
A 19

Chapter 91 Journey


Chapter 91 Journey

Truman subconsciously looked back at the planet behind him after seeing the moon.

Through the space ability of "Planeswalker", he has seen the entire planet behind him.

This was still the blue-white planet he was familiar with, and he could even clearly see the outline of the Asian continent.

But when he wanted to explore the situation in the Asian continent more deeply, a gray-white mist obscured Truman's investigation methods.

This is an absolute seal, and anyone who wants to explore there or come to that continent through the stars will be resisted.

Therefore, the method of flying above the stars and descending from space is not feasible. The seal is more like a ball, blocking the way into the continent from all angles.

That "Secret" has blocked all roads, and only the birth of a "Lord of Secrets" can open the way to that continent.

This is the strongest back-up for the resurrection.

"Dang!" The bell led by Amon rang again, bringing Trumen back to his consciousness.

"That's right." Truman saw the two students who were relying on the Creator's protection to resist the pollution of the alien gods and nodded slightly.

Then the ability he had already prepared was activated.

Buzz... The figures of the three people were distorted, submerged by the bright starlight that burst out instantly, and became illusory, no longer a physical creature, but almost a conceptualization.

This is an application of the authority of the "door" and a further manifestation of the transformation of the "planeswalker" into a symbol.


An illusory portal composed entirely of starlight appeared in front of the three people, and Truman jumped directly into it with two students.

Truman, who indirectly controls the "Gate", is much more powerful than ordinary "planeswalkers" or even "Star Keys". This space teleportation on a cosmic scale can greatly reduce the time wasted traveling in the starry sky.

If Bethel were to perform the "Planeswalker" ceremony alone, he would have to wander in this magical but lonely starry sky for many years.

After all, Bethel is most likely the first "Wanderer" to perform the "Planeswalker" ceremony. There is no precedent to follow, and there is no exact coordinates of the living planet.

This is also the hidden pitfall of the "Planeswalker" ritual. The lifespan of the "Wanderer" is not infinite. If a civilization that is sufficient to hold the ritual cannot be found within the corresponding time, it will naturally be in vain.


The starry sky outside this blue-white planet returned to silence, as usual.

However, after Truman teleported away in a semi-conceptual form, the moon that Truman had just stared at for a moment instantly surged with a wave of blood.

There seemed to be a huge, twisted crimson figure in the wave.

This figure looked at the place where Trumen was far away, and did not move for a long time.


Traveling through the stars is definitely boring.

The semi-conceptual trio travels through the space at an unimaginable speed, while also being able to see the outside world.

Colorful and bizarre, this is a scene that is difficult to see on the planet, but after about half a day, Amon felt bored.

"Star travel? That's it? Tsk!" Amon imitated Medici's tone.

"If you don't want to go, I can leave it here for you. It's only one galaxy away from home now, so you can steal it back slowly."

If the distance is far enough, even "stealing" cannot steal it all away in an instant.

Truman didn't even raise his head, he would not spoil this naughty kid.

Only after he was far away from the galaxy where he was located and felt that he was far enough away from the outer gods, Truman dared to take out the Book of Dreams.

He turned to "All Things" and temporarily possessed the status of a visionary, and then used "karma" to influence his path in the starry sky.The closest terrestrial planet and human-like civilization to the earth.

This is Truman's plan for himself.

That would cause the least trouble, allow for quick integration, and should be best for the Bethel ceremony.

"Teacher, teacher! Can I read your book?" Amon looked at the dream book and couldn't take his eyes away.

Amon's desire for the Book of Dreams can be seen in the names of the two teachers.

"Okay!" Truman smiled and directly handed the Book of Dreams to Amon.

"Hiss!" Amon once thought about it, and he actually practiced it, but before actually "stealing", the divine intuition beat too violently, and he even saw the end of death in his destiny.

I didn't expect it to be so easy this time.

"Teacher..." Bethel also knew that Amon had a bad personality and frowned slightly.

"You can open it and take a look." Truman pressed his head gently, looked at Amon and encouraged him.

"..." Amon's body suddenly froze, and the hand he stretched out to flip the book froze in mid-air, not daring to fall on the cover.

The coexistence of extreme desire and sense of crisis made Amon's face slightly distorted.

"Why didn't you open it? It's my biggest secret inside." Truman was even puzzling.

"Ahem!" Amon suddenly coughed, and a small transparent and translucent insect with twelve rings was spat out.

It was a time worm.

It's just that the worm of time that was spit out was already stiff and dead, with dreamy colors flashing on its surface.

After all, Amon couldn't hold back and used a time insect to "steal" a ray of dreamy phosphorescence.

Dreamy phosphorescence becomes a real poison after leaving Truman's guidance and restraint. To any transcendent, it is no less than swallowing alive the breath of source matter in non-adjacent paths.

Amon didn't lose control because Truman protected him.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Truman asked.

"I don't know if you have ever tried to steal Saslier's wine bottle. The wine inside is also changed like this. There are never any negative comments!"

"Hey!" Bethel couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"It's interesting. Is this your power? Dreamy, I'm even more curious about you."

Amon looked at the cover that shimmered with dreamy colors, raised his hand to adjust his monocle, and outlined the corners of his mouth, his interest not diminishing.

What about the teacher I called you just now, now you call me dream?Truman smiled dumbly

"Take it back!" Truman took the Book of Dreams back directly and planned a journey to the stars.

Bethel kept recording the magnificent starry scenery along the way. The "Wanderer" was quickly digesting the potion. This was definitely the fastest way for the "Wanderer" to digest the potion.

And Amon was holding the dead Worm of Time and frowning, trying to use his "decryption" ability to analyze the dreamy phosphorescence, but it was all in vain.

In the end, Amon could only crush the dead Worm of Time, its characteristics returned to its own, and the dreamy phosphorescence returned directly to the Book of Dreams.

I don't know how long it took before the three semi-conceptual people walked out of the seemingly endless starry sky passage.

Bethel and Amon, who felt a little drowsy, both woke up instantly.

In front of you is a blue and green planet.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 92 Civilization


Chapter 92 Civilization

A lamp similar to a kerosene lamp was placed on the table, emitting not very bright light, and in the darkness, three figures came with the aura of the starry sky.

"A true alien civilization!" Bethel looked at the lamp in shock, and something in his body was completely digested at this moment.

The play rules of "Wanderer" must be related to the starry sky, and it is not just the scenery on the starry sky journey, but also the end point of this starry sky journey.

This simple lamp represents a civilization. The moment you see it, Bethel has come to an "end" and completed the performance.

"The level of civilization here is probably better than that over there..." Truman could roughly judge the stage of civilization here just by looking at it.

"This lamp is somewhat interesting." Amon directly stole the lamp into his hands and looked at the patterns and manufacturing methods on the lamp that were completely different from what he knew.

"Theft is prohibited here." Just pick it up and take a look at it, but the word "steal" is chosen...

After Truman made a rule for this place, Amon quickly let go, otherwise his hands would turn into a pile of dead time insects.

This is not the first time.

"Here..." Bethel looked at everything here with curiosity.

The room was not big, with only a small bed for one person to sleep on, a desk and stool, and a lamp.


The door to the room was opened and a person walked in from the outside.

Truman looked up and saw that all three of them had entered a state of psychological invisibility.

"Is this the humanoid creature of this civilization?" Amon approached the "human".

"Huh? It looks a bit like an elf!" Bethel also stepped forward to take a look.

The person who walked into the room should be the owner here. He was wearing a blue uniform and looked very similar to the elves.

"With magic scales, blue pupils, pointed ears..." Truman twitched the corner of his mouth, almost doubting that he had not left the earth.

This is actually the charter he set for his journey. Earth-like planets and human-like civilizations. These two restrictions were realized by the authority of "utopia" and "karma", and they came here.

"It seems to be a little different..." Amon's eyes lit up and he stretched out his hand to grab it. He almost launched "stealing", but after all, he did not forget the certain rules that enveloped this place.

"The body structure is somewhat different from ours, but it's all differences in organs, which can be understood as evolutionary differences."

Truman determined a fact after just a few observations.

As for what Amon wanted to "steal", Truman also saw it.

It was a circular badge with a sword-like weapon carved on it, but more importantly, it had extraordinary power!

This is an extraordinary power beyond the earth!

"I really want to steal it." Amon's restless hands could hardly suppress it.

"It's the power of an alien god. If you dare, steal it." Truman rolled his eyes at Amon.

"Outer God?" Amon and Bethel both subconsciously took a step back.

"You have forgotten that this is not our planet and there is no barrier!"

Truman gave the man a hint and asked him to fall asleep immediately, and he himself came to a place similar to a window and pushed it gently.

There are two moons in the night sky, one big and one small!

The moon refracts the light of the stars and sheds starlight.

"This place is far enough away from our galaxy, but the pollution does not become smaller the farther away it is." Truman stretched out his hand to grab it and activated "Steal".

——The rules he made are naturally not to restrict him.

A wisp of faint mist was caught in Truman's hand. The mist gradually formed a ring and slowly rotated. But in the next moment, it changed in other ways and turned into a entangled thorns.

"This is..."

Amon and Bethel knew the concept of foreign gods, but they did not have a clear understanding of the number and names of foreign gods and could not identify them. "'The Ring of Fate'!" Truman's eyes gradually became illusory, and there seemed to be an ocean of countless dreamy bubbles floating inside.

"Is this the place blessed by 'fate'?"

Truman frowned and thought, throwing away this breath of "fate" far away.

"But in an undefended world, perhaps there are more traces of alien gods than I imagined, and it is not impossible for alien gods to contaminate the hodgepodge..."

"Don't walk around casually. Things here are much more dangerous than what you see." Truman warned Amon.

Afterwards, Truman used the power of the "sage" to analyze the knowledge of the world, and gained a preliminary understanding of the world from the person lying on the bed.

"A profession similar to that of a policeman? A law enforcer?" Truman became very interested in this person.

"It's better to let me steal everything he has." Amon shook his head slowly, suddenly feeling bored.

"If you steal him, he will die." Bethel is also learning the knowledge analyzed by Truman, including but not limited to language, customs, etc.

"Tomorrow we will follow him to see the world."


Kono woke up from his sleep and felt that all the fatigue from yesterday was gone.

"Time to get to work!"

He jumped up from the bed, adjusted his law enforcement uniform, opened the door and left.

"Ah! Brother Kono, this is the pie I made. Please try it!" Kono walked out of the house and saw a boy who was familiar with him on the road.

The young man greeted all passers-by with a serious face, distributed the pies in the basket for free, and then listened carefully to the suggestions of each taster.

The boy was almost religious.

"It's delicious. You will soon become an elite chef like your father!" Kono praised after just taking a sip.

This was the highest compliment to the young man, and it brought a smile to his serious face, "Thank you!"

"Brother Kono will definitely become a 'sheriff'!" The young man also wished.

Kono nodded slightly and ran to the law enforcement bureau as quickly as possible without any further delay to start the day's work.

"Why are the people here so active in their work?" Bethel asked in confusion.

Everyone I saw along the way was in a hurry, and no one would waste time on the road.

Everyone also has the same pious look as the young chef.

"Not all of them love working, it's just..."

Amon was very keenly aware of the key, but due to too little information, he could not be sure.

"This is their life." Truman said in a leisurely manner, following Kono into the so-called law enforcement bureau. There should be many interesting things here.

"Life?" Bethel vaguely grasped something, but could not express it.

"Interesting!" Amon suddenly realized and adjusted his monocle.

"Parasites are prohibited here!"

Another rule was drawn up, and Amon twitched the corner of his mouth, giving up the idea of ​​forming an army of Amon from another world.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 93 Fate


Chapter 93 Fate

"Captain!" Kono saluted his captain.

Captain Raimundo glanced at Kono and nodded slightly, "You're just in time, come with me to check the body now."

"Yes!" Kono's face instantly became solemn, and he followed Raimondo deeper into the Law Enforcement Bureau.

"Use the 'No Desire Badge'!" Raimundo reminded.

Kono put his hand on the badge he was wearing, and a strange power surged from the badge and acted on Kono.

His face began to become cold, without the fluctuations of emotions and desires, as if he had become a "puppet" or a "machine".

"Why should we ban emotions?" Soon the Trumen trio knew the answer.

After a short period of walking in darkness, they arrived at a secret room underground.

An extremely twisted and weird corpse appeared in front of the three people.

Many bright kerosene lamps illuminated the room, revealing every detail.

The corpse was three meters tall, with a white body and many tumors and flowers, like a strange tree.

It's just that the real body of this "strange tree" is composed of countless naked corpses.

Based on the joyful expressions on those corpses, it's probably not difficult to guess how they merged together.

There are dozens of tentacles scattered around the corpse, each tentacle is like a brown branch, with withered flowers still covered with mucus at the top.

This tree body is extremely visually impactful, and anyone who sees it will be dominated by the desire that suddenly rises in their hearts.

"This..." Amon and Bethel were both stunned by this grotesque corpse.

In terms of strength, this corpse may not have reached the level of a demigod. What really shocked them was that it exuded something that they were already familiar with, the pollution of an alien god!

"The Mother Tree of Desire..." Truman shook his head slightly, unexpectedly seeing this thing.

"With the addition of the 'Ring of Fate', this world has at least two gifts from the outer gods."

It is a "gift" not a pollution.

This is an important distinction.

Speaking of pollution, everyone here has actually been polluted by the "Circle of Fate". With his breath, they can only survive in "fate".

"Is it so scary outside the planet?" In less than a day, he had already encountered the pollution of two different alien gods. This fact gave Bethel and even Amon a huge mental shock.

"The function of the 'Desireless Badge' is to forbid all emotions in order not to be aroused by this thing, otherwise it may be contaminated and merge into this strange tree."

As for the pollution carried by the followers of the "Mother Tree of Desire", the aura of the "Circle of Fate" on Kono and Raimundo is enough to resist it.

This is similar to the mechanism by which dreamy phosphorescence resists pollution from outside gods. Only the "old days" can fight against the "old days".

"'Desire Badge'? I don't know how many people have figured out the rules." Truman shook his head, and sprinkled two dreamy phosphorescent lights, placing Amon and Bethel under his protection.

The two indifferent and emotionless law enforcers inspected the tree body according to the procedures and recorded all the circumstances.

After that, the two of them quickly left the secret room underground without stopping at all, and at the same time turned off the power of the "Desireless Badge".

"It's the Desire Cult again!" Kono looked at the record sheet in his hand, and now he became angry, but he was helpless.

"It's really troublesome..." Raimondo sighed, but his tone was somewhat relaxed.

Kono felt the captain's relaxation and felt confused, so he couldn't help but ask, "Captain, you..." "Such a case should not be within the scope of our responsibilities." Raimundo smiled and shook the record sheet in his hand.

"You mean...'the Destined One'?" Kono thought of something, and his face began to brighten, with obvious yearning.

"You've been coming to the Law Enforcement Bureau for a while, and you haven't seen them yet, right? Come, I'll take you to meet them." Captain Raimundo led the way with a smile.

"This... seems to be against the rules!" Kono was yearning for it, but also a little afraid. "The Destined Ones" are all very high-status people in the law enforcement bureau, and only the captain is qualified to understand them.

As for the "Destined One", only those who reach the "Master" level in their own ranks can be invited to become extraordinary and become the "Destined One".

What is a "Master Level" job placement?

The "Master" Sheriff among law enforcers, the "Master" Chef among chefs...

"I'm about to become the police chief, and I'm qualified to take you there." Captain Raimondo smiled.

Kono suddenly had no worries anymore.

Truman looked at all this and smiled. Under his guidance, everything could not be hidden and was completely presented.

Now he really needs to meet these "destined ones".

"Interesting!" Amon was also observing all this and basically understood everything.

Bethel also thought of the meaning of "fate" and suddenly realized it.

"What do you understand?" Truman asked.

"The key is the word 'fate'." Bethel himself was still at the third level of the sequence, and his grasp of information was far inferior to Amon and Truman. Only then did he understand.

Not to mention Truman's control over information, he already understood it when he walked out of Kono's house.

And Amon had already scattered the clones, but he couldn't "parasitize" and get more information, but he also saw enough people.

When I hear the words "master", "class", and "destined one", I understand it clearly.

"This is a world of 'fate'," Bethel organized his thoughts and answered.

"Everyone should be born with a destiny or a profession inherited from their ancestors. This is the beginning of destiny."

"It's destiny!"

"And achieving certain achievements in this profession is also a step forward in 'destiny'. After reaching a certain level, you can receive someone's favor, receive blessings, and become an extraordinary person!"

"Similar to the role-playing method, they are getting closer to that person!"

"This is an Beyonder promotion system similar to sequence potion!"

"Very good!" Truman nodded with satisfaction. The people from Bethel were a little old-fashioned and boring, but they were still very savvy in these aspects.

This civilization polluted by the "ring of fate" is full of a sense of deformity, and the method of determining careers is extremely unreliable in Truman's opinion.

But unfortunately, under the power of the old man, it became a reality, and even formed a "fateful" civilization.

"'Destined One'? What kind of system is this..." Truman and the other three followed Raimundo, twisting and turning underground to an above-ground church.

"'Destined One'?" Truman's eyes narrowed slightly and he saw a priest wearing a divine robe, kneeling in front of a symbol made of entwined thorns, praying devoutly.

"The Circle of Fate"!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 94 The Destined One


Chapter 94 The Destined One

"The great ring of fate, you are the eternal reincarnation, the destined fate, the cause, the result, and the process!"

The symbol of the "Ring of Fate" in the shape of a black thorn seems to have a weak power response in the pious prayer.

This weak power resonated gently with a certain power in the clergyman, creating a sacred environment.

"This is an honorable name that can point to the 'Circle of Fate'..." Truman did not risk his own life by reciting it, which would definitely bring extremely bad results.

"Don't seek death!" Truman suddenly reminded him, "Even your clone can't do it. Any disturbance in fate will be noticed by this person!"

The person I'm talking about here is of course Amon.

Of course, Amon would not be stupid enough to let his clone recite it, but his clone affected his destiny and gave a commoner in this world the idea of ​​reciting this honorary name.

Amon was ready to sacrifice his clone to complete the adventure, but he underestimated this "ring of destiny".

This is the old one who truly controls the symbol of destiny, and is one of the most powerful outer gods in the entire universe.

If it really attracts this person's attention, the only way to do it is to use that drop of the Creator's divine blood.

But then, their journey to the stars would come to an end.

Amon pushed his monocle gently and smiled, "It turns out that the teacher is also afraid of outside gods."

This is a trial.

It is Truman who is tempted, and it is also the "circle of fate".

Before Truman left, the Creator had not yet publicly announced the name of the foreign god that he had derived from his "omniscient and omnipotent" authority.

This is forbidden knowledge, and even Amon cannot know it.

But he was so curious that he couldn't help but test Truman, an insider.

"Next time, I will throw you to the moon to have a baby." Truman glanced at Amon and approached the black thorn symbol.

Facing the symbols of the alien gods is almost the same as facing the alien gods.

The only good thing is that most of the eyes of the outer gods in the universe are on the small planet of the earth. Most of the responses here are ritualistic and have no will to come.

"'Gift' system..." Truman was very interested in the paths of these outer gods. He even followed Bethel to the starry sky just to see more paths of the outer gods.

Because theoretically, he can also use the Book of Dreams to achieve "gifts".

Compared with him slowly exploring, the Outer God has a complete set of ready-made theories here, and he is here to learn them secretly!

"But you can't directly snoop on the information about the foreign gods, as you might be discovered."

Truman looked at the black thorn symbol and sensed some kind of secret connection, pointing to the "ring of destiny" who didn't know how many galaxies away.

"That's not as good as..." Truman looked at Kono and showed a kind smile, "Boy, you are in luck."

Kono is his initial window to understand the world, and Kono is still a long way from the "Master" level. He has not yet gone deep into the "acting" of the "Destiny" path, and has been polluted. Still limited.

"Father Costel!" Raimundo and Kono bowed to the priest who was praying devoutly.

"...Pray for your grace..." Father Costel did not stop praying and continued with his own affairs.

"..." Kono was a little nervous and glanced at Captain Raimundo.

But Raimundo just shook his head slightly to signal him to be quiet.

After praying for quite a while, Father Costel finally stopped.

"Chief Raimondo." Father Costel looked at Raimondo with empty eyes without any extra emotion. "We once again found a large number of traces of Desire Cultists in the jurisdiction..." Raimondo took out the report and presented it to Father Costel.

"Those damn infidels again?!" Father Costel's eyes gradually became more angry. He took the report and read it carefully.

"They somehow controlled a 'coachman', bewitched their family and corrupted them."

"This caused the 'coachman' to carry out a crazy kidnapping, and all the hostages were swallowed up by desire and became trees of desire."

Raimondo briefly introduced the situation of the case.

"'Car drivers', after the emergence of trams and scooters, this profession has been rapidly eliminated. This is the source of their degeneration!"

Father Costel guessed a lot of information from just one profession.

"Then why not train the 'coachman' to be a 'driver', so that you can..." Kono asked involuntarily as his mind wandered.

Raimondo's expression changed, but Costel glanced at Kono with a meaningful look in his eyes and said softly, "This is the wave of the times, and it is also 'fate'!"

Perhaps, this painful struggle under "fate" was originally a way to please the external gods?

Kono's eyes suddenly darkened, and he felt a deep sense of pressure and silence from this "fate".

He has seen many professions that have been eliminated by the times, and "car driver" is just one of them.

But for some reason today, his mind became extra sensitive, his mind became more active, and he noticed something strange.

The dark shadow in front of Kono's eyes dispersed, and Father Costel and Captain Raimondo were still discussing the case, as if the question and answer he just had with Father Costel didn't exist.

He thought of Father Costel's expression just now, and there seemed to be some kind of chill deep in his body.

"Let's go! Why are you dazed!" Captain Raimondo pushed Kono.

Kono woke up from a dream and hurried to catch up with Father Coster and the captain.

They are going to find out the Desire Cultists.

"Let's go take a look first." Truman went out with the three of them, mostly focusing on Father Costel.

As for Amon's request to act alone, Truman ruthlessly rejected it.

Before he has a deeper understanding of the world, Truman cannot let this naughty boy Amon go out and cause trouble.

As for Bethel, he was not in a hurry to complete his rituals.

Along the way, the Truman trio also saw the hidden side of the entire world.

They walked along the way in an area that was equivalent to a slum, and saw those professionals who had been eliminated because of the changing times.

Among them, according to Captain Raimundo's introduction, this slum is probably dominated by "rickshaw drivers".

These people who have reached the second half of their lives walk around this slum with dull eyes, confused and at a loss.

They were born to pull carts, but now the need to pull carts is decreasing day by day. Except for some strong and strong people who can grab business, those who lack energy will be eliminated.

And after being eliminated...

This group of "coachmen" who were destined to pull carts and could only pull carts lost everything.

"Destiny" seems to be out of touch with them.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 95 Desires


Chapter 95 Desires

"This is it!" Raimundo took Kono and the priest to a house deep in the slums.

The environment here is already quite bad. All kinds of domestic wastewater and garbage flood the muddy road, exuding a disgusting stench.

"This is the place where the 'Carman' family settled. Half a month ago, he was completely eliminated and could only move here. After that, he was seduced and corrupted by the desire cultists, and became a slave of desire. He launched a war of desire. Sacrifice." Raymond said concisely and concisely.

"There is a turbulent power of destiny here, and someone has abandoned his 'fate' here!" Father Costel's face became extremely ugly.

He stretched out his hand, holding a badge engraved with black thorn patterns. The badge was trembling slightly, as if resisting and resisting.

"I saw fate fluctuating..." Father Costel's eyes were suddenly blurred by a mist, and he recited a mantra, "'Fate' is the only one!"

A strange power surges from the badge, giving people a feeling that the established destiny is irresistible and must be realized.

"The Desire Cultist is still nearby!" The fog quickly faded, and the priest seemed to have received a revelation from fate.

In the world of "fate", anyone who escapes from "fate" is conspicuous enough, and his fate is like a fish swimming in the sky, extremely unexpected.

"What!" Captain Raimondo and Kono were instantly alert and looked around cautiously.

"Let me do it. It is my duty to purify those who have abandoned their 'fate'."

"Priest" is also a profession, and it is the profession closest to the "Circle of Fate".

"'Destiny' is above... my contracted creatures, go and destroy all heretics who are not destined to do so!"

The priest's eyes became dark, and he chanted in a low voice, and a strange power emanated from him.

The priest's shadow in the sunlight suddenly became distorted, as if a creature had been summoned and emerged from it.

Kono could only vaguely see a black shadow flashing away, and felt an extremely powerful power from above. It was an extraordinary ability more powerful than the "Desire Badge"!

"Let's go!" Father Costel quickly found out and ran towards the distance.

"Follow!" Raimundo and Kono were equipped with "desireless badges" and followed with weapons similar to firearms.

"Where does this power come from..." Amon and Bethel, who had only seen the potion system, were both surprised.

When Father Costel summoned the "spirit", their spiritual vision saw everything, but that feeling was completely different from the potion system.

"There are no characteristics in their bodies. The fundamental source of power is the Giver." Truman's eyes lit up. The power obtained through the "gift" is not much worse than the serial potion!

"The battle has begun!" Truman suddenly sensed something and brought the other two people to the scene. They found the best position to watch the battle of the Fangwai cultist.

The level of both sides is not high, probably the seventh level of the sequence.

Among them, Father Costel has many abilities, such as shadow possession, spiritual attack, invisibility, etc.

This has exceeded the limit that many Sequence Sevens can achieve.

The priest's opponent was a young girl wearing a maid's uniform. Her light blue eyes seemed to be shining with light. Her loose maid uniform outlined her beautiful figure, full of feminine beauty.

"Mina Redman! You abandoned your 'fate'! You also killed your father!"

Father Costel looked directly at Mina Redman with a serious face and piercing eyes.

This is the daughter of the "coachman", and her destined occupation is "maid".

But it is obvious that this naturally beautiful girl is not willing to be just a "maid" her whole life.

This is also the biggest drawback of the "fateful" civilization that Truman can think of, and it is even a deeper contradiction than those eliminated professions.People are never satisfied with the present.

Unless the "desire-free badge" is popularized, erasing everyone's desires and turning everyone into a machine-like existence, otherwise, this human desire can make "fate" unstable.

This is probably why the power of the "Mother Tree of Desire" is particularly powerful here.

Desires suppressed by "fate" will always burst out.

"You are bewitched by 'desire'." There was a look of pity in the priest's eyes.

"You have been tamed by 'fate'." Mina puffed out her chest and wore a black and white maid outfit that looked like a fashion show.

She nonchalantly mocked the three Fathers Costel, "You are 'law enforcers' and 'priests', you are born that way!"

"I am a 'maid' and my father is a 'car driver'. It is also fate!"

"It's all 'fate'!"

Mina's eyes were already shining with crimson light, causing Father Costel's expression to change greatly.

"What have you done!" Father Costel shouted sternly.

"I just want to awaken the desire in your hearts."

"Take a look at the choice in your heart, is it 'fate' or...freedom!"

Mina suddenly smiled, the crimson light in her eyes getting stronger and stronger, and the air in this slum seemed to be filled with some kind of substance.

All the poor people who are close to here are affected by this power, and their inner desires begin to surge and expand.

They also want to become "priests", which represents wealth, power and even the most important right to define, the qualification to communicate with God...


Father Costel threw out the badge engraved with black thorn patterns in his hand. The badge seemed to turn into a thorn ring composed of mist, correcting the path of "destiny".

At this moment, all those with growing inner desires are about to return to their destined path because the power on the badge is fading.

"'Desire' is indelible!" Mina suddenly tore off her clothes, and the well-wrapped maid uniform burst, revealing her fair skin.

There is a pink mark under her collarbone, which beats faintly like a heart, pointing to the "Mother Tree of Desire"!

"I declare that those who abandon their destiny will surely perish and repent to the great 'Circle of Destiny' in endless loneliness!" Father Costel pronounced the sentence sacredly.

The power of divine judgment bursts out on the badge of destiny, pointing at the cultists of desire.

"'Fate' has no control over me anymore! I am beyond my destiny!" Mina suddenly went crazy, her body began to grow in size, and certain people's limbs and faces began to appear in her body, bursting the maid uniform.

Even under the crimson light, tumors began to grow on her body. The tumors exploded, blood spattered everywhere, and flowers and tentacles grew from them.

She can no longer be called an extraordinary person. She does not belong to the sequence. She is more like a container contaminated by the "Mother Tree of Desire".

All this is just as she thought, she wants to awaken the desires in everyone here.

(End of this chapter)