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Chapter 61 "Everything"

Chapter 61 "Everything"

The battlefield between humans and elves fell silent, and everyone and the elves were looking up at the mythical creature form of the dream angel.

This is very weird and does not belong to any known mythical creature. It is even more impossible to guess the sequence and path of the dream angel.

No matter which path the mythical creature takes, it is highly polluted. If an ordinary person takes one look at it, his spirit will collapse and he will die.

But the mythical creature form in front of me doesn't have this feeling and can be looked at directly.

"Looking directly at the dreamer, do you think you are a dream believer?" A strange smile flashed in Truman's eyes. This is mandatory, even more exaggerated than the preaching of the Sun Path.

At the same time, those demigod angels who looked directly at the dream body felt warning signs in their hearts and immediately looked away.

As long as they look directly at it long enough, they will also change their beliefs.

Truman put away the form of this mythical creature and returned to his human form. He looked up at the Elf King who had locked onto him and would throw another lightning storm at any time.

He probably couldn't have expected such a scene, and even now in the confrontation with the ancient sun god, he still cast his gaze on Truman.

In the sight full of violence and desire for destruction, Truman opened the fourth page of the dream book in his hand.

It had been completely manifested at the moment Truman's dream body took shape, which means that Truman has a deeper control over the book of dreams.

This is something he has been searching for for hundreds of years, but has been unable to get a glimpse of it, and it has been delayed until now.

Now Truman also knows the reason.

"Everything." Truman named the authority recorded in the book, which symbolizes all the complicated and endless things in reality, the spiritual world, and the star world.

It represents the fickleness and limitlessness of "dream" power.

Just like destiny has countless forks, destiny will not take on a true shape until Truman makes his own choice.

"Elf." This is the change Truman chose.

In the next moment, Truman's mental body, body, and even destiny changed.

His eyes became a deep blue like the ocean, and his hair was dyed the color of lightning and the ocean.

He truly became an elf, even...the elf king!

"Lightning Storm!"

Truman snapped his fingers following the violent desire that suddenly surged in his heart.

A lightning storm that could also destroy a continent and cause a planet-level disaster took shape under the snap of Truman's fingers and struck at the Elf King!

"blasphemer! How dare you steal my authority?!" the Elf King roared, probably having never been struck by lightning since he gained spiritual intelligence.

But that god-level lightning storm was real, no worse than the one struck by the Elf King himself.


A certain boundary was shattered in front of Truman's eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have truly become the storm itself, possessing the status of an ancient god!

"Tsunami... Uh!" Truman suddenly felt a sense of emptiness, and his Elf King form directly dissipated!

"Knowledge and understanding." Truman quickly found the reason. He had mastered the true god-level lightning storm, but he still only mastered it.

This is the limitation and insufficiency of the authority of "all things". It cannot incarnate things that Truman has not yet specifically understood. It has a person but no authority.

"Now I can be considered a real 'demigod', half a true god, or can I also be called a 'false god'?"

Truman also quickly learned that the way he obtained the authority of the true god was a kind of "stealing", or "re-engraving", and the upper limit was incredibly high.

The way to obtain authority is also very simple, just like this lightning storm, it will be clear after being struck once.

"I probably really became a 'blasphemer'."

Truman suddenly looked at the Elf King, his eyes sparkling. As long as the Elf King beats him a few more times, it is not certain who the Elf King will be!

"Damn it!" The Elf King glared at Truman from the star realm, but he did not dare to inflict any more divine punishment. The ancient god's intuition let him know how this blasphemer stole his authority.

"Come and hit me!" Truman shouted, and Medici even fell to the ground. The real provocation should be so simple and unpretentious.The Elf King's eyes were full of violence, but he knew that ignoring Truman was the best way to deal with it.

"Let me do it." A voice sounded in Truman's ears.

Truman looked towards the direction of the Kingdom of God, the Creator, and saw a sun rising slowly above the star realm.

The ancient sun god is going to personally take action to take back the power of the Elf King.

Of course, there is also the slightest possibility that he does not want the authority he has not yet obtained to be stolen away...

"Tsk, what a pity!" Truman said "tsk" like Medici. Knowing the outcome of this divine battle, the Elf King might not be completely dead.

He will never find such a good target for provocation in the future.

"The war is over." Truman landed on the ground, in the center of the battle between the human and elven armies.

"You should know what I mean." Truman looked at the Queen of Disaster.

The Queen of Natural Disasters, Goshinam, looked up at the battle of gods in the star realm, with uncontrollable horror in her eyes.

"How is it possible..." His eyes seemed to have lost all color.

Truman didn't even need to look to know the scene in the star realm.

The "Black Emperor's Crown" and "Scroll of Civilization" on his body have been "grazed" by the ancient sun god.

In addition, the newly acquired "Brass Book" of the uniqueness of the Judge's Path, the uniqueness of the Wrong Path, and even the Desecrated Tablet.

These uniquenesses have been integrated into the virtual personality separated by the sea of ​​chaos, which is similar to living beings and can be "herded".

The power held by the ancient Sun God, who is covered in divine attire, has become infinitely closer to "omnipotence".

In that chaotic sea, the ancient sun god became a huge light and shadow that seemed to be able to support the heaven and earth.

In the light and shadow, there are several extremely special areas, twisted lines, written laws, civilized progress, and a huge clock.

That is the embodiment of "distortion", "order", "civilization", "error" and other powers.

This is probably a manifestation of the omnipotence of "herding". After exiling these uniquenesses, the ancient sun god also took control of these powers.

The sun shines on every corner of the real world, and countless believers kneel on the ground to pray devoutly.

"The Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God: You are the source of all greatness, you are the beginning and the end; you are the God of gods, the ruler of the vast star world..."

The prayers of endless believers have gathered into the ocean of faith, and countless light points are emitting shimmering light. They merge into the chaotic sea water, causing it to roll endlessly, with "white towers", "storms", "souls", etc. A shadow appears.

The ancient sun god at this time can be regarded as half of the old days.

This time, the ancient sun god who appeared in front of people seemed to be standing on the trend of history and had supreme dominance.

Compared with him, the Elf King on the opposite side was already in decline.

He still launched an impact at the speed of light with endless sea water, and the lightning that could penetrate the planet was also blazing.

But all this is useless.

Under the suppression of the Sea of ​​Chaos and other powerful forces, the Elf King's power was gradually being deprived of

He has been completely suppressed and there is no hope anymore.

"This is the trend of history." Truman said softly.

"Is this the historical trend set by you?!" Goshinam shouted sharply.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 62 The ancient sun god in full glory


Chapter 62 The ancient sun god in full glory

"Is this the historical trend set by you?!"

Goshinam's voice was full of unwillingness to fate.

"...Yes." Truman was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.


A scattered thunder exploded in the real world, which was the leakage of the power of God's Battlefield.

The Elf King is already making his last stand. His body has been conceptualized, becoming a storm and an ocean.

"God says, Chaos!"

The gentle voice of the ancient sun god seemed particularly cold at this time.

This sentence contained too much powerful authority, which greatly affected the Elf King's state. He retreated from the conceptual state and his mental state was in chaos.

"God said, come back."

Another oracle echoed in the star world, and the Elf King's own existence was blurred. The sequence-one characteristics and uniqueness of the "tyrant" in his body began to be torn apart from the Elf King himself under the strong impulse of convergence.

What is separated must come together. This is the underlying law of this world, and the ancient sun god revealed this law and strengthened it to the extent that it could affect the ancient gods.

"Roar!" The Elf King was using the authority of the non-adjacent pathways in his body to resist, and his ancient god personality was also forcibly condensing the characteristics in his body.

But everyone knows that the Elf King's defeat is only a matter of time.

"Roar!" Truman's heart was shocked, and his spirit was slightly shaken for a moment.

Not just him, the sea of ​​collective subconscious was buzzing, with a huge creature wandering in it, peering at the ancient sun god in the star realm.

"It's the Dragon of Fantasy!" Goshinam's eyes lit up a little, and he seemed to see hope.

"That's not all." Truman sensed more. He turned around and saw doors that seemed both illusory and real appeared outside the area illuminated by the sun.

Behind these doors are a pair of bronze eyes watching everything indifferently, with pale flames representing death burning blazingly in them.

The Phoenix Ancestor is also here.

The giant king Ormir had a tacit understanding with the ancient sun god. He would be responsible for containing the giant dragon and the phoenix. Now it seems that he has broken the contract.

But who cares about Giant's promises?

If the ancient sun god is still clumsy and only defeats the elf king with a "slight" advantage, the giant king will be happy to cooperate with the ancient sun god.

But the ancient sun god who is now in full power has made all the ancient gods feel fear.

This is the existence that truly destroyed the balance of power among the ancient gods.

"No chance." Truman glanced at the approaching dusk and dusk, and shook his head slightly.

Even if all the ancient gods come, the winner will still be the ancient sun god.

"Roar!" "Zhi!"

The phoenix and the fantasy dragon attacked the ancient sun god's body at the same time.

The space gate manifested directly behind the ancient sun god, and the river of death even threatened to pollute the purity of the sun.

It's just that the ancient sun god didn't even take a glance.

There was just a line of writing quietly added to the brass book.

"Teleportation is prohibited here!"

The space door collapsed instantly, and the Phoenix's attack was also intercepted.


The sea of ​​chaos at the feet of the ancient Sun God suddenly stirred up a huge wave, rolling towards the Dragon of Imagination who also took action.

None of His "utopian" authority seems to be available.The Dragon of Utopia is even more unbearable than the Phoenix. All its abilities are suppressed by the Sea of ​​Chaos, and its situation is even similar to that of the Elf King who is about to collapse.

Just a scroll of civilization picture has completely immobilized him.

"Death!" The Phoenix strikes again, and the power of death is invading. It is a cloud made of bones, and the gray air is spreading, and even the sun itself is dying!

But at the same time, the twisted lines on the Black Emperor's crown swayed slightly, and the objects of these death effects were twisted and turned into the Elf King on the verge of collapse.

"Olmyr!" Phoenix Greycaria couldn't help but call out the name of her sworn enemy.

When the Dragon of Fantasy was suppressed by the Sea of ​​Chaos, the power of an ancient god alone could not even shake the sky-reaching light and shadow of the Sun God.


Dusk truly eroded the realm of the sun, and a ray of red light even cut through the space imprisoned by the brass book.

The big sword in the hand of the giant king Olmir is very strange and looks extremely heavy. This is not an illusion, it is the sacrifice of the entire giant family.

The giant clan has become an "army", and their power is now concentrated on this great sword.

"Bah!" The Phoenix came back, and a huge city loomed in the depths of the spiritual world, which was the underworld.

And deep in the underworld is a flowing, illusory, colorless dark river.

The river was so blurry that there was only an outline, surrounded by a gray-white barrier-like mist.

A stream of river water was driven by the Phoenix and poured into the realm of the sun.

Still carrying out the final harvest, he felt connected to the ancient sun god and looked at the dark river inside the door.

The Chaos Sea reacted abnormally, and the rolling seawater seemed to rush towards the river projection behind the door.


The huge clock representing "error" suddenly started to rotate. It was pulling the gray-white mist and imprisoning the dark river water again!

The ancient sun god influenced the seal made of gray mist through "wrong" authority!

The dark river water was restricted for a moment, and the huge light and shadow representing the ancient sun god finally moved.

The chaotic sea under his feet suddenly set off turbulent waves, and the various uniquenesses controlled by the shadows were also conceptualized, and the power of various authorities permeated the entire star realm.

The Dragon of Fantasy is about to be submerged by the sea of ​​chaos, and the giants and phoenixes are blocked by various forces.

"Sleep forever."

The sigh from the Creator spread to every corner of the world.

All the creatures who heard the sigh couldn't help but look up at the stars, having a premonition that something was going to happen.

The figure standing upright, as if supporting the heaven and the earth, raised his hand, and with a weak press, it fell on the head of the Elf King.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, leaving only a pure and bright light.

The Scourge Queen's hope was completely shattered, her face turned sad, and she had already anticipated the ending.

He was smart enough and knew that this day's defeat was even destined. He stopped it, but did not change the final outcome.

"Are you going to take action against the elves?" The Calamity Queen's expression turned cold and arrogant again, and she looked at the confused and frightened elves behind her.

They cannot accept the collapse of their faith in a short period of time.

"The elves will not be extinct." Truman shook his head slightly.

The race of the ancient gods is not their main target, except of course the demons!

"Thank you." Goshinam nodded slightly, his expression softening a lot.

He waved his hand, and the troops belonging to the elves were swept up by the strong wind and flung towards the territory belonging to the elves, while he himself flew towards the Kingdom of God of the Elf King and returned to the palace belonging to the king.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 63 Elf Funeral Song


Chapter 63 Elf Funeral Song


A thick bolt of lightning exploded in everyone's mind, and the entire starry sky was covered in blazing white thunder.

This is not the Elf King's counterattack, but his funeral song.

This is the last time He activates the thunder that can split the planet apart.

Some conceptual storms and waves were drawn out of the elf king's body that was on the verge of destruction, and he no longer had the ability to resist.

The turbulent waters of the Sea of ​​Chaos wrapped around this conceptual storm and gradually approached the ancient sun god, and finally merged into it.

At the same time, the three ancient gods, the Dragon of Fantasy, the Phoenix Ancestor, and the King of Giants, launched their strongest attack, taking advantage of the moment when the ancient sun god merged with the characteristics of the elves to attack!

However, the ancient sun god raised his head at this moment and looked at the three ancient gods. What flashed in his eyes was no longer the gentle light golden light, but a blazing white lightning storm with a destructive aura!

It seemed that in just a moment, the ancient sun god was able to take control of the Elf King.

The attacks of the three ancient gods all stalled.


All the portals to the underworld opened immediately, and a huge phoenix disappeared behind the door. The door slammed shut, sealing the entire underworld to the deepest part of the spiritual world.

"Roar!" The giant dragon roared unwillingly, but could only retreat and instantly disappeared into the star realm, returning to the City of Miracles.

Dusk solidified in the star world, but in the end he had to retreat. If he didn't leave, he might be the next person to be eaten.


The Elf King's body lost the most important support to maintain the characteristics and uniqueness of his personality, and collapsed directly.

As an ancient god, he, like other ancient gods, has had countless characteristics, and he will not let them go as long as they are related to authority.

So this explosion is another gift to the world. The ancient gods died and all things were born!

Countless thunders splashed towards the real world, the spirit world and the star world, which were the characteristics of various ancient gods.

It's just different from the previous one. This divine battle has a winner, and everything is his spoils.

However, today's ancient Sun God doesn't seem to pay much attention to these, and still flies to all directions with those characteristics without interception.

In the turbulent sea of ​​chaos at his feet, there was a breath that was solidifying, and the illusory symbol of the storm gradually became real.

It's just that, on some level, it's dangerous.

This is the end of the Second Age. That God's will is terrifyingly strong. Every time he takes a step closer to the original God and accommodates an additional path, the probability of His awakening increases geometrically.

Of course, the ancient sun god also expected this. He reached out and took off the huge clock hanging on the shadow and stuffed it into his body.

This has always been an important means for him to suppress God's recovery, and it can still help him stabilize his own state.

The next moment, the huge light and shadow gradually shrank, and finally disappeared into the deepest part of the Creator's Heaven.

The sea of ​​chaos also collapsed into a small point, gradually submerged into the ground and disappeared.

The ancient sun god also needs a certain amount of time to digest everything in the path of the "storm".

The star world has returned to its clearest appearance, all the ancient gods have gone dormant, and the Elf King has completely become history.

Truman arrived outside the Kingdom of Elf God at this time.

After the death of the Elf King, the kingdom of God that once held all the splendor of the elves also began to collapse. Some fell into the depths of the spiritual world, and some sank to the deep seabed.

Truman watched the highest elf temple collapse and shatter.

Goshinam was sitting in his seat, with the dilapidated elven temple behind him, and he was overlooking the elves' last glory.

In the end, He himself also collapsed, his body turned into several parts, and his characteristics fell to an unknown island.

It all happened naturally. Truman discovered something, but he didn't stop it.Even if Goshinam escaped at this time, he would not necessarily pursue him.

Countless elves are fleeing to all parts of the world, and human extraordinary people are chasing them, but the scale is not large, and the elves can at least retain most of the people.

"Where's the God of Luck?"

Truman suddenly thought of something. Looking around, he saw the temple of the God of Luck, but it was already empty of people and all traces had been erased.

The person enshrined inside had foreseen something from God and ran away.

"Is this luck?" Truman shook his head slowly. He really just wanted to make friends with the God of Luck!

"There is also a 'god of beauty'."

Truman looked for the beautiful god who had just taken refuge with the Elf King, and found that he had already run away with the people of the blood race.

Truman wouldn't believe it if Lilith didn't tell the secret!

Truman stretched out his hand and pulled out a treasure house from somewhere in the Elf Kingdom.

This is the treasure house of the elves, and it is the extraordinary characteristics accumulated by the elves for thousands of years.

"'Perfect' Sequence One, Civilization Enlightener?!" There are many magical items, but the one that can surprise Truman is this "Civilization Enlightenment".

"The giant clan has a 'Civilization Scroll', and the elves have a 'civilization enlightener'?"

A strange smile flashed across Truman's face, "I'm afraid the remaining two sequences are in the hands of those extraordinary races that have formed a unique civilization."

It makes sense that "enlighteners of civilization" inspire civilization.


Bethel followed Truman's instructions and came to the edge of the battlefield between human extraordinary people and elves.

It's just that he didn't come at the right time. When he "traveled" to this place, it was already a scene where Truman committed blasphemy and then revealed his dream body.

He marveled at the teacher's power, but the divine battle that followed shocked his soul even more. He didn't even dare to raise his head, trembling in the endless divine power.

The dream badge on his body was sprinkled with phosphorescence, protecting his spirit.

Just for a moment, his inspiration struck him, and he suddenly turned his head to look, staring closely at the twisted space behind him.

It was a small puddle, a remnant of the battle between the elves summoning the tide and the human extraordinary.

The water is clear enough, like a mirror that reflects everything.

As a "secret mage", Bethel looked at the puddle quietly. He did not dare to look up at God's battlefield, but in some aspects he was reckless enough and went directly to it with the "eyes of peeping into secrets" he recorded. Examine the puddle.

In his eyes, there was a beautiful figure wearing a dark robe looking at him in the mirror-like puddle.

The man's eyes were filled with a kind of envy and twisted resentment that he couldn't understand.

"Who are you?" Bethel felt the strong malice and was no longer polite. His prying eyes went deeper into the puddle.


The dark robe suddenly flashed out of the puddle. Bethel's face changed slightly, and the dream badge on his body actually trembled slightly.

"Teacher's breath!" Bethel was shocked.

"Are you His apprentice?" An unusually sweet voice sounded in her ears, and Bethel could even think of what a beautiful girl this was for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 64 "Mystic Mage" and "Despair Witch"


Chapter 64 "Mystic Mage" and "Despair Witch"

That voice had intoxicating power, but a strong warning signal sounded in Bethel's heart.

"Witch demigod?" Following Truman, Bethel's extraordinary knowledge has gone beyond the scope of demigods. He has a relatively in-depth understanding of various paths, and he guessed the opponent's path immediately.

"Shut up!" Such resentful yelling and scolding can turn into touching and charming anger. She is definitely a witch.

Bethel stabilized his mental state by "keeping secrets" and tried not to be affected by the witch's charm.

"Who are you? Why do you have the aura of a teacher on your body?" The dreamy phosphorescence was unique, and Bethel directly recognized the characteristics of the dark robe.

He moved his fingers quietly and released the "mind reading" he had recorded, paying close attention to every momentary fluctuation of the other person's mind.

"He is really your teacher..." The figure in the puddle seemed to confirm something.

"You are so lucky..." the witch sighed.

But Bethel felt an almost perverted obsession, and it was directed at his teacher!

This witch seems to have something in mind for his teacher!

Bethel's eyes widened, and his slightly paralyzed face became a little tense.

"He gave this to me." That sweet voice carried a vague guidance, and the message contained in this sentence shocked Bethel's heart.

"Impossible!" But in an instant, Bethel guarded his heart.

He rationally realized that it might not be what he guessed, and the other party was just giving verbal guidance. This was the power of the "instigator".

"As far as I know, there are many human beings who have been favored by teachers. You are not the special one." Bethel regained his composure.

Many devout people among mankind have been favored by dreams, and the saint Hermes became the favored one by dreams.

"I'm not special, but I can be the only one!" There was a certain obsession in the witch's voice.


Bethel was even a little hard to understand for a while.

"Everything is for the dream!" The witch prayed in a decent manner, with such piety and fanaticism that she almost deceived Bethel.

It's not like this belief is fake.

Bethel thought calmly and made his own response, "But I don't feel the slightest faith in the teacher in you!"

"Then there are only two situations left, you betray Mew's teachings, or you kill Mew's followers!"

Either way, it was enough for Bethel to take action against such a witch.

"Lightning storm!" Bethel snapped his fingers, and a lightning storm directly cleared the area, destroying all the mirror worlds contained in nearby puddles!

His lightning storm was only recorded in a historical projection, and its power was far from comparable to the lightning storm his teacher launched against the Elf King.

But this is already a super-killing move at his current level.

"Ahem!" But when the lightning storm swept everything, Bethel suddenly felt dizzy and felt a little spiritually trapped.

The "disease" of the witch's path!

Before he attacked the witch, the witch had already deployed the supernatural germs.

The witch is disgusted by his existence and truly wants to practice the "uniqueness" in that sentence.

Extraordinary germs are still useful for demigod creatures, and can cause their bodies to rot, even spiritual chaos, and divinity imbalance.

Bethel reached out and swiped, and there were layers of portals stacked in front of his body. The actual distance between him and the invisible enemy did not become farther, but it seemed that they were separated by countless time and space.

There are countless invisible supernatural germs permeating the space, but they can no longer contaminate Bethel.An illusory book appeared in Bethel's eyes. It flipped rapidly and stopped at a certain page.

As the apprentice of the dream angel, his "records" are also dream-like configurations, coming from demigods or even angels in the Creator's heaven.

"Dragon Breath"!

Comes from the fourth "Manipulator" of the Dragon Path Sequence.

A huge dragon shadow appeared behind Bethel, and suddenly breathed out an illusory spiritual breath.

The range of action of this breath is large enough, with powerful mind-shaking power, it also completely breaks the witch's "invisibility".

A beautiful figure completely appeared in front of Bethel.

At this moment, Bethel saw the thrilling curves wrapped in the dark robe, and the pair of bright eyes that were still seductive even though they were fierce.

This witch's appearance is not a peerless one that would put the world to shame. Her facial features are not particularly outstanding, but when combined, she has a special charm that is just right.

Exactly everything you like.

No!What am I looking at... This is just the temptation of the witch!

Is this the charm of the "Pleasure Witch"?

Bethel was so frightened that he even looked away unconsciously, and this was what the other party wanted.

Countless illusory shadows flashed in the witch's eyes, which were the resentful souls she had killed and imprisoned.

These resentful spirits dissipated one by one and turned into a secret curse, falling on Bethel.

Bethel felt an unimaginable pain and despair almost instantly!

Those are the negative emotions generated by these resentful spirits after experiencing unimaginable torture. With a sense of despair that destroys everything, they want to drag Bethel's soul into the abyss.

"You are not worthy of being a teacher's disciple!" Bethel's face turned serious. His mental state was too stable, and the despair could not even affect him at all.

Under the protection of dreams, he never even felt what it meant to be out of control.

The next moment, there was a pure sunlight shining on him, purifying all the resentful souls, and then he stretched out his hand to grab it again.

"Space hidden"!

Bethel made the large space where the witch is located into a space pocket or a space prison!

The witch was imprisoned in prison.


The witch's flowing and supple hair swelled wildly, instantly forming a giant network that was dense enough to cover the entire space.

The witch, on the other hand, received various movements in this space like a spider.

In the direction where the wind blows, there is a hidden space door!

All hidden spaces must have a "door", but the location of the door depends on the creator's ideas.

Bethel directly set it to the distance of one person in front of him!

If the witch wants to escape from this space, she must face his attack.

This is Bethel's absolute confidence.

He held an illusory book in his hand, directly released the ability recorded in the small half of the book, and threw it into the divided space.

Lightning storm, violent wind and tide, weak point attack, solar purification...

Bethel did not consider the waste of various abilities at all, and only threw out a small part of his accumulation.

He is truly wealthy and completely crushes a "witch of pain".

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 65 "Disaster"


Chapter 65 "Disaster"

This combo of Bethel's attacks would be unbearable for any demigod. There were too many attacks in a short period of time and the intensity was too great.

Even the powerful attacks of several sequence three levels mixed in are enough threats to sequence three.

In Bethel's eyes, the witch in the space has made several mirror or wand substitutes to avoid injuries, or she has frozen herself in ice to resist various attacks.

But there are limits to these. When the witch's various accumulations are exhausted, her end can be imagined.

Bethel planned to capture the witch first and bring her back to the Dreamland for trial.

But things in the world are ever-changing...


A bolt of thunder exploded in everyone's hearts, and Bethel and the Witch stiffened at the same time on the edge of the battlefield, unable to move.

The attacks of those demigods and even Sequence Three were stagnant, including the space hidden.

The two of them were as weak as ordinary people under this thunder.

Both Bethel and the Witch subconsciously looked up at the manifested star realm.

The war in the star realm has already decided the winner. The Elf King's body completely collapsed, and countless characteristics splashed around, falling to every corner of the world.

No one dared to snatch it, but Bethel looked at the flashing lights and soon his face became slightly condensed.

There was a huge "meteor" flying towards the edge of the battlefield where he was!

"Aggregation of extraordinary characteristics?" Bethel frowned slightly, but he didn't feel anything strange. "It's not for me."

"It's the witch!" Bethel caught a glimpse of the witch who was still fighting with him from the corner of his eye. The witch's charming eyes were fixed on the ball of lightning, as if she was about to rush forward.

Block it!Bethel stretched out his hand to draw a crack in space, hoping to lead the electric snake to the spirit world.

But as soon as he took action, he felt an unparalleled sense of crisis. The ability of the "astrologer" allowed him to see the scene where he was hit by a "meteor"!


Bethel looked serious and wanted to stay away from that "meteor" completely.

Everything around him is being conceptualized, reality is like a faded oil painting, the ink is gradually fading, and Bethel has already seen the bizarre spiritual world.

It's just that the "trip" failed.

The "meteor" had already caused great pressure on the surrounding spiritual world just by approaching it, making it more difficult to "open the door".

"Don't go." came the witch's charming voice that made even Bethel feel awe-inspiring, and a sense of restraint appeared at Bethel's feet.

It was a complex and mysterious spider web that extended to Bethel's feet. Black flames ignited in it, burning Bethel's spirit, making it impossible for him to "open the door" to travel smoothly.

Bethel's expression changed drastically, and in just a moment, the "shooting star" fell into the hands of the witch opposite.

The thunder and lightning gradually subsided, revealing its characteristic appearance. It was a dark and deep mirror, and countless things and spaces seemed to be hidden inside.

Bethel's prying eyes, which had no time to close, received some information from the mirror.


Floods and tsunamis overwhelmed his consciousness in an instant, and a terrifying earthquake struck. The place where he stood was directly shattered, and he was about to fall into the endless abyss.


The dreamy phosphorescence erupted, directly pulling Bethel out of the catastrophic environment.

"It's a high-level characteristic of the Witch Path!" Bethel remembered what the teacher said, and the high-ranking Witch Path also has the power to disaster!

This is consistent with the "natural disaster" of the storm path where the elves are located to a certain extent!

The Elf King may have also eaten the "disaster" when he was randomly eating the characteristics!

Oops!Bethel's heart grew heavy.

The witch's eyes are full of joy, this characteristic can make her an angel!

"Do you know? Everything you have now should be mine!" The witch held the dark mirror and pointed the mirror towards Bethel, slowing down his movements and preventing him from successfully jumping into the spirit world.

This mirror attacks everyone within the range indiscriminately, but the witch of the same sequence has better resistance and completely takes the initiative.

"If I become His apprentice, I won't have to drink that damn 'Witch' potion!" Chike's face gradually distorted, and she was also losing control while holding the dark mirror.

"'Witch'? Why specifically propose this sequence seven?"

Although his body was restricted, Bethel's consciousness was not affected. Looking at Chike's twisted face, he gradually realized something.

Even in such a dangerous situation, Bethel still asked a question.

"Were you a man before? Now you are a witch?!"

Bethel didn't quite understand it, but he was really shocked.

It's not that he has never seen witches in the Creator's Heaven, but those witches have a complete inheritance of mysterious knowledge, and they already know the hidden rules of this path before choosing it.

And the role of the witch...

Gu!Remembering some of the special performance requirements of the witch sequence, Bethel's Adam's apple rolled, and he couldn't keep his mind "secretly".

If so...

"It's a crazy world." This is what Bethel often heard from his teacher.

At this moment he seemed to have a little understanding.

"Ah!" Bethel's words made Chick scream in pain, and the scream was full of despair.

I don't know how much it's because of the dark mirror, and how much it's because of Bethel's eyes.

Her hair seemed to turn into venomous snakes, spitting out snake cores and looking at Bethel indifferently.

Bethel showed an inappropriate expression of compassion.

Chick caught this trace of pity and made her even crazier.

"Damn you!"

Perhaps some of the emotions in Chike's heart perfectly matched certain characteristics of the witch's path, and the dark mirror in her hand had a somewhat weakened effect on her.

At the same time, Bethel's situation became even more dangerous. Invisible forces acted on him, and his skin began to turn to stone.

"Wandering!" Bethel breathed out lightly, and then an ability recorded in an illusory book appeared in his eyes.

That was recorded for him by his teacher himself. Although it was a third-sequence skill, it came from an angel-level "Planeswalker"!

The personal suppression of the dark mirror disappeared instantly, and Bethel's body disappeared directly, jumping directly away from the battlefield through the astral realm.

"Ah!" Chike screamed but did not dare to stay here for long. The trace of the electric snake just now was too obvious.

Her body became invisible in the air. She found a puddle that could serve as a mirror and jumped directly into the mirror world to quickly escape.

Afterwards, human extraordinary people also came to look for it, but no traces were found.

It was Bethel's final "wandering" that touched the feeling of the Ancient One's glove on Truman's hand.

"Are you in danger?" Truman paused, shook his head slowly, and continued to visit the ruined Elf Kingdom, reaching out and picking up one or two semi-god-level magical items.

(End of this chapter)