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Chapter 6 Sasril


Chapter 6 Sasril

"Lord, let's retreat first." Ourolius left with Hermes, and only Truman and the ancient sun god were left in the church.

This is a hometown gathering.

Just like when Truman learned the identity of the goddess, he had some sense of identity, but because of the nature of this world, there was an invisible barrier.

"Do you want to drink?" Truman asked suddenly, "Vodka! The original flavor is guaranteed!"

Truman opened the book of dreams and took out two bottles of wine directly from it.

All your wishes come true and your dreams come to the world.

"This is a meeting gift for you." Truman handed the wine over.

"...Thank you." The ancient sun god looked at Truman for a while before taking the two bottles of wine, with a strange expression on his face, filled with regret and reminiscence.

"It's really a long-lasting memory."

He unscrewed the cap of the bottle and drank half of the bottle. "It smells very familiar!"

"The rules of the ancient Eastern countries seem to be to return gifts." The ancient sun god put down the bottle, and his eyes fell on the divine badge on Truman's chest.

"Yes!" He stretched out his hand and squeezed it gently, as if a sun condensed in his hand, eventually becoming a sun badge that was almost the same as the divine badge.

Truman's eyes lit up and he sensed the effect - Yong Zhou.

The main function is to exorcise evil spirits and purify, but it also has the effect of awakening sleeping creatures.

"Thank you!" Truman took it and put it together with the badge that contained the divinity of sleepless nights. The dreamy phosphorescence lit up and the two badges merged into one.

There are two patterns on both sides of the divine badge. The power of the sun and stars is surging, maintaining Truman's state.

"Sleepless and eternal day, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep again in the future." Of course, this is a good thing for Truman.

Truman laughed, this was also an unexpected gain.

"What do you and that lady have to do with me?" The ancient sun god has indeed met the goddess!

"Of course it's cooperation." Truman's face also became serious, and the power of the sea of ​​chaos and dreamy phosphorescence covered the church.

"How to cooperate?" The ancient sun god held the cross with one hand and asked calmly and gently.

At this moment, he was more like a god than a human being.

"The Alliance of Ancient Gods, Lilith, and the Demon Wolf of Destruction." Truman gave these keywords.

The ancient sun god had a calm face and clear eyes, and was not moved by it.

But Truman knew that something called omniscient authority began to surge in the sea of ​​chaos.

Although the ancient Sun God has not taken back the audience and the White Tower, he can indirectly control the power of omniscience through the Sea of ​​Chaos.

He is deducing, using endless knowledge to deduce the context of this era!

He has no power over destiny, but the writer is no less capable in this regard.

"Lilith..." The ancient sun god's eyes fell on Truman, thoughtfully, "Have you already persuaded him?"

"No one wants to lose themselves." Truman did not answer directly, but meant something.

"Okay." The ancient sun god nodded slightly and decided to follow the trend of this era. "You can go to Sasril for specific matters."

Afterwards, the ancient sun god walked to the foot of the huge cross, closed his eyes, and began to pray to himself.

I always feel like this god is being lazy...

Truman blinked, walked out of the church obediently, and saw Ouroloius and Hermes.

"Hello, Ourolius, I'm sorry about what happened before." Truman looked at Ourolius.

The previous eruption of the Chaos Sea almost drowned Ouroloius. "Huh?" Urolius then moved his eyes away from the stone slab and looked at Truman. He paused for a moment before responding, "It doesn't matter, you didn't hurt me, and you are the Lord's friend."

He saw the badge on Truman's chest, which had a power he was very familiar with.

"The Lord's oracle asked me to take you to see Sasril." Ouroleus suddenly thought of something and stretched out his hand to invite.

"Well, let's go." Truman and his little follower Hermes walked in the kingdom of the sun god under the leadership of Ouro Leus.

"The people here!" Hermes was a little shocked. They saw the massive sacrificial procession and the majestic hymns that continued, praising the god who brought sunshine to this land.

Of course, such things also happened from time to time in other human city-states. What shocked Hermes the most was that some humans actually had mysterious powers surging in them.

The most important thing is that there are no mutations on their bodies, their spirits are stable, and their mental bodies present a peaceful state that Hermes has never seen before!

"O Sun, you give us sunshine and rain, food and holy water..."

The hymns continued, and they were sung under the leadership of several priests. They were magnificent and aroused the true power of God.

"What's going on?!" Hermes asked in confusion.

"They are the singers." Ouroleus was also praising the sun, and Hermes turned his head and replied after hearing his doubts.

"Singer?" Hermes' tone was filled with intense confusion, and there was a thin film blocking him, preventing him from understanding everything in front of him.

"Sequence nine, the singer." Truman reminded him at the right time.

"Sequence nine?!" Hermes's eyes lit up, and everything became clear.

"Do you know the sequence?" A voice came closer from far away, and a figure also appeared in front of the three people.

The person who came was wearing a dark black robe, with shoulder-length black hair. His face was somewhat similar to the ancient sun god, but he was more handsome and handsome. His eyes were also black, with thick shadows vaguely visible.

The clothes on his body are extremely elegant, with silver threads and complex patterns, and come with gorgeous accessories.

"Sasril, why are you here?" Ourolius blinked and asked in confusion, "Has the city of the Lord's kingdom been built?"

Saslier's face turned dark and he coughed twice, "I'm here to receive guests."

"Oh," Ourolius nodded slightly, "Then I'll leave first, my mural hasn't been finished yet."

Ourolius returned his attention to the stone slab in his hand, making gestures with one hand, completely immersed in his own world.

"Ahem, friend, give me two bottles of vodka!" Dark Angel Sasril approached and whispered.

"..." Truman opened the book of dreams and took out a bottle of vodka.

This Sasril gave him a very strange feeling. The ancient sun god was completely divine and overpowered his humanity. He also had some emotional fluctuations when facing those distant memories, more like Adam in Truman's impression.

But Saslier, who was the King of Angels, gave him a very strong sense of humanity, even more so than Ourolius.

Perhaps this is the meaning of His creation...

Obviously, Truman prefers to deal with Him like this.

"Hiss! Good wine!" Saslier drank a large bottle of wine, "Bayehari!"

Truman simply grabbed a handful of dream phosphorescence from the book of dreams and stuffed it into Saslier's wine bottle. The dream phosphorescence rippled and the wine was filled again.

"What a convenient ability!" Saslier admired. The drink would not be completely consumed until the dreamy phosphorescence was extinguished.

"You can't let Him take it away." Saslier took another sip, and then put away the bottle of wine with great care.

The Sun God may have the ability to obtain such old-era things, but those wines will definitely not have the effect of neutralizing madness.

Truman is showing his own value.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 7


Chapter 7

"The main body gave you a gift in return, but I can't just let it go." He thought for a while and finally took out a stone slab.

"I don't have the power of the original body, but this thing is under my control for the time being."

"I don't know how you know the sequence, but I can show you the real sequence."

Saslier is very interesting. In this strange world, knowledge is similar to power.

Moreover, this is an era before even the sequence has been circulated, so this kind of knowledge is even more precious.

"It just so happens that I need this knowledge." Truman did not refuse. This knowledge was of limited use to him. After all, he could not take the sequence path. The ancient sun god probably knew this, so Saslier was able to take the blasphemous tablet. Come to him.

"This is also part of the plan." Saslier said, and Truman nodded slightly.

Perhaps Saslier meant to repay himself, but it also involved this cooperation.

Such as the stars and the moon and their adjacent paths.

This is a bargaining chip for the Sun side to win over the other two sides.

"Oh..." Truman seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Hermes and sensed the infinite desire in his heart. He nodded lightly and said, "How much you can see depends on you."

"Thank you two angels!" Hermes bowed ninety degrees and almost knelt down before the two of them. Truman once again grabbed a ball of dreamy phosphorescence and stuffed it into Saslier's hands.

Saslier blinked and nodded slightly, not minding.

"Let's get started." Saslier completely opened up and desecrated the slate. The hazy shadow dissipated, revealing the gray-white slate.

It is very mottled and ancient. After years of vicissitudes, it is engraved with a peculiar text that can be read at a glance.

"Sun Path: Sequence Nine, The Singer..."

Wearing the robe of a sage, Truman's record of knowledge reached a terrifying level, and he could finish deciphering the blasphemous tablets without any pressure.

"Sequence Zero..." This is one of the few things that Truman can take seriously.

"By the way, now I can create the blasphemy card!"

A strange thought occurred to Truman, but he quickly shook his head. He was not the emperor who could even attack the witch, so it was better not to steal the limelight.

He raised his head and saw that Hermes was still reading it fascinatedly.

"Okay." At a certain moment, a thick shadow once again covered the blasphemous stone, and Saslier put it away.

"Huh!" Hermes woke up and thanked Saslier and Truman again.

"There is a complete path to God, and there are other sequential paths that can reach the level of demi-god." After all, Hermes is not Truman, and he cannot decipher all the information in a short period of time.

So he made a choice and obtained the complete path he was on, as well as the knowledge of Sequence Four and below of other paths.

"The dissemination of knowledge should be cautious." Truman said to Hermes, with some suggestions.

"Yes!" Hermes woke up from the impact of the huge amount of mystical knowledge.

"I, Hermes, swear to follow Mr. Angel to the death! The history of mankind will always bear the honorable name of Mr. Angel!"

Hermes knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to Truman for instructions.

No longer a virtual personality, but the real Hermes.

Truman was startled, then nodded with a smile, "You can also call me Dream."

"Yes!" Hermes remembered the name firmly. "Go ahead, your knowledge is enough to allow human beings to truly have the power to protect themselves." Truman said, Hermes is an excellent follower, but now he should return to the human city-state.

Truman directly used the Ancient One's Glove to send Hermes back to the place where the two first met.

"Sorry, it may have disrupted your plan." Truman said to Saslier.

This knowledge is the best means for the Sun God to gather human believers.

"This is the reward that should be given to you." Saslier didn't care, "God's power is enough to make all humans believe."

Hermes was able to obtain such a massive amount of mysterious knowledge because of Truman. As he said, Truman's honorable name will be engraved in the history of human mysticism, and countless humans will become the anchor of Truman's faith.

"But your ability is very similar to that of the Miracle Master." Sasril glanced at the Ancient One's Gloves, and then scanned the Dream Book, "Whether it is destiny or wish."

So, do they suspect that they are connected with the mysterious master... Truman suddenly understood.

The ancient sun god must have been able to see the inconsistency in Ouroleus' fate and guess the effect of the Book of Dreams, so he could not help but think of the sign of destiny.

But Truman knew it had nothing to do with it, so he didn't deny it, he just smiled.

"Why don't you take me to visit your Kingdom of God?" Truman is still looking forward to the Kingdom of the Sun God, and there is a high probability that he will see some familiar people here.

Saslier readily agreed to receive the guests and catch some fish along the way.

"Hey, Sasril, who is this? He's even more handsome than me!" The two of them had just taken a few steps when they saw a red-haired knight wearing black armor approaching.

He was young and handsome, with an expression as bright as the fiery red hair.

"Medici!" Saslier shouted softly, "He is a guest."

"Guest?" Medici raised his eyebrows and glanced at Truman provocatively, making him feel the urge to punch him.

"Your performance was very successful." Truman even sensed a provocation on a mysterious level. If two angels of the same sequence two stood in front of him, the red one would be attacked first.

"This is not an act, His... nature is like this." Saslier said helplessly.

Medici's expression changed a little, and it was clear from Saslier's attitude that he valued Truman.

It made him curious.

He wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by a terrifying storm.

It was a thunder that was as terrifying as a natural disaster, and its silvery white color even turned the sky above the three of them into another world.

"Medici, stop!" A voice like the roar of a giant monster sounded, and a humanoid natural disaster with wind and thunder wrapped around its body appeared on the horizon. In anger, its long dark blue hair danced wildly.

"Here we come, brother." Medici did not run away, but leaned closer to Saslier, causing Saslier to wave his hand to block the thunder.

You can't let your guests be struck by lightning, right?

"Leodro, you have offended our important guest in heaven! Now I will punish you by singing a song to appease the anger of the guest!"

"You!" The tall and rugged Leodro's face changed, and he gritted his teeth. Even Saslier's face twitched.

"I believe this is nature." Truman sighed. Hearing the roar just now, Truman was able to judge what level of ocean singer this Leodro was. His words were absolutely lethal.

Medici was not beaten to death entirely because he was strong enough and had the ancient sun god on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 8 Amanysis


Chapter 8 Amanysis

"It's really a miracle that he can live this long." Truman complained.

"He... was born like this." Saslier was helpless, and he was tired of doing the job as the deputy king of heaven.

"Hello, I'm Leodro." On the other hand, the furious Leodro reacted first, suppressed his anger, and introduced himself.

"Hello, guest from afar, I am Osykus."

At this time, a man in a white robe walked over, smiling brightly and full of vigor, with short blond hair shining in the sun.

The feeling he gave Truman was very similar to that of the ancient sun god.

"You have already seen the angels under the sun." Saslier also introduced Truman to these angels.

"Not weak compared to the ancient gods."

Naturally, it is not weaker than a single ancient god, but the alliance of ancient gods is something that even the ancient sun god must be cautious about.

Moreover, the ancient gods who the ancient sun god wants to take back their power all belong to two major camps. If they cannot be divided, no one will be able to survive a fight against six.

Truman is here to promote one thing.

The two continued to visit the kingdom of the Sun God, while the three angels watched from a distance.

"Why do you feel so weak?" Medici was confused. "But I don't dare to attack him. I feel like something will happen if I even provoke him."

"Which one of you two is going to challenge him?" Medici encouraged the other two.

"I'm not a fool." Leodero snorted coldly, indicating that he would not be fooled.

"Eh, really? Why didn't I know?" Medici blurted out a provocation, which almost made Leodro furious again.

"We may be about to face a war." Oseikus smiled slightly and spoke solemnly.

"That's great!" Medici raised his eyebrows. He is at his strongest when supported by the Legion, and what he is most comfortable with is war.

"Here..." Truman looked in surprise at a city in front of him that was several times more majestic than Silver City. This thing was at least thousands of years ahead of its time.

The colonnades of ancient Greece, the domes of Byzantium, the Gothic spiers, those architectural styles that were lost over the years are reborn in this Kingdom of God.

"Extraordinary people working as construction workers really have your characteristics." Truman laughed.

There is no shortage of low-sequence materials and Beyonders here. They only need to go through a simple selection and they will be given potions.

This is the real kingdom of heaven for humans today and even for future generations.

"This is the future." Truman finally commented.

It can be seen from here that the ancient sun god can become the creator of the third era.

"Why is the ancestor of the vampire called Lilith?" Truman asked Saslier after visiting such a huge city.

"The roots of humanoid ancient gods are all human beings," Saslier said.

Truman nodded slightly.

"But Lilith's humanity has been maintained well, and she is the only one worth cooperating with."

Saslier is very satisfied with the partner Truman and the goddess have chosen to cooperate.

"I have received news that the Demon Wolf Clan has marched towards the Giant King's Court."

Did the goddess cause trouble so quickly?Truman was a little surprised.

"This is related to the commotion you made in Silver City." The appearance of the aura of the Sea of ​​Chaos awakened the demon wolf that occupied the Fool's path from its slumber, and the location where it appeared made the demon wolf even more vigilant.

The demon wolf and the giant are relentless, thinking about devouring each other all the time, but the demon wolf is even crazier, and its desire for destruction is uncontrollable once it is aroused.

"Affected by this, all the ancient gods are paying attention to the Giant King's Court."

"...Then I have to laugh twice!" Truman chuckled and shook his head.

Probably when Truman met with the ancient sun god, the commotion caused by the fluctuation of the source of the chaotic sea began.

In the Kingdom of God that destroyed the Demonic Wolf, a figure was outlined in a rough but peaceful temple.

Amanisis, the goddess of misfortune, opened her eyes and stepped out of the hidden state. Her face was very indifferent, as if there was a suppressed madness beating around her.

She walked out of the rough temple and looked around. She saw a vast and endless primeval forest and a huge mountain range so high that it was difficult to see the top.

Further away, there seemed to be several terrifying giant beasts rolling around, and the wolves howled incessantly, making the earth tremble.

The goddess walked silently towards the top of the mountain range, as if on a pilgrimage, very pious.

"Woo!" The sound of wolves howling came from the towering mountains, and the strong malice was undisguised.

Amanisis, the goddess of misfortune, looked as normal as she calmly faced the huge demonic wolf blocking her.

This demonic wolf was very terrifying. It was like a hill lying across its body. Its whole body was covered with dark short hair. Its eight wolf legs were extremely thick and strong. Its dark eyes stared at Amanysis with malice.

"I want to challenge you! The position of the God of Doom belongs to the great Gozrat!"

The demon wolf spoke, and there was a strange light flashing on his body. It was the richest and deepest darkness, with the power of mystery and fear spreading, symbolizing silent destruction and disappearance.

Amanisis looked behind the demonic wolf. There were several similar demonic wolves peeping there. If Amanisis showed any weakness, he might be eaten by these demonic wolves.

A crazy ancient god may need a misfortune god, but he won't care who becomes the misfortune god.

And this is just the daily life of the Goddess of Doom.

It's really annoying that these demon wolves can't be killed.

Amanisis was obviously used to being challenged every time he went out. He just glanced at these walking characteristics and walked away directly.

"Roar!" The eight-legged demon wolf roared, fear and hidden power pouring out along with the darkness.

But Amanissis just stepped away, turned into a pencil drawing, was erased by the eraser, and reappeared on the top of the mountain.

The power of secrecy and misfortune is very powerful. Those eight-legged demon wolves equivalent to Sequence [-] or Sequence [-] in later generations cannot see her back at all, but it is somewhat annoying...


Another demon wolf came, but this one was a little different. It didn't have that kind of terrifying power. It was much more elegant than other demon wolves. From time to time, crystal spiritual insects appeared on its body.

"Antigonus." The goddess nodded lightly. Not long after, another demon wolf came here. This demon wolf was similar to Antigonus. Its dark pupils occupied three-quarters of its eyes, and its forehead There is a tuft of white hair.

"The God of Wishes", Kotal, the dark demon wolf.

Hum!Antigonus glanced at Cottard with disgust and walked forward.

There is a half-man, half-animal divine creature in front, covered in black and white feathers, and its head is closer to the shape of a bird. There are strange symbols on the white skin, and it exudes a strong aura of death.

The god of the dead, Salinger.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 9 Destruction of the Demonic Wolf


Chapter 9 Destruction of the Demonic Wolf

In addition to these followers of the gods, there are also several children of the demon wolf, all of whom are the second angels of the sequence, and Gozrat is also among them.

But no one dared to cause trouble at this time, and the Demon Wolf of Destruction had killed more than one heir.

All the gods and angels walked up to the top of the mountain honestly, where was the temple of the Destruction Wolf.

Amanisis passed through a fog, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

There is actually a complex of buildings here that can be called magnificent in later generations. There are countless giants, elves and even other extraordinary creatures living inside. Palaces, cooking smoke, and markets, this is the domain of gods!

The moment these people set foot here, the entire city-state fell silent.

All the creatures were sluggish and lifeless, their bodies turning in unison, looking at Amanissis and the others with empty eyes.

"Olmyr! War!"

The oracle came from everyone's mouth and gradually gathered into a sound wave that swept across the entire mountain range. All creatures in this area heard the terrifying oracle.

Countless low-level extraordinary creatures exploded into blood mist, and the blood stained the entire mountain range. Gradually, a will full of violence and destruction deep in the temple awakened.

In the eyes of the four major gods, the darkness in the deepest part of the magnificent temple moved, and their mental states were greatly affected by the crazy and bloodthirsty aura.

Fortunately, the God of the Undead does not have the most direct suppression.

The dark demon wolf and Antigonus were constantly dropping spiritual insects, twisting and exploding crazily, and then turned into light spots, then returned to their bodies, and the cycle continued.

Amanysis also has the same signs. Her body seems to be turning into a pure eight-legged demon wolf, with dark and secret power running around. The body is becoming secretive, and the soul she controls is wailing. Shattered!

But at this moment, Amanysis actually showed signs of madness.

Of course, all this is an illusion. Amanisis's mental state is very stable, but how could there be a flaw here?

At this time, if you don't go crazy, how can you integrate into the group?

"Angleweed! Sunya Solem!" These are two ancient gods, and they both incorporate materials from multiple pathways. Although they are better than the Demon Wolf of Destruction, they are just as crazy and cruel.

Two bloody and crazy eyes lit up in the deep darkness. Behind the darkness, there was another kind of power surging, peering at destiny.

It's just this surge of destiny power that gradually intensifies the madness of the Demon Wolf of Destruction, and the aura of destruction becomes stronger.

War and fighting were normal for the ancient gods of this era. The gods and angels were used to it, and they waited quietly without showing any signs of surprise.

The breath of destiny is still surging, the spirit world has arrived, and the entire city-state has become bizarre, with marionettes constantly exploding and becoming part of the spirit world.

The Demonic Wolf of Destruction occupies the Fool's Path and holds some power over destiny. This move is naturally a way to peek at the outcome of this battle.

All the angels lowered their heads, waiting for the instructions of the Demonic Wolf of Destruction.

Amanisis's eyes were calm and calm, without any unnecessary emotions.

"Roar!" After an unknown amount of time, the Destruction Wolf roared in the mist, and a strange power spread out.

Amanisis's eyes glazed over, and he stopped there in confusion, as if he had forgotten the purpose of coming here.

His instinct was struggling, as if he wanted to take a defensive posture, but there was some hint that prevented him from making any resistance.

The same is true for the rest. Antigonus looked at the marionette of God the Father blankly, always feeling that it should be hung up, which would be more elegant.

The god of the dead looked up at the sky, probably pondering the profound philosophical question of whether the phoenix was a bird or not.

Gozrat looked at the back of the Goddess of Doom and began to doubt himself, and then found that this enemy with both human and demonic wolf aesthetics seemed not so hateful.Creatures other than angels were even more miserable, losing all wisdom, forgetting themselves, and becoming fools.

It's just that this kind of power is not stable enough and cannot last for long. The next moment, the gods and angels have recovered their spiritual wisdom, lowering their heads in awe, not daring to be dissatisfied at all.

This is the "fooling" power held by the Demon Wolf of Destruction. It is not complete, but to these gods and angels, it is already an extremely terrifying power.

"..." Amanisis's pupils shrank suddenly and he hid all his emotions before returning to his calm appearance.

"Go to the Giant King's Court!"

The Destruction Demon Wolf's eyes filled with madness swept across all the gods and angels. Fortunately, the Demon Wolf was just crazy, not stupid, and did not harm these gods and angels.

These angels will gather "cannon fodder" for this war, and they cannot die yet.

"Destruction from above!" All the angels from God did not dare to say anything else and retreated respectfully.

The Destruction Wolf's eyes were still red, shining in the mist. The ancient god was just crazy, and at least he still had some sense, but they didn't need it.

"Sea of ​​Chaos!" The Destruction Demonic Wolf's eyes continued to look crazy as he looked towards the unknown land above the spiritual world, "Origin Castle!"

These are the two sefirot that can be perceived today.

The Sea of ​​Chaos is hidden deep in the center of the earth, and anyone who enters it will be contaminated. However, the Source Castle is high above the spiritual world, but it cannot be found at all.

"Don't let Angelweed and Suniya Solem have any chance!"

The Demonic Wolf of Destruction came to his senses and had such a realization, but the next moment he fell into madness. The body hidden under the mist was collapsing and reorganizing, and the spiritual insects on his body kept whining, with illusory tentacles slapping the space.

"Source Castle! Source Castle!"

This desire to only be able to see but not reach makes the Destruction Wolf even crazier.

The Dragon of Fantasy and the Elf King were the same as him before, but at this moment, the power of the Chaos Sea surged, and they had a chance.

But He is still out of reach!

The desire for destruction is unprecedentedly intense, and the entire Kingdom of Destruction is shrouded in a terrifying will.

Amanisis ignored everything and escaped the interception of several demon wolves and returned to his temple, making himself secret.

It was at this time that His emotions really exploded.

"Destruction Demonic Wolf..." Amanisis' emotions were fluctuating, and his murderous thoughts were rising. Only in a place like this, he dared to have such thoughts.

The authority of fooling is almost incomprehensible to Him now, and He may be deprived of wisdom at any time, causing Him to lose the calmness that He relies on the most.

"Soon!" Soon the goddess's mood calmed down, and when she looked back, she found that she was different from before.

"My emotions are richer..." The goddess chuckled. This is not a bad thing. He came to this world not too long ago, and yesterday's scene is still the clearest picture in his memory.

After a period of time, the goddess of misfortune walked out of the temple again, wearing a war skirt and holding a giant scythe. Under the cover of night, she led many extraordinary creatures from the dark path on an expedition to the King's Court of Giants.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 10 Lilith


Chapter 10 Lilith


In a palace made of coral and gems, thunder was beating crazily.

"It's the Sea of ​​Chaos!" Sitting on the throne in the deepest part of the palace was a man wearing a simple robe. His ears were pointed and towering, and his face was deep and handsome.

But what is even more eye-catching is the violent aura on his body, which seems to be about to throw an electric spear towards the sea at any time.

He looked at the Giant King's Court in the distance, his tone filled with undisguised desire, and he had been coveting the Sea of ​​Chaos for a long time.

"This time is very dangerous." There was only a beautiful and noble elf woman standing next to him. Her face was solemn, and she was more rational than the elf king.

"How is it easy to control the Sea of ​​Chaos?" Thick thunder and lightning burst out from the Elf King, causing the whole palace to tremble violently. "I couldn't do it before, and the dragon couldn't do anything either!"

"But the Sea of ​​Chaos has probably been controlled. Didn't you see that sun?" Elf Queen Goshinam said indifferently.

"The sun? I want to eat it!" The Elf King's irritability seemed to be integrated into his blood, his voice was like thunder, and he made no secret of his desire for the sun.

In the eyes of these ancient gods, adjacent or even non-adjacent paths are edible, but adjacent paths are "more fragrant".

"Kill that sun, and the Chaos Sea and it are mine!" The Elf King's voice was full of fanaticism, and he even had the urge to come to the Giant King's Court immediately.

"That dragon had the same idea as me!"

"The best case scenario is to stew the dragon and the sun in one pot, and then eat the Sea of ​​Chaos!"

Coshinam remained indifferent, not moved at all by the scene described by the Elf King. She was the Queen of the Elf, and the strongest anchor of the Elf King, able to bring down the tyrant of the sky to the ground.

"That wolf can't hold it anymore, we're going to enter last!"

"It makes sense!" Cosinam persuaded the Elf King, asking him to suppress the violence and madness in his heart and wait for the war situation in the Giant King's Court to become clear.

"The ancient gods were just crazy, not stupid." Truman, who was far away in the ancient Sun God Kingdom, emphasized this rule again.

Sasril has buried countless nails in various ancient gods over the years, and he has been able to obtain all kinds of first-hand information. Now all the ancient gods have their minds wandering and are preparing for war.

"Livished of the Dragon of Utopia is the only one that cannot penetrate." Saslier said with some regrets.

"Yeah!" Truman nodded lightly. The path to the Dragon of Fantasy was really a bit of a scam. It really can't be played without cutting it!

"Fortunately, he is your target." Truman focused on his next actions, "Do you want to come with me?"

Saslier raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little moved.

"If you don't go, it will be difficult for me to convince Lilith." Truman looked at Saslier's movements and tried harder.

"I have a lot of things to deal with..." The deputy king of the Kingdom of Heaven is not just talking about it. All major matters in the Kingdom of God require his decision-making.

"Throw it to those guys just now." Truman glanced at the angels in the distance, "They are all angels, how can they be free to fight every day?"

"...Okay!" Saslier gritted his teeth and nodded, finally deciding to go out. There was a legitimate reason for this!

"Medici, Leodro, unite the army and prepare for war!"

"Osykus, go and call Ourolius, keep an eye on the changes in the battle situation, and report anything directly to the Lord!"

"..." Saslier arranged the work in an orderly manner.

"Yes!" Medici and others all looked serious.

"Let's go!" Finally, Truman and Saslier set off on the road together, heading to Lilith's Kingdom of God.

"Has Sasril left?" The ancient sun god sensed this and looked in the direction of Lilith Kingdom. His eyes were somewhat caught off guard. "Dreams still have such an effect?" He spoke softly, encountering something that he could not see through. The appearance of that thing allowed Saslier to release more of his humanity.

The madness that originated from his nature seemed to be much quieter, and his condition was also much better.

His condition was more difficult than Truman imagined.

Mr. Fool in later generations climbed up from Sequence Nine, still in the fifth era with the least mysterious influence. After he became a god, he almost became a spiritual suture monster.

Now the Sun God, who is already a dual-path true god, will only be worse, and Saslier is also his "firewall".

"But...dreams come true?" The corners of the ancient Sun God's mouth twitched, "It's because Sasril is too tired and wants to rest and be free..."

After spending some time with Truman, Saslier's humanity has become fuller to a certain extent, and he is closer to the person he was before he fell into the sea of ​​chaos.

"It's a good thing." The ancient sun god withdrew his gaze and prayed calmly.

"You may not believe it, but this is the first time I have left the Kingdom of God." Saslier and Truman came to an area full of flowers. It was close to Lilith's Kingdom of God, and all kinds of flowers and trees were extremely lush.

"That's why I pulled you out." Truman and Saslier looked at each other and smiled, looking at Lilith's kingdom in the distance.

The red moon hangs high, countless flowers and trees are in bloom, and a spiritual spring flows everywhere. Countless animals live in it, and crops such as rice, wheat, melons, and fruits can be seen everywhere.

Of course, there are also authentic vampires.

"Lilith, the ancient god of the moon pathway and part of the mother pathway, has even swallowed other sequence characteristics alive." Sasriel said, "But her spirit is not bad."

"You have to be prepared, Lilith is the true embodiment of beauty." Saslier looked at Truman and smiled.

"Beautiful...hiss!" Truman saw the figure of a girl standing in front of the two of them.

He seemed to be transformed from the red moon, with his long blood-colored hair falling down, put on an ancient and beautiful dreamy dress, and was shrouded and surrounded by the moonlight.

All things glowed because of His presence, and the stars gathered in His eyes. He stood barefoot on top of the flowers and spoke arrogantly and sternly.

"who are you?!"

It is indeed beautiful, not only in appearance, but also a symbol in a mystical sense. It is the concept of "beauty" itself!

"So it's this kind of beauty." Truman was really surprised.

"Hello, Your Excellency Lilith, I come here on behalf of the Lord's will." The sun seemed to shine on Saslier's body, causing Lilith, who seemed to be the incarnation of the moon, to narrow her eyes slightly.

"The sun that appeared earlier?" When the sun shone on the star world, all the ancient gods saw it.

"We have an offer here that you won't refuse."

Dreamy phosphorescence fell on the divine badge on Truman's chest, and it hummed gently. Everything here was isolated from fate.

Hidden power!

"Oh?" Lilith's expression did not change, she just stared at the two of them closely, and her body gradually became tense.

"Um?" Saslier and Truman looked at each other, "The ancient gods are indeed a little abnormal."

Perhaps it was because of the arrogance and madness of the ancient gods, or perhaps they wanted to test whether the two had the ability to cooperate with the ancestor of the noble blood clan.

In short, this ancestor of the blood race has shining moonlight shining down on him, and the strands gradually become the Milky Way.

(End of this chapter)

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