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Chapter 56 "Abyss" Suppresses the Abyss


Chapter 56 "Abyss" Suppresses the Abyss


Just like the sun traveling in the sky spreading endless pure light.

The demon king's huge body disintegrated in the absolute purification field.

The ancient sun god's control over his abilities was extremely sophisticated. "Purification" killed the demon king half of his life, but more importantly, it "purified" the other high-level characteristics in his body.

This is the ability of the "Darkless One" in the fourth sequence of the Sun Pathway to expel excess extraordinary characteristics from the body.

But now, with the ancient sun god's personality, even the gods may be shaken to the stability of the body's characteristics.

And the characteristics of the ancient gods are inherently unstable...

With one blow, the demon monarch's existence seemed to be purified.

But in the next moment, the demon king's figure regrouped in the pure light. It was not easy to kill him.

However, the ancient sun god's goal had been achieved. Several shadows suddenly appeared behind him, grabbed something, and then "grazed" one of them.

That is a brass-colored metal book, the uniqueness of the "Judge" path!

"Roar!" The demon king's condition actually looked much better than before.

On the premise that the excess characteristics were "purified", the demon king's existence became purer, and his mental state suddenly improved.

"Filth is prohibited here!" The uniqueness that was grazed by shadows flashed a bright light, and such a line was written on the page.

This brass book has been used by the ancient sun god to fight against the demon king.

"Abyss!" The Demon King roared, and in the real world, the abyss hidden in the endless sea and shrouded in thick fog suddenly shook.

The Demon King actually has a close enough connection with the abyss that he can even control it.

Similar to the meaning of the ocean to the Elf King!

But in the next moment, the demon king disappeared directly, turning into a conceptual existence that was so abstract that even gods could not capture it. It became one with the abyss, completely disappeared into the star world, and left the battlefield.

He... ran away.

The fog in the deep sea shrouded again, the abyss became hidden again, and the abstract star realm fell into silence.

"Fabouti...the abyss!"

The giant king Ormir glanced at the abyss covered by the mist, and then stared at the grazed brass book with his single dusk eye.

"Hmph!" In the end, the Giant King did not take action. This was a possible collaborator.

The dusk faded, and the ancient god also looked away.

This divine war involves a lot, but it is far inferior to the divine war that ended an era.

"So strong!" Truman looked at the god-robed figure still standing in the star world.

Today, the ancient sun god has returned to his normal appearance. The sun and shadows have faded, and his divinity is blooming with brilliance.

He hasn't used the power of the Chaos Sea yet...

Such an ancient sun god is too terrifying, and he is even far from reaching his limit.

"Come with me and have a look." Saslier and Truman tore apart the space directly, positioned themselves at the abyss, and jumped over.

They were in a thick fog, and under their feet were endless demons.

There are all kinds of weird-looking demons, some of them are covered with eyes, some are just greasy and evil tentacles, and of course there are also demons that are slightly more humanoid, and they are all very advanced.

They lost the war and scrambled back to the abyss.

"There is something wrong with the state of the abyss." Truman looked for a while and confirmed, "After many years, this place will not even be suitable for most abyssal creatures to exist."

It is because without the high-level characteristics of the two major paths of "order", the created order will gradually collapse.

Saslier nodded slightly, "But this is just right. One demon monarch is enough, and the other creatures will really be eroded and become hidden dangers."

"But I think this abyss is more..." Truman rubbed his chin and thought of an inappropriate word, "Pure?"

"The Demon Lord's ability to incarnate the concept of the abyss just now should have been mastered after purifying his own characteristics." Saslier gave Truman the answer.

"The current concept of the abyss has been integrated with Fabuti." "Is this a method of resurrection?" Truman thought of this aspect immediately.

"The abyss is immortal, the abyss is immortal." Saslier said softly.

"Another difficult god to kill."

No, it should be said that all gods are difficult to kill, and there are always various ways to resurrect them.

Of course, some gods with immortality always have to die several times in order to show the special nature of their resurrection...

"So He is very suitable to guard here." Saslier nodded slightly as he looked at the gradually closing abyss.

Truman even felt that the one in the star realm had withdrawn his gaze from Sasril.

"No need to pay too much attention here." The two returned to the Kingdom of the Creator.


Another dream parliament.

Four beings representing each side gathered together again.

"Thank you for your help." Saslier directly presented the history of the previous era and the known knowledge of the starry sky.

These are all pre-agreed rewards.

Truman directly embodied it as a paper book.

"History and the starry sky..." Amanysis and Lilith both sank into it.

Truman took a copy openly, wanting to see how the ancient sun god viewed the history of the first era.

"Two hostile beings, separate from the original Creator?"

"Lord of Mysteries, Original God..."

This piece of information completely narrates the history of the First Age, and even mentions the concept of sequence, and also introduces the known alien gods.

"Compared with later generations, there are fewer clearer concepts and details. For example, those two people both accommodated multiple sources..."

"The description of the outer gods also lacks many details and even their names are incomplete..."

These things may have been surmised after the ancient Sun God truly possessed omniscient and omnipotent authority.

"...Unbelievable." Lilith's voice was slightly difficult.

The enemy who might have been staring at him for a long time was more terrifying than he imagined.

This means that His path will be more difficult in the future.

"Is this the truth of the world?" Amanysis also sighed, many things were beyond his control.

"The knowledge here is all true." Truman vouched for Saslier.

"Thousands of years from now, we will have to face those beings outside."

Both Lilith and Amanysis fell into silence, digesting all this and re-examining themselves.

In the end, Amanisis recovered first and threw a hidden space directly towards Sasril.

"Inside is an island obtained from the bottom of the abyss. Inside is the ritual altar where the demon king steals the power of the outer gods."

When this thing fell into the hands of the goddess, she probably did a lot of research, but now it seems that handing it over to the ancient sun god is the most appropriate way to deal with it.

"Okay." Saslier put it away.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 57 Redemption


Chapter 57 Redemption

The remaining trade issues from the previous meeting had been resolved. Saslier looked around and began to describe the next plan.

"Within 100 years, our Lord will officially begin to take back all the lost authority."

100 years... This is already a long time, but Lilith and Amanysis still feel the pressure!

"At a certain appropriate point, we will have a war with the elves and dragons, and Ormir will also declare war on Gray Carrie."

"This is the beginning of the end of this era, the darkness before dawn." Saslier looked at everyone, "I may still need your help."

"Okay!" Amanissis nodded directly. Everyone agreed that the ancient god should disappear.

Their original purpose in gathering together was to overthrow this era of ancient god rule.

"Then let's get started." Lilith's blood-red eyes were slightly cold, but also filled with uncontrollable excitement.

Several people have planned a lot for this matter, and now it is time to put everything into practice in the later stages.


Menghai City, this is a city-state protected by dream angels during the war with the elves.

After that, all humans in the entire city-state unanimously requested that the name of the city-state be changed to "Dream".

The priest in charge rejected the request, thinking that directly using the name of an angel was a blasphemy, so he changed it to "Dream Sea", which means the boundary between dreams and the sea, and commemorates the area where the angel appears. The dreamy sea that resists the boundless tsunami.

After that, this city-state even received special care from the Kingdom of the Creator and achieved great development.

This should have been a prosperous city-state, but today, its administrator disappeared!

"There are traces of elves here!" An Extraordinary who is proficient in divination made a judgment, "I saw traces of the 'Storm Priest'!"

"It's an elf!?" The extraordinary people in this city-state were shocked, and then fell silent.

The impression left by the elves on them was too deep.

"Elf! It's an elf again!" A young, short man even jumped up.

"How many of our friends have the elves killed in the past few years?! Even the priest is dead now!" The young man's face was excited and his eyes were red.

"We should take the initiative to hunt elves! Revenge our priest in Menghai City!"

"Revenge!" The diviner also shouted, "The priest is our teacher, we must avenge him!"

"The elf patrol guard in charge of our city-state is a 'storm priest'. Only he can kill the priest!"

"Kill it!"

The young man's words were extremely fierce, and there was a kind of power spreading silently. Several extraordinary people present were in a poor mental state due to the death of the priest, and they were all affected.

"'Storm Priest'? It must be it!" Another Beyonder also nodded with a completely affirmative tone, expressing his fear and disgust towards the elves.

"Then go kill that elf and avenge the priest!" These extraordinary people reached a consensus in their strong emotion of revenge.

"We can't be anxious, we need a plan!" The man at the beginning stopped everyone again.

After that, he put forward a plan to hunt elves based on everyone's situation, which was approved by everyone.

"Okay! Just do it!" These extraordinary people dispersed, preparing to launch a plan to hunt elves.

"Chick..." the fortune teller called out cautiously.

"What? What's the matter?" Chike, who instigated everyone to hunt elves, showed a smile.The fortune teller shrank his neck and did not dare to ask any more questions.

"You go and get ready, we will start planning tomorrow." Chike deliberately imitated a gentleness.

"...Yes!" The fortune teller was very afraid of Qi Ke and could only leave the church quickly.

Watching the fortune teller's back gradually disappear, the gentleness on Chike's face disappeared, and he returned to his residence with a gloomy look.

He opened several secret doors and came to a hole dug in the ground.

"Child, don't make any more mistakes. You are a child favored by the Lord and you should not be walking on the wrong path." A weak voice came into Chike's ears.

The priest, covered in blood and with his limbs broken, fell to the ground and was imprisoned by ropes with extraordinary power. The powerful vitality of the giant path allowed him to hold on until now.

"Wrong?" Qi Ke's face gradually became ferocious, fear, confusion, and unwillingness welled up in his heart.

"That was also your direction! You sinner!" A blue bone blade appeared in Chike's hand and stabbed into the priest's abdomen, causing blood to flow.

"I didn't know that Assassin Sequence Seven was a 'witch'." The priest really didn't know. Before being favored by the Dream Angel, Menghai City was located in a remote area bordering the elves and had very limited potion formula resources.

At that time, Chike pushed too hard, and he could only prepare the assassin potion. This... was probably fate.

"Don't mention that word to me!" Chike screamed, spinning the bone blade in his hand, and the priest suddenly screamed.

"'Witch'..."Witch"..." Chick has fallen into madness. He has redeemed the "Witch's" potion formula and materials from the church by virtue of his achievements in driving away monsters several times.

However, the above introduction made him collapse.

"This is the choice of fate..." The priest said this as he recalled everything that happened a few years ago.

Chick was unwilling to trust anyone due to his own experience, which allowed him to use the favor of the gods to threaten the priest. It happened that the priest could only prepare the "Assassin" potion when he was alive.

All this is an arrangement of fate.

"Fate has betrayed me! I must take revenge!" Chike's tone was cold and harsh.

"You... can choose to stay in the present forever... the higher the sequence, the greater the risk of losing control..." the priest said intermittently, his consciousness already beginning to blur.

"Impossible!" Chike's eyes were red, "I am a Sequence Eight person who doesn't even have a chance to go to the Kingdom of Heaven!"

"Why are you..."

"How can I, a Sequence Eight person, be qualified to get close to Mew?" Chike was already showing signs of going crazy.

After getting the "Witch" formula, he fell into crazy self-torture, and his spirit was extremely tense.

"Why do you want to get closer?!" The priest really didn't understand. It was a good thing to get close to God, but God could not tolerate mortals by his side.

This could very well be fatal to the average believer.

Chick's eyes were blood red, cuticles began to appear on his face, and black lines spread all over his cheeks. His hair began to become thicker and danced without wind. He was on the verge of losing control.

He hurriedly took out a cake with only two small bites from the bag. He sniffed the aroma almost sickly, then tore off a piece of cake as big as a fingernail and put it in his mouth.

The signs of loss of control on him disappeared instantly.

"Because... He is the only salvation in this crazy world!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 58 The Apprentice


Chapter 58 The Apprentice

"The only salvation..." The priest vaguely heard this sentence and raised his head as if reflecting on the past.

"Yes, redemption!" Chick affirmed.

After becoming an Extraordinary, he encountered several out-of-control crises, but he survived them all safely with the presence of this piece of cake and another dark robe.

The sense of gap as if he had been to heaven, seen a dream, and then fell to earth was so strong that it left a deep impression on Chike.

That is countless times more powerful than praying to any god, or even praying to a dreamy angel!

It is the real power of salvation, not the cold words recorded in the ceremony.

Those few out-of-control experiences convinced him that the angel who could give him these two things must be the salvation of this crazy world!

The priest raised his head and tried to keep his eyes open, vaguely seeing the morbid possessiveness on Chike's face.

"You...you are blaspheming!" The priest's eyes suddenly widened.

"God saves the world, why can't he save me?!" Chike's face became strange, and then he was relieved.

"We believe in the Lord not for favor, but for our own peace!" the priest said sternly with his last strength.

"I can't find peace and need a dreamy redemption."

The look on Chick's face became pious, but even more perverted.

He put away the cake in his hand with great care, looked at the priest indifferently, and let the blood drain from his body.

After waiting for a long time, a fist-sized feature appeared next to the priest's body.

"This is a world where people eat people."

Although Chike is only a Sequence Eight, he has a deep enough understanding of the nature of this world.

Just one observation when he killed a monster made him understand a lot. He even had a strong talent in performing sequences.

He put away his attributes and started praying next to the body.

"True man, pure spirit...I pray for your gaze, I pray for your miracle..."

Chick prayed as always, and he prayed like this dozens of times every day, making him the most devout believer in Dreams.

But such a prayer could not even pass through the filter of the dream statue and appear in Truman's ears.

Although Truman takes the faith of believers very lightly, as long as it can provide an "anchor" for himself, he must be pious if he wants to obtain the gift of dreams.

And Chike's prayer was too purposeful, even a little...perverted.

The Dream Statue automatically filters such prayers without leaving any traces.

"Dreams no longer favor me?"

After a long time, Chike, who still had not received a response, felt disappointed.

"Then I will walk up to him myself!"

Chike seemed to have made up his mind. He took out the materials required for various formulas, took out a stone jar, and prepared the potion under the guidance of the formula.

During this process, his face changed several times and his hands trembled, but his attitude was firm.

It didn't take long for the potion to be configured successfully.

"How far do I need to go to reach an angel?"

"If I become a 'witch', is it okay..."

Chike's Adam's apple rolled and his consciousness was shaken by the impact, but in the end he still drank the potion in the jar.


The hunt for elves on the second day in the City of Dream Sea was very successful. With the cooperation of several Beyonders, a Sequence Seven "Storm Priest" was killed and its characteristics were taken away.

But the impact of this incident was far worse than Chike planned.

The elves are eyeing the City of Dream Sea, and the church has also sent a large number of extraordinary people here to protect the City of Dream Sea.

This was the beginning of a disaster, a war.

Of course, these are all small things, and it is far out of Truman's turn to care about them. He is arranging the real big things.After possessing Al Suhod's pen, Saslier had already delegated the execution of many things to him.

His most important thing now is to write various short stories to drag all the extraordinary races into the quagmire of war again.

He had already done this once, but now that he was out of the crazy race of demons, things became a little more complicated.

"No! I vomited while writing it!" This time the story was more complicated, and the relationships between characters of various races were confusing, which made him very uncomfortable.

Now he is making sure something happens in the future, almost writing a real history book.

Thousands of words a day, where is the life that people live?

Truman just has a pen, not a real "writer".

"Then let me recommend an apprentice to you?" Saslier thought for a while and suggested, "He will help you complete the writing of the story."

"What? Apprentice?" Truman was surprised. He just complained and fished every day. Who can be a working man with a positive attitude?

But Saslier's suggestion was really beyond his expectation.

"Let me take care of the apprentice? What do you want to do?" Truman blinked and became alert.

"I recently discovered a young man with great potential, and the Lord thought so highly of him that he even gave him a surname."

Truman raised his eyebrows, seeming to realize something.

"Abraham." Saslier said solemnly.

This surname has a noble and sacred meaning.

It is already a great honor to be given this surname by the ancient sun god.

"Abraham..." Truman was stunned, but felt it was natural.

"He is an 'apprentice', and I hope you can become his teacher." Saslier said solemnly.

"Have you been waiting here for me?" Truman's mouth twitched, feeling like he was being plotted.

"I hope he can get the asylum of Dreams." Saslier said directly.

"Abraham..." Truman thought for a moment and agreed. Such an apprentice would probably be a good one.

"Okay." Truman nodded. This was a man who truly deserved the surname "Abraham".

Soon, a young man came to the two of them.

The young man's face was expressionless, almost indifferent, and his blue eyes exuded an inhuman clarity.

He meticulously saluted Saslier, and then raised his head to look at Truman.

"Your Highness Dream...please accept Bethel's respect..."

When the young man saw Truman, he realized something, and his slightly dull and prim face showed some excitement.

In the Kingdom of the Creator God, Truman's status is also special, because the subjects in his territory can only believe in dreams, which is a right that other angels do not have.

"He is Bethel Abraham." Saslier looked at Truman.

Truman looked at this young man carefully. He was still an "apprentice" and had just started in the ranks, but his future was destined to be extremely brilliant.

"I will be your teacher from now on, and you are also my first student." Truman's tone was solemn enough.

"Students meet their teachers!" Bethel knelt on the ground and prostrated. In the city-state where Bethel grew up, this was a courtesy that was only reserved for parents.

Truman sensed some kind of sincerity and nodded with satisfaction.

This kid's face is a little paralyzed, but his heart is still very active and is worth cultivating!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 59 Trend


Chapter 59 Trend

Bethel, the new dream apprentice, followed Truman back to the dream territory.

"Has Saslier told you about me?" Truman asked Bethel.

Bethel was still in a daze, so much so that the paralyzed expression on his face was a little unbearable.

It is already an unimaginable honor to be given a surname by the Lord, and now to be accepted as a student by an angel, life seems like a dream.

"Your Highness...Teacher, you are the strongest angel under the Lord, the embodiment of dreams in the world, and the light of tranquility in a crazy world..."

"Stop!" The corner of Truman's mouth twitched. It was okay to hear such words in the midst of prayers, but it was really awkward and uncomfortable to chant like this face to face.

"I'm asking you why Saslier recommended you to me."

"Oh..." Bethel instantly knew that he had misunderstood the point and wanted to explain, but was stuck, "...I don't know either."

"Uh..." Saslier just wanted to give this apprentice to himself.

"Well, have you seen "The First Glory of Fire" and "Twins"?"

"These are two history books compiled by some scholars in the Kingdom of God. But to be honest, the details are inappropriate and all kinds of unreliable legends are included. They are both stinky and long."

But it is undeniable that it records a lot of information on the surface of the various ancient god forces.

"Uh..." The clear blue eyes twitched slightly, and his face looked slightly embarrassed.

"Teacher, these two books were compiled by my father and I."

Huh?Truman was surprised.

"No wonder Saslier recommended you to me." Truman nodded calmly, completely forgetting his previous comments on these two books.

"Then you sort out the characters and relationships among the ancient gods, demigods and above for me." Truman directly ordered. All apprentices use this method.

Writing a story requires all the information from all demigods and above. It is conceivable that this will be a huge work and will bring a perfect end to the second era.

If Truman could take the magic potion, "Dreamer" would probably be able to melt in his mouth.

"Yes!" Bethel nodded solemnly. People who can straighten out the history of the ancient god race naturally have such ability.

"Besides, if you have any questions about mysticism, you can ask me. It's my first time as a teacher, so I don't know much about it."

Truman thought for a while, and finally rubbed a dream badge in his hand and threw it to Bethel.

"This is my student's proof. Remember that you will be the agent of Dream in the future and you must abide by the teachings of Dream!"

Bethel received the dream badge with a serious face and excitement.

Afterwards, Truman was even a little surprised by Bethel's sensitivity to history and his grasp of the progress of the story.

If he had chosen the "Fool" path, Bethel would probably have become the best historian.


Under the influence of a certain force, history rushes forward in a boiling manner, and the whole world is plunged into turmoil.

The elves, dragons, and the Kingdom of the Creator attacked each other, setting off a war that swept the entire world. Giants and phoenixes were not willing to be alone, and they all coveted each other's characteristics.

Time seems to have gone back to the era when the ancient gods were at their fiercest. The various races attacked each other, and the intensity of the war increased year by year.

This is a war that truly breaks out from the bottom, and not even the ancient gods can stop it.

Using a demigod as an introduction, drag an entire extraordinary race of demigods into a carefully constructed relationship network.

Demigods are the backbone of every race, and are even the link between ancient gods and lower-level tribesmen.

Take the giant race as an example. The giant king has never laid eyes on a giant below a demigod, and his subordinate gods will not interact with a sequence five giant.Only demigods can enter the sight of God without being too far away from the bottom.

The racial demigods are caught in disputes, and the turmoil is at the bottom of a race.

When there is enough turmoil at the bottom, demigods take action, and it is natural for angels to pay attention.

The intensity of the war quickly spread to the ranks of gods and angels.

"It's time." Truman suddenly felt something in the dreamland, and the prophecy of the Sage's Robe was triggered.

His mind sank into darkness, and suddenly, a frightening thunder exploded in his ears. Truman tried hard to open his eyes, and finally captured a clearer picture.

The thunder went through him.

"I was struck by lightning?" Truman was surprised, but not panicked.

The Elf King's thunder and lightning penetrated him, but could not kill him.

"The Great Creator will take back all authority over himself at the end of the age, and it all begins with the elves."

Truman picked up Al Suhode's pen and wrote this line. The tide of history was rolling in, and everything left needed to be created by themselves.

"Bethel." Truman put down his pen and called out.

Bethel has been a disciple of Truman for decades, and with the protection of dreams, his sequence path is going extremely smoothly.

But he has never been impatient, and it still took him nearly a hundred years to become the "secret mage" he is today, despite having the acting skills.

Yes, he is already a demigod.

"Teacher!" Bethel still looks like a young man. His teacher always dresses like a young man, and his disciple cannot be too old.

"You don't have to sort out those things anymore." Bethel was mature enough, but her blue eyes were still a little shocked.

He always sneaks away to travel around the world when Truman gives him a day off, and sees the differences in city-states around the world.

At the same time, he was able to observe signs that the times were about to change, both in books and in reality.

Over the years, he has already known what kind of work he is doing.

"They are all things that will be swept into the history pile." Truman stood up and put away Al Suhode's pen.

"Teacher, where are you going?" Bethel couldn't help but ask. He had guessed something, and something so epic made him feel excited.

"Go find trouble with the elves." Truman smiled, "If you are interested, you can also fight for the Creator and for our human race."

"My students can't hide behind and wait for the results." Truman encouraged.

Bethel of the "Mystic Mage" is already powerful enough to be able to stand alone.

It's just that his teacher is too powerful, suppressing the brilliance of the demigod in his prime.

"Yes!" Bethel's slightly old-fashioned face was filled with excitement, and he felt honored to be able to participate in this historical moment.

"Then I'll leave first." Truman wandered away directly and came to a land not far from the Kingdom of Elf God.

This is a battlefield between human extraordinary people and elves. The extraordinary people from the Creator's Heaven are engaged in a "holy war."

Angels such as Medici, Leodero, and Ouroleus are all here. It can be imagined that the intensity of the war here has reached the most terrifying level for God.

"Goshinam." Truman looked at the elf queen standing in the elf army.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 60 Dream Body


Chapter 60 Dream Body

"Dream!" Goshinam stood in the storm, sensing Truman's arrival, with a fearful expression on his face.

He has not forgotten the painful feeling of being defeated by Dream.

"I have brought the Lord's oracle." Truman ignored Goshinam and read the oracle.

Pure and bright sunlight emerged from the void, and the light and shadow of the Creator condensed behind Trumen, and its brilliance illuminated the entire battlefield.

All believers of the Creator on the battlefield have been favored by the light and become stronger and more brave.

"The kingdom of elves and gods will eventually turn into dust."

As soon as these words came out, all the elves' expressions changed dramatically.

"The blasphemer!" Goshinam pointed out his hand, and thunder formed into a storm and struck Truman.

"The Creator will eventually take back all authority and ascend to the highest level again. Elves and dragons are all false gods!"

Truman even shouted loudly, letting his voice spread throughout the battlefield.

The entire battlefield fell into a strange silence.

This is absolutely blasphemous!

Elves and dragons are both real and ancient gods, and the authority they hold is a symbol of the gods.

Then... who dares to blaspheme God?

there has never been!

Truman became the first person to proclaim the concept of "false gods."

"Is it so fierce?" Even Medici was dumbfounded.

This is an absolute provocation. Offending two ancient god races with one sentence, the kind that will not stop until death!

Even He, the natural "provocateur", is ashamed.

Even within the Creator's Heaven, no one has ever called the Elf King and the Dragon of Imagination as "false gods", recognized their status as ancient gods, and called this war a "holy war."

This war is also a divine war waged by the awakened Creator in order to take back his own authority.

But now Truman's "blasphemous" behavior has even frightened his own people.

The next moment, the elves rioted.

"The blasphemer! Die!" A furious roar came from among the elves.

"The Blasphemer! Die!"


A group of elves who are good at singing shouted the same sentence in an angry voice, forming a terrifying sound wave.

"Great King of Elves, please punish this blasphemer!"

All the elves are praying, and the Elf King's eyes have definitely been focused on this battlefield early!

Coshinam's face was as dark as water. He could even think of how furious the Elf King in the Elf Palace was, so much so that he had not yet sent down any divine punishment.

"What is he doing?!" Goshinam felt a sense of horror in his heart.

"What is he doing?!" Saslier, who was far away in the Creator Kingdom, suddenly widened his eyes.

This act of directly provoking the ancient gods can be called death!

"Save him!" Saslier shouted loudly without caring about anything else.

The target of his shouting was naturally the ancient Sun God. Only this person could save people from the Elf King.

"No, this is his choice." The ancient sun god still looked plain, holding the blasphemous slate in his hand, already ready for a divine battle.

"Book of Dreams." The ancient sun god looked at the battlefield, and the thunder of destruction was already reflected in his clear eyes.Boom!

The terrifying thunder that seemed to be able to split the entire continent fell from the sky. Perhaps even the Elf King was so frightened by Truman's arrogance that he was slowed down by the divine punishment.

But the elf king's angry blow is still unfathomable, and being able to destroy the continent is more than just a description.

A god-level "lightning storm"!

The violent and destructive aura annihilated all matter and struck the Dream Angel hard.

Countless people looked up, their eyes blazing white, frightened by the thunder in the sky.

Angels such as Medici, Ourolos and others were praying constantly, hoping that the ancient sun god would save Truman, but it was too late, and the violent thunder drowned Truman's body!

The scene predicted by Truman happened, and the thunder penetrated him.

He took charge of all this, rather than letting fate push him to this point.

"This is the power of the ancient gods..." Truman watched helplessly as the most violent thunder struck him.

His body was trembling with fear. In fact, his body was very weak. He could not drink the magic potion and had not been transformed with dreamy phosphorescence. It was normal for ordinary humans to feel fear under such divine punishment.

It's just that Truman's spirit is indeed excited, driving the entire dream book.

Dots of dreamy phosphorescence sprinkled down, completely covering his body. His whole body was glowing, pure and bright.

Stars were reflected in his eyes, as clear as the sky, and a whole dreamy paradise appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, his figure turned into an illusion, and the sea of ​​dreams emerged behind him.

There are countless dreamy bubbles rising and falling in the sea, which are the best expectations and the most dreamy imaginations in the hearts of countless people.

In that extremely terrifying lightning storm, Truman transformed into a dream.

At this moment, his understanding of the Book of Dreams reached a whole new level. He could transform into dreamy phosphorescence and hide in the dreamy ideals in the hearts of countless people.

It is a concept of immortality.

Lightning storms can destroy continents, but they can never destroy the desire and imagination for beauty and dreams in human hearts.

The thunder annihilated everything, and Truman walked out again in the blazing white light and shadow, as if he was reborn.

"Congratulations, Dream." The gentle and mellow voice of congratulations echoed in the ears, and the eyes of the ancient sun god fell on Truman's Dream body.

"It's a bit weird..." The sea of ​​dreams behind Truman is crowded with all kinds of pure and bright dream bubbles, and the dreamy phosphorescence is scattered. This will be the most beautiful scene in the world.

He had these dreamy bubbles, but weirder things happened.

Truman's body began to undergo various transformations. His body became as strong as a dragon and covered with dragon scales. His ears grew quietly, like an elf, and his eyes turned into the blood red unique to the vampires... …

But these are not static anymore, he even has the physical characteristics of a demon or even a demon wolf.


Truman said to himself in his heart, suppressing the dreamy phosphorescence that burst out due to his random thoughts.

"I will also have a mythical creature form..." Truman defined his dream body at this time, which is a mythical creature form.

This was the result of his in-depth development of the Book of Dreams. A huge amount of dreamy phosphorescence filled his body, so much so that mutations occurred, creating a dreamy body.

When all the alienation is over, his true mythical creature form will be truly revealed.

He still looks like a human, but the space behind him seems to have melted and condensed into a dreamy "jelly". In the "jelly" are countless dreamy bubbles.

With a "pop" sound, the ball of "jelly" began to deform, and dreamy tentacles stretched out one after another. The tentacles used the starry sky as the background color, with bright starlight shining dots, and at the top were dreamy bubbles one after another.

This form does not look strange, but creates a sense of intimacy, which is the natural yearning for beauty in the human heart.
