
A 17

Chapter 81


Chapter 81

"Harvest Goddess" Lilith reappeared in the Kingdom of Silver, and those faith points with clear directions immediately found their owners and clung to them.

Lilith nodded slightly, left the Kingdom of Silver directly, and followed the guidance of fate to find Bradl. This "God of Honor" was leading the remaining giant warriors towards the Giant King's Court.

The appearance of Lilith made the giant warriors instantly alert, and then everyone lowered their heads.

"Mother God!"


Lilith nodded silently, her cold eyes staring at the dusk that suddenly came.

Badheir walked out of the dusk, sensing the indifference and disgust in his eyes. He looked at Lilith and finally spoke.

"Mother God."

The entire giant race recognizes Him as the "Harvest Goddess" Omibella, then she is Omibella.

This is the final step in embedding destiny.

"It's over." Silver City threw down the two magical items in his hands. Then he took a photo from the fog of history and printed it with dreamy phosphorescence to form a historical picture, which was printed on Silver City.


"Successful..." Amanisis, who had returned to the Deep Dark Heaven, suddenly felt the surge of destiny.

At this moment, the influence of "secret" on fate and history began to increase dramatically.

At this moment, Amanisis's consciousness seemed to have been sublimated, and his body collapsed into darkness, completely spreading out.

He became the bright stars, the dark sky, and the night itself.

Amanisis' consciousness calmly examined itself and found that he already existed in the bodies of different believers and in many extraordinary creatures, and his divinity had received an extremely terrifying ascension.

This ascension of the divinity of all things has eliminated His humanity, and in the end only the most extreme indifference will remain.

But in the next moment, Amanisis found traces of himself in the fate of all things.

That is the historical trend reversed by "hidden" forces.

The disintegration and death of the ancestor of the Phoenix, all the malice in it was hidden by him, and he brought death disaster to an ancient god.

Lilith became the "Harvest Goddess" and gained the confirmation of the giants and the recognition of destiny, including all subsequent impacts, all starting from "secret".

These two events are destined to have unimaginable impacts on future destiny and historical trends.

This influence on destiny can help Amanysis find himself again, which is the meaning of the ritual.

The godhood ritual of the "dark night" path is to create enough disasters in history or destiny through "hidden" power.

The influence of this "hidden" power allowed Amanisis to increase his self-awareness and find his true self again.

At the same time, a dreamy phosphorescence exploded on Him, which came from the dreamy symbols on Him and from the anchoring of the hidden angel.

This made him more alert and began to actively gather his scattered will with the "anchor" provided by his followers.

The will of the self becomes stronger and stronger, and begins to dominate the aggregation and sublimation of the characteristics and uniqueness in the body.


The body of Amanisis, who is located at the highest point of the Deep Dark Heaven, is constantly changing between the demon wolf form and the human form, and sometimes even incarnates the abstract concept of "night".

But in the end, He completely stabilized and transformed into a human form. He used the moon as a pillow and wore a black classical dress. The dress was layered with stars in the dark night.

His face was covered with a layer of gauze, hazy and beautiful.

After His true image stabilized, the whole world darkened, as if it had entered the night early.

Many people looked up to the infinite heights, which was the purest night.

But in the pure darkness, bright stars began to light up one after another, scattering little bits of light.The entire Deep Dark Heaven has undergone earth-shaking changes. The red moon hangs high, and night vanilla and deep sleep flowers grow and bloom crazily.

All the believers in the Deep Dark Heaven knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly. The moment they saw Amanissis ascending to the gods, they all felt it.

"The night is born." The ancient sun god in the spiritual world sensed the changes in the night and looked towards the Deep Dark Heaven.

"Your Majesty the Creator." Amanisis also looked at the ancient sun god and nodded gently.This is the first official meeting between the two gods.

This is also a meeting where the status of both parties is barely equal.

"Goddess of the Night." The ancient sun god also nodded.

"Has he become a god?" Truman also realized this when he looked at the bright stars on the night sky. He looked at the faint figure of the hidden angel beside him, and found that there was some kind of indescribable terror in him.

That is personal suppression from the true God.

"Finally I got what I wanted." The Hidden Angel also showed a smile.

"I'm going back to a stable state. Goodbye." The Hidden Angel looked at Sasril and Truman and nodded lightly. The figure was erased by the eraser and disappeared.

He is in good shape, but still needs to get familiar with his newfound authority.

The difference between the power of true god-level authority and the authority of a single unique representative is not small, and it will undergo a qualitative change at the true god-level.

"The age of the Old Gods is over."

There were only two people left on the wall of Silver City. Saslier suddenly pointed to the starry sky in the distance and said softly.

"Welcome to the glorious age."

"Let there be light." A gentle and mellow voice echoed throughout the world.

The sun's rays dispel the remaining darkness and illuminate all living things.

"The Creator has completely reclaimed His own authority." The Creator's believers all have a clear understanding in their hearts and unconsciously praise the Creator's greatness.

"Welcome to the glorious age."

A huge sky-reaching light and shadow appeared behind the Creator.


The Sea of ​​Chaos manifests naturally, and the two paths contained in it, the high-level characteristics and uniqueness of the "dragon" and the "white tower", are transformed into brilliance and integrated into the light and shadow.

The eyes of the ancient sun god became illusory, and the sea containing all colors and possibilities under his feet was rolling endlessly.

Driven by the chaotic sea, all characteristics began to merge, pushing the ancient sun god to a certain supreme position.

Several streams of light flew from all corners of the world and rushed towards the body of the ancient sun god.

That is the sequence-one characteristic of some "omniscience and omnipotence" pathways scattered around the world.

Some of these characteristics are hidden in the treasure house of a certain extraordinary race, and some are the characteristics or weapons of certain saints and angels.

Now, with the absolute power of gathering, they all flocked to the ancient sun god.

But under the influence of some force, the destination of these characteristics changed, and some kind of "error" occurred.


At this moment, the ancient sun god also disappeared, and his body was completely integrated into the sky-reaching light and shadow.

"I am one and ten thousand, the beginning and the end."

The light and shadow walked on the chaotic and illusory water, looking up towards the starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 82 The Glorious Age

Chapter 82 The Glorious Age


The dark and deep starry sky suddenly underwent various strange changes, and many eyes that were originally malicious and flamboyant shrank back instantly, with obvious fear.

In the end, there was only a red moon hanging there, shining brightly, silently confronting the light and shadow.

At this moment, He was infinitely close to the original God and Creator.

It makes all the foreign gods fear him beyond words.

When the Creator looked up at the starry sky, all creatures in the world were looking up at that huge light and shadow.

"God of the Morning" Badheir led most of the remaining giants to migrate away from the Giant King's Court. At this time, he looked up and remained silent.

"God of the Undead" Salinger stood on the edge of the underworld, looking at the light and shadow in silence.

Neither of these two gods, who have gained huge benefits in the end of the era, can resist this level of power.

Even a person with a divine spirit needs to stay low-key and dormant in this new era.

No god dared to challenge him until the Creator himself showed signs of decline.

This is the end of an era and the beginning of an era.

The light and shadow that was as high as the sky and the earth lasted for half a quarter of an hour, and finally converged, and the sea of ​​chaos under his feet gradually disappeared.

Eventually the light and shadow returned to the Creator's Heaven, and a blasphemous tablet fell down and returned to Sasril's hands.

Saslier's brows frowned slightly.

"Has that person recovered?" Truman asked curiously.

Nothing could be seen from that light and shadow, but Saslier should know it very well.

"Without recovery, this blasphemous slate would not be in my hands." Saslier shook his head slightly.

"Of course, this is inevitable. As long as it is maintained within a certain limit, this is also the meaning of my existence."

The ancient Sun God did not truly accommodate the Sea of ​​Chaos, but chose to maintain the status quo and control the Sea of ​​Chaos through Sasril.

It is most effective in preventing the person's recovery limit from exceeding control.

"From the current point of view, there is no change in that person's will."

"It always feels unreliable..." Truman expressed doubts about this. This is the beginning of the third era!

The power of the "original God" and "Creator" has not been weakened by the end of the world. It is too strong. Even with the "mysterious" and "error" uniqueness, it is difficult to truly compete with that person's resurrection.

And Saslier is actually just a "firewall".

"My body has initially grasped the power of 'omniscience and omnipotence', so I won't be swallowed by that one." Saslier said.

Truman is a person who knows what will happen in the future, but he is still pessimistic about it.

"Let's go." Saslier and Truman returned to the Creator's Heaven.

"The Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God..."

The prayers of countless devout people echoed in the Creator's Heaven, and the sunlight had a tangible touch like a ribbon, allowing every believer to find true tranquility.

"After seven days, the Lord will come and bless the pious."

Sasril announced to all believers.

"Hey!" Truman no longer thought about certain possibilities in the future, but smiled, "Isn't this just 'sharing the cake'!"

As long as the world barrier does not disappear and the "mystery" wakes up, the Creator who truly holds the "omniscience and omnipotence" authority is truly invincible, and the entire world will fall under His rule.

At this time, "sharing the cake" is also the most direct way to appease believers and enhance the strength of your own church.

However, this cake cannot be paid from the treasure house... Truman took a gentle breath.

That doesn't seem to be a good thing…

"You have one too." Saslier looked at Truman, "It's still the biggest piece." "Oh?!" Truman blinked in anticipation.

For him who controls the treasure house, there is really nothing that can tempt him.

"it is good!"

Seven days is an extremely delicate point in time, the time of creation recorded in the Creator's Holy Scriptures.

The Creator created everything in seven days, but unfortunately, no one can know what the second-generation Creator did in these seven days.

But at this moment, these seven days are a critical time for devout believers from all over the world to make pilgrimages.

Believers are constantly pouring into the Creator's heaven, and there is no shortage of demigods and angels.

This is definitely the highest level gathering outside of "feature aggregation".

The reason why "characteristic self-help" does not occur is entirely because the sunlight "purifies" all malicious intentions.

"There are so many people, you are trying to attack my treasure house!" Truman's face turned green when he saw it.

The influence of the ancient gods was swept away, and most of the characteristics were included in the Creator's Treasury. Among them, there was no shortage of sequence one and uniqueness. It was really unimaginably rich.

But the extraordinary people who came to make the pilgrimage this time were too terrifying. Once the "blessings" were given out, the newly filled treasure house would shrink by more than half.

"You have to give me some compensation!" Truman looked at Saslier.

"...That's my treasure trove!" Saslier said angrily as he almost slapped it with a blasphemous slate.

"Then tell me first what you are going to give me!" Truman asked this question. He hated the Riddler the most. He never guessed and asked directly.

"A kind of authority!" Saslier put his hand on his forehead and finally said.

A kind of authority?

Truman's eyes widened slightly. Is this a sudden surprise?

"Choose one out of five! Think carefully about what you want." Saslier added again.

"Can I still choose?!" Truman rolled his eyes, "Can I choose 'omniscient and omnipotent'?"

"What do you think?" Saslier folded his arms and looked at Truman with a smile.

"Ahem... forget it." Truman coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, "'Omniscient and omnipotent' is related to the power of the Chaos Sea. I guess I can't recreate it with 'All Things'."

"Ha..." Saslier chuckled, do you really want to choose "omniscience and omnipotence"?

"'Sun', 'Storm', 'White Tower', 'Fallen' and 'Utopia'..."

One path and one right, you can choose any one.

This "cake" was so good that even Truman felt a little unreal.

"It's so dreamy..." Dream Angel sighed. He even thought that the ancient sun god would give him those unique ownerships, but he didn't expect that it was his own authority.

"What should I choose?" Truman even had the urge to shout "I want them all", but adults knew that they couldn't afford it.

In this happy trouble, the seven-day pilgrimage ordained by the Creator begins.

Every land in the Creator's Heaven has a believer stopping there, and the entire Heaven is reverberating with devout prayers to the Creator.

Everyone is also waiting for the arrival of a special time.

That is the moment when the sun reaches its highest point in the world, which is also special for the Creator who uses the sun as his foundation.

"Clang! Clang!"

The midday hour has arrived, and a thick and distant bell rang from the largest sacrificial square, echoing throughout the Creator's Heaven.

"Praise the sun!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 83


Chapter 83

"Praise the sun!"

Amid the prayers of the believers, the sun that reached midday suddenly shone brightly.

A huge light and shadow condensed with the sun as its root, stepped down from the star world, gradually shrank in the process, and merged into the huge statue of the Creator.

The light gradually faded away, and Truman still looked familiar.

"Invite those major city-states who have made outstanding contributions in the Holy War!" Truman made a guest appearance and hosted this grand event.

"Greetings to His Highness Dream!" Many heroes walked out from among the believers and came to the altar.

The weakest of these heroes are all at the level of Sequence Four Demigods. They are basically pioneers of extraordinary power. Some of them surrendered during the war, and there are also believers who have believed in the ancient sun god for many years.

"Give me a surname!"

Sasriel was draped in the most gorgeous divine robe, held up his angel wings, and came in front of these kneeling heroes with the holy book in hand.

He opened the most primitive sacred book and selected the surname written by the ancient sun god.

"The Lord has heard your prayers, knows your achievements, and has given you the surname 'Solomon'. May you be accompanied by wisdom, and may you walk with piety. ..."

Solomon, or the "Black Emperor" path...Truman has a subtle sense of history. He doesn't know if this is the "Solomon" in his memory.

"...given the surname 'Zarath'..."

"...given the surname 'Tuduo'..."

"...given the surname 'Augustus'..."


They are all the original "nobles" of this world, the kind recognized by the Creator.

Truman pays attention to every familiar surname, but he doesn't know whether the person he remembers is themselves or their descendants.

But there is no doubt that these will be part of the Creator's order of the world.

The entire planet is so special that "enfranchisement" is a must. Even the archangels are assigned to major dioceses, and they also need their own "anchors."

"Giving a surname" is the beginning, and the next step is the highlight.

Each person who was given a surname received a copy of Sequence Two characteristics!

This is your ticket to angelic status!

And these surnames will become the most famous angel families in a thousand years.

"Fortunately, there is no sequence one..." Truman felt that the treasure house was already faintly withered.

There are naturally many sequence-one characteristics in the treasure house, which are all obtained from the holy war. Among them, the ancient gods themselves or their treasure houses are the main sources.

But it's obvious that these people's achievements have not yet reached the point where they can redeem their Sequence One characteristics.

However, after this grand event, the strength of the Creator's Kingdom will greatly increase, and the number of angels will at least double.

"Sasril!" The voice of the Creator God suddenly came out.

Many believers lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at God.

"You are the Vice-President of Heaven, my right hand, in charge of all parish affairs!"

"Yes!" Sasril stepped forward, and the brilliance from the statue of the Creator fell on Him.

Afterwards, Sasril recited the name of the Creator and looked at the believers present.

Hmm... wouldn't you go crazy talking to yourself like this?Truman complained silently on the sidelines.

"Dream Angel!" Saslier spoke seriously and read out the oracle, "You should be the king of angels, act on behalf of the Lord's authority, and execute the Lord's orders!"

Truman looked up at Saslier. On the private channel, Saslier had already asked, "Have you thought about it? What kind of authority do you want?" "Fantasy!" Truman made the decision without hesitation. Your own choice.

The "audience" can be called the son of the version, so it is natural to choose it, and this also involves the next development plan of The Truman Dream Book.

In addition, the other four can only increase his strength and knowledge, and are not particularly helpful for in-depth exploration of the Book of Dreams.

"...Okay!" Saslier nodded lightly.

"I have another question." Truman asked in his heart, "Why do you want to give me the power of 'dream' again."

Such a "cake" was too big, and Truman had to worry about whether the Creator had any requirements.

"There are indeed conditions, but I promise, you can definitely do it. It's not difficult." Saslier's words made Truman feel a little more at ease.

"Look carefully, you only have one chance." Saslier reminded.

Truman held his breath and concentrated, and slowly raised his head to look at the statue of the Creator. Through the statue, he saw the ancient sun god, who is now the Creator.

He gently held the silver cross hanging from his chest, the authority of "utopia" came, and the sun's rays enveloped Truman's body.

In the eyes of believers, this dreamy angel is receiving blessings from the Creator.

Under that light, the Book of Dreams quietly opened to the "All Things" page, recreating the "Utopian Powers".

This process went smoothly, and there were no unexpected situations, whether it was the Creator's "fantasy" or Truman's "everything".

"Sure enough..." During this process, Truman gained a deeper understanding of "everything".

"Recreating the authority of the True God is equivalent to stealing the power of the True God."

In other words, as long as this "everything" is revealed, Truman can become a "dreamer".

Even with time and other limitations, the power of this kind of re-enactment is somewhat beyond the norm.

"Book of Dreams..."

Truman walked aside in a daze.

"Pure white angel, you are pious enough and brave enough to follow the footsteps of the Lord and never change. You should be the king of angels!"

Saslier waved his hand and threw out two rays of golden light. They were two light clusters like small suns, two sequences of one characteristic of the "sun" path!

Truman was pulled back from his trance, and was slightly surprised. The ancient sun god only had the power of "omniscience and omnipotence" for seven days, and he was already able to divide the fundamental "sun"?

"Praise the sun!" Osykus knelt down on one knee and bowed his head in chant.

The two little suns are directly integrated into his body. Under the protection of the Creator, these characteristics will not have a bad impact on him.

And as long as Oseikus holds the corresponding promotion ceremony and mixes the magic potion, he can successfully become the King of Angels.

On this point, the Creator has nothing more to say to angels like them.

"Wind Angel!..."

Leodro also stepped forward and obtained two copies of the "Thunder God" attribute.

"Red Angel! You are the wrath of the Lord, the punishment of the Lord, and you punish all those who are contrary to the way of the Lord!"

Sasril directly gave a copy of the "Conqueror" and the uniqueness of the "Red Priest" path that was eliminated by the Creator of the power of dusk!

This is the only angel granted uniqueness.

But no one dared to say anything, because in this holy war, Medici's performance was enough to convince the most violent Leodro and the most arrogant Oseikus.

"Swear to follow the footsteps of the Lord!" Medici rarely had that tugging expression on his face, but instead knelt down devoutly to the statue of the Creator.

Both identity and uniqueness have entered Medici's body. As long as he becomes the "conqueror", the uniqueness will merge with him under the power of the quasi-old days.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 84 Fallen Morning Star


Chapter 84 Fallen Morning Star

Later, the Angel of Destiny Ouroleus and the Angel of Wisdom Herabergen both obtained two Sequence One attributes.

"..." Truman, who was in charge of the treasure house but also received great benefits, struggled to hold back.


The statue of the Creator appeared with a more majestic and ethereal aura than before, making everyone, demigods, and angels feel awe.

This time, the Creator truly appeared before humans.

"The Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God..."

Countless believers kowtowed to the figure of the descending God.

Among them, Truman, who was not so honest, quietly raised his head and saw more.

For example, the Creator holds a three- or four-year-old child on each hand!

hiss!Truman took a breath and felt something strongly wrong.

Calculating the time, it's time for these two children to appear!

"This is my firstborn son, Adam." The Creator spoke, causing everyone to raise their heads and look to His left.

The child seemed to be enveloped in a faint golden light, with a pair of bright and clear eyes staring curiously at everything in front of him. He wore a silver cross on his chest, shining brightly in the sun.

"In the distant future, you will become the savior of all living things." The Creator prophesied to the eldest son.

This is what the Creator expected of him.

"He will be the eighth King of Angels, the Angel of Utopia." After that, the Creator announced the news to everyone, "See him as you see me, respect and love him as you respect and love me."

Perhaps it was because the two children were born very young, maybe less than four days, but Truman could feel something from him.

For example, the uniqueness of the "writer" and the "ideologue" are both in a state of not being absorbed or digested, but are only integrated into the child's body by the power of "omniscience and omnipotence".

In terms of "blessing", this is equal to the Medici who has the highest merit...

This is something everyone can see.

Truman raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the angel beside him and the person who had just received the reward.

Really fun!

Several angels were expressionless, thoughtful, or angry.

Of course, there was also one who was preparing to record this classic scene with the original footage, and one who was looking at the two sons of God with a bit of a smirk.

This is the angel phase.

In addition, those demigods and saints were even more real. The vague jealousy and pious but entangled expressions made Truman hooked.

All beings!

"Aren't you afraid that a 'Fallen Morning Star' will appear?" Truman directly opened a small window to chat with Saslier.

The scene in front of me felt so familiar.

I believe anyone who knows that story will have this thought.

"Except for you, no one is qualified to become the 'Fallen Morning Star'." Saslier glanced at Truman.

My relationship has become an unstable factor...

Truman was speechless. Among all the angels, he was the most special. He had an independent territory, an independent believer, and his own strength was enough to break away from the restrictions of the Creator. He had the qualifications to raise a flag and rebel like the "Fallen Morning Star" in the story...

As for the other angels, even Medici, who leads the legion, does not have the strength and confidence.

"Ahem, do you need me to make a cameo?"

It's just a joke. Truman has not yet been guilty of "arrogance" and has no thoughts about these two sons of God, so he will not become the "fallen morning star".

"No need." Saslier maintained his posture as the deputy king of heaven and did not pay much attention to Truman.

"This is my second son, Amon." This is the second child on the right hand of the Creator.

This child was more lively than the eldest son of God. He had a pair of wide, black and shining eyes, and his little hand was holding a monocle made of crystal.

He was playing happily with his little hands, looking at everyone through his monocle.

"You are the god of cunning, the god of mischief, and the light when the end is coming." The Creator prophesied to Amon. "He is also the ninth King of Angels, the Angel of Time."

"You go to Sasril first." The Creator told Adam and Amon.

Although they are two children, they are born mythical creatures. They are truly born with enough knowledge about their own characteristics.

And after inheriting the knowledge of their own characteristics, they can quickly grasp how to "become" themselves.

Especially Adam, he seems to know how to show the most innocent smile to gain everyone's trust.

As for Amon, he looked at people through the monocle made of crystal, with a different kind of smile shining in his eyes.

"Are you my companions?" Amon asked in a tone that seemed innocent, but in the eyes of many angels was almost provocative.

This naughty kid stole an idea from a bystander through the monocle, and then decided to tease it.

This is the bad thing about being born with mythical creatures. They are almost equal to their own characteristics and uniqueness.

Therefore, their natural character inherits all the characteristics of their path.

Like Medici...

"Yo! This kid suits my taste!" Medici immediately started to pull out Amon's silky black hair.

Amon was also stunned. He did not expect Medici to be so bold and attack him, the second son of the Creator.

He pinched the monocle, and the light flashed, and then he reached out to Medici's body in retaliation, making a "stealing" movement.

"Don't make trouble!" Saslier said softly, and a surge of shadow power destroyed this "stealing".

Amon didn't know the importance at all. What he directly stole was the uniqueness and sequence-one characteristics of Medici's body.

Regardless of success or failure, this behavior itself may have a subtle impact on the mentality of the angels...

They have just received gifts from the Creator.

"Oh, I really have the idea of ​​becoming a 'Fallen Morning Star'." Truman, who was watching everything from the side, suddenly sighed.

"The conditions for me to obtain the power of 'Utopia' are related to the two of them?" Truman asked Saslier.

"Yes." Saslier's words made Truman really consider the possibility of becoming a "Fallen Morning Star".

He felt that he had jumped into a big hole.

"First of all, this cannot be an exchange for that chair." Truman said solemnly.

The chair here is naturally the only vacant chair in the dream paradise.

That is "mysterious".

This secret organization led by Truman has proven its superiority with the end of the Age of Ancient Gods.

That last chair cannot simply be given away.

"I know," Saslier looked at Truman, "I'm just looking for a possibility for the future."

Is it because of Bethel... Truman's eyes flashed. Now Bethel is his apprentice. If he is asked to choose between Bethel and Amon, there is no doubt about the answer.

But... maybe there is still a possibility. Now that He is the Creator, He has predicted something again?Is it related to the late fifth era?

This ability to predict is really a rogue thing!

"..." Truman was silent for a while, "The final winner, no matter who it is."

Of course, Truman knew who it would be.

 There are still [-] words left at noon...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 85


Chapter 85

"The final winner?" Saslier nodded slightly. This was expected. Only "Mystery" can sit on that chair, not the person who sits on that chair can become "Mystery".

The topic of "secret" was soon revealed.

"I hope you can teach Amon for a while." Saslier requested Truman. As for Adam, he did not speak and would personally teach the eldest son of God.

Um... So I'm waiting here!Truman rejected Saslier in disguise before, but now he seems to have no reason to refuse.

Isn't this what it means to be Amon's teacher?

Truman glanced at Amon. The little kid looked at Medici with an unhappy expression. Medici had a provocative smile, as if he was encouraging Amon to steal his uniqueness...

Medici is also a born mythical creature, that is, the Creator himself can make him believe in awe, but the Creator's son is not in this range.

"Huh?" Amon suddenly turned his head and looked at Truman, who had no presence behind Saslier. At the same time, Adam was also paying attention to Truman.

When Truman paid attention to them, the two only children who became sperms were keenly aware of the difference between Truman and other angels.


Damn it, Amon, who is only four days old, already knows how to push a monocle...

As for Adam, he showed Truman a pure and innocent smile.


Truman nodded slightly and agreed.

After that, all the angels and believers fell silent, watching the Creator turn into a blazing light and gradually disappear into the star world.

At that moment, a huge rain of light fell from the sky, covering almost the entire world, and penetrated into the bodies of all living things bit by bit.

This is the "baptism" of the old days, a combination of the power of "sun" and "dream", which can calm the madness in the body, similar to Truman's dreamy phosphorescence.

It's just that... this "baptism" of the Creator is very special and has the effect of "naturalization". After today, unbelievers will praise the sun, and believers will not reject the sun.

This is the power of a Creator.

He would not stop singing praises to the Creator for seven days and seven nights. Truman slipped away midway, returned to the dreamland, and opened "Everything".

In this page, "everything" has an additional change, which is "fantasy". Now he can even directly transform into the dragon of fantasy and play the role of the one who moves in this world.

"Wonderful!" Truman pointed his finger, and he began to undergo some subtle changes. He did not directly transform into a dragon, but maintained a human form. His skin was fluorescent white, and if you look closely, you can see some dense dragon scales.

His eyes also became clear enough, as if they could reflect the entire world.

"Have I become a god? A 'visionary'?" Truman indeed felt the personality of a real god, not like the illusion of the previous "elf", but a complete personality of a god!

"The power of 'dream' really suits me very well!"

There seemed to be a world taking shape in Truman's eyes, with tall buildings, busy traffic, iron birds with wings flying, and iron shells with round legs running.

One of the powers of "Dreamers" is that the kingdom of fantasy will surely come to the real world.

If Truman is willing, when this scene comes, it will be a real "miracle city".

However, Truman shook his head slightly and did not let the city come, and instead thought about other aspects of the "utopian" power.

Needless to say, the main two aspects of power are not weaker than the Dragon of Fantasy, but some applications in other aspects make Truman very concerned.

"I don't have any characteristics in my body, so can I just dream up two sequences?"

Truman blinked, and then two balls of light fell on his hands.

Two copies of the "Writer" trait!

"It's real, but it's also illusory." Truman frowned, understanding the essence.These two "writer" characteristics can be mixed into a potion and drunk, but the prerequisite is that he never removes the effect of the "visionary" transformation.

Once he releases his own transformation, these two characteristics will still dissipate, and the person who takes the potion to become a "writer" will fall to sequence two, and may even lose control.

"And their essence is still dreamy phosphorescence."

Dream creations are something that Truman has mastered from the beginning. They can manifest some ordinary food, buildings, etc., but their essence is still dreamy phosphorescence, and they cannot manifest extraordinary properties.

"But it's not without gain..." Truman tried his various guesses about the power of "dream".

"Utopia" is also a manifestation of "omniscience and omnipotence". It is a very terrifying power to dream up various realities that do not exceed a certain limit.

And this limit is generally the limit of gods. The uniqueness is too special and difficult to imagine.

"Truman!" Medici's voice sounded from the outside world. Truman was now among the statues and saw Medici knocking his statue with his fist.

"Sasril asked me to send this little crow over!"

Truman had already seen a crow on Medici's shoulder.

There is an illusory mark around Crow's right eye.

In this short period of time, this born mythical creature has figured out a new way to play.

Truman walked out of the statue and brought the two angel kings to his fairy tale castle.

Well... Lilith has gone to the giant tribe to prepare for the ceremony of becoming a god, and the Angel of Life has also followed.

"This place is beautiful, can I steal it?"

This... is so polite!

Truman and Medici rolled their eyes at the same time, it was really difficult to evaluate this "little crow".

"Little crow, if you dare to steal his things, you will definitely be beaten to death." Medici seemed to be persuading, but in reality he was bewitching.

He is a special one among the kings of angels. As a born mythical creature, he is very similar to Amon and Adam. He acts completely according to his nature and only becomes "normal" when facing the Creator.

At this time, he wanted to watch the excitement.

"Are you my teacher?" Amon fell to the ground and turned into a three or four-year-old child again. At this time, he raised his head and looked at Truman, full of scrutiny.

In the eyes of this born mythical creature, no one could teach him except his father.

But it was His Father's will that He come here.

"Probably." Truman knelt down and looked at the young Amon.

"Then do you have anything to teach me?" Amon looked at Truman, and a faint light flashed through his crystal-ground monocle. He was stealing Truman's thoughts with his "stealer" authority.

It's just a shame it failed.

Truman is still hanging on to his "utopian" power.

The naughty child is like this... Truman comforted himself and said that he would be beaten a few more times in the future.

However, Truman really thought about it carefully, and suddenly an idea flashed, and a book appeared in his hand.

"Book of Brass".

(End of this chapter)