
A 20

Chapter 96 Steal


Chapter 96 Steal

Father Costel's face was solemn, and he began to pray to the "Circle of Destiny" devoutly, praying for the power of the "Circle of Destiny" to come.

This actually involves a confrontation between the pollution powers of two alien gods, and has nothing to do with the Extraordinary Ones themselves.

This planet is exposed to the starry sky, accumulating pollution from the outer gods all the time.

In this kind of "fateful" civilization, the "ring of fate" is undoubtedly dominant, and the power of the "mother tree of desire" cannot yet overwhelm it.

In this case, the results are obvious.

"It's very interesting..." Amon pushed up his monocle, looking at the battle in front of him, always feeling eager to try.

The final outcome of the battle between the two gifted ones is the collision of two great forces.

"How about you steal the 'Ring of Fate' badge?" Truman suddenly suggested.

Amon seemed to have heard something wrong, and then looked at Truman with a smile, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Don't worry, the teacher will protect you!" Truman seemed to really want to see Amon steal the power of the outer gods.

This time Amon's little face wrinkled up. He likes to take risks and seeks pleasure, but this seems to be a bit beyond his capabilities...

"Why don't you steal it yourself?" Amon looked at Truman warily.

"Don't I want to protect you!" Truman coughed lightly, then looked at the huge tree, "How about you steal this? The power of 'fate' is indeed a bit strong."

"The best thing to steal is the knowledge related to outer gods."

Truman's words made Amon very moved, and his hands frequently reached out to the tree of desire, but at the critical moment, he retreated back.

"This seems to be the first time that the teacher has asked me to steal something belonging to someone other than you! Interesting!" Amon quickly adjusted his condition and glanced at Truman. A bunch of Time Worms gathered in front of him.

The number of Amon has increased.

"Why me?" The newly appeared Amon clone looked a little speechless.

"Could it be me?" Amon's real body blinked like a schizophrenic, fully demonstrating the oppression and coercion of his clone.

"..." Amon's clone no longer cares about the main body. He looked at the tree body whose vitality was gradually dissipating under the power of "fate", showing some interest.

Like the original body, he is willing to take risks and pursue pleasure.

He stretched out his right hand and launched "Steal" towards the withering tree.

Truman snapped his fingers and used the wish of "Miracle Master" to appropriately amplify Amon's probability of success.

The "stealing" of Amon's clone went smoothly. It stole some information from the rampaging tree, but it was soon dyed crimson.

At this moment, Amon's clone inevitably lost control. His body became huge and began to transform into a tree. The magic robe was torn, flesh and blood rolled, and flowers and tentacles began to grow.

But the changes in the clone are just the beginning. There seems to be a layer of crimson spreading in Amon's monocle!

Without the protection of the barrier, the pollution of the external gods is even more exaggerated. They can follow some mystical connections on the clones and pollute the original body.

Amon felt a rare panic, because this time "stealing" was his initiative, and the Creator's protection on him was triggered a step too late, failing to completely block the pollution!

Actively stealing the contamination of an alien god will have an irreversible impact on his state!

"Tsk!" Truman looked at the huge clone of Amon and sighed immediately. The power of this pollution is really weird!

He directly smashed the Book of Dreams onto Amon's head, and the strong dreamy phosphorescence exploded, directly expelling the crimson outer god pollution from Amon's body.Truman stretched out his hand to grab it and activated "stealing", grabbing the pollution on the two Amons.

——After Amon's experiments, he was able to determine that although the aura of the alien god was strange, it would not cause much pollution to him, and it was within the tolerable range of the Dream Book.

A dreamy tentacle suddenly appeared behind Truman, with the dreamy bubble at the top wrapping the wisp of pollution.

A turbulent flow of information surged out of Truman's sage's robe, and he was using his information technology capabilities to forcibly analyze the information contained in this polluted aura.

"'Stingy man', 'sex addict', 'actor', 'honouree'..."

A lot of information about the Desire Cultists appeared in Truman's mind.

Thank you again for your contribution to Amon's clone!

Truman analyzed enough information from the ray of pollution, and then sent the ray of pollution back to the huge tree in the battle.

At the same time, Amon's body had woken up, feeling a little dizzy.

"Too ugly!" Amon looked at his dead mutated clone with slight disgust.

"Actually, I feel pretty good." Truman stole the Insect of Time from the mutant, soaked it in the Sea of ​​Dreams to disinfect it, and then threw it to Amon.

"You did a great job this time. I've specially approved that you can go out and play by yourself." Truman said to Amon.

After this lesson, Amon would no longer dare to steal the polluted aura of foreign gods at will.

"And you, Bethel." Truman looked at Bethel, who had been silent all this time, and he really looked at it, silently recording everything here.

"You can start preparing for your ceremony. The requirement of the ceremony is to leave legends in nine places outside the planet, but they don't have to be all in this world."

Truman winked at Bethel and continued, "There will be another chance in the future!"

"Um..." Bethel was stunned, "You mean..."

"We all have a chance. We probably have a few hundred years." After that, we have to go back and face "God".

"Okay! I will not disappoint the teacher!" Bethel seemed to have misunderstood again. It was really not because of his ritual that he chose to find more planets.

Of course, the ritual of leaving legends in nine places outside the earth itself has some hidden conditions.

As long as you find a living planet, you can basically complete the ritual. But if you are not satisfied, and you have to search for nine worlds and leave legends for each, then the effect of the ritual should be the best.

It's just that it takes too long, and ordinary "wanderers" really don't dare to play like this. The starry sky is too dangerous, and they may die on the way.

"Yeah, but if you find any traces of the outer gods, remember to tell me." Truman reminded him softly, watching Bethel and Amon leave one after another.

Both of them also have the protection of the Creator, and he is still in this world, so there is no need to worry too much.

As for Truman, he was ready to live in the Church of Fate.

There must be the most complete record about the "Circle of Fate", and there Truman can see the "gifts" experienced by the so-called "fateful ones".

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 97 Prayer


Chapter 97 Prayer

Under Truman's arrangement, things progressed smoothly enough. Raimondo made enough contributions as an auxiliary priest and will personally become the "Destined One" under the auspices of Father Costel.

"You will become the Sequence Nine 'Dancer'..." Father Costel arranged the altar and put Raimundo in it.

"Recite after me..."

"The power of fate!"

The language that can communicate the mysterious power gives a certain power a clear direction and converges into the altar.

Raimundo only felt the power of an infinitely great being, and the terrifying whispers from the infinite distance sounded in his ears.

He could only close his eyes and pray quietly, "You are the past, the present, and the future..."

After the chanting of the honorary name was completed, the altar seemed to be activated, and there was some obvious movement, as if a monster was emerging from it.

Some kind of power condensed from the black thorn badge enshrined in the church, and an illusory liquid appeared out of thin air, wrapping Raimondo inside.

Raimundo's whole body was being swallowed by evil liquids, which penetrated from all parts of his body, as if they were going to tear him apart completely.

His mind suddenly blurred, as if he was about to be overwhelmed by the endless pain in his body and die completely.

But at a certain moment, Father Costel's prayer voice rang in his ears, "The power of destiny..."

"The power of 'fate'?" Raimundo's remaining wisdom captured the keyword.

He thought of his father and himself.

Both father and son are "law enforcers". This is destined. His father was not smart enough to become a "master", but he did it. With his own ability, he gradually became a master-level "sheriff" and won a An opportunity to become a destined one.

This is about the knowledge of "fate".

This kind of understanding is not even deep enough, but now Raimundo just wants to become Sequence Nine.

Raimondo regained consciousness instantly during the promotion, and was lucky enough to maintain himself.


The black thorn symbol flashed a glimmer of light, and some kind of knowledge poured directly into Raimundo's mind.

The "gift" is completely completed, no magic potion is needed, only a simple ritual is required.

"'Dancer', 'mendicant monk', 'contracted person', 'ascetic', 'life hunter'..."

Truman on the side was watching the changes in Raimondo's body while also quietly reading the confidential documents of the Church of Destiny.

These are the sequences recorded in the Church of Predestination.

These records and the knowledge gained from the out-of-control desire cultist gave Truman a full understanding of the "gift" system established by the outer gods.

"There are no records of semi-gods. Is it because the church here is not of a sufficient level, or is it because the so-called divine gifts in the 'gift' system are a big pit?"

"Both guesses are very likely, especially the latter..."

The demigod level is a qualitative change in the potion system, which may be similar to the "gift" system.

"However... if there is no magic potion, divinity may come directly from the 'Ring of Fate'."

"Maybe I can also get a 'gift', a 'dream pathway'?"

"Weakening the Book of Dreams..."


Kono returned home after a day of law enforcement operations. He was really tired in the past few days. The old captain was promoted and the new captain had not yet been appointed. Many things had to be handled by themselves.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. Most of his troubles come from the desire cultists he saw a few days ago.

That battle was perfect. Father Costel eliminated the Desire Cultists who had abandoned their destiny. This was probably also a manifestation of "fate".But he had other thoughts during that battle.

Why...do we have to obey "fate"?

He can choose to become a "chef" and study gourmet food, or he can become a "writer" to write his own stories...

"Have I fallen?!" Kono looked at himself, feeling both sad and relieved.

The thing that had been imprisoning him in his body seemed to be broken. He broke free from fate and had the right to choose in the torrent of destiny.

"Huh?!" Kono suddenly raised his head and looked at a statue that suddenly appeared on the table.

The statue is about the size of a lamp, as if carved from white jade, and is extremely delicate.

"The spirit of truth, the pure man, the master of dreams, the supreme being beyond all eternity..."

The first time he saw the white jade statue, Kono had a lot of mystical knowledge in his mind.

About how to pray, how to ask for the "gift" of divine power...

"This is it!" Kono was shocked by all the beauty in the dream, his eyes were shocked, and he almost fell to his knees in front of the statue.

"Is it because of your presence?"

Because of the existence of this god statue, he can break free from his "fate" and take complete control of himself?

"Do you want to be free?" The statue seemed to be speaking.

"Freedom?" Kono's pupils narrowed.

"True freedom means being able to do whatever you want, not being determined by 'fate'."

It was as if there was a power that penetrated into Kono's heart and awakened his nature that had been suppressed by "fate".

It's not necessarily bad, just what he wants.

Kono's body froze there, and it took him a while to recover. He slowly knelt down towards the statue and began to pray.

"The Spirit of Truth..."

Buzz!The dreamy phosphorescence, as gentle as water, fell from the dreamy idol, wrapped around Konod's body, and gradually left traces on him.

The dreamy phosphorescence completely covered the traces left by "fate" on his body.

The breath of source material itself is the strongest kind of pollution, covering a person who has not been completely marked with "fate" will not be discovered by that person.

"Sequence nine, the prayer prays because of faith, and the prayer is fulfilled..."

Dream Path Sequence Nine, Prayer!

"Visiting shrines every day and praying day and night, it will probably take me about ten days to become a true 'prayer'..."

Kono confirmed the occult knowledge in his mind and made a judgment, which made him feel happy and seemed to get some kind of satisfaction.

"So what kind of person do I want to pray to be?"

"Prayer", this is a sequence nine that contains many changes, the root of which is spirituality.

Becoming a prayer will achieve high spirituality comparable to that of a "secret prayer", but you will not see things you shouldn't see because of your high spirituality.

The most important thing is that according to the petitioner's own inner understanding and desire for dreams, the spiritual direction will be clearer.

For example, if you want to become a rich man, you will get a corresponding perception and a certain degree of luck when faced with a choice that can make you rich.

Who believes in dreams and doesn't have a little desire in his heart?

In addition, they will also master fantasy sacrificial methods and ritual magic, and be good at making spells.

 The deposited manuscript has been sent out...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 98 Chaos


Chapter 98 Chaos

"Teacher, is your preaching like a standard evil god?"

A clone of Amon transformed into an animal somewhat similar to a crow and landed on Truman's shoulder.

"The evil god is the evil god. Your father was also called the evil god by those extraordinary races in the second era. I am his angel." Truman teased, starting a business in the mysterious world, who has not yet taken the step of the evil god?

The smile on Amon's lips gradually faded, "Hmph, I found a relic, suspected to be the remaining aura of an alien god."

"Outer God?!" Truman suddenly became energetic. The Church of Fate here was almost wiped out.

The system of the two outer gods, "Circle of Fate" and "Mother Tree of Desire", is not enough, he needs more!

Truman glanced over, got the information he wanted from Amon's heart, and took Amon directly to the designated location.

Amon couldn't hide his feelings in front of a dreamer.

"You!" Amon's eyes widened slightly, but he could not be impatient and could only remain elegant, "Adam is not like you..."

"So you call me teacher, not brother."

Truman replied nonchalantly, looking up at the huge pyramid in front of him.

In a desert, a giant pyramid stands proudly, surrounded by weathered cities. This is a no-man's land.

"Wow!" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly, sensing something unusually familiar.

"Like the Black Emperor's crown? No, with this shape, it's directly the Black Emperor's mausoleum!"

Truman saw a twisted beauty and strict order in this pyramid mausoleum. , there is even a sense of chaos.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring the treasure house here..." He didn't know how many years he would stay in this starry sky, so he didn't bring the Creator's treasure house over. He didn't have the "Black Emperor's Crown" or the "Brass Book" in his hand.

The rules he had previously formulated for Amon were also replicated by the authority of "all things" and were not truly unique authority.

"This mausoleum has been abandoned for at least 3000 years." Amon had quickly adjusted himself and introduced the pyramid mausoleum to Truman.

"According to the known information, this is the lost ancient history of this planet, the traces left by the civilization of the previous generation."

"About 3000 years ago on our planet, the previous generation of civilization here collapsed at an incredible speed. The brilliant achievements of civilization seemed to collapse in an instant."

Truman approached the huge pyramid mausoleum, and the residual twisted aura combined with the time point of more than 3000 years reminded him a lot.

"Three thousand years ago was probably the First Age, and there was probably only one event related to order and chaos in the First Age..."

Truman's face looked a little strange.

"You really know something!" Amon pushed his monocle gently and smiled.

Why would He specifically tell Truman this place? It wasn't because he had a serious lack of certain knowledge and wanted to recruit this "teacher".

For the sake of the pyramid, Truman educated Amon on his illiteracy.

"The characteristics of both paths of order come from the starry sky, and were originally attracted to our world by the creator of the universe." Truman's first words made Amon's eyes slightly solemn.

"They were pulled from an outer god named 'Child of Chaos'."

Truman came under the giant pyramid, put his hand on the pyramid, and carefully felt the remnants of its pollution power.

"And the 'Children of Chaos' entered our world in some unknown way in the First Age or earlier."

Amon's face darkened slightly, "The barrier failed?!"

"It should be the special nature of the 'Son of Chaos' path, plus he himself is also one of the most powerful Old Ones in the universe." Truman shook his head slowly.

"After that, for some unknown reason, the 'Son of Chaos' split up." Truman skipped the process and directly told Amon the answer.

"How did it split?" Amon pushed the monocle gently, almost unable to resist stealing some of the thoughts in Truman's mind.

"...Later, the split 'Sons of Chaos' became the 'Uncertain Mist', which was also an 'Old One' level existence."

Truman did not answer Amon but continued his own introduction.

"What about the other part?" Amon suppressed his restless heart. He instinctively felt that this might have some relationship with him.

"What do you think?" Truman looked at Amon with a smile.

Amon couldn't help but stretched out his hand to grab it, and indeed stole some of Truman's thoughts, but those were just Truman's imagination and stuffed to him, just like what he just said.

"Be content, your father may not know as much as I do in this regard." Truman ignored Amon and found the entrance to the pyramid.

"The last generation of civilization on this planet was destroyed so strangely and quickly. It is most likely related to the split of the 'Sons of Chaos' back then."

This kind of belief in the old civilization has been too deeply affected, and as far as the "gift" system is concerned, the gifted recipients who are promoted in this way can easily be deprived of everything by the gifter.

This is also the biggest drawback of the "gift" system compared to the potion system.

All great power belongs to that great being.

"Do you want to find out the truth about that year from here?" Amon asked again. He had already suffered a lot at Truman, so he got used to it and adjusted his mentality to keep up.

"Probably..." Truman observed the murals on the passages inside the pyramid.

What is depicted on it is the origin of the civilization of the previous generation, which was the order bred in chaos.

"Order bred in chaos? The end of all rules and distortions is actually chaos and disorder?" Truman thought thoughtfully and kept walking inside.

The power of the alien gods here is almost negligible. It is precisely because of the sudden loss of the power of order that the entire civilization will quickly die.

Specifically, it can be imagined that today's "fateful" civilization has suddenly lost the "fateful" power to maintain stability.

Either it was completely invaded by the "Mother Tree of Desire" or other outer gods, or it died in the turmoil.

Along the way, Truman roughly read the history of the rise and fall of the entire civilization, and finally arrived at the bottom of the pyramid.

"This is the altar for worshiping the 'Son of Chaos'." Truman's eyes lit up, there was still some power left here.

"It is true that a great disaster suddenly occurred." Amon looked at the bones around the altar that had rotted into ashes. Judging from the position, they should have been directly killed by some force during prayer.

Without any ability to resist, everyone died at the same moment.

Truman walked directly to the center of the altar. The symbolic badge that once represented the "Sons of Chaos" had completely turned into fly ash and was completely destroyed.

Judging from the situation here, there was a big problem after the split between "Uncertain Mist" and "Child of Chaos".

And the remaining power here, and even this civilization, probably never attracted the attention of the "Uncertain Mist" again.

 All future updates will be moved to noon...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 99 Mother Earth Goddess


Chapter 99 Mother Earth Goddess

"The information about the remaining power has been completely confused and cannot be analyzed?" Truman frowned slightly, and came to a bad conclusion among those chaotic powers.

The symbol of "Child of Chaos" contains "distortion" and "order". The information and knowledge contained in the remaining power here have been completely and completely distorted.

"It doesn't matter much..." Truman frowned and thought, finally giving up on the idea of ​​obtaining enough information at this time.

The most important thing about this thing is itself.

"You can't do this!" He turned around and said to Amon.

"I simply can't get enough information from the remaining power here."

This is the truth, but as the "God of Cunning", Amon probably has an absolute talent for "deception" and is keenly aware of what Truman wants to do.

But before Amon could react, Truman stretched out his hand to grab it and "stealed" the entire pyramid.

He even used his "planeswalker" ability to create a pocket space and fit the entire pyramid into it.

"This is mine!" Amon blinked, I haven't stolen it yet...

"You are allowed to ask a question." Truman and Amon were already standing in the desert outside the pyramid.

"Huh?" The monocle in Amon's right eye suddenly lit up. He only thought for a moment and then asked his question.

"The second time, who was the 'Child of Chaos' split by?"

"The one who used to be in charge of 'Mistake'." Truman glanced at Amon and walked away directly.

"If you find anything else, tell me quickly, I still have the answer here!"

Truman's voice echoed in Amon's ears.

"The one who is in charge of the 'error'..." Amon had various thoughts in his mind.

"I really want to steal his brain." After a long time, Amon sighed.

In his opinion, the person who has the most control over all kinds of knowledge is his father, who has the authority of "omniscience and omnipotence", and the second one is his "teacher".


On Earth, there are three major church missions in the entire world today, namely the Church of the Creator, the Church of the Night, and the Church of the Mother Earth.

The Church of the Creator, which accounts for almost [-]% of the believers, seems to have acquiesced in the large-scale preaching of the two major churches of Night and Mother Earth.

However, the Creator Church had an extremely bad attitude towards the equally emerging Church of God of War, and even sent angels to capture its believers, openly declaring that God of War was an evil god and would bring painful war to the world.

Badheir, who was hiding in secret, was confused and could only covertly turn the organization that believed in him into a secret sect and silently endure the persecution of the Church of the Creator.

I really can't beat it...

"Wait until I become a god!" In the quiet and desolate dusk, Badheir sat on the throne and looked at the Creator's Heaven.

He has found all the relevant characteristics and is preparing for his own godhood ceremony.

However, it seems that someone is faster than Him...


A weed suddenly grew under the Badhel God's throne. In the dusk that was filled with a sense of dilapidation, the appearance of this kind of life itself was an anomaly.

Badheir was touched by his divine nature, and he raised his head suddenly, with an orange-red dusk light blooming in his one eye.

"An angel is ascending the throne of God!" The divinity in his heart sensed something and he realized something.

He walked out of this space that was frozen in dusk, and what he saw was the plants that were growing crazily, cheering like humans.

At the same time, the entire world seemed to have a breath of life.

Like a reborn god, he has infinite vitality.

"It's the Mother Goddess!"

Badheir finally confirmed that his body suddenly froze, and at this moment he even felt like he was worthless.He stabbed his father in the back and searched for the perfect identity, but his mission was hindered and the ceremony of becoming a god was far from complete.

Now His Mother Goddess has completely surpassed Him and ascends to the throne of God today.

"Where did the Mother Goddess get her characteristics?!"

Initially, most of the characteristics of the "Mother" path were in Lilith. After Lilith blew herself up, she fell into...

"Dream!" The dusk in Badheir's eyes was suddenly stained with blood.

"When did the Mother Goddess cooperate with Dream and get the characteristics? What price did she pay?"

Some kind of almost absurd conjecture made Badheier fall into autism...

Lilith walks on the earth as Omi Bella, and her state is very strange. She seems to be integrated with the earth, inseparable from each other.

His ritual of becoming a god was perfect, and his three-part sequence, one characteristic and uniqueness had begun to undergo a qualitative change.

This is a completely different feeling from when He became an Ancient God. At that time, it was more like He forced the characteristics and uniqueness of different paths to converge, and the transformation was not perfect and extremely rough.

Now more is coming naturally, which greatly reduces his mental burden and he is in good condition.

Because he was an ancient god and had gone through this stage before, his process of becoming a god this time was extremely smooth. He directly absorbed his own spirit and controlled his own authority.

The entire continent was trembling slightly, as if it was alive, cheering for the birth of "mother".

Infinite vitality burst out from the ground, and for a time the entire continent became covered with flowers and plants grew crazily.

The believers of the Mother Earth Church held grand sacrificial activities, while the Church of the Creator remained silent.

The all-knowing and all-powerful God did not react in any way to Mother Earth's presence on the throne.

Lilith gradually mastered the power of "life" and absorbed the endless vitality. At a certain moment, she felt something in her heart and looked towards the star realm.

A red moon hangs quietly on the astral canvas that looks like a velvet curtain.

The red color on the surface of this conceptual red moon is gradually fading away, becoming bright and flawless.

He is looking at me... Lilith couldn't help but have this thought in her mind.

This "mother" path is one of the foundations of the "fallen mother goddess". It is normal for the "mother" to feel something when she appears.


Lilith's body seemed to be splashed with the unspeakable brilliance of dreams. The Angel of Life borrowed power from the book of dreams outside the endless and distant starry sky to stabilize Lilith's mental state.

Of course, this was just Lilith's stress reaction when facing that person, not that the person actually attacked Lilith through the barrier.

There is still a Creator on the earth today.

"There's still time!" Lilith calmly withdrew her gaze, and the Angel of Life disappeared.

"Congratulations, Lilith." The Angel of Life soon appeared in the hidden world of the Night Goddess.

It is the Hidden Angel who speaks.

Two angelic clones of the true God met in this situation.

"Why are you looking for me?" The Angel of Life looked at the faint figure of the Secret Angel.

"It's something about Sasril..." The Secret Angel informed the Life Angel about the Creator's poor condition.

"Then kill Him!" The Angel of Life made the same choice as the Angel of Secret.

As expected of a good girlfriend...

The way things are handled is so unpretentious and direct.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 100 "Illusionist"


Chapter 100 "Illusionist"

Truman stayed in the Church of Destiny for a long time, and even visited the so-called headquarters of Destiny and met a demigod-level pope.

"The man in the ring" is the fourth sequence of the "destiny" path. In the "gift" system, the source of divinity is naturally the "ring of fate".

And even a tiny bit of the divinity of the "old days" is unimaginable.

So in many cases crossing the threshold of divinity means complete physical and mental breakdown.

The total population of this entire "fateful" civilization is even larger than the earth today, but being able to see a demigod is already a blessing.

"I didn't expect to see a demigod with the 'gift' system." Truman observed the demigod with great interest for a period of time, completely draining his value.

Just like this, several years passed by in a hurry.

On a morning that was no different from usual, Kono put on the "desire-free badge" and walked into the law enforcement bureau.

"Hello, captain!" Many law enforcers stood at attention and saluted when they saw Kono.

"Hello to you too!" Kono nodded with a chuckle and returned to his office.

After believing in dreams, Kono struggled and weighed several times, and finally chose his own job based on spiritual direction.

This also resulted in his subsequent career journey being almost smooth, rising step by step.

None of the various clues involved in the investigation could escape his spiritual perception, which allowed his accumulation of contributions in the Law Enforcement Bureau to reach a terrifying level, becoming the youngest captain.

Recently, he became the youngest "sheriff" again.

It's just that as a dream believer, he doesn't have the confidence to face the Church of Fate. He keeps pushing and pushing, otherwise he would have been qualified to step onto the altar of promotion.

"Alas," Kono sighed in distress and prayed subconsciously, "Supreme Lord of Dreams, please guide my way forward..."

It was just the most ordinary prayer, and there was no preparation for a sacrificial ceremony, but this time it got a dreamy response.

"Sequence eight, illusionist, illusory favored one..."


Kono's Adam's apple rolled, and the huge surprise overwhelmed his mind. He forcibly suppressed his curiosity about the new sequence, and returned to his new home after a long day.

"Father!" As soon as Kono entered the residential area where he was, a believer saluted him.

Kono twitched the corner of his mouth and nodded slightly.

He is now also the only priest and "shepherd" of the Dream Church, managing a church that has just started to gain momentum.

He ignored these believers and quickly entered the place where the dream statue was enshrined.

He prepared a simple prayer ceremony, knelt before the statue of the god, and prayed devoutly for blessings.

"...the master of dreams, the supreme being beyond all eternity..."

There were dots of radiance scattered on the dream statue, and eventually it gathered into a storm, pouring all of it into Kono's body.


As if under the pressure of infinite will, Kono only felt that a sea of ​​dreams appeared in front of him, which was countless times more magnificent than the infinite starry sky.

There are countless fantasy bubbles floating on the sea, all surrounded by an endless light and shadow.

As if the Lord of Dreams had come in person, the Lord of Dreams in the form of a mythical creature surpassed the limits of what Kono could imagine.

It was also because of this glance that he truly became the Sequence [-] of the Dream Path, the "Illusionist".

Kono broke away from a certain state and looked directly at the mythical form of the Lord of Dreams. He could not help but feel infinite respect for that supreme being.At the same time, all the information about the "Illusionist" flooded into his mind.


This is the foundation of the "Illusionist". At this stage, the Extraordinary's spirituality has once again made a qualitative leap, becoming the strongest among all known ways, so much so that it can be combined with illusions to affect the real world.

The "real world" here includes but is not limited to the enemy's five senses and spirituality!

"Five senses, spiritual control..."

"The boundary between reality and reality!?"

The five senses and spiritual manipulation can blind the senses of most low-sequence extraordinary people. Only those extraordinary people whose spirituality is higher than that of "illusionists" can detect the problem.

And this "boundary between virtuality and reality" is the strongest ability of the "Illusionist".

"Illusion always makes reality?" Kono was stunned. "Using illusion magic to simulate gunshot damage, can this damage actually make people feel pain?"

"If I use illusion to make the enemy's brain think that he is dead, he will die?"

If your vision sees you being shot, your smell senses the smell of your own blood, your touch senses the pain caused by a real shooting, and even your spirituality is deceived, then you have been shot.

"So powerful..." Kono's Adam's apple rolled as he compared the eight "mendicant monks" in the destiny path sequence he had learned.

"I seem to be stronger than him..."

"The 'Illusionist' is indeed very powerful." Truman took out the Book of Dreams and wrote down his observation data.

All changes in Kono's body are also under his monitoring.

"It can basically reach the level of a normal Sequence Seven, but it consumes too much spiritual energy."

"This can be restored quickly by praying to Mew."

The "Dream" path has basically taken shape here in Truman. Except for sequence nine "Prayer", which is a stage that establishes a deep connection with dreams and is not outstanding in intensity, the other sequences are comparable to the best of the corresponding sequences in each path. .

Now Kono's understanding of "Illusionist" is still too superficial. Only after he has a deeper understanding will he be able to perform various tricks.

For example, after injuring the enemy's right hand with a firearm, the five senses are changed to make the enemy think that the wound exists on the left hand.

This leaves real wounds untreated and the enemy quickly falls into a weakened state.

He even holds a real gun and simulates a fake gun in the enemy's senses. The two guns are fired at the same time, making the enemy unable to tell which bullet is real and which is weak.

This is the meaning of "virtual and real boundaries".

The fundamental reason why the "Dream" pathway can be so powerful is because of the four authorities contained in the Book of Dreams.

"Dreams," "Cause and Effect," "All Things" and even a kind of power that Truman has not yet fully developed.

If there are extraordinary characteristics as support and the four powers are regarded as unique, Truman can even create four extraordinary paths!

And the intensity of today's "Dream Path" is equivalent to the combination of four paths!

Just imagine what the concept would be if the five paths of "God" and the three paths of "mystery" were combined?

Or more directly, a "Origin Castle" path and a "Chaos Sea" path?

That's what's really fun.

"Develop believers, select the devout among them, and grant them the power to become 'Prayers'."

Truman sends an oracle to Kono.

(End of this chapter)