned into lightning and charged forward!

The City of Miracles has already become a part of the Creator's Kingdom of Heaven. No one expected that it would appear here at this time.

Thunder splashed in the Miracle City, but did not cause any damage to the Miracle City.

This is the kingdom of the fantasy dragon!

"It's a dream." Adam's face was as calm as usual, and his eyes were as clear as a baby's as he looked at the City of Miracles without any other reaction. He remained calm and was not prepared to resist.

The other angel kings used their own methods to explore this fantasy kingdom.

The City of Miracles did not attack them directly, but turned into a huge maze, trapping them here.

Without true god-level power, it is absolutely impossible to break open this city.


"Bethel!" Truman's real body also walked out of the Deep Dark Heaven and looked at Bethel, who had been guarding his territory.

Bethel is now a sequence one archangel, and he is naturally aware of the battle in the distance.

The entire continent is in turmoil, and the world seems to be on the verge of destruction.

This is even more terrifying than the frequent divine wars in the Second Age. It happens in the real world, even on the surface!

"Teacher..." Bethel hesitated.

"Do what you have to do, and I will take care of the rest." Truman said softly, and wandered away.

"Yes!" Bethel sensed the many "space anchors" left by this world and began to use his own power to save more people.

In terms of mobility, Bethel is now number one in the world, more powerful than the true God.

The Dream Angel also spent hundreds of years planting enough "space anchors" for Bethel.

Little bits of starlight kept pouring out of his body, and he seemed to be transformed into a translucent key with a strange shape.

His state has also become extremely strange. Following the guidance of the "space anchor point", he descended on several city-states almost at the same time, sprinkled starlight, wrapped the humans in the entire city-state, and carried out space transfer as a whole!

This is also a very important part of the war. "God" chose to place the battlefield in the real world instead of the star realm that is more beneficial to Him. There may not be any intention to shake the Sasril "anchor" on a large scale.

Truman's arrangement for this is to let Bethel remove as many humans as possible from this continent, at least so that Saslier will not fall into a worse situation due to the shaking of the "anchor".

"Why is it so difficult to kill?!" Truman took a deep breath as he felt the terrifying scene in the center of the battlefield.

"God" still showed terrifying power despite being restrained by Sasril. The three true gods and the four kings of angels could not even cause fatal damage to it.

"I still have to take the risk!" Truman gritted his teeth, and the dreamy angel in the center of the battlefield directly pressed the two starlight eyeballs in his hands towards his eyes!

The harm caused to "God" by him using these powers is too weak.

——"God" himself has almost constant defense system against all the powers of the three mysterious paths, and he still has enough instinctive reaction even in the tug of war with Sasril.

"Source Castle!" Truman contacted Source Castle through the two unique items on his body. It was quite easy. Even Source Castle had wanted to find him for a long time.


A thick gray-white mist suddenly appeared above the spiritual world.

Almost at the same time, an illusory mark appeared between the eyebrows of the dream angel wearing the mask of "The Fool". It was a strange light door stained with a slight blue-black color, and a thin gray-white mist continued to spread out.

The "Lord of Mysteries" has truly begun to revive in Dream Angel!

Truman only felt that some kind of will descended from the Source Castle, and combined with the kind of authority in him, began some kind of indescribable qualitative change.

At this time, "God" looked over.

This person gave up the opportunity to overpower Sasril's personality in a short period of time in exchange for the power above the temporary sequence.

Hua Hua Hua... Truman even felt that there was something wrong with his senses. He heard the sound of the waves.

The next moment, the dreamy angel clone of "The Truman" came further away, with an infinitely higher perspective, looking down at the sea of ​​chaos surging from the ground.

His eyes became deep and cold, and some kind of grand will was fighting for the control of this body.

"Stop!" "God", softly uttered one word, time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and everything lost its color.

"God" raised his head slightly and looked at the "dream" in the sky.

A lightning storm at the level of the old days, with chaotic thunder generated out of thin air, was about to split the Dream Angel into dust.


A gentle sound restored the flow of time in this world, and the necessary position to break free from the shackles of the past was high enough.

A pocket of space was shattered, and the Black Emperor's Crown, the Brass Book, and the Wishing Lamp were thrown out, crashing into the terrifying lightning storm.

"Damn it!" The Djinn shouted, and he was thrown out as a shield!

The true God cannot destroy the wishing lamp, but "God" can. The intensity of this lightning storm is also maintained at a subtle intensity, which is enough to cause serious trauma but not kill Him.

The black emperor's crown was placed on the head of the djinn, and the brass book fell into his hand.



The two powers were back in his hands, but the djinn was in an extremely bad mood.

The landing point of the chaotic-colored lightning storm was distorted, and finally bloomed in the star realm, shocking the old days outside the barrier.

The Djinn blocked this lightning storm, preventing Dream Angel from turning into dust, and also bought the most precious recovery time for Dream Angel's resurrected will.

The gray-white mist emerging from the Dream Angel became increasingly dense, and many smooth and dark tentacles stretched out from behind him,

The "Lord of Mysteries" has initially recovered.

The two pillars looked at each other, and the boundaries of time were blurred, as if they had returned to the First Age.

When the lantern god was in it, it was as if he had returned to the first era, or even worse. At that time, he encountered a pillar, was tricked into splitting himself, and was stuffed into the magic lamp.

Now there are two...

What the Djinn should consider now is whether he can truly be resurrected in the starry sky after being killed by the two pillars.

If it were before, he was sure that after all, even the complete "Lord of Mysteries" only sealed him instead of killing him.

But now He is facing two pillars...

(End of this chapter)

lChapter 114: Erosion by Outer Gods


Chapter 114: Erosion by Outer Gods

"I make a wish, and I want my belongings to come back to me."

A voice rang in the ears of the lamp god, and it was Truman's voice. He was now the owner of the wishing lamp and had the right to make wishes.

The Djinn is mixed between "God" and "mystery", and he doesn't feel the slightest sense of security even if he has the uniqueness of two things. After Truman made a wish, he fulfilled it without hesitation.

——The items in this wish also include the wishing lamp, which can allow the djinn to reasonably escape from this dilemma.

The wishing lamp, the Black Emperor's crown, and the brass book all disappeared directly and returned to Truman's body.

There is no barrier between "God" and "mystery".


The two pillars didn't speak. They almost subconsciously took action to crush each other's coffin board to death!

As if the history of the First Age reappeared, these two men once again started a war at the highest level of the universe.

Of course, they at this time are far from being comparable to the perfection of the first era.

Most of the power of "God" is suppressed by the Sasril personality in the body and cannot be used.

However, the "Lord of Mysteries" who has initially recovered has no corresponding characteristics in his body to support it, and even the "wrong" uniqueness is still false.

The entire world is in deep danger because of the riots and confrontations between the Sea of ​​Chaos and Origin Castle.

The world barrier seemed to be trembling slightly, the entire earth was also experiencing earthquakes, the continent underfoot had begun to fall apart, and endless tsunamis were set off in the ocean.

The Truman consciousness in the body of Dream Angel watched a cosmic-level battle at close range.

Various concepts have been tampered with, stolen, and reshaped, corrupted, and controlled in the next moment. The space between the two pillars is being shattered, degraded, and collapsed at a terrifying speed.

This directly affects the stability of the world.

But this process didn't last long, and both of them were in bad condition, but "Mystery", who had just recovered, was still suppressed by "God".

"Eternal day!" "God" spoke softly. Truman, who was far away in his own territory, stiffened, and all the impulses to lethargy caused by the appearance of the source material were suppressed.

The "Eternal Day" effect exerted by "God" at this time was aimed at him, or more accurately, the Dream Angel.

The body of Dream Angel has become the basis for the resurrection of the "Lord of Mysteries". The consciousness belonging to Truman has been suppressed to an extremely weak level. Now it is pulled up from the trap by "Eternal Day", which is enough to compete with the newly revived "Lord of Mysteries" Pull.

"The pull of fantasy and mystery will create a balance."

"God" made a prophecy in the chaotic and dark sea.

This was the first time that "God" used this power and then fulfilled this prophecy without any preconditions.

Some kind of power keeps the "secret" will and Truman in a strange balance.

Truman only felt that he had become extremely powerful and could compete with the "Lord of Secrets" in his body.

"Omniscient and omnipotent"... As long as the recovery of the "Lord of Mysteries" does not exceed a certain limit, I will remain in this state forever.

Such a thought arose in Truman's heart. He wanted to give up resistance, but the thought of suicide could not even arise!

This power is too terrifying. Of course, the "God" who used this power was overwhelmed by Sasril for the first time and fell into a disadvantage.

This is the price "God" must pay for fighting against the "mystery" of recovery.

He was prepared now when he made the choice to suppress the will of the "Lord of Mysteries".

Now the situation has reversed, the offensive and defensive sides have changed, and the "God" who is on the defensive must wait for the next opportunity.

All the visions of "God" were dissipating, and Sasriel restrained the power he radiated. Of course, he did not withdraw the prophecy of suppressing the "mystery".The other true gods came to a standstill under the power of "God", but after breaking free, they attacked again without hesitation!

The raging tide of darkness is coming, consuming all existence; the decay of dusk and the miracle of living things are blooming at the same time; the bone cloud of death is spreading, the curse of being bound is also taking effect, there is also the red of war, the misfortune of fate... …

Sasril waited calmly, and fell into a dream along with the power of the night. He saw himself being killed, and the golden blood of the god was sprinkled all over the ocean.

It went very well... Truman became nervous, this was the most critical moment.

"What should I do at this time?" The more nervous Truman became, the less able he seemed to grasp the key point.

All his energy and mind seemed to be involved in the struggle against the "secret".


The divine badge on Truman's chest suddenly trembled.

That's "Eternal Day" from Saslier.

Truman's mind suddenly woke up, as if an invisible curtain had been lifted away, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

"It's the foreign gods! They are too calm!" Truman suddenly felt like his scalp was numb.

From the beginning of the assassination to now, the Outer God has not made any move, not even making an appearance to approach the earth.

Maybe the will of the two pillars scared them, but this will definitely not scare away the "Fallen Mother Goddess"!


In the City of Miracles, the five angel kings trapped here each behave differently.

Adam was still waiting for something to happen, and Amon walked through the maze with great interest. Of course, compared to usual, Amon was also a little worried, and the smile on his lips was much lighter.

Leodro was accumulating his anger, preparing to launch a fatal attack on Mew and defend his faith to the death. Herabergen remained motionless and seemed to be distracted.

"I have a way out." Oseikus said suddenly. The sunlight had explored every part of the maze, and he was sure that there was no exit to this miraculous maze.

Then you can only create one.

All the angel kings looked towards Osykus.

"Use it quickly! I don't want to stay here and wait for the results!" Leodro growled.

"When did you have this ability?" Amon looked at Oseikus with a smile on his lips, and unconsciously stretched his right hand towards Oseikus, wanting to steal.

"Stop!" Adam picked up the silver cross on his chest at some point.

But neither Adam's guidance nor Amon's stealing failed. There is something extremely high in Oseikus!

"Don't worry, it's just a gadget." Oseikus took out a palm-sized portal made of flesh and blood.

This comes from a sequence three vampire in the territory of Oseikus, the "Master of Summoning".

It is worth mentioning that this "Master of Summoning" does not believe in the Mother Goddess of the Earth, nor the ancestor of the blood race, but the moon above his head.

"Original Moon"!

Oseikus threw down the door of flesh and blood in his hand, but in an instant, the door of flesh and blood expanded crazily, and low murmurs came from the other end of the door, which seemed to be a sacrifice, and the object of the sacrifice was the "Eternal Moon" , "Primordial Moon."

"What are you doing?!" Amon sensed a familiar aura and his smile froze slightly.

"When we can no longer break the situation, we must introduce outside power." Oseikus's eyes were clear and he was very awake.


The door of flesh and blood opened slightly, and wisps of crimson light seeped in.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 115 Mystery


Chapter 115 Mystery

"Why would I forget something so important?!"

Truman felt cold all over his body. If it weren't for Saslier's "Eternal Day", he might still be unable to break away from that state of losing his mind.

"'Fool'?" When had he been affected by the "Lord of Mysteries"?

"Ha." A chuckle suddenly sounded in Trumen's ears.

It was the will of recovery entangled with him in the body of the dream angel!

"Dream, I saw you last time..." The voice of "The Lord of Mysteries" sounded in Truman's heart.

At the same time, what emerged in Truman's mind was the scene where the Destruction Wolf was killed by Lilith's self-destruction in the Second Age.

During that war, the Demon Wolf of Destruction once tried to let go of its suppression of the will of the "Lord of Mysteries" in the body and summoned the Source Castle, hoping to break the situation.

However, due to the joint efforts of the major ancient gods and the ancient sun god, it failed. The "Lord of Mysteries" who had just shown some signs of recovery was suppressed, and the Destruction Wolf was completely dead, with its characteristics scattered.

"..." Truman frowned, and then he didn't believe a single punctuation mark!

He simply ignored the voice ringing in his ears, and his brain came back online. He instantly locked onto the City of Miracles, wandered over, and saw the crimson door of flesh and blood.

"Lightning storm"!

Truman stretched out his finger, and a true god-level lightning storm was thrown out. One after another, lightning of different colors spread its teeth and claws, expanding wantonly, shrouding the door of flesh and blood in the ocean of thunder.

The Gate of Flesh is just a manifestation of the characteristics of a "Master of Summoning". It is not powerful and quickly turns into dots of light in the thunder.

But in this way, the miraculous maze set up by Truman was also opened, and the true god-level power tore open the barrier of this ancient divine kingdom.

However, the Summoning Gate has summoned all the power belonging to the Mother Goddess in the entire world to this place, helping her locate this place.

The five angel kings, Amon, Adam, Leodro, Herabogen, and Osykus, each broke free from the City of Miracles.

Each of them quickly escaped from the attack range of the lightning storm through their own means and headed towards the core battlefield.

Truman's eyes are fixed on the three angel kings of Leodro. At this time, he will not hesitate!

"That's too late..."

The resurrected will of the "Lord of Mysteries" and Truman's will were forcibly pulled together by "God", and Truman could not get rid of it.

Truman looked up and saw a huge red moon.

It occupied all of Truman's field of vision, and a red sea seemed to flow above the red moon.

When Truman stared at him, the entire sea was boiling, quickly condensing to the middle, and piling up, eventually forming a crimson shadow whose specific appearance could not be clearly seen.

The red sea disappeared, and the moon's surface revealed pits, bright and cold.

But standing on the moon was a figure many times larger than the planet. The huge moon was now just a raised brick in the sea of ​​stars.

The countless eyeballs on the mother goddess turned at the same time, looking down at the blue planet and the dream.

He seemed to look at Truman for a moment.

"There needs to be light." Saslier suddenly woke up from his deep dream.

He looked up and looked beyond the starry sky, knowing everything with his "omniscience and omnipotence", and then reacted instinctively, strengthening the world barrier through the authority of the "Lord of the Star Boundary".

This greatly weakened the power of the blood moon. After it fell on Truman, there were only a few wisps of light pink pollution.

It's just that Saslier, who has used his power twice, is also facing a counterattack by the will of "God".

Truman woke up from a dream, sweating profusely. "Don't worry, He can't come in yet." The "Lord of Mysteries" seemed to know what Truman was thinking and reminded him loudly.

"Are you cooperating with Him?" Truman's body froze for a moment and was contaminated, but the sea of ​​dreams directly washed away the pale pink pollution, without affecting Truman's state.

"Why not?" There was a touch of pleasure in the voice of the "Lord of Mysteries".

"None of us wants to see the birth of a 'God'." The "Lord of Mysteries" has already pushed up the image of a monocle in Truman's mind, watching all his reactions with interest.

Whether the real "God" returns completely, or the Sasril plan succeeds and the quasi-old state is stabilized after resurrection, this will have a great impact on the resurrection of the "Lord of Mysteries" and the erosion of the earth by external gods such as the "Fallen Mother Goddess" Big distraction.

"From this perspective, He is the enemy of all of us, and you happen to be one of us."

"So I'm helping you kill Him." The "Lord of Mysteries" said in a relaxed tone, "Actually, there was no need to go to such trouble. Your friend is also very good, and he has been able to fight with Him until now."

"But your appearance gave him more ideas and more twists and turns."

As for the future, they need Saslier to die quietly, and Truman wants him to be resurrected. This creates a conflict, so Truman also suffered the "Iron Fist".

"Are you considered 'parasitizing' me now?" Truman asked suddenly. The two people's spirits were entangled together. It was indeed very similar to "parasitism". The "Lord of Mysteries" could clearly sense his emotional fluctuations.

Then there was this conversation that was like stabbing a lung tube.

"If you think so, then so be it." The tone of the "Lord of Mysteries" remained unchanged.

Truman did not speak any more, but released his insistence on the unique existence of "error".


There was an obvious sound of disintegration coming from Dream Angel.

The balance formed by the three uniquenesses was broken, and the will of the "Lord of Mysteries" was greatly weakened.

This is Truman's greatest insurance for daring to awaken this "Lord of Secrets"!

The uniqueness of "error" is completely reproduced by "everything", and he has absolute control.

And the powerful force of the "error" uniqueness explosion is enough to separate the remaining two uniquenesses, allowing the "Lord of Mysteries" to lie back in the coffin.

"Ha." The "Lord of Mysteries" has never even lost his composure in the slightest. He relied on the special connection between him and the dream angel to get stuck in a bug and did not dissipate directly.

"I will not disappear until 'God' is completely dead."

"God" once made a prophecy that created a strange balance between the "Lord of Mysteries" and dreams, and now this balance is used by Him to maintain his own existence.


Dream Angel turned his head subconsciously. Amon, Adam and other five angel kings had already arrived.

"Death!" Leodro's eyes turned red when he saw Sasril being besieged by several true gods in the core battlefield. He wildly threw out his lightning spear and attacked all the besiegers indiscriminately.

Truman was inspired and rushed forward to block all these thunders.

Just half a step out, a chill surged from the soles of my feet to the top of my head.

"Go? Why did you stop?" The voice of the "Lord of Mysteries" was ridiculing.

"Oh, you are with me now. If I attack you, I will be attacking two entities from the past at the same time!"

(End of this chapter)