
A 22

Chapter 101 Return and block the door


Chapter 101 Return and Blocking the Door

"Yes!" Kono didn't have time to familiarize himself with his own power, so he quickly knelt down and thanked the statue.

"About thirty 'Prayers'..." Truman estimated the number of devout believers.

"Too few. These few believers cannot significantly weaken the Book of Dreams. A large number of believers and gifted ones are still needed..."


During this period of time, Amon has wandered around the entire world and searched for many places. Unfortunately, this is not the earth after all. There are many outside gods peeking out. He is very lucky to be able to find traces of the three outside gods. .

The value of this civilization is related to the outer gods. Other than that, it is really average.

However, it is also convenient for Bethel to create legends. With the ability of the third level of the sequence, it has been able to crush the strongest "man in the ring" on the planet. Naturally, it can easily complete some "miracles" and leave enough legends. .

"Teacher." Bethel left behind his own legend and returned to where Dream Church is now.

"Now that it's done, get ready to go to the next stop." Truman took one last look at his followers and nodded lightly. He had already made appropriate arrangements for these followers.

And the universe cannot stop the induction of the Book of Dreams.

"Are you finally going to the next world?" Amon's body suddenly appeared behind Bethel.

He adjusted the monocle on his right eye, showing great curiosity about the new world.

"Take your clone back, we won't come back again." Truman glanced at Amon and understood some of his thoughts.

This naughty kid won't just walk through the world without leaving any traces.

"Don't forget that your clone and your true body are connected. If you leave your clone behind, the old days will pollute your true body."

Amon's mouth twitched when he heard this, but he was inexplicably afraid when he thought about the scene when he stole the "Mother Tree of Desire" to contaminate it, so he could only recycle some of the previous arrangements.

After Truman confirmed that Amon had recovered all the clones, he took the two and a half conceptualizations and stepped into the starry sky again.

There is no longer the sense of crisis of leaving the earth, and the three of them are guided by "karma" to the next stop in the starry sky.

The starry sky is so big, so naturally you want to see more.

And this looks like hundreds of years.


Time really doesn't mean much to Truman who travels through space, but on Earth, a few hundred years is enough to change a lot of things.

Among them, "Twilight" ascends to the throne of God, and the God of War rises. However, under the oppression of the Creator, he can only keep a low profile and preach in secret.

This is extremely miserable compared to the Church of the Night and the Church of the Mother Earth, which at least have the right to preach.

Nowadays, the Church of the Creator has completely reached its peak moment in every sense. The King of Angels governs each parish, and the omniscient and omnipotent God performs miracles from time to time.

Just one sentence caused an ancient god's subordinate to wander in the wilderness forever, and even the Goddess of Earth and God of War did not try to rescue him.

This is the age of glory, the glory of the Creator.

In the Heaven of the Creator, Sasriel is taking care of business.

All major events that occur in the Church of the Creator require His review and decision, including but not limited to the appointment, dismissal, and rewards of high-level personnel in various archangel dioceses, as well as the suppression and conversion of secret sects.

"Huh?" Saslier suddenly felt something and looked towards the star world. A priest was walking on the velvet curtain and gradually approached the red moon.What happened to cause the main body to take action?Sasril's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Is there any strange movement from the outer gods?" He suddenly frowned, seeming to realize something.

"It's been hundreds of years, and it's time for him to come back..."

"What's going on?!" That's right, Truman, who has traveled to the stars for hundreds of years and traveled to nearly ten humanoid civilizations, is coming back.

It's just that his current situation is really not very good.

"How could he be targeted by the 'Fallen Mother Goddess'!?" Truman's face was extremely solemn. Now he, Amon and Bethel, who had successfully advanced to "Planeswalker", were forced out of their semi-conceptual state.

The illusory gate that was supposed to be composed of pure starlight was now stained with the color of flesh and blood.

If they don't stop, even if they pass through the star gate in a semi-conceptual state, they will be contaminated, and they may end up giving birth to a child on the spot.

It's just that the power of the Mother Goddess is not so easy to avoid. The crimson tide comes with strong pollution, as if it will completely submerge the three of them.

"Why were you blocked by the Mother Goddess?!" Truman couldn't believe it.

He had not even seen a civilization led by the Mother Goddess among the major civilizations in the starry sky, but now he was blocking his way home.

"Is it because I glanced at the moon when I left?" This was the only thing Truman could think of.

At that time, he had gazed at that familiar planet, but that time was hundreds of years ago. He had already returned from a long walk in the starry sky!

Is it possible that the Mother Goddess has been stuck here?

It's amazing!

"Use that drop of my father's blood!" Amon looked solemnly at the approaching crimson tide.

Truman had threatened Him several times by "throwing Him on the moon to have children", which also made Amon vaguely judge that this existence on the moon was an extremely special existence even in the "old days"!

This is not a force they can resist.

"I still want to save it." Truman shook his head slightly, and finally took out the crystal that did not contain the chaotic blood, and threw it into the crimson tide.


The crystal shattered, and the drop of blood officially appeared in the universe.

A drop of blood seemed to form a wave formed by the sea of ​​chaos, and the illusory seawater that seemed to contain all the secrets rolled in, blocking the crimson tide.

It was just that Truman saw the bright moon from the other side of the crimson tide, and also saw the crimson, huge and twisted figure standing on the moon.

At a certain moment, Truman felt that he was about to explode. His consciousness suddenly sank, as if he was about to collapse, and he could only subconsciously manifest the body of a mythical creature.

The Book of Dreams seemed to have lost its form and was completely integrated into Truman's body, making his mythical creature form even more majestic.


A terrifying sound swept over with endless pollution. This drop of blood obviously couldn't stop the mother goddess who also had the symbol of a pillar!

Of course, the purpose of that drop of blood is not to repel the alien god, but to position it!

"Let there be light!" A gentle voice rang in my ears after hundreds of years.

The power of "Eternal Day" fell on Truman as the sun fell on him, causing Truman to break free from his dazed state, take control of himself, and pull the Book of Dreams out of his body.

"It's really..." The corner of Truman's mouth twitched. He initially had the idea of ​​provoking the past, but he gave up with all his heart.

Unexpectedly, the "Fallen Mother Goddess" who was still one of the pillars in the old days would come directly to him!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 102 Lamp God


Chapter 102 Lamp God

"Retreat." The power of the Creator became stronger and stronger as the sun bloomed, suppressing the crimson tide in one fell swoop.

Truman also took advantage of this moment and jumped directly into the barrier.

The portal stained by flesh and blood collapsed directly in the sunlight, and the Creator within the barrier and the Mother Goddess on the moon looked at each other from afar.

In the end, the Mother Goddess took the initiative to retreat and merged into the moon again.

Truman took the two frightened students and jumped back to his dream territory.

"The danger is still the danger of the earth..." Truman was still frightened. These "old days" undoubtedly have source matter, a substance that Truman had listed as inaccessible a long time ago.

"Let me check for you," Truman's eyes flashed with a turbulent sea of ​​dreams, and he checked whether Amon and Bethel were contaminated by the Mother Goddess.

"It's okay, but it's a safe bet. Then you pray to the Creator once and let Him purify it once."

"Yes!" Bethel nodded solemnly.

Amon didn't dare to neglect.

"Okay, you go ahead and let me take a rest." Truman slumped down on the dreamy angel throne, spread out the book of dreams and covered his face.

At that moment, he was forced to open the mythical form and even integrated the Book of Dreams into his body, which had a very bad impact on him.

Even this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the essence breath of the Mother Goddess really affects his state of existence.

The troubles that had lasted almost hundreds of years seemed to have returned to him.


The divine badge on Truman's chest trembled slightly, with two different powers blooming, namely the "sleepless" night and the "everlasting day" of the sun.

After the night became a god and the sun became a quasi-old sun, the power of this badge has also been greatly improved.

The chaos in Truman's mind, enveloped by the two powers, dissipated a lot.

"Your state is a bit strange." Truman's mind suddenly woke up, and a familiar voice sounded next to him.

It was the Creator, who exuded a faint radiance of the sun, who helped Truman wake up.

"..." Truman took down the Book of Dreams covering his face and took a serious look at the Creator.

"I am still me now." The Creator nodded and confirmed.

"That's good." Truman felt relieved, and then asked, "What do you see in me?"

The words of a Creator were of great reference value to him.

"You are the 'pure', untouched by the essential madness of this world, but maybe..."

The Creator who claims to be omniscient and omnipotent also uses an uncertain word like "maybe", which is enough to show the seriousness of the problem.

"...You are not beyond the nature of this world."

Truman didn't react, just listened.

"What is the nature of my madness?" The Creator suddenly asked such a question.

"It's recovery..." Truman replied expressionlessly.

The Creator nodded slightly, and his body turned into sunlight and disappeared completely.

Truman sat up and checked the pollution on his body. After the double purification of Dream and Creator, even the Mother Goddess could not leave any traces.

"Dream..." Truman thought of the moment when he and the huge crimson figure looked at each other.

"He seems to know me, or maybe he knows the Book of Dreams..."

Truman had a headache, but returned to this situation.

He needs to face the old days and even the pillars to confirm his own existence, but facing these people will probably plunge him into a state of eternal silence. "Eh? Aren't I prepared for this?"

You can't mess with the complete past, but you can always tolerate the incomplete one, right?

Truman didn't even bother to say hello to Saslier, and wandered directly out of the Creator's Heaven, with a palm-sized pyramid appearing in his hands.

This is the giant pyramid he obtained in that "destined" civilization.

"'Son of Chaos', the God of Lamps!" Truman used the pyramid in his hand as a reason to create a result of finding the magic lamp that makes a wish!

Because the pyramid has some occult connection with the "Children of Chaos", this operation went smoothly.

Otherwise, relying solely on spirituality or divination, you would not be able to find the wish-making magic lamp. In terms of personality, it is almost identical to the Book of Dreams.

"In the treasure house of a certain extraordinary race." Truman was inspired and sensed the location of the "wishing lamp".

Extraordinary races are not just giants, elves, and dragons, but there are also more smaller extraordinary races, such as tree people, fish people, etc.

Most of these races are gathered together by instinct, and most of them do not even have real intelligence.

"Spirit World Predator? It seems to be one of the sources of the characteristics of the 'Spiritual Mage'."

Truman came to a strange mountain range. The barrier between this place and the spiritual world seemed to be somewhat abnormal, and projections of the spiritual world fell here from time to time.

"The predators of the spiritual world are still unable to develop spiritual intelligence. They are still a group of monsters that shuttle between the spiritual world and the real world."

Naturally, Truman couldn't care about these monsters, and he directly passed them into the "treasure house" of these monsters.

It's said to be a treasure house, but it's actually a garbage dump.

They are all various material properties plundered by spiritual world plunderers in the real world and the spiritual world.

Truman picked through the garbage and found a lot of good things.


Truman frowned slightly and turned around slowly. He saw the item he was looking for.

The object was golden in color and looked like a shrunken kettle. The surface was covered with mysterious symbols, and there was a wick protruding from the spout.

Under Truman's gaze, the wick on the spout spontaneously ignited, emitting a thick golden light. The light surged upwards, converging into a pale golden figure.

"Who are you?" The pale golden figure's eyes fell on the pyramid in Truman's hand.

"Who am I?" Truman suddenly had a better idea and decided to put it into practice.

He switched his state to "error" and had a monocle made of ground crystal in his right eye.

The pale golden figure's eyes narrowed, and the golden color swayed for a moment.

The next moment, the "Fool" mask appeared in Truman's hand, and he put it on his face.

"!" The pale golden figure trembled violently, but was still able to remain calm after all. But when he saw the pair of starlight eyeballs floating around Truman's body gradually approaching his eyes, he finally couldn't help it.

"Stop!" The pale golden figure's voice echoed in Truman's ears with an unusually loud voice.

But this voice had no power, giving Truman a sense of caution.

All the uniqueness of the three mysterious paths are quite intimidating when brought together.

Truman followed the good example and put away the "Fool" mask and starlight eyeballs.

"Who are you?" the pale golden figure asked again, his expression hidden under the golden light and shadow was probably not very good.

"Who do you think I am?" Truman did not answer, but put the pyramid away and took out the Book of Dreams.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 103


Chapter 103

"Who do you think I am?"

Truman's body is changing, the space behind him is completely occupied by dream bubbles, dream tentacles with the starry sky as the background slowly stretch out, and the dream book in his hand is also flashing with bursts of dreamy phosphorescence.

He is like the infinitely magnificent starry sky, the most beautiful fantasy in the hearts of all living beings.

The pale golden figure suddenly calmed down. He looked at the dreamlike mythical creature form revealed by Truman and responded.

"Long time no see, Mew."

"Huh?" Truman's tone was a bit joyful. He seemed to be still immersed in the sense of accomplishment of scaring the djinn, and did not respond directly.

Before getting enough information, he wanted to know more about the djinn without revealing too much about himself.

"I didn't expect you to end up like this." The pale golden figure snorted.

Are you... looking for a Victims Alliance?Truman complained silently in secret.

"Only you, I'm living a good life now." Truman replied without hesitation, "And you are just a light now, tsk, you were deceived by 'Secret', right?"

The pale golden figure swayed slightly, and Truman could clearly feel that his mood was getting worse.

Did I use too much force... Truman reflected on himself.

"Stop talking about those meaningless things. Why did you come to me?" The Deng God was in a bad mood and asked in a deep voice.

"..." Truman blinked, "I just accidentally saw this thing in the starry sky."

The palm-sized pyramid that had been put away just now reappeared in Truman's other hand.

He tossed the pyramid up and down to reveal the aura in the pyramid.

"..." The golden light on the djinn's body condensed.

"I also saw an 'Uncertain Mist', which felt a bit familiar..." Truman continued, also observing the reaction of the djinn.

"Hmph!" The Djinn snorted, instead of dwelling on the issue, he brought the topic back to himself.

"Give me the mausoleum, and then send me out of the barrier." The Djinn made his request.

"What do you want? The conditions are negotiable."

Sure enough, this pyramid mausoleum can be used by the Djinn God... Truman's eyes narrowed slightly. He had also made such an assumption based on the remaining power in the pyramid, and now it was confirmed.

I just don't know how to use it... Is it related to resurrection?Then I can't give it to you easily.

"What can you do now?" Truman pretended to be disgusted.

The light golden light on the genie's body is darker, but the hope of escape is right in front of him. He needs to grasp it, "I can fulfill three wishes for you now, and I promise to agree to your three conditions after returning in full. ."

"As long as it remains within a certain limit, I will not break my promise."

"Ha." Truman knew that the "Sons of Chaos" had the power to distort everything, so he did not respond directly.

"You are too greedy!" The slightly dim eyes of the Deng God suddenly shined and he looked directly at Truman.

Truman frowned, sensing the power surging like the ocean tide.

This force is chaotic and disorderly, but his own dreamy phosphorescence is also subconsciously resisting.

"Your power!" Suddenly, there seemed to be some surprise in the voice of the Djinn God.

The corner of Truman's mouth twitched. Sure enough, he didn't have the talent to become a "fraudster".

Of course, this is not a problem with his performance, but with the Book of Dreams.

"It's you, and it's not you!" The Deng God instantly relaxed a lot.Truman's face was expressionless, and the Riddler didn't end well.

"No need to pretend, you didn't mean 'dream'."

Truman didn't even need to ask, the Deng Shen had already given him the reasons for his judgment.

The "dream" here refers to the complete "dream" power, which is so powerful that Truman can only divide it to control it.

It is similar to the relationship between "omniscience and omnipotence" and authorities such as "Storm" and "Utopia".

Take the Creator as an example. After He becomes the Quasi-Old Sun, even if He uses the authority of the "sun", He will carry some kind of power from a higher level.

The power of the Book of Dreams that Truman currently has is not up to that level.

However, this djinn was much more relaxed than before... Truman was keenly aware of this.

"You started asking me who you are from the very beginning. It's too deliberate. Compared with 'Secret', you are too far behind. He will first deceive and then achieve his goal silently." The statue of the genie I saw something and felt happy.

"Tsk, can a deceiver be deceived into gaining experience?" Truman immediately replied, causing the djinn's joy to come to an abrupt end. It was Truman's turn to be happy.

"Don't you want to know what will happen after you fall asleep?" The golden light on the Djinn's body trembled violently, and he changed the subject very forcefully.

His eyes fell on the divine badge on Truman's chest, which made him more certain of his guess.

"Use those three uniquenesses to lift my seal, send me back to the starry sky, and I will tell you the answer." The Deng God became extremely confident.

"Your situation is very special. I am the only one within the barrier who can answer your questions."

"'God' is about to revive." Truman retorted.

"..." The Djinn God's breath was stagnant, but he quickly adjusted his mentality, "I have no conflict with him, and we can even be regarded as allies."

An ally against the "Secret", right...

"But you, do you dare to face Him?" The Djinn looked directly at Truman with a half-smile.

"You may not believe it, but I am now the angel of the Creator." Truman directly took the wishing lamp and started roaming, returning to the dreamland.

The light around the djinn shrank suddenly, probably because he felt the breath of the Creator and became a little stressed.

"Have you really become his angel?!" The Djinn was greatly shocked, and then suddenly laughed, "Hahaha! You have become his angel!"

"For us, fate is still wonderful!"

This laughter was so heroic and majestic that it made the fairy tale castle tremble a few times.

Is it so funny?Truman's eyes flickered.

After a few seconds, the Djinn God's laughter stopped, "You can probably sense who is the most malicious to you. How dare you become his angel and stay here?!"

"He still has some time left." Truman replied calmly. It was foreseeable that his relationship with "God" and "Secret" was not very good.

After all, the true "God" even took the risk of being discovered in advance to secretly influence the current Creator to test him.

"It's not much different." The genie looked up at the sky outside and made his own judgment, "This place really has the flavor of 'God'."

Truman frowned slightly, then relaxed.

This is similar to what he estimated. It is still probably several hundred years away from his estimated time, and that person's recovery will also be a process, so it is reasonable to start now.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 104 Consensus


Chapter 104 Consensus

"In a few hundred years at most, the real 'God' will return, and you don't have much time left."

The Djinn stared at Truman tightly, "He will definitely attack you when he wakes up."

"Even if you have been taught a profound lesson, He will try to eat you."

"You will never be able to escape without mastering the power of 'Dream'." The Djinn seemed to be sure of this.

"I will kill him first." Truman looked calm.

"Kill Him? Are you now?" The Djinn's eyes fell on the Book of Dreams.

"Oh, you will ask me." The genie looked at Truman and suddenly laughed. He turned into a golden light and got back into the wishing lantern.

"After all, it's the old days, it's hard to cheat." He didn't control the "Source Castle" as a "weapon" against the djinn.

Truman shook his head slightly, bent down to pick up the magical wishing lamp, and specially put it in a space pocket for easy access at any time. Among all the powers he could use, the magical wishing lamp probably ranked among the top three.

It can use the power above the sequence after meeting certain conditions.

"Oh, it's a bit difficult to handle." Truman sighed lightly. Apart from the most important answer, the djinn revealed enough information.

As for the so-called most important answer, there are just a few possibilities.



In the fantasy paradise, Truman stood on a transformed bell tower, holding a hammer and striking the big bell.

The ethereal and melodious bells ring in the hearts of dream believers all over the world through the connection of the Dream Book. Even many dream believers on the cosmic scale have heard this bell that can cleanse the soul.


The entire bell tower trembled gently, turning into dreamy phosphorescence scattered around, and Truman also walked out and sat down in his seat.

In just a few moments, three figures emerged from the void and arrived at the Fantasy Heaven.

"Everyone, long time no see." Truman greeted the three of them with a smile.

"Sure enough, you are back." Saslier looked at Truman and nodded lightly.

Hundreds of years ago, because Truman was in the starry sky, the Dream Parliament was suspended.

Now that he is back, he has naturally become a bond again and convened the Dream Parliament.

"Everyone has become a god, which is really gratifying." Truman himself also fully possesses the power of "dreams", so he can naturally be regarded as a god.

The Dream Parliament has truly become the Parliament of Gods.

"The topic of this meeting is related to you." Truman looked directly at Saslier.

"Me?" Saslier was stunned.

"The organization has decided that you are probably going to die." Truman, Amanisis, and Lilith all looked at Saslier.

For a moment, Saslier felt terrible pressure.

"That person's recovery is inevitable. It will take a few hundred years at most. We need to prepare in advance." Truman set the tone.

"Where did you get the news?" Saslier frowned and looked at Truman.

"A will that was sealed in the earth in the past, He said that the Creator's heaven now already has the breath of that person."

"I guess you should have noticed it too."

Truman blamed everything on the djinn, and the judgment of an old man was more convincing.

"..." Saslier fell silent and finally nodded.

"I've made enough preparations, but it's still hard to be sure enough."

"But dying to survive is the last choice to dilute the madness. What if you really die?"

Sasril talked about this issue without hesitation. When he learned that the will of the Creator was already affecting the current Creator, He was already looking for a way to save himself.

But for that person, most of the conceivable methods are ineffective, and those are the only options left.

Among them, rebirth from death is the last and most dangerous option. "Very good, we have reached a consensus. If you are ultimately unable to suppress that person's resurrection on your own, we will be your final salvation."

"If we really want to carry out this final redemption plan, we just don't have enough people." Amanisis said softly.

"So, I suggest setting up a secret organization outside of dreams with more people participating. The members are all the gods, or some angel kings!"

"This organization can be called - 'Redemption Rose'!"

Truman directly called for the establishment of a "Redemption Rose", leaving the other three speechless for a moment.

"...Why do I feel that you have unprecedented enthusiasm for killing me?!" Sasril's faint voice sounded, making both goddesses nod.

"Ahem! It's purely a coincidence, it's all an illusion!" Truman coughed lightly, shaking everything out in excitement.

But that's it, Truman even told the remaining details.

"The gathering place can be at the Giant King's Court..."

"Sasril, you are responsible for summoning the King of Angels of the Church of the Creator."

"Amanisis, you are responsible for everything else."


Truman stretched out his hand to summon a dreamy phosphorescence, made a detailed schedule on the spot and sent it to everyone.

"I... thank you!" Saslier gritted his teeth while holding the schedule.

It was so detailed that He himself felt that he could actually complete his suicide...

After committing suicide, it was time for Saslier to express himself. Something as sensitive as the resurrection method cannot be discussed here.

"I have arranged everything for you, but whether you can succeed in the end depends on you!"

No matter how detailed their plans are here, the most important point is still the struggle between the Creator and "God".

And the last step of resurrection...

"I will not give up on your salvation until the last moment comes!"

This is the heaviest commitment Truman can make.

The opponent is the omniscient and omnipotent "God"...

If we say that in the late second era, they were making history, pushing the trend, and going downstream.

So what Truman has to do now is to go against the current and really try to save the Creator.

"There is also a very important off-site factor." Truman looked around and pointed directly at the starry sky above his head.

"Outer God?" Lilith has been wary of the moon all the time since she became a god, and she takes this topic very seriously.

"The current barrier is still very strong." Amanisis also said.

This is the consensus of all.

"I went to the starry sky, and the most important conclusion I got is..." Truman looked at his dreamy starry sky, "Never underestimate any outside god."

"We can't wait for them to attack. We need to take the initiative to find appropriate ways to defend ourselves."

The other three were extremely uneasy, each digesting the news in silence.

They believed in Truman, but the danger they would face would be too terrifying.

Finally, Saslier looked at the schedule in his hand and suddenly smiled.

"Okay, let's get started."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 105 Crimson


Chapter 105 Crimson

The parish closest to the Creator's Heavenly Kingdom is governed by the Pure White Angel Oseikus.

He was one of the first angels to follow the Creator, faithful and steadfast.

In the eyes of many believers, this king of angels is even closer to the image of the Creator than the descendant of the Creator, and is the embodiment of the glory and hope of the world.

"King!" A priest knelt down outside the church, closed his eyes, buried his head, and prayed devoutly.

"What's the matter?" A gentle and mellow voice came from the church. The priest looked up and saw the pure white angel kneeling under the huge cross.

Oseikus opened his pale golden eyes, stood up slowly, turned around, and looked at the priest gently.

He was wearing a pure white robe, with layers of white angel wings hanging down behind him.

His overall image is indeed very similar to that of the Creator.

"King, we found believers worshiping the Crimson Moon in the north of the diocese!" The priest lowered his head to the dust and reported in a serious voice.

"Crimson Moon..." Oseikus seemed to have thought of something.

"Is it night?" Osykus made the most reasonable guess.

The honorable name of the Night Goddess has been spread in many places, including the symbol of "Crimson Lord".

"Why did the Lord allow such an evil god to preach?!" The pure white angel narrowed his eyes.

This is the most confusing point not only for Him, but also for all the King of Angels and other angels.

The radiance of the Creator shines in every corner of the world. What a dark night, what a Mother Earth. Such a church should not exist!

Taking the Church of the God of War, which is hidden in the dark and mainly consists of giants, as an example, the Church of the Creator can even easily suppress such a church with a real god behind it.

Even the Church of the Night and the Mother Earth cannot resist this power.

"Is it possible that it really involves some secret transactions from ancient times..." Oseikus fell silent.

Allowing the Church of the Night and the Mother Earth to preach is not normal in any way. There have been various conspiracy theories over the past few hundred years - most of which come from the Church of the God of War.

"Sasril, Dream..." Oseikus naturally had his own guess.

Among them, Sasriel is an avatar of the Creator, which is already an open secret, and Mew also enjoys extremely special treatment among the King of Angels.

It's hard not to make some people make some bad guesses.

"I will go and investigate in person." Oseikus had many thoughts flashing through his mind, but his expression did not change at all. He just nodded slightly, and his body seemed to turn into sunlight and disappeared into the church.

His speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for him to arrive at the north of the diocese under his jurisdiction. This place is adjacent to the diocese where Wind Angel is located. Both sides have some neglect of management here, and it is most suitable for some secret organizations or other churches to preach.

"Crimson Moon?" A little golden light lit up in Oseikus's eyes, like a gradually resurrecting sun, with strands of pure white light blooming.

For Him, light is the meaning of everything and the beginning of everything.

Oseikus got enough information in the sunshine, including the behavior of everyone at this moment and even some dark emotions.

At this level, the power of light has begun to abstract, and the ability to "purify" can even directly perceive and eliminate people's emotions.

"Crimson..." Okuses frowned slightly. He suddenly raised his head, looked up in the sunshine, and saw a crimson moon in the symbol of spirituality.

"There are many vampires hidden here." Okuses also learned this fact.

After the "fall" of Lilith, the Vampires first took refuge in the elves. However, within a few hundred years, the Elf Kingdom also fell, and 'Beauty God' Ornia could only hide around with the Vampires.

"The Church of the Mother Earth has also made great efforts to gather the remaining power of the Vampire Clan."

"Huh! There are so many heretics in my parish?!" Okuses was really angry.There can be no darkness under the sun!

"Night, Mother Earth!" These are two gods, but as proud as Oseicus, he will naturally not be afraid. A pure white light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

His entire body seemed to have turned into a small sun, emitting intense light and heat.

No pagan can survive under the "purification" of the King of Angels!


But this ray of light could not really explode here. A chaotic illusory aura emerged from Okuses' body and trembled slightly.

That was the shelter given to them by the Creator in the early years, and now it is also a symbol of the true King of Angels.

"Lord..." Okuses closed his eyes subconsciously. In the spiritual induction, a chaotic ocean appeared in his eyes, and an infinitely high light and shadow walked on the pale water.

This is an oracle from the Creator.

"All the angel kings gathered in the Creator's Heaven?" Oseikus got the corresponding picture from it.

It was the image of Saslier praying under the huge cross.

"...calling all the angel kings..."

Why this time? !Okuses frowned and could only suppress his anger.

It happened to be at this time, which may represent a certain attitude of the Creator.

His attempt to clear out that crimson moon was not allowed.

The appearance of the picture at this time may be some kind of warning to him.

Everything He has done cannot be hidden before the Creator who has the authority of "omniscience and omnipotence".

"...Yes!" Okuses lowered his proud head.

"It's not time to report yet, why are all the angel kings summoned at this time?"

Oseikus rushed to the Creator's Heaven as quickly as possible and came to the temple of Sasril.

"Tsk, little crow? Why are you like this bird now? It's not as fun as before."

Oseikus focused his gaze and looked deep into the temple, where besides Medici there were two figures that he had not seen for hundreds of years.

Angel of Time, Amon and Angel of Dreams, Truman.

They came back from the stars... Oseicus realized this, but he just nodded lightly to these two "colleagues" and waited for Medici to test.

"What? You left your mind in the starry sky and don't recognize me anymore?" Medici looked at Amon and clicked his tongue.

After experiencing the starry sky for hundreds of years, Amon looked exactly like Truman remembered him.

Not only that, his temper has been tempered to a certain extent by Truman, and he will no longer be easily stirred up by Medici.

"Tsk, I haven't seen him for hundreds of years, why are you still using this method? You're not making any progress." Amon pushed his monocle gently and looked at Medici with slight disgust.

"Hey! You've made some progress. It would be great to have the King of Angels as your teacher! I don't even have this kind of treatment."

"..." Both Amon and Adam felt offended!

Sure enough, Medici has not been killed yet, and mastering the legion is definitely one of the most important reasons.

(End of this chapter)