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Chapter 11 Dream Parliament


Chapter 11 Dream Parliament

"If Saslier hadn't come, there might have been some trouble." Truman looked at Lilith, whose face became increasingly cold, and reached out to grab her in the air.

A woman in a dark robe was pulled out of the fog of history.

At the same time, Amanisis, who was far outside the Giant King's Court, narrowed his eyes slightly, checked his surroundings, and entered a hidden state.

The next second, the goddess who emerged from the fog of history flashed with wisdom.

He glanced at Lilith who was confronting Saslier, and understood everything instantly.


The goddess's body suddenly became insubstantial and expanded, covering the area.

Seeing this, Truman also reached out and touched the Book of Dreams, and the dreamy phosphorescence suddenly burst out, blessing the secret.

This already powerful ability has exceeded a certain limit, and everything here is like a sketch, instantly erased by an eraser.

In that hidden world, Truman and the goddess stood side by side, looking at the turbulent shadows of chaos and the moonlit Milky Way.

"Is this the power of the ancient gods?" Both parties were restrained and did not try to break through the secrets, but the use of various abilities still opened Truman's eyes.

"It won't take long," the goddess said softly.

Truman nodded. In fact, when the goddess used secrecy to cover everything up, Lilith didn't immediately try to break free, which meant a lot.

Perhaps it was because of the appearance of the Goddess of Doom that Lilith realized that this was a broader battle than she had imagined, and she had the idea of ​​joining.

"Let there be light!" Sasril's chant was already similar to that of the ancient sun god, and the blazing sunshine bloomed from the chaotic ocean.

The red moon hangs high and sheds moonlight.

The arrogance and madness on Lilith's face under the moon disappeared, but she looked cautiously at the blasphemous slate in Sasril's hand.

"Pathway to God? Mother, the Moon?!" Lilith's face changed several times, but Saslier concealed the most important things of the two paths in time, causing Lilith's eyes to flash red.

The goddess's eyes flashed and she looked at Truman beside her with confusion.

"This is the benefit of knowledge monopoly." Truman sighed, opening the dream book in his hand, and the dream phosphorescence began to manifest the knowledge of the night, death, and warrior paths.

The only difference is that the knowledge given by Truman is complete.

Silent for a moment, the two goddesses were reconstructing their understanding of the world.

"It's so..." The goddess's eyes trembled slightly, and finally closed, letting everything return to silence.

The shock of the sequence knowledge to the two goddesses was unimaginable, allowing them to re-examine themselves and plan for the future.

"The sun behind you is such a true god." The existence of the ancient sun god made Lilith no longer doubt the correctness of this knowledge.

When the sun was shining, he could also clearly sense the obvious difference between the people on the other side and them, the ancient gods.

It was a kind of purity, and the characteristics of the ancient gods were too complex, and madness was inevitable.

"We can cooperate, but you have to help me eliminate unnecessary characteristics." Lilith looked at Saslier, Truman and others.

"Well, I suggest you drain the moon path." Truman said suddenly.

"Why the moon?" Lilith no longer dared to look down on Truman at this moment, but asked cautiously.

"Because it's up there." Truman pointed to the real moon.

Saslier and Lilith both suddenly changed their expressions!The goddess of misfortune's eyes flashed slightly. She naturally knew that there was something wrong with the starry sky, but the moon...

"Okay!" Lilith didn't know what she thought of. She was very afraid of the above statement and agreed directly.

"You know more than I thought." Saslier couldn't help but look at Truman.

As long as they are Sequence [-] or higher, or even Sequence [-] wanderers, they all know that there is something wrong with the starry sky, but being able to clearly point out the influence of the moon on Lilith is beyond Saslier's expectations.

"That's natural." Truman looked at the three people in front of him who had reached a basic consensus, and naturally felt a sense of wonder.

A grand chess game that may exist in the original trajectory and last for thousands of years has already begun under his own bridge-making.

"Well..." Truman rubbed his chin and looked at the eyes of the three people in front of him, a dreamy phosphorescent light flashing brightly.

"Everyone, I have an idea..."

Truman suddenly became excited and opened the book of dreams.

A burst of dreamy phosphorescence enveloped everyone. The three faces had strange expressions, but none of them refused.

In the Book of Dreams, the endless dreamy light balls flashed with phosphorescence that surged like a torrent. Truman was the first to enter, and in a flash, the background changed into a vast starry sky.

He waved his hand, and the phosphorescence flashed, turning into a starry sky city, with majestic stone pillars a hundred meters high erected on the periphery, which seemed to support the entire starry sky.

If you look closely, there is an infinitely dreamy palace in the center of the Star City. Every part of the palace is extremely gorgeous, inlaid with pearls, diamonds, sapphires, green emeralds and other shining gems.

But these are all realistic dream objects. In the dream palace are countless beauties that exist at the limit of human imagination.

But this kind of beauty is more abstract. Countless flashes of colors are the limit of color and perception. Just like the vastness of the starry sky, it is endless. Everyone can see what they desire most in their hearts.

Endless dreamy phosphorescence flashed, and four people arrived here at the same time.

"Here?!" Lilith's eyes were full of intoxication. At this moment, He had a beauty that could compete with the Dream Palace.

"Uh...ah..." A suppressed moan sounded, lazy and comfortable. Lilith's eyes flashed with light as she stared at Truman closely, as if she wanted to eat him alive.

Truman had seen a similar look when he met the goddess for the first time.

Don't get me wrong, this eating alive is literal.

"I have never been so awake, as if I am the real me at this moment..." It took Lilith a long time to calm down.

This is a dreamy paradise, where madness and indifference will return to a peaceful fairyland.

"This place can suppress your essential madness." Truman explained. With a slight click, an ancient bronze round table appeared, with five positions and five chairs.

"This place will be called the Dream Parliament from now on!"

"God!" One of the high-back chairs flashed with colors that could not be described, but seemed to contain an ocean of endless knowledge.

"Secret!" The incomprehensible destiny, time, space and history flashed on another chair, and the twisted lines outlined a Source Castle above the spiritual world.

"Mother Goddess!" On the third chair was a pulsating black brilliance, which was the aggregation of all negative forces, and the filthy mother's nest within it was vaguely visible.

"The end!" The fourth chair represents the singularity of all things, the end and death of the universe, all gods and the past.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 12 Matches the Sun, Moon and Stars


Chapter 12 Matches the Sun, Moon and Stars

Saslier watched all this without saying a word, looking at the seats one by one.

Finally, he looked at Truman, his face seemed to be covered with a thick shadow, making it unclear what he was thinking in his heart.

Lilith and the goddess were in trance looking at the two high-back chairs "Mother Goddess" and "End". They had an unknown feeling for the symbols described in them.

"Of course," Truman said with a smile, "The fifth chair, Dream!"

The last chair symbolizes endless dreams, the ball of light floating in the sea of ​​dreams, which is the limit of all good things, meaning dreams come true and all wishes come true.

Five chairs, five directions, including all three pillars of the universe, an implicit fourth pillar, and a dream.

"Please take a seat!" Truman took the lead and sat on the "dream" seat.

Sasril, Amanisis, and Lilith took their seats.

Since then, only "mystery" has been vacant.

"There's still one left..." Truman felt a little regretful. It would probably take several thousand years for this seat to receive its owner.

And these three in front of me are the top combination of Sun, Moon and Star!

"What does this symbolize?" the goddess asked.

"Pillar and control!" Truman pointed out, but only Sasril had some reaction. Neither Lilith nor the goddess knew this knowledge yet.

"From now on, this will be called the Dream Parliament. Do you have any objections?" Truman asked.

The gods all shook their heads. The place here belonged to Truman, and they all needed to thank Truman for being able to suppress their essential madness and indifference.

"However, the seats here are not static. Remember to guard them." Truman said to the three of them.

The most dangerous one is Lilith. If you are not careful, you may be swallowed by the existence on the moon.

Lilith and the Goddess of Doom both nodded slightly. They could feel that even if they became true gods, they would only conform to a certain part of the symbols.

Then it is very likely that there is a level after the true god.

As for who can master it?

Saslier remained silent.

"The convening of the Dream Council is up to you. You can convene it if you need anything. You can even come here to hide from the crazy erosion." Truman completely followed the established rules.

"Agree." Lilith was the first to vote with a show of hands. This is where He has his true self and is not disturbed by madness.

The other two people also nodded.

"Okay, I haven't thought of anything for the moment. You can communicate freely. By the way, one more thing, the communication here will not be known to anyone except you." Truman crossed his arms and immediately called for a secret gathering. The author's strong character.

The goddess came to Lilith, and after a few short words, she had a secret, long-term, and ruthless plan, which made Truman terrified.

"These are probably the two female...gods in the world who should not be messed with."

After Saslier confirmed his position in the plan, he flirted with Truman, and then simply opened a small window and chatted aside.

"Finally, I wish us a happy cooperation and bid farewell to those ancient gods who are about to die."

Truman presented a wine glass in front of the gods, Saslier and Truman had white wine vodka, and Lilith and the goddess had bloody red wine.


Four wine glasses clinked together.

The gears of destiny began to turn, and the tide of history rolled forward.


The consciousness of the goddess of misfortune returned to her original form and exited the hidden state.

His eyes were shining and bright, and he looked towards the Giant King's Court, "Twilight Giant..." "It's not the best time yet." The goddess fell silent again.

As for Truman, he has returned to the ancient kingdom of the sun god.

Well... the city of Deep Darkness is just an anchor point for the goddess. It has almost no combat effectiveness and no ability to participate in this war. It is useless for him to go back. This Pope really does not have any sense of accomplishment.

"Does your kingdom of God lack a pope?" Truman asked Saslier.

At that moment, Truman saw an unusually rich expression, "Can the Pope also serve as the Pope?"

Saslier was speechless. How could he not see the anchor of faith in Truman? As the pope and the agent of God, that kind of aura cannot be hidden at all.

"Ahem! Isn't this just a question?" Truman was also a little embarrassed.

"Then do you want a dream angel under the seat of the Creator?" Truman has inspected the Sun God's Heaven. The number of believers here is at least dozens of times that of the City of Deep Darkness, and they are all true believers.

Now, with the Anchor of Faith in the City of Deep Darkness, he can leverage a combat power comparable to Sequence One from the Book of Dreams. If it were dozens of times higher, wouldn't it be comparable to the gods?

That's really greedy!

And in this world, true believers never hang themselves in a church...

Saslier had never heard of such a request before, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond.

"This..." When Saslier didn't know how to speak, a thought rang in his heart, which made his look at Truman even weirder.

"The Lord agreed." Saslier looked strange, not knowing what the main body was doing.

The next moment, he became serious again, "The Lord makes a prophecy, and dreams become reality!"

Truman raised his eyebrows, "Is this his prophecy?"

Sasril nodded slightly.

Even though today's ancient sun god has not yet fully grasped the omniscient and omnipotent authority, the predictions he made are still of great effectiveness.

"Dreams become reality..." This prophecy has many different interpretations.

"From now on, you will be the dream angel under my Lord!" Saslier said solemnly, "I will record you in the holy scriptures, compile your deeds, and sing them among believers."

"This..." It came so easily that Truman was stunned.

"No one will be rejected!" Truman still accepted the position of the dream angel. The ancient sun god would have plans for him, but this was essentially a transaction.

He needs those anchors of faith.

"Okay!" Saslier nodded lightly. He arranged a place for Truman to live and even gave him an excellent territory.

But not long after, Truman had not yet arranged his territory, and Saslier brought important information.

"Lilith has led the vampires into the war, and the other ancient gods have also made changes and are preparing to end."

Truman's face froze when he heard the news.

The ancient gods have come to an end one after another, and the war between gods has not yet broken out, but the war between gods and angels has already begun.

In this era, the ancient gods also knew the role of anchors. Before the real war between gods broke out, shaking anchors was a very common method of warfare.

In this era where everyone is crazy, being crazier will not make you much better, but it will make you more likely to make mistakes.

"You and Medici set off together to the King's Court of Giants."

"As for your mission...you can do whatever you want."

Truman also officially went to the Giant King's Court, which had become the center of the storm. Speaking of which, he was the one who started this storm!

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 13


Chapter 13

"Lilith?! You're an idiot!" Giant King Ormir's voice was like thunder, making the Giant King's Palace tremble.

"This time I will kill the demon wolf and Lilith together!"

There is a crazy and violent dusk light in Ormir's one eye, and the void, life, and even gods will wither in this dusk.

He had formed an alliance with Lilith and the Elf King to fight against ancient gods such as dragons and wolves, but how could the best allies be as good as his queen?

Killing Lilith will allow the giant queen Omibelle to try to eat her!

"After eating the magic wolf, dragons, elves, and alien species will all surrender to me! I will find an opportunity to eat that bird again in the future!" Olmir's vision was great enough.

It's just that he seems to have gone too crazy, and the Giant King is much better since he was in a godlike state.

Badheir, the God of Dawn, Omibela, the Goddess of Harvest, and Budral, the God of Honor. These three giants are not the first generation giants. Their characteristics are relatively pure and they can keep themselves awake.

"Father God, the Kingdom of Gold is under attack!" Badhel reported in a loud voice.

"Go and deal with them!" Olmir needed to keep an eye on the demon wolf and plan Lilith. His wits were almost exhausted, so he directly ordered Badheir to suppress the attack.

"Yes!" Badheir held a two-handed giant sword and strode out of the Giant King's Court, leading a powerful giant team towards the Golden City.


"Have you become the dream angel under the chairman's seat?" Medici's expression was extremely exciting.

His loyalty to the ancient sun god was unquestionable, and this was proven by his life in later generations.

But the arrival of this dreamy angel is too weird...

Medici shook his head. At other times, he would have ridiculed him, but this was a time of war, and he was not open to the outside world.

Soon Truman and Medici arrived outside the Golden Kingdom.

This place is very close to the King's Court of Giants. It is defended by a clan of giants, and from time to time, other ancient gods' subordinates approach here.

And Medici came here to intercept and kill the other ancient god's men, making the situation even more chaotic.

"Here it comes! A lone giant dragon!" Medici's eyes lit up, and the legions behind him also started to move. An invisible force blessed Medici.

Medici is now a Hunter Path Sequence [-] weather warlock, and the legion he leads is also a hunter legion cultivated at all costs in the Sun God Kingdom, and there are several saints!

On a mysterious level, Medici and the legion merged into one, their power grew crazily, and they stared closely at the giant dragon falling from the sky.

The giant dragon roared, and its huge black and golden body loomed in the clouds.

This giant dragon looks like a large lizard with wide leather-covered wings. The smallest dragon scales on its body are the size of a human head. There are two dark gold eyes on the ferocious dragon head.

"Roar!" The giant dragon roared, as if it sensed danger and was on guard against something.

"Insects with wings!" Medici spoke and fiercely suppressed the dragon's hatred.

The dragon looked at Medici indifferently, but the next moment he roared, because a terrifying information flow washed away everything, and the whole world collapsed!

This is a dream!

When the Dragon Eyes looked down, Medici and his legions were pulled into a dream.

But Truman is not like that. He himself is immune to dream attacks, and the divine badge gives him absolute clarity.

He used the sage's robe on his body to transform into a chaotic flow of information, directly tearing apart the dream.

"A giant dragon that mixes the characteristics of a reader and an audience. It probably managed to maintain its own consciousness under the soothing treatment of the Dragon of Fantasy."

There was a flow of information flashing in Truman's eyes, and he wanted to forcefully analyze this giant dragon.The giant dragon in reality sensed the danger, and when it flapped its wings, countless spells were fired from it, and violent winds, thunder, lightning, and frost shadows fell towards the legion behind Medici.

At the same time, the power of the soul is spreading, and the dragon is about to jump into the collective subconscious ocean to fight!

But the corners of Truman's sage's robe fluttered, "Mysterious reappearance, Peach Blossom Spring!"

The peach blossoms formed entirely by the flow of information make the scene extremely beautiful, and the main feature of the peach blossom garden is isolation!

The dragon can no longer plunge into the ocean of the collective unconscious.

The dragon's eyes and head suddenly looked at Truman, a strange power surging.

For a moment, Truman actually felt uncomfortable with having his secret spied on.

"Want to see it? Then I'll let you see it!" Truman snorted coldly and blocked the dream book directly in front of him.


The body and the sea of ​​spirit of the spiritual dragon fell into madness, unable to control themselves, and fell in the sky, cutting off their prying eyes.

But the best thing about this method is to soothe the spirit. At the next moment, the dragon's wings flapped again, stabilizing himself, but he no longer dared to use that "insight" to see Truman.

That made him so frightened that he almost lost control and exploded even though he had never seen its true nature!

"That's it!?" Medici snorted coldly, charged and then swung his giant sword. Countless green and white flames condensed into spears, densely packed towards the giant dragon, and pierced all the spells.

The thick lead cloud suddenly condensed, and Medici swung out his sword, turning into sword light. The lead cloud suddenly erupted into terrifying lightning, flames, wind, snow, and ice!


The dragon roared angrily, and Medici's body froze. It seemed that a virtual personality was generated in his body, fighting for control.

Immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying dragon's breath, which directly submerged Medici.

"You are stupid and you still don't admit it?" A sound of beating came from the back of the giant dragon. Under the protection of a shadow curtain, Medici walked out of nothingness, slashed with a sword, and the thunder was blazing, all bombarding the dragon. above the body.


A wing fell from the sky and hit the ground.

The giant dragon roared in pain and slammed into the Peach Blossom Spring barrier.

Insight!The ability from the Reader Path Sequence Three is claimed to be able to understand the rules of the world and leverage the world.

The dragon seizes the fleeting void of Peach Blossom Spring and wants to jump into the ocean of collective subconsciousness again.

There is a safe haven for the angels of the audience. Except for the angels of this path, it is difficult for others to pick them out.

Medici swung his sword again and harvested the dragon's second wing.

The giant dragon didn't care too much and just wanted to escape. The prophecy ability he possessed told him that if he didn't leave, he would die!

"Dragon Breath!" Truman pointed out, and a spiritual dragon's breath aimed at the spiritual body hit the dragon's head.

The Gloves of the Ancients, the "reappearance" of the planeswalker level, reproduced the spiritual breath that the dragon had just directed at Medici.

The giant dragon's originally not very good spirit was about to explode, and it rushed towards the exit of Peach Blossom Spring crazily.


The peach blossom garden was knocked open, and the dragon jumped into the ocean of collective subconscious.

The giant dragon was about to jump away with the collective subconscious, but suddenly found that he was still staying in the same place, his eyes glazed over like crazy.

His "insight" even pointed to an open book filled with dreamy phosphorescence.

There is a dreamy power surging above, creating a dream that seems both true and false.

From the beginning, escape was just a beautiful dream.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 14 Badheir


Chapter 14 Badheir


The earth was shaking crazily, the dragon fell down, dark golden blood splashed, two drops of which fell into Truman's hands.

"Hmph!" Medici glanced at Truman. He had just teleported to the dragon's head and slashed it with his sword, directly "slaughtering" the dragon.

The injuries suffered by the dragon in the dream were all real, and they were the injuries caused by Medici in reality.

Buzz!Suddenly, a curtain of shadow surged around Medici's body, as if sea water was gushing out from it, disrupting all fate and covering everything up.

This thing is probably similar to the paper angel from Source Castle in Truman's impression, and it comes from the protection of the Sun God.

In this way, this spiritual dragon will never die again.

The breath of the Chaos Sea is the ultimate pollution to the Dragon of Fantasy. No matter how many times such a spiritual dragon is resurrected, it will be impossible for him to resist it.

With the Hunter Path Sequence [-] "Weather Warlock" blessed by the legion, plus a super-sized dream angel, and even the breath of the Sea of ​​Chaos, the death of the spiritual dragon was not unjust.

This is today's era. The ancient gods are wreaking havoc on the land, sky, ocean and even the spiritual world. The lives of angels cannot be guaranteed and they will die if they want to.

"Happy cooperation." Truman chuckled and smeared the two drops of blood on the sage's robe. The flow of information surged wildly, analyzing all the extraordinary abilities within it.

"Seeing that your assists are pretty good, let me share the spoils with you!" At this time, someone in the legion had already stepped forward with magical items to accelerate the extraction of extraordinary characteristics.

Medici soon threw in a trait, which was Sequence Three of the Reader Path, "Insighter".

"There is also a Sequence [-] characteristic that needs to be taken back to Saslier." Although Medici was unhappy, he still explained.

"Got it!" Truman nodded with satisfaction. Medici's lethality was powerful enough, and working with him for a while would be a reward.

The characteristics of Sequence Three are secondary. The most important thing is that the dragon's abilities have probably been analyzed by himself, and several important abilities have been recorded.

"The power of this dream..." Truman is the most proficient in this dream ability. He succeeded in reproducing it just once, and even directly concealed this spiritual dragon when using it.

"It goes well with the Book of Dreams, even more powerful than the original version, and the Night Path also has the power of dreams..."

He opened the Book of Dreams, and the divine badge on his body was also flashing with starlight, and an ability called "Dream" was burned into the Book of Dreams.

"Who is coming to invade my golden kingdom!" Truman was still studying the ability to dream, when suddenly a roar resounded through the sky, deafening.

A giant appeared within sight, wearing silver full-body armor, emitting obvious light, and a ball of morning light condensed in the position of his eyes.

"It's Badheir, the God of Dawn!" Medici and his legions immediately prepared for battle. "If we can kill him, the Giant King will definitely lose his mind!"

Medici's eyes were full of fanaticism, and his fighting spirit was burning like fire.

"Don't think about it, this is the son of the Giant King, not the crazy giant dragon just now. The Giant King's eyes will come at any time!" Truman's words extinguished Medici's fighting spirit like cold rain.

This is the golden country under the rule of the Giant King's Court. If Badheir is killed here, the Giant King Ormir will definitely arrive, and even the blessing of the Sea of ​​Chaos will not be able to save Medici.

The most likely thing that will happen is to provoke a divine war between the ancient Sun God and the Giant King in advance.

"Then spare his life!" Medici's arrogant head never lowered, and he was about to lead his legion to retreat without a head-on conflict with the God of Dawn. "You won't leave? Do you want to die?" Medici glanced at Truman, obviously wanting to help this temporary comrade, but he looked like he didn't deserve a beating.

"I'm here just for Him, why are we walking?" Truman glanced at Medici and looked at the Twilight Giant who was still far away.

His warriors intuitively sensed the hiding of the two angels and observed them carefully.

Medici raised his hand to control the weather around him. Suddenly, thick fog appeared all around, which had the effect of suppressing the enemy's perception.

"Warrior Path Sequence Two Glory, who has the strongest frontal combat effectiveness alone?" Truman narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about everything about the Warrior Path, and the conclusion that he is best at frontal combat has been tested by countless battles in later generations.

"Just him? The strongest? Have you asked me?" Medici snorted. The war angel with the legion is the strongest!

"Then go and fight him." Truman glanced at Medici and encouraged him.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Medici looked at Truman with a look that looked at Leodro. At a certain moment, Truman really wanted to slap him in the face.

This ridicule is simply overwhelming.

"Ahem!" Truman returned his attention to Badheir, and at this moment the giant in the fog suddenly looked at where Truman and Medici were!

"A warrior's intuition..." This kind of fighting instinct is very terrifying and makes no sense at all.

At the moment when the giant discovered them, a sword made of orange-red dusk light penetrated the void, and the giant jumped directly in front of Truman and Medici!


War Angel rushed out, also holding a big sword, and even his body became three or four meters tall, his skin became steel, and he became a steel giant.

The swords in the hands of the two giants suddenly collided together, flames of various colors were rising, and the orange-red dusk light was also spreading.

"Your style of painting is wrong!" Truman couldn't help complaining as he looked at the scene in front of him of two giants fighting each other with swords.

In this weird and crazy world, traditional weapon fighting is still going on, which is really against the rules.

Truman opened one of the pages of the Book of Dreams, and the "Dream" symbol on it shone, and an invisible force filled the air.

The gloves of the ancient man shimmered slightly, and the sage's robe on his body also flashed with phosphorescence. At this moment, Truman seemed to have transformed into a spiritual dragon, roaring out a spiritual breath!

This is an angel-level attack!

At the same time, Truman also threw countless "Frenzy", "Mind Deprivation" and "Psychic Storm" at Badhel, all of which came from the psychic dragon just now.

The blood of angels allows him to interpret many extraordinary abilities, which can be controlled through the sage's information-based ability, and the characteristics of the planeswalker also contain "reappearance".

"Uh...ah..." At this moment, the Cyclops' body became stagnant to a certain extent, and his spirit was greatly affected.

"Go away!" Badheir roared angrily, and an orange-red dusk light suddenly erupted from his body. Everything the dusk light touched was decaying and aging. Even Medici had a solemn expression and did not dare to face him. Resist hard.

"Go to hell!" This time Badheir jumped directly in front of Truman. His terrifying height brought extremely strong pressure, and the terrifying sword slashed down.

It seemed that the body of this weird angel would be cut off in the next moment.

Medici wanted to come for help, but was rejected by Truman. This time he wanted to really make Badheir realize his weakness!

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 15


Chapter 15

"It's just a sequence two." With the Book of Dreams, he is not afraid of the gods!

Now he doesn't have friends all over the world, but his friends are enough to kill all the enemies under the ancient gods!

"Leodro!" Truman's hand wearing an ancient glove reached into the fog of history.

The Gloves of the Ancient are a mixture of the characteristics of the Ancient Scholar and the Planeswalker, and the Ancient Scholar's signature skill is pulling historical projections!

He and Leodro had only met once and were not acquaintances, but today Truman and Leodro were both angels under the throne of the ancient Sun God!

The connection on a mystical level is profound enough!

So after just one attempt, an angel figure was pulled out of the fog of history.

Of course, this historical projection does not have the hidden power and wisdom of the goddess, but it is also a wind angel!

"Leodro?!" Medici was shocked, and then watched helplessly as another familiar figure was pulled out.

"Osykus?!" The pure white angel walked out of the fog of history, radiating the blazing brilliance of the sun.

Under the rays of the sun, terrifying white electric snakes were scurrying around, all draped over the sword-wielding giant.

The scene was extremely intense for a while, and Medici was so stunned that he almost thought he saw the two companions.

"Why are these two historical projections so powerful?" It's almost the same as the ontology!

For Truman, the spirituality that summons historical projections is transferred from the Book of Dreams, and he can naturally squander it without any pressure.

"Space barrier!" The planeswalker's use of space is already very terrifying. After all, he is able to travel in the starry sky and see the existence of starry sky civilization.

Truman reached out and grabbed it in mid-air, as if he had caught the real thing, and then squeezed it hard!

In an instant, dozens of gates like transparent whirlpools appeared in mid-air, wrapping the entire battlefield, and then collapsed inward!

"Go away!" Badheir faced the two historical projections without retreating at all. He slashed with the Dusk Sword in his hand, and the orange-red light exuded the power of Dusk and Dusk.

His sword plunged into the ground, and a little bit of pure light poured out from the surrounding void, with a sacred and glorious meaning, and finally turned into water to build a cage dividing the inside and outside.

The collapse of space and the indiscriminate bombardment of the two angels finally made the two angels of the sequence, who were best at frontal combat, take the defensive.

"Buzz!" Before the light-condensed cage completely surrounded him, Truman flashed, opened the door and entered the cage.

He gently waved his hand, scattering the projections of the two angels on the periphery, and pulled out the historical projections of Medici and Ourolius.

Angel of War and Angel of Destiny!

Medici, who was fighting outside, was spiritually touched. Although he couldn't see the fight in the cage, he already knew what happened and almost cursed.

Who said he didn't need his help?

"Hmph!" Medici snorted coldly and did not try to resist, "This seems to be an ancient scholar on the path of a diviner? I will fight one by one when I see you in the future!"

And inside the cage, Medici's historical projection has launched "Harvest", and with the blessing of Ourolius' luck, he has directly gained insight into Badheir's fatal weakness!

"Roar!" Badheir suddenly saw that the enemy dared to teleport into his cage and his eyes widened. It was really unexpected.

Truman looked at Badheir, and gently moved his fingers, stirring some undetectable threads.

Secret puppet transformation!

The giant Badheir stared wide-eyed, his body froze, and the fatal blow was about to hit him!

Badheir knew the critical situation at this moment and used all means to save his life.


A seed fell from his armor, and when it fell to the ground, it suddenly turned into a towering tree!

This towering tree completely covered the giant's figure. It was a seed from the harvest goddess Omi Bella, forming a thick enough barrier.The fatal blow did not fall on Badheir in the end, but was blocked by the barrier. At the same time, the secret puppet transformation was also interrupted.

"This is my domain!" Although Badheir was frightened, he suddenly waved the Dusk Sword, and countless rays of light began to emerge, and then rioted.

Storm of Light!

The sword blade turned into a storm, the orange dusk spread in the cage, and the terrifying power erupted in the limited space, making it even more powerful.

Moreover, wherever this storm passed, everything withered, the soil turned into sand, and everything was decaying.

The fatal blow struck by Medici and Ouroleus was forced away by the sword storm, and Badheir killed the two archangels fiercely.


Truman gave up maintaining the historical projection of the two angels, and the corners of his sage's robe fluttered gently. His whole body directly turned into a flow of information. The endless sword storm could not destroy this incorporeal information.

"Dragon transformation!" The information flow representing everything about Truman suddenly expanded and turned into a spiritual dragon!

It was the one who was massacred by Truman and Medici before. His blood had been completely analyzed before it fell into Truman's hands, and now it is shaped by the flow of information.


The dragon transformed by Truman fought hand to hand with the giant, and the giant's sword was deflected with one claw.

"How come there are so many abilities?!" Badheir also felt overwhelmed. He had always fought with a sword until the sky fell apart, but now this opponent was extremely difficult.

The spiritual dragon roared, and special attacks targeting the spiritual body such as "Frenzy" and "Psychic Riot" as well as other spells such as lightning storms rained down like raindrops.

For a moment, Badheir could only go on the defensive again, holding his sword in front of him to resist many attacks.

"Too weak." A voice came from the giant dragon's mouth. In the next moment, the projections of the three angels that had appeared before, except Ourolos, reappeared. Thunder, sun, and flames filled the cage.

The poor are interspersed with tactics, and the rich are covered by firepower!

Truman, who doesn't need to worry about spiritual loss at all, said that it's just three historical projections, even if there are dozens more!

Gradually, even Badheir, who is known as the number one frontal combat power, fell into a trance of being the enemy of the whole world. The cage built by him has been occupied by the enemy!

This was definitely the most frustrating battle that Badheir had ever fought in his life, and he was completely manipulated by his opponent.

He didn't even touch the enemy's body!

"Too weak!" Truman said again, with a tone of hatred that made Badheir feel completely ashamed.

"Ah!" Badheir roared again and fought hard, but was soon defeated by the terrifying thunder and fire attack, and could only huddle in a corner of the cage.

"That's enough!" Truman, who transformed into a spiritual dragon, suddenly smiled, and the "Fantasy Dream" symbol on the dream book shone brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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