
A 18

Chapter 86 "God"


Chapter 86 "God"

The ancient sun god has lifted these unique "grazing" and returned them to the treasure house. Now they are all in Truman's hands, and he can use them at will.

After soaking in the sea of ​​dreams, the "brass book" could not turn over any waves in his hands.

"What is this?" Amon pushed up his monocle and looked at the "brass book" in Truman's hand with interest, "Is it your dream book?"

Amon also has a certain understanding of this teacher.

"This is what I should teach you." Truman wrote a rule on the "Brass Book".

"Stealing is prohibited here!"

The monocle made of crystal on Amon's face suddenly flashed with a glimmer of light, and there was a certain rule that restricted his ability.

"Fun!" Amon was not frightened. Instead, he approached Truman and read the words on the "brass book".

This feeling of being restricted by rules is very novel for a child less than four days old, and Amon has an adventurous factor in his nature.

"This is a game to see if you can escape or if I can completely imprison you."

Unlike Bethel, Truman can't teach this kind of mythical creature any occult knowledge, so let's play a "game".

"I love games like this!"

Amon smiled and pushed his monocle gently, put his little hand on the "brass book", and started the deception.

Some kind of rules are flowing, and Amon successfully deceived them through the living characteristics of the "Brass Book".

"The above rules are invalid..."

"It's been too long," Truman shook his head slightly, "I was even able to write down the 'No Fraud' rules before you completed the fraud."

Truman flicked his fingers, and the rules on the "brass book" were completely erased. This was the "secret" power, coming from Truman's divine badge.

After the rules on the brass book were erased, Truman directly wrote down more rules in just an instant.

"No stealing!"

"No fraud!"

"No monocles!"


There are so many rules and regulations that the Brass Book gradually revives into a terrifying situation, and can even turn Amon into a truly powerless child.

This is a "fantasy". Truman allows these rules to instantly cover the "brass book", creating an environment that makes it impossible for "thieves" to start.

"Tsk!" Medici smacked his lips, "Are you being bullied? This is the child of the Creator!"

It's just that as a "provocateur", His words usually have some kind of miraculous effect.

"No! I can find the loophole!"

Amon glared at Medici stubbornly, sat down directly on the lawn, held the brass book, and began to decipher the code with difficulty.

The ability of "Decryption Scholar" is the only thing that Truman has not forbidden. This is the only hope he left for Amon.

Today's Amon is not the "blasphemer" who makes even the true gods fearful. Although he has all the abilities of the "stealer", he is still a bit immature in using it.

He should have stolen Truman's thoughts after Truman said those words.

Of course, can the thoughts and ideas of a person with a "visionary" personality be stolen by him?

This... has not been proven by any actual examples. I only know that imaginary churches can be stolen.

"Hmph! It's boring!" Medici saw that Amon was restrained so easily and immediately lost interest. He still wanted to see the chickens and dogs in the fantasy territory.

Medici gave Truman a look and flew away.Truman allowed Amon to compete with the "Brass Book" and walked out of the fairy tale castle.

"Are you afraid that I will teach your son a bad lesson?" Truman looked to the side of the Dream Statue, where there was a priest wearing ordinary white robes.

It is the "Sun God" of the past and the "Creator" of today.

"I have initially grasped the power of 'omniscience and omnipotence'." The Creator suddenly turned around and looked at Truman.

"I know." Truman nodded lightly.

"The moment I truly became 'God', infinite knowledge overwhelmed me," the Creator's eyes never left for a moment. "After that moment, I was almost 'omniscient.'"

"Almost?" Truman noticed the word.

"Yes, the 'Origin Castle' in this world..." The Creator paused slightly before continuing, "And you."

"You seem to exist outside of Omniscience."

"So what kind of existence are you?" The clear and bright eyes of the Creator stared at Truman, without any emotion, only a divine exploration of the unknown.

Truman's body gradually felt a chill, which went straight to his forehead. His body froze in place, looking at the Creator cautiously.

After a long time, Truman looked into the eyes of the Creator and said with a slightly serious tone, "Are you Sasril or 'God' now?"

Sasriel refers to Himself, "God" is truly "God".

"That one hasn't woken up yet." There seemed to be something more in the pure eyes of the Creator, and he shook his head slightly.

"But based on my friendship with Sasriel, He will not explore my secrets so directly."

He is very good friends with Sasliel, who better represents the humanity of the Creator. Their status as fellow villagers and their friendship for hundreds of years are enough for Sasliel to stop exploring everything about him.

"That's the one who influenced you!" Truman made his own judgment.

"He is also curious about me and so influences you to understand me."

Truman pointed this out mercilessly, which made the Creator frown slightly.

Then the Creator closed his eyes and began to look at himself.

A kind of "mental diagnosis" that Truman is already familiar with, but with the power of a higher level surging, "omniscient and omnipotent" level.

After a long time, the Creator woke up from the "mental diagnosis", and His bright eyes became a bit dim.

"You're right. Although He didn't wake up, he still affected me." The Creator nodded lightly.

"I'm sorry." The Creator looked at Truman and apologized softly, "I did fall into a very weird state before."

This made Truman feel an extremely bad feeling all over his body, and he subconsciously wanted to stay away from the Creator.

That is a knee-jerk reaction in the face of "God".

"I should be lucky to have a friend like you." The Creator's tone and attitude changed at this time, becoming more like Sasril.

"I'm a little scared," Truman said simply, "I'm afraid that one day you will suddenly turn into that person and eat me."

"No." The Creator made a promise to Truman, and a kind of power fell on Truman.

This promise was "notarized" and became a real constraint. Even if "God" really wakes up, this "notarization" ability can make Him face it.

"I believe you for the time being." Truman said, suddenly having the idea of ​​​​running away.

In the history he knew, that person's awakening was irreversible, and the power of the pillar was almost irresistible to Truman today.

Then if he continues to stay in the Creator's Heaven, he is equivalent to being in danger all the time...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 87 Coping


Chapter 87 Coping

Ah... I am not just the Dream Angel, but also the Pope of Night...

Truman watched as the Creator gradually moved away from his territory and disappeared before his eyes.

After realizing that he might be influenced by that person, the Creator decided to conduct a period of self-examination and treatment.

But Truman is pessimistic about this.

This is the underlying rule of this world. If you have such a personality, you cannot get rid of pollution and put an end to madness.

Truman returned to the fairy tale castle and glanced at Amon, who was still upset and helpless. He had probably realized the mistake he had made, and was growing at a terrifying speed.

But...will this put too much pressure on a certain Mr. Fool in the future?

"Ah, it's okay, Amon is already so strong anyway." Truman decided to leave everything to Mr. "The Fool" to worry about.

After that, he wandered directly out of the Creator's Heaven, followed the secret connection and returned to the Deep Dark Heaven, where he appeared in a field of deep sleep flowers and night herbs.

A certain aura of peace calmed his agitated mood.

"Huh!" Truman was indeed a little afraid that the Creator would suddenly rise up and imprison him in the Creator's Heaven. If that were the case, he would have almost no ability to resist.

"Fortunately, the situation is not that bad yet."

According to history, that person's pollution cannot really be suppressed, and it will even take a thousand years to completely erode the current Creator, forcing Him to fake death and escape.

Contamination should be a gradual deepening process, but this period of time is long enough for Truman to make various preparations.

"You have the remnants of fear in your body. What did you encounter?" The hidden angel appeared in front of Truman without any warning.

"An existence that is almost impossible to contend with." Truman revealed to the Secret Angel the strange state of the Creator today.

These things should also be made known to everyone on the Dream Parliament and make all preparations.

"..." The Hidden Angel's eyes gradually solidified, and he was shocked by the news.

"It has only been seven days. According to the creation myth, the Creator has just created this world..." The Hidden Angel sighed quietly.

"..." Truman was also stunned and helpless. The glorious era had just arrived for seven days, and now it was about to be cast into a shadow.

"How are you going to respond?" Hidden Angel asked.

"...What about you?" Truman asked, Amanysis's character was never passive.

"Kill Him." The voice of the Hidden Angel was ruthless and resolute.

Cruel enough... Truman really thought so.

"I'm going to find something. I don't have anything to defend myself. I always feel unsafe."

Truman felt like he was back to the time when he first came to this world.

At that time, he was forced by a vague sense of crisis to go out constantly and deal with the major ancient god forces, and then gradually formed the Dream Parliament.

"All the characteristics of the 'door' path are in you?" Truman suddenly thought that he still had a reward from the goddess.

"Here you go." The Hidden Angel waved his hand, and the "door" path characteristics with a large number of shining stardust fell into Truman's hands.

"Star Key", "Planeswalker", "Wanderer", you name it.

"Okay!" Truman took a pair of eyeballs in his hand and put the rest into the treasure house.

This pair of eyeballs seems to be made of pure starlight, containing layers of illusory light gates.

The uniqueness of the "door" approach. "Are you going to find Antigonus next?" The Secret Angel suddenly spoke. He had already guessed what Truman was thinking.

"That's right." Truman nodded and admitted.

The Secret Angel nodded slightly, and his body turned into a shadow and was erased by the eraser.

As for Truman, he didn't waste a moment and started wandering into a no man's land.

Antigonus and his sister did not live well at all after the death of the Destruction Wolf.

Without the protection of the ancient gods, they have become walking characters. In this case, they can only hide everywhere.

Now Truman used the power of "dream" to imagine a scene where he and Antigonus met, and he came here following some kind of induction.

"Antigonus?" Truman looked at the fog of history somewhere and nodded lightly.

"Dream!" The figure of a demon wolf flashed away in the fog of history. It was very alert and ran away immediately, not wanting to meet Truman at all.

He was hiding everywhere, but he also knew the Creator's church, and he would definitely be able to see the light and shadow that penetrated the heaven and earth seven days ago, and Meng was that angel.

These are the greatest sources of danger in the eyes of Antigonus today.

"Okay, stop, I don't mean any harm." Now almost every word of Truman has come true.

Antigonus fell almost helplessly from the mists of history.

"Are you going to kill me? Take away my characteristics?" Antigonus looked at Truman indifferently, as if death was not something worth caring about to him.

"I told you that I'm not here to kill you. I look down on your 'miracle master' characteristics." Truman was helpless.

"Are you here for my father's 'relic'?" Antigonus even directly took out the characteristics and uniqueness of the "Servant of Secrets" and placed them in front of Truman.

"Well... I can't say you're wrong." Truman did come here for the sake of uniqueness.

"I will give you all the magic potion formulas of the 'Fool' path in exchange for uniqueness." Truman thought for a while, and then said again.

"I will give you another place to live. With my protection, no angels or true gods will come to trouble you."

Antigonus's wolf eyes widened instantly. This was a condition he had never thought of!

"The other wolf also comes out." Under the influence of fantasy power, another demon wolf also walked out of the secret.

"I'll take you to that sanctuary." This sanctuary will naturally be the future home of these two demonic wolves.

The current mountain range is still no man's land and has no name, which is very suitable for these two magic wolves.

He took the two magic wolves and wandered directly to an ancient forest, imagined a stone tablet, and directly wrote the word "Honakis" using dreamy phosphorescence as the ink.

"Okay, this will be your home from now on. Angels will feel my breath when they come near this place and will not force you."

"If there is really a blind person, you can go to the Creator or my church and pray, and I will catch the angel who caused the trouble and beat him!"

For Truman now, protecting the two demon wolves is simply a piece of cake.

This is the age of the Creator, and he has clearly become the dream angel acting on behalf of the Creator's authority.

His deterrence might be stronger than that of the Demon Wolf of Destruction.

In this era, how good would it be if there was no danger from "God"?

Truman sighed softly. He couldn't stop this matter. At most, he could help at a certain key point, such as kicking away three angels...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 88: Drive out the "guilty" and swallow the "emperor"


Chapter 88: Drive out the "guilty" and swallow the "emperor"

"So, do you agree to this deal?" Truman suppressed his raging thoughts and asked Antigonus.

Antigonus was completely absent-minded. He just shook his wolf head subconsciously, and the spiritual insects running around on his body inexplicably settled down.

"This uniqueness..." Truman just assumed that he had agreed, and regardless of the two dazed demon wolves, he directly picked up "The Fool's" uniqueness.

This is an illusory mask, only the eyes are empty.

If you stare at the void for a few moments, you will feel your own intelligence drop sharply.

This is the function of "fooling" authority. This simplest application occurs when no one uses it.

"After 1000 years, you can come to me and exchange for this uniqueness." Truman finally said, leaving the magic potion formula and wandering away.

Antigonus and his sister were still in a daze, unable to even understand what they were seeing.

"So we are safe?" Antigonus came to his senses first and nuzzled his sister gently with his confused wolf head.

"That should be it..." Antigonus's sister walked carefully in the forest, and finally came to the stone tablet with the word "Honakis" engraved on it.

"We are really safe." My sister felt that she was being protected by this mountain range and finally nodded.

Antigonus lay on the ground, his eyes twinkling, "Is it a dream..."

"Sister, let's create a secret kingdom." After reading the potion formula and thinking deeply, Antigonus came up with the idea of ​​establishing a secret kingdom.

"Both you and I need believers, they can help us stabilize our state."

Truman very thoughtfully included a lot of occult knowledge after the potion formula, about "anchors" and about human nature.

"Then let's plunder those human city-states!"

"No! We cannot harm our believers. We can even make them actively believe in us and become our 'anchor' willingly."

Except for the night and the wish, the last two demon wolves are carefully planning their little days.


Truman didn't really want to resurrect "Mystery", so naturally he didn't take away the "Servant of Mystery" characteristics.

"It's still a 'mistake'," Truman scratched his head, "You can't kill Amon, right?"

After all, he is his own student.

"Maybe it's just right..." Truman suddenly thought of the "mysterious" recovery problem.

He didn't even get the characteristics of the "Servant of the Secret". It was obvious that he just wanted to take advantage of these uniquenesses and didn't want the "Secret" to really wake up.

In his case, both "mystery" and "God" are extremely dangerous.

"Using 'all things' to reproduce the 'error' instead of really using the uniqueness, this can better prevent the 'mystery' from really being a corpse."

He holds three unique pieces, but in order to fight against the "God" who is very likely to revive, and to create a "secret", he may also be cut into half by these two people.

Besides, even if "Secret" doesn't come back to life, he would probably be happy to put his old enemy in his coffin...

Truman returned directly to the fairy tale castle and put on the gray and illusory mask of the Fool.


Little Amon's expression became dull, his IQ was forcibly lowered, and he was already thinking about the profound question of "Who am I" at a young age.

And Truman moved quickly enough. He opened the "Everything" page of the Dream Book and faced Amon directly.In just an instant, the re-engraving was complete.

For things under the gods, "all phenomena" have almost no restrictions.

Afterwards, Truman nodded with satisfaction, wiped himself away with his secret ability, and returned to the secret world of Amanysis.

Amon was still holding the "brass book", and it took him a few breaths to react, but he couldn't really realize what happened.

"What's going on?! Why have I become stupid?" This is probably the biggest unsolved mystery of Amon's childhood.

After returning to the hidden world, Truman immediately switched his state to "error". The power of "utopia" faded away, and Truman even felt a sense of weakness.

"'Error' is still too weak," Truman shook his head slightly, reached out in the void and took out a monocle made of crystal, and gently stuck it in his right eye socket.


The two unique things on Truman's body - the illusory Fool's mask and his starry eyeballs - were buzzing and trembling, as if they were sensing something, and there was a faint force of convergence affecting them.

"Ha!" Truman laughed out loud. As he expected, his replica monocle greatly weakened the cohesion force. He could even use this thing to interfere with the resurrection of the "Lord of Mysteries".

"Origin Castle..." Truman also had a strange feeling. If he did not consider his fear of "Origin Castle", he might try to jump on "Origin Castle" after leaving this hidden world and control it.

Of course, in that case, the resurgence of "Mystery" may be unstoppable.

"try it."

Before Truman was about to make some dangerous attempts, the hidden angel appeared behind Truman and stared at Truman's back.

He is on guard for a possible resurgence of will.

"There should be no problem." Truman explained, then grabbed the illusory mask and pressed it against his face.

The uniqueness of the "error" engraved in his right eye and the mask seemed to have formed a wonderful connection. Gradually they merged, and something contained in the Fool's mask began to revive!

"Error!" Truman shouted softly. The recovery of the will in the Fool's Mask seemed to be stuck. An error occurred and he could not wake up again.

At the same time, Truman's body also had a strong dreamy phosphorescent light, which fell into the mask to neutralize the crazy will.

There are two uniquenesses, one is fake, has authority but no substance, only one has the possibility of madness and resurrection, and is still not supported by the characteristics of Sequence One to Sequence Nine.

Gradually, the crazy will that wanted to revive fell silent.

Truman temporarily suppressed the "secret" coffin board.

But the next moment, his hands were already clasping the eyeballs composed of two stars.

"It's very dangerous." The Secret Angel suddenly spoke. He controlled part of the power of destiny and had a bad premonition about what Truman was going to try.

"Maintain minimum stability..." Truman stopped. "Mistake" also had some power over fate, and he also felt some kind of crisis.

"The combination of two unique things will inevitably revive that person. One is true and the other is false. This is already the limit."

It can only be said that the strength or tenacity of that person exceeded Truman's imagination.

The Demonic Wolf of Destruction was able to swallow a portion of "Servant of Secrets" and "The Fool", and the uniqueness of it has yet to revive him, most likely because of the interference of the "Dark Night" characteristic.

"Keep it! This will be an important means for me to deal with 'God'!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 89 Starry Sky


Chapter 89 Starry Sky

Truman did not forcefully wake up that person, but waited for the critical moment to use it.

"That sense of security is finally back." Truman breathed a sigh of relief.

With the means to deal with it, he will have some sense of security in the heaven of "God".

"Don't worry, at least it will be relatively safe within a thousand years."

Truman nodded slightly to the Hidden Angel and asked, "How is your current condition?"

When one reaches the level of a god, madness is inevitable.

"The effect of the ceremony is very good. There are some problems, but they are not major. I have become familiar with the use of authority."

"If necessary, you can directly summon Dark Night."

The Hidden Angel returned to a semi-hidden state, leaving only a dim shadow.

"Okay." After thinking about it, Truman did not refuse.

"Hmm... I may have to move back. I always feel that the Creator's Heaven is no longer safe."

"Ha..." The Hidden Angel seemed to have some mood swings, and his soft voice became a little erratic, "The believers in the City of Darkness have not seen the Pope for a hundred years."

"If they hadn't known that Saint Truman was not dead yet, a new pope would have taken office by now."

"Ahem!" Truman coughed lightly without changing his expression, "Just tell them that their Pope is going to save the world."

After that, Truman said goodbye to the hidden angel and wandered back to the Creator's Heaven.

This is the territory that Chumen has developed over the past few hundred years, and it cannot be abandoned directly.

"Where have you gone?" Saslier soon found him and asked about the Creator's current condition.

"After the main body met you once, it took the initiative to enter a state of silence."

"There may be some trouble with him." Truman expressed some of his guesses.

Saslier's face became solemn, his brows furrowed, and then his face began to look a little strange, and he said thoughtfully, "He didn't tell me, and I couldn't sense anything wrong..."

Truman and Saslier looked at each other and probably understood what the Creator was thinking.

This is the same history as Truman knows, and Sasriel will be the executor of the true will of the Creator.

"It's a bit bad..."

"Don't be too pessimistic," it was Truman who persuaded Saslier now. "As long as you have made it this far, you will truly have the ability to arm-wrestle with that 'God'."

"Fortunately, it's not a direct resuscitation. I may still have the ability to stop that person..." Saslier tapped his finger on the blasphemous slate.

Truman looked at the blasphemous slate, his eyes changed slightly, but he didn't say anything.

This thing was transformed into that person's body.


Several years have passed, and the Kingdom of the Creator has become more prosperous. Most of the human beings in the world, and even some extraordinary races, have begun to believe in the Creator.

Even the number of followers of Dream Angel has skyrocketed, making Truman's grasp of "everything and fantasy" much stronger.

The most important thing is that the Creator woke up once in the past few years and was in good condition. Truman couldn't tell anything wrong even after looking at it.

"At least there is no danger for the time being."

Truman's pace of moving has slowed down, people are always lazy.

"Teacher." Not Amon, but Bethel.

Bethel has been promoted to a "wanderer" under Saslier's gift, and now he has even digested most of it.

"Huh?" Truman suddenly had a strange feeling, and there was some cohesion between something in him and Bethel.It's the bunch of "door" path characteristics on his body, and the pair of eyeballs made of starlight.

Especially the pair of eyeballs. In Truman's eyes, they are very compatible with Bethel, almost equivalent to a monocle and Amon.

"You are already a 'Wanderer', it's time to prepare for the 'Planeswalker' ritual, and the role of 'Wanderer' must also involve the astral realm or the starry sky."

The ritual of the "Planeswalker" is to leave legends in nine places outside the planet.

This is the peculiarity of the "Gate" path. Only by becoming an angel can you resist the pollution of the starry sky, and if you want to become an angel, you can only go to the starry sky.

This in itself is a paradox.

For a saint without sufficient background, this is an almost impossible ritual to complete.

"Yes," Bethel said, feeling a little ashamed. He had been troublesome for the teacher and couldn't even help the teacher clean up the believers who had betrayed the dream.

"The starry sky..." Truman said silently, and even took out the book of dreams and gently reviewed some key points.

"Let's do this. You go over and pray to the Creator for shelter in the stars, and then..."

"I'll go with you to the starry sky!"

External gods are naturally scary, but "God" isn't scary?

Of course, Truman did not have the idea of ​​letting outside gods contain "God".

After all, there is a barrier, and the power of most external gods to penetrate is very limited, and they cannot cause enough trouble to "God".

And the one who can cause trouble to "God" may first tie Truman up to give birth to a child...

As for why go to Starry Sky?Some of his ideas about the Book of Dreams need to be confirmed by observing the Outer Gods.

At the same time, he did not fail to re-enact the scene when he faced the Elf King...

Of course, that would be too dangerous, and Truman was almost certain that the source matter in those outer gods would also have a serious impact on his sober state.

It's best not to touch things like source matter and outer gods, unless...it's absolutely necessary.

"Teacher, you want to go to the starry sky too?" Bethel was stunned, "No..."

"I didn't go there to protect you. I have business to do, and you need to complete your ceremony yourself." Truman interrupted Bethel's unreasonable association.

"..." It's just that Bethel was obviously a dead-head, and he quickly fell silent, feeling moved by himself.

"I want to go too!" Suddenly Truman looked up and saw Amon,

A few years have passed, and Amon now looks like a teenager, with black hair, black eyes, and a slightly thin face.

He wears a black classical magic robe and a magic soft hat.

This image is very close to the "blasphemer" that Truman is familiar with.

"You are also my teacher, how could you prefer to only take Bethel to such a fun place?"

Amon gently adjusted the monocle on his face, with a smile on his lips.

Does he want to experience the charm of "Star University" in advance?

"This naughty kid..." Truman had a slight headache. After experiencing the baptism of uniqueness such as the "Brass Book" and the "Black Emperor's Crown", Amon became more and more proficient in controlling his various abilities.

There was a big commotion in the Dreamland and even in the entire Creator's Heaven.

Just because Amon is the son of the Creator, everyone is too tolerant of this "God of Mischief".

The opposite of Amon is Adam. The clear-eyed young man has made great achievements in promoting the belief in the Creator. He has gained the respect and belief of many believers, and has truly gained the prestige of the King of Angels.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 90 Departure


Chapter 90 Departure

Take Amon to the stars...

Truman's eyes wandered over Amon, making the young man's smile gradually stiffen.

"What's wrong? Teacher!" Amon's smile could no longer hold back.

He emphasized the word "teacher" again, but both Truman and Bethel knew that this naughty kid didn't have any sincerity.

He was just too curious about the starry sky, so he had to come here and lower his profile.

These are also the few "teachers" Amon has had in the past few years.

He probably never thought that a king of angels alongside Him could be His teacher.

However, a few years were enough for Amon to realize the magic of Truman in various aspects.

He has many powers that Amon covets but cannot steal!

"Okay." Truman finally nodded lightly. Anyway, it's not me who provides shelter. The extra pressure is on the Creator's side.

"Pray to the Creator for protection in the stars." Truman looked at Bethel.

As for Amon...

"Go and ask your father for a drop of the Creator's blood. It will be your round trip fare."

"Okay!" Amon agreed without hesitation. He knew where the starry sky was and understood that this might be his only chance to set foot in the starry sky for a long time.

Truman took advantage of this period to briefly arrange the Dream Cultists. With Hermes in charge, there would be no problems in the Dream Territory.

By the way, he also informed several of his friends.

The starry sky was vast, and he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to return in a short time.

Of course, the connection between Dreamland and them should not be completely severed.

Theoretically speaking, true God has become a concept in the universe, and the past is enough to become an important part of the universe.

Specifically refer to the "pillars" of three visible and one hidden.

And the homogeneity of the Book of Dreams person and other homologous substances will not be much lower than in the past.

The protection of the ancient sun god soon arrived, and a ray of sunlight fell from the sky, wrapping Bethel's body and gradually blending into it.

This is a quasi-Old Day level of power.

"Here you go!" Amon was also incredibly fast and brought out a piece of pure crystal.

Inside is a drop of chaotic-colored blood of the Creator, which contains unimaginable power.

The feeling it gave Truman was like a concentration of the chaotic sea water.

"ready to go!"

After Truman arranged everything, he didn't waste any time and stepped directly into the star realm under Saslier's complicated eyes.

"I'm a little envious, what's going on..."

This is probably the feeling of seeing colleagues who have always worked with you take annual leave, and this "year" refers to the unit.

Similarly, several friends who were most closely involved with Truman also felt that the Book of Dreams was far away.

"He actually ran to the starry sky..."


Truman took Bethel and Amon into the star realm.

The star realm is not the starry sky. After all, it is a little different. This is a world composed of symbols and authority. Similar to the starry sky, this place is also vast and indescribably dark and deep.

The difference is that what is gathered in the astral realm are concepts.The stars are hanging in the depths of the star world, emitting real light and heat, but if you get close, you can only see a "sun" painted in oil. It is the concept and symbol that makes up the sun, and it has real power.

Truman took a step forward and came to the barrier, looking at the illusory and bright stars.

"It's dangerous outside!" Amon, a fearless child, was full of fear of the world outside the barrier.

"I am full of all kinds of fantasies about the outside world, but I have never tried to take a step forward." Bethel looked at the world outside the barrier with a strong look of yearning in his eyes.

Becoming a "wanderer" has the ability to enter the starry sky and travel to different planets but can only be trapped within the barrier. This is really a torture for a qualified "wanderer".

It was also because of this that Bethel's magic potion digestion was stuck at the last step.

"Then go out." Truman also smiled. Which human being would not be curious and awed about the starry sky?

He did not use the Book of Dreams because it would be too conspicuous and he would not be able to escape the gaze of the outer gods.

He used the "planeswalker" ability on the Ancient One's gauntlet.

Amon glanced at the gloves on Truman's hand, pushed his monocle gently, and suppressed his desire to steal.

Truman's Ancient One's gloves have always been one of the things Amon wanted to steal the most.

Because the three pathways represented by this glove are so perfectly integrated.


The starlight eyeballs on Truman's body shone slightly, and the authority of the "door" they represented caused a certain qualitative change in the power of the "Planeswalker".

"Let's go!" Truman suddenly grabbed his two students and jumped out of the barrier.

The barrier doesn't stop people on this planet from going out, so this action couldn't be easier.

But just this jump made Amon, the god of mischief, feel an unprecedented excitement.

The strong sense of life and death crisis and the sense of security of being protected made every one of his Time Worms jump for joy.

That was a pleasure that He had never felt before when he tried to steal his teacher's "Book of Dreams"!

One step away, but two worlds.

Endless and terrifying pollution from the alien gods surges through the vacuum, like tides and light, trying to completely envelope those who fall into it.

"What are you doing?!" Amon suddenly screamed, because he discovered that Truman hadn't conceptualized it yet, nor had he used his father's power!

"It's okay, I just felt a little emotional when I saw something familiar." Truman was lost for a moment because he saw the real moon.

The moon is not perfect, nor is it pure, it is just an ordinary star, emitting a faint shimmer.

But this is the real moon, the same as the one deep in Truman's memory.

Of course, there are some differences. When Truman looked at the moon, the three of them all sensed a powerful and corrupt force surging, which made the pollution suffered by the three of them a little heavier.


An ancient wall clock carved from stone appeared behind the three.

It is ancient and mottled, and its surface is divided into twelve grids in gray and black colors, with different symbols flashing in them.

The bell rang in the starry sky without the aid of a medium, causing time all around to pause.

This bought Amon and the others a moment of time to save themselves.

"Bethel!" Amon saw that Truman had not yet planned to take action to deal with the pollution, so he had to rely on himself.

"Okay!" Bethel responded immediately.

The protection from the Creator appeared on him and on Amon at the same time, and the pure and bright sunlight burst out, purifying all pollution.

This is the meaning of the Creator's protection, which allows them to resist the pollution of external gods in the starry sky.

Amon looked at Truman with a gloomy expression, and suddenly found that the expression on Trumen's face was actually a little gloomy.

(End of this chapter)